Bunny Invasion: Best Laid Plans

Story by Kaizer Ryu on SoFurry

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#10 of Bunny Invasion

My fingers got away from me very fast with this one. I had intended far more to be included in this chapter, yet things that I meant to do in one or two pages just kept going in order to really do them justice. Below is a mix of very messy playtime, internal perspectives of different characters, and the revelation of a new quirk of Marie's physiology that is likely to screw things up for everyone involved in the best ways possible. <3

Edit: Cleaned it up a bit. I should really wait until I've edited to post stuff >_>

Before her changes, Fennith would never have believed she could move about the way she was. Even now it was rather hard to believe! Waddling along the hallways of her home, every step bringing with it a jiggle in her chest and stomach, the only thing hampering her was the size of doorways. Lyla had helped her listen as the barrels of cum swirling inside her womb were mostly absorbed, the fluid used to power the rapid growth of not just one but over a dozen litters inside her. Her sister in law had asked if she was disappointed that she would never get the best of Marie's cum, relegated to a life spent taking the inferior loads so the prime sperm could be given to her Mistress's mates and more stubborn conquests. It was a silly question, really. How could she be? That Mistress deigned to give her any cum at all was more than she could ask for!

The heat and wriggling of Marie's seed followed her everywhere, her paws running through her belly fur and rubbing in the copious milk soaking it. Lyla had been surprised by the sheer volume, though Mistress seemed more concerned with making sure Kit understood. All eight breasts wobbled, bouncing on and against her swollen midsection with each impact causing milk to spill out. A tingle went up her spine at the thought of Mistress teaching her how to not make such a mess once the changes were complete~

Hobbling by a full sized mirror in the hall, Fennith took a moment to look at herself. The difference from her previous life was incredible. She'd been a waifish bookworm, not ugly but by no means beautiful. Now she was like some ancient fertility goddess, bloated with life and loving every moment. Looking at herself in the eyes, she could see the joy on her own face. But it reminded her of something. She normally needed at least reading glasses, but here she was without them and seeing clearer than she could ever remember. Was it another boon of her shift to hyperism?

Shrugging and wagging her tail, she moved on to her duty. With a bit of effort thanks to her increased girth she opened the door to her and her wife's bedroom and squeezed inside. She'd spent days here with Mistress, sampling the bunny's lusts and growing to love every scent, every touch, every taste, every sound, and every sight given in that time. It had given her a body she didn't dare dream of, and with any luck Kit would join her in the sheer intensity of this grand new world.

Speaking of Kit, the tigress was busy rubbing her thighs together under the sheets, mewling softly in need. Oh, she was so cute like that! With some effort Fennith bent down next to their bed, her paw rubbing Kit's ears to get her attention. The flushed kitten started a bit, her attention having been totally caught up in her attempts at masturbation, her eyes quickly falling on her wife. A wide eyed gaze followed, Kit taking in the sheer scope of the wolfess's changes. Standing erect again, Fennith stepped back and did a slow twirl, showing off for her mate the way she would before. "Surprise, my love. Do you like what I've become? I've never felt so beautiful~" A girlish giggle escaped her lips at the stunned tigress merely nodded, panting lustfully and licking her lips.

Wasting no time Fennith knelt down, coming to rest on her heavy midsection. With one paws behind Kit's head she guided her mate to one of those heavy breasts. Each now larger than her own head, the top ones surpassing even Kit's, they let down almost on their own in anticipation. Thick cream splashed across Kit's face, her tongue darting to it quickly before latching on to the offered one. A delighted bark filled the room with that first suck, Fennith's breasts increasing in sensitivity even more than her body through the changes. Feeling the nourishing fluid flow into her love's muzzle, she couldn't help but grin. She had really enjoyed the chance to give Kit a taste back when she first returned home, but direct from the source rather than through a glass was so much better. More intimate. Giving of herself directly to feed her beautiful mate, it was such a wonderful feeling~

Even Kit's eager suckling was no match for the wolfess's production, Fennith shifting from time to time to let Kit taste from each breast but never once feeling like one might grow empty. It felt like she held an endless bounty, a fountain of nourishment to help the growing brood in her belly to grow strong. They would never go hungry, nor would Kit~

She was broken from her revere by a paw on her head, her Mistress looming over her with a pleased smile. The swishing of her tail picked up as her ear was scratched, the gravid wolfess glad to have helped as she was lifted to her feet with ease. Marie kissed her on the nose before placing Fennith's paws on hir still tumescent and pulsing maleness. The musky scent was thick as it wafted from those still full balls, the nude bunny a vision of perfection in the enamored wolf's eyes. With a hungry grin, Marie shifted hir hips as Fennith stroked, letting hir cock throb almost menacingly towards hir future conquest. "You've given her your milk. I think she deserves some of my cream."

Fennith's knees felt weak as she worked her Mistress's cock, never having heard that husky tone in hir commanding voice before. For the first time since their first mating the wolfess felt helpless before the storm. Like everything she'd been through was but a single raindrop before the fury building on the horizon. In a way it terrified her, yet she could neither look away nor deny now much it excited her. Her delicate hands stroked and teased the cock that had bred her so full, the one that had turned her into a slavering and happy addict to cum, glancing between the face of her Mistress and the longing desire plastered upon Kit's visage.

The tigress tried not to think. She had truly enjoyed feeding from Fennith but now fought the creeping jealousy that her wife could touch Marie but she couldn't. She watched at that pulsing head inched towards her, each stroke of her mate's paws and beat of the bunny's heart sending it closer. Soon it hovered just above her face, out of reach as she craned her neck. She wanted to taste it so bad. She wanted to lick up the slimy mix that came from the same act that had resulted in the volumes of milk now swelling her tummy. Her tongue lashed out just shy of her goal, her nose flaring as she took in the potent scent. So much more powerful than before...

Marie's cock throbbed and twitched, the cum slit opening up and a bubbling of pure white coming out. The cream visibly moved on its own, defying gravity as it clung there as if taunting the desperate tigress. Lyla had told her not to flinch in showing her need lest Marie suspect she required more conditioning, yet there was not even the faintest inkling of doing so. She wanted it. She NEEDED it. Her chest tightened with the worry she would simply forget her part when it came. But there was no way to deny the hunger for cum.

As Kit mewled in desperation, lost for words in her desires, Marie chuckled. "Perhaps it's time you were as honest as your wife. I've prepared a special treat for you, my pretty kitty. I spent the last hour pumping out every last drop of precum and my weaker sperm into our favorite puppy. The rest, the cream of the crop so to speak, is for you." As if on cue, a glob of this hyper-potent seed dislodged and splashed directly into Kit's open muzzle. The tigress's eyes went wide before rolling back, the taste alone enough to send her into orgasmic convulsions. Her tongue rolled the thick goo around her mouth, her jaw working as she was forced to chew in her attempts to swallow. Gooey mews escaped her lips, struggling gulps followed by a fresh dollop of cum filling her mouth more than before. Watching her struggle with it was as much a turn on as Fennith's ministrations for the hyper bunny, hir lips curled into a grin. Kit was quite the strong personality. Shi'd broken others shi thought were tougher before this point, but rare was the mind that could withstand such potency. "When I enter you, there is no going back. You can feel them, can't you? My sperm are quite active. Merely rubbing against you will ensure a large litter. But what's the fun in that? Beg for it. Beg me to douse your need as only I can."

With so much goo in the way, Kit struggled to respond. Lyla had warned of this. There was no half measure here. If she wanted it, she had to mean it enough to push her voice past the sludge gumming up her mouth. Gurgled moans were all she managed, cum building up in her muzzle the whole time. It stuck fast, not running off as it overflowed, soon blinding one eye as she could feel sperm crawling everywhere it hit. They were actually crawling down her throat at this point! With a mighty effort she opened her throat and swallowed, the ball of cum soon rolling into her milk stuffed stomach and leaving her mouth free. "F-fuck me, please...! Goddess, I want it!"

Marie grinned wider, hir eyes a bit wild as shi watched the strong willed female break. "That's right. I am your goddess now. But I prefer you to call me Mistress. Say it." A new dollop of cum splashed across Kit's muzzle, her panting breath creating cum bubbles that popped and splattered across her face and the bed. She'd been warned about this as well. Now that she was here, it wasn't the idea of saying it that made Kit worry. It was being able to say it without meaning it completely. Even with what Lyla had given her, Marie's presence was overwhelming. Kit wanted it. She wanted that sperm leaking cock stuffed inside her again and again. She wanted to worship it with everything she could muster. But Lyla was counting on her. At this rate she wasn't even sure she could avoid telling Marie what Lyla had told her, and delay only invited more of that thick, potent, and utterly delicious seed now squirming about in her belly and over her face. Catching herself before she could be lost in a drooling daydream, she squirmed in her bindings and fought to retain her sense of self as she formed the words Marie wanted to hear. "Please...please, Mistress...breed me."

The moment she said it Marie's cock bulged suddenly. Shifting hir hips the bunny aimed square at Kit's face, the dripping cumslit gaping wide before belching a blinding spray of cement-like paste. Kit mewled in surprise before being muted, every sense soon overwhelmed. Taste, scent, and touch overloaded her brain with the sensations of Marie's cum, the heavy fluid setting itself on her rapidly while the sperm within crawled everywhere. Sight and sound were taken from her, heightening her other senses even as they went wild and sending the soaked tigress into a sudden orgasm. Her whole body shook as she roared, little but gurgles escaping the cum plastering her features and gumming up her throat.

Every instinct was turned against her, every fiber of her traitorous body vibrating to the song of the homewrecker that had taken her love from her and now wanted her own submission. What remained of her will desired only to fight. To let Marie have hir way seemed ludicrous. Yet this is exactly what Lyla had asked her to do. It had actually made her mad at first suggestion, but now... Now she knew why. Already the edges of her sanity were cracking, and Marie had barely touched her. This ordeal would not be over for quite a while longer. Finding a refuge for her sense of self while the rest was left utterly defenseless went against everything she was, yet it was quickly becoming her only hope. Come through changed, addicted, but still mostly the same female, or become another slave to the bunny's libido. It was a simple choice in theory, but Marie knew well how to manipulate at this point. Those with the will to make the choice to leave themselves vulnerable to a greater force in order to salvage their identity were also the ones too willful to actually accomplish it. Fennith was still herself...mostly. She had been changed mind and body, but who she was remained. The same with Marie's mother. Sinasa had proven too willful to give and had broken instead. What one did Kit wish to be?

The larger tigress's body paid no heed to the musings of her conscious self, continuing to writhe as Marie straddled her. Those heavy balls now rested against her soaked pussy, every tiny bit of movement in the pulsing orbs enflaming her need. A muffled grunt was all she could manage when Marie let hir cock fall onto her shaking body. The heavy log throbbed with a life all its own in addition to Marie's quickened heartbeat, leaking streams of cum over Kit's face. She could feel the weight, the power, as it squished between her tits, the head twitching as Marie's hips shifted it from her neck to her face and back again. Everywhere it went cum flooded out, gunking up her fur and reinforcing the intensity of the musky semen that was quickly becoming the domineering tigress's whole world.

Marie hadn't been this excited in a very, very long time. Despite hir physical state, shi was ready to breed hir new kitty for as long as it took. Shi could almost see it as that last little bit of defiance wilted, a shudder passing through her and a sudden burst of cum flooding out over the writhing female's face and chest. Seeing those lovely orbs, both huge and wobbling from what Kit had ingested in the last few hours, utterly plastered in hir rich seed was a true delight. Reaching up, hir paws squishing in the inch thick layer of cum, shi began kneading those delightful mounds eagerly. Pliant yet firm, a perfect transfer of the best qualities in hir own endowments. They would feed their litters well. But better yet they made perfect little reinforcements. Without regular doses of hir seed their owner would soon find carting such massive jugs about quite difficult~

Squishing those gloriously soft tits together around hir cock, Marie began to rock back and forth. Each motion rubbed hir still inflating balls across the hungry snatch of hir conquest, muted mewls of pleasure mixed with fresh coatings of sperm all while Fennith watched hungrily. Marie caught her pet's eyes, chuckling as the wolfess's belly growled. "Such a greedy girl you are. I just fed you all that cum and milk and already you want more~" Fennith flushed hard, licking her lips and nodding. "You're lucky I'm a kind Mistress. I wouldn't want you to go hungry, especially with so many litters to feed. Clean off my new pet's face so she can see us." Fennith's tail went mad with joy, the wolfess squeaking in glee before diving for the layers of cum plastering Kit's face.

The tigress had been trying and trying to keep up, but after two heavy blasts and a continual leaking of more she just couldn't. The orange of her fur was gone under a sea of white, even the black stripes lost to the opaque sludge. The addition of slobbery wolf tongue was enough to make a dent in it thanks to the pedestrian pace Marie maintained, the pillow and sheets ignored as cum by the gallon pooled on them in favor of letting Kit see. When at last she managed to wrench her eyes open only a dazed cum junky looked out of them. Glancing at Fennith, the she-wolf's face dirtied by yet more bunny cum, Kit leaned in for a kiss. The mates exchanged more than tongues, the gooey mess Kit had been struggling to swallow now worked between them, bits of it squishing from where their lips met but both throats gulping down wad after wad of it. When it was gone Fennith pressed the side of her head to Kit's, opening her mouth and Kit's to show their Mistress what good cumsluts they were.

Marie smiled but said nothing as shi kept rocking, hir cock twitching invitingly as it plowed lazily through Kit's cleavage. As if to show her beloved wife how to properly pay reverence, Fennith kept her gaze upon the plastered tigress as she kissed Marie's cumslit, her cheeks bulging when the herm sent a rush of seed out the tip. Holding that delectable seed in her muzzle like a good girl, Fennith reached under Kit's head to guide her forward to press those lips to Marie's cock head in a kiss that let the tigress's rough tongue lap at the cum dribbling out. Grinning almost maniacally Marie obliged hir second pet's need, a second rush of cum bursting from hir tip. It fired down Kit's throat, twin streams of it spurting out her nose while her cheeks puffed up, Fennith holding the tigress in place while their Mistress fed her as much as shi desired. With a sudden thrust of hir hips, Marie sunk the tip of hir pumping rod into Kit's mouth, the tigress's jaw stretched far beyond what she normally could handle as yet more poured into her gullet. Cum was forced downward not by the tigress's spasming throat but by the addition of more cum. Her washboard belly rose under Marie's gushing pole, each visible shudder forcing another gallon down her willing throat.

It was on this scene that Lyla entered. Wasting no time she stripped down, pulling out the key to the handcuffs and unlocking them as Kit was granted her first meal as a cumslave. Without hesitation Kit's paws moved to Marie's cock, stroking it as it drowned her in sperm. Every shot forced more cum out around her lips and out her nose, but she was trying to be a good kitty. The flow outward lessened, Kit actually forcing her head further onto Marie's pole. It wasn't until Kit had swallowed every drop of more than half a dozen spurts that Marie stopped it, pulling that thick bulb from Kit's muzzle. The tigress gasped and coughed, yet her tongue swirled about for every bit of cum still stuck in her mouth. Her stomach was all but bursting with cum, the bulge making her look quite pregnant already and making Marie's cock spring upwards when it was released from its hungry confines.

As Lyla looked on, wondering and hoping Kit had managed what she needed to do before being brought to this state, she couldn't help but feel a nagging sensation. Some part of the situation reminded her of...something. What it was she couldn't think. In fact, it was harder to think than usual around Marie right now, the musk of the room thick enough you could see it wafting from the layers of cum. Even having largely acclimated herself to the sometimes brain liquefying scents of the hyper bunny she felt her body going a bit wild. Her womb tingled as she watched the cum staining the bed writhe about from the multitudes of sperm inside, sliding up against Marie and taking a nipple in her mouth. "Mmmm...love, you smell...extra delightful right now~" What had gotten into her? But she couldn't help it. Burying her face in her lover's chest she drank heartily, finding the flavor a new form of ecstasy all its own.

Marie shook hir head, floppy ears bouncing about in hir attempt to clear it. Shi felt different. Not bad, just different. Hir mind was cloudy. Hir control was slipping. Yet it didn't seem to matter. Shi felt powerful. Unstoppable. The ripe belly laid out before hir called to hir most primal instincts, the thoughts of making sure the female was subservient slowly losing to a need to christen her womb with sperm that would never let her grow empty. Marie had felt like this before, and it had been so wonderful... Yet Lyla's voice reminded hir of something. There was a reason for this. An important one. It was one involving the reason why Lyla was not immobile with cum and kittens. Any possible reason seemed so frivolous now. Yet shi felt the need to go along with it while shi still could.

Hir mouth hung open slightly as shi panted, hir nostrils flared and hir eyes dilated. Hir cock throbbed in the air as it rested against Kit's cum belly, splattering thicker and thicker glops of cum across those tits. Shi couldn't wait any longer. If shi didn't try to breed Kit NOW, shi might turn on Lyla instead. Shi pulled hir lover off hir nipple, kissing her passionately and sending a sudden blast of seed over Fennith and Kit's heads as they snogged each other. Almost prying hirself away from the kiss and leaving Lyla dazed, Marie rolled next to Kit, hir massive pole sticking upwards as hir chest heaved. "Ok, my big kitty, it's time to climb aboard. Put me inside you. Tell me how much you love that I'm getting you pregnant." More cum rained down on hir stomach and chest as shi spoke, hir paws bringing a bit to hir muzzle for hir to taste. This taste...yes, that's what it was...

Shi had always loved going into rut.