
Story by Nights Angel on SoFurry

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#4 of night works

will you walk blindly into the unknown?


Night's Angel

Three long years had passed for her as she stood before the headstone she took upon herself to clean and restore. The words on the stone were cleaned and recut as they read "Here lies Mathew Churchview, The last human on Earth." "Hey, Mathew, I'm back" the young squirrel said blushing at the idea of talking to a stone "I know I'm here every week but after that night I can't help but come here and make sure someone remembers you."

As she stood in front of her beloved human's headstone she heard this buzzing in her ear, one that wouldn't leave even after you clean it out. "I'm sorry it's so late there was an accident on my way and it took longer for me to get here" she said. The four foot six squirrel sat next to her lover grave as she spoke. "I know you wouldn't want me to waist my life just to come see you but too bad. I want to come here.

I like it here. I don't plan on making this my home just yet. But it will some day. Anyway I think I got the job I told you about. Dumped my boyfriend after I found him with his face in some skunk's tail, the freak." She looked herself over feeling hollow. "I'm still sorry we couldn't have kids" she said recapping their only night together "I was hoping I could. But like you said the world picks who gets what.

My best friend is getting married next month; still don't think their right for each other myself. But I guess love is funny that way." She stopped to laugh rubbing her head. "I know it's a bad idea but I'm just tired right now. I hope you don't mind me lying on your grave. Heaven knows I wouldn't want to wake the dead ... again." The small brown squirrel took her time stretching out on the clean cut grass that covered the grave. With her arm under her head she lay on her side.

She lay so she felt like she was talking to him and not at him. "God, I can't get this ringing out of my head. I'm sorry; I just can't help but tell you everything. I know it sounds pointless but I want you to feel like you could live through me is some way. Like I don't, I guess T.V. wouldn't work. And friends think it's weird that I come here of all paces.

Mathew would think I was crazy to wish we could be together?" the squirrel reached up to rub her neck that seemed to have gotten stiff on the way here. Somewhere in her heat she knew he couldn't answer her. But it didn't stop her from hoping to hear his voice again. "I think I told about the first time me and my ex did it. And how I didn't feel any pain with him that's how I knew that night wasn't just a dream.

I told my best friend about you after she found my looking you up online. She thought I was nuts. She still thinks I'm nuts to think I had sex with a ghost. But you're not a ghost you're an angel. And you're watching over me from heaven." She sighed and rolled to her back. Bring her arm down she looked up at the clear night sky. "Mom always said that angels always come when you need them. And I need you right now, I want you right now."

The ringing in her ear changed pitch and sounded more like a car horn blasting far off somewhere. "You have no idea how much I wish you could be here even if you can't go past your own grave. I wouldn't mind letting you take me right here on the very dirt that cover your body." She laughed thinking that was even a bit much for her. She closed her eyes and just rested on the soft grass. Thinking about what she wanted to say.

"Do you visit me in my dreams? I like to think you do. I remember one where I was on a beach. It was a bright and sunny day. I guess you can say I was working on my tan. Thou it would be hard for me to tan like you would. But anyway I was feeling warm and stiff. I felt your hands on my back being as gentle as always. It didn't take long for both of us to lose the swim suits. Even in my dreams you still had that earthy smell to you.

We'd kissed long and hard till you had me pinned on my back legs wide open for you. You went down kissing me everywhere till I was soaked and beg you for it. I loved the way you had teased my breasts. Then you kissed me as you split me with that man meat of yours. As forceful as you were you never made it hurt. You would pump into me faster every time. I bit into your shoulder to keep from screaming it felt so good.

And when I did finally let it out I woke up to find my ex with a black eye because I punched him in my sleep. I never did get to finish that dream." She sighed blinking a bright flash from her eyes. "What was that" she asked sitting up and looking around. After a moment she settled back down above her love's body. "I know I shouldn't be thinking about it yet but I can't help think. What is it like to die?" Her thoughts of an answer never came.

With a heavy sigh the squirrel sat up looking around. She blinked a few times and dried tears from her eyes. There was a bright flash like a light charging at her. The little squirrel was knock back feeling like she was hit by a car. She lay there dazed looking up at the night sky. "Hello?" a voice walked close to where she lay. She thought to keep quite till they had passed but something about this voice needed to be answered.

"Hello," she called back "you'll wake the dead if you start yelling." "Can't wake those who sleep deeply" the voice answered as it drew closer. The owner of the voice was a thin hound dressed in a black suit. "I'm sorry miss I was looking for someone and I thought she would be here" the male said. "Sorry I haven't seen anyone else around here" she said sitting up still feeling dizzy. "May I have your name miss" he asked.

His voice was kind but his face seemed grim. "Amber," she said looking the tall hound dog over "and yours would be?" "Eric, miss" he answered "would your last name happen to be Keistend?" His question shook her. "Yes but how would you know that" she asked looking to see if she could to her feet and run. "Because I was looking for you," he said "I know I get the creepy hound reaction a lot. But I'm here for you. And you don't have to come with me if you don't want too."

The fact he said that made her feel a little safer but the squirrel was still scared of the hound. Something about him seemed unworldly. "Who are you and what do you want from me" she asked drawing herself up to her feet. "I'm called a lot of things but as far as what I want," he said thinking about it "nothing for myself." "But just said you were here for me" she said. "Aye, that I did, I'm a chauffeur of sorts I take people to where they need to be" he answered.

She looked around again and again with an easy but uneasy feeling. "What would happen if I don't go with you" she asked. "I'll leave you be for the time be and come asked you again later on" he said pulling card from his pocket "or you can give me a call when you're ready to go." The hound looked at the grave's headstone and read the name to himself. "I think I've met him before" the hound said. "I'm sorry did you say something" Amber asked looking at the grave.

"Nothing, just thought I knew the name" he answered. "I don't think so, he's been dead for over a hundred years" she said. She thought about what the hound had said. "And yet you were lying on his grave talking to it like you knew him personally" he said. "That is none of your business" she said turning away from the hound and taking a few steps away.

"So, you're not going to come with me yet" the hound asked. She paused. "I don't know why," the squirrel said "but I'm scared, like I know if I go with you I won't be coming back." "If there is someone you want to see first I can take you them first if you want" the hound said. "You'll think I'm crazy but the only person I want to see is not of this world anymore" Amber said. The hound turned his gray furred face to the grave once more.

"You have met the one who sleeps here" the hound asked "he is the one you want to see I take it." "This place was blessed with good magic that let's one good soul live again for one night to spend with the ones they love" Amber said fresh tears racing down her cheeks. "I know, and you love him don't you" the hound asked. "More every day, if nothing else I just want to tell him" she answered. The hound smile quietly.

"Most of the time my boss won't let me do this, but I think they will understand" he said. "Understand what" she asked. "Don't ask how or why but I can make your dream real" he answered "and if you change your mind I will bring you right back here." "Eric was it," she asked "are you saying I can see him again?" "Yes, but he doesn't live here anymore, because of you he has moved on, I can take you to him," the hound spoke "if you want to."

"How do I know you're not lying to me" she asked. "Faith I guess" he said "here I'll give you some time to think about it, my car is park outside the gate." Then he left. "Well what do you think" she asked the headstone. A moment of pause. "Thought so" she said and sighed "for you I'll go through hell it's self." With all that she was the little squirrel marched out of the grave yard and parked herself in the back seat of the white car sitting on the side of the street.

"Eric, I'm holding you to your word" she said closing the door "so please take me to see Mathew." "Yes, miss" the hound answered and started the car. The car took to the street and lights started flick by. "Do you know Mathew" she asked starting feeling uneasy by the speed they were traveling. "Yes miss I know him" the hound answered. As lights speeded by Amber thought the way the hound's head looked in the light was like a skull.

The trip seemed to take hours but felt like no time had passed. The hound stopped the car outside a dark tunnel. "Miss," he said turning back to look at her "I have to ask this because this is the point of no return." "Ask what" she questioned. "Are you sure this is what you want" he asked "because once we enter I can't turn back." Amber thought about it. If this kind out hound told her the truth she could see him again tell him everything hold him again.

"Is he really on the other end" she asked. "Yes Miss and I'll take you right to him after the check point" he said. She sighed once more. "Yes" she answered "I want to go. I'm sure." The hound nodded and turned back to the tunnel. He turned the car over and put the car into drive. Slow at first he let her take one last look at her home town before everything turned black. The darkness scared her and she thought about trying to turn back.

But Eric had told her everything would be fine. Amber thought about Mathew and all the things she loved about him. Soon she found herself smiling. When she looked up past the hound, the young squirrel saw a beautiful bright white light. All of her fear was gone, like a bad dream. "Mathew, I hope you're ready for me" she said to herself. The car drove into the light. In no time they had passed through light only to exit the tunnel onto a sunny road.

The day light blinded the young squirrel and made her blink. Each time she closed her eyes she saw things that seem like a dream but felt all too real. "Eric sir, how long till we reach the check point" she said her finally adjusted to the bright light. "We have already past it Miss" he answered. And within minutes was rolling down the main street of a small town. The car had slowed down and gave young Amber a chance to see the town.

The town's folk looked friendly and everyone was smiling. There were furs of all shapes and sizes. But something didn't seem right. The car came to a stop in front of a small café. "Alright there, Miss" the hound said turning back to her "they said Mr. Churchview like to spend his free time here and should be by shortly." "But what if he doesn't come by today" she asked. "I don't think he will skip coming here today for anything" the hound answered.

Slowly the squirrel opened the door and stepped out of the car. "Eric, thank you for your help" she said "and will I see you around?" "You're welcome Miss, and you may see me from time to time" the hound answered "now, I've got to go pick up an unruly drunk and take him somewhere else." "Ok, I guess I'll see you around" she said closing the car door "bye Eric." "Good bye Miss" the hound answered and drove off.

"Oh, my, you must be new in town, come in child, I'll fix you a drink" an elderly female with a muzzle less face said opening the door. The young squirrel did as she was asked, and was lead to a table by a window with and open view of the street. "Oh, where is my head today I forgot to asked for your name child" the old female said. "Amber" she said "by chance do you know a Mathew Churchview?" "Why, yes child he comes in here every day, I'll tell him you asked about him when he gets here." the old female said and trotted off.

As Amber settled into the seat the door to the little shop burst open with a tall pale male flying in after. His face was in shock and disbelieve. He had a flat face just like the old female but Amber felt she knew him. "Please tell me she's not here" he asked the first person he saw. "Who are you talking about, Mathew" the male asked. Amber heart skipped a beat at his name. "Mathew deary what was that girl's name you're always talking about" the old female asked.

"Amber why, have you seen her" the furless male asked. "Yes deary, she asked about you just have she walked in' the old female answered "she's sitting over there." The elder of the two pointed to the young squirrel sitting by the window. Amber jumped to her feet and dashed the human male. She jumped wrapping her arms around his neck. Mathew caught the squirrel in his strong arms and held her close.

Mathew started crying squeezing the small squirrel. "You're too young to be here" he said. "And I thought you would be happy to see me" she frowned sliding off him. Mathew shook his head "no, no, no, I'm glad to see you again I was just hoping you would be a lot older when I did." "What? Are you saying I'm too young for you now" she asked drawing her paw back. "No, far from it, I just mean I was hoping you would have lived a full life before finding me again" he said.

"I didn't plan on coming here, but that Eric guy said if I went with him he would take me to see you" she said. "My God, Amber you have no idea how much I missed you" he said picking the squirrel up and kissed her. Amber took in his scent missing the earthy musk he had. But his scent had changed. He smelled of sweat and grease, and she loved it. He face was flusher and he looked to put on some weight. "Mathew, I visited you're grave every week, and the only thing I ever wanted to say was. I love you" she said when their lips parted.

Before the two left the café Amber turned to the old female and said "Thank you ma'am, I know it sounds silly but you're the second human I ever met." With a friendly laugh the old woman shooed the two out of the shop to go make up for lost time. Mathew led Amber back to his home where he made her feel like she belonged there with him. It reminded her of the house she had left behind. Mathew came up behind the squirrel and pulled her in close whispering in her ear "it's my turn to welcome you to my home."

"I think I could use a shower first" she smiled recalling their night together. "Well then, we'll need to get you out of these clothes first" he said beginning to undress her. He pulled the red stained jacket on the floor along with her ripped shirt. Smiling as he removed the damaged clothes from her. She turned and undressed him letting his clothes pool on the floor with hers. "You had a long trip" he said lifting her into his arms.

"You are too sweet" she said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. Once in the shower he washed her away all her pain and rubbing her stiff neck. His thick hands working deep into her back and neck. "Mmm," she hummed "Mathew that feels so good." But the little squirrel didn't let chance slip by and took the thick meat that was poking into her back gently in her paws. Letting her wet fur coat him from tip to base. He groaned and worked that much harder for her.

Amber turned the shower off her wet fur pressed to her skin. "I think we're clean enough" she said leading him out of the shower. With a quick drying they found themselves lock in the bed room. The human picked up the smaller squirrel and pinned her to the bed. He was rough with her but with a caring gentleness to it. Between kisses nips and bites he spoke "I've dream of being with you again. I even had a dream we were on a beach and we got worked up right there in front of the world."

"It felt so real to me" he said causing the squirrel to stop moving. "You had the same dream" she asked. "I guess, when it started it looked like you were tanning your fur" he said. "Oh, my god, I can't wait anymore" she cried taking his lip with hers. The out a thought or a care he drove his shaft into her tunnel till their hips met. She broke away crying out happily as he stretched her wide open. They paused feeling their connection renewed.

Their heart beat in time with the other. Rolling his hips with each thrust slowly he filled her needs. With each moan and cry she pulled him closer to never let him go again. Her leg gripped around his waist, her arm locked around his neck. Her lips broke from his one last time. "Oh god Mathew, I love you" she said kissing him deeper than she ever had before. Their climax came at the same time making them cry out the other's name.

They lay there on their sides their connection never broken, sighing in the afterglow of their reunion. Amber lay there with her head on her lover's chest. "Amber what was the last thing you remember before Eric found you" he asked grimly. "I was talking to your headstone, like I did every week" she answered "but I was running later because there was an accident on my way there." The squirrel paused hearing a car horn blasting as brakes were screaming.

The sight of a car's headlight blinded her as the world spun around her. The last thing she heard before she had found herself in front of her lover's headstone was a sharp snap that followed a sharper pain in her neck. "Mathew, my love, please don't ever let me be alone again" she said her eyes watering. "Amber try to get some sleep," he said holding her close "there someone you're going to want to see tomorrow." She smiled crying into his chest listening to his healthy heart beating in her ear.

The end

Words of hope to those lost. Let love lead through the unknown and bring into the light. Without fear it will always find new ways of keeping us closer.

R.I.P Amber Keistend "I will never forget my first love"

R.I.P Mathew Churchview "the last human on earth"

Vixen’s Music. Love and Hope. Part 3.

Chapter11 Shortly after the other three left Tabs and I were sitting on the bed my laptop set up on a blank word document. "I don't know, Aiden" she said looking over her own work "it doesn't seem like you can do anything with it." "No" I said "you...

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Vixen’s Music. Love and Hope. Part 2.

* * * Chapter 6 I looked around the kitchen and found the fixings for a world famous breakfast. I got the oven hot and put the premade biscuits on a cookie sheet. When I had them in the over I turned to the eggs. With a little milk and cheese and a...

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Forgotten Night's Angel Amber was a young squirrel. Eighteen and fresh out of school. She was out late even for her. But this was the first chance she had to visit her mother who passed away some years ago. The night air held a chill that made her...

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