Family Discount

Story by GreenEyedTiger on SoFurry

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Hey there folks been a long time coming but I've finally got another story for you! I've brought you brother on brother, father on son, and now with my biggest story yet (Nearly 10000 words holy hell!) I bring you some uncle on nephew fun! Per usual if you aren't 18+ or hate incest this isn't the story for you. Otherwise please, enjoy!

Family Discount

"Thanks again for taking me on such short notice that was very worth it" A male lion said as he dressed slowly, looking to the masseur with a wide smile.

"Anytime sir, I didn't have very many clients today so fitting you in was rather simple." The much larger male turned his head and smiled to his client, before looking back to his supplies as he cleaned up. It was odd to see a man like this in the profession, but he found that no one complained about a well muscled tyrannosaurus rex wanting to massage people for a living.

"Works for me Jared. Maybe next time we can consider something a little eh?" the lion mentioned as he let out a playful rawr to the emerald scaled dinosaur. Jerry, or Jared to his clients, simply laughed and turned around crossing his arms staring the lion down a little bit.

"Well sir you know that costs extra, you don't want your wife to get suspicious about your spending do you?"

"W-Well you have a point there Jared..." He laughed nervously as he took a moment to look to the time before his eyes returned to the t-rex, "Thanks for doing it in the nude today at least."

"Ah I prefer to be naked, so if my clients don't care or wanna see some dino dick doesn't bother me much." He laughed at his own bluntness, waving to the lion who returned the laugh before heading for the door.

"See you later then Jared, have a good day."

"You too man." He replied as he let out a deep rumbling sigh after the door closed, "The married ones always seem to be the ones thinking with their dicks... Oh well, more fun for me." He chuckled as he finished his clean up, putting his massage table aside along with the oils he used for the sessions.

The nude lizard took a moment to stretch his body out with a loud yawn, each firm muscle tensing for a moment as he did so. For a guy in his early forties at forty one, Jared was quite proud of the body he'd worked years on obtaining, it fitting well with his stature which sat at a rather respectable six foot five.

He let out a small groan as he continued to stretch his slightly tired body, looking down and smirking to himself as he stared at his large pecs, his firm abs, and his uncut cock resting between his legs, two nice heavy balls sitting below it. He placed a hand on his own hip, his thick tail moving side to side across his muscled rump as he struck a pose for fun.

This was something Jared did from time to time, just to casually observe his own body, another reason he preferred his nudity. Why would he ever want to hide something like that after all?

His thoughts were soon broken though as he heard his cellphone going off on the counter, quickly making his way over to it and picking it up, without actually looking at who was calling (having figured it was probably a client) answering with a cheery tone.

"Hello you got Jared on the line, what can I do for you today?"

"Huh? Uhhh Uncle Jerry?"

"Hmm? Little Kevie is that you?" This was a surprise to the rex, he hadn't heard much from his nephew in the past while, since the boy moved out east with his mother. If he remembered right, Kevie would have turned eighteen not long back now.

"Hey I told you my names Kevin..." The voice on the other line grumbled, the older rex chuckling a little bit as he heard that.

"Oh come on can't an uncle tease his nephew a little? Especially one I haven't seen in years!"

"Heh... Sorry bout that, mom's been busy with work and all. Though we're actually in town for the weekend."

"Oh yeah? Not often you guys come back this way..."

"I got into a college out this way actually, we're just moving some stuff into my dorm before the semester starts next week."

"No fooling? Bah tell your mom she really needs to tell me these things sooner!" He laughed but smiled on the inside. Never having kids of his own, the older rex always had done his best to treat his nephew like a son. It made him quite happy knowing that he was going to be back in town, "So you calling to get some help? I know your mom isn't a pushover bu-"

"Oh no no, nothing like that actually..." Kevin could be heard laughing a bit on the other end of the phone, "I uh... Kind of pulled a muscle in my back. Haven't told mom though, it's freaking killing me."

"Kevie you should have known better! Though why call me, and not just ask your mom to take you to a doctor?"

"I read this sort of thing can be fixed with just a massage... Mom mentioned you're a masseur still so I was kind of wondering if..."

"Oh...OH, I get ya now!" He laughed a little bit as he finally caught on, shaking his head, "Well sure I always got time for my nephew... You're lucky too, I'm free the whole rest of the day."

"Really? Perfect!" He sounded a good bit excited, but Jared couldn't blame him one bit. The older of the pair was feeling quite excited too about seeing his nephew again. After giving him his address, he placed the phone down.

"And I had just finished cleaning up too..." He shook his head as he began to set things back up, humming to himself as he did. It was then he caught a glimpse of himself still butt naked, "...I probably should dress, don't wanna weird the boy out..." He mumbled to himself as he finished getting things prepared, before hustling into the bedroom to get dressed.

It was probably about fifteen minutes later when he heard the doorbell, Jared making his way towards the front door. The t-rex was now sporting a sleek pair of running shorts with a black tank top, both of which still showed off his body nicely, but kept things out of sight just fine.

"Hey Kevie welc...ome" He threw the door opened and was immediately stunned by what he saw standing there. It might have been four years since he'd seen his nephew but damn the boy had grown.

"Heya Uncle Jerry, good to see you again." The handsome young man smiled to his uncle, dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a white t-shirt. He was a little bit shorter than the older rex, but if the clothing clinging to his body said anything, it was that he was definitely just as built. His scales were more of a forest color, deeper in color than Jared's brighter emerald, but the older male found it suited the boy.

"Y-Yeah same to you sport... Holy hell what was your mom feeding you these last four years?!" He finally exclaimed his surprise as he looked Kevin over a little bit, the younger male just laughing slightly.

"Oh uh... Nothing really, just been working out and eating right... I always remembered how big you were when I was younger I wanted to try and be like that too..."

"Well... Must say you're on the fast track to putting your uncle to shame! Anyways get on inside, would be rude to keep you out there ALL day." He let out a hearty laugh as he walked inside, Kevin following behind him, though a small bit slower due to his back.

Although Kevin came for the massage, Jared figured they had some catching up to do first, and showed him into the kitchen first to offer him a drink. The boy laughed but accepted it either way as the pair of t-rex's sat down and began their idle chatter, telling each other about the long four years that had gone by since they last met.

"So all the way back this way for college eh?" Jared finally decided to bring up his school life, downing some of his soda as he looked to the youth, "What are you planning to go through for?"

"Well, I was actually going to take some health science classes." Kevin admitted as he did the same with his drink, "Thanks to you I've always been into working out and stuff... I kinda want to help out others with it ya know? Like a gym teacher or maybe even a professional trainer."

"For real? Hell with a body like that I was sure it would be off of a sports scholarship!" The older of the pair couldn't help but chuckle as he saw his nephew's face turn a muddy brown as he blushed, obviously not used to praise like that, "Though I must say, didn't think I had THAT much influence on you..."

"Are you kidding Jerry? You're the biggest reason for me wanting to go through with it!"

"Well I uh..." Now it was his turn to blush as he rubbed the back of his head with one of his large hands, looking to the boy with a smile, "You sure know how to make an older dino blush kiddo, but it makes me kinda proud to hear it. You know I don't have kids of my own and all..."

"Surprised you never did get married, I mean females must fawn over you all the time right?"

"Err..." He didn't really know what to respond to that one. Sure he had women who liked to flirt with him, but the gay rex never considered anything of the sort with them, "Weeell... Just never found the 'one' if you get me. Plus being single ain't so bad at times... and your turn smart ass, you got a girl?"

"Ouch saw right through my asking huh? Though to answer you, no I don't." The young man just smiled with a handsome toothy grin as he leaned back slightly, immediately cringing when his back flared up again, "...Sorta forgot about that."

"Well looks like we're in the same boat my boy!" He downed the rest of his drink as he noticed the sudden movements from his nephew, remembering they didn't meet just for the two to catch up, "Right I ought to look at that back of yours. Come on, table's up in the living room."

Kevin nodded and got up from his seat, as did Jared, the pair making some small talk as they made their way to the living room, the table along with everything else he'd need for the younger rex's massage ready to go.

"So's this work uncle? Never gotten a professional massage before..."

"Well, depends on your comfort level. I let my clients choose how much clothing they want to shed for this sort of thing... Unless its a full body massage, since I need to get as their muscles I need them at least down to their undies"

"...So you've massaged people naked before?"

"Er well...yeah..." He rubbed the back of his own head a little bit as he laughed nervously, not having expected that one from Kevin, "Comes with the territory I guess... Oh right, we working on just your back or did you want the full body work?"

"Huh? Oh uhm..." Kevin looked a little nervous when Jared asked the question, looking down at his feet for a moment before he nodded to him, "Well I wouldn't mind seeing what a full body is like..."

"Great!" He wasn't sure what made him say that, but Jared blinked and coughed a bit, "I mean uhm... Well drop down to your underwear and we can get started after."

The older male had to try his best to not blush as he watched his nephew, who seemed just as embarrassed by this. The younger male started with his tee shirt, slowly peeling it off and tossing it to the side, revealing rock hard pecs and a firm looking six pack beneath the cloth. Jared could feel himself slightly sweating from the sight, doing his best not to stare.

~Calm yourself Jerry, this boy is your nephew! He might be cute but that's a boundary not to be cr... Holy fuck.~ His train of thought was immediately derailed as he saw Kevin undo his jeans, slipping them down his legs revealing that the boy was wearing a pair of tight white briefs.

It was like looking at a younger version of himself, the muscles on the boys body just like Jared's own had been, firm and rock solid looking. What got the older rex more so was the shape of the bulge in his nephew's brief's, he looked like he was packing for sure.

"Uncle Jerry?" Kevin had tossed his pants to the side looking up at his uncle, wondering if he was alright. Maybe this was a little bit too much for the other t-rex, he'd said he had never massaged another member of the family before after all.

"Huh? Oh uh sorry my boy... Just admiring the work you put into your body. You do your uncle proud!" "Oh uhm...heheh... thanks Uncle Jerry."

"Oh come on now Kevie you're eighteen! Just call me Jerry, no need for formalities." He was trying his best to break the obvious tension in the air, smiling to his nephew.

"O-Oh alright Jerry..." He smiled back at his uncle, before looking to the table and then back to the older male, "So... I just lay down?"

"On your stomach yes, unless you plan to be naked for this." He blurted out without thinking, the pair blushing haaaard, "Oh uh...sorry my boy just something I tell all my customers heh..."

"Well...uhm... M-Maybe later dunno if I'm..."

"Don't worry about it my boy." He smiled and moved beside the table looking at him as he gave it a pat. Kevin let out a deep breath nodding to him as he walked over and gently laid down on his front, placing his head into the rest, feeling nervous still but less so when he felt his uncle place a towel over this rump.

"Alright... now if anything feels weird or sore just lemme know alright?" He told his nephew as he grabbed a bottle of oil from the counter near by, popping it open. Kevin replied with a simple ok, as Jared took a deep breath.

~He's just another client... Don't feel weird about this Jerry...~ He thought to himself as he began pouring oil onto his back, chuckling to the small jump that usually happened for someone new to this.

"Cold!" He heard his nephew shout, while he just shook his head and continued till there was a good bit on his back.

"It's fine, it will warm up in a moment." He replied as he placed both of his strong hands onto the boy's backside, slowly beginning with spreading the oil across his body. He heard a few sounds come from his nephew, figuring he was at times hitting the spots that were being an issue, which helped the older rex greatly.

With the oils spread, Jared began his real work as he reached up to Kevin's shoulders and began to firmly rub them. Like with any client his motions were slow and firm, making sure to work the muscles properly, after all there was nothing worse than a rushed job.

"W-Wow that feels good Jerry..."

"Haha I've only just stared my boy." He chuckled as his hands made their way down his shoulder blades, gently working the spot for a moment before adding some pressure. That got a grunt from Kevin like he thought it would, though he knew that the real problem was more in his lower back.

Jared refused to work quickly though, savouring each firm muscle on the boy's back, loving the feeling of it against his paws. He hated to admit it, but his nephew was one hot man... A shame they were related.

"Mmm..." He heard from Kevin, which made him blush as he realized that he was obviously pleasing the younger t-rex, making Jared gulp as he worked to keep his own emotions in check while making his way down further. He ended up with a loud groan this time right where he figured he would, making him laugh.

"Seems we found the problem huh?"


"Don't worry just a knot in your muscles, this should fix it just fine..." He was gentle as he spoke to keep up the ambiance, a calm relaxing setting for his nephew. The groans continued for a bit as Jared worked the muscles, easing their tension. These soon gave way to more pleased sounds which brought a smile to his face.

As he got lower, his eyes dipped down to the towel covering his nephew's rump, which made him blush again. Even covered he could tell just how tight and firm it looked, his hands rubbing along his lower back just above the thick tail. He was taking deep breaths making damn sure he kept himself in check, resisting the urge to go down further for a feel.

"So uhm uncle...?"

"Hmm?" He was broken from his thoughts as he looked up, his hands just above the towel, quite nearly slipping under it, "What's wrong?"

"Full body massage... means my legs and front too right?"

"Well yeah full body means... well everything." He replied as he moved past Kevin's rump, going down to his legs, pouring oil onto both of them before starting.

"O-Ok..." He replied to him, going silent again, making Jared raise an eyebrow as he lifted one of the boy's legs and began to rub the muscles there. As he did this, he blushed slightly as the towel lifted up slightly giving him a look at his underwear covered butt once more, making him quickly look away to not stare.

~Get a hold of yourself Jared, this is Kevin. Your nephew, not a piece of me-~

"Uhm... Are you gonna be rubbing my glutes too?"

"Er... huh?" He stopped for a moment as he heard what his nephew asked, making him turn a deep brown in color as his face became flushed, "W-Well I do whatever my clients ask, if you want a butt massage... Er well you can get one if you want..."

"Uhm well... Guess I wouldn't mind doing the full version of a full body haha..."

"From what my clients say it does actually feel better for every muscle to get rubbed down so it's not weird if that's what you're thinking Kevin."


"The glutes are a major muscle after all so it's perfectly normal so long as you trust the masseur."

"Well... I trust you Jerry." He replied with a much calmer tone of voice, but if he had seen how embarrassed he had just made the older rex, he might be thinking differently.

"That means a lot to me my boy, we'll finish up your legs and get to that after." He replied as he began to give the younger male a quick foot rub, making Kevin squirm slightly. He laughed a bit seeing that watching as he made this massive rex wiggle just from rubbing his feet like this.

The exact same thing happened on his next leg, when he got down to the foot Kevin began to squirm making Jared joke about how ticklish he was there. It helped relieve the tension between them, which was good cause the part that had been making Jared's throat go dry was coming up.

He gulped slightly as he looked to the towel covering Kevin's ass, gently reaching down and lifting it up, noticing the boy jolt slightly.

"S-Sorry Uncle, that was just sudden..."

"H-Heh it's fine... Here lemme start with your tail then we can uh... go on ok?" He watched as Kevin gave his best kind of nod, before he took a deep breath and poured some oil onto his hands. He gently took hold of his nephew's tail rubbing it nice and slow so that he wouldn't make him feel any more nervous than he already knew they both were.

With his tail in the air like that, Jared couldn't help but let his eyes dip down to the cloth covered rump, taking it it's shape. He didn't know what he was thinking at the time but he licked his lips softly, which made him blush hard as he tried to focus on rubbing the boy's scaly tail instead.

~God damn it Jared stop perving out on your fucking NEPHEW. You're sick...~ He shouted at himself as he let his tail lay back down, looking to Kevin's ass once more, "Uhm...since I'm going to be rubbing there I'm gonna have to..."

"Oh...Ooooh... erm..." Kevin sounded extremely uncomfortable again, which Jared was about to mention as he suddenly lifted up a bit, giving the older rex the ok to pull them off.

~Son of a...~ He bit his lower lip now as he gripped the waistband of his tighty whities, peeling them down. He was slow, purposely, as he revealed the firm ass cheeks his nephew had, feeling his own cock twitch in his suddenly tighter feeling shorts, ~God damn...~

He tried to eventually look away, doing so for a moment as he pulled the underwear from his nephew's body, holding onto it still as he looked to him again, watching him lay down fully again with them off, his firm ass and young balls easily see able like this.

~This... is so, so fucking wrong.~ He thought to himself, but that didn't stop him from bringing Kevin's underwear up to his face taking a light sniff of the brief's detecting quite the manly musk coming from it. It had been a long time since he'd smelled the scent of another male rex like himself, it caused his body to shiver as he pressed them against his snout to get a better take of it.

"Everything ok Jerry?" The sound of Kevin's voice startled him, making him quickly pull the underwear away from his nose and looked to the boy, silently sighing as he noticed he hadn't seen what he just did.

"Y-Yeah just taking a quick uh breather. I'll start up again in a sec don't worry my boy."

"A-alright... Just feels weird being naked haha..."

"D-Don't worry about it sport, it's natural." He chuckled somewhat as he looked down to his own shorts, frowning as he noticed the rather revealing bulge in them from his hardening cock. He looked then to the undies in his grip once more, before tossing them down remembering he had a professional job to do here.

~Nephew Jared. Family.~ He had to remind himself as he rubbed his paws together before grabbing the oil, very delicately applying some to the boy's firm ass. He noticed Kevin shiver again, making the older rex smile as he put the bottle down. He hesitated for a moment though before taking a deep breath and placing both hands onto both of his cheeks.

Jared wanted to smack himself now as perverted thoughts immediately hit him as he began to spread the oil across Kevie's rump, the boy's glutes were definitely well defined. He could hear his nephew's nervous breathing though, so it reminded him to go slow with this and not spook the kid any. That was the last thing either of them needed right now after all.

It didn't take long before simple rubs turned into firm massaging, Jared firmly biting his lip again as he went to work. It had been a while since he had felt an ass like this, and no matter what he tried it was turning him on. His own cock was beginning to strain against his shorts, sitting at full attention as Jared continued whether he liked it or not.

Kevin on the other hand seemed to stop breathing nervously after a while, if anything hewas rather enjoying this new treatment. The young man had never had anyone play with his ass like this before, it was different in some ways... though he knew it wasn't sexual, or at least in his mind it wasn't.

Jared on the other hand was fighting his urges to do something to the boy as his firm rubbing was soon giving away to groping more or less. He still made it seem like he was focused on the massage aspect but now he was intentionally spreading the boy's cheeks every now and then, trying to get a glimpse of the tail star hidden between.

"This might feel a bit odd Kevin but I just need to stretch your muscles here alright?"

"Huh? What m...erm..." He felt his face flush as Jerry gripped his cheeks and spread them apart more forcefully at one point. He didn't say anything cause he knew that his uncle was a pro at massaging but it was still rather embarrassing.

~God damn Kevin you have such a great ass...~ His inhibitions were falling to the side now as he looked at his tight looking hole, licking his lips firmly. Not wanting to seem like he was purposely doing this, he began rubbing Kevin's cheeks once more while he was spread, before slowly dipping his head down.

He made sure that he was careful about this, not wanting Kevin to know what he was about to do, as he moved his snout close to the boy's tailhole taking a deep breath. The scent made him shudder lightly as the young man's musk got to him, much more potent than his clothing. Jared liked it though as he continued to breathe his scent in, wishing he could press his nose right against him.

He pulled back however before he went too far, the thought of going down on his nephew and giving him a deep rimming finally snapped him back to reality. He let go of the young male's cheeks and adjusted himself so that his hard cock would not be as visible before clearing his throat.

"R-Right if you wanna flip over we can do the front now..."

"We're done with the back then...?" He pouted a bit though Jared couldn't see, he'd actually really enjoyed the ass massage. He thought about asking his uncle to keep going, but figured it might be weird if he did, ~Maybe I can get him to do it again after?~ He thought to himself as he began to flip over, his thick cock coming into Jerry's view.

Jared blushed hard once more when he noticed that, trying his best to avert his eyes and grab the towel. Even so he couldn't help but stare at Kevin's semi hard cock, comparing it to his own... If he had to venture a guess, in a few years his nephew would have a proud eleven inches like his uncle did.

Before Kevin could catch him staring at his youthful cock and balls, he quickly covered him up with the towel and grabbed the bottle of oil, smiling to his nephew, all the while making sure to hide his own arousal.

"So if a back massage was that awesome Uncle Jerry, how good is a front one?"

"You're about to find out." He replied to the eighteen year old with a chuckle, as he gripped the bottom of his own shirt not realizing how hot it was in the room till now, "You mind if I take this off for now? Boiling even in it."

"Oh uh... Go right ahead, it is your house..." Kevin replied with a quick laugh which was soon stifled as he watched Jared peel the shirt off and throw it to the side. The young man might have been big, but Jared was an adonis compared to him still. He could feel himself beginning to blush as he tried to look to the side but something stopped him from doing so, eyeing the males pecs and nipples.

~God whats wrong with me? That's my uncle for crying out loud...~ He finally looked to the side as Jerry moved up to him and began pouring oil onto his chest. He felt that familiar shiver go through his body as it was applied, making him close his eyes for a bit as he looked back up.

Like he'd done with his back, the older rex began to spread the oil along his body making sure to get it on every inch, including his arms and neck. Leaning his face down he began to gently massage Kevin's neck muscles, wanting to get a close look at what he was doing since this could be uncomfortable.

Their faces were quite close to each others now, so when Kevin opened his eyes he blinked for a moment seeing the older man that close up. Jared looked to Kevin's face as well their eyes meeting for a moment as they stared. The older male smiled to him in a comforting way, getting one back in return.

~Would be really easy to kiss him right now...~ Jared thought to himself as his head dipped slightly downward, before he realized what he'd just thought and pulled back up quickly, though made it seem like he was doing so to begin massaging his nephew's pectorals.

~W-Wow ok that was awkward...~ Kevin thought to himself as the older rex moved away, the younger male smacking himself mentally, ~Good thing he moved... I just about kissed him...~

The tense feeling in the air came back, which made Jared frown a little bit as he worked, wanting to make his nephew relax again. It started to work eventually as he noticed him close his eyes, which made him smile again as he began on his arms after he was done rubbing his chest.

The older male wouldn't have minded playing with his nipples a bit before moving on but he continued to remind himself about who this was, he couldn't do that to a family member. He felt bad enough about what happened before after all. Though thinking about it made his member twitch once more making him silently grumble as he tried to focus.

This focus got harder to maintain though as he worked his nephew's abs. Every so often as he rubbed that glorious six pack, his hand would brush against the towel slightly moving it. Kevin still had his eyes closed at this point, laying back and enjoying the massage, Jared's mind was nowhere close to being that relaxed though.

The tent being made with the towel was driving him nuts, and as much as he didn't want to stare, he was. He wanted to rip that towel away and see what was beneath it, to see what his nephew's cock was like up close. That's when he remembered this was a full body massage... he'd have to get at areas under the towel anyways.

"Hey sport?"

"Hmm?" He lifted his head and looked at his uncle, "What's wrong?"

"Oh uh... Just need your permission to move the towel... There are some spots I need to get at under it but um I can leave it there if it's too embarrassing."

"O-Oh ok... Uhm..." Kevin felt his face flush again as he looked to his uncle, before looking to the towel, where one of Jared's hands was now resting. He could tell they were both nervous, even though Jared had briefly been able to see him exposed fully before, this was going to be longer than a few seconds.

"Like I said I can work with the towel there, I just uh... can't see as well if I do."

"...Ah fuck it Uncle Jerry, you saw it before." He replied trying his best to smile, though his heart was racing now as he stared at the surprised looking dinosaur.

"Well... If you're sure." He said as he looked to the towel, slowly peeling it back, almost purposely. As the cloth was removed, he felt himself tense for a moment as Kevin's dick was once again visible, though it seemed to have filled out more from the massage to his front. He tossed the towel to the side, smiling to Kevin as he grabbed the oil once again, pouring some onto his legs.

"I'll start down here again, work my way up."

"S-Sure Jerry." Kevin was watching now, which made the older male gulp and hoped he wouldn't slip with what he was doing. He began with rubbing both legs in unison, starting low making sure to take his time, while not staring at his nephew's exposed genitals as much as he would have liked to.

Time felt rather slow for both dinos as Jared worked his way up inch by inch, eventually reaching his inner thighs. The older male was doing his best to not stare at Kevin, but at this point it was hard not to considering where his hands currently were. Things were fine though, at least they were till he felt his hand accidentally graze the boys balls.

He almost stopped himself at what he'd just done, but as he looked up to Kevin's face, it seemed like either the younger male didn't notice... or didn't care.

"You ok Uncle?"

"Hmmm? Oh yeah just making sure you're enjoying yourself that's all." He laughed slightly before returning his gaze back down, taking a deep breath as he moved his paws away from his thighs, to work on the boy's hips.

"Mmm remind me to get more of these Uncle Jerry, they're awesome..." He heard Kevin mutter as the teenage rex laid his head back down finally, making the older rex a bit more relieved.

"Anytime you need one don't hesitate to ask, I'll make sure to give you the family discount." He said in reply as he continued to rub his nephew down, though now with him not watching, Jared found himself intently staring at Kevin's cock again.

~God... He's truly one heck of a male t-rex...~ He thought to himself, finding his head dipping lower while his paws moved to the boy's waist, rubbing along it instead now. He brought himself closer and closer to Kevin's thick meat, taking in his musky scent, his own body shivering once more.

~So big... Just like his uncle...~ His paws were slowly moving more inward, he seemed a bit lost in his own thoughts now. Kevin still wasn't looking though, but the feeling of Jared rubbing so close to a place so sensitive made him lightly moan as his cock twitched involuntarily.

~Fuck what I wouldn't give to just...~ His body completed that thought for him however, as he opened his maw, quickly taking his nephew's whole cock right into it. Without even thinking about it he sucked on it for a few seconds before pulling off with an audible wet slap.

"W-What the hell was that Uncle Jerry?!" He heard his nephew shout to him, making him look up to the boy's confused face with a smile. Kevin hadn't seen it coming in the least, but when he felt that wet mouth around his now rock solid cock he'd shot up just in time to see his uncle sucking him.

"You mean this Kevin?" His prior worries seemed to have melted away now as he went back down on his nephew, once more wrapping his mouth around the whole thing before suckling on it.

"H-Holy fuck..." Was all the younger male could say as he watched his UNCLE suck on his cock. He wanted to yell at him to stop, but he couldn't find the words as he silently watched Jared enjoy his meat. He went down on him a bit longer this time, not stopping till the boy let out a sharp moan, pulling off once more.

"You've got a great dick here Kevie, you should be proud..." He muttered as he looked to his stunned nephew, before wrapping a hand around it. Kevin gasped sharply as he watched this happen, his face a deep brown in colour as Jared slowly stroked him.

"G-God damn... Y-You really doing this uncle?"

"Heh... Can't believe it myself but... Yeah." His reply was quick as he let go of his nephews cock, moving up to his chest before dragging his tongue along one of his nipples.

"Oh god...oh god..." Was all he could say to this, never once considering that his uncle swung the same way he did. He was too shocked to say much more though as he watched the older adonis simply enjoy himself with the younger male's body.

Eventually Jared's tongue slipped away from his chest, as he licked upwards to Kevin's neck. From there he moved his head again, staring his nephew right in the eyes with a lusty grin on his face, before his lips met the other rex's.

Kevin wasn't sure what to do at first, but the heat of the sudden moment between the two got to him as he began pressing back into the kiss with gusto. They both pulled back eventually and looked to each other before kissing again, though with much more passion.

Both of their inhibitions had faded away as they began to make out, mouths soon opening as they deepened their kiss, tongues darting between each others maws. Kevin sat up during this time so that his uncle wouldn't need to lower himself as much as they tasted each other, his hands soon finding their way to the older males shorts.

Without even watching what he was doing, Kevin pulled them down forcefully, making his uncle moan as his strained cock was freed from his cloth prison, a bead of pre dripping from it and onto the floor.

Their kiss soon broke as they rested their heads against one another panting deeply while they looked at one another, slightly laughing with each other as Kevin looked down to his uncle's erect dick.

"Damn Uncle Jerry... That thing is massive..."

"Give yours time bet you'll match up to mine."

"Heh maybe...Can I...?" He noticed Jared nod before he smiled and looked down to his dripping meat, wrapping a paw around it, "F-First time I've ever touched another one..."

"You can do more than touch if you'd like..." Jared mentioned to him, watching Kevin's eyes go wide, before he laid back down, turning on his side to be able to reach it better. Jerry grinned widely as he moved as well, rubbing the tip of his cock on Kevin's face, "Just go at your own pace."

"R-Right..." Kevin muttered deciding to take a taste of it, slowly dragging his tongue along the pre covered tip. It was obvious that he was new to this, but the older male didn't mind as he felt that slick dino tongue rubbing his glans, causing him to shoot some pre right onto it.

He could see the blush on Kevin's face when that happened but he smiled down at him, reassuring him that he was doing a good job. That made the younger rex smile before he went further, trying to do the same thing Jared had just done prior, wrapping his muzzle firmly around the older man's cock.

"Mmm... Never done this before? God that's hard to believe..." Jared moaned out as he felt his nephew beginning to suck on his cock, imitating the way he'd just done it to him. He was a little awkward with it at first but he seemed to learn quite quickly as he began to bob up and down on his uncle's thick cock, making the older man swoon.

Kevin growled contently around Jared's cock, the feeling and taste of it becoming more and more arousing as he gave him the blowjob, his paw slipping down to his own drooling dick firmly stroking it. Seeing that made the older rex grin as he decided to take the reigns from his nephew, gripping his head lightly.

The younger male stopped for a moment, looking up at Jared only to blush hard as he felt him beginning to thrust. He knew what face fucking was though so he simply put his best effort into sucking him off while the other male firmly made use of his mouth.

"Yeah you love that dino dick don't you boy? Uncle Jared taste good?" He got a moan in reply to this as Kevin closed his eyes, sucking harder on the males throbbing member. Jared didn't plan to let the fun only consist of this however as he grinned, eventually pulling back from his nephew's mouth.

"Huh? Whats wrong did I do something w..." He stopped as he felt his uncle pressing him onto his back again, smiling as he realized what the older male wanted. Jared grinned widely as he moved his head back down to the boy's erection slowly dragging his tongue along it and down to his balls, giving them a nice kiss before bathing them as well with his broad appendage.

The pair groaned in unison as Jared bathed the males cock with his tongue, lubing it up nicely with his saliva before wrapping his mouth around it once more. He began to twist his head lightly as he bobbed on it, smirking as he saw how much it made the boy squirm. He knew how a blowjob worked pretty damn well and was eager to show him a hell of a lot more.

That came in the form of what he did next, as he swallowed around his nephew taking his cock deeper causing a sharp gasp from Kevin. Jared had no gag reflex anymore, even with someone his nephew's size, he could easily deep throat them like this and he always loved how they'd react.

In this case, Kevin was gripping the massage table tightly as he moaned and bucked his hips, trying to push himself deeper into the older mans maw, shooting pre quite forcefully into it. With another swallow from his uncle, the boy moaned in deep pleasure, his manhood beginning to twitch.

Jared wasn't about to let the fun end there however as he pulled back from his nephew's throbbing erection making him whine as he looked up panting heavily.

"U-Uncle Jared why'd you stop I was..."

"Exactly why I stopped..." He muttered as he poured some of the oil he'd been using for the massage onto his hand, which slipped down below his tail suddenly. Kevin blushed deeply as he watched his uncle doing this, knowing from the wet sounds that he was fingering himself with the oil. Was he planning to...?

Before Kevin could finish thinking though, the older rex smirked and suddenly climbed up onto the table with him, the furniture creaking lightly. Jared had made sure that it could hold a good deal of weight though, for reasons like this as he laid against his muscled nephew, kissing him deeply once more as their cocks now rubbed together.

The pair moaned together as Jared moved his body intentionally, making sure they rubbed against one another, the oils and sweat making both scaled bodies gleam from the light of the room. Eventually he pulled back from his nephew smiling down at him, as he went to position himself in another way.

"So my boy, still a virgin?"

"O-Of course I never knew how to ever go about... doing... this..." His speech became slow as he watched his uncle lift up and turn around to show his broad backside. Whats more was when he lifted up his tail and showed his own perfect ass off to the boy, lowering down a bit to feel his cock rub up against his cheeks.

"Wanna plow your uncle hmmm?"

"Good god yes!"

"Heh... You got it sport." Jared slid back up letting Kevin feel his cock rub up against his ass some more as he reached back with one hand to slowly spread himself. Kevin bit his lip as he watched what his uncle was doing, his heart racing in anticipation as he watched him begin to lower back down.

Jared loved the way he made Kevin moan as his cock tip came into contact with the rex's lubed up hole, making sure to grind it across the opening a few times to tease him. When he felt his nephew's hands come to his hips he grinned and decided that was more than enough before he slammed himself down HARD, easily taking the boy's cock to the root.

Kevin nearly screamed in pleasure as his uncle, this sex god so easily took him like that. He could tell though Jared did feel that one a bit, even though he was able to take it like that, but he didn't seem to mind in the slightest as he gave his nephew a firm clench.

"G-God dammit Jerry... your ass feels amazing..."

"H-Heh same to your cock stud... Fuuuuck shoulda been more careful, biggest I've had in a while..." He grunted as he let himself adjust a little bit before slowly lifting up, causing another moan to come from his nephew. He let go of his own ass cheek, placing it onto his thigh along with the other one as he moaned himself, beginning to slowly ride the boys cock, making sure to keep his tail nice and high in the air.

Kevin squirmed with delight as he felt his uncle beginning to use his cock like this, watching him lift up revealing his hard length only to slide right back down hiding it from sight once more. It didn't take him too long before he was picking up his pace, letting out deep moans every time he pushed back down, to which Kevin would press up against him to make sure it got deeper.

The sweet scent of sex and manly musk filled the room as the saurs continued with their romp, the feeling of Kevin's cock even getting a few roars out of Jared, something he rarely did when he bottomed.

Kevin meanwhile was fighting the urge to cum too quickly as his uncle became more forceful with his riding, nearly pulling off each time before slamming back down onto him. The younger male wasn't just laying there though, as he used his hands to bring Jared down with some force as he would thrust up hard, panting lewdly with each one.

Soon though he began to feel the familiar urge rising in his body as his panting became erratic, the thrusting becoming more wild with each time that the older male smacked back down on him.


"Do it you hot fucker, fill your uncle's tight ass!" That was all Kevin needed to hear from him, as he let out a resounding roar of his own, slamming Jared down firmly onto his cock. It twitched violently inside of him before he began to unload shot after shot of thick hot tyrannosaurus cum deep inside of him.

He had to have cum for about a good thirty second before he finally felt himself slowing to a trickle as he fell back firmly on the table panting. Jared was panting as well, grinning widely as he felt the hot spunk inside of him, sitting for another moment on his nephew's still hard dick before slipping off, making the boy shiver from the sensitivity.

"F-Fuck that was incredible..."

"You think so huh? Wait till you feel this..."

"Wait we're not do... whoooooa!" As he went to look up, his uncle who had slipped off the table took hold of his legs and pulled him towards the edge of the table, before lifting both of them into the air. His tail draped low, revealing the boy's firm ass once more to Jared who grinned and lifted it closer.

"Heh I'm taking all of your virginity today Kevie... God what a great ass..." He growled lustfully as he leaned his head down pressing his nose firmly between the boy's cheeks making Kevin gulp and moan a little bit as he watched him take in his scent.

The older tyrannosaurus rex let out another deep growl as he spread his nephew's legs a little bit more to get better access, rubbing his snout firmly against his tailhole which was wet with sweat. The musk was driving him wild as he continued to inhale it, gripping his boy's legs tightly before pulling back and running his tongue along his hole.

"F-Fuck Jerry..." Kevin of course knew what this was, it was a rim job. From the way his uncle looked, he quite enjoyed doing this no less as he felt that tongue rub up against his hole once more. Each lick was firm and on its mark, making his ass a wetter mess. It didn't last long though before the rex wanted a much better taste as he forcefully shoved his tongue into Kevin's virgin hole.

He had to grip the table once more as he let out a heated moan of pleasure, closing his eyes as he felt his uncle's slick tongue working it's way deep inside of him like that. What made it even better is when he began to pull it back only to shove it in again, tongue fucking him good and hard.

His claws soon were digging into the table as his cock stood at full attention once more from the pleasure he was getting from Jared, almost breaking a part of it when he felt him actually get his tongue deep enough that he was able to kiss his tailhole.

The deep tongue job lasted another few minutes before he pulled back licking his lips, and lowered the boy back down, though kept his legs up and spread. Kevin lifted his head once more as he looked to Jared with his own lusty gaze, the older male rawring playfully at him as he moved closer, grinding his cock in between the teenagers cheeks.

"You wanna know what it's like to be fucked by a man Kevie?"

"Y-Yes Jerry..."

He pressed himself hard against the boy growling deeply from his throat as he grinned down at him, "Like you mean it boy! You want this don't you?"

"YES! Yes Uncle Jared, fuck me raw god dammit!"

"Fuck yeah just like that..." He replied as he moved back, lining his thick cock head up to the boy's eager hole, rubbing it firmly against him. Jared might have been lost in his sexual desires, but he knew the boy was still a virgin. Keeping that in mind he was slow to start, gently easing his bare erection into the boy's hole making him groan and clench at first.

Seeing that Jared stopped for a moment letting Kevin relax before he nodded signalling that he wanted him to continue. All to ready to oblige he nodded in return, pushing this thick cock head past the males tight ring, a groan escaping both of them as the older male pushed more in.

Every few inches or so he would stop, noticing that Kevin was grimacing a slight bit, to give him a chance to adjust. He wanted his nephew's first time to be as amazing as possible, though he knew he'd still be sore in the morning. Inch of inch of his dinosaur cock slid into Kevin, the younger male soon not needing him to stop as often. After a few more minutes they both let out a satisfied moan as Jared managed to get balls deep into him.

"Mmm... So tiiiight..."

"And so thick... God damn Uncle Jared... I love it..."

"Oh same here Kevie... Fuck, this is the tightest ass I've ever had around my dick I think..."

"H-Heh well glad you enjoooooy it..." He moaned his words as Jared began to slowly pull back, only a couple inches before thrusting back into him. He wanted to make sure that he was fully used to it before, as Kevin put it, he fucked him raw.

The boy was taking it pretty well though, and soon he was pulling back more and more of his thick member, groaning in pleasure each time he pushed back into his tight ass, those clenches making shivers run down his spine each time. Kevin was playing with his own cock now, pawing himself slowly in time with Jared's thrusts.

Another ten minutes passed of the slow fucking, Jared now easily pulling back most of his erection before pushing it back into him deep. When he noticed this he grinned at Kevin who returned the smirk as he began thrusting both faster and harder. The sound of flesh slapping firmly together filled the air along with their moans, Jared becoming quite the rough beast knowing his nephew could take it.

In and out, he continued to slam his cock into his nephew who cried out in euphoria as the older man hit all the right places. He kept him spread firmly as he fucked him, making sure that each time he pushed in his balls would slap up against the younger male, a feeling both were enjoying.

The cheeky teenager had other plans though as he snaked his tail up through his uncles legs, the older rex never expecting it as he slammed his tail tip into him, causing Jared to slam in even harder.

"Oh you sneaky little fucker! If that's how you wanna play it..." He growled playfully at Kevin as his thrusting hit their peak with force, going as rough as he could go with the younger man. Kevin seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it however, as he continued to tail fuck his uncle letting out pleasured moans and dirty words.

Soon the combined feeling of the tail in his own ass, with his cock thrusting in and out of the young tyrannosaurus made his body tense knowing he was coming close to shooting his load. Bearing this in mind he quickly leaned forwards, letting go of one of his legs and made use of his paw to grip Kevin's head.

He pushed the boy into another deep kiss right as he slammed home for the final time, his cock tensing up as he began to return the favor to Kevin, shooting his own heavy load deep inside of his nephew.

The pair moaned in unison as they kissed sloppily, the force of his uncles orgasm causing Kevin to wind up shooting another of his own loads between the two dinosaurs, coating both of their chests and stomachs in thick white spooge.

Even as their combined orgasm's faded, the pair continued to kiss, relishing their afterglow together, as Jared collapsed onto his nephew from the intense ejaculation. They held their kiss for another minute or so before both needed to gasp for air, panting wildly as they lay there, Jared's cock still buried inside of his nephew.

"Hah...hah...hah... I think... I made us a nice mess..." Kevin finally spoke up a few minutes after, both taking the time to catch their breath. Jared simply laughed as he slowly slipped out of his nephew's ass, though didn't quite move from his body just yet.

"Nothing a shower can't fix."

"Haha... I guess so. We sharing?"

"Obviously." The older rex laughed as he got up, helping his nephew off the table. He was quite the resilient one it seemed, as he wasn't walking too funny as they made their way to the bathroom together.

Their lustful passions didn't end afterwards however, as the two hugged each other tightly while the spray of the shower began to wash away all traces of the deed. The pair nuzzled against each other as they washed up, kissing every now and then as they did. Groping and fondling occurred more than once, though they managed to keep themselves from screwing each other silly in the shower.

The two remained nude even after they were done, Jared inviting his nephew to stay for supper which the younger man delightfully agreed to. The pair cooked their food together, some butt slapping and making out interrupting them from time to time. Even so, they still managed to make a tasty meal, enjoying it together.

It wasn't long before their lust grew again though, and as Kevin observed his uncle going about with the dishes, he couldn't stop himself from trying something as he snuck over and returned the hot rimming that he;d received back in the living room (not that Jared minded in the slightest).

Night was quick to fall on the tyrannosaurus rex pairing as they continued their playful acts well into the day, fucking at least twice before before the exhaustion caught up with them, Jared dragging his nephew to bed with him.

"Hey Uncle Jerry?" He heard his nephew ask, as they snuggled up against one another, wrapping their arms tightly around their muscled bodies.

"What's up Kevin?"

"I loved everything we did today and all... but is this... wrong?"

"Mmm..." Jared might have thought that earlier but now he wasn't so sure, "Society might think it is... but nuts to them my boy." He finally answered, giving his lover a quick kiss on the lips, which Kevin quickly returned.

"Soooo... If I were to ask you out on a date..."

"Your mom would kill me you know."

"She's still gonna be living out east, and you know I love you Uncle Jerry."

"Haha good point... And I love you too Kevin, those years apart without you sucked quite a lot... Still you're young you know. You sure you want this?"

"Mhm, I thought a lot about it after our uh... fun during my massage."

"Heh you little romantic you! Though... Can't say I haven't been thinking too. I still have my business though, you o-" He was silenced by another kiss from Kevin, who pressed up closer to Jared before pulling back.

"Could care less... Maybe you can teach me, knowing how to massage would be a big help in my field."

"Heh... an uncle and nephew massage team sounds pretty hot anyways."

"That too you pervert." They laughed together as they rested their heads against one another, each with a smile on their face "So...?"

"Like you have to ask that Kevin. I love you"

"Love you too Jerry." He replied as the dinosaurs were quick to let their exhaustion take over as they fell into a deep sleep holding one another. The last thought Jared had was of the new name of his massage business that he'd ask Kevin to join him in. He knew the boy wanted to be a trainer, but he could easily set up a home business with Jared, after all 'Family Discount Training and Massage' had a rather nice ring to it.

~Fin By GreenEyedTiger

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He's A Deep Sleeper

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