Eggs everywhere!

Story by JackLupin on SoFurry

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Everyone gets filled with cum and eggs, it's a joyous occasion!

Hello again!

This is a RP log between Jack Lupin and Kimi Flufftail, and is filled with an absurd amount of kinky fun! Enjoy.

Jack Lupin smirks a little to himself, curling an arm around the bunny's waist and pulling her playfully back against his own lap.. that thick rear bouncing against the male's thighs and the immense pair of furry nuts hanging below. "Well hello there!" he teased, leaning forward to playfully nibble along one of her large lapine ears.

Kimi Flufftail jumps a bit as she is suddenly pulled onto someone's lap, turning her head to see a larger dog behind her and nibbling on her ears. They twitch a bit and a blush goes across her face from how sensitive her ears are. "Well hello to you too. Seems someone's awfully friendly" She teases

Jack Lupin chuckles a bit at that and nods his head in agreement, the male's fingers teasing up lightly along her chest before weighing one of the bunny's fat milk-bloated breasts into his palm. "Well that is certainly true, and it seems the bunny is that way as well." he said with a little smirk, bumping his hips against her own so that his heavy balls swayed forward and smacked along the backs of her thighs and the bunny's own swollen nuts.

Kimi Flufftail feels the bump and looks down, eyeing the huge sac that nearly rivals her own. The sight of such a large pair begin to stir up the monster within her thong, causing the piece of underwear to stretch. "Hmm, I do love a male who is very well equipped and also very playful." She says to him, grabbing one of his hands that it weighing her breast and slides it up to her nipple, letting him feel how hard they are getting.

Jack Lupin smiles as the bunny's clothing was stretched and strained, his tail whipping from side to side as the male's thick scent filled the air around them. The male's other paw followed his first as it was guided along her breast, though he teased against both of those heavy mound snow.. fingers pinching and tugging against the thickened nubs of flesh. "Mmhh..." the male groaned a bit, pressing his hips forward as a lewd wet splash of precum belched out along her thick rear.. dripping down along the bunny's thighs and across her fat balls below. The wet sensation was followed by a heavy smack as the canine's fat cocktip smeared against her fur, following with several more wet messy gushes that had the backs of her thighs dripping with sticky seed. "Well that's me.." he teased, rolling forward against her body as that thick hardening cock dragged against her slippery wet fur.

Kimi Flufftail feels her knees almost go weak as the splatter of precum soaks her thighs as well as her fat balls. The strong scent of seed as well as the warm liquid soaking into her fur sends shivers down her spine, making her thong stretch to its very limits, doings its best to repress the monster inside. The piece of underwear fails in its attempt however as the rim of it slips off her swollen tip and makes her cock bob up and down in the air, fully hard and throbbing. A bit of gooey pre drips from her tip but is no where near the amount that the canine is splattering between her legs. The bunny's leg begins bouncing a bit in excitement. "Hehe, well then, I can already tell that I really like you." She says to him with a smirk

Jack Lupin smiles broadly at her compliment, the canine's tongue slowly teasing out along the back of her neck as he released the grasp on her chest with both arms, sliding them back to the space between them. A lewd *slurp* sounded as he scooped up pawfuls of that thick leaking fluid, bringing them back around to her front with a wet *slap*. The male's palms pressed to both her belly and one heavy breast, smearing her fur with the sticky fluid that began to warm and tingle against her skin just where it touched. "And how about now?" he asked with a growl, that fat cock resuming its slow growth up along her back as her fur was drenched in seed, soaking through to her skin and warming it further. Where the male's paws sat on her body they moved and massaged, working that thick seed into her skin as the warm tingle grew deeper and hotter.. the lapine's fertility steadily mounting as her ovaries churned and bloated within her body, hundreds of fresh tiny eggs filling the organs. Above her milk ducts were thrown into high production, though the breast he was squeezing against bloated faster at first the steady growth seemed to even out after a moment, both heavy lapine breasts seeping milk from her nipples even without being touched.

Kimi Flufftail gasps a bit, feeling the warmth of his seed soak into her belly fur as well as her breasts. She can feel every single little cell swimming against her, causing a strange warmth to pass through her body. Panting a bit, she can feel her pussy lips down below quickly engorging themselves, becoming large puffy. Feminine liquids begin to drip down her thighs, mixing in with the large amounts of pre he had soaked her with. Her ovaries are going berserk inside her, making her body become more horny by the second. Up above, her breasts are swelling by the second with milk, going up in a cup size every few moments. Her nipples grow out as well, becoming swollen at first then large and fat. Milk dribbles out of them at first before suddenly spraying out in thick streams that dont seem to end

Jack Lupin brought his head around to nudge against the heavy breast that was opposite of his paw, flicking his tongue out slowly to tease and lap against the leaking nipple.. even slurping a bit of her warm creamy milk into his mouth. "Mmmrr.. just look at those fat juicy folds." the male said with a chuckle as he pulled back upright, looking down below his twitching cock as his fat balls pulled away from her body.. showing off the bunny's drooling cuntlips. With a heavy growl he pushed down against that thick slab of cock which was still slowly pushing out from his sheath, the knot seeming to be stuck inside its own housing from the sheer size. With a wet lewd *slurp* the canine's drooling cocktip slipped down between her cheeks and nudged against those dripping wet folds, his knot finally popping from the sheath and driving his heavy cock forward. It rammed lewdly into those welcoming folds, stretching them wide apart around the gushing head as cum bubbled and leaked out from around her.. though much still managed to pour and pump deeper along her tunnel.

Kimi Flufftail feels her eyes go wide as her back arches forward from feeling his fat heavy cock head go inside. Her pussy, though tight, seems to eagerly want the canine cock deep inside and it almost feels as though her passage is even sucking on it. Her hot liquids drip down his member and feel so hot that can almost burn him. All the pre that he was splattering within her was driving the girl mad before diving the bunny into a rut! With a single skillful movement, the girl spin around to face him, his cock tip still within her, and pushed him onto his back. Her gripped his shoulders tightly to hold him down as she pushed her hips back, making his huge cock slowly go deeper into the bunny's slopping tunnel. Pre now dribbled out of her cock at a constant rate, never stopping and dripping the hot stuff all over his chest. A very strong must rose up from it, reeking of sexual hormones

Jack Lupin yelped a bit at the change in positions but grinned none the less, letting out a playful growl as his hips rocked up and down to bounce the bunny up and down against that fat slab of cock. He took in a few deep breaths of that hot potent smell before grinning widely. "Mmrr.. such a messy thing, let's see if we can't take care of that." the male teased, reaching to the side and producing what looked like a large ring.. though it was quite stretchy looking! With a smile he reached forward and pushed that wide ring down along the bunny's cock, right down to the base where it seemed to tighten even further. The flow of her leaking fluids trickled off at the pressure against her cock, balls already starting to gurgle and back up slowly. He leaned forward and lashed that thick tongue against her swaying chest, greedily gulping the bunny's milk-gushing nipple back into his mouth. As her cream flowed along his tongue the male grunted happily at the taste, reaching up and pushing against her wide hips as the bunny sank down inch after inch further along his twitching cock.. ropes of precum pumping upward into her womb already while the male's balls gurgled and sloshed against the backs of her thighs.

Kimi Flufftail let out a loud groan as she felt the ring go around her cock, sealing around the base and stopping her production. The back it it caused was making her balls gurgle loudly, slowly swelling in size as she rested them on top of his stomach. "Y-Your going to pay for t-that later..." She groaned out, her voice shaky with arousal. The bunny bit her lower lip tightly as she felt him take one of her fat nipple into his mouth, guzzling down her hot milk. Looking back, her pussy lips were slowly stretching wider and wider apart, trying to take in every inch of the meat slab he called a cock. She was more than half way down when she felt his tip poke against her swollen cervix, making her moan out in pleasure

Jack Lupin felt that poke as well, curling his lips widely as both paws moved to the bunny's wide hips.. squeezing against her fur and rolling his own hips upward against her. The milk-sputtering nipple popped from his lips as the male leaned back, shoving down against her body as her cervix gave way to that sputtering cock.. now drenching against the insides of her womb with that same thick leaking seed. "Mmhh.. oh I am sure of it dear." he teased, licking the cream still left sticking to his lips. The ring around her cock didn't seem to impede the flow for long, she could feel an opening for escape.. though it didn't seem to be from her cock any more! The canine's devious virility seems to have altered the bunny's very system, letting her balls empty out in to her own womb now, even though it was currently being stuffed full of canine cock. Those sloppy fertile folds continued to slide down along his cock now until they slapped right against the massive knot at its base, straining her folds outward but not managing to push inside of her just yet. It did manage to stimulate still more seed from him though, the canine's fluids seeping deeper into her body as the bunny's ovaries fattened much larger, eggs starting to pour down into her womb even as her belly gurgled from the sheer release of those tiny eggs.

Kimi Flufftail was gritting his shoulder with almost painful force as she felt his cock pierce her cervix and go straight into her womb. The feeling of it was enough to make her pussy spazzim and send countless eggs gushing out of her fat swollen ovaries. Her own pre was not seeping out in thick globs through her womb, soaking against his cock and the bunny found herself grinding hard against his huge knot, the bulbous organ rubbing against her swollen sensitive clit. With all that was pooling within her womb she could not only hear her stomach gurgling but also feel it beginning to stretch and swell. Her ovaries shot out eggs nearly now stop, splattering them against his cock and letting them soak in his pre. The bunny, flexed her vaginal muscles in an attempt to stimulate his cock even more, nearly begging him to fill her with his seed

Jack Lupin arched his back and pushed his hips upward with every roll of the bunny's body, grinding that huge knot against her folds more and more insistently before he finally felt those sloppy cuntlips push passed the half way point and slurp the rest of his huge knot in to her body. The sudden pressure down against that huge knot was like a button being pressed to the male, his nuts churning and clenching as they pulled tightly in on themselves... his cock bloating out wider against her tunnel as the bunny's passage was wrenched apart. An immense gush of thick hot cum sprayed out against the back of her womb a moment later, erupting like a geyser as her womb sloshed full and belly grew tight almost immediately, lurching outward and gurgling as gallons of cum hosed down the inside of her womb. Eggs were surrounded by that thick seed even as more flooded in to her body, gushing up along her tubes to further swell and stimulate her ovaries into belching out still more and larger eggs, the bunny's belly already bulging in small bumps all over as the eggs were shoved against her walls.

Kimi Flufftail lost it the moment she felt his huge fat know slip inside her wrecked cunt, stretching it wider than it had even been before and making the girl scream out in pain and pleasure. Her body spazzes out uncontrollably, Making her wrap her arms around his head and squeeze him tightly, her boobs going into his face. As his seed blasted into her it sent the bunny off way over the edge and her balls convulsed with intense force, all her cum being redirected into her womb. All the pressure in her swelling stomach was making her eyes roll back into her head and the thick seed actually managed to squirt out around his huge knot. Most of it though stayed within her, mixing with the various liquids within her. She could already feel the eggs slowly growing inside her an know she would be laying dozens of them very soon. Soon, the bunny's body went completely numb, collapsing on top of the male a heavily breeded and exhausted mess

Jack Lupin curled his lips a little as the bunny slumped on top of him, the male's hips still rolling slowly even as that huge knot gushed and leaked out copious amounts of their mixed fluids down along his lap. The canine's fingers slowly trailed along her bloated middle, sloshing and shifting with gallons of seed and hundreds of eggs swirling about within her womb. That huge cock continued to jerk and twitch even as the egg bunched up around that fat cock, the feeling keeping him hard and stimulating those fat balls to churn and gurgle below her. "Mmhh.. think I am done filling you?" the male asked with a playful growl, sitting himself up as he huffed and pressed his muzzle greedily to her chest. The bunny's belly was so swollen and heavy that he could hardly remain pressed against her chest though, the bloated dome of her womb filling the space between the two of them. The canine's powerful hips rocked up and then down again, movement causing her body to bounce heavily and ripple with just how swollen and full she was.

Kimi Flufftail seemed to snap out of her incredible pleasure high for a moment when she heard his works. "N-not done filling me?!" She asked, her eyes going wide. The girl must have gallons of seed crammed inside her womb right now and the though of her being able to take any more seemed impossible. That didn't stop her from letting out a loud moan though as he began to bounce her up and down on top of him, the enormous knot keeping his cock well anchored inside her passage. The seed and liquids inside her sloshed around noisily, everything mixing together along with the countless eggs.

Jack Lupin nodded happily as the male ran those large paws up and down along the curve of her belly, squeezing against her sides and feeling the eggs moving around under the surface of her strained flesh. Her folds suddenly belched with thick cum as the male's cock jerked and sprayed more of that thick sticky seed into her womb, eggs moving around in the sea of thick seed while it was forced to squirt out around the male's immense knot. Those eggs were quickly growing to maturity inside of her even as the male washed her insides with cum over and over again, a pool of their sticky fluids spreading out across the ground below. Even with the release of so many eggs the bunny's ovaries still felt so fat and heavy, gorging on the male's seed to refill no matter how many they seemed to release down into her womb. As her weight increased further it pushed the bunny's frame down all the more insistently against that huge knot, feeling the massive ball of flesh being driven deeper into her body while her folds squished down against the male's sheath.

Kimi Flufftail gasps out as the huge cock blasted even more thick seed into her over stuffed womb, making the girl grip her stomach tightly. She groaned out as the eggs within her grew more and more by the second, making more lumps against the surface of her belly. The bunny could feel more eggs popping out of her ovaries by the second, adding to the rapidly growing collection within her. "Ugghh... So many!" She moaned out, feeling many of them against her tightly stretch belly. "How much cum do you have in those balls?!" It felt like he just kept cumming and cumming almost non stop. The feeling was driving her to another orgasm, making her scream out and her cunt clamp tightly around his fat knot, squeezing it like a vice

Jack Lupin had never bothered to keep track of just how much he came, normally his partners simply passed out once they reached their limit! "Mmm.. lots dear, lots and lots!" the canine growled out lewdly, reaching up to smack the bunny against her thick rear.. the bunny's waist even seemed to be stretched wider from being constantly flooded so full. "Getting full of eggs it seems dear, just how big can you get?" the male asked with a playful growl against her, fingers teasing at each thick bulge which pressed out against her belly with more force as her insides were crowded and stuffed. Thankfully with how bloated her breasts were the male could still reach those fat nipples, flicking his tongue against the sensitive nub an slurping it greedily into his muzzle. Her cream seemed to be even more thick and nutritious than normal with the bunny's immense pregnancy, those milky spheres bouncing against the top of her belly as they sloshed against one another.

Kimi Flufftail was almost spazziming with how was pleasure was ripping through her body. Each egg that popped out of her over stuffed ovaries caused a little orgasm to ripple though her pussy, making squeeze and milk the males huge cock of everything it had. Her belly was becoming so large with cum and eggs that her belly button had become an outie and her breasts were nearly spraying out milk as her production was almost tripled thanks to the pregnancy. Her milk was pretty much turned into cream with her thick it was not and her nipples were almost over an inch long. "S-so much!" She moaned out, her eyes rolling up as she trued to stop them from completely rolling into the back of her head. She gripping her stomach tightly and felt the contents slosh and swirl around noisily. "C-cant hold much more! So full!"

Jack Lupin looked up with a curl of his lips as the bunny squirmed around on top of him, the weight of her belly holding her firmly against his crotch even as that cock jerked and spilled out still more seed into her body. He could feel the pressure growing though, cum bubbling and belching out from around her folds even with his immense knot stuffing her so tightly. The canine's cock finally began to slow in its sputtering as it twitched and throbbed hotly against her walls, even after the flow of thick seed had stopped his heavy cock was still thick and hard as ever, refusing to soften as it pulsed against her womb and the eggs shifting around inside of it. "Mmhhh.. yes, you certainly are." the male said with a light growl, patting and pressing his palm to her belly while he milked and squeezed one of her fat heavy breasts at the same time, splatters of creamy milk soaking his fur. The male's hips rolled, though he was quite pinned under her weight at this point.. bouncing her body slightly as the male's knot tugged and pulled, then pushed upward against her tunnel.. massaging and stretching her folds from the inside.

Kimi Flufftail could feel her cock tip just barely sticking out from under her stomach as her either bloated form laid on top of it. Her cock was so incredibly hard that it hurt and her balls laid heavily swollen beneath her. With the ring still tightly placed around her base not a drop of the thick stuff could escape through her member, most of her seed being redirected into her womb where it mixed with the enormous mess. Her eggs were getting bigger by the second, sucking up the males potent seed as well as her own. Several large lumps were visible all across her stomach as dozens of eggs pressed against her stretching walls. Several of the eggs were swimming around his member, ticking and sliding against the surface. "P-Please! Theres too much... N-Need to let them out!" She begged, barely able to talk between her body shaking orgasms.

Jack Lupin flicked his tongue out across his lips to lap up a bit of milk that stained his face, raising his arms up to the bunny's sides and squeezing against her belly lightly.. further increasing the pressure swirling around inside of her. "Well then, what are you waiting for?" the male teased, though with that huge knot stuffed between her folds she certainly wasn't going anywhere any time soon. The male's cock jerked and twitched against her walls as it almost seemed to bloat a bit thicker, wrenching her tunnel apart and causing her belly to shake with the motion. Every bump of the male's hips upward caused his own bloated nuts to slap against hers, pushing them against her rear and squeezing even while he felt her own cock pushed down heavily to his stomach, fur from the top and bottom brushing against it teasingly. The more pressure he felt from those eggs against his cock the more the male moaned hungrily, her frame sloshing and bouncing with the male's slow motions.

Kimi Flufftail shivered and moaned out loudly feeling his cock swell and grow even larger within her, forcing her tunnel to stretch further around the huge tool. Her stomach was quickly reaching its max and she needed him to pull out soon, or she wouldn't even know what would happen. Gripping his shoulders tightly, the bunny girl attempted to pull his cock out of her hole with the size of his knot combined with the weight of her stomach made it impossible. She tried again and again to pull him out but the most she managed to do was make his back arch a little. She was just too heavy! Then an idea came to her head and make her crack a small smile. The bunny, grabbed his shoulders again and fell onto her side making her belly slosh and gurgle loudly. The extreme weight of her stomach forced him to roll with her and now he was on top, gravity no longer her enemy. Taking her feet, she placed then on his hip, pushing with all her might as she tried to push the fat knot out of her abused hole

Jack Lupin rolled his hips as that fat cock stirred the eggs around inside of her, the constant bumping and pressure against his cock keeping the male thick and hard despite his previous orgasm.. the next already starting to build as his knot tugged at her folds. When he fell to the side the male gave a little grunt, though one of his legs curled against her waist and pressed to her belly with a foot.. shoving her back down against his knot with a greater amount of strength than the little bunny possessed! As her folds were shoved against his sheath the male growled hungrily, curling his arms around her waist and pushing up against those fat heavy breasts. Squirts of creamy milk gushed up and splashed the bunny across her face, that warm cream dripping down her chin and back on to her shifting belly before streaming to the floor below them. Precum was already bubbling and splattering from his cock to further coat the eggs within her womb, the bunny's insides so tight and throbbing that even those leaking sputters of seed caused the excess to belch out around that knot stretching her folds so widely apart.

Kimi Flufftail pushed and pushed with all she could but the males knot was much too big and she could feel it painfully stretching her pussy lips. There was no way she would be able to pull him out without having the knot deflate first and from how hard he still felt within her she doubted that would ever happen. The bunny's stomach was still growing however as the eggs inside continued to mature. She needed to get them out but there was no way she could with his cock acting like a giant cork. Suddenly, the girl let out a loud moan as the eggs within her shifted around violently, trying to look for a way out. She was going into labor already! Biting her lip, she gripped the bed below her and pushed with all her might. She knew that the eggs had no place to go but Her body was forcing her to push. Letting out a left filled scream, she could feel all the eggs piling up against his cock, the pressure inside her increasing by the second. As several of the objects pressed against his cock, all the pressure started to force them into his cock! One by one, they forced his cock hole widely apart and shoved one egg after another into his member, soon making each one splash into his balls.

Jack Lupin grinned lewdly at the feeling of that first heavy egg pressing against the tip of his cock, the canine's hips rolling and rocking slowly as his own eyes rolled in pleasure. The male's already immense cock bloated wider and bulged along her tunnel as those eggs squished down his length, rippling against her walls as eggs passed down one after the other. When they reached his knot the bunny could feel her lower belly distending with its size before being shoved to her folds immediately after.. wrenching them that much wider apart before the egg finally passed below. It thumped into one of the male's heavy nuts, the next splashing in to the other as they both bounced and sloshed lewdly against the bunny's thick rear. As more and more eggs filled those fattening balls they grew lumpy and shifted around, though she seemed to still have so many more packed into that womb, his cock seeming to ripple along her insides as eggs bulged and shoved down almost like large heavy beads. The male's eyes rolled back further as he growled out in a lustful orgasm, his cock jerking harshly against her walls and the flow of eggs slowing almost to a stop.. but they didn't, continuing to push even as the male's cum was blocked release and backed up into his sloshing nuts, the massive pair of orbs distending outward as they smoothed over once more.. eggs lost in the gallons of thick seed flooding against his own cum factories.

Kimi Flufftail just stared in shock as she felt the eggs traveling down his urethra, forcing it to bulge out his cock as well as his already massive knot before depositing into his balls. Her cunt was contracting over and over again, each time forcing another egg into his cock. The girl was panting and gasping after around 15 minutes of pushing and the males balls looked enormous! Each one was heavily bloated and lumpy, even with the huge amount of cum inside them. Speaking of cum... All the seed in her womb soon started to get forced back into his cock as well as the eggs became less and less. The girl just kept on pushing more and more, trying to get everything out of her over stretched womb. After almost half an hour of contractions, the bunny finally collapsed back, her eyes half open and panting heavily. Her stomach was many times smaller now with nearly all the eggs and cum gone and was too tired to lift her head, making her unable to see the state of his balls.

Jack Lupin howled out hotly as every orgasm that the male's body tried to erupt forth was blocked by the flow of eggs, gurgling out his fat orbs further as they stretched across the ground, flooding full of eggs and both of their seed now! The canine groaned as his tongue slurped out from his muzzle in pleasure, panting hotly as those balls fattened inch by inch with the fluids sloshing around. When she had finally pushed every bit of cum and eggs from her womb the male reached up with a pat against her belly, grinning widely as he massaged the thick flesh and fur. She still had quite the bulge to her belly though it was merely from the fattened state of her ovaries. Behind her the male's nuts had bloated so large they looked like they could easily hold several of herself over again, pressing his legs down against the ground as the male grunted.. pinned on his side by those immensely bloated spheres. He managed to roll one slowly until he rocked on to his back once again, that huge cock slurping from her folds with a sickeningly loud and wet *POP*, cum bubbling from her folds as the male's fat shaft bounced from side to side.. precum oozing and splattering up in to the air before glazing back down along its length.

Kimi Flufftail felt her mouth open wide and a moan escape as he began to pull and tug at her folds, her massive cock starting to pull out. she gripped the bed tightly and gritted her teeth, eyes closed shut as his entire member popped clean out of her with a loud pop. The bunny gasped out loud as her hole was left empty and gaping wide open, spread far enough apart to allow someone to see her stretched cervix deep inside. A bit of left over cum dribbled out of her abused out along with a squirt of her juices after feeling him pull out. The girl slowly tilted her head up, finally being able to see over her stomach and cracked a smile at the male. "O-One hell of a breeder..." She groaned out to him, her voice still shaky.

Jack Lupin couldn't currently move to stuff that bunny yet again, but the male curled his lips into a smile none the less.. those balls seeming to shift a bit as bulges ran along the underside.. thick black tentacles wriggling out from under him and curling toward the bunny as she lay there soaked with cum on the bed at his side. There looked to be at least a dozen of the wriggling appendages, coiling and twisting along the lapine's arms and legs as she was pulled and tugged towards the male a bit, lifted up into a kneeling position as every one of those tendrils bubbled and drooled with thick sticky cum. "Ohh, you have no idea dear.. but we need to make sure you are really full tonight." the male teased, licking his lips slowly as those thick tendrils wiggled along her body, teasing along the bunny's fat heavy breasts and down across her belly.

Kimi Flufftail had her eyes go wide as the tentacles suddenly slithered around her body, wrapping themselves around her arms and legs and sliding her towards him. Her head darted from left to right in alarm and confusion as they lefter her into a kneeling position and started teasing her breasts. "Egh, Wha...?" She asking, taken off guard by the sudden black appendages. "Wha... What are you going to do now?"

Jack Lupin rumbled happily as the slimy black appendages coiled around against her fur, both wet and slippery with the canine's cum at this point.. though that didn't seem to stop him from making plenty more. As her frame was shifted and held within the grasp of those tentacles they teased across her heavy balls, coiling against those fat orbs and squeezing tightly while they were splattered with the cum leaking from that prodding tip. Above her balls another tentacle coiled slowly around her twitching cock before the tip hovered at her own tip.. plunging down in to it with a happy growl from the male, able to feel every sensation along those tentacles of course. Behind those heavy balls two more wet *SLURP*s filled the air, two of those tentacles plunging into her juicy folds and a third pushing up into her rear, the bunny's belly stretching and straining at the sheer amount of thick tentacles being stuffed inside. Further up two more tentacles coiled around her milk-bloated breasts, the tips shifting into suckers as they pulled and slurped against her fattened nipples.. cream gushing into these tentacles as the male's body drank it in. As if he wasn't happy leaving any of her holes unfilled, another tentacle waved back and forth in front of her face, lewdly pressing forward as it wriggled and pushed down along the lapine's throat, coiling against her belly as her middle gave another slight stretch outward.

Kimi Flufftail let out a screaming moan as she felt one of the appendages plunge down her cock hole, making her urethra bulge out hugely. She could feel the slimy thing going deeper and deeper into the small hole and was certain it would soon reach her balls. The girls head then tilted upward into the air, another lewd sound escaping her lips as two separate tendrils slithered their way into her pussy and another one ripped her ass open before making its way inside as well. She could feel them all wiggling and squirming within her, making her belly bulge out. Her tits were just about to let out another stream of milk when the two suckers went over them, draining the milk from her breasts. The amount of pleasure she was feeling was making her go insane, her body trembling with excitement and lust. "Ah! So much! So-- hmm!" Her voice was cut off as another one went straight down her throat and into her stomach

Jack Lupin moaned out hotly as the canine's cock jerked against the air, thick globs of cum spilling from the tip and drooling down along his immense balls even as the bloated spheres stretched larger.. the male panting hotly as they strained under their own weight. Those huge orbs lifted and rolled once more as they shifted around, the male's back arching sharply as the thick black tendrils bulged and rippled along their lengths, thick eggs slowly pushing down along those tubes as they approached her body by the dozens. She no doubt would be feeling quite the rush of sensation as those eggs all timed together and pushed against every one of her holes at once, the bunny's heavy breasts not spared as the suckers pulled her nipples wide open.. eggs pushing against the stretched nubs. The canine's cock twitched and sprayed out a thick jet of cum into the air, splattering against the opposite wall of the room like paste as eggs began to push in to every hole on the breeder's body! Eggs slowly rippled and shoved down along her cock, when they reached the bottom that ring which had been cinched against her cock the entire time suddenly burst open, breaking in half and falling to the ground as eggs were stuffed and shoved further down in to her heavy balls. The lapine's belly began to stretch and strain while eggs pump from four separate tentacles to bloat her out, two stuffing eggs one after the other into her womb while the other two filled her intestines from both ends.. the lapine's belly rapidly stretching and straining under the force as eggs flooded and stretched her body outward inches at a time.

Kimi Flufftail felt her body struggle and flail as the countless eggs pressed against each hole, her body trying its best keep them out. It was unable to however and the force of the eggs broke and flooded into each orifice, making the girl let out a loud muffled scream. Her ass was stretched widely apart as her intestines bulged out with the large spheres and the under side of her urethra looked like it had doubled in size as the eggs forced their way into her balls. She could feel each one plopping inside the large cum tanks, filling them up more and more by the second. In her pussy, her cervix was so stretched already that the eggs could easily go right inside, making her womb stretch once again. Finally, the bunny's eyes began to roll back into her head as her nipples were stretched widely apart and her breasts were also used to house the many eggs, making the surface of the soft milk tanks hard and lumpy.

Jack Lupin groaned as the male continued to stuff the bunny with eggs, though the ones flooding into her breasts seemed to slow.. her bouncing breasts smoothing over once again as her milk production hit a peak, cream gushing out around the tentacles that were stuffing her full even as they sloshed and jiggled with the motions. His own balls were growing empty enough that he could at least move up into a kneeling position, growling as he shuffled over and smacked that fat slab of cock right up against her thighs, teasing the tip against her bloated folds for a moment as the male licked his lips slowly. The bloating bunny was tugged closer and on to her own knees as her surging belly pushed down against the ground below, eggs rolling around against her womb through her intestines.. the ones in her balls seeming to shift back and forth between her womb from the link that the cockring had made previously. As the canine's cock plunged down into her bulging tentacle-filled tunnel she was stretched wider than ever, the tentacles driven against her walls even as they rippled and throbbed with still more of those small spheres. A sudden burst of cum against the back of her womb sloshed and filled the space between all of those eggs, her belly tightening as cum began to spray out from around her folds like a fountain, squirting and sloshing as her belly twitched and strained larger still as the last of his eggs were pushed into her body. The male slumped forward with a grin, those long thick tentacles slowly tugging out from all of her holes with a series of wet pops, her immensely bloated middle stretched out several feet in front of her and to the sides as it gurgled and shifted with the movement of eggs from within. Finally his hips rocked backward as that thick canine cock slurped out from her tunnel, drenched in cum and dripping down into the massive puddle of soaking wet mess the bed had become. "Mmrr.. full now dear?"

Kimi Flufftail couldn't even reply. The girl had cum over and over again from the several tentacles fulling her and she was left a trembling, cum covered wreck. Her cunt was now gaping wider than it was before and from the way it looked it was uncertain that it would ever be the same again. That can also go for her ass which was also a gaping mess. Thick liquids leaked out of both the holes and her breasts were no different. Each mammary squirted and shot out ropes of thick cream across the room and her breasts also seemed to be at least 3 cut sizes larger from the intense filling. The bunny's urethra was stretched to the point where it laid gaping open, her cock rock hard and unable to soften. Her balls were giant and fat now with eggs, each ball shifting on their own as the spheres moved around in her cum. With the state she was in now, she seemed to be in some sort of pleasure coma, her body twitching and jerking on its own from time to time. The only sounds she made were gasps and the occasionally a word or two that could not be understood.

Lab Rats - Part 3

(Chapter 3, looks like the fun is spreading!) Sandy awoke with a start, peering around the dark office and rubbing her eyes slowly. Had this all been a dream? Had she simply fallen asleep at work yet again? Those questions were answered a moment...

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Lab Rats - Part 2

(Work work work work as of late, but I had a bit of time to whip this up tonight. Enjoy!) _I'm walkin' on sunshine, wooah, and don't it feel good!_ Zack slowly made his way down the hallway, the large brown-furred lop-eared rabbit had a...

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Lab Rats - Part 1

(My first story ever! Bare with me on the crappy Word formatting too.) Sandy sighed a bit, the large white-furred rat leaning forward in her office chair as she scanned the email in front of her for what must have been the tenth time since she...

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