Don't Talk to Strangers

Story by Green Fuzzball on SoFurry

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Hey guys, it's been a while!

College has had me up the wall, so no time for smut...well, no time to write it.

So, I hope this goes down well.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy new Year!

Sweat dripped from Arthur Smith as he pushed himself through another lap. As U.T.s main halfback he needed to be beyond top shape. Each day he put himself through a punishing daily routine in order to keep up his tone. Normally he worked out right after class, but tonight the gym had been closed for maintenance, but for whatever reason was open later to make up. So Arthur was having his daily workout at half nine at night in an empty gym. After an hour of blood pumping sprints and weights, he finally finished up his workout, muscles crying out for rest. He loved having a long hot shower after an intense workout, barely strong enough to stand.

Limping into the the changing rooms, he ran into the only other person he'd seen all night. Glenn Ellis was a twenty-eight year old body builder who was only in college to pick up guys. Nearly six and a half feet tall, with a frame that'd put Arnold Schwarzenegger to shame. Dark brown, almost black hair stood up straight from his scalp, an inch long. He'd tried almost all guys in campus by halloween, and this close to christmas there was only a handful of men who he hadn't propositioned. Little did Arthur know that Glenn hadn't just tried to get in bed with everyone on campus with a dick...

"Hey! Arthur isn't it?" Glenn called out, his full, toned ass on clear display. Arthur tried not to look, but even for a straight male the sight of Glenn's sculpted rear was a work of art. Two inch thick neon yellow straps angled in a wide v, leading a curious eye almost directly to Glenn's full package, swaying heavily with every motion.

"Uh, yeah, hey," Arthur replied, awkwardly shifting his gaze away from Glenn's hypnotic package. Seeing the younger jock blush, Glenn grinned.

"Y'know, you'd look pretty good if you packed on a few more pounds kid,"

Arthur chose to take that as a compliment, despite Glenn's leering gaze. He tried to shift his ass out of the predatory gay's eyeline, but succeeded only in putting his sweaty package on display.

"I do some part-time work as a model for a muscle supplement producer, and I've got lots of free samples if you want to try them out," Glenn added, drinking in the awkward jocks hot body as Arthur twisted this way and that trying to keep various parts of his body hidden as he undressed, succeeding only in giving Glenn a three-hundred and sixty view of his soaked athletic body.

"I don't know, I've heard bad things about those," Arthur replied, finally giving up on prudishness and just tossing off the last pieces of his wet workout clothes, giving Glenn all the eyefuls he could ever need.

"What? Are you saying you don't want to be built like this?" Glenn said smugly, gesturing towards his overly thick frame, muscles (and other things) bulging from top to bottom. Arthur eyed to body builder's perfect Adonis figure jealously, trying to ignore the stirring python barely covered by Glenn's revealing jock.

"Maybe I could do with a few more pounds," He replied, feeling suddenly hyper aware of every imperfection that was on display. Glenn smiled predatorily as he rummaged through his locker, pulling out a large box marked with what Arthur thought was an excessive amount of fine print.

"Wait a sec, these don't have any side-effects right?" Arthur asked, eyeing the box with worry as Glenn teased out a plastic drill of 24 bright red pills.

"A couple, nothing huge. Extra body hair, acute senses stuff like that," Glenn said, tossing the drill to Arthur. Still a bit wary Arthur held his hand out for the box itself. Glenn rolled his eyes and handed over the box.

While Arthur was reading over the fine print, Glenn popped out a pill from his own drill and gulped it down with some water, wiping his mouth with the back of his meaty hand. Seeing nothing beyond the few basic warnings, Arthur decided to at least try out the pills. So long as he wasn't being charged, might as well right?

He tossed back one pill, quickly taking a swig from his water bottle. With that done he nodded to Glenn and went and had his shower, sighing contentedly as the steaming water relaxed his tight muscles. Unbeknownst to him, the pill he had taken wasn't specifically for building muscle. Sure there'd be an increase in body mass, but it main intention was less savory.

It was also incredibly fast acting, far faster than the jock could have conceived. Even as he began lathering up his body, muscles were becoming more defined, and thick brown-grey hair was pushing it's way out of his skin. These changes went unnoticed, partially due to Arthur's inattention and partially because the changes weren't entirely physical. As the As his hands rubbed shower gel into his ass cheeks, they suddenly came into contact with a hairy, bony protrusion. The sudden contact startled him so much that Arthur whipped around, whipping his new tail off of the wall, bringing tears to the changing man's eyes.

"Shit, What the fuck is this!" Arthur half shouted, grabbing his new appendage. His tail was long enough to reach his knees, and covered in the short grey-brown fur, which Arthur suddenly noticed was covering his whole body. Panicking, he burst out of the shower, back into the locker rooms where he was met by the sight of a massive gorilla leaning against the far wall, calming rubbing his throbbing mushroom head. Despite the change in shape, Arthur instantly recognised the figure, from the way he leaned against the wall, and from the thick golden septum piercing.

"Glenn, what the fuck's happening!?" Arthur shouted, his body wracked with spasm as the transformation sped up. Glenn moved faster than he could track, the gorilla appeared to teleport directly in front of him, pushing him backwards onto one of the long wooden benches. Within a second, the gorilla had latched himself onto Arthur's rapidly darkening fuckstick. The sudden burst of pleasure emanating from his dick knocked Arthur back onto the bench.

"Glenn, st-stop," Arthur panted as the muscle-bound gorilla slurped over the fat head of his thickening cock. Glenn merely huffed out a chuckle in response, eyes flicking to meet the blushing donkey's as he continued to suckle on his personal protein shake. Another bout of spasms overcame the transforming jock before he could say anymore, pushing another inch of fresh equine dick into Glenn's slobbering mouth. Arthur ran his heavy hands over his face, cursing loudly, as his growing primal side began to take over. His monumental asscheeks began to clench tightly as his thickset hips began to his animalistic cock into Glenn's hot mouth.

Still watching as his prey gave into his animal nature, Glenn began rolling Arthur's fat nutsack in his dinner-plate sized hands with an expert mix of of tender roughness, earning a groan, more donkey than man, and a spurt of heady pre which he allowed to drip onto the fingers of his other hand. Without warning, Glenn tugged Arthur's apple sized nuts sharply and roughly shoved his arguably lubricated fingers into the prone Donkey's ass.

"Aaaaah! he-HAW," Arthur shouted, lust overcoming his remaining sensibilities as his prostate was fiercely violated. Glenn nearly choked as Arthur grabbed his head and forced his full thirteen inch donkey dong into the older bodybuilder's mouth, spreading the Gorilla's throat wide to accommodate it. Sweat poured off of Arthur as he hugged Glenn's face to his crotch, wildly thrusting his massive shaft into Glenn's mouth.

Glenn's eyes rolled back in his head as he let Arthur take charge, grabbing the donkey's full butt with both hands as he gulped down the generous sprays of precum that Arthur was firing directly into his throat. Arthur came without warning, hilting his gargantuan tool in Glenn's mouth one last time as it bulged obscenely, blasting a gallon of virile donkey cum straight into the Gorilla's stomach. Arthur collapsed back onto the bench, panting heavily as his cock continued to ooze cum.

"Shit Glenn, what the fuck did you do to me,"