Learning to Swim - Part XXVI

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#26 of Entropy Series

The gang comes home to rest, but they're in for a surprise!

Finally, I managed to have a decent week and caught up on my writing schedule! In fact, just for the sake of it, I'm releasing this next entry for LtS a day early. Who knows, maybe it'll have better (or worse :u ) viewer counts on a Sunday. If things change for the better I might just shift my release day around, haha.

As always, this story contains adult content and explicit sexual imagery. If you don't want or aren't allowed to view such material, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged!

"How the hell...?" Adrian fussed as he slumped into the passenger's seat of Iolvin's jeep. "Why can't I talk like that? Must be a twin thing."

«Well we do finish each other's sentences already,» Ilaria digitally chuckled to the others with a slight fuzz of interference in her voice.

With practically the worst encoding clicks and pops ever witnessed on the planet Yoyo assured, «It's probably just because you're trying too hard, babe. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon.»

As Yoyo nearly drifted off the road with his lack of concentration on his driving Dee quipped, "At least I know my limits." He pulled himself up into a more secure stance and added, "Besides, it's just a little gimmick for us anyway. If we didn't drop Robyn off for her car she'd be uncomfortable hearing only my end of things."

"Hey now, don't downplay this. It's like we've always got walkie-talkies in our heads. That's freakin' cool," Ari decided to comment in the old-fashioned way.

«Well--» Yoyo halted his bit of beamed message when his sister smacked him on the head, bringing to his attention that they missed the more convenient exit back home. "Sorry..." He corrected the mistake by taking the next exit ramp and audibly restated, "Well I remember you always loved those waterproof ones we had as kids, Lulu. Shame the batteries died on yours."

"He shall be missed," Ari joked as she laid back along the whole rear seat. As she sighed over the lack of another warm body next to her she pondered out loud, "So I wonder what Robyn keeps doing when she chooses to stay at her place like this. You think she just needs her own space? I'm not putting too much pressure on her being around me all the time, right?"

"Man, am I the only one not worrying about anything right now?" Yoyo huffed out as he pulled onto his street. "Sis, don't worry about it. She probably just needs to take care of a few things. Besides, she doesn't bring over a huge bag of clothes like Dee here. I think it's just a bunch of incidental stuff."

"Yeah, I'm sure it's fine," comforted Dee as he preemptively unlatched his seatbelt. While the three pulled into the driveway he added, "You can't expect her to cut all ties to her own place without just moving in with you outright. You know?"

Ari sat back upright when the jeep jerked to a halt. "Well maybe we should think about that. I mean, I could always stay at her place sometimes." She too unclasped her seatbelt and popped open her door. Slipping out to the concrete before the others she continued, "Maybe if things are going well enough... Well..."

"You want to share more with her, huh? I know the feeling," mentioned Yoyo as he shut off the engine and followed his sister to the front door.

"Same here. Sharing one room like this, and one bathroom... Oh, no offense though guys." Dee got out the vehicle and scurried up next to Yoyo, watching as he locked the doors with a press of a fob key. "I just mean that it would be nice to share a place with my man, one where we weren't avoiding your parents especially."

"So in other words you want a place to fuck in peace. But what about losing our mom's awesome cooking?" Yoyo nudged his elbow into Dee's shoulder playfully while they watched Elliot and Ashe park behind the jeep. "Though I guess if that happened Ashe would get a nice room for a change."

"Unless I stopped you from going. I like being near you, lil' bro," Ilaria enlightened her brother with a little smile, soon turning to greet the others. "Nice drive, guys?"

"Looks like ours wasn't nearly as exciting as yours," Ellie chuckled as he knowingly looked towards Yoyo.

Stopping to fix the position of India's harness Ashe added, "I picked up some cool things on my laptop too. Not sure what it means, but i think it came from you guys. It's like Sprite's messages, just garbled."

"Yeah, sort of hard to explain..." Ilaria snatched her brother's keys and went to unlock the front door grumbling, "...but for now, I need some sleep. Haven't run around like that in a while and my back's killing me."

Just as Ari unlocked the deadbolt with a loud thwack, Ashe perked her ears toward the wooden portal and meekly warned, "Sister, you might not want to use that d--"

Ari opened the door wide open and froze stiff, her jaw trying its best to touch the floor. "Mom?!" she cried out in disbelief, her mind not quite ready to accept the scene before her.

Catherine was kneeling on the couch, facing the door. While such a position was generally odd, it made a lot more sense when taking into account fact that she was both naked and joined to Vasily at the hips. By the time the otter realized there were multiple sets of eyes resting on her she just happened to slam her husband's engorged knot into her folds. Trapped and unable to do anything else she wrapped an arm around her nearly flat chest and shrieked, "Kids?! Shit! Dear, help!"

Still enraptured by the bliss of orgasm Vasily ground into his wife and let out a rather pronounced howl. Once he regained a sliver of his normal self he lazily rolled his head to the side and glanced at the others by the door. He reached up and slowly but firmly pulled Catherine down so she was flush against his chest. "Where's a blanket when we need one?" he cooed as he merely tried to calm her down.

Ari was the first to enter the house, unable to take her eyes off her parents. She found herself needing to hunch forward and press down between her legs as an unwanted erection popped free of her panties and tented her skirt. Completely embarrassed, she scurried as quickly as possible up the stairs squeaking back, "Sorry! I didn't, uh... Just, sorry!"

Yoyo and Dee weren't very far behind, the two trying to shield their eyes as best as they could while jogging up to Yoyo's room. "Sorry mom!" he shouted as he slipped into his room.

Before he shut the door behind then Dee added, "F-feel free to keep... umm... never mind, heeee..."

Ellie tried to push Ashe through the door without looking at the interlocked couple at the center of the room, but only ended up shielding his eyes with one paw while the other was tugged inside. "Ashe, don't take me ~in~ there." As he was blindly guided to the basement stairs he embarrassingly groaned out, "Sorry! I didn't see anything, I swear!" As he was towed down the stairs with more than enough slips in his steps he forced Ashe to stop for his own safety. "I'm gonna break my damn neck, Ashe! Slow down and tell me what's going on!"

"I... Can we...?" Ashe stumbled herself, her mind not quite settled enough to find the right words. She let go of Elliot and made her way down to the basement settling upon, "Can we talk a minute?"

Taking his paw away from his eyes Ellie asked, "What's wrong, Ashe? I didn't mean to burst on you like that, if that's it." He finished finding his way down the stairwell and then stumbled around for the light switch. When he finally flipped the tiny lever he found Ashe sitting on her mattress playing with India's dreadlocks. He quickly sat beside her and pressed, "Come on, what's up. I'm sure I can make it better."

Ashe ignored him for a second as she split one of Indy's thicker cords in two. When she finally responded she looked over to Ellie and reluctantly mumbled, "I need your help, but I'm not sure you'll like what I have to say."

"That almost hurts, hon. I thought you trusted me more than that." Ellie nudged Ashe in her side playfully and insisted, "Come on. I swear I'll be fine with whatever's bothering you."

"Promise?" Ashe held out a paw and smiled when it was brought to Ellie's face, revealing his confident smile to the girl. "Okay. Well... with your 'sister' and Iolvin, and now the Rivets upstairs... And with us getting hot and heavy in your car..." Feeling Elliot's face twitch into a more forced smile Ashe signed and groaned out, "Well I can tell now what your answer is but... I don't guess you'll have sex with me if I ask?"

"Sex... Ashe..." Ellie seriously thought about what was being proposed and formed a true answer. "So you're horny? Maybe I should just leave and let you take care of yourself. I'm still uneasy taking that last step, Ashe."

"Then...!" The wolf collapsed over Ellie's waist and hugged him tightly. "Please, at least stay the night! I..." She again started to mumble as her next words flushed her face a dusty pink. "I'm not sure I can keep my paws to myself without you here. It's pretty bad, and after those times we shared before..." Ashe gave another loving grip of her arms and hid her head to cover her own embarrassed face. "These last few days I've been craving that, and I think I'll give in to temptation..."

"It's..." Ellie sighed and pat Ashe on the head. "You got it. But no funny business, alright? And if you need to paw off just let me know and I'll go have a smoke or something."

"No," demanded Ashe as she sat up. "You can't leave me. What if I--?"

"It's alright, beautiful. I'll... ugh, I'll stay if it means that much to you. And I guess you ~are~ asking all this for my own good too, so I appreciate that much." Ellie tried to force the imagery of this wonderfully innocent Arctic wolf cramming as much of a paw up her flower as she could right out of his mind, but the damage was already done. Standing up to avoid her dropping her head in his lap again, Ellie went over to a half-window hear the ceiling and told Ashe, "Keep your paws to yourself and I''ll even watch if you want. Anything if that crazy sex drive of yours can get dealt with, heeee."

"We'll see if it goes that far, but I'm not trying to seduce you or anything. I really am just concerned what I'll do with the drugs and all... I don't want to lose you because I slept with someone else." Ashe's thoughts turned to a rather hazy memory of the previous morning of her looking down at a helpless Vasily and shuddered when she realized how much the drugs could change her. It wasn't the worst experience though, as she did manage to help the heads of the household become more amorous with each other.

Ellie played with the latch on one of the windows until he managed to loose the small pane. Tilting it inward he then reached for his purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and an ornately decorated lighter. "And I'm not sure how I'd react, so I'm glad you're thinking about us like that. Mind if I smoke? Window's open but it'll still smell a bit."

"Go ahead. I sort of like the way they make your mouth taste." While Ellie went through the routine of lighting and puffing his addiction Ashe decided to get ready for bed, unzipping her dress and walking over to where she was storing her clothes. She dropped the shoulder straps down and undid the waist sash, further allowing the garment to fall freely to the floor. Kneeling to pick up and fold the dress she said, "I'm gonna fall over any minute now. When you're done that you should come cuddle me in bed, Elliot."

"You always call me that," Ellie said as he blew some smoke out the window. "You're not really good at the whole 'girl on the inside' thing are ya'?" He took the last puff of his deadly treat and then extinguished it on the early morning dew of the grass outside. Then as Ellie turned to head back over to Ashe he got a clear view of her backside right as she bent over to remove her panties. His skirt tenting anew with the sight he simply looked down at his erection and then back over to her to propose, "Maybe it would work out better if just for you, I was your man?"

"Oh, could we do that? I respect how you see yourself, but my it's hard to rewire what my senses tell me and all..."

"Speaking of... I thought we said no funny business." Ellie made his way back and started undressing as well, trying not to stare at Ashe and take advantage of the situation. "Not that I'm not enjoying the view, I guess. It just doesn't feel fair when you can't see me back."

"Well I could always feel you up and make us even, but you said no touching," Ashe giggled as she slipped beneath the covers. "And I don't really mean anything. I just find it comfier to sleep without any clothes on me."

Placing his skirt and top on a box nearby Ellie picked up the blankets and scooted beneath them as well. Then Ashe wrapped her arms around him and snuggled up close, only further complicating the otter's situation below the waist. "I can tell why. I thought it was because you were in heat before, but you're actually really warm with all this soft fur. Must be unbearable on hot days, I bet."

"Some wolves thin their fur out for the summer. I used to when I was younger." Raking her claws lightly through his fur she complimented, "I like otter fur though. So slick..." Ashe slid her paws up Ellie's chest and played around with a bit of fabric that snagged her otherwise silky course. "So, 'my man' likes to wear sports bras to bed? Interesting."

Elliot traced those arms up to Ashe's paws and pulled them away to knead the pads, about to say something witty when his eyes snagged on a detail he hadn't noticed before. Using his thumbs to splay the fur on her wrists he rather seriously asked, "Hey, where'd these scars come from?" When she nuzzled up closer and tried to hide her arms he pressed, "Ashe? I need to know. If you..." Ellie took a moment to craft the proper words and retried, "I don't want to give you the wrong signals or let you go back to hurting yourself. Please."

Reluctantly the arctic wolf brought her arms to hook her otter's shoulders and move her muzzle closer to his tiny ear. "I don't like to talk about it. But as long as you keep it to yourself, I'll tell you."

"Then I'll keep my mouth shut. You know you can trust me, Ashe," Ellie assured as he intertwined his tail with hers.

"Okay..." Ashe snuggled up flush with the whole of Elliot's body and easily noticed the otter's uneasiness with being so close with so little clothing between them. "Well it was the day I sort of ran away. My father was being worse to me than usual, and he just came back from the pub. After he... took out his bad day on me... I just couldn't take it anymore. So I found a knife from the kitchen, went into my corner, and I... uh..."

Feeling a bit of dampness on his cheek as his love cried he redirected her arms into a more comfortable position and reassessed, "So he beat you and... and made you sleep in a corner like a feral dog. That's fucking cruel. He didn't... did he ever touch you or... force himself on you?"

"No, he never did that. I feared he would but he never did. He just hated me because I caused mother to die..." Bringing her arms to wrap around Ellie's tummy she took a long, deep breath and continued, "So anyway... He found me and drove me to the hospital. Well, I guess anyway, because I was passed out until he kicked me out the car and drove off. I don't even remember what he said but it was something bad. He didn't even care enough to visit me when I was there. When I was released I just left him alone with a new hospital bill. Never saw him since."

"That's... horrible." Ellie flipped himself over to face Ashe and stare into her sobbing eyes. "You might have done the best thing by leaving that place. But no matter how bad you think it gets, there's always something out there worth living for. I'll always be here to remind you of that, Ashe."

The wolf girl carefully glided a paw to Elliot's cheek and scritched with a small but sincere smile. "I know you will. You're my reason for living."

"All the more reason for me to care about you, beautiful." Ellie rolled Ashe over to snuggle behind her this time, so his stronger arms could hold her and protect her through the night. It was a bit awkward when he noticed India hopped up to cuddle with them, as well as with his bulging panties right up against the base of the slightly-larger wolf's tail. Still, he didn't let anything prevent him from making the love of his life feel absolutely safe for the night. "Thanks for being so open, Ashe. Even if it's hard to hear sometimes, I'm glad I got to find out more about you."

"Remind me to prod you about something touchy in your life. Like how you started doing this whole girl thing maybe." Ashe wrapped her arms around Ellie's and curled their tails again reminding, "But for now let's try to sleep. I bump into crap more when I haven't had enough rest, and I'd rather not bruise myself first thing in the morning."

Nuzzling into her neck and winking his ears closed to filter out any sounds Ellie quietly murred, "Gives a whole new meaning to beauty sleep. Night, beautiful."

"Night, handsome."

"Damn..." Ilaria roused from her rather unpleasant night of confusing dreams to a not-unwelcome but definitely surprising feeling beneath her covers. Someone was definitely having a bit of fun with both her male and female parts, the raking of claws drawing pleasurable pain inside her while a warm tongue and muzzle generously coated her length in saliva. Ari at first questioned if Robyn had come to visit and was trying to wake the otter, the skillful movements of that muzzle reflecting quite a bit of experience. Then to her further surprise Ari noticed a thick, rusty rudder of a tail lashing about happily from the end her the bed. "Holy shit, Yoyo. You must spend hours practicing this on Dee. Heads-up though. I'm close."

As Ari started pulling back the comforter and sheets to get a better look at the action, the paw dipping into her folds came free to keep the covers in place. Yet with an annoyed groan Ari prevailed, both otters meeting wide eyed for very different reasons. Ilaria was staring in disbelief as her own mother attempted to choke herself on her cock. Catherine ceased her motions like a deer caught in headlights and slowly pulled her muzzle clear, shyly and embarrassingly greeting, "M-morning sweetie. Uh, please don't scream."

Ari tried to think of something so say, but as her mother stared up at her with an unsettling grin and continued to stroke her cock with an expert's grip she couldn't think of much except her impending orgasm. "M-mo--! Cumm--!!" she warned, only encouraging the exact opposite response Ari desired.

Cathy sealed her lips around her daughter's tip and circled her tongue on her pointed glans, her paws sliding down to crush her knot. On direct cue a heavy pulse of cum streamed from Ari's length and coated the inside of Cat's mouth, the volume causing her to instinctively swallow with a light gag as it soon exceeded the capacity of her muzzle. The second and third blasts broke the dam, almost half of the hefty cream leaking and drooling down to lubricate Cat's stroking paws. Popping off with a gasp and pointing Ari's member toward her stomach for the last weak streams Cathy huffed out, "Fuck, baby girl. That's a hell of a load for a fur with no balls."

Ari kicked her leg about and shredded holes in her sheets as her climax finished itself off, the girl heaving her chest up and down as she tried to steady her breathing. When she finally managed to focus on anything other than her racing heart or the tingles in her nerves she choked out, "Mom! What the ~fuck~ are you doing?!

"Well I was hoping to just warm you up but that obviously went south," Cathy responded as she pulled herself up the bed to rest next to her daughter face to face. "So what's this about Iolvin? Ielunschra, are you two fucking each other?"

"Shit..." Ilaria bit her lower lip as she realized she'd inadvertently let the cat out the bag. "Well it's not like I wouldn't have fucking screwed my own flesh and blood eventually anyway. Seriously, what the hell, mom?!"

Cat took a moment to drop a paw down, dipping it between her legs before placing it next to her daughter's snout. "I'm in heat, sweetie. I need it ~so~ damn bad and your father's already gone for work."

"Well can't you take care of that yourself? I mean, why rape your own daughter?" Ari turned her head the other way so she didn't have to look her mother in the eyes much less smell her arousal. "This is scaring the crap outta me, mom."

"Well I've thought about Iolvin in the past, but sort of built up a guard against him. I know what I did isn't right, after all. I used to just settle for fantasy and a good vibrator. Even named one after him to make it easier." Catherine nuzzled Ilaria's cheek and continued, "But I didn't have time to prepare myself for you, finding out you had one of these." She emphasized by reaching down and giving Ari's faltering length a tug, adding, "Then I get a few sneak peeks and see it's the size of my damn arm. Not to mention you spoiled the mood I had with your father last night so I never got off..."

"I... I get it, okay? You're horny, couldn't think, all that. I went through that a while ago too and it sucks." Ari turned back to face her mother and looked up and down her petite, lithe body, settling on her face. "And I'll admit your recent attitude's gotten me riled up, though I guess now I know why. But that doesn't mean you can barge in here and do what you want. I feel dirty. Violated."

"And horny as ever, apparently," Cat commented as she continued to tease Ari's growing erection. "Glad to see you take that trait after your father."

"Eww. Please don't bring him up right now," complained the younger otter.

"If you insist. But I do have a favor to ask in return." Cathy's free paw went back to her warm clam and tried to sate herself enough to resist tackling her daughter. "I can't wait all day for your father to come home and I think we're past toy territory now..."

"No. Hell no. What you did was bad enough. I don't need to cross any other lines--"

"Well you've fucked your twin brother just for fun, right? And you can't help out your own mother? My womb's on ~fire~ right now, sweetie." Cathy leaned forward and kissed Ari straight on the lips but forced herself to hold back anything too passionate. "Please? I'll keep myself at bay after this, I promise. Like it never happened."

Ilaria sighed as she glared deeply into her mother's eyes. "Yoyo and I... we share something. There's a bond, and it's more than just sex. Okay?" She reached down and stopped Cat's paw from playing with her engorged lips any further and then seriously explained, "We do stuff like that because it brings us closer, and occasionally because one of us really needs it. We care for each other. It's not a mistake and we don't try to forget about it. So if you honestly want to become closer with me, I... guess I'd be willing to help you feel better."

"I'd love to learn more about you, honey! I'm sorry I've been trying to see what you were packing and all, but I thought there wouldn't be any other way," Catherine admitted.

"Mom, I'd have considered this earlier if you'd even hinted at being more open with me... But it just looked like you were being nosy and prying!"

"Well don't worry, I love you and I'd never do anything to hurt you. And what we do here doesn't need to leave this room unless you want it to. You have my word, baby girl." Cat squeezed her thighs together and squirmed them back and forth, her heat getting the best of her. "But if you're going to do something please do it soon. This is really getting uncomfortable, Ielunschra."

Realizing her prosthesis was still resting on the corner of her nightstand, Ilaria rolled onto her back and allowed her cock to flop with a loud thud onto her belly. "Actually I think you get to do all the hard work today, mom. Not much I can do with only one leg. Besides, you can go at your own pace."

"Oh, thank you sweetie! You don't know... Wait, you ~do~ know how much this helps." Cathy immediately hopped up on her knees and readied herself over her daughter's groin. "I think this works best anyway. I've never taken someone so ~huge~ inside me. This thing's like two of your fa--" She stopped herself but still spotted a hint of disgust in Ari's expression as the gist of her words still transmitted just fine. "Sorry. I just don't have any other reference," giggled Cat as she slid her body up Ari's until their appropriate organs kissed. "Ready, baby girl?"

Ari glanced over to her nightstand and pleaded, "Can you at least get a condom? It's slim but there's still a chance--"

"Nope! Defeats the point, sweetheart." Without giving her daughter further chance to protest Catherine sank herself down on Ari's pointed tip and slowed when she managed to snugly fit a few inches inside her silky folds. "F-fuck... You're so thick!"

Ari groaned at the exact opposite, her mother's small stature lending to her pussy's vice-like grip. "Damn, mom. Ease up a little. I nearly came from just that."

"Well don't hold back on my account, sweetie. That's exactly what I'm needing right now." Cathy let loose a bit more of her weight and slid further down that orange-humming pole of flesh with a cry of mixed pain and pleasure. Her paw went up to cover her mouth in response, just in time to absorb a potentially loud yip when she found out the hard way she couldn't easily go any further down on her daughter's member. "Gods... Oh gods!..." She shuffled her weight so her knees could support herself better in her new position and winced as Ari's tip prodded against her cervix. "Never been so... so ~deep~ before..."

Ilaria rolled her head around a few times as she became accustomed to the almighty grip of her mother's cunny, eyes going wide when she spotted just how tight a fit they were. A slight bead of blood rolled down the remaining half of her penis which caught and locked her gaze. "Mom, don't push yourself. Are you hurt?"

"It's alright, dear..." Cat lurched forward in a twitch of pain and reached out both her paws to keep herself up, an almost apologetic expression flooding the features of her face when she realized she was now resting her weight on her daughter's breasts. "Shit, I'm nervous like then too. You like this, sweetie? I'm not used to playing with these, but I can try if you'd like."

"Mom... Focus on yourself. You're bleeding, after all."

Cathy glanced between her legs and then tried to focus on kneading her daughter's chest rather than the blood. "Ick, you know I hate blood..." She noticed her little girl's mixed expression of concern and paradoxical relaxation and tried to rid her of the former with, "Just a tiny tear, honey. Happened the first time I let your father knot me too, the night you were conceived actually."

"So itty-bitty girl bits run in the family then? I was thinking that was unique to me." Ari tried to reach up and give her mother a bit of the same treatment with her nipples to distract her but was denied access when she sat upright. "Well if you're okay you can move when you want. Seeing that sort of set me back a bit, so do what feels best."

"It's like I'm taking one big knot with you, sweetie. Won't be much... Ah!... going on." Cat pressed on the bed with her knees and slowly lifted herself back up, then let go and allowing her weight to slide her back down her daughter's cock until it threatened her womb again. "But the small pussy?" she added as she reached back and shoved a finger inside Ari's sopping flower, "Mine's from my size, but with you..." She tried to reach as far inside those folds as she could, straining to get the bulk of a digit inside even though the webbing on her paw was preventing that. Barely grazing her intended target with the tip of her claw Catherine emphasized, "I'm not sure I should be able to touch your womb, dear. That's probably still your unique bits."

After a few more oscillations Ilaria found her mother's rhythm and started rocking with it, making sure to ease off by the end of the inward motions so she wouldn't press too harshly against the mouth of her womb. With decidedly more ragged breaths she groaned out, "Please stop... I'm not used to... anyone touching that..."

Cathy easily complied with the request, leaning forward to embrace her child and raising her butt just a hint so Ari could have room to move her hips. Looking up from between her daughter's breasts she mentioned, "Must be hard on Iolvin, I take it. Not enough pussy and a small bust... There really must be more there than just the sex..."

Ilaria slammed up against Cat's cervix at the comment, adding one of her own. "You talk too much, mom." She grinned down at her for a moment and then shifted her mother's muzzle to press against her pierced nipple. "I know you're not into girls but..."

"It's fine, honey. Your father sort of likes this too... though he doesn't have a chunk of metal in his. When'd you...?" Cat was silenced as Ari insisted she continued, suddenly resuming her thrusts at a more vigorous speed.

"All of us have one now. Birthday presents. And it feels ~wonderful~ when you do that." Ari worked hard to repay her mother's efforts, plunging faster and harder into her and trying to probe different angles and find one that really set her off and only receiving minimal results. "You don't normally like this position, do you? Wanna change it up?"

Lifting off Ari's nipple with a loud smeck, her perky breast quickly jiggled back into place afterward. "Could we? I like being on the bottom, but you only have one leg..."

Ari gave her mother one good thrust and then pulled herself free, generous globs of pre drooling from both their ends and cooling them in the fresh air. "Just get how you like and I'll try my best. I'm really close so I wanna give you the best shot I can before I'm no use to you anymore."

"No use? Don't even start with that, Ielunschra. I'm here for you and not your... delicious parts." Sliding off Ilaria and laying flat on her own stomach Cathy added, "Now hobble that cute butt I gave you over and fuck me. This is my favorite way to go and it never takes long, so let's see if we can't share a moment. Alright?"

"Well if you put it that way..." Ari flopped herself over and awkwardly scurried behind Cat. As she fought with losing her balance upon reaching her new position she cooed, "That's my favorite too. You ready to go rough? I might not have good control like this."

"Anything! Just keep going, baby girl!" groaned Cat as she slipped her tail to the side and presented her rear to her daughter.

"Yes ma'am!" teased Ilaria as she lined herself up, smearing and pressing her cock against her mother's scalding pussy lips. With a heavy hiss she wedged herself deep inside and kissed her tip against Cat's core, holding there until she was sure of her footing. Reasonably sure she wouldn't punch any deeper than she was welcome to, Ari pulled back and slammed home with as much power as she could muster considering her tripod stance. She found a few much more responsive results this time, her mother returning to covering her muzzle with each rippling thrust within her silk-threaded tunnel. "Fuck, mom... You feel fucking amazing..."

"Ooh, right there! Heeee...!" squeaked out Cathy as a certain stroke rubbed her g-spot just the right way. She started to grind back against her daughter's strokes to guide her back to that magic spot, but her actions were made obsolete. Her squeaks and moans only grew when Ilaria's cock started to squirm and bend into her weak zone, Catherine soon not caring how it happened as she was boosted quickly to her peak. "Yes! Yeeeessssss!!"

Her mother's warm embrace suddenly contracting tighter and stronger in rapid fire from her climax, Ari staggered forward and clamped her muzzle down in the small of Cathy's shoulder. She was damn close and craved the feeling of her knot wedged inside Cat's overstuffed tunnel but the sudden realization that it wouldn't come to pass without the two of the ending up physically and emotionally hurt left a bitter taste in her mouth. As she rode out her mother's moment of bliss she tried to groan, "Crap I was almost--"

"Lulu? I know you miss Robyn and all but there are others in the house... with thin walls..." Iolvin walked up to the door and tried the latch, but despite her heat Catherine thankfully had enough foresight to lock the door. "Okay, no help for you then. Well we're thinking of going off if you'll ever join us."

"I'm... I'm coming!" Ilaria cried out, the thrill when Yoyo tried to barge in on them bringing more truth to her words than she allowed her brother to know. She tensed a few times as she started pumping thick splashes of her seed against her mother's cervix, the volume eventually forcing her glowing cream both deeper into her womb and to drool onto the bed sheets. Ari eventually lost the strength and coordination to hold herself up with only the one leg and collapsed over Cathy with a gasping sigh. "Shit, I... I was gonna pull out too..."

"...Such a good baby girl..." Catherine murred as she drifted off to a very contented slumber beneath her daughter.

"Mom?" Ari asked as she looked down to watch her mother's lidded eyes slowly shut themselves. "Got just what you needed, I guess. Nap time for you. Shower time for me." Pulling her spent, softening cock free of its tight confines Ari pulled her muzzle down to the very same tunnel that birthed her and lapped up the mess she'd made of it. When little to no amber cream leaked free she sat herself up on the side of the bed and reached for her artificial limb. "Hope you feel better when you get up." With a twist and a click Ilaria had the appendage activated, allowing her to rise and head to the bathroom. "Love ya', mom."

Opening the bathroom door and spying Iolvin's side was wide open Ilaria remedied the situation and cranked on the water. As the water heated up she looked back to the rusty-brown lump of fur on her bed and chuckled, "Thank the gods he chose door number two."