A Morning in the Pines

Story by Brunvindr on SoFurry

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#2 of The Mothonyx Saga

A follow up to "Like a Moth to a Flame".

A Morning in the Pines

Written by Brunvindr and Sielrok

Edited by Brunvindr

It was a misty morning, and the young dragon named Moth found himself in a grove of evergreens with nothing to do. He was lying on his back with his head propped up against the sturdy trunk of a white pine. It had been a week since his encounter under the waterfall with Sierra, and he had not seen or heard from her ever since. The air had gotten colder, and most of the trees had started to shed their leaves. Moth took no notice of this, though. His mind was too distracted by the events of the previous week. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Sierra. He envisioned her crawling onto his body, licking at his sheathe, and then slowly fondling his shaft as she took the head of his cock into her mouth. The teen drake murred, feeling his member hardening at the very thought.

He looked around, giving the area a quick three hundred and sixty degree scan to ensure that he was truly alone in the grove. Having detected nobody else, a grin formed on his maw. With one forepaw, he reached down to his half-erect member and began stroking it from the tip to the base. By fantasizing about his anthro lover, he was able to get it fully exposed in no time. Moth closed his eyes, growling through gritted teeth as he continued to please himself with his paws. He thrust his hips upwards, imagining that Sierra was taking him to the hilt. The drake even began to whisper her name under his breath. Nobody was around to hear him... or so he thought.

Unbeknownst to Moth, another youngster was out and about. Ilara, daughter of the tribe's leader, was also bored. She had been wandering aimlessly through the woods for the past hour, desperately searching for something to entertain her. She wasn't sure why, but she felt...antsy... and she was unable to figure out why. She had never felt like this before, and it was making her uneasy. Was this normal, or was something wrong with her?

As she walked, she eventually came close to the pine grove. A frown appeared on Ilara's face as she realized she wasn't alone. She heard somebody whispering nearby. Curiously, she made her way forward and peered through a clump of bushes. What she saw surprised her. In the middle of the grove was a young drake who appeared to be pleasing himself. What was his name...Moth? She backpedaled, blushing intensely from embarrassment. She had briefly heard adults talking of this sort of behavior, but had never seen it with her own eyes. Her mother, Luna, was very protective.

Moth continued to stroke his engorged dragonhood, oblivious to her presence. It wasn't long before he started to feel the now-familiar tension building up in his loins. His entire body began to tremble, and he groaned loudly. He moved faster and faster until, finally, he released. The young male sighed with contentment as thick strands of his seed shot upwards into the air, coating his underbelly. He lay there for a few moments, panting heavily as he recovered.

When the pulses subsided at last, he opened his eyes. It is not hard to imagine his shock when he discovered that his act had been witnessed. He screamed with surprise as he spotted the dragoness peering out from the bushes. Impulsively, he flipped himself onto his stomach in a futile attempt to hide his arousal from her. Almost immediately, he wished that he hadn't. The ground was covered with dead pine needles, and they prodded at the sensitive flesh of his not-yet-retracted member. He winced. "I-Ilara?" he asked, timidly. "How long have you been standing there?"

Ilara whimpered, feeling hot from what she had seen...it was rather uncomfortable."Erm...long enough...what are you doing?" She asked, now blushing hard as she asked this question.

Moth was unsure of how to respond appropriately to this. Was the answer not obvious? "I was just... relieving some stress, that's all." he replied. As he said this, he felt his member flee back into its sheathe. He breathed a sigh of relief and raised himself onto his haunches, momentarily forgetting about the white blotches of cum that dotted his underside. This was beyond embarrassing. He never would have thought that the chief's daughter would catch him in the act of pleasuring himself.

Ilara frowned, noticing the whiteness under his belly."Erm...uh..."She stuttered, still beet red as she pointed.

Moth once again lay flat on his stomach. "I'm very sorry that you had to see this, Ilara," he said. "I honestly didn't think anybody would find me here..." This was followed by a brief period of awkward silence. Finally, the young male spoke again. "If you don't mind me asking, what brought you here in the first place?" he inquired.

She sighed. "Well, I've been feeling...uneasy lately. I don't know what it is, but it's been driving me insane. I thought a walk would fix it...until I saw this..." She said, looking away, still embarrassed at witnessing the whole event.

The red male raised an eyeridge. To him, it sounded as if she was feeling the first stages of heat. "Forgive me for prying, but do you feel any differently... y'know... 'down there'?" he asked. The drake didn't mean to subject her to further embarrassment by asking this. He was merely curious.

She went, if possible, even redder. "Um...yeah..." She sighed, not looking at him.

Moth's eyeridges went up even higher. She definitely seemed to be experiencing heat. "Interesting," he said. "Have you told anybody else about this feeling? Your parents, perhaps?"

Ilara shook her head. "I haven't had the chance...it started happening very recently..." She sighed, glancing up at him.

Moth's jaw dropped slightly. Nobody else knew? "Ilara, I think you might be in heat," he said, still amazed that he was the first one to speak to her about this.

"Hrrm? What's that?" She asked, her butt still planted firmly on the ground. "And...how do you know about it?" She asked uneasily, slightly creeped out.

The teen drake scratched the back of his head nervously. "Gods, she's completely clueless!" he thought. The fact that she didn't know what it was astonished him. "It's, uh, basically your body's way of telling you that you're ready to mate..." he said.

"Oh my..." she gasped, face still red. That's what it meant? She only had a vague idea of what mating was, and so she had never put any thought into actually engaging in sexual behavior. She couldn't think of anything to say as she thought about all of this.

Moth chuckled slightly at her reaction. He didn't mean to, but he couldn't help it; he thought it was cute. Ilara was -in all ways -a cute dragoness. Not only had she inherited her father's stunning green eyes, but she shared her mother's blue coloration and wonderful personality. "I suppose your parents haven't given you 'the talk' yet, have they?"

"Talk about...what?" She asked, staring at him. To her, it was like he was speaking in riddles, and she had no idea where any of this was leading too.

"Why, about mating, of course..." he replied. He winced slightly as he said this, for his member had once again emerged from its sheathe and was now yet again rubbing against the pointy pine needles. This couldn't be helped. With all of this talk about sex, it was bound to happen. The fact that Ilara was such an attractive young dragoness wasn't helping much, either. "Tell me, Ilara," he continued. "Aren't you the least bit curious as to how it's done?"

She shrugged. "Eh...kind of...but Mom always tried to keep me away from that stuff...so I never really wondered about it..." She sighed. The burning feeling had not gone away. If anything, it had only been intensified.

Moth observed her behavior and her body language. "Does it annoy you?" he asked, referring to her heat. "I can make that feeling go away, if you want me to."

She gave him an odd look, not a mean one, but just...odd. "How so? How do you get rid of it?" She asked, frowning. Whatever he had in mind, she hoped it wouldn't hurt in some way...

The red drake did not respond verbally. Instead, he merely rolled onto his side, revealing the proposed solution: his dragonhood. He glanced down at it, and then looked Ilara directly in the eye.

She frowned, unsure of what he was getting at...what was he proposing? That he mate her? She shook her head, unsure...this was a bit too much for her to handle at the moment...

Moth brought himself onto all fours, closing the distance between him and the dragoness. Gently, he reached out to her and placed his paw on top of hers, keeping eye contact with her at all times. "What do you think about me, Ilara?" he asked.

"Erm...I like you well enough I suppose...but why do you ask?" She asked, looking at him, her now heat unbearable.

The young male smiled. "Because I'd like to be your mate," he replied, finally spelling out his intentions plain and simple. The look in his eyes told her that he was dead serious.

She gulped. "Ur..um...sure, I guess..." She said, still blushing madly. From here on out, this was new territory for her, and she was deeply nervous.

The smile on Moth's face grew wider. "Very well," he purred. "Lie down on the ground and spread your legs. Just trust me. You won't regret this, I promise."

She frowned and did as she instructed, watching him extremely carefully...she wasn't sure what else to say or do.

Tail twitching with excitement, Moth stepped even closer to Ilara. He eyed her underside with a look of hunger, admiring her sleek form. She was such a delicate little thing. Slowly, the red drake straddled her body, lowering himself down until his snout was an inch away from hers. He lined his throbbing member up with the folds of her vent, rubbing the tip across her swollen slit. Ilara gasped from the feeling, still staring at him. That...wasn't bad...but it still felt weird.

Slowly and gently, the teenage drake raised and then lowered his hips, parting her netherlips and spreading the walls of her virgin passage with his thick girth. He moaned softly, shuddering with pleasure. Damn, she was tight -and hot! The heat radiating from her vent was intense. Moth almost felt as though he were standing over a campfire. He brought his hips back again and held them in place for a few moments before thrusting back in. His thrusts were shallow, and his pace was slow. He wanted to take his time with her.

Ilara wriggled beneath him as she felt her private area being parted. It was unlike anything she had felt before. "Oh...my..." She gasped, trying desperately to catch her breath.

With a little grunt, Moth pushed forward until all of his cock was embedded within her. A small amount of pre spurted from the tip, lubricating her inner walls and making each subsequent thrust easier than the last. He alternated between deep and shallow thrusts, picking up his pace slightly as he ran his tongue along the underside of her neck.

Ilara gasped, feeling the drake fill her, then gasped again as he pulled out and thrust again. She couldn't really describe the feeling but...wonderful. It was...amazing, this feeling. With each thrust she was left breathless. It was beyond belief that this was really happening.

Moth wrapped his forepaws around her wrists, pinning them to the needle-covered ground and holding her firmly in place as he sped up. He pressed his snout-tip against hers, gazing lovingly into her eyes as he buried his member completely within her with each thrust. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked.

Ilara only nodded, unable to speak. It was beyond amazing! Why had her mother not wanted her to do things like this? It was...wonderful.

The drake arched his back, trembling with pure joy as his grip on her sides tightened. He began to put more force into his thrusts, making Ilara's supple young body rock beneath him. Moth rested his head on her shoulder, pushing as deep as he could while still maintaining a steady pace.

Ilara wrapped her arms around Moth, groaning audibly from the pleasure rolling through her, trembling as he vent tightened and began leaking fluids slightly.

Moth closed his eyes, breathing his hot breath onto her chest as his mind started to go blank from the tension. He wrapped his tail around hers as he continued to slide in and out of the submissive female's slit. He moaned into her shoulder as her walls began to squeeze tighter around his length. His hips slapped against her rump, creating a rhythmic noise that was music to the drake's ears.

She groaned loudly, vent clenching, a strange feeling rising within here...it was a strange pressure in her lower area...what was this? She could hardly think as the drake on top of her mated her hard.

The only thing Moth could think about -apart from the amazing pleasure- was how incredibly lucky he was. Only a week ago, he had mated for the first time, and with an anthro dragoness, too. Few feral males ever got this opportunity. Now, he was banging the chief's daughter! What was in store for him next week? His moans became louder as he continued to stuff her pussy, thrusting faster. He wasn't going to last much longer.

Ilara groaned again, quivering as the feeling grew stronger within her...it felt like she was going to burst! It was incredible!

Moth pressed his entire body against Ilara, pushing forward with a sense of urgency as his pace lost all rhythm and he found himself on the verge of release. His thrusts became more forceful -almost violent. Then, suddenly, he slowed down. He realized that he couldn't afford the risk of impregnating this dragoness. Her parents couldn't know about this. He grunted with a mixture of pleasure and frustration as he mustered all of his willpower in order to not cum within her. The drake was prepared to pull out, but not before helping Ilara achieve her first orgasm

Ilara gave a piercing screech that could be heard throughout the forest as she felt her vent contract. Her whole body shuddered, her mind going blank from the bliss. She lay there, dazed by what had just happened.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Moth withdrew his cock from Ilara -and not a moment too soon. The teen drake let loose a victorious sounding moan as his member twitched. Strands of cum spurted from the tip, splattering against the dark blue scales of the female's stomach. He then flopped onto his side next to her, murring happily as he kissed her on the snout. "Well, how was that?" he asked. He received no response. Ilara was oblivious to the world, unable to comprehend what had just happened...she was in a daze, unable to speak or move, save her chest, which was heaving.

A peaceful silence spread throughout the grove as the two teenagers enjoyed the afterglow. Unfortunately, this silence was soon to be broken. Luna was bolting through the forest, searching for Ilara, having heard the scream only moments before. She figured that something awful must have happened to her. She spotted two drakes in the distance, both young judging by their size. She got closer and skidded to a stop, astonished by what she saw in the clearing in front of her. What the...had that male raped her daughter?!?!

Moth gazed wide-eyed at the adult dragoness standing on the other side of the clearing. He immediately recognized her, for she was one of the most distinctive dragons in the tribe. Her body was covered from snout to tail-tip with blue fur rather than red scales. This was Luna, Ilara's mother. "Oh, shit..." thought Moth. From this point forward, the drake new that his life would be a living hell. His member had fully retracted into his body by now, but the incriminating evidence of his act was still coating Ilara's underside. He opened his mouth to attempt an explanation, but no words came out. He was only able to let out a little "meep" of fear.

Luna's fur puffed up with rage and then flattened as she let out a deafening roar that shook the trees. Her rage was so fierce that she had realized that she was forming storm clouds overhead as she advanced on the young drake, growling like a feral dog. "How...dare...you..."She hissed, trembling in outrage.

Moth flipped himself onto his feet and tried to back away, but he was frozen. His limbs simply refused to obey him. He looked up, cowering beneath Luna. Who knew that such a harmless-looking dragoness could display so much aggression? "I-it's not what it looks like, I swear!" he whimpered.

She slowly advanced on the cowering drake, fury in her normally loving eyes. "THEN WHAT IS IT?! You rape her? Take advantage of her? SHE WASN'T READY FOR THIS!!!!" She roared in his face, her pointed teeth showing as thunder rumble from up above.

Moth shut his eyes in fear, flinching as Luna stepped closer. He half expected his life to be ended right then and there. He had no way of defending himself. Nothing he said would be able to turn the tide in his favor. The fact of the matter was that he had, in fact, taken advantage of Ilara. Desperate for a chance to mate again, he had used her obliviousness as a means to an end. "I'm an idiot..." he thought.

Meanwhile, another dragon was approaching the clearing. It was Brunvindr, the chief himself. He was coming to investigate what all of the commotion was about. Within moments, he had reached the edge of the pine grove. He simply sat there, trying to make sense out of the situation.

Ilara was trying to make sense of what was happening around her, her mind still foggy from her recent event. Why were mom and dad here, and why did mom look so angry?

Luna was now nose to nose with the drake, teeth bared. "You take advantage of my daughter, as though she was your toy! YOU HARDLY KNOW HER!" She snarled in his face.

Moth whimpered, saying nothing. What could he say? No words that came out of his mouth would ever convince Luna to calm down. She had every reason to be angry at him. The little drake continued to scold himself on the inside. "You moron, why didn't you go to the waterfall?"

Brun decided to intervene before the situation got any worse. In all the years he had spent with Luna, he had never seen her become this angry. He placed himself between his mate and the teenage male, dragging the blue-furred dragoness of to the side. "Easy, Luna," he said. "Why don't you check on Ilara? I'll deal with Moth..." His voice was stern, but calm.

She huffed, casting a murderous glare in Moth's direction before walking over to her daughter. She frowned, and nudged her daughter, who hardly responded with a little movement. "She's ...out of it." She said to Brun, hissing at Moth. She carefully dragged Ilara to a nearby spring and began washing her off, hoping that the water would revive her.

Moth opened his eyes, but kept his gaze fixed firmly on the ground. After silently nodding at Luna, Brun walked over to him. The chief placed a claw underneath his chin, raising his head in order to get a good look at the youngster's face. "What happened, Moth?" he asked. "Speak. I will listen."

Moth took a moment to regain his voice. When at last he spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper. "She... was in heat," he said. "It was annoying her, so I offered her relief. It was stupid of me. I'm sorry..."

Brun nodded his head, releasing his claw from Moth's chin. He believed his side of the story. It was not uncommon for young males to have their judgment clouded by thoughts of sex. Of course, that did not mean he approved of the drake's behavior. "Very well," he sighed. "Run on home, Moth. I'll convene a meeting with the rest of the tribe later. We'll decide what to do with you then."

Luna finished washing Ilara off and placed her exhausted daughter on her back. "Make sure Moth's parents know of this." She hissed, ready to return home. It was good that she was departing. If she stuck around any longer, she would have physically hurt the foolish young male.

Brun nodded again. "Oh, they will," he said. "I'll make sure of it." With that, he prodded the younger male with the side of his tail. "Come along, Moth. I'll escort you home."

Moth replied by simply gulping. He was at a loss for words as he started walking. The drake felt like a prisoner being led to execution. What would happen to him? At worst, he could be exiled. At best, he would merely be shunned by everybody. Either way, he was sure that his life would never be quite the same.

Like a Moth to a Flame

Like a Moth to a Flame Written by Brunvindr and Sielrok Edited by Brunvindr In a cave by the edge of a winding mountain path, a young dragon was resting. His name was Mothonxy, but most of his friends called him "Moth" for short. This was a...

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Catch of the Day

Catch of the Day Written by Brunvindr and Kalithe Edited by Brunvindr Peace, quiet, serenity... Tranquility at its finest. These were the elements that made up a cool, spring day. The forests bustled with life as various species ran back and...

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A Wolf's Invitation

Brunvindr blinked, hardly able to believe his own eyes. Just a few feet in front of him was a sight he had never expected to see: the sight of a maned wolf presenting herself to him. She was bent over the side of a bed, her round breasts pressing into...

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