Busting Anton - 2013

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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A married couple, both Llamas, have some private fun after sending the kids off to school. Anton is horny from his orgasm denial and asks his wife, Linnet to let him cum. Of course that means she gets to enjoy his penalty for that privilege by busting his nuts, something she's quite fond of.

Busting Anton by tannim February 10, 2013

Anton watched the bus go. The kids were gone for at least the next eight hours. He hurriedly tugged his shirt off, then his pants, but not his underwear. Instead he put on his wrist cuffs and collar to stand waiting next to his bed. His wife had offered to make his day off from work special again. That was as exciting as it was frustrating.

"Anton, are you decent?" Linnet peaked in and smiled. "Good boy." The matronly llama held out her hand and her husband handed her the leash he'd snapped to the collar's ring. "Now, you're going to get to mount me, today, Anton. Afterward I'll milk you to help relieve the pressure. You're almost at two months. You should be proud."

Anton smiled nervously, that was something he'd wanted to discuss. "Um... My love? Mistress? I don't think I can go the full three months we'd planned." He licked his lips at her blank expression. "May I... I mean, my work is suffering at, well, Work. I just can't concentrate and we cant afford to lose that job."

"You want to cum today, then?" Linnet glanced down meaningfully at his groin. "You know what that means. Do you still want it?"

Her husband winced, but desire overruled sense. "Yes, please.

"Very well. You may take them off and lets go to the basement so the neighbor's won't complain."

Anton tugged his underwear off hurried after her, his chastity belted loins tight with arousal. It was going to hurt, he knew, but it was worth it for the orgasm. He'd think so tomorrow anyway.

"You know the rules. That doesn't come out early without a penalty and you don't orgasm without your balls still feeling that penalty. Last chance to choose to stay with it, Anton." The woman produced the key from her cleavage when he still wanted it. "I do love this penalty. Stand next to that box of legos and spread your legs."

Linnet unlocked her submissive lover's chastity belt and let his penis stiffen in front of her for the first time in two days short of two months. His testicles hung low with excitement and the slight stretching his chastity belt had provided over time. She cupped his balls a moment, then stepped back to drive her foot into them.

Anton clenched his eyes shut at the sudden nausea and pain in his groin. Her shoes had stiff laces on their tough leather. She hadn't pulled the kick either. She caught his hands before they could cup his testicles protectively.

"You don't touch them until it's over, Anton. You still have two minutes before you can touch anything ELSE too. Unless you WANT me to start over." Linnet rubbed at her still clothed hips. "I do enjoy busting you, so I wouldn't mind."

Her husband opened his mouth to say something, then snapped it shut with a clack when she swung her right hand downward in a strong punch right at his testicles. The nearly straight down angle passed just next to his dick to slam into the top of his sack. Anton's pair snapped back against his perineum before jiggling back in their proper place, aching worse than they had from the kick.

Linnet roughly grabbed his sore nuts to give them a light squeeze. She enjoyed the look of surprise on his pained face. He'd expected a hard squeeze. The woman gave him what he wanted with a clench of her fingers, but it was her other fist again punching into them in her palm that really made him groan and double over.

His gut clenched hard for a few seconds at the beating. "UNNNG! That hurts so bad..."

"Stand up straight, my pet. Let me work." His wife pulled down on his balls to again punch them into her other hand. "They are so soft, aren't they?"

Linnet knelt on the floor in front of him, then simply drove her knuckles into his groin once more. The battered pair flattened against his pelvis before bouncing back into shape. Another punch, then another, and another, bruised them as the process repeated. She did love the noises he made.

"I think that's enough warm up." Linnet again grasped his scrotum. "That's nothing you can relieve yourself to, I know. I'll speed up."

Anton's legs wobbled. He tried to crouch, but her knuckles jamming his testicles back into his groin stood him right back up, briefly. The pain had him shaking his head from side to side to try to ignore it just as she changed from hard beating to a much faster and lighter slapping.

Linnet pulled them up to keep him from collapsing while she worked. She smacked them five times in the first five seconds, then ten times in the next five. Her lover's belly clenched in time to the waves of pain each slap gave him and he grunted along with them in increasing enthusiasm. A noise she enjoyed as much as she enjoyed the activity itself.

It was hard for Anton to stay still, his body demanded he pull away and stop her. His stiff dick inspired him to just accept it as the closest thing to real stimulation it had had for too long. He just had to wait for his wife to get over the initial thrill of it again.

At least she wasn't going faster. The ball pain wasn't going down between strikes but it wasn't going up any higher either. Those first beatings had him feeling sick to his stomach and swelling in her hand even so and his lover's endless slapping in the same spot on both balls didn't let him feel any less sick. At least until they suddenly stopped.

Linnet pulled away and stood up fully, long neck extended proudly as she tugged off her shirt and pulled her skirt off. "I'll get back to your boys in a moment, Anton. You can cool down a bit."

Her heavy breasts flopped out of her bra and her husband sagged and almost cupped himself. A click of her tongue kept him in line and he watched her panties slip down her wide hips and thick thighs. She wasn't a small woman and he hadn't wanted her to be. She was very wet, though. Something he had wanted her to be.

"There, I'm going to use one hand on you. It's going to be less controlled, but I don't think you'll mind, too much." Linnet rubbed over her thick belly before further down to her lust swollen vulva. "Stand up straighter, legs a bit further apart." The woman knelt and smiled. "They're a little bigger already. I think they'll be huge tomorrow. You may rub yourself at fifty."

Anton took a few calming breaths that quickly turned into quick deep draws. Linnet had her hand closed again to jab at his scrotum like a boxer. His fuzzy pouch bounced wildly between his legs with her knuckles ramming into it and his balls inside. Counting was difficult with her knocking his nuts, but the steady rapid speed had her striking them two to three times a second.

Linnet loved the fast paddling. Her hand only had to pull back an inch on two and it really didn't take THAT much pressure to make his testicles ache. Too many hard strokes could be dangerous, but hundreds of lighter ones in such a short span of time were as fun as they were effective. It was so cute his legs slowly buckled under him after a few seconds. She just rubbed over her clitoris until he was too low then emphasized standing by using that hand to push him back up.

After ten seconds Anton's hands were clutching at the air. After fifteen he was rocking from foot to foot. Twenty, according to that cruelly slow clock on the far wall, tears were running down his eyes. Oh it hurt. His wife was good at making it hurt.

He wasn't entirely sure how long it would take, but that was part of the fun for her. Too early and he'd be forced to wait longer and take more. That was not something he wanted. Anton waited almost a full minute to make sure, which left him almost at a full hundred strokes to his balls before he finally grabbed his cock and tried to masturbate.

Linnet nodded to herself and sped up more. She put a bit more force in the ball beating, too, making his scrotum flop back and forth against her knuckles. The extra bouncing had one ball or the other receiving every bit of force at times and both sharing it equally at others. She loved how it hurt worse when she struck only one. Anton wasn't so fond of it despite the way he was masturbating to it.

Her submissive husband rubbed his erection as steadily as he could under the onslaught. His pleasure was a long way away and made even longer with her enthusiastic jabbing. Anton's whole body was a knot of pain fulled tension in front of her, but she knew he'd finish eventually. With her helping to beat it out of him.

He cried out for her at times, and even swore at her. She just smiled and lifted her pussy slicked hand up to lick her wet fingertips. Her wet fingers slid down her long neck to trace around her stiff nipples and soft breasts, too. Linnet's aim suffered for her teasing, but her husband appreciated the show. The occasional jab to his thighs were probably even welcomed as they eased the battering his balls had to accept just a bit.

"I do love playing with these, dear." Linnet pulled her arm back further to punch them again and drew a lovely agonized whine from Anton's throat. His hand kept jerking at his cock though his arm wasn't nearly as steady. She gave the pair a rough squeeze, then leaned in to watch a bead of pre on his tip being smeared along the rest of his shaft. "You're getting too used to that it seems. Time to move on."

"Please no, mistress, I'm getting closer!"

Anton's gut felt like it was tearing already from having his balls slapped. The pain of those fast beatings had merged into one long ache that he could accept somewhat. His wife preferred to keep the testicle torture from being too monotonous though, and he winced when she put her index finger to her thumb and flicked his left testicle hard.

It wasn't too impressive to look at, but all that force directed at just half of one already battered nut had him gasping. He hated that type of busting. There was no rhythm to work with while stroking himself. There was only a random agony blooming with each flick and that annoying sound when her fingers slipped apart and another when that finger slammed into his testicle.

Linnet slowed a bit with the flicking technique compared to the other, but she made up for it with far more pressure applied with each stroke. They brought more noises of very masculine pain from her lover and made his scrotum jiggle so prettily. She kept her other hand busy tracing circles around her clitoris while barely touching it. So much better to drag out her pleasure while watching him try to get his.

Anton's breath was labored while his wife beat one ball or the other. Masturbating with such abuse wasn't easy, especially receiving it standing up. There was a tingle in his prostate from the pleasure building but there was far more pain than pleasure. He found himself struggling to keep from begging her to stop and put the chastity belt back on. Only the long pent up need kept him saying only words of agony instead of the words that would stop it immediately.

"I could use needles if you get tired of the flicking, Anton." Linnet again grabbed his pair for a squeeze. The frantic no to that had her grinding her other hand over her clit. Just the idea of doing it made her want to cum. She would not, however, without him agreeing to it. "Then how about this..."

Linnet tugged him hard upward on his scrotum and bent her head down to catch the right nugget in her mouth. She cupped his testicle behind the teeth on her bottom jaw before clamping her mouth shut with it trapped against her upper mouth pad. Her tongue pushed against his nut while she opened her mouth just enough to let it slip between teeth on the bottom and tip of her upper jaw pad on top.

Anton jerked frantically with the respite from her beating them. He knew what was coming and didn't have time to waste thinking about it. The pleasure built with only the remaining ache to hold him back while she positioned him. His hips thrust forward, his cock swelled in his hand, she bit down, he yelled in pleasure, semen squirted into the air in front of him. He came despite the teeth bit deep into the bottom of his testicle.

Linnet felt him cumming. She bit harder and caught the other ball to squeeze between thumb and fingers. The pain she gave his balls merged with that pleasure, or so she guessed. It made him squirt a bit further once or twice every time she busted him and she plunged her fingers into her cunt as she pushed herself closer to her own peak thinking about it.

Her husband's dick spat out six good squirts and a few weaker squirts after. All the while hips thrust at the air as though trying to fuck something. His pleasured moan faded, only to grow again into a pained OH. Linnet held Anton's balls bitten cruelly tight in mouth and squished in hand until her pussy clenched. She let go all at once and stood up in one quick motion, just at the edge of orgasm.

The woman grabbed his leash and yanked it. "Get that mouth down there and finish me off!"

Anton held his hands inches from his balls wanting to hold them protectively for a moment, then dropped to his knees in front of her to drive his tongue into her wet lust swollen labial folds. His balls hurt terribly with a feeling of nausea nearly making him throw up, but he wasn't about to disappoint his wife. Her hands grabbed his ears for handles to fuck her pussy against his muzzle and he rewarded her for letting him cum by letting her orgasm too.

Linnet's pussy fluttered around his nose and lips while her inner walls clenched around his tongue when she came. Her body tensed through the whole body muscle quakes and a stream of fluid gushed from her groin to cover Anton's face and chest. She held that orgasm for nearly four seconds, belly shaking, chest heaving loudly, before coming down to look her submissive lover over.

He put out so well after a good nut busting and she really wanted his cock inside her again. It'd be a shame to put him back into the chastity belt already. Even with his orgasm and abused balls he was stiff and ready for more.

That orgasm denial fetish of his was turning out to be more fun than she'd expected when combined with her love of ball busting.