To Walk the Rainbow: Chapter 1

Story by Laarye on SoFurry

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#1 of To Walk the Rainbow

My first writing attempt other than RPs. Follow Albert and his sister as they start their new lives in the future of our world.

[24th Place: 2013 SF Summer Sci-Fi Writing Contest]

To Walk the Rainbow: Chapter 1

(Formerly Part One of The Changeling Saga)

Standing eyes closed, he heard the sound of the waves breaking on the beach and the breeze through the trees. Smelled the salt, the sun, the jungle. Flexing his fingers into fists and making the knuckles pop, he inhaled again, other scents there as well, gun oil, gun powder, and blood. His ears twitched with the softer sounds that would normally be hidden by the waves. Boots on sand cautiously approaching. Leather gloves squeaking as hands gripped stocks. Hushed whispers as they communicated their approach. He shifted his feet into a better stance. Straining his shoulders, he readied himself as joints popped and stretched. Opening his eyes, he could see them surrounding him, dozens of men in black tactical gear. That prick in the back of his mind, he grabbed it, pulled at it, nursed it. Black lightning bolts the bare size of hair jumped around his fists. The power there, in the back of his mind, strained at his grasp. A familiar one. The soldiers at one side cleared a hole for a female to step through. She slowly approached him, hands out for him. He inhaled. She smelled perfect. His hands moved farther away from her as she stepped up to him, and carefully caressed his face, her soft hands tracing his jaw line and slowly over his eyes and finally moving up to his brow.

"We are of two bodies yet of one soul," she spoke with the voice of angels playing, "So know that whatever you do, I will always be with you. Just try to see the reason here. You are dangerous and I truly believe that they can help. I love you. I always have. I always will. So, please give me something to keep loving."

He wanted to say something back, but all he could do was stare into her eyes, seeing past her love and hope, to the fear of himself as he stood there, a monster. He strained at the pressure in his brain, trying to speak, but the power needed his thoughts more. Tears welled in his eyes at his inability to speak. He closed his eyes and leaned his head forward, his forehead resting on her's. His body quivered with the power he was holding back. The soldier must have not noticed it. She was abruptly pulled away. They almost had him, and they had just sprung too early. Her absence was like a switch. In an instant, faster than a blink, his fist was out and connecting with the soldier. In a crackle from the black lightning, the soldier was rent asunder into his base elements, creating a fine black dust to fall to the ground.

That was the moment all hell broke loose. Soldiers open fired, with hot brass covered lead impacting his flesh. His shirt slowly fell away as bit by bit it was torn away. Men screamed as they realized his concentration was keeping up a barrier along his skin. There was a pause in the loud cracks of gunfire, and that is when he struck. His boots bit into the sand, propelling him forward. First contact, and then movement to a new target. Every touch he made left a fresh cloud of what was behind. It was so fast, and the soldiers started to panic, their training deserting them as this monster moved from one to the next leaving nothing but vaporised remains behind. The gunfire started again, this time not telling friend from foe as well placed shot would have. Most he was able to stop at his barrier, but the few that found flesh to impact seemed to not do anything save give him more drive to destroy all those before him.

Then there was a shot, a shot that stood out from the rest, with all others seeming to die out. He turned and saw, the girl. His soulmate? An angel? Nothing but his meaning to exist, falling to the sand with crimson pouring from her chest. He faltered and bullets ripped through his flesh, but he did not miss a step as he rushed to her. The gunfire did not stop as he stood over her form, he barely made out the yelling from the soldiers, as if the sound was muffled under a ton of blankets. As he looked down at her dying form, he noticed as well the blood pouring from his own body. He dropped to his knees. Pain. So much pain. He could not tell if it was his wounds or his soul.

The soldiers forgotten, he looked from one hand to the other, black hair-like lightning dancing on each. His mind was fighting, telling him not to, but he could not resist any longer. He reached for his other half. She smiled at first at the touch, but in an instant that smile changed to terror as her form was ripped from existence. His mind exploded into itself with a rage. The rage. Rage so pure that it was the meaning of the word. Then a blinding flash of white.


Restart from last Checkpoint? A to Select B to Cancel

"Damn!" Albert let out as he tossed the controller down at his side where it bounced on the plush carpet.

From his lap, an almost identical face looked up from her reader, "What, still can't get past that level?" his sister asked.

"No." came an annoyed reply. "It's a different part now. Now, I have to protect the princess and if a single stray round hits her, she dies, and then I have to do it all over."

"Get a walkthrough." Amber responded going back to her reading.

"I don't want to cheat, I want to do it myself." came a brusk reply.

There was a slight murmur in response.

"What, something wrong with wanting to do it myself?" Albert asked.

Amber didn't look up, but blushed as she answered, "There's nothing wrong with a little help now and then."

"Yeah, but then you don't get the true satisfaction of earning the achievements." Albert said as Amber blushed brighter. "Oh, you're talking about sex again." To this Albert pulled himself from her, his sister's head thumping on the carpet.

"Hey, I was using that!" Amber said recovering and rolling onto her stomach.

"My lap isn't for perverts." Albert said grabbing his controller as he got up off the floor.

"I don't want it for perverts, just for me." Amber said taking a lunge at her brother's back. The two both went to the floor. The next couple minutes were spent wrestling, one trying to dominate the other. Finally Amber had her brother on his back, using her hands and feet to keep Albert's hands at bay, while Amber herself had gotten to a sitting position on her brother's shoulders with his head locked between her thighs. "There. I win, now kiss it."

Albert struggled but got nowhere as he was pinned good. "I'm the big brother, you're supposed to respect me!" he almost yelled.

As Amber moved her hips forward, creeping her crotch closer to her brother's face, her skirt slipped all the way down and covered Albert's head. A slight disappointment as Amber wanted to watch. "We're twins, you have to earn it, and I just did. Now kiss it."

Albert shook his head back and forth trying to avoid his sister's obviously moist nethers. He was losing, and then there was a knock on their bedroom door, causing him to startle and relax just a hint. This let his sister win. "Guys, keep it down, I have an early shift, and it's a double." came their mother's voice from the other side of the closed door.

With her slipping all the way onto her brother's face, Amber gave a meep that she quickly stopped. "Sorry Momma!" she said to the door, with a loud muffled version coming from her lower parts, which had made her want to moan, but her hands shot up to cover her mouth. It took a brief moment, but Amber finally let out in an almost normal voice, even though her brother struggled against her soaked panty covered lips, "We'll be quiet, we promise. Good niigght!" a slight moan entering into the last word.

"Good night you two, and try to get ready for school. Remember it starts next week and you want to be prepared." their mother said, sounding like she was trailing off to her own room.

With his sister's hands no longer restraining his own, Albert could finally use his's to get free. He pushed at his sister, trying to move her, as her position was creating a water-boarding effect and he could no longer breathe right. From his position though, he could also feel his sister quivering with each movement and releasing more fluid. He quit struggling for a moment to gather his thoughts, and with his sister distracted, the move he made was completely unexpected. Albert had rolled his butt, throwing his legs up to grab his sister about the chest, and then tried to straighten out. The effect was to half throw Amber off, but most importantly to get some fresh air. He lay there panting, huffing in air gratefully.

Amber was so close, then she startled as she found herself being tossed to the side. It took her a moment to realize what had happened. Looking at her brother, she caught on that it had gone a little to far. Still panting a little from her almost orgasm, she pouted and slunk next to him. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."

"Well, I couldn't breath." Albert said from his back still laying there. Looking over at his sister, he saw the pouting, and rolled over to give her a kiss. "I forgive you." he said letting his sister's own moistness cover her lips. The kiss deepened.

Some time in the next couple minutes, both twins had stripped nude, and had climbed into the bottom part of the bunk-bed they shared. There were caresses, and tongues moving over skin. Albert had gone back down to his sister's nether region, this time being in control and taking his time, letting his sister only worry about not making noises loud enough to wake their mother. Albert was the oldest, by only a minute, but enough to feel he should take charge. He used his fingers as well as his tongue to bring his sister off twice before moving to a missionary position. He had his sister lock her legs around his hips, and humped, grinding both their pubic mounds together. He moved his mouth to Amber's, locking lips and entwining their tongues. He resisted penetrating her with all his being, but that didn't stop him from sliding his member against her lips like a hotdog in a bun.

It was past midnight before the twins had worn themselves out, ending in a spooning position, Amber being the little spoon, and sleeping well past sunrise. By the time the twins woke, their mother was long past gone, and with their father dead the last five years, they were all alone. Amber had actually woken first, and had just listened to her brother sleep for a bit before getting up, doing her morning business, and finally heading to the kitchen to make the two of them something to eat. By the time Amber had food ready and was setting the table, Albert had showered and came walking in dressed and rubbing a towel over his hair. Giving his sister a kiss on the cheek as he sat, he noticed the monitor that was on, obviously so Amber could listen while cooking. It was a news special going on about it being the 50th anniversary of Levault Day. Change Day as many unofficially called it.

"Levault Day," the special went on, "The day we officially recognize Doctor James Levault for his sacrifice that saved humanity. At the start of the 21st century, a terrorist group attacked New York City, and started off a new wave of war centered on religion and beliefs. Over the next thirty years, fighting would continue based on the most fanatic of middle-eastern beliefs, until the self-proclaimed profit Doctor Elias Mumed made himself known, now referred to as The Lover's Grey Decay. Using the latest technologies to combine nanites and human DNA, a techno-plague that was discovered in 2024 revealing that the mad doctor had become the single greatest madman in known history. His techno-plague, spread the world unseen since it's secret release in 2019, a five year period unknowingly changing everyone to his ways. The start of this plague, caused mass panic, when people started to dissolve into puddles of grey matter. The mad doctor, somehow, had programmed his nanites to imprint with only one other set, thus causing anyone being unfaithful to suffer from the nanites self-destructing by over replicating as a way to combat the foreign cells. The nanites however did not understand the concept of marriage, so anyone interacting with another, save for the first one they had contact with since the nanites entered their body, would self-destruct. This also caused problems as a new and never before quantity of rapists began targeting more and more children, with victims becoming increasingly younger as the 'virgins' seemed to be in smaller supply, and building vast harems of victims whom had yet to imprint. This way pleased the doctor, and he was satisfied his work would live for all time, and he killed himself before being apprehended, destroying all his work in the process. All seemed lost, and science was seen as the new black plague, leading many scientists who worked in genetics to be outright killed in hasty mock-trials. One man however, continued his work in this now unofficially forbidden field. Doctor James Levault, secretly worked on the code for these nanites, discovering how they worked, and although he was unable to cancel them out, he was able to reprogram them. He started The Change as people would call it, but at the time, he was just called another Mumed. Levault somehow got the nanites to bond and form a new artificial chromosome, designed to mimic others. This mimic gave humanity animal traits as a sort of bio-lock and cementing the nanites to a goal. This bio-lock, stopped the puddle effect and gave those nanites a way to express themselves instead of all working against each other. Doctor Levault died in a hail gunfire as a military unit moved in, but only after three years of work molding the cure and secretly spreading it around the world, after the doctor's plans for a new nanite cure was leaked. The good doctor had delayed his persuers just long enough to release the catalist to start what is now called The Levault Miracle, in time with a solar-flare, which happened to go off at this truly needed time. The solar-flare gave enough energy to Levault's nanites, that they immediatly started their work all at once, instead of over months as he had calculated. Every human on the planet, in a giant wave effect, transformed into random animals, the side effect of this new artificial cromosome. This had a new effect, one that was just as bad, but eventually cured itself, The Species War. It was during The Species War that people started out killing over specific food stuffs, thinking that they had to have only what the animal they had become could. Soon however, people began to notice that most did not actually need to live as the species they had transformed into, with herbivores and carnivores still able to eat the human diet. Then the children were looked at. Those born before and during the solar-flare had changed, but it was after that everyone started to see that human babies were being born to the new animal-human species, and that they would grow up just fine, until around puberty, when after enough hormones would kick in and cause them to go through The Change just as their parents did. The greatest revelation was that these children would turn into random animals completely independant of their parents. So at the start of The Species War, with everyone grouped into specific species types packs and herds, they started to produce completely different offspring. This was The True Levault Miracle as what remaining scientists would say, a cure that finally brought an almost end to racism, with only truly stubborn groups holding to the outer image of individuals instead of realizing that all humans truly were the same, and also saved the world from becoming a massive grey puddle. So fifty years after his death and his branding a monster out to destroy the rest of the world, Doctor James Levault was officially honored as the true hero he was. His work has lead a new respect for all technologies, and to the most peaceful time in human history with wars between religions and countries practically a thing of the past, and now only relagated to fanatical specieists and gangs. However, a side-effect Levault did not see, with no records anywhere in his notes or research, was the powers that would start to display a generation later. The Levault Institute has carried on his work with expanding nano technologies and controlling any future problems as best they can, and studying the powers individuals have developed for the past thirty years..."

By that point the twins had toned the monitor out and focused on each other, "Change Day," Albert said, "I forgot it was today. That means there should be sales today. I've still got a few bucks left. Want to hit the mall?" he asked his sister, then noticed her worried look. "What's wrong?"

"Some of them are bad. Remember that guy who got Disintegration over in the South China Union? Two hundred dead before they stopped him, and it was all because he touched one person and everything snowballed." his sister responded.

Reaching over and patting his sister on the head, Albert said, "That's a super rare one. You'll probably just end up with Shifting like most everyone else. Anyways, let's get out of here and have fun."

Amber made a positive noise, and they both cleaned up before heading out. The day was uneventful. They walked to the nearby mall complex. Did some shopping, Amber getting a couple new outfits for school, Albert getting a couple new games. The only thing special there was Albert spending the last of his allowance on an actual paper book for his sister from a collectibles store, not that printed books would actually stop being be produced, but that some titles still held up over the decades. They walked back home after an outdoor lunch. Albert inspected the house's solar array, while Amber had spot cleaned around the house. Dinner was made, even having some ready for when their mother came back. The day ending with the two going to bed, both in their respective beds this time.

The next day however, was slightly more eventful. At least for one of the twins. Albert was shocked awake at the screaming coming from under him from his sister's bunk. He jumped up just as a tall giraffe came barging through the door. He promptly banged his head on the ceiling, and then rolled over the side of his bunk, falling hard on the floor.

When he came around, his vision slowly faded in to see a worried giraffe right in his face, but the light made his eyes hurt so he closed them again. "Mom, is Amber okay? She was screaming." he let out from his mother's soft lap, feeling her furred hands on his head.

"She's fine. We're more worried about you. You had a bad fall." he heard her say.

He lay still and concentrated for a moment. "I feel fine, well, at least nothing feels broken." He opened his eyes again seeing his mother's brown ones staring back, and then caught a flash of white from his side. Turning he saw the most beautiful creature he could imagine. A unicorn. He started laughing. "I died didn't I?" he asked.

"I don't know if that is a good sign or not." came his sister's voice.

"At least he's talking and moving his toes." he heard his mother say.

Opening his eyes again, Albert raised a hand and looked at the smooth pink skin, "I really thought we would change together. That is so double unfair."

His mother chimed in, "I'm sure you'll change soon. Everyone is different."

"Can I still request the dead option?" he asked annoyed.

"No, but you can have an ice pack." the giraffe said. He closed his eyes and nodded. He heard his sister quickly get up and rush out, only to come back in a moment. Then a cold gel was put under his head.

The rest of the day was spent with Albert nursing his head, eventually his mom concluding he did not have a concussion, being a nurse was better than a trip to the ER, while his sister went through her entire wardrobe four time trying to find a new perfect outfit for school. For her, she had gained a foot in height yet stayed just as slim, making all her skirts shorter and all her shirts revealing more midriff, yet also making everything seem dull against her new pure white coat.

At the end of the night, he kissed his mom good night, then his sister while wishing her luck on finding the right thing to wear, and climbed into his bunk to sleep. With his head the way it was, it was a relief to fall a sleep so easily.

A few days passed, with the most notable events, other than his sister's new found fame as a rare morph, was of Amber getting a reprogramming kit for her hair, a device that could effect the artificial chromosome into doing minor changes like scale patterns or scent augmenting, this one a cheap one for hair effects. Instead of the pure brilliant white, she had changed her mane and tail to her original flaming red, but had begged for the upgrade that also speckled purple in, giving her purple streaks, which her mother had flat out refused at first as the reprogramming was permanent and had to wait five years before it could be attempted again if one ever changed their mind. With the only other thing that was currently different, was how much Albert stared at his sister. In his eyes, she had become even more beautiful, with pictures(there were six other unicorn-morphs in the world and he had four of their autographs)not doing true justice to the living thing, and other parts of himself seemed to notice all the time as well. Yeah, there was some fooling around like normal when they could get away with it, but since his sister's change, she had spent a lot of her time figuring out how to pull off most of her outfits and changing what went with what, while he had spent almost four times the amount jerking off than he had done since he started getting hard-ons.

His new activity increase might have been his downfall, because with only a couple days left before he started school as a freshman, Albert woke up finally changed. His dream had started off a nice one involving him and his sister doing completely adult things that they had yet to fully complete in real life, but then shifted to him walking through a desert. The sun burning him, crisping his skin until it fell off, yet before finding out what grotesque remains were left, he woke. It was the smell of eggs that seemed to actually wake him, so groggily he slid off his bunk and sleepily made his way to his spot at the dining table. His mother and sister chatted away about how Amber had to start doing public things, for a little bit at least, like all the rare types did. Extinct and mythical species seemed to have become automatic celebrities, with some institutions only allowing grants and prizes to those who changed into specific ones. While some places, it was the power one developed that got them treatment, like the New World History Center, which had a group that included the ability to see things that happened in the areas of objects that was enhanced with the power to mentally connect them to one who could then project what was seen as if you were there. It changed history so much, that The Vatican eventually gave up power and settled into just being a historical landmark.

Sitting there, eyes closed, he scratched behind his ear, which seemed odd, but was too tired so dismissed it. It was just a moment later when he reached for the juice, that he finally noticed, his arm had fur on it. White fur with brown splotches. "It happened," he started then noticed as his voice sounded like it was cracking again, "What's wrong with my voice?"

This drew attention from his sister, who finally looked away from her book, which she had been reading while talking to her mother, and broke into hysterical laughter. His mother responded by dropping his plate on the kitchen floor as she turned around with a startled, "Oh dear...,"

"What's wrong, what happened?" he said, then grabbed his throat, "Why do I sound like a..., no!?"

He hurriedly stuffed his hands down his boxers and felt a set of lips like the ones his sister possessed and that he had become quite familiar with, and at the same time, his sister had let out while laughing, "ALBERT HAS BOOBS!"