Conri's 23rd Birthday

Story by Conri_Whelan on SoFurry

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A gift story written as a very belated birthday gift from a good friend of mine. Never thought he would finish, but the end result was worth the wait! X3

Now I get to start working on a return gift for him...should I take just as long? >3

The blue otter sighed as he put the uniform away inside of his locker, the sound of other guys chatting, the sound of the showers running, water hitting the hard floors, the opening and closing of lockers as the other guys were getting dressed, taking off their own uniforms...all of these sounds permeated the air, an endless wave of sound with no gaps of silence in it. It was his first day at his new school...he didn't really wanna be here. He thought it was stupid to have moved...but his parents forced him too.

And now he was at this school where...everyone was different.

Everyone here wasn't a full-breed like he was. They were all...humans. Humans with animalistic traits, such as ears and tails, slightly changed eyes and teeth, nails and hair, muscle and weight and height...but they were still humans all the same. Conri wasn't.

He was a humanoid, but not a human. Rather, he was an otter, a blue-furred River Otter, really. But he wasn't human...and that made him stick out like a sore thumb in a school full of humans.

He didn't fit in, he could already tell. Everyone starred at him because he was kind of the freak of the school...but that was alright, really. It was his first day here, and he wasn't going to be a blooming socialite already.

He stripped off his football jersey, sighing as he felt the immediate change in temperature, like all the body heat that he had given off during practice had built up within the suit, and pulling off the jersey had allowed all of it to be released into the air, the cooler air rushing up against his body. He put the equipment in his locker, determined to really just get the fuck outta there. He was tired and, as far as he was concerned, his day here was done.

He had already stripped off his shoes, and was beginning to work on his football shorts when he heard someone from behind.

"So, you're the new guy, huh?"

He paused, turning to look around at the guy who had spoken to him. He was blond, cocky, and with the towel wrapped around his hips as the only cloth he had covering his body, it was easy to notice that he was as well built as one would expect of a football player. He was only a little taller than Conri, but he stood as if he was several feet taller. He had a long, slightly thick tail swaying back and forth, white with striped black lines, and with matching ears. A White Bengal Tiger, it seemed.

Conri didn't really have to look to see that the other footballers were watching, some of them snickering, grinning, as if this was all a joke on the new guy. It seemed like this guy was probably the star football player, judging from a quick observation of things.

Oh, joy.

Conri didn't flinch away though, if that's what the guy had expected him to do. He had dealt with guys at his last school too.

Faces may change, but the same kind of person stood behind those faces.

"Yeah, so?"

"You were pretty good out there on the field today. But let's get one thing straight, I rule this team, got it? Don't try to outshine me out there, or you and I are going to have trouble, got it?"

"Didn't seem so great to me."

The reaction was just as Conri had expected, the obvious signs of anger immediately popping up on his face, a scowl, a glare. The reaction was almost too sweet. And Conri had to do his best not to let any sign of a smirk show up on his face. "I thought you were a bit sloppy." He decided to press on, crossing his arms as he starred defiantly into the football player's eyes. "Even the coach said I was playing damn well."

The anger was becoming more and more apparent on the guy's face, the body tensed, as if all the muscles were doing their best to resist slugging the blue otter right then and there. He wasn't scared though. He wasn't going to be intimidated by this guy.

"Better be careful, or I might just take your place." He finished it off with that, letting that threat hang in there.

The silence could be cut with a fucking knife.

Conri didn't break eye contact with the guy, who looked seriously pissed, looking as if he was trying to decide whether or not to beat the living crap out of this otter right here and now. He was sure that he was going to.

And then he broke out into a grin before bursting out laughing.

"Looks like the new guy here has a mouth on him, huh?" He asked, his voice ringing throughout the room, almost all of the voices silent, as if the subjects of a king, the audience to a performance. "He thinks he can challenge me, huh?! How about I show him who rules this team?!"

All of the guys, more or less, cheered for it, some of them giving out a simple, loud "Woo!!" while others would call out things such as "Show him who's boss!" and "Teach the new guy a lesson!"

Conri watched as the guy chuckled, quickly closing the distance between the two. "You heard the guys. Sounds like they want a show. And we're going to give them one."

Conri immediately readied himself for a fight, ready to throw a punch if need be, as the bigger player got closer and closer. He braced himself, ready for the first punch to come flying at him.

What happened next, however, was not what he expected.

He felt the man grab him around his waist, easily lifting him up and carrying him under his arm, having impressive strength. Conri could only yelp in surprise as he felt himself picked up, staring at the ground, struggling almost like a child as he was carried the short distance to the benches. Then the star player sat down, and Conri felt himself being draped over his lap, one arm pressed against his lower back, with Conri only able to helplessly wriggle on place.

"I know one good way how to cure a bitch of a smart mouth. "

Conri didn't understand what he meant until he felt the hand roughly grab the cloth of his football pants, tugging them down, revealing the ass of the River Otter, and pulling them down till they were laying in a heap on the floor. With only a jockstrap on underneath those pants, Conri was practically naked, and the jockstrap sure as hell wasn't going to offer any protection against what was coming.

"A good ass beating is what a bitch needs."

Conri's mind barely had time to register that before the hand came slamming down on his backside, a loud clap heard throughout the room as the hand laid down a heavy, stinging smack to one of the two cheeks. Conri felt himself hiss in pain, the mark left behind stinging heavily already. He didn't have time to utter a protest, a sharp insult, before he felt the hand come down on the other cheek, slamming down with another loud clap, this time getting a small grunt from the River Otter. "H-Hey, what the hell do you think you're-Ouch!-doing?!" Conri yelled out from his position over the man's lap, squirming around as the hand rose and fell, over and over. He jerked each time the heavy hand made impact with one of the two cheeks, and the spanks left behind a decent amount of sting, enough to make Conri slightly clench his jaws as he attempted to keep from yelping and crying out at the pain.

"Just teachin the bitch a lesson." The star player said, talking about it as if it was something that happened normally. And, as far as Conri knew, it probably had. "You made a mistake, acting like you're the big shot around here. I'm going to have to take you down a peg or two."

His hand never stopped it's painful beat into the blue-furred rear as he said this, watching intently as Conri would jerk with each impact, his legs slightly kicking, a slight red color starting to show through the fur, only getting redder and redder with each spank. He always got a kick out of this, beating the asses of the new guys. It was just too much fun.

And Conri deserved ever single spank in his opinion. He watched as the buns clenched in anticipation of the next spank, and the otter's grunts were becoming more and more strained, the yelps and cries threatening to break through if this kept up any longer. And the guy was only getting started on this bitch's punishment.

"Ow! Okay, okay, you're the star-Ah!-here! I get the point, stop fucking-OW!-s-s-spanking me!"

Those last words had sounded a lot more desperate than Conri would have liked. He could feel tears starting to well up in his eyes, his hands clenching into fists as the spanking dragged on and on. At one particular hard slap, he couldn't help but give out a small whimper, shimmying his ass from side to side a bit, trying to avoid the spanks, though the star player seemed to be used to this, and the hand followed the squirming cheeks, no matter how much he tried to get out of the way.

"Oh, no. You're not getting off that easy." The guy chuckled. "You're going to learn your place, bitch. By the end of this day, you're going to be nothing more than just another bitch who tried to outshine me. "

After he finished this statement, the blows seemed to rain down harder and faster, less than a second passing by between the slaps. Conri really began to kick, really began to struggle as he felt that, unable to hold back the yelps of pain, the tears in his eyes starting to overflow. This was really starting to fucking hurt!

"I-I-I get it, I'm the-Oww!-I-I'm the bitch, goddammit, sto-AH!-I-I'm sorry, alright?!" He yelled out, now really beginning to put up a struggle as it was really starting to hurt like a bitch. Dammit, he didn't think a spanking could hurt so much! And it was humiliating, getting spanked right here, in front of all the other players like some damn brat!

His protesting, his apologies, his yelps and cries only further served to fuel his own punishment. The star player was getting a real kick out of this, and he licked his lips as he concentrated on pounding the two blue buns till they were a bright, bright red. He didn't have to go on for much longer, though. Already, the red color was showing through the blue fur, and the blue otter was whimpering and beginning to let out small sobs, unsure of how much more of this his ass could take.

There was something...thrilling about this. Spanking a guy. It gave the star player a thrill. It sent adrenaline through his veins, making his heart rush...the sense of pure and total domination. It was...addicting.

It wasn't until Conri was a sobbing mess that he stopped, grinning as he enjoyed his handiwork, hearing several of the guys cheering him on to keep it up, hearing some of them commenting on how Conri was just his bitch was always great to have an audience.

"P-P-Please..stop.." The River Otter sobbed out, crying over the star player's lap, who only smirked wickedly at that. "Stop? No..the real fun is just about to begin."

Conri didn't put up a struggle as he felt himself lifted up off the guy's lap. He was too busy concentrating on his sore, abused ass that he didn't even really notice when he was laid down over the bench. He did notice, though, when someone grabbed his hips and lifted them, and his ass, up. He did notice when he felt the small vibration of a towel being dropped heavily on the floor. And he did notice when he felt someone's length rubbing up and down between his two cheeks, rubbing at his tailhole.

And he suddenly realized what they were about to do.

"N-No no no no, don'-!" He was cut off, letting out a pained cry as he felt the cock suddenly being pushed into his tight tailhole, the length slick with saliva, making it slightly easier for it to slide in, despite how Conri clenched his tailhole, determined to try to keep it out.

Still, the erect length pushed in all the way up to the hilt, Conri feeling the star player's hips against his ass, his hands gripping his hips tightly, tight enough to hurt slightly from how much pressure he was putting on it. He could feel the man shiver in pleasure, letting out a small groan of pleasure from penetrating the River Otter.

He could feel the man pull out and slam back into him, causing him to whimper in pain at the feeling of being forcibly penetrated, at the feeling of the man's hips slamming into his abused backside. Right now, more than anything, he fucking regretted talking back like he did. This fucking sucked.

The star player, however, was enjoying this immensely. Fuck, it always felt good to make someone learn their place, to show them they really were nothing but just a bitch to him. Perhaps it was the predator in him, he didn't know, nor did he care.

Right now, he just wanted to fuck this River Otter till he came, and then he'd finish him off.

So he began to thrust in and out, slamming his hips against the red backside over and over again, making the River Otter whimper and sob at the pain of being forcibly penetrated and the feeling of the hips slamming into his backside. The star player didn't give a damn though. The River Otter was his bitch right now, and he was just using him for his pleasure.

He could already feel himself getting close to the edge, groaning, moaning, and becoming rougher, slamming in harder. The River Otter didn't even struggle anymore. He was just another bitch to the star player now, and the knowledge of this caused him to get even more aroused, slamming into him several more times before he came, releasing his seed into the River Otter's tailhole.

Conri let out another whimper at that, but he didn't fight against it anymore. All he could do was submit now...submit and desperately hope that it was over. The star player had really made him his bitch...all cause of his damn mouth. His first day of school...and he had been spanked and raped.

He hoped that it was nearly over now...he really hoped so.

The star player pulled out with another groan, smirking at the sight of the blue bitch crying over the bench, cum leaking out of the red ass, unable to really fight back anymore. It was a beautiful sight. Honestly, he wanted to fuck him again just cause the sight of his bitch, laying there, crying, was a turn-on. But it was time to end this. Make this bitch really learn his place.

Conri found himself picked up again, the star player sitting on the bench and sitting the blue otter between his legs, wrapping his arms around him tightly. He whimpered at the feeling of pressure against his backside, but didn't dare protest. Not right now.

"So, what am I again?"

"Y-You're the s-s-star player..."

"And who are you?"

"I..I-I'm the b-bitch.."

"Damn straight."

The star player looked around, watching the faces of his audience, all of them watching so intently, some of them grinning, a lot of them definitely aroused, and some of them just concentrating, like watching a really good scene in a movie.

"What do you say guys? Should I finish this up?"

The locker room was filled with cheers and yells, all of them urging him own to finish up his punishment of the blue otter boy. The attention, the thrill...damn, they didn't get nearly enough new transfer students here. The star player reached up, tilting the head of the River Otter up, until he was looking at him straight in the eye.

"Well, you heard the guys. It's time to end this show of ours."

The star player grinned before he opened his mouth and leaned down.

Conri whimpered and squirmed as he felt the mouth wrapping around his muzzle, slowly sliding down, taking in his head. He squirmed, his arms straining to pull themselves free, his legs kicking with all of his might, his body thrashing with all of its leftover energy. But it was all in vain. The abuse had drained most of the energy his body would have used to try to win this struggle, and took away all chance of him escaping.

He closed his eyes, whimpering as he felt his head completely slide in, the mouth wrapped around his neck. He didn't wanna open them; afraid of what he'd see, afraid to see his fate. And when he felt a sudden tug, some force sucking him up, his neck and shoulders sliding in, his head sliding down a tight, wet passage, foul smelling and causing his fur to be matted down, he realized that the star player had every intention of eating him.

He wanted to protest, but the foul smell from around him, and from below, was causing him to gag slightly. He felt another swallow, and his chest and arms were sliding in, a bulge of him very noticeable in the star player's neck, sliding down towards his stomach as he whimpered once more.

"P-Please don't eat me!" He begged, kicking wildly, though even the energy to do that was quickly being depleted. "I-I'm your bitch, I promise, I won't outshine you anymore!!"

The star player took another swallow, feeling the stomach and hips starting to slide in, the crotch and ass about to enter his mouth, and he took the moment to revel in the feeling of someone begging him. Total submission. Damn straight the new guy wouldn't outshine him. Not anymore.

He swallowed again, feeling the River Otter slipping into his stomach, his kept kicking, even as they were no longer touching the floor. The pain of the red ass slipping into a tight space made his meal yelp, and that only spurred him to keep struggling, though by this point it was too late. The star player rubbed his stomach, letting out a sound similar to a growl, and he tilted his head up, letting gravity help him with this.

He swallowed the legs quickly, almost chuckling as he watched them flail about as they were swallowed down, more and more of the River Otter piling up within his stomach. He swallowed until just the feet were sticking out of his mouth, with the rest of the new guy in his throat and stomach. He smirked, drawing this final moment out, everyone else watching intensely for this last bit.

And then he pull them into his mouth and swallowed them down.

Everyone cheered loudly, and he stood up, holding his hands up like a victor in a battle. A champion. An entertainer who just finished up the most anticipated show of the year.

Everyone crowed around him, commenting about it, how awesome it was, how it was so hot. All the while, he could feel the hands rubbing his stomach, feeling Conri squirm within it, nothing more than just a bulge. He could even feel some guys stroking his cock, groping his ass, wishing that he could fuck them. And he might, one day. But for now, he needed the whole team.

After a while, the crowd dispersed, all of them talking about it still, while the guy let out a belch, chuckling to himself as he began to talk to his locker, planning on changing into his clothes.

"This is the reason I'M the star player, bitch. You're just another new guy who thought he could take my place. And you're just another guy who's nothing more than just a meal in my stomach." He said this as he felt the guy within him whimper, his stomach already working on digesting him.

Conri's first day at school.

It was an eventful one. Shame it was his last.

The downside of being a tease.

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