The Demon Shoes

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You can just guess who this is for. A story for the famous sneaker wolf, but for a change, not one that goes along with an image. Nope, this is an entirely original one, and also guest stars two characters belonging to the inkbunny famous SammyStowes. I hope you enjoy this longer story, and comment if you do.

The Demon Shoes For Crisp By Draconicon

A night like any other, except that it wasn't. After all, how often was a demon floating through one's house?

The red mist floated through the rooms of the wolf house, sliding along the sconces and portraits as it searched for a new home. Long banished from Hell for its treatment of the creatures assigned to the pits, it had survived by feeding off of one person after another. Its last host had finally managed to banish it through an exorcism, and now it had little time to find another before it lost all of its power.

The adults were out of the question. In any other time, they would have been prime targets, but in its weakened state, the demon had no chance of overcoming the willpower of an adult. No, he needed something else, something weaker, but still full of life.

He passed over the dog basket and over the goldfish tank, and then paused at another room. The door was closed, but covered with signs of super heroes and posters of action movies. A small scent, but one that he was familiar with, eked out from under the door. The demon lowered itself, sliding through the crack between door and floor, and slid into the room.

Asleep on the bed at the far end of the room was a young wolf. Eleven years old, the demon would guess, and showing all the signs of maturity that the age suggested, which was to say, none. Red and gray pajamas covered the boy for the most part, but his feet were bare. His chest rose and fell with even breaths, the wolf fast asleep and waiting for the morning to come.

Perfect, thought the demon. Young, not yet old enough to know the power of temptations and the things the demon could use to feed, the wolf would be the perfect host. The demon just needed to find the right thing to possess to remain close to the boy. Something valuable to him, something that would be with him all the time.

It didn't take long to find it.

Yawning, Crisp reached out and slapped the alarm clock before it could wake everyone else in the house up. Despite having his doors closed, his parents would have heard the ringing through the admittedly thin walls. Just like he heard them during the night when they were doing...stuff.

Shuddering at the thought, the wolf pulled himself out of bed. No time for showers this morning, he thought as he rushed to his dresser. A white shirt, red and gray shorts; both were pulled on quickly, tugged on over his body. It was just a bit tight, he thought, but that was just because he was growing. His mom would be getting him some new clothes before too long, and then he'd be able to fit them again.

A pair of socks were grabbed, and he sat down on the foot of his bed, tugging them over his feet. He groaned a bit to himself, knowing that he was probably going to get his mom and dad a little annoyed that he was leaving without a shower, but there really, really wasn't time for it. He was supposed to meet Josh - a kitten friend of his who was only a few years younger - on the way to school, and they were meeting up somewhere kind of out of the way. Not his first choice, but when the kitten left home, he didn't have the same direct route to school that Crisp did. Shaking his head and figuring that he'd deal with it later, Crisp reached down for his shoes.

They were his pride and joy, just about the only thing that he didn't want to replace in his wardrobe. They were hightop sneakers, matching the colors of his clothes perfectly, and they were some of his oldest things. He had been running and walking in these things for so long, and they'd been the height of fashion when he'd first got them. Some people had even said that they wished that they could have things like them. Of course, that had faded now, but the memories were still there, and he still could think of them while he was wearing the shoes.

He pulled them on with a smile. There was a weird tingle as he pulled them over his feet, and they didn't feel quite so tight as they used to. He hoped that they weren't giving out, but there wasn't much time for him to think about that. He needed to get going.

Wriggling his toes around in the sneakers, the wolf hurried out of his room. He paused only for a second in the kitchen, grabbing a couple pieces of bread from the counter before hurrying out the door.

It wasn't a very long walk, but it was different today than usual. Despite the chill in the air, Crisp felt like his feet were pressed against a warm furnace. It didn't hurt, exactly, but it had his feet a lot warmer than they usually were, and it felt like they were sweating against his socks a lot. Wet and slippery, and he had to fight the temptation to take them off to look at the inside. After all, out here he didn't have anything to change into, and he didn't have any new socks either.

So, he dealt with it, and started walking a little faster, hoping to get to school quickly.

Or at least, he did for a minute. Before long his shoelaces started to come loose, and he had to stop and fiddle with them, pulling them together and tying another knot. He was able to walk for another minute before they came loose again, and he had to kneel down and tie another knot.

This repeated itself almost six times before he threw up his hands in frustration.

"What's wrong with you, shoes?!"

"Nothing at all. What's wrong with you?"

The wolf yelped, almost jumping out of his skin as his shoes actually answered him, and he did almost leap off of the sidewalk. Looking around rapidly to make sure that no one had seen him and making sure that there was no one around, Crisp made his way to one of the benches that were placed here and there.

He found one near a park, pressed up against a stone wall and just around a corner. It wasn't much, but it would give him a little privacy while he thought about this. Sitting down, he looked at his feet, wiggling his toes in his shoes as he tried to figure out what was going on.

"Heh, you didn't answer me, pup. What's wrong with you?"

"You're TALKING! Shoes don't talk."

"Heh, we do."


"You didn't think that we were just one thing, did you?"

The wolf blushed as he heard the voices. They were slightly different from each other, one shoe sounding a little bit deeper, but they talked about the same. They didn't move, though. He didn't know why he thought that they should have been moving, but it felt like if they were talking, they should have been moving.

He shook his head. This had gone way too far. Shoes didn't talk, and they didn't move. Reaching down, he started to pull them off -

Only for the shoelaces to grab his hand. Crisp's eyes went wide as his wrist was bound by the white laces, and they only got wider as the laces actually managed to pull his hand back from the shoe itself. They stretched ridiculously long, managing to get two feet, three feet, even four feet long as they pushed his hand back from the shoe.

"Ah ah ah, don't go touching us now."

"Yeah, what do you think we are, something that belongs to you?"

"If you think that, pup, you better get this idea through your skull."

"We don't belong to you."

"You belong to us."

With his hands pulled behind his back by the laces of one shoe, the wolf pup was helpless as the other laces reached up his body. The wide white strings pushed up the legs of his shorts, and he blushed heavily as he felt them stroking his thighs, moving further and further up with each passing moment. His head whipped back and forth, begging silently for someone to come around and see him, to help him. There was something so wrong with his shoes right now, and he needed help before something even worse happened.

The hardened tips of the laces suddenly rubbed under his crotch, and the wolf yelped as he felt them slide inside of his undies. They slithered like snakes over his balls, and Crisp shuddered at the weird feelings that they gave him as they rubbed his crotch. His naughty place, where his mom and dad said nobody should touch him, was getting rubbed in all sorts of weird ways, and as much as he squirmed, he couldn't get his hands free to stop the shoelaces.

It didn't take long for him to start springing a boner, and the blush on his face got hotter and brighter as he watched his shorts tent forward from the naughty touches from the shoelaces. The laces in his shorts rubbed further up, and he could feel them rubbing his hard boner, soft white shoelaces stroking it up and down. Every touch got him bigger and bigger, and made the tent in the front of his shorts that much harder to miss.

Whatever thoughts he'd had of hoping someone would find him disappeared, replaced with hopes that no one would walk around the corner or down the street now. They'd see him with a boner and think he was a naughty boy. He wasn't naughty, but with something like this, how would they believe him that it wasn't his fault? They'd think that he did something, and then they'd start laughing at him. He didn't want them to laugh at him; he was a good wolf pup, not some little pervert.

But somehow, that thought was enough to make him even harder. The pup stared at the boner in his pants, whimpering softly as the front of his shorts actually started to get a little wet.

"No, no, go back down. I can't let anyone see me like this!"

"Heh, will you look at that, Lefty? The little pervert's harder than ever now."

"Oh, I can see that, Righty. Looks like the little pup wants to show off his cock. Not that he's got that much to show off, though."

"Yeah, I thought wolves were supposed to be hung."

"Well, we're not expecting a horse here, right?"

"Yeah, but still, just feel that little weenie. It's so hard, but it ain't really that big."

They were not helping him get soft, and Crisp had to bite his lip to keep from moaning at all the stuff that they were saying. He shook his head as fast as he could, trying to get to his feet. He had to do something. Run, hide, something to get out of public before someone saw him.

Somehow, he was able to get up from the bench. He still couldn't get his hands out from behind his back, but he was able to start running. His feet carried him along the sidewalk really fast, and he ran along the side of the stone wall, trying to find the entrance to the park. If he could get in there, maybe he'd be able to hide until this went down.

It didn't take long to find the stone arch into the park, and as the wolf stepped into the shadows, he heaved a sigh of relief. The trees cast all kinds of shadows in the early morning, and with how many the gardeners kept around, he figured that he'd have plenty of places to pick to hide in. Of course, he would probably be late to school, but he was pretty sure that being late was better than walking into school with a boner.

Ever since the pup had put the shoes on, the demon within had been working to understand its new host. With an unprotected mind, it was much easier to get inside and see all the things that were hidden inside, and this pup had soooo many things in there for the demon to use against him. After today, it would be so well fed that it wouldn't need to do anything for a week, at least if everything went according to plan. So far, everything was.

Admittedly the demon had never thought he'd find someone with the mixture of hidden kinks that this pup had. There'd been perverts in the past that it had fed on, of course, but none of them so different as this young boy. And never from the position of footwear. It had been a temptation to reveal itself for what it was, but at the last moment, the demon had decided against it. There'd be more food for it if the pup thought that his shoes themselves had turned against him like this, and with the strange attachment that the young wolf had to his shoes, it would be more interesting to mess with his head and his body.

The demon chuckled to itself, slowly loosening the grip that its laces had around the pup's wrists. It wasn't releasing the boy, oh no. It was just moving on to the next stage of its plan.

Crisp sighed as he found a pair of trees that cast a deeper shadow than the ones around them, and even had a few low hanging branches that he could hide behind. He crouched against one of the trees, and as soon as he felt the grip of the shoelaces weakening, he pulled his hands free, rubbing his wrists a few times to ease some of the soreness from the tight grip the laces had.

"I don't know what's going on with you, shoes, but you're not going to be doing that anymore. Off you go!"

He half expected them to grab his hands and stop him again, but they let him grab onto the sides of one shoe. However, no matter how hard he tugged, he couldn't get it to slide off. The wolf growled as he pulled and wiggled and shoved at his shoe, but it was absolutely useless. No matter what he actually did with it, the shoe refused to move the least little bit.

Grunting in frustration, he yanked his hands back, and then stared at his shoes.

They looked...different. Things had changed a lot, and he only saw them when he took a second to actually take a close look. The part of the sneakers around his ankle had tightened, almost completely flush against his fur, and there was no way that he could slide something as thin as a piece of paper between shoe and skin, let alone a finger. Further down at the toes, he could see the shoes stretching, like they were filled fit to bursting. The wolf tried to wiggle his toes, but instead of the usual slight bulge moving at the end of the shoes, he saw big bumps straining to manage so much as a twitch.

His eyes went wide as he realized that, somehow, his feet had gotten bigger inside of his shoes.

"What, what did you DO?!"

"Heh, you like it, pup?"

"You know we do. Tiny feet for shoes like us? Not gonna happen."

"No way, no way. If we're going to take you for a walk, we need to be on tight, not flopping about on puppy feet."

"But I LIKED my feet the way they were."

"Yeah, but we didn't."

"And who do you think is in charge now, huh?"

Still whimpering a bit, the wolf gave up trying to tug his shoes off. They weren't going to come off, and the way that they were laughing at his attempts only made it harder for him to ignore the throbbing bulge in his shorts.

He looked down at his crotch again, groaning at the way that his boner looked up at him. It was so hard, and thanks to all the stuff that his shoes were saying, it was simply refusing to get any smaller. The tip of the tent actually had a little goo on it, sort of like what a friend of his in gym class looked like during some of their runs. He blushed at the thought, shaking his head before it could actually make him any harder. The last thing he needed was to think of embarrassing himself any further with a big wet glob in the front of his pants, and -

"Oooh geez."

"Ooooh, hear that, Lefty?"

"I do, I do, Righty. The little freak is actually getting even harder."

"Not any bigger, though."

"Yeah, not looking like he's gonna get that big. Maybe we should fix that."

"No, no please!"

"Hehehehe, he said please. Does that mean anything to you?"

"Hmmm, not really. But I think we can wait. Maybe see if anyone else comes along."

"Ooooh, good idea."

Oh god, if they would just shut up, the wolf was sure that he would be able to get soft again, but as long as they kept talking, it was going to be impossible. And the fact that they were going to wait until there were more people around to mess with him more guaranteed that this was going to be a hard day.

At least he didn't have to deal with -

"Heya Crisp!"

The wolf almost leaped out of his skin at the loud, familiar voice from behind. The sheer energy and volume from the voice left no doubt who it was, and it was the last person that Crisp thought he could deal with right now. He turned in place, his face bright red as he laid eyes on the most hyperactive kitten in town.

Grey furred and bouncing in place with a big smile on his face, Josh looked back at him with more energy than a half dozen three year olds on espresso. He wore a white shirt and green shorts, and the feline carried a backpack that was bulging with more stuff than Crisp could shake a stick at. It looked like it might burst at the seems at any second and leave a mess behind. Not that Josh seemed to care one bit, still bouncing in place.

"He-hey, Josh."

"Hey! How are you doing? Looking forward to school? Got anything fun planned?"

For once, the rapid way of speaking that the energetic feline had was a relief. It made him focus on Josh's words rather than on the feeling in his shorts. It was even good enough for him to keep from feeling his boner for a change. No, don't think about that, he thought with a slight return of a blush. Shifting his backpack so that it hung over his front instead of his back, he shrugged.

"No real plans, Josh. Come on, we better get moving or we're going to be late for school."

"Hey, you're the slowpoke that wasn't at the meeting spot. I had to run all the way here and catch you. Why were you out here anyway, this isn't on the way to school."


"And why are you hanging your backpack like that? Backpacks go on your back, you know."


"Geez, why are you so slow this morning? You still asleep?"

Giving up on keeping up with his hyperactive friend, Crisp set a quick pace out of the park and back onto the sidewalk. It wasn't quite so easy to keep up with the speed he set, considering how much tighter his shoes were and how conscious he was of the way that his shoes had talked earlier, but he managed it somehow. His mind slowly tuned out all of Josh's questions, putting them to the back of his brain while he focused on what he'd do when he got to school. The shop class had some interesting tools. Maybe he'd be able to do something with them, get the shoes off or at least loosen them.

It was a longer walk than usual to the elementary school they attended, and by the time they got there, the clock above the front door was dangerously close to telling them they were late. Gulping nervously, Crisp turned to his friend.

"Looks like we better hurry to our classes, huh?"

"Yeah, but why were you carrying your backpack like that?"


"Come on, wake up, big guy. You're carrying that backpack over your crotch all the way here. What's going on, you got a boner or something?"

The wolf's face went about as red as it could get. And here he'd been thinking that he could have actually made it here without the feline asking him about that. But maybe he hadn't noticed. Maybe it was just a joke question, and he could still get out of it without getting in trouble.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know, boners. Tents. Fun bulges."

Oooookay, so maybe it wasn't just a joke question. His face still burning, the wolf tried to turn towards the steps-

-and stopped right in place. His eyes went wide as his feet refused to leave the ground, leaving him half turned towards the steps and with his legs still pointed towards the cat. He had started moving his backpack, too, which meant that it was out of the way, and the boner that he'd been ignoring all the way here was completely on display.

Josh's loud 'oooooh' was enough to make his face feel like it was on fire. He swung his hands back down over the front of his shorts as he looked from side to side. None of the other kids were outside, and it looked like the people that took care of the grass in front of the school weren't working today. Still, there was only so long before one of the adults stepped outside to see what was taking them so long to get inside. Why were his shoes stopping him now? Did they really want him to get seen?

It only got worse when his friend bent over, staring at the boner in the wolf's shorts. Josh didn't have the slightest bit of shyness on his face. Instead, he almost looked excited, and he grinned as he stuck out a finger, poking at the wolf's bulge. It shifted back in his shorts a bit, spreading the little wet dark spot around a little further. The kitten giggled to himself, and kept poking the wolf's crotch as if he'd found a new toy.

"Come on, Josh, stop it! Someone's gonna see!"

"Hehehehe, Crisp's got a boner, Crisp's got a boner."

He swore that it somehow throbbed harder as Josh kept poking him, and the sing-song tone that he used to keep pointing it out only made it worse. The wolf leaned back, and the kitten leaned forward. He tried to slide to the side, but the shoes kept him planted to the ground as firmly as if he was standing in deep mud. Nothing worked.

Then, to make matters worse, his shoes started talking again, teasing him about the whole situation.

"Geez, this little pervert loves it when people see his boner, doesn't he?"

"Hell yeah he does. Look at those shorts. If he was actually a decent size, I'd bet he'd split those things right open, show off just how big a boner he's got."

"He might not have to. Look how much the faggy little freak is leaking. At this rate, his shorts are going to be see through before lunch time."

"Oh man, that would be so funny. Maybe we should get him harder and leak more."

"Doesn't look like we need to do that, with all that this little kitten's doing for us."

And it was all true, which was the worst part about it. Every time that Josh poked at his bulge, it leaked a little more, getting stiffer and easier to see in his shorts. The wolf shuddered in embarrassed pleasure, particularly when Josh giggled at him between the pokes.

Finally, with a mighty tug, he was able to jerk himself back from the kitten. He shook his head and ran up the stairs, ignoring Josh shouting at him from behind, and pushed his way through the doors. The hallway was - thankfully - empty and he was able to make his way past the doors without getting too much attention. Oh sure, there was a teacher here and there, but they were looking at papers rather than him, and only muttered something about getting to class rather than actually calling for him to stop. It was a small relief, but it was one he needed right about then.

He moved quickly across the checkerboard tiles that made up the hallway floor, almost jumping from one to another. It was against the rules to run in the hallway, but there was nothing against walking quickly. However, there was a small problem with moving so fast, and that was that it made it even worse for his boner.

After getting teased so much, the insides of his undies were so slick and wet with goo that it made the insides of them slimy and easy to slide on. Every time that he took a step his dick would rub against the front of his shorts, leaving even more of the gooey slime against his boner, making the dark spot bigger, and making his boner feel even better as it was rubbed back by the wet clothes.

The pup had to suppress his moans as he walked, his steps slowing down when it got too good. It felt like he was going to explode before he was even halfway to his class, and he almost wondered if the shoes were making this happen too. It was something that they might be up to, and after they made his feet too big to let him take his shoes off, he wasn't sure just what they could and couldn't do.

It didn't help that his shoelaces were untied still, and that they were driving him crazy from getting underfoot all the time. It made him have to walk even slower, and for some reason that made his boner even harder. It wobbled back and forth inside of his shorts, swaying from side to side as he walked, and it almost looked like it was getting easier to see. The dark spot in his shorts was getting so big that it made the light spots look like stains instead of being the normal color, and every time that he stopped walking, his boner pressed against his clothes hard enough for it to be almost visible.

By the time that the wolf made it to his classroom, the bell was just about to ring. The door was still open, so he poked his head around the edge of the door frame to see if anyone was looking his way.


He winced at the sharp crack of his name, turning his head up towards the teacher. A feline with a purple fur dye job, Ms. Riddicker wore a pair of half moon glasses that allowed her to loom over students even more than usual, the half-shape of the lenses somehow letting her look down on them and emphasize her place even more than most teachers did. She approached the doorway, looking down at him with her hands on her hips.

"Crisp, you are almost late. Get in your seat, or I'll have to mark you tardy."

"Yes, Ms. Riddicker."

He carried his backpack in front of him again, hurrying towards his seat in the middle of the class. It felt like everyone in the classroom was staring at him, and the only reason that his blush didn't get worse was because he knew that they couldn't actually see anything with his backpack in the way. Of course, that didn't help when everyone was looking at him anyway. He told himself that it was because he was so close to being late - he was usually on time - but a part of him couldn't help but worry that he hadn't hidden things as well as he should have.

As he sat down, he carefully sat his backpack at his side so that he could reach it quickly if he needed to. The last thing he wanted was to -

"Oh no. You gotta be kidding me."

The shoelaces moved as the teacher started taking roll call. Everyone else was staring up at the purple feline, but Crisp was watching as his shoelaces actually managed to move his backpack away from the side of his desk. They moved it all the way to the front, where he wouldn't be able to reach it without getting out of his seat. Even if he got on his hands and knees to reach it, someone would see him and wonder why. It was guaranteed to grab attention.

His shoes chuckled to themselves as roll continued to be called, and Crisp had to stifle a little whimper in his throat as he realized just how perfect this situation was for the shoes. They could play around and mess with him as much as they wanted now. They had the cover of his desk, and unless someone bent over, they wouldn't actually see the shoelaces doing things. He'd walked right into their trap.

"Sammy Stowes."

"Uh, here, Ms. Riddicker."

The wolf could have facepalmed right then. Not just Josh who had seen him like this, but Sammy too? The kitten wasn't a troublemaker, but with his constant boners in sweatpants, he almost seemed to encourage them in other people. Considering how hard the wolf was already, the last thing he needed was encouragement. He turned his head towards the source of the voice.

Sammy sat one seat behind and to the left of the wolf, and the yellow furred cat smiled and waved. Crisp nervously waved back, keeping himself from looking down to see if his friend was boner-ing already. It was a narrow thing, though.

"Crisp Wolf."


"Crisp Wolf. Respond as you've been taught."

"Oh. Here, Ms. Riddicker."

"That's better."

The teacher turned towards the board, pulling out a whiteboard marker as she started discussing today's lesson plan. Desperate for something to focus on other than his boner, Crisp forced himself to pay more attention than usual, even getting out a pencil to take notes. He never took notes, but then again, he'd never had an undying boner in his pants either.


Already the demon was getting his fill of food. The humiliation, the embarrassment, the sheer lust that the wolf had as he was walking around and coming so close to being exposed; it was absolutely delicious. The pup had fed the demon enough for the day before noon, but it wasn't enough. The demon wanted more. The demon wanted to gorge on this food source.

The pup's mind was an open book to the demon. Every little secret that the young male had was on display, and it provided endless ideas to the demon's already active imagination. With such sustenance, it wouldn't be difficult to expend a little more energy to make the wolf more embarrassed, more turned on, particularly since it would be a small investment that would pay off big time.

It would start with something simple, but something that would make it impossible for the wolf to get around without being stared at. With an invisible grin, the demon lifted the shoelaces, sending them up the wolf pup's thighs. There was a moment of resistance when the pup tried to close his legs, but the demon's power was more than enough to push the pup's legs open again. The threads of the laces shoved under his shorts, and it was a short journey to get into the pre-soaked underwear that he wore.

Passing over the balls, the demon extended the laces over the pup's cock. It was so eager, pumping and pulsing. If the demon hadn't been suppressing the boy's orgasm, he would have unloaded at least twice by this point, but as it was, he was harder than he'd ever been, at least according to the wolf's memory.

The demon planned to make him bigger than he'd ever been as well.

Despite the laces around his boner, Crisp somehow managed to keep his attention on the board. He could feel the slick stuff spreading in his shorts, felt his face on fire because of it, but he was managing to keep his attention focused. After all this, though, he really hoped that they would let him call his mom. He'd need new shorts if this kept up, and he could already tell that the smell from his gooey stuff was starting to fill the air. Some of the other boys were turning their heads around, sniffing at the air as it got stronger and stronger, and the wolf slunk lower and lower in his seat, trying to hide from them.

However, it went better than he thought it would, and as the math lesson continued, he thought that maybe the shoes were running out of tricks. Maybe he'd be able to get through the day without actually getting seen like this.

That thought disappeared as he felt a powerful tingle through his boner, and felt his pants suddenly tighten around him. His note-taking stopped as he gasped at the sudden constriction around his boner, and he dropped his pencil onto his desk. Several other boys looked at him, and he gave them a shaky smile and a shrug. They looked away, but only after staring at him like he was some sort of weirdo.

When the teacher was busy writing out their homework for the day, Crisp sneakily leaned back, checking under his desk for the source of the tight feeling. What he saw shocked him so much that he had to bite his lip to keep from shouting.

When he'd walked in the room, his boner had been hard and kinda big. Now, it was almost twice as big as it had been before, and he could see down into his shorts without pulling them forward. His boner was still inside his clothes, but it was big enough for the waistband to be pulled forward from how big and hard he was. He could see the clear goo spreading from the tip of his boner, too, soaking into his undies and making it smell musky, and strongly so, too.

He sat up immediately, only to grunt as his bulge bumped against the bottom of his desk. It had never done that before, and this time it actually made a sound loud enough for people to look back at him again. Even the teacher looked over her shoulder at him, and the only reason that the wolf didn't faint was because the desk hid his boner from her eyes.

"Do we have a problem here, Crisp?"

"Uh, no, no, Ms. Riddicker."

"Then be quiet. One more interruption and you will be sent to the principal."

That was a powerful threat indeed. Crisp had seen the principal only at the school assemblies and parent-teacher conferences, but even that was bad enough for him. A big bull that seemed to rip a shirt a day with his big muscles, Principal Harmon was a scary figure, and the last thing that the wolf wanted to do was go to that office with this boner. With his luck, though, and how the shoes were acting, he had a bad feeling that was just what was going to happen.

"Mmmm, bet you that we can make everybody stare at us if we keep this up, Lefty."

"I bet you're right, Righty. Let's make this little fag moan."

The shoes chuckled, but nobody else seemed to hear them, just like when they'd spoken in front of Josh earlier. They must be speaking in his head or something for nobody else to notice those kinds of words. Crisp shuddered, his face on fire as he looked back and forth. His fingers curled against the sides of his desk as he desperately tried to think of something that would make his boner go away. Usually he could think of something, but today, there was nothing but the thought of getting seen while so hard, and that only made him harder.

One of the shoelaces pushed up to the very tip of his boner, rubbing against the slick tip before wrapping tightly around it, squeezing about an inch below the head of his boner. His eyes went wide at the intense constriction, and his face went so red that he swore his cheeks were glowing. With that tightness, the tip of his boner actually felt more sensitive than ever, and it was all he could do not to moan aloud.

The other shoelace wasn't still, either, but instead of stroking him like it had been doing before, it wrapped around the bottom of his boner and started pulling it from side to side. It almost felt like it was using his boner like a drawing brush, dragging it around the inside of his shorts and using the slick and wet clothes to tease him further. Worse than that, it made the bulge he had that much more obvious; what it was still, at least he could pretend that it was just a wrinkle or something, but when it was moving that was next to impossible.

He hoped that nobody else would notice, but when he looked at some of his neighbors, it was clear that some of the cubs were putting two and two together. Another kitten and a fox kit both looked at him with their eyes wide, and when they looked under the desk, their jaws dropped. Even a colt looked at him with his mouth wide open, and when a horse looked at him like that, Crisp knew that things were getting silly.

"Mr. Wolf! What are you doing?"

Crisp jumped at Ms. Riddicker's voice and promptly yelped when the sensitive bulge slammed into the underside of the desk. He groaned, cupping his crotch, and it took all of his willpower to not fall out of his seat from the pain.

"Mr. Wolf, I asked you a question. What in the world are you doing to distract the whole class?"

"N-nothing, Ms. -"

"He's got a boner, Ms. Riddicker!"

The wolf's blush felt like it should have been burning the fur right off his face when the fox spoke up. Other students that hadn't noticed him yet started turning their heads in surprise, some actually bending over to look under his desk before getting the same shocked look that the horse had. Some muttered about finally understanding what that smell was, and others were giggling behind their hands at the sight of the suffering wolf.

The teacher wasn't one of them. If anything, she looked annoyed and even angry. She put her hands on her hips and pointed to the door.

"I told you before, Crisp. If you make another interruption in my classroom, you're going to the principal's office."

"But it's -"

"Not another word, Mr. Wolf. Now get up and get walking."

"But -"


He didn't dare argue when she got that tone in her voice. Sammy had done it at some point, and the kitten had been sentenced to a full week of detentions, to be served at the discretion of the teacher. His friend never actually told him what happened back there, but he always had to pack a second pair of sweat pants afterwards, and looked absolutely humiliated besides that. He didn't want to get in trouble with her now.

So, he started to get up, but stopped halfway up. His shoes weren't moving, again, and kept him planted against his desk.

Oh no, he thought.

"Hehehe, she gets you all nervous, does she?"

"Well, we gotta see what happens with that. Let's see what happens if you don't do what she says."

"Hey, I bet she'll make you show off this freaky boner to everyone in the whole class."

"Ooooh, I felt him twitch there. Man, look at all that goo that he's been leaking into his shorts. We don't even need to get someone else to pull these things down now, he's almost see through."

"Yeah, feel that?" The shoelace dragged his boner along the inside of his trousers again, and this time the wolf couldn't stop his moan. "Oooooh yeah, you love that so much, you faggy little freak. Perverted little pup."

"Well, if you're not going to do what I tell you to do, then I'm going to have to take you there myself."

Ms. Riddicker's voice cut through the voices of the shoes, and Crisp looked up to see the purple feline marching down the aisle between the desks. He held up his hands to try and protest, but all that did was give her something to grab onto. Her fingers wrapped around his wrists, and just like that, pulled him out from the desk, leaving him out in the open for the entire class to see.

There was a gasp, at first. Almost every student, and definitely Ms. Riddicker, were absolutely shocked at the state of his shorts. They were soaked all the way through, more gooey pre soaked into them than any of them probably had seen in their entire lives. Combined with the sight of his enlarged boner pushing the front of his pants forward enough for the teacher to look down and see it, they were all shocked.

Then the laughter started.

It wasn't much at first, just a few chuckles from the closest kids, but it spread like wildfire. Before long, every kid in the class was pointing at him and roaring with laughter. Some even fell out of their chairs from how hard they were laughing, and there was nothing Crisp could do to get away from it.

"Oh my god, look at the freak!"

"He's got a boner in class! Boner boy!"

"Geez, what the hell is wrong with that guy? Getting hard from math? What kind of freak is he?"

"Oh. My. God. He's getting even harder! Hahahahaha!"

And he really was. Every laugh was like a new hard grip on his boner, and the pup had to grab the desk beside him to keep from falling over. He felt like he should have been splooging already, but something was stopping him. He was glad it did, because that would have been even more embarrassing, but it was still some small bit of weirdness that he couldn't quite shake.

Despite all the mockery from his fellow students, Ms. Riddicker didn't do anything. All she did was look down at him disapprovingly, though there was the slightest twitch at the edge of her mouth as she looked at him. She tapped her foot a few times before shaking her head.

"Well, I know who's joining Sammy in after school detentions from now on. But you know what's going to happen now."

"B-b-but it's not my fault!"

"Now now. You're a young boy, but that's no excuse for no self control."

"But it's not -"

"Don't argue with me, Mr. Wolf. Now, come with me."

She pulled him up to the front of the class, standing him at the side of her desk while she reached for the telephone. Crisp could feel each and every pair of eyes in the class on him, and on his boner. It made it feel like his stiffy was going to push right through his shorts at this point, to get out where everybody could see it. At this point, it might not even be that different; his shorts were so wet and so clingy that he wasn't sure that they would see anything new.

"Hello? Yes, Principal Harmon. I have a student here that needs to be sent to your office. No, it's not something that can wait; he's being very disruptive, and you need to do something with him. Can you send someone down here to get him and take him to your office? Thanks." Putting the phone down, she turned to the wolf. "A TA is going to be here in a few minutes. For now, just stand there until he gets here."

"But...but everybody can see me!"

"It's just for a few minutes. Now hush while I keep teaching, boner boy."

She went back to the chalkboard, getting back to the next lesson. Something about the assignments that they were doing, the wolf thought, but he couldn't focus on what she was saying, and neither could the class it seemed.

If there was anyone not looking at him, he couldn't see them. All eyes were on him, every kid looking at the boner that he had. His shorts were actually pulled out a few inches now, so open that he could look down and see his balls if he wanted. He didn't, though; the other kids were looking at him enough for him not to want to add to it.

He looked at the ceiling, trying to ignore the giggles from the other kids. It was almost impossible, though; they were just loud enough to not be a disturbance themselves, but he could easily make out the giggles and snorts.

And then, just to make matters worse, his shoes decided to get started too.

"Oh ho ho, and here I thought that this little freak couldn't get any hornier. Man, can't you feel that, Righty?"

"Sure can, Lefty. You wanna bet that we can get him even more embarrassed and hard?"

"No bet there. Come on, let's really tease him."

The shoelaces moved again, sliding up the backs of his legs so that they weren't visible to anyone else. As they moved up, Crisp was helpless to stop them. They passed over his butt and into his shirt, and then to the end of his sleeves. For a moment, he thought that they were just going to stay there, but then he felt the tips of his shoelaces rubbing against his shoulders. Then his arms started moving on their own.

His eyes went wide and his face bright red as they pushed his shorts down, letting his boner spring out into open air. His hands moved without his control, grabbing onto his boner at the shoes' direction, and he started stroking it, up and down, up and down, wet and sloppy and loud as the class erupted in laughter again.

"Oh my god, he's actually doing it!"

"He's a freak! A faggy little freak!"

"Hahahahaha! Show it offf, boner boy! Show it off!"

"Geez, what a perverted guy. So gay."

Why can't I stop, Crisp wondered. He should have been able to stop, or at least go soft, but the shoes didn't let him. Whatever brought them to life had made them mean and humiliating, but instead of making him go soft or want to stop, it only made him stroke faster. He actually moaned, unable to stop himself as his hips pumped forward against his stroking hands. He was getting so close, the goo running down his stiffy over his fingers and making it all slick and wet. So close, so very -


And just like that, the shoes let go his arms again. He was free to grab his pants and pull them back up, and he did it in a blur. His face hurt from how much he was blushing, and from the way that Ms. Riddicker glared at him, there was going to be one hell of a punishment in his future.

She grabbed him by the hand and yanked him towards the hallway. Another wolf waited for them outside, and she shoved him at the TA.

"Take him to the office. Now. And make sure that he keeps his pants on."


"You heard me. He just took them off in class and started...started..."

"Started what?"

"Jerking off!"

Ms. Riddicker shouted that last at the top of her lungs, and more than a few doors in the hallway opened in curiosity. Teachers and students poked their heads out to see what was going on, and Crisp saw more than a few of them go wide-eyed as they stared at him. He dropped his hands over his bulge, trying to hide it, but with the sheer size down there that was impossible.

The grown-up wolf beside him nodded his understanding, and gently took Crisp by the hand. They started walking down the hall, slower than the pup would like, but at least they were moving. And at least the hallway was empty, so he didn't have to worry about walking by anyone else but this TA.

Still, it was hard to keep from thinking of his boner now. It had gotten him into some much trouble, and with how good it felt in the stretched out, slimy shorts he wore, it took all of his self control to not moan just from walking. Was this how Sammy felt every day, he wondered? That kitty had so many boners and had to change his pants a lot from all the sploogy messes he got, but he'd never seen the yellow feline with sweats as soaked as his shorts were right now. He had a whole new sympathy for him right now.

Or, at least, he would have sympathy if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about his boner. It rubbed against his slick undies again and again, and every time that it stroked the slick, slimy clothes, it made him want to moan from how good it felt. Without the relief of actually finishing, everything was getting more and more sensitive, and just walking was getting hard for him to do. He almost appreciated the slow pace after the first few steps.

Eventually they arrived at the door to the principal's office. The TA pushed the door open and Crisp walked inside. A teenage volunteer stood at the front desk, working on some paperwork for the office he guessed, and just like the class, he went wide-eyed at the sight of the pup's bulge. Crisp blushed and hurried to a seat in the corner, pulling his legs up and trying to cover himself up so that it wasn't quite so obvious. He was surprised that the shoes allowed it, but maybe they were starting to get bored with him showing himself off or something. He watched as the TA walked over to the desk, talking to the teen that still stared at Crisp.

"Is the Principal free?"


"Is the Principal free?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I think so. Who's the kid?"

"Someone from Ms. Riddicker's class."


"Do you actually have a question, or can I take him into Principal Harmon's office?"

"Well...what the hell is up with the freak?"

"Yeah, I know, he's a little weird -"

"Weird? He's a fucking freak. Look at that boner! It's bigger than a fucking horse!"

Crisp groaned again, shaking his head and covering his face as he tried to ignore what the two of them were saying. He knew that it was huge, but it wasn't his fault! It wasn't his fault!

"Hey, we're just getting things to happen, you pervert. You're the one that's getting all hard from it."

"You're the freaky little fag boy. We just let it happen."

"Oh god, will you two just shut up?"

The shoes went silent, and he realized that the TA and the office had gone silent as well. They were staring at him with raised eyebrows, and he realized that they must have thought he was talking to them. He looked away, ignoring the TA as the grown-up wolf walked over to him. He took the pup by the hand and led him over to the door, and then gently pushed Crisp inside.

The Principal's Office was a little different from most places in the school. Rather than being built in a square or rectangle like most rooms, it was perfectly circular. The side of the circle that the principal sat on was raised up by about a foot or so, letting him look down on anyone that came to talk with him, even adults. Not that the principal needed it; Principal Harmon was a big bull, and even sitting down he loomed over Crisp when he was standing up. The horns on top of his head didn't help him feel any more at ease, either, particularly when the bull looked down at his bulge just like anyone else.

"Take a seat, Mr. Wolf."

Crisp nodded, walking around until he was able to sit down in one of the two seats in front of the bull's desk. Unlike in the office outside, though, he couldn't close his legs. His shoes were stopping him again, even going so far as to make him slump down and push his boner up even more, so that it was prominently on display. He groaned, whimpering a little bit. The bull eyed his bulge for a few seconds before looking up at his eyes again.

"Now you know that this isn't acceptable behavior here in this school, Mr. Wolf, nor is your current position something that we can really tolerate from any of our students."

"I know, Mr. Harmon, but -"

"And it's not proper for our students to try and encourage other members of their classes to be perverted little freaks like you."

"I. - what?!"

"You heard me, Mr. Wolf."

The bull leaned forward, clasping his hands together as he looked down at Crisp. When he spoke, it sounded like he was trying to hide his laughter, but it was clear that he was failing as his voice started to crack, and his eyes lit up.

"Look at you. You are a little perverted fag boy, dancing around with a ridiculous boner that's threatening to poke someone's eye out. Now maybe you do that at home - though I doubt any proper parents would allow such behavior - but here in school we have a different way of acting. I am not going to allow a pervert like you to walk around and show off your 'boner' just because you can't control yourself."

"But I really can't!"

"Nonsense. Everybody can control themselves. You're just a pathetic little freak, and worse than that, you're getting other people to act like freaks too. They already had to send Mr. Stowes to the nurse because he started to make a mess in the classroom, and I know you're to blame here.

"Now, if you can actually sit up straight, not show yourself off, and actually act a little more normal, then perhaps I won't have to resort to extreme measures to show you what your proper place and behavior is. Can you do that for me, Mr. Wolf?"

"But -"

"Can you, or can you not?"

The wolf would have slumped down even further, but with how hard his boner still was - and getting harder, somehow - it would have popped right out of his pants, and he wasn't going to give his shoes that satisfaction. He blushed, trying to pull himself upright so that maybe his boner wasn't pushing out so obviously. He pushed down on the arms of his chair, trying to shove himself upwards, but he couldn't quite manage to pull himself up.

However, he felt something happening while he was doing it. Once more running up the backs of his legs so that they weren't seen, the shoelaces reached his hips. They suddenly humped the air, the gooey, slimy shorts oozing some of his pre over the principal's desk from the violent motion. Crisp gasped, not just because of what he'd done or the look on the bull's face, but from how good it had felt, how much it pleasured him to grind against the front of his shorts again. And then the shoelaces made him keep humping the air, forcing him to keep grinding, leaking, and making his boner flop around in front of the principal.

Principal Harmon stared at him, dumbfounded for a moment. Then, slowly, a smile started to cross his face. It wasn't a kind smile, or the indulgent one that the commercials for schools sometimes showed him as having. No, this was a mocking smile, and the bull looked all too happy that the wolf had given him this opportunity.

"Well, well, look at you. You really are just a little faggy boner boy, aren't you? Yeah, I heard what the boys in your classroom were calling you. I thought that they were just exaggerating, but when you start doing this, there's really no way to see you as anything else, is there? I mean, Mr. Wolf, maybe if you actually pretended to be a decent student and tried to follow the rules, I might think that this was something of a joke. But you're not even trying to act normal here, are you?"

"But -"

"You lost any right to interrupt me when you started fucking the air above my desk, pup. Look at you. If you were actually older, I'd say that you might as well just drop out and be a stripper, if you're just going to be some show-off freak that waves his boner around in people's faces. Look at you. You're still humping the air, you're still leaking, and you look like you're begging someone to help you get off. Geez. If your parents weren't paying for you to be part of my school, I'd be tempted to kick you out of your class and this school right here, right now. You're so freaky, so perverted, that you'd be an embarrassment if this ever got out to the public that you acted like this here.

"But considering that you are paid up until the end of the year, that means we have to do something to take care of this before the problem gets worse. And I think I know just the thing."

The bull reached for the phone as the shoes finally let the wolf stop humping the air, dropping the embarrassed, humiliated pup back down onto the chair. He panted as the principal dialed a number to another room in the school, shaking his head as he tried to protest. A single upraised finger shut him up. There would be no going back now; he'd overstepped too many boundaries.

"Hello, Mrs. Benisson? Yes, I know that you're busy with Mr. Stowes right now, but I will be sending you another patient. Yes, it's the one that started this whole mess. I trust that you'll deal with him and make sure that he's not causing any more messes while he's here at school. Yes, I know you're quite capable of doing that, that's why we hired you. Alright, thank you. Goodbye."

The bull hung up the phone and reached for a pad. He started scribbling out a hall pass, and the wolf could see that he was being sent to the nurse. He shuddered at the thought. Nurse Benisson was chipmunk female that had been hired by the school earlier in the year, and he'd heard stories about her, about how she was all too eager to humiliate anyone that came in, either calling them a baby for their pain or mocking their bodies for being too fat, too small, or too anything that she could find. Somehow, he figured she was going to make his life a living hell in the next few minutes.

Handed the hall pass and told to report to the nurse every morning until he could go through a week without springing a boner in class, Crisp was pushed out of the principal's office. He was stared at the whole way out to the hallway, and the wolf ran with his face as red as the stripes on his shirt to the nurse's office.

It didn't take him long, though he was panting by the time that he got there. His shoes felt tighter than ever, and as he paused at the door, he looked down to see that his feet had swollen even further. While the shoes had been tight before, now they looked like they were about to burst at the seams. His toes pushed at the front enough for him to see rips already forming, and the wolf whimpered at the sight. Even with all they had done, he almost wished that his shoes weren't getting damaged, but maybe if they actually ripped apart, he'd be free of all that they were doing to him.

After taking a deep breath, he pushed the door open. He was greeted with the sight of a chipmunk female looming over Sammy, who was laying in one of the three beds in the nurse's office. The red-faced feline was bulging out the front of his sweat pants, and there was a sploog spot in the front that was almost as big as the darkest point in the front of Crisp's shorts. For a moment, the wolf almost forgot about himself and how exposed he was.

At least, until Nurse Benisson looked over at him, and then the chipmunk made him all too aware of how much he was 'showing off.'

Ignoring his sputtering protests of how this wasn't his fault, she shoved him onto one of the other beds. She grabbed him around the tip of his bulge, rubbing at him in a way that made his eyes bug out. Chuckling, she ground the palm of her hand against him.

"My my, look at this big boner. I haven't seen any other pups with something this size. But look at all this mess that you've been making. Tsk tsk, no self control, huh? I've seen little freaks like you all over the city. No self control, popping boners all over the place, cumming in your pants. I bet you don't even get to whip it out most of the time before you're just blowing your load and making a big old mess of yourself, huh? Isn't that how it usually goes for you, little boner boy?"

Her hand never stopped moving, and Crisp was whimpering in mixed pleasure and humiliating. Everything she said was ringing true even if he hadn't actually experienced it, and he curled his toes in his shoes. They started to strain, and he could just make out a bit of a ripping sound from them as his enlarged toes pushed at the already weakened material.

The sound was enough to snap him out of his lustful haze, if only for a moment. His shoes were doing this. If he could stretch them enough to break, he might just be able to get out of this.

Even as he wiggled his toes more, however, the nurse pulled back from her rubbing. She smirked at him, gesturing for him to drop his pants. He blinked a few times, and the chipmunk chuckled.

"Now don't play coy. All little boys are perverts. And now you're going to get to do what I bet most of you have been dying to do."

"But -"

"Are you going to take off your pants and show me your boner, or am I going to have to take them off myself?"

That was the only way that he felt that it could be worse. His face on fire, Crisp slowly reached down to the soaked waistband of his shorts. He looked to the side, seeing that Sammy was watching him with eyes wide, and groaned as he pulled his shorts down and out of the way.

Just like in the classroom, his boner pointed forwards and slightly upwards. Not as much as usual because of how big it was, but enough for it to not be pointing just ahead of him. The tip of it was absolutely soaked in slimy goo, and his pants slopped against the floor like a swimsuit would in the bathroom after a long swim. The sound itself was embarrassing enough, but the smell of his own crotch almost made his head swim. It didn't seem to bother the nurse, though, as she only started laughing.

"Oh my god, look at that big thing. Geez, I knew that you were packing something, pup, but that's even bigger than I thought." She slapped it, setting it swaying from side to side as the wolf moaned. "Man, I usually like the big ones, but on someone as tiny as you, that just looks even more freaky. Is there anything about you that's not just one big freak fest, pup? I mean, seriously, just looking at you I know you're a pathetic little pervert that can't control his own boner, but sheesh, do you have to be such a freakazoid with your cock, too?

"Wait, what the hell? Are are, aren't you? My fucking god, your cock is getting even bigger and harder? Freaky little fuck, aren't you? You're just gonna cum from hearing me talk about how silly looking you are with that giant thing? I bet you are, you pathetic little pup. Hell, the only thing that's worth much on you is that big prick of yours, and even that's just ridiculous looking on something like you.

"Heh, look at that puddle of pre that you're making. Seriously, what a messed up little wolf you are. Look, that got a twitch out of your boner, didn't it? Fucking pathetic. I thought that you wolves were supposed to have some staying power, some sort of self control. Heh, guess I can't rely on anything that people say anymore. I can see why Principal Harmon thinks you need some special treatment.

"Well, here's what you're going to do, pup. You can't leave here until you go soft, so you're going to start jerking yourself off for me. Can't expect me to play with that thing, can you? I mean, seriously, even if it wasn't going to make me look like a pedophile if I touched that, why the hell would I want to touch something that freaky? I mean, you're the pervert. You start dealing with it."

Crisp was whimpering by the time that she stopped talking, every word going straight from his ears to his cock. It twitched and bounced at the humiliation she heaped on it, and he swore that he could have cum hands free from it if she had kept talking. His hands almost moved to complete her order by themselves, but even then, the shoes didn't let him go along with it on his own. The laces rushed up behind him, always out of view, and his hands moved by themselves once more. Fingers wrapped around his cock and he started jerking off hard and fast. He couldn't stop it, but he could keep wiggling his toes, keep trying to break the shoes so that the whole thing would stop. He could hear the ripping, but his hands sped up, almost like it was a race. And for once, things were on his side.

"Fuck! I know you're supposed to do what you're told, but I didn't think you'd start really jerking off that hard right away. Heh, and I thought that the bigger kids were the ones that were supposed to be perverts. Well, they got nothing on you, you sick little pup."

The chipmunk grinned at him as she sat down on the other side of the room, actually reaching down and fondling herself as she watched him. He could feel the front of the shoes ripping a bit, his toes finally getting the room to shift around a bit. They were almost there, but his hands were soaked in pre, and his boner throbbed so hard. He wondered what would happen if he actually finished; would his shoes get something from it, or would they just stop, leave him alone? He didn't know, and he couldn't take the risk, moving his toes more.

"Well, I think the pervert pup has finally earned it. What do you think, Righty?"

"I think he has, Lefty."

"Then we let him?"

"Yep. On three?"






The shoes shouted the last thing together, and suddenly the wolf pup went over the edge that had been denied him all day. His eyes went wide and his shoes ripped at the seams, busting in half and leaving his feet bare, and his cock exploded with splooge. It shot through the air, some of it landing on Nurse Benisson, and some of it landing on Sammy's shoes. The wolf could barely see as stars burst in front of his eyes, but he could feel his boner changing, shrinking beneath his fingers as he came.

He collapsed, falling back onto his butt as he kept squirting. His eyes went down his body, and he felt a slight surge of relief as he realized that his boner was almost back to normal size. Slightly bigger, but not much. His feet were the same, a bit bigger but not so much as they had been. Maybe, just maybe, things were over.

As he fell to his back, eyes closing, he heard a voice. It was like the shoes, but darker, deeper, and sounded both amused and gorged like a happy uncle at a Thanksgiving feast.

"Mmmm, you gave me a good meal, pup. Maybe I'll come back sometime. But for now, I got a nice little kitty to play with. See you around, freak."

He barely heard it, but he groaned as he slipped into dreamland. It seemed things weren't done quite yet.

The End

The No-Quarter Quartet: The Deadwater

**Chapter 2: The Deadwater** "Come on, Draconicon didn't fuck your ass THAT hard last night," the elephant Juraan said. Nataraj groaned, lowering his head to look down at the ground again. His cheeks burned from the comment, but he didn't...

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Sexual Conquest: Unsatisfying Interrogation

**Unsatisfying Interrogation (Requested by myrkin-pl)** "Please...not again...I can't take anymore..." Natte gasped, groaning as the feathers stroked him once more. "I...I need it...stop!" The ferret's begging had no more effect in the light...

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Sexual Conquest: In The Debt of Otters

**In The Debt of Otters (Requested by Inkblot Fox)** Imit ran as fast as he could across the plains, knowing that the eagle soldiers would be right behind him. His bare feet slapped hard against the grass and his tail whipped behind him as he...

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