Dragyn's Miscalculation

Story by BlackWolfe on SoFurry

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#4 of Dragyn's Magic Wand

Note: This is where the story of Dragyn and Heather was supposed to start, almost. However, I (A)wanted to spend some more time establishing their personalities and some of what the website was about, and (II) decided that the prior request to show Dragyn and Heather having sex was too good to pass up before getting to this part.

It's definitely not the last we'll hear of Dragyn, Heather, Maggie, and others, though...

Dragyn's Magic Wand

Dragyn's Miscalculation

Dragyn sighed contentedly. Shi'd been worried about hurting Heather, and had denied the two of them any penetration, but Heather's insistence had won out. It had been incredible, the best sex shi'd ever had.

Shi didn't think it was purely the difference in scale that made it so, either. Granted, that had added a level of physical sensation shi'd never experienced before, but it was the emotional bond the two of them had been forming for the past couple of months that really made it special.

Shi was beginning to think hir people's openmindedness about sex had somehow deprived them of some of its real value when shi remembered something hir mother had told hir sister.

"'Noco," she'd said, "remember something: Sex is fun, but until you've found the right mate to share it with, you're just fucking. When you really mate with someone, you'll really know what sex is all about."

"Got it in one, Mother," Dragyn said with a sigh. Shi thought back on the passionate encounter, and found hirself getting aroused.

Oh, well, shi thought. Heather's off getting lunch, and we've got subscribers, may as well give them a show.

As shi continued to replay the scene in hir mind, shi thought about Heather, about how they'd met, and about the avatar Heather had used, which had attracted hir to the human in the first place.

The avatar had been absolutely stunning, after all. Even though shi wished shi could have been with that incredible creature - twelve "foots" tall, muscular, incredibly stacked, and incredibly sensuous - it was more than enough that shi could be with the person who envisioned hir.

It was almost a shame that Heather wasn't at least a bit more endowed, though.

* * * * *

Maggie had a new spring in her step the next morning, though she did her best to hide it. She could hear the conversations in her head already: "Did you get laid last night?" "I had the most incredible night with a vibrator and a porno site, actually." Not exactly the sort of image that she wanted to project at work.

Not that she loved her job - it was hardly enough to keep her apartment up, wasn't the sort of thing she wanted to tell people she did, and sure as hell didn't offer much in the way of advancement.

It was just that if the jackasses at work - especially her manager, a good five years younger and convinced of his own superiority - knew she got off on internet porn, they'd think she was some kind of easy lay.

The only thing that made it worth coming to work was the blonde. She was a regular customer, though lately she'd been buying in bulk, calling her orders in ahead of time. Maggie knew a lot about her - where she lived (a large house with a fair plot of land around it just a couple of miles up the road), her likes and dislikes - and the more she knew, the more she wanted to knew.

She'd had a sneaking suspicion the girl was either gay or bisexual for months, and added to that suspicion, the blonde girl strikingly resembled Heather from the website.

Can it, Mags, she thought sternly. That sort of thing never happens in real... The rest of the thought trailed off into a haze of confusion mixed with certainty. The blonde had just come in the door.

Like Maggie, she had that happy spring in her step. Maggie now more than suspected, she knew. The blond girl was Heather. Had to be. Only one way to find out, though.

"Hey, there, Maggie," the girl said as she bounced up to the counter.

"Hey yourself," Maggie said. Hey there, Heather , dammit. Not "yourself." Gah!

To cover her frustration with herself, Maggie looked over her shoulder. "Hey, we got that special order ready?"

"Um, five more minutes," Jack called out from behind the grill. "That's a lot of burgers to make."

"Just as well," the girl said, rubbing her belly. Maggie's eyes glanced down at her - no, it couldn't be Heather after all, she decided. Heather was attractive, but not as well endowed as this girl was. "I could really go for a salad."

Maggie started to ring up the order, but the blonde reached over the register to get her attention.

"Um... how big are those salads, anyway?" Maggie looked up from the register to let the girl know she'd heard, and was forced to reevaluate her initial impressions.

How she'd managed to conceal her obvious physical fitness, not to mention that stunning rack, for so long was something worth investigating, Maggie told herself. Good eating, maybe? She shook her head, breaking out of her daze, and turned to get a salad out of the display.

"Ooh," the girl said. Her voice, just a bit husky, vaguely reminded Maggie of Dragyn, which reminded her of what she'd watched last night, which... She got control of herself, barely, while the blonde continued. "I'm gonna need more than one."

"No problem," Maggie said, turning back to her. "How ma... ny...?" She trailed off, realizing that the young woman hadn't concealed her physique, as she'd thought before. It was slowly changing right in front of her. Her prior certainty returned.

"Um... eight?" The woman, definitely Heather, grinned sheepishly.

"No problem," Maggie said, and rang up the order, along with the two-dozen burgers she was now increasingly certain were for Dragyn. "Um... can I ask you a question?"

Heather grinned, brushing her hair away from her face. "Fire away," she said, unconsciously bringing to Maggie's mind the image of Dragyn's male organ reaching its final climax of the night before.

It took two tries for Maggie to clear the image from her mind, by which time, she was sure Heather had gained at least another half cup size. It took a moment beyond that for her to recover the ability to form coherent thoughts and speak them. "I'm a big fan of your website."

"That's not a question," began Heather, then blinked in surprised recognition. "Wait," she said. "Maggie... Magpie?"

Maggie grinned widely. She was right, it was Heather. She tried to reply, but only managed a squeak.

Heather's stomach rumbled loudly, interrupting the moment. "Um," she said, her voice even huskier than it had been a moment earlier, "could you, ah... double that salad order? I'm really craving salad for some reason."

"N... no problem," Maggie said. Heather was changing, right before her eyes, and she had to admit she liked what she saw. In addition to the bust, which was expanding a bit too slowly for anyone who didn't see her regularly to notice, she had gained a bit more muscular definition, and almost an inch of height.

Heather, seemingly oblivious, tried to adjust her T-shirt. As soon as she paid for the meal, she took the food - three bags of burgers, two of salad - and headed out the door and down the road on foot, her car forgotten.

Thinking fast, Maggie looked over at her manager. "Bob?"

"Yes, Margaret?"

"I... I really don't feel well."

Concern immediately crossed Bob's tired features. "How bad is it?"

Maggie shrugged, letting her movements get a little bit uncoordinated. "Not too bad, I guess," she said, then doubled over, clenching her abdomen, moaning. "Oh, gawd."

"Oh, crap," Bob said, obviously picturing the problems that would ensue if he made a sick employee stick around handling customers' food. "Okay, go ahead and go, I'll clock you out."

"Thanks, Bob," Maggie moaned, and made for the door. As soon as it closed behind her, she stifled the urge to sprint after Heather. It wouldn't do to look too healthy after leaving sick from work.

* * * * *

Heather - the rabbit - had been nothing if not healthy, Dragyn mused, almost casually stroking hir member. Shi'd had a wonderful attitude towards sex - which hir player shared, thankfully - a tremendous love of showing off, and the sort of physique that Dragyn, quite frankly, lusted after.

It wasn't fair to the real Heather that her character turned Dragyn on even more than she did. If the character had been the real Heather, however, Dragyn had to admit that things might have been different. They'd definitely have gotten a lot more physical than they already were.

It was too bad, really, that Heather didn't share her character's spectacular build. Dragyn felt a bit hampered by the need to ensure shi didn't hurt the fragile human.

* * * * *

As soon as she could, Heather ducked behind a hedge to get out of view of traffic. She felt really odd, and her bra was pinching her something fierce, the underwire digging in very uncomfortably. As soon as she was out of view of traffic, she peeled her shirt off.

It took longer than she was used to - she had problems stretching the waistband of it over her breasts. Once it was off, she tossed it aside, swearing at it. The bra was even more difficult. It simply did not want to unhook. Trying only made the underwire pinch even harder. Frustrated, she grabbed it by the cups and pulled.

She hardly registered the tearing sound as some of the seams started to give way, so great was her relief at getting the thing off in the first place. It joined the shirt on the ground, and she started off towards home again, concealed by the bushes. Ravenously, she ripped open the first plastic salad container and downed it in two bites.

Some distance behind her, Maggie followed, watching the changes that Heather wasn't noticing. Heather's whole body was changing, but some parts more than others. Her shoulders were a little broader, her muscles now very clearly defined even from a distance.

As she tore off the bra, Maggie reeled at the sight of the breasts the blond woman now sported - at least D cups, possibly larger. And some of those changes seemed to be accelerating, as Maggie could now see Heather's breasts getting larger.

After about ten more feet of walking, Heather kicked off her shoes. Without even bothering to look at them, however, she started off again, walking on the balls of her feet and making good enough time that Maggie had to jog to keep up.

In addition to the growing breasts and muscles, which were still continuing, Maggie realized that Heather had gotten taller too. She nearly sprinted to catch up when she realized that. Some of her more private fantasies about Heather and Dragyn had involved the human turning into the dragon, getting taller and more developed while Maggie held on to her/hir, feeling those limbs lengthening and thickening.

This wasn't quite like that, however. Heather was probably around six feet tall, judging from the way her pants reached down to mid-shin, and now a great deal more muscular than lithe, fit Dragyn was.

Given the way her feet seemed to be lengthening, she was turning into something, though, and Maggie found herself getting hot just thinking about it.

* * * * *

Dragyn moaned softly, still stroking hirself. It wasn't fair to Heather, but shi was immensely turned on by the thought of the human's furry avatar. Shi longed to stroke those long, soft-furred ears, to feel those immense arms wrap around hir.

It had been a while since hir last lover, and she had been about Heather's size - the furry version of Heather, that was - about three times as tall as Dragyn and four times as broad.

Shi tried to think of the real Heather, the human Heather, while shi stroked hirself, but somehow she always changed into the lapine hermaphrodite from their online chats.

* * * * *

The changes were accelerating now, Maggie thought, though Heather still didn't seem to notice. Her only reaction to the seams of her pants beginning to give out was to casually tear them off of her with one hand, revealing the most powerful-looking legs Maggie had seen in her life.

Maggie started to pick up speed then, wanting to get as close as possible to watch the changes taking place, but Heather's much longer stride made it hard to keep up, let alone catch up.

She had to be nearly twice Maggie's height by now. From a distance, she looked oddly soft, despite the obvious physique, her bronzed, muscular limbs seeming to be viewed through a hazy filter. While Maggie's eyes traced those limbs in a mixture of envy and lust, she was startled to realize that the reason for the hazy appearance was that Heather had, at some point while she was too far away for Maggie to notice, grown fur.

Immediately above her incredible rump, a tail had begun to form - small and teardrop shaped. Combining the image of that with the way Heather's ears now seemed to be protruding above her hair a bit, and with the way she'd devoured those salads, Maggie was beginning to get a fairly accurate image of what Heather was becoming.

* * * * *

To help fuel hir masturbatory fantasies, Dragyn brought up Heather's old website, filled with commissioned pictures of the massive hermaphrodite rabbit in various poses ranging from seductive to outright pornographic. The artists were good, and with this much information, Dragyn would have no problems - once hir powers returned, that was - with helping Heather realize her secret dream of becoming the person she'd once pretended to be.

Then Dragyn would be able to cuddle up to the massive powerhouse as shi'd done online, would really feel that prodigious member - easily twice as large as those of Dragyn's race Heather's size sported - stretching hir out. Shi'd be able to show Heather how it felt, being larger and stronger than hir mate, and after Heather had bathed hir in hir seed, as Dragyn had done to Heather, shi would talk to Heather about the marvelously powerful hatchlings the two of them could make and raise.

* * * * *

Mike, watching Dragyn masturbate from his home three states away, wondered briefly what shi was looking at online. Maybe it was messing up the feed, he thought, making that weird blue afterimage that kept obscuring the picture.

He'd rebooted twice, thinking it was his video card, but with no effect. Frustrated, he just enjoyed the show, stroking his cock and fingering the tender area just behind his scrotum.

* * * * *

They had entered Heather's property barely a minute ago, Maggie having to sprint to keep up with the massive, and still growing, shapechanging woman. Heather had to be at least sixteen feet tall at this point. She was almost a third as wide as she was tall, and her limbs were easly twice as thick as any bodybuilder Maggie had heard of - if that bodybuilder had been blown up to Heather's size.

While her muscles and breasts (each nearly as wide as her ribcage, and impossibly firm and round) had stopped growing in proportion to the rest of her, the fact that she was still growing overall made them appear larger and larger to Maggie, who just wanted to stop following Heather and masturbate, as horny as the sight of the growing lapine amazon made her.

Finally within sight of home, Heather obliged her and stopped, panting heavily. Maggie continued to run to catch up, wondering if the titanic woman was okay - she remembered something in a movie about giants being impossible because their hearts wouldn't be able to pump the blood properly. As Heather reached down to begin fingering herself, Maggie relaxed, though she kept moving closer to get a better view.

She also remembered, from the same movie, the ludicrous assertion that the reason a giant's heart wasn't big enough was that it was essentially a single cell and didn't grow as fast as the rest of the giant. Watching Heather - now over eighteen feet tall and still growing - finger herself was getting Maggie even more horny.

"Fuck it," she said, and stumbled to a halt, staggering a bit as she fumbled with the zipper on her Macroburger-issued pants.

Heather rolled over onto her back, moaning - and leveled six small trees in the process without even noticing, to Maggie's aroused delight. Continuing to stroke her clit with one finger, she reached up with the other hand and began massaging a massive breast.

Now that Heather was holding relatively still, Maggie could judge her rate of growth, and found herself guessing how big the woman would get before climaxing.

Given the way she was going at it, Maggie figured Heather wouldn't last long, and estimated about twenty feet tall, which was rapidly approaching.

At that size, Heather's breasts would be nearly as tall as Maggie, and easily weigh about eight times as much, each. Rapidly fingering herself, Maggie thought about other figures. Heather's pinky finger would be about three feet long, twice as long and four times as thick as Dragyn's fantastic cock.

Her biceps would be about the size of two compact cars stacked on top of each other. Maggie felt her own climax building just thinking about that. Something more intimate, she told herself, more impressive... Her clit would be, um... about two inches across - as wide as Maggie's palm. It would fit snugly in Maggie's hand, and she would be able to rub it with both hands and...

The sound of Maggie's climactic moans was drowned out by the sound of Heather reaching her own climax. Maggie's eyes snapped open, drawn by the sound of Heather's ecstasy, and she was amazed to watch as Heather sprouted one additional change - a tremendous reddish-pink phallus, thrusting up from her (Strike that, Maggie thought, _ hir _) groin, and letting loose a stream of cum that reminded Maggie of an oil well gushing out.

The stream of seed arced overhead, a good quantity of it coming down on Maggie, who, oddly, realized she definitely didn't mind.

* * * * *

Mike was just cleaning up after himself when he heard it - coming from his computer's speakers was a passionate scream that rivaled anything he'd ever heard from that website or any other.

A voice called out after a few moments, and it was as husky and sensual compared to Dragyn's as Dragyn's was compared to Heather's.

"Ginny?" it said. "Can you come out here for a minute?"

Oh, boy, he thought, they're going to add a new character.

Dragyn's Passions

**Dragyn's Magic Wand** _Dragyn's Passions_ Dragyn's idea for picking up more viewership - and therefore more income - paid off quite well over the next few weeks. As promised, neither Dragyn nor Heather answered any questions about Dragyn's status...

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Dragyn's New Career

**Dragyn's Magic Wand** _Dragyn's New Career_ Dragyn leaned in close to the monitor, peering at the image shi had crawled out of. "Hey, Dranoko, are you there?" The image shifted, as a massive eye filled the entire window. "I'm here. Where are...

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Chapter Two: Raising the Bar

**NOTE:** _This one took a few revisions, and it's a lot shorter and less plot-advancing than I'd have liked. It contains:_ - Growth - Muscle Growth - Breast Expansion - Penis Expansion - Hermaphrodite/Female intercourse - Inflation -...

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