Learning to Swim - Part XXI

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#21 of Entropy Series

Ilaria gets a bit of personal tutoring where she least expects it.

This chapter is more or less a transition element, as the plot as well as relationships move forward in the coming chapter. Quite a pawful of prerequisites are established and a lot of fun is had though, so I'm quite happy with this section. I hope you guys enjoy it!

As always, this story contains adult content and explicit sexual imagery. If you aren't allowed or don't wish to view such material please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcomed and encouraged!

A light clack roused Iolvin from his slumber. He fluttered and squinted his eyes in the dimly lit study to allow his eyes to adjust, finding himself tugging a paw up to shield his brow from an errant ray of sunlight. In a moment he looked down the couch to see why he even required the slight struggle to raise his arm, a surprised smile growing on the otter's face. Iolvin was wrapped in a blanket that wasn't there last night, and beneath the warm cover clung a creamy mint fluff-ball latched to his torso.

"When I said I was okay with you all being together, I didn't mean in my study," Vasily grumbled as he flipped the page of his newspaper. "You two didn't ruin my couch, did you son?"

"No..." Yoyo attempted as he started a long yawn. "Uh... Just sleeping dad. No funny business."

"Oh? When you've got a perfectly good bed?" The head of the house never broke contact with his paper as he reached for his mug of coffee and took a sip. As he placed the glass down and told where the clack from earlier originated he added a very drab, "Everything okay with you two?"

Yoyo placed one arm around Adrian and the other paw to brush his cheek. "Bit of a misunderstanding the other day. I guess my idea of giving him space didn't settle too well though."

"Mmm...?" groaned the slight otter as he rubbed his eyes.

"Morning, babe." Peeking beneath the blanket Yoyo answered the very question he then asked. "You're presentable I hope? Good."

"If there's ever any bare fur on that leather you get to pay to replace it, Iolvin," grunted the older fur from behind the translucent sheet of paper he was focused upon.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it dad." Yoyo sat up, making sure to carefully adjust Dee's position as he did so. "Ready to get up and go, hon?"

"Aww... I don't wanna." Dee slipped the blanket back over most of himself and grabbed hold of Yoyo's bare chest. With a deep sniff he smiled back, "I like it here with you..."

"Silly guy... Well I'm sorry I left you in bed last night." As he slipped his legs off the side Yoyo took Dee with him, the blanket tangling around the two. "You didn't seem to be sleeping well with me there so... Yeah, sorry."

"Guess you're the silly one, silly," teased Dee as he gave into the inevitable and stood up. "Now we should leave your dad alone and go hit the shower before your sister uses up the hot water."

Yoyo stood up himself and pulled Dee in for a quick kiss on his forehead. "Right, you go start the water and we can share. I'll fix up some coffee and bring it up." Then with a squeeze of his ass Yoyo sent Dee off ahead of him. "Sorry, dad. I'll try not to take over your office again," he added over his shoulder as he followed his mate toward the kitchen.

"Alright. That's all I wanted to hear," Vasily droned back as the door was shut behind Iolvin.

"See you in a few. Love ya', sweetie," Dee grinned as he blew a kiss.

"Love you too, Dee." Yoyo rounded the kitchen counter and kissed the air when Dee paused to look back from the base of the stairs. "Right, coffee. Mugs!"

A giggle came from the living room as Iolvin opened the cabinet containing the glasses. "Glad to see we both still talk to ourselves. I was thinking I was going crazy."

"Oh, morning Lulu." Yoyo found his mugs and went for the coffee machine, pausing be the sugar to pre-mix the cups. "You sleep well?"

"More or less. I take it Dee's doing better?" Ari responded as she made her way to the kitchen with a cup of joe in paw. "Couch seems to be fine, by the way."

"Yeah..." Yoyo leaned forward a bit to check the apparently perfectly clean sofa and then sighed as he went back to pouring coffee. "Dee's being his normal cute self again. No hints yet if he knows about last night, and I think I'd rather it stay that way until lunch."

"Lunch? Why, you taking him out somewhere nice or som'n'?" asked Ari as she hopped onto a stool by the counter.

"That's a good idea, actually." Yoyo picked up his two mugs and headed toward the stairs, looking back to add, "I'm telling him what happened... and maybe what we talked about earlier. I'd rather we be open about things, you know?"

"Open about what?" pinged Robyn as she popped out the hallway bathroom. "I don't mean to pry, but you guys talking about yesterday?"

Yoyo beamed his sister a harsh look as he froze on the stairs. Practically hearing him ask 'Does she know?' in her mind, Ilaria shook her head and answered Robyn, "Sort of. They're doing better though, so I'd just let them be."

Joining Ari on an adjacent stool Robyn changed notes with, "So there any coffee left? No way I'm going to work without some."

"Looks like there's about one cup left. All yours, Munchkin." Ari nodded to her brother as he hit the top of the stairs and Ashe slipped out the door to the basement. "Oh, morning Ashe. Your night go okay down there?"

"It was... uh... better with Elliot there. He left a bit ago though." India led her master to the kitchen, where Ashe opted to stand at the end of the counter. "I could use some of th--Achoo!--that coffee I'm smelling."

Ilaria frowned when she spotted a hint of pink in Ashe's fur after she wiped her nose on her arm. "I hate to ask, but care to let Ashe have that last cup? We can grab some more on the drive over..."

"Oh... Sure." Robyn gave her otter a hug, pausing to sniff her fur as she did so. "As much as I love you all clean and smooth, today you smell.... extra ~you~ Ottah. I'll take some of that over coffee any day, hehe."

"R-right... I'll take a shower after my dynamic target test today." Ari reached over and grabbed a cup for Ashe, placing it and the sugar next to her. "Here you go, hon. The pot's further in front of you too."

"Thanks. At least you don't baby me like everyone else," Ashe said as her paws searched for the mug. "Thanks for that, sister."

"Sister?" Robyn took a final sniff of twin-scented Ari and then sat herself up straight. "There something I'm missing here?"

"Honorary title. I figure it's alright since we're like family anyway," answered Ilaria. As she leaned in for a quick hug and to pass her own cup of joe to the squirrel to share she commented, "And my family looks after their own, right?"

"Oh my GODS, Yoyo..." Sandy huffed and puffed in a fit as she made her way through the locker room and to the sinks in the shower room. "Every fucking time, I swear..." Finding a faucet she then cranked open the valves and began splashing her face with the cool water that rushed forth.

"Ah..." A female voice barely made itself known in the opposite corner of the dark room. As Sandy reached for the nearest light switch to investigate a very disappointed sigh followed.

Flipping the switch and waiting for the lights to flicker on, Sandy quietly asked, "Who's there?" In a moment she had her answer when the light filled the room thoroughly. "Lulu?"

"Cassie!?" Ilaria was hunched over herself on the floor, cowering behind her own raised leg and arms. "Don't look! Shit!"

It took a moment for those words to make sense. Then Cassandra realized Ilaria was bottomless and her awkward pose was a feeble attempt to hide her shame. "Damn, my bad..." Sandy started backing out the room but stopped herself when she saw the absence of a limb. "...Lulu? When...? Your leg...?" she managed to bumble out as she took in the new information.

"I... uh..." Ari curled herself up into an even tighter ball and reiterated her point. "I'm naked, Cassie... so..."

Walking forward in what would normally be a comforting move Sandy said, "It's alright. We're both girls here." She knelt down next to the otter and smiled towards her, forcing her eyes off the stump. "Hon, what happened? Here, you need a paw up? We can--"

"Will you just go!?" Ari stressed again, desperation laced in her tone of voice.

Then Cassandra spotted yet another anomaly peeking through her friend's thighs. "Oh gods... Oh ~gods~, what is that thing!?" She fell on her ass as she recoiled from the sudden sight. "Girl, what else don't I know about you? Spill it."

"Still stubborn, huh?" Ari held herself tightly for a bit longer, but soon her legs flattened out with the floor. "It's... a lot for you, I guess..."

"Hey, I'm not one to judge a fur's life choices. If you wanted to make yourself a man that's--"

"That's not it. I've been like this forever," Ilaria reluctantly admitted after briefly contemplating accepting Sandy's version for simplicity's sake. Taking her flaccid length in her paw she almost presented it to the jaguar and clarified, "I've been hiding it until recently. I'm intersex, and technically all the bits work so I'm a herm on top of that."

"So then... At least you're taking care of Robyn the right way, or I hope you are." A smile peeked out from the corners of Sandy's muzzle. "It's alright, Lulu. I won't judge, and I still see you as the girl you always were to me."

"T-thanks... um..."

Reaching out to point at Ari's stump Sandy added the inquiry, "So our favorite of fun parts aside--oh wait, you are dating a woman--anyway... What happened here? I mean... I go away for two years and I never once hear you were hurt?" She looked up and quite seriously detailed, "I would have put my studies aside and run back on my own two legs to if I'd have known."

"Uh... nice choice of words there, Cassie." Ilaria leg go of her third leg to rub the right one. "I was hit by a car, long story short... It was about half a year after you left."

"And you're doing alright? I mean, if you're falling down like this--"

"I didn't... fall down..." Ari confessed another hidden truth with some additional orange flushing to her cheeks. "I was sort of... uh, how the hell do I put it? I was ~attending~ to myself...?"

Sandy's eyes subconsciously drifted to Ari's crotch again as she heard those words, her smile cranking upward to a sly grin. "Oh, well that's the spirit. I've had to get myself off at work all the time. I take it that's why you want me to leave?"

"Yeah. I sort of need to get this... done..." Ilaria took a closer look at Sandy due to her grin, finally noticing traces of green and pink in her wet hair. "The hell happened to you, girl?"

"Ugh, this?" The jaguar's paw went to tug on a few strands of hair. "Yeah, your brother and Dee were thinking the same thing you were out back. And as always, somehow I ended up walking by right when they decide to finish."

"That happens to you a lot?" Ari sat herself up rather than slump against the wall and pressed, "The hell kind of relationship did you guys have when you were roomies?"

Getting herself into a more comfortable sitting position as well Sandy answered, "Oh, nothing of that sort. We made a deal, neither of us touches one another. I think it was bad luck though." She found a stray droplet of green and pulled it to her mouth, adding, "I keep bumping into him during the act even today. Same happened to him though. And I know it turned him on because we had thin walls and he made the cutest grunts when he pawed after..."

"Wait... You guys didn't ever... paw off with each other, did you?" Ilaria squeezed her thighs together as her member stirred to life, a twitch jerking it upward a little as it hardened due to the lewd imagery. "Like, did you ever watch?"

The movement in Ari's crotch didn't go unnoticed, Sandy looking directly at her former secret and then back to her face. "Not officially, no. Gods if I didn't want that, or more even. But I did accidentally catch the guy a few times with his door cracked... and got myself off right then and there."

As much as she wanted to hide it, nothing could hide Ilaria's length as it got hard enough to stand up and poke out her foreskin. "That's so... hot." She embarrassingly placed her paws on her shame and pressed downward to force it out of view. "Sorry."

"No, don't be. I'm not under any illusion that you weren't here for... that..." Sandy reached down and tentatively took Ari's paws away. "I think it's kind of cute, actually. Though seeing Yoyo's so much I do have to ask why he got the snip and you didn't."

"The..." Ari looked down at herself and realized she was talking about her foreskin. "OH! Well, I only told my parents recently. Yoyo had that done when he was born and mine wasn't developed until I was a teen."

"So even they didn't know? Damn, that's some news." Pulling her paws back she added, "Sorry, I just don't think you need to hide it around me."

"Yeah, not like you haven't seen more with my little brother."

"Hah, that's a laugh. So he's the younger twin? Is that why his is smaller too, I wonder?" Sandy giggled as she started to stand herself back up. "Sorry, I'll leave you to that. Just let me get the rest of this out of my hair first."

"Wait!" Ilaria reached for Sandy's arm and held her fast. "This might sound a little... uh... Shit, forget it."

"Hmm? I meant it when I asked if you need help. Want to get in a stall or something?" Cassandra turned her attention back to the otter on the floor. "What's up?"

"I... I don't want to screw up our friendship..." Ari took a long breath and then let her question out. "Well fuck it. Could you help me finish up?"

"What, like fuck you? I mean, I've never done a herm before..." Sandy brought herself down low on the tips of her hindpaws. "And this is all new to me..."

"No..." Ari took her length into her paw and messed about randomly with it. "I just don't know what I'm doing and all. I thought..." Sandy gave her a strange look when she realized that Ari's eyes were fixed on her chest. "...maybe some visual aid would help? I swear, I wouldn't ask if it weren't important."

"But can't you just call Robyn in and screw her proper?"

"No, I can't. It's sort of an experiment, and I need to keep myself in control." Ari's paw started sliding up and down awkwardly as she played with her foreskin subconsciously. "It's for Yoyo and Dee too. Something to help with the nanites in us."

"Hey, say no more honey. If it's important to you, I'll help." Sandy stood up again and pulled down her jeans, revealing a set of pink string bikini panties with a dark spot at their base. "I was sort of getting in the mood myself after seeing that thing stand at attention."

"So you'll help!? Great!" Feeling more at ease Ilaria knowingly lengthened her strokes on her cock, enticing it to its full length. "This is about as far as I've managed to get on my own."

"Well then, allow me to push things along..." Sandy kicked off her sandals and then stepped out of her pants, kicking them to the side until they knocked something over with a clatter. "Oh, what's that I hit?"

"A graduated cylinder. I sort of need to measure how much I let out when I finish."

"So it's a volume thing? What, you guys feeling like you'll never have kittens or what?" She picked up the glass container and placed it back next to Ilaria as she corrected, "Or whelps. My bad."

"Uh, not really. Kids aren't in the mix for me or Yoyo anytime soon regardless." Looking at the large two-quart glass she explained through example, "The troublesome bit is that I can fill one of those in a single go. Used to be way less, a quarter that maybe."

"Woah, that's still a ton. No wonder I got hit outside." Apparently a lot more interested in the act at paw, Sandy pulled off her top and revealed her heavy, sports-bra-clad breasts, large even on her relatively tall frame. She pulled off the bra next and proved that her chest was definitely deceptively hidden most of the time, likely able to fill a C or D cup bra quite well. as she jiggled her breasts with her paws playfully she asked, "So you like big ones, do ya'?"

"Robyn's are nice... but she's a small girl, you know?" Ari leaned back against the wall again and started tightening her grip around her stiff rod. "I've never really seen any your size. Well, outside porn anyway."

With a giggle Sandy removed her last piece of clothing, which by now was absolutely drenched and matting her thigh fur. "I'm glad you like them. Goes a long way considering I was thinking of having a reduction." She sat down again and joined in on the fun, her right paw rolling around her clit in soft circles.

Again Ilaria seemed to change things up, this time bucking lightly into her paw. "Really? Some girls would kill for a rack like that." Ari groaned in disappointment and changed her motions again, now sort of rolling her paw side to side as she gave light tugs. "You get a lot of back pain or something?"

Slowing her own motions and staring at Ari's paws Sandy retorted, "You're gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing that. You weren't kidding when you said you were clueless." She dipped her fingers deep into her folds and then moved closer to Ari, forcing her slicked paw to replace the otter's. "Here, I'll show you..."

"Wait... I need to figure it out for myself," complained Ari as she moved her paw to stop Sandy's. "Please, I haven't done this for myself much and..."

"Well then, I'll teach you." Cassandra shuffled about so she was between Ilaria and the wall and then pulled the otter's paw down to her dripping snatch. With her own paw back around Ari's length from a position now similar to the first person variety she started stroking again and requested, "Just watch how I do it and help me out a bit, okay?"

Ilaria nodded and popped two digits into Sandy's warm cunny, stirring them in circles slowly but quite firmly. With the encouragement feeding her Sandy began stroking up and down Ari's length in full, making use of her moistness and Ari's foreskin to keep things easy on her. She slowly sped her motions up in time with Ari's own, the jaguar rolling her hips to hump Ari's paw in place. Breasts squished and rubbed against Ari's back as the two started to find a rhythm, Ilaria now pressing three fingers almost painfully to the webbing and rolling her thumb around Sandy's sensitive nub.

"Ooh, just like that Lulu," cooed Sandy as she started focusing on rolling Ilaria's tip in her paw.

"Ooohoohoo... Keep that up and I'll cum soon..." Ilaria responded in kind by bending her fingers so her claws grazed Sandy's g-spot lightly whenever she pulled out.

"Well then, should I hold back or get it over with?" Sandy asked as she brought her other paw to clasp around Ari's engorged knot.

Grabbing the beaker with her free paw and bringing it to rest in front of her Ari confirmed, "Need to do it... before I get too... turned on."

Pulling Ari up on her knee to lean over the beaker Cassandra informed, "Well here's the fun part about knots. You get them ready and then give them a good ~squeeze~..." She did as she explained on cue, and a few rigid contractions later Ilaria's cock was blasting and jerking out a copious amount of amber cream into the glass. "...and you can call it a day," the kitten purred into Ilaria's ear as she trembled in her arms.

After a moment Ari loosened up, her orgasm subsiding. "G-gods... That was..." She peeked at the cylinder of spunk and cut off her own line of thought. "So she was right. I just need to keep from losing it when I go off."

"Hmm?" purred the jaguar as she looked at the container, spotting roughly a pint inside. "Aww, I kind of wanted to see the whole bucket load." Stroking Ari's length clean and licking her paws, Sandy slipped out from behind the otter and straddled her lap. "I'm sorry, but that beast is too amazing ~not~ to finish on." With that, she lifted herself onto Ilaria's still-solid member and impaled herself as deep as she could manage.

"Gods! Shit, I just came Cass!" Ari protested at first but gave up on the ordeal when two large mammaries were crammed into her face. Instead she wrapped her arms around Sandy's back and up to her shoulders, tugging her down onto her length.

"Fuuuck, that won't fit!" Yet against her own words Ari managed to get that slightly-pointed tip to press through Sandy's cervix, allowing the remaining few inches to pass and Ari's knot to squelch against her petals. The fullness and sudden pressure against her clit were the final bits Sandy needed, sending her rolling into waves of bliss. "Y-yessssssrrrrrrr~" she choked out, blending into a single drawn out purr.

The sudden tightness and contractions about her cock set Ilaria off yet again, her already sensitive length suddenly overstressed in just the right ways. "Shit, no!... I'm gonna...!!" The otter harshly bucked a few last times, trying now to shove Sandy off to avoid complications. The best she managed was to get about half of herself out before her cock erupted inside the kitty, rope after scalding hot rope of orange lining her inviting walls. "FUCK!"

"Oooohhhh... That really is a lot..." Cassandra hunched forward to avoid impaling herself as deeply as before, her innermost barrier throbbing in pain after her womb lost it's virginity. "Fuck, I can feel it filling me up." When the flow slowed to nearly a stop, Sandy popped off her friend's staff and brought the beaker beneath herself. As the second load joined the first below she assured, "You said it yourself, Lulu. You can't get me knocked up. Don't fret."

"Well you should have at least warned me first. It hurts to work it that hard when it's sensitive." Ari tilted her cock to rest above the glass as well, her trickling cum draining into the collective pool of jizz the two were creating. "Besides, I didn't want to fuck you. I didn't want to make out friendship awk--"

"Lulu, dear... I think our friendship can only get better from here." Sandy let the bulk of her load drain out before lifting the cylinder for the two to view the contents. "I don't have any feelings or anything, so what's wrong with a little mutual release every now and then?"

"I'm not..." Ari stopped herself as she stared into the homemade glow stick of sorts and remembered what Robyn and Yoyo both talked to her about. "Okay. Maybe you're right. But no more surprises. Robyn needs to know if we're gonna do something." As her member retreated back into its sheath and rested against Sandy's belly she added, "And definitely nothing without condoms. You have to respect that if anyone's getting pregnant, it's me knocking up Robyn or nothing at all."

"Wait, so there's still a chance? Shit..." Sandy frowned as she realized her mistake. "I'll get a morning after pill just to be sure. I really didn't mean to hurt you guys, hon." Taking the almost three pints of glowing cum to her lips she purred an additional, "But no point in wasting this..."

Ilaria stared for a moment in wonder as Cassandra slowly tilted back the beaker and began gulping down the warm syrup. "Holy crap. I'd never be able to do that. Not that much anyway."

About halfway down Sandy paused to breathe through her nose before resuming her haphazard chugging of the sloppy delicacy. With a cup or so left she finally had to give up the fight, gasping as she pulled the glass away. With an arm wipe across her muzzle she huffed out, "Damn, that's... some tasty jizz."

"So, I take it I don't have to hold back around you then?" Ari giggled, sliding herself free of the big cat. "Oh, you might freak out over this too... Hmm..."

"Over what? I just drank like a gallon of man-cream that came from a girl." Sandy stood up and walked over to a shower head a bit further down the wall, cranking on the hot water so she could let it get warm. "I'm pretty sure you hit the limit of freaking me out, dear."

"Well..." Ilaria grabbed the faucet fixture above her and pulled herself to her own leg. "Hey Sprite, can you come out? Looks like you were right about self-control. I went back to normal quantity."

The translucent otter fairy appeared from inside one of the sinks on the far wall and fluttered herself over to Ilaria's shoulder. A chirp came from a device somewhere in the room, Ilaria tracking it down to Sandy's jeans. She tried to lean down and grab the pants but only caused Sandy to pace back over in dead silence and help her out.

"So you've got a magic familiar. I was thinking about picking one of those up next week," Sandy slipped out with a liberal coating of sarcasm as she looked to her phone. "Something about mental crap... What?"

Ilaria motioned for the phone so she could read it and ended up squinting her eyes at the older monochrome display. <Mistress, your sisters should not listen to your bidding once their primary tasks are completed. Mental signals should be stored in buffers and relayed as needed. If Mistress wishes to stress her sexual organs she may, but should excrete a normal volume without the additional programming. Like us, our sisters wish to serve.>

"Ick, it's hard to read on this crazy old phone," remarked Ari as she squinted her eyes, suddenly finding things much easier on them.

"Yeah, starving artist budget and all. Does the job though." Sandy nudged her nose upward and added, "Um, how many surprises do you have for me, voodoo woman?"

Ilaria looked up to Sandy to see what she meant, finding she needed to remove her reading glasses to see clearly. Only Ilaria left her glasses in the other room, a fact that forced her eyes down to her paw to spot a pair of glowing orange glasses that weren't there a moment ago. "That's... new to me too. Oh!" Suddenly Ari found herself holding two halves of those spectacles, the strange item having shattered due to an unexpected brittleness. "Sprite, the hell are these?"

The phone chirped and lit up again, and as Ilaria went to read it by bringing one lens to her eye, the whole of the glasses repaired themselves. <Mistress is not approaching entropy yet, so our sisters inside her are still replicating. Excess ranks are available for external demands. For reference, entry and exit ports reside within the upper device we have installed.>

"Uh... so I can do what I want with extra nanites?" Ari looked at the glasses and mentally spoke to them demanding they change shape, tilting her head to the side when they didn't comply. "Wait, it doesn't work. How do I control them?"

<Neural mapping is sensation-bound. Direct command will result in failure. Subliminal command is preferred. Mistress should keep in mind that her imagination may reside outside the boundaries of physics, however>

Ari looked at the phone and then to the glasses as she removed them yet again. "So I can imagine these as square-frames and..." As the thought of the glasses morphing filled her mind's eye, the nanites themselves also reconfigured with a slight lag. Placing her newly-styled glasses on her snout Ari confirmed, "Okay, that's cool. So what do I do with these girls when I don't need them?"

<Our sisters reside outside Mistress's body unless internal ranks are depleted. Usage and storage are for Mistress to decide.>

"So I have to put up with them myself. Well, I guess it could be worse." Ari wished the nanites to form a set of hair clips and they did, deconstructing in a powdery mist of infinite sized cubes and similarly reconstructing in her hair. "Hmm, guess I don't need Robyn to carry my glasses for me anymore at least. Convenient."

"And considerate. I know I'd love the extra purse space," Sandy mentioned as she looked over the glowing clips. "That's freaking cool. Now I'm jealous."

"Well it still doesn't balance missing a leg. Speaking of which, are you done whatever it is you're doing to my prosthesis, Ess?"

<Upon close inspection existing materials were not rich enough in required materials to allow our rebuild. Mistress, we have deconstructed the device in examination and deeply apologize for the additional time required to revert changes.> After the phone lit up, Sprite bowed politely to her mistress. With another chirp she added, <Shall we revert or delay until materials are acquired?>

"Well if I can find you what you need I'd rather you finish your work. Obviously it was for a good reason." Ilaria held up a finger to the fairy and added, "But in some kind of terms I'd understand, please. Real-world items maybe."

<Eighty-watt incandescent lightbulbs, eleven count. If mistress is willing and generous, we also request an additional two hundred and twelve units for building our own humanoid frame. Our only lacking element of note is tungsten.>

"Wow. I'm sure I can grab a dozen lightbulbs when we're at lunch. We might have to order the rest from a lab supply company online though. If you can search for that go right ahead and get back to me on it." Turning to Sandy and finding she went to take her shower she asked, "Hey, you feel like helping me get to a hardware store? My leg's out of action for a bit. I'll take you to lunch, my treat."

"Sure, that's why I dropped by in the first place. Thought we could catch up, get a little closer..." snickered Sandy as she quickly rinser herself off and killed the water. "I'm feeling like Mexican."

"Sounds good. We can--"

"Ilaria? Sister?" Ashe stumbled around the locker room and soon started heading towards Sandy squeaking the valves closed on her faucet. "Is that you, Ilaria?"

"Hey Ashe. I'm over here... Oh, but stay put. There's water everywhere and you might slip." Ilaria hopped over to the door one small leap at a time, blatantly not holding herself to the same safety standards as she professed. "So what's up?"

"Well, Elliot's here and I wanted to let you know something before it happened," the wolf spoke ahead of herself toward nobody in particular.

"Oh, here for lunch eh? Well tell him to stay out there a few minutes since we're still changing and all..."

"I will, but that's not what I meant. Elliot and I are..." Ashe paused to sniff the air, the mention of multiple furs in the room hitting suddenly prompting the reaction. "...uh, we're going out later tonight. I don't know when or for how long, but I didn't want you to worry."

"Oh, so you two love birds are finally going on a date!" cheered Ilaria with a huge smile. "So who brought it up? I mean, with two females effectively I have to ask..."

"Well he asked me las--" Ashe furled her brow at the last comment. "What do you mean, females? Elliot's a guy."

"Yeah, but he... she... likes to be treated like a girl. I thought you knew."

"Oh, so that's what I was picking up on with him? He fooled me anyway," Sandy mentioned as she went for her clothes.

"That's... huh." Ashe clammed up as she second-guessed her choice to date the otter. "What do I...?"

"You go on your date, silly. Ellie's still a guy in body if that's what you're concerned with. And if you like him now then he's still the same person." Ari rubbed Ashe's shoulder and loosened her up a bit. "She may be a girl in her head, but that's all there is to it I think. Spend some time around her and see if you're alright with that. If you are, you're golden."

Ashe followed the arm back to its owner and gave Ilaria a hug, visibly blushing when she realized what the soft lump pressed into her tummy actually was. "Thanks sister. And uh... Sorry, I'll let you four get dressed."

"Four? It's only Cassie and me in here," quirked Ari.

"Yeah, I can smell Iolvin and Adrian as... well..." Immediately Ashe took another sniff and found the error in her deduction, her face lighting up like a heat lamp. "N-neverm-mind..."