Caught Between

Story by Bronzewing on SoFurry

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A little attempt at writing an unaware story from a very close perspective of a single act.

I think It went well.

Creeping through the shadows was a tiny speck of a human, though the shadows he walked in were far from normal. Around him towered the plates of a pair of anthros who were tall enough to build cities upon for the micro who struggled to climb the white plate. He simply wanted food, but he was at a dis advantage due to his size as city block sized pieces of steak were carried away. Reaching that immense slab of meat and taking his fill, the speck was startled as he was lifted to the sky as the tiger opened his mouth wide. With a shout of fear he was carried to the yawning pit that wanted to be fed, just like his own belly, but the micro jumped off to a supposed freedom. Much to his surprise, his grasp held as his hands wrapped tightly around the fur of the titan's chin.

His lucky leap only delayed his chance of freedom as the raptor sitting nearby leaned in to give his mate a kiss. The scales of the reptile rammed into the speck of a man, sending him plummeting down towards the furred chest of the being who nearly ate him. His fall to his death was delayed as his tiny form was caught in a clump along the felines belly as the pair laid down on a nearby bed. The micro sprinted in search of any freedom as things turned worse for him. Running through the forest as a scaled hand slides in the micro's path, stopping him dead in his tracks. Quakes knocked him down and left him looking through a gap in the canopy as the rump of a reptile comes into view, the giant sitting down over the belly of the tiger. The landscape growing darker as the upside down ravine limits which way the speck could flee and lowered his ability to see in the shadowy darkness.

Looking through the fur forest as at a glimpse of light past the bulbous shape of a male's sack, the reptile showing the signs of being a male. His scent descends from above to mingle with the ones from the giant from below. Panic gaining ground in the micro's body as he can both feel and see the rump above sliding from side to side as the pair enjoy each other's company.

Grasping a strand of fur as a sudden sound travels between the massive men, the sound of something sliding against fur. Looking south, a hand slipped in under the scaled tail in search of a winking opening far above the voyeur. His eyes looked up as the questing digits found what they wanted and slipped into the depths with a squelch audible only to the speck. Against his will his own shaft began to erect at the display he was privileged to see, even though he wished he was far from this place as the thunderous moans rolled in from above.

The thrusting finger slurped loudly over the shadowy valley between the scaled cheeks. As the two worked with their own bodies, the tiny speck ran towards the groin of the reptile in hopes of getting by it and being seen by the pair. The heavy object slammed into the forest every so often, dragging over the strands to flatten them down, leaving a musky terrain that looked difficult to cross. With a deep breath, the micro sprinted under the scrotum just after it slammed down and began to rise. His feet slipped and threaten to pull him down and into his doom, but he made it just as the orbs met the ground again. The wind knocked him down yet pulled him back towards his doom as the massive objects rose again. In a panic he held on as the duo went on with their pleasure.

Screaming in fear, the tiny man looked up as the sack rose up with the rising of the reptilian fist. Yet it didn't drop. Instead the titan rose up and scooted backwards over his counterpart till the towering spire rising above the fuzzy groin sat between his legs. The micro looked on as the cock vanished into the depths that had been penetrated by the fingers previously and felt the impact of the entire giant slamming down. It was again an erotic sight for the speck, seeing the massive sex act from between the pectoral muscles of the male he was on. At least until he sat up to give his mate a quick kiss, the action sending the micro sailing forward with the quick action. His flight was stopped as he landed against the belly of the reptile with a near bone breaking impact. Stunned and dazed, he was forced to slide slowly down the abdominals of the giant towards the throbbing monster between his legs.

With each rise and fall or the reptilian giant, the speck slipped further down the slick scales towards the glistening skin of his manhood. The surface of which throbbed with lust, lust that one of the male's hands encouraged with constant pumping. The stench was overwhelming to the tiny thing's nose even before he got close enough to touch it. When his feet touched the burning skin he tried to jump off it, desperate for freedom from the masculine scented hell, yet the pre coated skin kept him trapped. With a loud schlk a massive hand rammed into the tiny intruder who stood upon the reptile's pride, pinning him almost to the crushing point between fist and groin.

Nausea swelled up from the micro's belly as he was flung from one end of the miles longs shaft to the other as the giant pleasured himself. His body felt like it would burst from the constant motion, at least until he stopped his actions. The hand lifted from the landscape of the penis and slipped beneath the sack that nearly killed him before, stopping as it fondled the shaft of his mate. In the darkness that he had fled from before, the micro found himself trapped once against under the rump of the reptile as a droplet of pre rained from above. The shaft piercing the ass of the giant dribbled it's pleasure forth in a constant river that picked up a passenger from the scaly hand. His trip lasted a while, long enough for him to witness sex on a massive scale. The scaled cheeks slammed down around him with a force he couldn't comprehend before sliding back up, the slurping of the flesh against flesh sounding nearly deafening from this close. The throbbing of the cock intensified tenfold as the speck realized they were about to erupt.

With a thundering impact, the reptile stilled his movements and sat as low as he could upon his mates throbbing tool. Moans erupted as the giants called each other's names, their voices too deep for the micro to understand considering the difference in scale. Yet for him, he was in a sexual hell that was soon to grow worse. Below, he could see the pulsing groin as it shot bursts of cum in amounts that would rival the largest lakes he had ever seen. Above, he could hear and see the movements of the reptiles taint as he fired onto the furred giant's chest. Yet most dangerous of all for the micro was the anus not far above his head, the churning muscles clamped and relaxed as if it wanted to devour the speck. The strength of this small part of the male enough to flatten him if it came any closer. But that was far from the only thing he had to worry about as cum cascaded down between each pulse of flesh.

Waves of white sludge pulled the man from the cock of the titan. He struggled for breath in the thick slime, the mere cum of a single male. His attempts for freedom were forgotten in the macro scale as the couple pulls apart to recline in bliss in each other's arms. For the micro the moment was far from blissful as the shaft propels him deep into the pool of cum as it settles almost flush against his groin. Swimming in hear total blindness, the feeling of squirming things along his skin making him go faster, till his face breached into the light. Taking a deep breath as he clambered free of the ooze, he rested a moment before looking about the titanic room. Before him was the mountainous forms of their faces as they nuzzled together while to his side was the still throbbing erections. Sighing in defeat, the micro laid down and waited till they wore themselves down, their libido already having proved stronger than his entire body.

Small tales of giant encounters

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