The Night of Your Life

Story by Green Fuzzball on SoFurry

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#2 of Random Shorts

First off, I want to apologise for the tag abuse, I really have to stop using the browse tags option, it's never good.

Recently I've had a lot of writers block, so I just wanted to write something with no strings attached, and well, this is the result.

I hope you enjoy it, maybe get a paw or two ;)

Nick's heart raced as he edged closer and closer to the door, it's gleaming steel reflecting the neon colours of the sign above in a motley blur. The club looked almost pitch black beyond, but the thumping bass left no chance that this was anything but the hottest gay bar in the county. Fake ID clutched sweatily in both hands, Nick tried to appear cool and casual and perhaps would have succeeded if he could have stopped jumping at every loud noise he heard. Eventually he made it to the front of the queue and held up the laminated fake for the monstrous bouncer to see. His heart stopped for a second when the bouncer coughed, but then the velvet rope was lifted and he was waved in.

Once inside, Nick could barely stop himself from bouncing with excitement, but he persevered to keep his calm exterior; at least until he was completly out of sight and mind of the bouncers. Walking in slowly as his eyes and ears adjusted to the dim lighting and thunderous music respectively, his nervousness began to ratchet up. After all, he knew nothing about these kinds of clubs; was it like television where you just danced and groped whoever you liked? or was there a stricter code of conduct than what hollywood portrayed?

Luckily for him it was the former, as he found out when a pair of strong hands suddenly wrapped around him from behind and a iron hard body pressed up against him. Both terrified and aroused, Nick allowed himself to be groped by his mysterious caller, tenting his jeans in a matter of seconds as the skilled hands ran all over his body. He felt his suitor's chest rumble upon discovering the hard tool in Nick's pants, though the teen was unsure whether it was of pleasure or laughter. Very quickly he found himself pulled backwards onto the dance floor, the other man never leaving Nick more than a couple of inches away and never giving him a chance to turn around. As the lights flashed and the music played, Nick began to get into the swing of things, grinding back onto the mysterious male behind him and occassionaly the men who'd join in in front.

Nick couldn't think of a time that could even compare to how happy he was on that dance floor. He felt so free and alive, able to express himself to this room of strangers better than he ever could to anyone at home or, gods forgive, that decrepit high school he attended. He seemed to dance for an age, but eventually his throat was so dry he could barely swallow. He turned to the man behind him to ask him if he wanted a drink, but stopped dead when he saw the man, well boy's, face.

"Derek!?" He shouted over the music, thankful for the slight lull in the current song. He saw his classmate's eyes widen with shock, terror or a mixture of both and suddenly he was being dragged off the dancefloor towards the stairs. The stairwell was shockingly quiet once the door had been closed, the club sounding like it was a whole football field away, rather than a couple of feet. Not that he particularly noticed right away, what with his being slammed against the wall by his school's top linebacker.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Derek half shouted, his eyes wild, sweat coating his forehead. Before Nick could reply, Derek took a step back, running his fingers through his short hair. "You can't tell anyone about this, got it?" Already half sick of the pissy footballer, Nick rolled his eyes before replying. "Yeah, tell people I was at a gay bar. That totally wouldn't get me beaten up before I could say anything else," He said, throwing in as much sarcasm as he could manage. His answer clearly shocked some sense into Derek as the buff footballer suddenly grinned sheepishly. "I suppose you are in the same boat aren't you?" He said apologetically. Before he or Nick could say anything else, the door back into the club suddenly opened, two massive men stepping inside. "Looks like you were right Tim! two little twinks with no daddies just hanging out," One of them said, smiling predatorily. Nick possibly would have made some form of comeback had the two men not been dripping with enough sex appeal to fuel a lifetime's worth of fantasies. Both were wearing almost identical leather outfits, tight pants displaying heavy, tight bulges in all the right places, well used biker jackets that had clearly seen at least a few years of constant use, thick boots that would have looked perfectly in place on a construction site or at a rock concert and nothing else, unless you counted the clearly visible nipple piercings and, in one case, a bull ring. Both had their hair shaved close, though "Tim" had opted for a military buzz cut whereas "Bull-ring" had enough hair to gel into short spikes.

Within seconds, Nick was pressed against the wall again, though this time Derek was beside him, and they both were on the recieving end of an aggressive grope. Nick very nearly shot his load as his crotch was squeezed almost painfully. He couldn't resist moaning, and he could hear Derek letting out a similarly animalistic sound. "Heh, we've got a private room upstairs with enough room for all of us and then some if you kids are interested," Bull-ring asked, still tweaking one of Derek's nipples through the teen's light shirt. With a short look at each other the two boys instantly knew the answer


The private room had clearly been built for one purpose, and it wasn't just your typical out of sight sex room. The walls had an wide assortment of bondage equipment, very few of which Nick could even put a name to, let alone a use. Most of them were made from stainless steel and/or leather, but there was the occassional sleek plastic model and most of the ropes seemed to be soft twine. Nevertheless, the sight of so much hardcore equipment nearly made Nick pass out. "We're not gonna be, using all that stuff, are we?" He stuttered out. Bull-ring laughed behind him, running a massive meaty fist across hist hairy chest, idly flicking the heavy silver ring that hung from his massive nipple. "Not much of it kid, we'll try out some of it, see if you like it, but we have other ideas for you two tonight," He replied, before adding; "Now, how good are you boys at sucking a cock?"

While he was talking, Tim had been unzipping his pants and was now sitting on the edge of the rooms heavy metal bed, stroking his chubby dick as it slowly rose to full attention. WIth a light push, Bull-ring sent Nick towards the waiting daddy, and the young teen complied slowly closing the few feet between them. Once he was standing in front of the muscular daddy, he paused for a second, before a heavy hand landed on his head and pushed down heavily. He quickly fell to his knees, now at the same height as that drooling, uncut cock and the huge, smooth sack beneath. The hand on his head guided him forward and he quickly opened his mouth to take the thick meat. He could taste the hot jizz on his tongue as he lapped at the underside of the fat mushroom head, barely able to get the first few inches in. He heard TIm groan above him before the beefy man chuckled "Oh, I'm gonna have fun breaking you in pup," He said, even as Nick heard Bull-ring start to moan behind him. As he gave an attempt at deep-throating the hot cock, he suddenly felt light headed, the room swirling as he took as second to breath. That's when he saw the needle in Tim's hand. The heavy set man was smiling and he told Nick to "Just Relax" as the ground rushed up to meet him. The last thing he heard was a sharp cry from Derek and then everything went black.

Nick came to slowly, his head still spinning dizzily as he tried to remember what had happened. Had he gotten too drunk? he hadn't been planning to drink much if at all. He remembered suddenly that he'd been dancing and he'd been thirsty and suddenly Derek was there, threatening him. Had Derek drugged him? He quickly realised that he was tied to some sort of metal frame, that prevented him from doing more than wiggling, with a ball gag in his mouth. In doing so, he realised that the frame was pressing into naked skin. A quick look confirmed that he was in fact naked in this frame. Why would Derek do this? A voice tore him from his musings, and a pair of leather clad legs stepped into his frame of visionn, instantly jogging the rest of Nick's memory. He quickly looked up and there was the rest of Bull-ring, grinning lewdly, Nick's view partially blocked off by his melon sized bulge. He spoke before Nick could think of anything to try to do in order to beg for freedom.

"Don't you worry kid, we're not going to hurt you. Just open up some of your boundaries," He said, before snapping his fingers and signalling to a pair of robe-clad people in the corner who sprang into action, rolling Nick through a set of double doors into a dimly lit room that slightly reminded him of a circus. An audience hidden by shadows watched from the edges as in the center of the room, a similarly bound Derek figited nervously, his cock hanging half-erect between his legs and his face bright red with embarrasment. Occassionally a voice would call out from the crowd unintelligably and Derek would glow brighter and his dick would twitch. The robe clad people who had settled Nick off to one side and left through the same double doors now returned dragging a heavy metal cage with them. Nick could barely make out the shape inside, let alone guess what it was meant to be. That is until someone from the crowd shouted "Yeah, give us some puppy fucking!" and the wolf sprung up, looking around intently. The words, once Nick's addled mind made sense of them, sent a chill straight through him. They weren't really going to have an actual wolf fuck Derek in front of however many people? Derek was trying to look around, clearly aware of the shift in the audiences attention, but the cage was situated behind him, the door facing straight towards his sweaty exposed ass, but he was couldn't turn his head more than a few centimeters. He then tried calling out, but his cries were so muffled by the ball gag, that even Nick could barely hear him.

Nick's question was answered almost instantly as the cage door was sprung open and the wolf stepped out. The wolf seemed to know what was expected of it, heading straight for Derek's exposed ass as soon as it was let out of it's cage, it's red penis already poking from it's heavy looking sheath. The shadowy crowd cheered in appreciation, even as Derek looked around wildly, unable to see far enough behind to due to the tight restraints. Within seconds, the distance between the two had been closed, and the huge animal instantly shoved it's muzzle into Derek's smooth crack, it's tongue lapping wildly. Derek's cock instantly sprang back to full hardness, even dribbling a little precum as the wolf pushed it's tongue deeper and deeper into the teen's quickly loosening asshole. Soon, Derek was moaning wildly like a bitch in heat, and the crowd were loving it. Cheers came from all around as Derek had his ass rimmed by a wild wolf and seemed to love it. Nicks own dick was hard as a rock and was also leaking profusely, even as his cheeks burned with embarrasment at the sight in front of him, knowing a similar fate was going to befall him, and that he too would enjoy the oh so taboo sex.

Finally satisfied with Derek's ass, the wolf took a step back before launching itself onto the bound teen's back, it's massive tool sinking straight into the loose ass. Derek's head snapped back and he howled in pleasure, his cock shooting yet another wad of cum onto the mat. The wolf took this as an invitation and quickly latched onto Derek's neck with it's teeth, viciously hammering into his ass like a piston. Derek's cock continued to shoot loads of cum as he was brutally fucked, until he was weakly shooting tiny dribbles of clear pre. All the while the wolf kept up it's jackhammer pace, slamming at least ten inches of canine dick into Derek's asshole over and over. If it weren't for the frame, Derek would have been face down on the mat, held up only by the wolf's tortuous dick, which was growing thicker and thicker at the base. Eventually the wolf slammed it's hips into Derek for the final time, howling through the bleeding skin in it's teeth as it began flooding Derek's bowls with hot animal jizz.

With the show finished, the same men came back and seperated the two with practised ease, the wolf's knot popping out with a loud slurp. One of the handlers then replaced the wolf's cock with a slick buttplug so that none of the cum could leak out of Derek's gaping ass. They then locked the wolf back up and wheeled Derek out into another room, the broken footballer hanging his head in shame. Bull-ring looked down at Nick, seemingly enjoying the sight of the helpless teen, bound and practically begging for his turn, even if the idea of letting an animal fuck him still turned his stomach.

It seemed that everyone had the secret desire for bestiality, not one person in the twenty years he'd been doing this had regretted taking part in this ceremony, and there had been a lot of people. Not just gays, and not just men either, their little group took in anyone who'd come, though it seemed that after this ceremony, sexuality stopped mattering. If it had a pulse and a hole, all you needed was permission, and even then...

By now Nick and the metal frame had been rolled to center stage, the crowd still yelling and hooting raucously. He felt his dick harden as the scent of Derek and the wolf wafted into his nose. If he could have blushed any harder, he would have. Here he was, bound and naked in front of what seemed like a hundred people, who were going to watch as some animal fucked him senseless. They'd watch, and probably film, him screaming in pleasure as a beast went balls deep in his virgin ass. The idea nearly made him throw up, even though it also sent a tingle through running over his skin, and through his balls. He couldn't turn his head very much, just enough to be able to make out Bull-ring's hulking form, but behind him he could only judge by sound. At the moment they seemed to be moving the massive cage and replacing it with a new one, but Nick had no idea what to make of this. Were they bringing a new animal? or was it just another wolf with a fresh cock?

His question was soon answered when the animal growled and roared ferociously, vibrations shaking the sturdy metal Nick was bound to. He recognised the sound from all those national geography documentaries he'd seen as a kid.

They were going to let him be fucked by a bloody tiger. Nick felt fear like he'd never felt before as the rattling grew, a tiger was a whole different ball game from a wolf. Wolves were almost dogs, but a tiger? Even if it didn't mean to, a misplaced claw could easily tear him open. Very suddenly, the rattling stopped and there was a slow, metallic squeal. The almost silence that followed was broken only by the animals deep huff, and then the featherlight steps as it got closer and closer. So intent was he on listening to the sounds of the tiger, that he wasn't expecting the sharp blast of hot, moist air that rolled over his ass cheeks . Even less so was he expecting the gentle, almost tenative lick that followed. He moaned almost involuntarily as another followed, pressing harder now, the roughness of the tongue coming to the fore. Another lick, faster, harder and longer, dragging over the base of his dick, his balls and his taint before even reaching his bud. Each successive lick became harder and more aggressive, pushing deeper and deeper into Nick's quickly loosening hole. The tongue was rougher than sandpaper, clearly designed for stripping meat from bones, and yet, it never seemed to actually hurt Nick as it desperatly strove to slurp into his deepest recesses. Nick's little soldier was being helplessly stimulated, ever other lick seeming to unfurl right under his cock, dragging the wet flesh over every inch of his cock and balls before rolling up and wetting his crack. He'd barely been under the attentions of this animal and he was already about to blow a load.

His molester seemed to predict his nearing orgasm and quickly pulled off, leaving Nicks ass to tingle and chill in the open air, his hole already opened slightly, slick and waiting for his tiger's throbbing meat. Before too long he heard the tiger jump and instantly had the breath smashed from his lungs by the animals massive weight. The crowd erupted into cheers again, having been completly silent for the tiger's preparation, but now that Nick had a rock hard dick poking at him, all restraint was lost.

The tiger thrusted into his taint and cheeks painfully a few times, until suddenly the hot cock slipped into Nick's eager hole. Nick instantly lost all semblance of humanity as that rigid rod mashed into his prostate, he growled to match the tiger's and tried his best to slam back as hard as he could onto the invading cock, loving every burning inch as it slid around inside of him, spewing molten precum all over his insides. He arched his spine up, loving the feel of the tiger's coarse fur rubbing along his back as their hips smacked together violently, hard enough to bruise. But Nick didn't care, he hadn't even noticed that he was already spewing his load, spurt after spurt of boycum spraying into the puddle left behind by Derek, as Nick finally became a man. The tiger had a ridiculous amount of stamina, easily lasting for twenty minutes of rough fucking, growling and roaring all the way as it slammed deeper and deeper into Nick's slutty ass. Even the crowd were worn out by the time the tiger gripped Nick's neck and slammed their hips together for the final time, shooting an endless seeming load of cum, each spurt causing Nick to clench uselessly around the rock hard cock, it's spines dragging almost painfully over his prostate, and he orgasmed yet again, like Derek no longer able to produce even the tiniest shot of cum.

The smell of sex hung heavily in the air as the handlers led the tiger off of Nick, and slid the thick buttplug into him. He was barely concious and the rolled him into the other room, each bump causing the plug to jiggle tortuously in Nick's raw ass. Bull-ring slapped his soggy ass as he trundled by, and then the doors swung shut behind him, and he was rolled into the center of another room, this one left in pure darkness. One of the handlers quickly unsnapped the ball gag and they both left the room before Nick could muster up the energy to even think of a question.

He seemed to be left there for hours in the darkness, his mind slowly returning to it's normal state. He burned with embarrassment at his own reaction to what had happened. He couldn't help being tied up and fucked, but why did he enjoy it so much. He was sure if he hadn't been aching and worn out, that the very idea would have made him instanly hard again.

Before he could do anymore thinking however, a voice spoke up in front of him. "Hello, I trust you've enjoyed the sample of what has to offer?" The voice reminded him of someone, but he couldn't place the gritty bass tone. The speaker was apparently wearing hard soled shoes as each step clacked sharply on the floor as they walked closer and closer. In the darkness he couldn't see a thing, and only knew when the speaker had come close by the sudden heat he felt on his face as they stood in front of him. He felt his dick stir weakly as, once again, the smell of a man's dick wafted over him. Thick fingers suddenly ran through his hair and the speaker chuckled before continuing. "So eager! Would you like to join us? You'd be able to have such mindblowing sex as you'd never believe, even better than what you've experienced tonight, whenever and whereever you'd like," Nick considered the words, knowing almost instantly that even if he could experience half of what he'd felt tonight, he'd have joined. All thoughts of the legality or social repercussions of what he might be doing were ignored as he croaked out "Yes!"

With that, the hand ruffling his hair suddenly pulled him forward and onto the speakers cock, sliding perfectly into Nick's mouth and down his throat, causing him to sputter slightly, gasping as it just as quickly slid back out. The speaker set up a solid pace, hairy balls slapping heartily against Nick's chin as he took the slick cock like an expert, gulping down all the salty precum with near glee.

So slowly that he didn't even notice, somebody was turning up the lights. The room slowly began to come into clear detail as Nick greedily slurped and suckled on the mammoth dick being fed to him. If he had looked he'd have noticed the various glyphs and symbols glowing gently along the walls, very similar to those that were starting to glow all along that heavy plug in his ass.

He didn't even notice when orange and black fur began to pour across his skin like water, nor did he notice that his muscles tightened and expanded, turning him from a measly kid into strong grown man. He didn't even notice his dick growing hard again, though this time it was due to the bone forming inside, or when his foreskin peeled back; becoming a soft, heavy sheath for his new dick.

He only noticed his transformation when his bones began to crack and shift painfully. His eyes that had been closed in blissful pleasure shot open and he saw the black fur of the speaker's crotch. His eyes swiftly climbed upwards, even as his mouth pushed out into a short muzzle and a tail sprayed out of his spine. The first thing he focused on was the horned face of the speaker, now fully illuminated and terrifying. Nick was being face-fucked by a bull-man, even as he himself was transforming into something similar. Then something clicked, and he recogised the nose-ring, even from his awkward angle. Bull-ring smiled as comprehension flickered across Nick's sex dulled eyes, feeling his orgasm growing closer and closer, his massive sack pulling up tight. He let the animal inside of him take over as he pounded those last few thrusts into his little kitty's mouth, before shooting his flood-like load into the kids waiting gob. The kid took it like a champ, but no amount of eager swallowing could keep up with the tidal fury of his orgasm, and bull cum began to spill in waterfalls from the sides of Nick's mouth. Eventually, his orgasm abated, and Nick was able slid off his cock, lapping at the remnants of cum that covered both of them, each drag of the tiger-man's rough tongue over Bull-rings cock causing him to shudder with pleasure.

"You're gonna fit right in..." Bull-ring said, pausing uncertainly, "Hey, what's your name? Seen as your a proper man now, I can't keep calling you kid now can I?" Nick paused in his ministrations to tell Bull-ring his name, before kissing the Minotaur's drooping tool lovingly. "You gotta good name, Nick. I suppose you can call me Mike then," Bull-ring said unlocking Nick's bonds, finally allowing him to stand up. "Now we just have one thing to take care of," Mike said, leading Nick through yet another door, back into the antechamber where he'd been tied up in the first place. The double doors to the "stage" where wide open and the lights were on in there too, though no-one was there now. The smell of sex that emanated from within was like a drug to Nick with his newly heightened sense of smell. The only other people here was a brown Bear-man who was the same size and shape as Mike, and a buff grey, black and white wolfman who was lying on one of two steel table, hissing in pain as the bear carefully pierced his nipple.

"Derek!?" Nick gasped incredulously, hardly believing the change in the jock. Derek opened one eye, giving Nick a thumbs up. "Hey Nick, sweet jesus you look hot like that," He said, gritting his teeth as the bear dabbed his new piercing with antispetic. Nick felt the same way about Derek, the wolfishness accenting Derek's new manliness perfectly for the tiger. Not to mention that Derek's sheath and balls look appreciably full and plump, plently to play with there, and oh boy would Nick be playing with that. "Okay Nick, hop up and we'll get you done to, then we can tell you anything you need to know," Mike said, again slapping Nicks ass affectionately.

**********One Month Later**********

"Hey Derek! Would you stop oogling you god-damned boyfriend and get your head in the game!" Derek snapped his head around sheepishly, quickly trying to make sense of the play in front of him. He slid into place and within seconds the team was going through another play in perfect harmony, his new found strength giving the edge his inattention would have lost. Eventually coach was happy with their plays and he let them hit the showers, all of them drenched through with sweat. He winked to Nick who was sitting in the stands as he headed through to the locker rooms. "Jesus, you two fucking fags are worse than Brittany, at least she can control herself on school property!" John, the teams quarterback, said giving Derek a playful punch on the arm, "Seriously man, if you could get your eyes of him for like ten minutes, we'd be unbeatable," They bantered back and forth in the same way that had become normal since Derek had walked into school with Nicks hand in his own. Other than one or two bible bashers most of the team, and by extension the school, had grown comfortable with the two being a couple. Sure the banter had changed and dick jokes were suddenly all the rage, but it was nothing like the reaction Derek had dreaded.

When he'd woken up the morning after, he'd been naked and human in his own bed, a DVD with a note attached to it on his bedside table, Nick on the other side of him. The DVD had contained a film of the previous nights events, which Derek and Nick had watched five or six times already and the note had merely been a number and a name, though both Derek and Nick had known exactly who it called, and why.

Once he was clean and dressed, he gathered his gear and headed out, meeting Nick in the now empty stands. By the time he reached his buff, beautiful boyfriend, Nick had fallen asleep in the sunlight, a trait Derek was sure had only come about in the last month. Sitting down beside his sleeping companion he idly played with Nick's dark hair, smoothing it back to make the distinctive stripes that remained with Nick no matter what, not that they were anywhere near as noticable as when he was actually in his tiger form. Nick suddenly stretched and sleepily looked over to Derek, smiling lazily, before leaning in for a kiss, which Derek was happy to donate.

The End