
Story by Taki on SoFurry

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Author's Note: I recently posted a journal asking for requests. WetCoyote asked for something along the lines of Silly Games featuring the spin the bottle idea, possibly with some M/M. Thus, I give you this. I don't read much M/M, so I undoubtedly fell into some cliche traps. Forgive me if some stuff isn't quite right. I try. Once again, please leave comments. They make me smile. Faves are cool, but I'd prefer to know why you like it. Thanks for reading!

The skies opened up as Michael pulled into the parking lot. "Ah, dammit," he cursed as the rain pounded against his windshield. He knew a storm was coming, but had hoped to make it to his destination before it hit. Luckily, he was able to secure a parking place close to Sean's apartment, allowing him to make it to the door while only getting mostly soaked.

Sean answered the door and quickly invited Michael in. "Hey man, get in here before you drown. Tina beat you here, so we're ready to rock."

Michael, meanwhile, was staring in shock at his friend's latest coloring. Naturally a solid white wolf, Sean was fond of dyeing his fur in various patterns. This time, he had gone for a uniform lavender across almost his entire body, leaving the tips of his ears and tail white. As usual, he wore shorts and a tank top to show off his hue. "Dude, what the hell? Purple?" the shocked cat asked.

"Yeah, I felt like trying something different. You like?" the wolf asked, spinning in place.

"It's...vibrant," Michael allowed. "Honestly though, you look like a stuffed toy for young girls."

"So you're saying I look like something a girl would want to cuddle?"


"Fair enough, now tell me how that's a bad thing," Sean said with a grin.

Michael paused for a second before reaching out to shake the wolf's hand. "Well played, sir."

The two walked into the living room of the apartment, and Tina greeted them from the couch. "Hey Mike, bet you wish you got here a few minutes earlier, eh?" the slim raccoon teased. She was sitting sideways to claim half of the couch, legs stretched out and crossed under an almost indecently short skirt.

"You know it," the cat replied, patting at his damp clothes.

"Want something to drink?" Sean asked from the kitchen. "Tina and I are having Captain and coke, but there's some Smirnoff Ice in the fridge for the lightweights."

"Wow, criticizing my preferred beverage. Does my favorite band suck, too?" Michael asked sarcastically. "One lightweight's drink, please."

Sean passed out the drinks and joined Tina on the couch. "Let's get our game on," he announced energetically.

"What are we playing tonight?" Michael asked.

"It's Tina's turn to choose, so..." the lavender wolf said.

"Oh no."

"That's right," the raccoon said, "Mario motherfuckin' Party!"

"Aw man," the snow leopard lamented.

"Oh, you're just jealous because you're never the party star," Tina said, sticking her tongue out at him.

"I swear the game is rigged," Michael muttered.

While the raccoon set up the game, Michael was noticing how warm the apartment was. His shirt was rapidly drying and he was starting to feel uncomfortable. "Hey Sean, why is it like a sauna in here?" he asked.

"Sorry man, but I gotta counter the low temps outside. Not all of us are as cold-adapted as you. Besides, I like to keep it a bit warm because I don't always wear clothes around the place," the wolf explained with a sly grin.

"Wait, do you use this couch when you do that?" Tina asked, looking suspiciously at the piece of furniture she was sitting on.


"Eh, whatever," the raccoon said, tossing a controller to each of the males. "Anyway, if you're hot Mike, you can just take off your shirt or something. We won't mind."

Michael wondered briefly if that was really a better solution than turning down the heat a bit, but the other two didn't seem bothered, so he peeled off the heavy long-sleeve shirt he was wearing. It helped with the temperature, but he did feel a bit odd being shirtless around his friends.

"You boys ready to get rocked?" Tina asked.

"Bring it, ringtail," Sean answered.

An hour later, the storm outside had intensified. The driving rain was now accompanied by rapid flashes of lightning and nearly continuous rolls of thunder. Inside the warm apartment, Tina was dominating the game. Michael was accumulating a group of empties next to him, and was feeling a bit of a buzz.

"Hey Mike, hypothetical question," Sean prompted him.

"Hit me"

"Would you play catcher for million bucks?" the wolf asked.

"Catcher? I don't understand," the snow leopard said in confusion.

"You know, take it from another guy."

"Oh! I don't know..." Michael hesitated. Why was Sean asking this? Did he suspect something? Shit, he had to figure out how most guys would answer. Better take a guess. "I guess I would. I mean, that's a lot of money, right? Why do you ask?" he countered, blushing through his white fur.

"Just a fun question I heard somewhere and have been asking my friends. You're the most prudish guy I know, so I figured you'd be most likely to give an interesting answer. 'Yes' is winning, though with varying levels of distaste," the lavender wolf explained.

"Ah, I see. What was your answer?" Michael asked curiously.

"I said hell yeah. I'd do it for far less than a million. What's the big deal?"

Michael began to suspect Sean was trying to make some other point. He normally wouldn't have had the will to ask, but he had gained a touch of alcohol-induced bravery. "So wait, are you gay?"

Tina laughed, already knowing the answer from a previous conversation with Sean.

The wolf scoffed, "I reject your labels. I am a hedonist. I enjoy life in many ways, and care not what people might say about me for it."

"Oh," Michael said, a bit nonplussed. "So that means you've-- no, never mind." The image was stuck in his head now, but it would still be rude to ask Sean about it, even if it would be good to know someone else he could talk about...certain things with.

Sean tried to hide a smile. He could see the wheels turning in the leopard's head, and was hoping he'd just come out with it. No such luck, though. He'd need a bit more prodding. The brightly colored wolf began to plan his next move, but was violently interrupted by a flash of light and simultaneous crack of thunder.

A bolt of lightning struck a power transformer behind the apartment complex, exploding it in a shower of sparks that was visible to the trio through the window. The room being plunged into darkness at the same time only added to the effect.

"Holy shit!" Tina yelled, her attention whipping to the light show outside.

"Crap. I think I could have pulled off a comeback," Michael insisted.

"Bull. You were 5 stars down, kitty. You know you can't compete with me," Tina teased.

All three furs abandoned their useless game controllers and walked to the window to survey the damage. A twisted hunk of metal showed where the lightning had struck, cutting off any chance of more video gaming in the near future.

"On the plus side, that looked fucking awesome," Sean said. "But the down side is that we are now bored."

Michael noticed that the wolf and raccoon didn't seem quite as distressed at the latest development as he might have expected. Maybe they had some other plan already. "Hey Sean, you have any board games or anything?" he asked.

"Board games? You mean the kind of thing they did for fun in the 1800s?" Sean countered as he lit a few candles. That was one idea shot down.

"Anything else we can do, then?" the cat asked, "I'm not exactly eager to drive home through that."

At that moment, Tina stumbled on her way back over to the couch, knocking one of Michael's empty bottles to the ground, setting it spinning on the laminate floor. "Hmm, hey guys," she called, pointing at the slowly rotating bottle.

"Ooh, I like it. Good idea, Tina," Sean commented, walking into the room with a couple flashlights. The wolf and raccoon sat on the floor next to the bottle as the leopard looked on skeptically.

"What are you guys talking about?" he asked.

"Spin the Bottle. Fun for all ages, no power required," Sean said proudly.

"What? You want to play that? I mean, can you even do it with just three people?" Michael inquired, trying to find some polite way to refuse. Sure it was just a fun little game, but he wasn't quite comfortable playing with his close friends. Besides, there was only one female involved. How would that work? They didn't expect him to...

"Sure you can," the wolf said, interrupting the snow leopard's racing thoughts. "You can play with just two people if you're smooth enough," he said with a wink. "Come on, loosen up a bit."

"A-all right," Michael stuttered, sitting down to form the third side of the triangle around the clear bottle. They each had their legs crossed and knees touching so that there would be no ambiguous results. Tina didn't seem to care that this position would allow an unscrupulous person an excellent view up her skirt.

"I'll get things started," the lavender wolf announced, setting the bottle spinning in place. Three pairs of eyes watched carefully as it came to rest, pointing at Tina. Sean leaned toward her, gazing deep into her eyes. "Milady, might a lowly wolf steal a kiss from those beautiful lips?"

"You may," the raccoon responded haughtily, before leaning forward and giving the wolf a light kiss on the lips.

"Your turn, Mike," Sean prompted.

Michael took a deep breath and spun the bottle, watching in horror as it slowed to a stop pointing directly at the wolf's crotch. This was the worst case scenario he had been afraid of. "Uh, do I spin again?" he asked nervously.

Tina suppressed a giggle. "Oh no, kitty, no dodging now. Obey the bottle."

Oh damn, he was going to have to do it. What if Sean could tell? Maybe if he did it really quick it would satisfy them and let the game move on. The eager look on Tina's face wasn't exactly reassuring on that front, but the calm smile Sean wore was better.

The leopard leaned forward slowly, closing his eyes nervously as he neared the other male's face. He didn't notice the wolf lunge forward until their lips collided, the canine pressing against him forcefully. The cat let out a surprised "Mm!" as his mouth was invaded by Sean's tongue, passionately seeking out his own. Oh gods, why was he doing this? Was the wolf messing with him? Did it matter when it felt so good? He vigorously returned the kiss, running his own rough tongue over the wolf's.

Michael almost whimpered as Sean pulled away just as he was getting into it. Tina clapped as they separated. "Very nice, boys. I usually have to pay good money to see something like that."

"Yeah, good job playing along, Mike. I didn't know you had it in you," Sean said, shooting a meaningful look to Tina. "I bet you're a hit with the ladies if you can do that."

"Yeah, sure," the leopard said, feigning pride. "They, um, love it." In truth, that was his first kiss with someone of any gender. A combination of shyness and...uncertainty kept him from making any kind of romantic move before now.

"This has been fun. Think it's time to step it up a bit?" Tina asked cryptically.

"I think I know where you're going with that. Sounds good," Sean answered.

"Spinner chooses to give or receive?"

"Works for me," the wolf affirmed.

Michael, distracted by thoughts of the kiss, didn't catch the meaning. "Wait, what's happening now?"

"You'll see. My turn to spin," the raccoon said, giving the glass container a vigorous twist. She squealed with joy as it indicated Michael. "Yay! My turn to play with the kitty! I choose to receive."

The leopard looked on with increasing surprise as Tina scooted back from the circle, hiking her skirt up as she went. She slowly pulled her panties down her legs, tossing them to the side as they cleared her feet. The raccoon then spread her legs and gestured invitingly at the shocked feline. "Come on, kitty, I have another job for your tongue."

"Wait, but I, huh?" Michael looked to Sean for confirmation.

"You heard her. The bottle chose you, so you have to do it. You didn't think the game was just about kissing, did you?" the wolf asked evenly.

"Aww, don't you want to have fun with me?" Tina pouted. "I can understand if you'd rather do it with Sean. He's pretty hunky."

"No! I mean, that's not it," the leopard rushed to explain, "I just, um, don't know what to do. I've never done it before." Aha! A truthful answer and he dodged the real explanation. He congratulated himself on the quick thinking.

"What? Never seen any porn with oral before?" Tina asked innocently.

"Well yes, just never with girl--with that done to girls." Phew! Almost had a reveal there. Now he just had to clear the next obstacle. He figured most guys would jump at the chance to give oral to an attractive girl, so he had to play along. Michael crawled on hands and knees over between the raccoon's legs. He swallowed heavily as he contemplated what to do next.

"Don't be scared. It wont bite you." Tina giggled at the leopard's obvious discomfort. "Dive in. I'll tell you if you're doing it right."

Michael leaned down and lapped gently at the lips of the raccoon's sex. He was surprised to find he enjoyed the taste after some horror stories he had heard. He began an inventory of the female's unfamiliar anatomy. Starting with a light lick down her cleft, he spread her outer lips and dipped his tongue into her passage before licking upward to rasp it across her clit.

The girl tensed under him. "A bit more softly please. That's a sensitive spot and your tongue is kinda rough."

Michael looked up abashedly. "Sorry." He returned to his task with a lighter touch, only caressing her button with the bottom of his tongue. He would probably have chosen his partner differently if he had known the night was going to go this way, but pleasuring Tina was turning out to be a fun challenge. Perhaps he'd have to rethink a few things about himself he thought he was finally certain of.

Tina squirmed under his ministrations, her fluffy tail twitching against Michael's leg. "Ohhh, good kitty. Go a bit deeper. Yes, there!" She yelled encouragement as the leopard followed her advice. "Damn, you're a quick study." While Michael was distracted, she signaled to Sean.

"Oh hey, while you guys are busy, I'll just take a spin." The wolf aligned the bottle next to the leopard and raccoon and gave it a spin. "Oh my, it appears I have selected Mike as well. Darn, I was planning on choosing to receive from him as well. I guess I'll have to go with an alternate plan. Be right back." Sean stood, grabbed a flashlight, and padded away down the hall.

Michael paused his licking and looked around, the fur around his mouth damp with the raccoon's juices. "Hey, what does that mean?"

Tina shoved his face back against her pussy. "Don't worry about it, you have a job to do."

Fair enough, he wouldn't want to abandon the job half-done. He dug in again, dipping deep into the raccoon's clenching passage. He licked up her flowing nectar, idly wondering how it would compare to a male's emissions.

The girl was glad she had deviated from the plan. Sean had been supposed to take the lead, but the bottle lands where it wants. The wolf had adapted well enough, and she had a guess about what he had gone to retrieve.

When she first raised the stakes, she had been worried that Michael would balk and leave, but he was clearly enjoying himself now. She reached under her shirt to tease her nipples, wishing she had thought to strip it off earlier. She moaned loudly as the cat's nimble tongue twisted inside her, touching all of her most sensitive spots.

When Tina began shouting his name and thrusting her hips against his face, Michael knew he was doing something right. He returned his attention to her clit, flicking the tip of his tongue back and forth across it, alternately smooth and rough.

The raccoon cried out with climax, arching her back upward and scratching at the floor. Her juices flooded across Michael's face. "Fuck yes!"

The leopard dug his nose in deeper, not relenting in his assault. He continued to service her, not letting her come down from the orgasm. He was so involved in the task, he didn't notice Sean's return until his shorts were yanked down off his hips.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He raised up and reached to pull his shorts back up, but Sean was kneeling on them, pinning the leopard to the floor. Twisting around to object, Michael was shocked into silence when he saw that his friend had returned completely nude, his canine shaft already emerging from its sheath. He tried not to stare, yelled at himself that he'd reveal his secret if he didn't look away, but he couldn't stop. How many times had he imagined what was underneath the wolf's clothes? And now to finally see...it was irresistible. And damn, the purple went right up onto his sheath. That's dedication.

"Oh, you're a smart guy. I bet you can guess what I'm going to do." Sean winked at the trembling leopard, who just managed to tear his gaze away from his friend's package.

"B-but I-" Michael didn't know what to say. He did want it, incredibly badly, but could he admit it?

"But what? It will be fun. I'll tell you what, if you can tell me honestly that you don't want to do this, I'll stop."

The snow leopard was silent for several seconds. His voice cracked slightly as he answered. "I...don't know if I'm ready."

Sean smiled widely. "That's not a no!" He pressed firmly on Michael's back, and the cat dropped down into position on his hands and knees. "Good. Just trust me on this. I know you'll enjoy it." He popped open the bottle of lube he retrieved from his room and spread some on his fingers.

Michael's tail twitched nervously. He'd been wanting this for so long, it was hard to believe it was actually happening. For too long he hadn't admitted it to himself, and he still had not told anyone else, but somehow his friends knew. He was shocked out of his thoughts by a cool, slippery finger rubbing against his tight anal ring. He clenched up in surprise, earning a tsk from the wolf.

"Calm down, man. Just go with it." Sean ran a calming hand through the fur on Michael's back.

The leopard nodded, making an effort relax his rear. The lubed finger dipped inside him and he moaned, not just from the direct pleasure it offered, but for the promise of what was to come. His cock was rapidly hardening with anticipation.

Sean teased the cat's tailhole, smiling as his friend submitted to the pleasure. He removed his finger, making the other male mewl and thrust his rear backward. "Be cool, kitty. You'll get more soon enough." The wolf moved into position and rubbed his hard cock against his friend's virgin hole. "Last chance to back out," he warned.

Michael summoned his courage. "Do it." He gasped as the head of his friend's penis slipped inside him. Gods, even that little bit was good. His head snapped upward and he locked eyes with Tina. He had actually forgotten she was in the room.

She winked at him as she leaned back against the couch, one hand rubbing her slit. Watching the two males have fun was getting her worked up again.

The lavender wolf slowly leaned forward, sinking his length deep into the leopard. The feline was tight and hot around him, gripping him harder than any lover he'd had before. He grunted as he bottomed out, pausing there to let his inexperienced friend get used to the feeling.

Michael was in heaven. He'd never felt like this before. Being filled by another male was so right. He reveled in the wonder feeling of having something so thick and hot inside him. He wondered how he had done without it for so long. His earlier play with Tina had been fun, but he knew it was just a sideshow. This was what he wanted; this was who he was. He needed more. His cock twitched with need, dripping pre. The leopard rocked his hips forward and back, urging Sean to continue.

The wolf needed little convincing. He pulled out slowly, teasing his lover by pausing with just the tip of his cock remaining inside before thrusting back in, his balls slapping the soft fur on the leopard's ass.

"Oh gods, yes!" Michael shouted his joy as he was fucked more vigorously. The canine cock tickled his prostate with every pass, giving him pleasure he never knew existed. He swore he could feel every contour of the wolf's member as it was rammed through his tailhole. "Faster!"

Sean obliged, speeding up his thrusts. A wet slipping sound filled the room, along with rhythmic slaps as purple and white fur collided. The wolf lowered an arm down to the other male's crotch, gripping his feline cock. He wanted to make sure Michael got the full experience. He slid a hand down the length, already slick with pre-cum. "How's this?"

Under him, the leopard groaned with the increase in stimulation. "Fuck, so good!" He wrapped his tail around the wolf in sympathetic embrace. The intimacy had awoken something in Michael. His previous fears and inhibitions seemed almost silly now. Why did he worry so much when he could have been doing this? He matched Sean's movements, rocking himself backward to help the canine go deeper. He loved having a male overtop him, the feeling of the heavy sack hitting his rear.

Sean was delighted with the change in his friend. He knew Michael would enjoy himself if he could just get over his fears once. The knowledge that he was opening up the leopard to a new world of fun was almost as hot as the cute mewing sounds he was making. The wolf increased his attention on the cat's package. The amazing tightness clenching his cock was threatening to make him blow first.

"Yes! More!" Michael shook with pleasure underneath Sean. The stroking on his shaft in time with the thrusts filling his rear was putting him close to the edge. "Getting close."

"Cum together with me. Get ready." Sean slammed his hips forward, hilting himself deep within the leopard. His balls tightened against the feline rear as he released inside the tight passage, coating the walls with hot seed.

Michael growled with sudden rapture as the wolf came inside him. The explosion of warmth combined with the stroking of his cock set off his own orgasm, a peak of sensation he'd never felt the like of. Spurts of cum issued violently from his tip, painting milky white lines across the floor.

The pair froze there briefly, each lost in their own pleasure, then relaxed with a gasp. Sean leaned back slowly, gently removing his softening member from the newly broken-in tailhole of his friend. Michael fell slowly to the ground breathing heavily before rolling onto his back. For the first time ever, he was truly satisfied.

Tina clapped once more. Her hand and the floor in front of her were suspiciously damp. "Now that was a fucking show."

"So what do you think?" The wolf smiled down from above him. He looked insufferably proud.

"Thank you. That was amazing." The leopard's relaxed grin faded slightly as he looked back and forth between his friends. "H-how did you know?"

Sean ruffled the fur on his chest. "Silly, we probably knew before you did."

Tina chuckled in agreement. "Yeah, it was pretty obvious. Though after a while we got tired of seeing you deny it and hide it from us. It hurt a bit that you didn't feel you could trust us."

Sean nodded. "And we both felt you needed to loosen up, so we hatched a plan. Obviously we didn't know the power would go out, and Tina went a bit off script, but I think it worked out fairly well in the end."

Michael lowered his head. "I'm sorry, guys. I was just so afraid to tell anyone. Thanks for being so cool." He perked up slightly and smiled. "You know, I don't think many people would have demonstrated their open-mindedness so clearly."

"What, you thought we were prudes?" Tina asked, feigning indignation.

"Indeed, why do things halfway?" Sean agreed.

"Just one more question, then," the leopard said, looking serious. "When do I get that million bucks you mentioned earlier?"

Sean laughed uproariously. "I'm a little short right now. How about I work it off?"

Michael smiled and sighed. "I suppose I can accept that."


_Author's note: I know editing this is going to bump the story to the front page and make me look like an attention-whore, and I apologize for that. I wrote the original version of this in a single 24 hour period, which was a fun...

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Ch. 4 - Hot-Headed Mistakes

"Ok, Lisa, your turn to tell your story," Jen said. "Um, I don't know if I want to," the brown haired girl replied shyly, her orange fox tail twitching behind her. "It's embarrassing." ...

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Silly Games

_Author's Note: This is just something short and fun I wrote to "cleanse my palate" after the dark story. I decided to challenge myself in a couple ways, one of which is writing about a kink I don't really share. I think it turned out...

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