Milked for every last drop-A Flexible Survival story.

Story by FurryGunns on SoFurry

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A story I conjured up while beginning to play Flexible Survival's MP. I consider it my character's background, their story before reaching fairhaven. I may have gone a bit too far with the debauchery, but I enjoyed writing it. If you happen to be playing my Character's name is exactly the same as it is in the story. Feel free to say hi.

I groaned as I sat up in bed and grabbed the wind up clock sitting beside my bed. I started running towards the closet, squinting to read the clock's face. The glow-in-the-dark numbers read as three seventeen in the morning. I sneered and tossed the clock to the bed before reaching for my coat and stepped into my boots. I had been barely functioning over the past few months with my four hours of sleep. I _needed_those last forty three minutes, and now I was going to lose them because some damn fox spooked the cows.

I pulled the coat on and pulled my laces just tight enough for my boots not to fall off for a few dozen strides if I broke into a sprint. I spun the dial on the gun safe and pulled out my grandfather's twelve gauge, the barrel pitted from old age but still a perfectly good firearm. I reached for the shells and paused for a moment. I passed over the rock salt shells and grabbed a handful of buckshot, loading a pair into the shotgun and sticking the rest into my jacket pocket.

I considered grabbing my flashlight for a moment, but I hadn't had the time to work on fixing the crank that powered it and I couldn't afford breaking the gears with as scarce as parts were. The old oil lantern would have worked just as well, but kerosene was as even more precious resource I couldn't afford to waste on a fox. I did grab my father's stetson before leaving the house though. It wouldn't be of much use, but it didn't feel right to leave the house without him with me.

Thankfully my night vision was well trained enough after living for months without electricity that I could see fairly clearly, but as I jogged closer to the barn I wondered if I was dreaming or if the whiskey I'd had the night before was fucking with me.

I saw a figure standing about thirty yards out, just under six feet tall by my estimation. It looked like a man, it was even wearing jeans and a Led Zepplin t-shirt, carrying two bottles of milk in its hands, but its legs were twisted in the wrong direction, two triangular ears poked out of the top of its head and it had... a big bushy tail. A mutant.

I had heard them talk about these guys on the radio for months, it was just about all they talked about these days. Ordinary people and animals turned into some twisted aberration by microscopic machines called Promethean Nanites. It was a full blown pandemic that had spread from city to city across the country, but my smaller town had managed to largely avoid any infections.

Of course, I'd never seen one, in person or otherwise. Even if I had a working TV or a computer to check on the internet, which I didn't, power and phone lines had been out for months, and even if someone still printed newspapers I didn't have the money to waste on something I had no time to read. But I was certain this was a mutant, and I couldn't take a chance to let my livelihood fall to ruins.

"Drop those bottles of milk motherfucker," I said, leveling my shotgun at the freak walking through my land. "You take one more step and you get a tail full of lead."

The creature froze, slowly setting down the buckets and bringing its hands in the air. "Don't fire, please Cyrus," it said in a man's voice. Looking closer at his body I came to realize he looked like a dog, a border collie if I had it right. It put a pit in my stomach, because I only knew one person in town who had a border collie, my friend Nicholas Hughes who kept sheep down the road.

I aimed the shotgun at his feet and fired off a shell, kicking up a cloud of dirt. He yelped and jump back as I leveled the shotgun back at this thing's chest. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" I yelled at him.

"Whoa! Calm down! It's me, Nick," he said, his ears pointed ears pinned flat against his head. His voice was a little different, but I was certain it was him.

"God damn it," I growled under my breath, relaxing my aim a little so it only aimed to maim his legs. "What happened to you?"

"I had some family show up at my door the other day, from California. They both looked just fine, so I offered to give them a place to sleep," he started to explain. He dropped his arms and relaxed his posture a little. "But after a week I started to notice a few feathers around the house and some odd noises coming from the guest bedroom. I had to make them leave as soon as I was certain they were infected, but you know how Daisy gets with new people. I guess while she was licking them she got infected. I walked into the house one day she jumps on me, looking like a woman and all excited to see me. The fur started spreading across my body and I started to look at her a little more, smelling her..."

I flinched and turned my head away in disgust. "Oh God, you fucked your dog?"

"Hey, she's not a dog anymore, at least not fully. Shit, you should see her. She's a goddamn beauty now. Big beautiful tits, loves to get fucked all the time, and that tongue of hers around my dick," Nick said, his attention beginning to drift off. He snapped back into focus and shifted his stance, tugging at the inseam of his jeans. "Anyway, I kind of got her pregnant, and she got so big so fast, has all of these cravings. I can't do much about most of them, but she begged me to go out and get her some milk to have, like I used to give her every morning while I ate breakfast and had my own glass. You were nearby and I knew you wouldn't be up for a little while. Look, I'm sorry, I just-"

"If you leave now, I'll let you live, but if I ever see you step foot on this land again I will not hesitate to shoot you. The same for your dog... wife, whatever," I said sternly. I looked down at the bottles of milk and nodded at them. "You can take those with you."

He looked stunned, but nodded and bent down to grabbed the bottles. "Thank you Cyrus," he said appreciatively.

I kept my gun trained on Nick as he turned around and ran away. I sighed in relief that nothing more came of it and dropped the gun to my side. I stood there and considered hitting the bed to try and salvage fifteen minutes of rest, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get my mind calm enough to shut my eyes so decided to risk it and grab the flashlight to check on the animals.

There wasn't a lot on the farm to check on, but what I had was the only reason I was still here. This farm was all that was left of my family, and with the world crumbling apart because of the nanites there was no one to sell it to anymore. I checked on the chickens very briefly. They weren't my biggest concern, but their eggs were the bulk of what I ate these days. They were a bit disturbed, probably from my shotgun blast, but otherwise looked just fine.

Clyde, my horse, was untouched and freaked out as well. I grabbed an apple from my mother's tree and cut some slices for him with my dad's knife. It took the entire apple to get him to calm down, but seeing him calm made me feel a little better and helped me work up the courage to head to check on the cows.

I knew something was wrong even before I reached the enclosure for the cattle. I could hear excited and intelligent human chatter coming from inside. I broke open my shotgun and replaced the spent shell with a fresh one. Nick seemed sane enough, but he had been human. I couldn't take the chance that one of the cows might come at me like Daisy did him and get infected.

Still, I hated the idea of having to unload my barrels at any of them. They were more than my liveliood. I spent more time with these animals than I did humans since my parents died. I grew up with some of them and helped birth others. They were like family. Big, furry, lactating, slightly smelly family, but family nonetheless.

I froze when my light caught the first cow. She was so tall, easily six and a half feet tall, and her long chestnut hair hair nearly reached her lithesome tail. For a creature that had weighted just under two tons the day before she was remarkably fit. Her midsection was narrow, but she wide, flared hips and long legs with thick muscular thighs, giving her a greatly exaggerated hour glass figure. Looking at her firm round ass there was no question she was one of mine from the branding placed in her right cheek, marring the fur.

As she turned around I caught sight of her large breasts, both dripping with milk, her ornate cow bell sitting right in her cleavage. She shrieked excitedly and jumped happily up and down as she clapped her hands together. Her breast bounced, causing her bell to ring and the stray pearls of her milk to fly off in every direction. I jumped back as one landed at my feet, afraid of the nanites in the white droplet.

"Oh Cyrus, you're safe!" the cow gleefully screamed.

I counted two, then five, twelve, and quickly became aware that all of my cattle had mutated. Even my two bulls, Butch and Sundance, had become mutants, towering over the other cows strapped with layer upon layer of rippling muscle.

If they reached me I wouldn't stand a chance, but I knew my shotgun couldn't hold them off. I had two shells in the gun, another three in my pocket. If I got lucky I could take out two with one shell, but it would only delay the inevitable, and I still didn't want to kill any of them.

But I had to try something. I straightened my posture and shouted, "Stop right where you are! I don't want to have to hurt any of you!"

The cows stopped and looked at each other in confusion. "Why would you do that?" one of them asked. "We've done nothing wrong."

I grimaced and shook my head. "I'm sorry, but that doesn't matter. You are all very sick right now, and I can't let you infect me. Now can someone tell me what happened here?"

The cows attention all focused on the one standing in the front, the very first cow I had noticed. Looking more cloely at her, the horns and her bell, I soon realized it was Eleanor. Before P-day she was a prize winning cow, probably still would be if they still held contests. She was my best producer, and had just had a calf a few months ago. I saw the calf standing right behind her, looking just as mature as her mother, but very curiously examining her new body like a child witnessing their reflection in a mirror for the first time.

Eleanor turned her head to the side. "Well, I remember that odd looking doggie coming in here. He was very friendly at first, gave me a nice brushing and told me how pretty I was..." I my stomach started to turn a little. "Then he started milking me with his hands..." My stomach settled and I sighed. "He wasn't very good at it, and I tried telling him to stop, but he didn't seem to understand me very well. He finally finished and came around to pet me on the head then... licked my nose. It was weird and made me feel tingly. After he left my body started to change and I was... like this. Isn't it wonderful? I'm just like you now!"

I closed my eyes and groaned audibly. I didn't know if it was the nanites affecting his mind, or if he did it on purpose, but right about now I was regretting letting him leave.

I opened my eyes and looked at Eleanor. "What happened to everyone else? He didn't go around licking them too, did he?"

"Oh, no. I got all excited and wanted to go Millicent," she said. She wrapped her arm around her calf and pulled her close. Millicent, looking a bit dazed, cocked her head as she looked at her mother's face, then dropped it down and started suckling on her mother's breast. Eleanor shuddered and smiled drunkenly. "I saw how thirsty she was, so I started to feed her. Next thing I knew she was like me, she was all grown up too. We wanted to share all of the fun, so we went around and fed them all our milk. Now we're like this!"

I grit my teeth and exhaled heavily through my nostrils. I dropped my gun to the ground and sat down in the dirt. I was ruined. In one single move Nick destroyed everything I had. I'll admit there was nothing special about my life, but it was all I had. No one would want my cow's infected milk, and if I tried selling it I'd be lucky if they just ran me out of town.

"That 'doggie' was an old friend of mine," I began to dryly explain. "He had a doggie of his own who got very sick, then got him sick. When he came here and licked you on the nose you caught what he had, and it changed you, all of you. You and your milk can get people and animals sick, making them just like you."

"Sick like your daddy?" one of the cows asked.

I looked up and shook my head. "No, this is a different sickness... more like what my mother had, but there's no going back from this. It changes your body and your mind, turns you into someone else. If you infect anyone or any living thing they'll become like you. I don't know how I'm going to be able to take care of you guys anymore."

That got the cow's attention. They all started to mutter worryingly to one another, then started slinging questions at me. I ignored them and grabbed the shotgun as I stood up. I slung my shotgun over my shoulder and turned around to walk back to the house.

"Look, if guys want to wander around in the pasture and graze be my guest, you have the hands to open the gates now," I said loudly as I walked away from them. "I've got some thinking to do."

I ignored their cries and calls out for me. There was some baritone bellowing from the barn, which I could only assume was one of the bulls. I tightened the grip on my shotgun and prepared myself to turn and face them, but it sounded like the cows kept them from tearing me apart, though it barely mattered. It might help my problem if they gored me to death.

I headed to my father's shed and cut the tape that secured the flashlight to my gun. I unloaded the shells from shotgun before I set it aside. I lit my oil lamp and sat it on the table, staring to carefully open up the flashlight. I barely had any idea what I was doing, but I had repaired everything on the farm just about a dozen times with enough tinkering since my father died of lung cancer. With my mother in a deep depression, that eventually took her from me too, I had to hit the ground running for everything, and I had gotten by so far.

I knew how I hit the ground now wasn't going to matter. My body was going to hit the ground and turn to jelly.

I paused and turned my head to the door. I reached out for the screwdriver sitting on the table and squeezed its grip tightly. Turning my head slightly towards the door I saw Eleanor standing at the door out of the corner of my eye. "Can I help you?" I calmly asked, trying to conceal the screwdriver and my growing annoyance.

Eleanor ran the tip of her finger along the wooden door frame shamefully. "I just wanted to... apologize? Is that the right word?" I nodded. "Apologize for what I did. I didn't mean to make you angry."

Despite her voluptuous figure and matronly appearance she sounded like a teenager, they all did, and I just couldn't find myself to be mad at them. I sighed and shook my head, easing my grip on the screwdriver, only using it now to take apart the flashlight. "It's not your fault. You didn't know any better. Hell, an hour ago you didn't know anything but our daily routine. I've just had a lot on my shoulders, and this was kind of the tipping point."

"Well... we can try to help you. You might have to teach us a thing or two, but we've been watching you work our entire lives. We might have learned something useful."

I let go of the screwdriver and scratched the back of my head. "Maybe, but I need to figure out a way to be around you guys and not get infected. For the time being if you could make sure everyone stays out of trouble it would be a big help to me," I said and turned back towards the flashlight. "You know, don't break anything, keep out of the house, leave the other animals alone."

"Other... animals?" Eleanor said nervously.

I grabbed a towel sitting on a small table next to my cot and sat up. I started to wipe my body clean of sweat as I had every day since I started sleeping in the small trailer next to the house. It wasn't so bad, given that my other options were sleeping in the closet like I had during the first few weeks, or sleeping in my bed with five other cows who could easily turn me overnight with their constantly leaking tits.

The worst part, though, was that I would not escape this heat at all today. Either I stayed in the trailer and baked like a potatoe, or I put on my clothes and the hazmat suit I got from a military surplus and baked outside. With as much of the work as the animals had taken up I didn't have much to do these days, but still I preferred the outside if only for the company.

They had made my life much easier and more pleasant over the past six months, but the first few weeks were not easy. I had to pawn off so many of my family's precious heirlooms to keep them all fed while starving myself to stretch the little money I had. I barely slept, trying to figure out some way to afford keeping everyone alive and well, but I learned quickly that the animals were all remarkable learners.

By the end of the second week they had helped me fix the wiring on the solar panels, allowing me to at least power the pumps and the state-of-the-art microwave pasteurization system my father bought for the farm before he died. I taught them how to milk themselves, which I was able to sell completely cleanly after it went through the microwaves. They were producing so much more of it too, even those that weren't lactating in the first place, something I could only thank the nanites for.

It wasn't long before I was able to get the heirlooms out of pawn and begin to spend some of the money we made on making the farm better for the animals. We had added more solar panels so we could light the house and power a refrigerator, extensions on the house so everyone wasn't so cramped, and were even planting crops to keep us a little more self sustained.

Life had gotten good, and I was happy. Not just because I wasn't breaking my back to barely keep a float, but because I wasn't alone on the farm anymore. I had not realized just how much I missed talking to people about more than just business. If I had any complaints, it was simply that I didn't feel necessary anymore, but as far as complaints went it was a nice one to have.

These days I tended to skip a few steps in getting dressed to leave my trailer, though none of it was protection. I put on a pair of socks and gloves before I slipped into my boots, careful not to get anything that might hold some mutating nanites on my skin. Then came the hazmat suit, giving the layer of thick impermeable plastic a check for breaches before I slipped into it and secured the cuffs around my boots and gloves with velcro straps, carefully applying a layer of duct tape over it for safety. Finally a pair of safety goggles, a Styrofoam facemask, and, of course, my father's hat.

I used to wear clothes underneath the suit, but with the town as infected as my farm was--a matter I was certain was not my doing thanks to my rigorous screening with a nanite monitor--the only time I ever took off the hazmat suit was in the safety of my trailer. I didn't see the point in adding the extra layer of clothing if the suit was all anyone saw. Besides, with as little work as I was doing I had gained some weight, and so much of my old clothes fit me awkwardly now, not that anyone else knew but me.

I walked out of the trailer into the house. I found some of the girls, cows and hens alike, sitting in the living room with some sewing supplies making clothes. They didn't need the clothes with their fur and feathers, but putting them in clothes was the best way I could think of to keep them from fucking each other all hours of the day. It didn't help too much, clearly with the occasional pregnant belly, or the new calves and chicks--who grew from a baby to adult in less than a day--running around, but I was helpless to stop them otherwise.

I had missed breakfast in the kitchen, but there were so many mouths to feed that we had to eat in shifts, with me eating by my lonesome for my own safety. They had set me aside a plate of pancakes, orange juice and hash browns, which I guess I may have eaten a little too eagerly. Baking in a hot trailer throughout the night built up a healthy appetite, and they made a damn fine meal. I used to check each meal every day, but I had grown to trust them to continue taking such care with the meals.

Finding there was nothing for me to do in the house, I moved out to the field where I found Clyde and the roosters working on the new irrigation system we'd been working onto keep our crops watered. Clyde told me they had finally it tapped into the well and that were less than a week from having it up and running. I was really impressed with how much progress they made knowing nothing about it less than a month before.

I felt bad for Clyde. The bulls had plenty of cows, the roosters their hens, but Clyde had no one, much like me. I had asked him if he wanted me to find him a mare a few months back before the infection spread through the town, but he told me he was perfectly happy. I suspected he had been fucking some of the cows, they were always so eager it would probably surprise me more if they said no and he certainly seemed friendly enough with them, but there was a certain way he looked at the bulls that made me think he didn't swing that way. I wasn't curious enough to embarrass him or myself by asking.

Once again, I was told I was not needed and headed out to the check on the cows at the pump. By the time I had reached the barn I was curious what had happened to the bulls. They were supposed to have been working on the house today working on the latest extension to the house, a small room they said they were building for me, but I had not seen them so far.

Of course I had my suspicions what they were doing. They were the only bulls on a farm full of eager cows and heifers that outnumbered them more than two to one. They had their pick of the herd, and I could do nothing to stop them. Thankfully the cows managed to keep them on track most of the time, but occasionally they would succumb to the bull's overpowering male presence. Sometimes repeatedly and loudly.

I was slow to approach the milking enclosure, keeping my ears sharp for any sounds of their wild animal fucking. Curiously, I heard nothing, and I meant absolutely nothing. No bulls, no cows, no pumps. It was completely silent. Concerned, I quickly walked into the enclosure.

I passed by one of the milking stalls and stopped, seeing Eleanor sitting on a stool while relaxing back against the stall's aluminum walls. I glanced around quickly, seeing no one else in the enclosure and pulled off my face mask. "What's going on Eleanor? Something wrong with the pumps?" I asked her. I paused and added, trying not to stare at her naked body, "And why are you naked?"

She pouted her lips and tapped her right hoof in the dirt. "Why do you still call me that? I've told you before, it's Elle now. Eleanor makes me sound so damn old," she said distastefully. She sat up and leaned towards me. "Come of think of it, why do we all have such ancient names? Eleanor, Millicent, Beatrice, Eugenia, Wilhelmina? Come on, that one's just cruel."

I gave a sympathetic shrug. "Tradition I guess. Mom had a list of names written down for each of you, and they ran out of the good ones before I was born. You guys don't need to worry yourselves about it, if you want to call yourselves something else go right ahead, and I'll do my best to try and remember your new names."

Elle smiled and stood up from her stool and walked over towards me. I covered up my mouth with the face mask as she brought her hand up to my face. She slowly stroked my cheek with the back of her furred hand. "Oh, I know you will sweetie," she said knowingly.

I started to grow a bit uncomfortable. There was something about her tone and posture that made me squeamish. It was also strange that she was touching me like this. Beyond one of the calves that didn't know better, Elle and the older cows tried to avoid contact so I didn't get infected with their nanites, so why she was touching me like this was beyond me.

But I stayed right where I was and met her gaze. "You still haven't answered my questions, Elle."

She giggled softly and patted the top of my head, pushing my hat down further on my head. "You're a good boy," she said to me, as though I were a pet. She grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the stall. My instincts told me to resist her, but she was so damn strong that she just ended up dragging me without even noticing my weak efforts. She tossed me against the wall then pointed at the stool. "Sit, please, we have to talk."

I swallowed hard and sat down on the stool. I was starting to grow anxious, then afraid as I saw several other cows and the bulls show up. "What is it? What have I done wrong?" I said, my voice trembling. "I've been taking care of you my entire life, gave up just about everything I had after you guys got infected. I gave you good food, clothes, my house, my money, all of it without you haven't to ask for anything. I mean, I knew I was a little cold that first day, but that was so long ago, haven't I shown you all how much I care?"

Elle nodded slowly and stepped closer. "I know you care, Cyrus, we all do. We're thankful for everything you've done for us, which is why we've been working so hard to repay you," she said calmly. Both of her hands reached out, grabbing my face mask and safety goggles. She slowly and deliberately pulled them off my head, tossing them into the stalls on both of my sides. "The thing is, we can't repay you, not as you are right now."

My eyes went wide and started to water. "Elle, I'm very, _very_happy with how things are going right now, I swear."

Elle shook her head from side to side and plucked the hat from my head, placing it on her own. "But you're not. You live in a tiny little aluminum closet and wrap yourself up in plastic every day because you're afraid of being infected, but we could make you so much happier." Her fingers grabbed at the collar of my hazmat suit, and she said "You'll thank us one day."

I lifted up my foot and kicked Elle in the stomach, thankfully catching off guard enough to throw her backwards. Her hand tore my hazmat suit as she fell away, but I ignored it and quickly sprung to my feet while she was recovering. Spinning around, I scrambled up the railing as quickly as I could, which was unfortunately not quick enough.

I felt a hand grab the back of the hazmat suit and pull. My grip on the pipes failed me and I flew from the railing as though I had been hit by a speeding truck. I landed in the dirt on my back and groaned. My eyes had trouble focusing for a moment as a dark shadow moved over me. I came to realize the shadow was and began grab at the dirt, trying to scramble away, but again I was too slow.

Sundance lifted one of his legs and planted a hoof on my sternum. My eyes bulged and I gasped as all of the air was driven from my lungs. I grabbed pitifully at his leg, struggling to lift it or move it away, but he barely seemed to notice my weak efforts.

As my vision started to turn to black I caught Elle walking up behind Sundance. Rubbing her stomach with one hand, she placed the other on Sundance's shoulder. He ignored her at first, staring down at me as though he wanted to put the tiniest of his strength into his leg and crush my entire rib cage, but finally snorted and stepped back.

I took deep heavy breathes, ignoring the pain in my chest that lanced through my body every time I sucked in a gasp of air. Two cows passed around Sundance and Elle, picking me up carefully by the arms. They drug me away from my spot in the dirt and leaned me up against the far wall. They hooked my arms around the bars to make me support myself and took over the task Elle started; their carefully manicured nails undoing the tape around my wrists and ankles before tearing off the rest of the suit.

"I'm sorry about Sundance's behavior, but we are doing this for your own good, I promise you that," Elle said as she walked back up to me. I had not realized just how much her behavior had changed since that first night. She certainly wasn't the giddy bouncy cow she had been then, and I wondered if she ever really was.

As she walked closer she cupped her breasts, fondling and teasing her dripping nipples. I began to worry as my mouth started to feel very dry and I felt the powerful urge to start sucking on them, knowing full well what it would do to me. She smiled knowingly and squeezed her full milky breasts together teasingly.

"Feeling a bit thirsty? I can't say I'm surprised. We've been slowly putting our milk in your food for the past couple of months. Not a lot mind you. A little in your orange juice, some in your soup, just enough to get your body started on the changes, and it has been working perfectly. You're going to make a beautiful heifer."

My eyes widened and mouth gaped open. I began to piece together the signs that really should have been glaringly obvious. I thought my blonde hair was growing a little quicker than normal, and it seemed a little dirtier than I remembered it being. My voice had been cracking inexplicably from time to time recently. But it was the weight it was the weight I had gained that caused it all to make sense.

Looking down at my now naked body every single deposit of fat seemed purposeful. My arms were soft and a little flabby, but it was my ass and thighs where most of the weight seemed to rest on my body, not that I had thought much of it before. My stomach lacked the definition it used to have, but again, there was nothing surprising about that to catch my attention. But it had been my chest that had been bothering me for a while, swelling larger each week. It should have occurred to me sooner, but there was always the niggling feeling in the back of my mind that everything was perfectly fine.

Now I knew why.

I looked up into her eyes and tearfully pleaded, "Please don't do this. I'll do anything, whatever you want. I'll leave and-"

Elle rubbed her milky left nipple with her free hand and pressed her wet fingertip against my lips. She puckered her lips and hushed me as she spread the milk around. The rich scent of her fresh milk filled my nostrils and my mind fogged over. I opened my mouth and began licking her finger, eager to clean off every drop of ambrosia that coated it. I felt her hand rest on my head and slowly comb her fingers through my hair. My scalp began to burn and itch, but the taste of her luscious milk was all my mind was concerned with.

"There we go," she cooed softly as she pet my head. "Doesn't that taste good? Don't you want momma to give you more?"

My head drunkenly bobbed up and down as I lapped at her finger. She pulled her hand away from my head, but I continued to feel movement and realized that my hair continued to grow, falling down over my eyes to show that it was now as brown as the fur on Elle's body. I whined for a moment as she pulled her finger away, thinking there was still some milk on it for me to taste. She swept back the hair from my eyes, allowing me to see the milk pouring into the dirt as she pinched her right nipple.

My slow mind stared down into the wet dirt, thinking about the wasted milk, but focused back up at her teats. My mouth hung open and began to water like a hungry dog as I pulled myself from the railing. I fell to her chest and wrapped my lips around her nipple. My tongue slathered her wet teat, cleaning dutifully cleaning it of the milk before before I began sucking on the teat.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed warm and rich milk that flowed effortlessly from her breast down my throat. Each swallow of milk that came to rest in my stomach remained as warm as it was when I swallowed it. The warmth began to spread through my body and I could feel the nanites corrupting influence course through my veins, penetrating my bones and organs, but my body had become completely numb to any pain that might have started as my body changed.

"See? Isn't it lovely to give in?" Elle gently asked me as she stroked my still growing brown hair.

I heard some derisive giggles coming from the entrance of the stall. "I think our new sister is getting excited," I heard Millicent chime.

"Whatever do you mean?" Elle asked. She shifted her body slightly, though not enough to remove me from her breast. She swooned amusingly and wrapped her hand around my forgotten cock. "Oh, isn't that sweet? Poor thing got all excited over little ol' me. Maybe I should give you a little treat since you're being so cooperative. One last hurrah for the tiny man."

"No!" the bulls bellowed angrily in unison from behind me.

"You didn't say anything about letting him fuck you," Butch added indignantly.

"Oh calm yourselves," Elle said dismissively to the bulls. "Darling, would you help me get more comfortable?"

I heard Millicent's bell ring out as she walked away for a moment and returned. Elle suddenly shrunk a foot, and I fell with her. My focused mind had little didn't care what happened as long as I was able to drink her milk, but I slowly came to realize that she had sat down on a stool.

"You're really going to let this feeble little thing fuck you?" Sundance said with disgust.

Elle sighed in frustration. "Do you two really have to be so petty? I mean, he can't get me pregnant while I'm already carrying, and the damn thing's so small compared to you two that it's not going to do any damage. You already had your fun with me today, so I think you can afford to let him have his fun while he can, and if you can't then maybe you two don't deserve your turns later on."

They were both very silent, though the other girls quietly snickered around them. "Fine," Sundance all but spat.

"Thank you," Elle said very pointedly. "Okay Cyrus, now just slowly walk forward." I obediently complied and the head of my cock felt the lips of her bare pussy. My hips bucked in reflex, freeing my prick from her grip and glancing off her sex. She grabbed my length once more and grabbed my hips with her other hand. She calmly reminded me, "No, slowly ease forward until..."

My mouth opened wide as I entered her, spilling some of her precious milk over our bodies. She released my prick and wrapped her arms around my body, drawing me closer. I closed my mouth around her teat and began drinking again as my hips began to slowly rock back and forth. She was already so wet, but from her words I suspected that I was just getting sloppy thirds after Butch and Sundance.

Despite her being so much larger than me, a difference that was changing as her milk made my body grow in her arms, she was remarkably tight. Her walls clung to me like a vice grip as my unfocused hips drove my length in and out of her, but what caught my attention was how unique it felt. Her warm wet walls felt wonderful. but the warm tingle that her milk caused to course through my body was encompassing my cock.

But it didn't matter to me at all. My thrusts were uncontrolled, almost desperate, as though I knew even in my lost state of mind this may be my last time to experience this as a man. Even if I could get free, the nanites were working at my body would continue, and take away my manhood anyway. Every second her walls held my cock hastened the process, but I had to try and finish.

My efforts went largely unnoticed by Elle though, who simply sat still and accepted my shrinking length inside of her. She occasionally whispered encouraging platitudes in my ear, telling me how good I was doing, but she sounded more amused than genuine, but I barely noticed anything she had to say, until I heard her talking to someone else but me.

"Millie, sweetheart? I think maybe it's time we start to get our new sister here ready for Butch," Elle said in a cheerful tone to her daughter.

"Right away mommy," Millice... Millie excitedly responded.

My body grew still for a moment, her words breaking through the wall of fog that covered my mind. I wondered what she meant by getting me ready for Butch, but wasn't given the time to think too long on the subject. Elle's legs tightened around my back, forcing me further into her depths. Instinct took over once again, making me to start pounding at her sodden snatch and drinking her milk again, with renewed sense of purpose.

I heard Millie's bell return before long and some curious shuffling of plastic. "Is it all ready like we discussed?" Elle asked her daughter.

"Yep. Milk myself straight into the bottle, then stirred it up really good so the lube's all fresh and warm," Millie said as she walked closer.

My eyes shot open and I pulled myself back from Elle's breast, not swayed by the devil's milk anymore. She quickly tightened her arms around my body and brought my mouth back to her teat. My mind raced, ignoring her calming hushing and the milk that dribbled into my mouth. I became acutely aware of what my body had gone through while I was lost in her milk.

I saw my nose stretching out from my face, forming a bovine muzzle. Short downy fur had begun to spread over it, covering turning my sun-kissed skin brown. Frantically, I looked around and saw that the fur was sprouting over the rest of my body as well, and that the small breasts I had before, which had maybe been about as big as a young girl who had just started to blossom, were nearly as big as Elle's. Some part of me had known what was happening to my body this entire time, but I was not prepared to see the changes.

"Calm down Cyrus," Elle cooed in a soothing tone. "We just want to make this as easy for you as possible. Butch and Sundance are a lot to take in for a new girl like you, and we just want to make it as easy for you as we can."

I turned my head to get her nipple out of my mouth and asked worriedly, "But I'm not a girl yet. I don't have a cunt yet... do I?"

Elle smiled and shook her head. "Not yet, no, but you will soon, and once you do I won't be able to do much to keep them both from taking you as hard as they want. You'll be so small and tight with your brand new pussy that I'm afraid they'll tear you right in two. So while you're still changing we're going to have Butch help the process along a little, but we can't let him fuck your ass while you're unprepared."

My eyes bulged and I turned my head to look over my shoulder. I saw Millie standing behind me with one of the long gloves we used to use for artificial insemination on the cows covering her arm. Butch stood next to her with a predatory smile on his muzzle as he stared at me, squirting a cloudy syrup of lube into Millie's hand. She spread it around her hand then up her forearm, just as I had seen a vet do a dozen times and done myself several times since P-day.

I looked back at Elle and opened my mouth to plead with her, but she swiftly took the opportunity to move my head to her other breast and fill my open mouth with a fresh nipple. I squirmed and tried to resist her, but she held me tightly against her, arms holding my chest to hers and legs keeping our crotches connected together. Her upper arms squeezed her breast together, spraying some of her mind altering milk into my mouth, gradually slowing my protests until I had given in.

I heard Millie walk up behind me and one of her hands grab my hips, stilling them for a moment. The lube on her ungloved hand made my hips tingle in unison, as though her touch was causing the nanites to focus their efforts collectively. I felt the bones warming and beginning to build outward, as if her touch, or probably the milk she had mixed with the lube, was shaping my body.

It was a curious thought that distracted me only for a moment before I felt Millie spread apart my cheeks apart and a squirt of warm lubricant hit my asshole. I wanted to squirm and clench up at the awkward sensation, but Elle's milk kept me subdued, allowing her daughter to spread the vigorous application of lube. She focused on my previously untouched anus, first spreading it around the tight ring then carefully pushing her finger in.

My body became completely still as her digit probed into my rectum. The nanites focused their efforts the familiar infectious warmth spread began to fill my untested sphincter and my resistance gave away. She pulled at my ring, stretching out the tight muscle until she was able to insert a second finger. As her fingers continued to spread the corrupting lube around inside my asshole I felt a burning, needy design beginning to swell inside of me. God help me, I began to enjoy it.

I began to rock my hips again, driving my shrinking length inside of Elle's tight walls as Millie's fingers continued to coat my own walls with the lube. My entire body bucked as I felt her fingers send a jolt of pleasure through my body, rubbing a particularly sensitive spot inside me. I pressed my body back against her hand, eager to feel her fingers against my prostate again.

"Not even a cow yet and she wants to be milked," Millie said in amusement and stroked her fingers against the spot once more.

I shuddered and my diminishing balls tightened. I bucked my hips against hers and spilled what little seed I had inside of her waiting walls. She stroked my head and whispered in a placating tone, "You did a beautiful job. Now if you relax Millie can help you feel even better."

I did as she suggested and felt another squirt of lube before she fit another finger inside of me. Her three digits spread outward, open and closing to slowly stretch my passage, then pushed a fourth finger in. I wasn't given much time to adapt to the fourth finger before she pushed her hand forward and her thumb slipped in as well.

My mouth gaped open and I gasped, feeling her pointed hand penetrating deep into my, until a minute ago, untouched cavity. But as stretch opened as I was, I loved every moment and pushed back against her hand as I drew from her mother's breast.

Just as I or any vet might have done, her fist pushed deeper inside my rectum, but there was no uterus to find, not yet. No, she was just preparing me, her arm sliding in and out of my surprisingly flexible passage. The heat from the nanites filled me deeper, my asshole resisting her less and wanting her more, until finally she pulled her hand from me with a wet plop.

I whimpered and wiggled my ass, aching to have her fist return to me, but I heard her bell jingle as she stood up. "She's all yours now Butch," Millie said, barely containing her laughter.

Butch snorted and I felt his body heat radiating onto mine as he drew closer. I removed my mouth from her breast and looked over my shoulder, no longer afraid of taking him, at least, until I saw his cock. My eyes widened and I saw not the long, thin length that I had seen so many times, but a thick, thick ribbed equine cock.

I turned my head back towards Elle and, still feeling the aching desire to be filled, observed rather calmly, "That's not his."

"No, it's not," Elle said coyly. "Butch and Sundance got a little gift from Clyde when they made him into a mare, and you get to take both of them."

My heart jumped and my mouth latched back onto Elle's bosom. She gave me a pat on the head before reaching around my back. She grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them apart for Butch as he finished slathering his cock with the lube. He stepped forward and leaned over my back, pressing his muscular body against my back.

"I'm going to make you _scream_for kicking Elle, and you're going to love it you little slut," he whispered into my ear.

My head absently nodded and I pushed back against him, feeling his heavy balls rest on my ass and his thick length cushioned between my plumping ass cheeks. He rumbled in approval and stepped back. One of large hands roughly grabbed my wide birthing hips and he pressed the tip against my rosebud.

Millie's hand had not prepared me, not in the least. She had kept her hand thin, like a spear, but the head of Butch's cock felt so much broader, maybe the size of both of her hands folded together into a single massive fist. But even as the horror dawned upon me that I was to take that massive length I knew I was unable to stop him and relaxed my body.

He snorted and bucked his hips forward once, my ring stretching open but not yielding to the entirety of his blunt head. He kicked a hoof back and thrust forward again, forcing his wide head inside my stretching walls along with one of the medial rings. I groaned, but it did not have the deep guttural presence I had expected to hear, sounding instead higher pitched.

His other hand gripped my hips so tightly I feared he might shatter the bones with his sheer strength, and he drove his hips forward. Each medial ring of his thick equine cock popped in past my straining entrance without pause, making me buck against as they ground roughly against my still sensitive prostate. My colon could barely accommodate him quickly enough before finally his pelvis collided with my massive ass, his hefty balls clapping against my thickening thighs.

I pressed my face into Elle's cleavage, my mind so far gone I no longer needed her milk, and swooned, feeling so unbelievably packed with his heavy meat. His thick pre-cum bubbled up inside of me, much hotter than Elle's milk or the lube that aided his slick entry into me. But it remained inside me only for a moment before he roughly drew himself out. His pre-cum spread through out my pulverized walls until only about half of his length was still inside of me and he thrust forward again.

I held myself against Elle as he continued, not giving me a moment's respite as he drove his massive meat in and out of my split hole. The molten pre-cum spread through out me, making every inch of my winding passage tingle and pulsate. I felt as though I was going to cum again, and ground my hips against Elle's mound, but realized only too late that there was nothing inside her, nor on me. Still, I came, spreading my thighs wide as a shower of fem cum squirted from my virginal hole, not that Butch seemed to care.

He continued to batter at my rear entrance, turning me into little more than a hole for him to fuck, but gradually he began to slow, and I felt the head of his already thick cock beginning to flare inside of me. His rough pounding seemed to grow stronger as he got closer to what I knew was his peak, physically lifting me off the ground. I drooled on Elle's chest as he claimed me until he grew completely still.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me back against his chest. I felt his balls physically pulsated against my ass and grow up his length, throbbing heartily as the first spurt rose up his length and poured into me. I let out a heavy sigh and a strange sound escaped my lip: a long feminine moo. Each blast of his cum sprayed deep inside of me, coating and filling my insides like a fire hose on full blast filling a water balloon. I limply rested on his massive pole as his huge balls emptied into me, feeling lucky to have been fucked by such a magnificent beast, but I was soon reminded that I was not done.

Elle stood up from her stool and directed Butch to turn round. I came to face Sundance and the other cows. The cows seemed to be in awe, either taken by what had just been done to me or that I took all of Butch with so little difficulty, while Sundance had a predatory grin on his face as he walked forward.

My new nose caught a whiff of a potent odor in the air, earthy and, as the nanites told me, virile. I didn't have to think long to realize it was Sundance as he stalked closer. Still being held aloft by Butch, I stared at Sundance's equally intimidating cock as it bounced towards me. I saw him apply no lube to his length, but I knew he didn't need it. I spread my legs wide to show him my eager new dripping pussy.

Butch bounced up my body up and down on his cock, reminding me he was still rock hard inside my ass as his herd-brother drew closer. I felt so lucky to have two such prime specimens mate with me and grew more and more excited as Sundance approached.

Like Butch, he roughly seized me, but with his mitts seized my newly formed breasts. I did not realize how heavy or full they had been until he squeezed them. I closed my eyes and my jaw dropped open as he manhandled them, another low escaping my lips as twin streams of milk came pouring out of my nipples. My eyes widened, surprised to see milk pour from me so soon, but I felt proud. I was just like my new sisters.

"You'll make a great heifer for us to fill with calves," Sundance remarked and pulled his hands away from my breast. "And I think it's time to put those calves in you."

I smiled and looked down at Sundance's cock as he lined it up with the lips of my new fresh pussy. I felt a giddy tingling inside my lower stomach and smiled widely, knowing instinctively that his words would soon be true. I came to understand that I was in heat, and that every drop of his precious cum that filled my body would further my chance of having his calves.

My hands reached out and grabbed the head of his cock, eagerly aiding him in lining up his cock with my entrance.

"Now you're getting it," Butch whispered into my ear.

"Literally," Sundance agreed and thrust his length inside me.

I arched my back, and gasped his cock spread open and speared my virginal depths without any pause like Butch had when entering my back door. I felt almost as if my cunt was made for them, shaped to take their massive equine lengths without trouble. Feeling the delivery of cum that had filled my ass and was warmly settling inside me I was reminded of Elle's reason for taking Butch up the ass in the first place and knew my pussy literally was made for them. In fact, my very purpose for becoming a heifer may very well be just to serve them, and it made me feel happy.

Sundance's cock thrust in and out of me, his medial rings bumping through my spread lips straight to my furthest depths, pounding at my cervix. The head pushed through my open bovine womb, then quickly pulled away, the blunt head pulling at my newly formed uterus. I gasped and moaned, my body bouncing up and down on both Sundance's cock as well as Butch's still planted deep inside my ass. In fact, I knew he wasn't done, just waiting until the rhythm matched it just right and he started pumping his cock in and out of me once again.

I tried supporting myself by holding onto Sundance's shoulders, but both my holes were assaulted too quickly for me to be much more than a sexual ragdoll. I moaned and panted as I was see-sawed on their twin cocks, one cock filling me up then pulling out only to have the other fill my other hole immediately. I could feel the their lengths pass one another, the friction of the medial rings meeting each other and sending rough shivers through my body.

I was in a constant state of pleasure, cumming too many times to count. My cunt, leaked like a sieve down Sundance's shaft, splashing the three of us with my squirting orgasms. The constant bucking of my body caused my tits to let down sprays of milk over my own body and Sundance's, but I was being fucked with such raw, unrestrained animal passion that none of us cared. To the two powerful bulls I only existed for them to use, and I was happy to fill that role as long as they were filling me.

Of course, they couldn't last forever, and had no need to. Butch, buried deep in my ass with his seed sloshing around inside me, seemed to have little difficulty continuing, but Sundance was younger, unspent, and his balls full. I could feel his release coming, the shortening of his strokes, his more commanding hold on me.

I hungered for every drop, straining to control my tongue, I panted, "Cum please. F-fill me. Oh God, fill me all the way up."

"Shut up slut," Sundance grunted in return, making a few frantic thrusts before finally hilting himself deep inside me.

The head of his cock planted itself in my womb and flared open wide. His hips still bucked, tugging at the opening of my womb as his length pulsated inside me and the cum began to rise. It shot forth from his urethra and eagerly filled every inch of my aching, heated womb, and continued spraying when there was no room left. My stomach began to swell uncomfortably, the nanites quickly working to shift my body to accommodation every burst of his virile essence in my body.

Not to be out done, Butch finds the need to increase his pace, giving me no rest to enjoy the feeling of my new pussy and womb being used for its intended purpose. He pounds away at my asshole, grunting as he violently punishes every inch of my now well used ass hole. He too is reaching his peak, but seems different from before, angrier.

It begins to hurt as his hip bones connect with my ass and rock my body. I swear I felt my bones beginning to give way, and realize they are as my body shifts further. My ass swells with even more cushion, hips widening beyond measure and a tingling spreads through my ass, no longer feeling nearly as tight as it was. It startles me, but I smile as I wantonly pant, happy to endure whatever I need to to please the two men.

Butch snorts hard against my neck, tussling the fur as he makes a display of strengthening his stance. He bucks one last time inside of me hard and pulls my hips down to meet his cock. Without any hesitation a new potent brew boils up inside of my ass, adding to the already plentiful batch warmly resting inside of me. It quickly flows through my twisting tunnels until I finally feel it resting in my stomach.

I breathe heavily as I rest my head on Sundance's chest. I feel as if I can barely move, my body rocked so hard that the tendons keeping the muscles attached to the bone have been shook free. Their balls both continue to fill my used straining passages and I belch, tasting cum on my breath. My stomach feels not only full, but swollen large, and lazily looking down at it I see that it has indeed stretched, making me look several months pregnant.

I swoon and weakly rub my stomach, the nanites infecting my brain telling me that the virile dose in my womb will have certainly planted itself and before long I'll be a mother. My nipples begin to leak, and for a moment I think perhaps they do it anticipation of the calves I will birth before long, only to be quickly corrected.

The swelling in my stomach strangely begins to bloat and my hide begins to itch beneath my breasts. I quickly scratch below my diaphragm, trying to relieve the irritation. I felt milk, but thought nothing of it until a second pair of nipples push out against my fingers and the flesh begins to bloat further. I recline back against Butch's body and watch in wide eyed fascination as a second pair of breasts grow on my body.

I realized I'm not the only one surprised by this, hearing the cows murmur, seeing Sundance watch himself, and Butch rest his chin on my left shoulder and I feel their cocks jump inside of me, apparently being aroused by the development. They constantly leak milk as they swell larger against all rational thought, stopping when they're just a few sizes smaller than my first pair, but before I could explore them in wonder I noticed something else far more surprising, or rather, four somethings.

The swelling on my stomach gains more distinct form from its irregular tumor-like shape. It is without fur, a vibrant pink that feels soft and silky to the touch, but the four large teats on it are thick and erect. My new udders swell and the skin grows taut as it too is filled with milk.

"Oh my word," Elle says in disbelief as she walks up next to us. She covers her mouth with a hand and chuckles. "Would you look at that? Four tits and an udder? You really were meant for this, my special little girl."

My hands grab two of the teats on my new udders and squeeze them, spraying out a stream of milk. I look up at Elle, my jaw trembling and eyes tearing up. "They're so full mama, help me," I plead to Elle, stroking my teats to relieve the pressure.

Elle smiles proudly at me and strokes my cheek with the back of her hand. "Of course we'll help you baby, we've got a nice room all ready for you," she says reassuringly. Her hand drops down from my head and roughly grabs one of my untouched teats, easily pulling out a stream of milk as I moan. "We didn't expect these, but I'm sure we can more than easily accommodate them."

"What about us? You said we could have her as much as we want," Sundance asks sternly.

Elle smiles and nods her head. "And you can. It wouldn't be the first time you took one of us girls while we were on the pumps, but let's get her into her new room first before you destroy her holes even more."

Butch and Sundance both snort then nod. They pull their lengths from me and a torrent of their jizz pour out of my abused holes. I whimper and clutch at Sundance's still erect cock as he steps back out of my reach. My limp body is tossed over Butch's shoulder, applying pressure to my stomach, forcing out more milk and cum from my body as he carries me out of Elle's stall.

I wonder where we are going as we leave the milking enclosure, but soon recognize the path their hooves stomp out. I feel almost like a prize Butch is carrying on his shoulders as the farm's females, which I realized now was everyone but Butch and Sundance, rush over to witness the broken body of the newest girl. I hear whispers about how loud they heard me moan, my unique body, how happy I look, and so on. I feel like smiling proudly at every little comment, but my painful udders and tits pull the pride away.

They don't stop until we reach the newest addition to the house. I had thought that they were still working on my room, but now I realized they had probably been long one and were just waiting for this moment to put me in it. Several iron cuffs rested on a large new mattress sitting in the middle of the room, attached to heavy looking chains that were braced to the ground. Most impressively, the brace seemed to be on some kind of rail embedded into the ground that looked to allow the chains to freely slide around the bed. By the bed was a pump, but a second one was quickly added as I was dropped dropped down on the mattress.

They began attaching the cuffs to my arms and legs, and though a little saddened to be chained, I felt no desire to resist them, not with them attaching the milking hoses to my many dripping nipples and teats. I rested back on the heels of my palms and began to lay down.

"Oh, not yet my pet," Elle said quickly as she flashed her hands at Butch and Sundance. They pulled my chains tight and lifted my arms up.

I hung limply as I obediently watched the cow that I now thought of as my mother walk closer. In her hands she held two ends of a thin black strip, on which an ornately decorated cowbell hung. I recognized it as one of the prizes that Elle had won, though only in third place at a contest in her younger years. There was was not a great deal special about it, smaller than some of the others the girls wore around the farm, indeed far less impressive than the one around Elle's neck, but it shimmered and sang with a beautiful clarity that made me smile.

She wrapped the black strip around my neck and secured it tightly so I felt a faint pressure on my wind pipe. I looked down at the bell the back up at Elle. "Thank you momma, it's beautiful," I said wistfully. I pulled at the chains to hug her, but was held fast.

Elle waved an absent hand and I was given slack, allowing me to wrap my arms around her and bury my face into her bosom. She stroked my hair and said, "A special bell for a special girl. Now you be good and listen to Butch, Sundance and your new sisters, okay? I want you to do whatever they ask, without question."

I lifted my head and vigorously nodded it. "Of course momma."

"Good," she said in a soft voice with a nod and stood away from me. She walked over to Butch and cupped his balls. In a deep sultry voice she whispered to him, "Break her however you want, but remember, the rest of us need you too."

"Of course Elle," he said with a grin and looked back at me.

The two bulls dropped the chains and walked closer. "Open your mouth," Sundance said stroking his length.

I licked my lips and snapped my mouth open as wide as I could. He seized the back of my head and planted the tip of his cock against my lips. The nanites tingled and I spread wider as he shoved his full length effortlessly down my throat and began fucking my face with wild abandon and disregard. Butch hefted up my ass and pushed his cock into my used pussy. Holding my tail, he pounded his length hard into me, bucking Sundance's cock deeper into my stretched throat. I moaned and drooled drunkenly around Sundance's cock onto my new bed, happy in my new role.

The first few days I only ever saw rest when the bulls were too spent to use me, and even then they managed to shove their lengths into my holes to warm their cocks as they slept on my cum stained mattress. Every inch and hole on my body was sore and battered, but like the pet I was being treated as, I happily obeyed their every whim. My mattress was covered in various I bodily fluids before the end of the week, and by then they had begun to grow bored with me.

They never left me alone for too long though, but I rarely saw them both at the same time again. Before long I received daily visits from one or the other and a few of the other girls from the farm. I preferred it if they had a cock, but I was happy to lend a tongue to a dirty snatch, my used body to someone for their crew amusement, or even a breast for a calf who wanted a little more to eat. I even squealed in joy when they branded me on my ass, though my investigation showed it read TOY instead of the farm's usual reverse K.

They kept the pumps on *me all the time, draining me dry when I had the milk to give, and abusing my sore nipples when I had none. Solar panels powering the pumps during the day, batteries they cobbled together from abandoned cars or some homemade ones at night. I had the ability to take off the cups that clung to my teats and nipples, but not the willpower to bring myself to do it and disappoint Elle or the boys.

My diet was varied from day to day. It was always fresh, and warm, but they put it in the feed bag that Clyde used to eat out of as a cruel joke. The various flavors they topped it with also change from day to day, sometimes coated with the bull's semen, someone's milk, or, on the rare occasion they felt annoyed by me for whatever reason, their piss. Yet I ate it without complaint, eager to fill my hungry stomach as fuel for my body to produce milk and to feed the young that grew in my stomach. The bulls never hesitated to give me "seconds" when I asked.

The less said about how I went to the bathroom the better.

I was not prepared for how quickly the calf in my stomach grew. I knew how quickly the pregnancies developed from the various calves I had seen birthed on the farm since the infection, but seeing and feeling such a rapid change from day to day was something else entirely. I was so hungry and horny that they began to feed me my own milk between meals and had my holes filled with dildos that I fucked myself senseless with.

I was a hot, dripping, matted mess, but for reasons I don't think I will ever be able to explain, I was happy. Maybe it was the nanites, the new hormones my body was producing wildly from my new form, the baby growing inside of me, or maybe deep down I really did want to be like them and to be treated like living garbage. Whatever the case was, I never thought I would be freed or ever wanted to be. That was, until my water broke.

It had all scared me so deeply, not just the pain I felt from each quickening contraction, but being alone in the room for so long. They had not come to feed me or use me all day, every door to my little room closed and locked. I cried out for them, begging for Elle to come and help me, but they never came. I used my toys to try and distract myself, fucking my holes with the thick silicon horse cocks they had gotten for me from a new adult toy store that had opened in town.

To my chagrin it didn't help at all, but that didn't get me to stop, not until I felt a weight shift inside of me. I buckled over, my ass sticking up in the air. I grunted and the massive prosthetic cock fell out of my gaping cunt onto the bed. I whined and groaned deeply, rubbing my clit with one hand and working the cock inside my ass around, still hoping to ease the pain the only way I knew how, but it did nothing.

I pressed my muzzle into the bed, breathing deep a still drying puddle of cum from the night before. I knew they had fucked me in my sleep because I recalled nothing and woke up with an aching throat, but I knew the smell and taste so intimately to remind myself to thank Butch for leaving me a treat when I had the chance. My muscles pushed and rocked my hips back as I felt the body begin to push its way out of my womb.

My eyes widened and my hips bucked as my new calf stretched open my cervix. I was still in so much pain, but my body had been so battered and abused that the baby pushing down through my opening reminded me of any one of the objects I'd had teasing at the opening over the past weeks. I opened my mouth and licked the puddle of cum, vigorously teasing my ass and clit as my walls pushed the body further out until I felt something push at my opening.

I grunted and groaned as I pushed harder, causing the length in my ass to push against my hand. I felt a wet weight give and my lips part. I forced myself up onto my elbows and looked down between my legs, seeing a head hanging out from me. I felt a blush of pride and panted as I bore down again. The body slipped further as the shoulders pushed at my straining opening. I made one final push and lowed loudly as the calf fell from my body and landed on the stained mattress.

I was weak and strained, but I slowly began to turn my body around, pulling the chain's guide around the bed when the doors swung open. Several cows, including Elle and Millie rushed in along with the bulls. Millie scooped up my new calf and began to clean her off the heifer with a towel. I reached out tearfully, wanting to hold my new baby and feed it, but they ignored me.

Sundance grabbed me and pushed me on my back, holding me down as Butch grabbed the umbilical cord connecting me with my new child. Leaving plenty of slack for the baby to be safe, he gave a harsh quick tug. I cried out as the placenta was pulled from me and left a quivering mess on the bed. I watched in horror as they tied off and cut the umbilical cord, then left with my new child.

"We're going to take good care of her for you pet," Elle said as she stood between Butch and Sundance. "You'll see her in a few days, all grown up looking just like her-"

I screamed out and held my stomach as I felt another contraction. They all stood motionless in surprise as I rolled on my back and spread my legs wide. I forced my fingers into my folds and stretched open my ruined hole as far as I could get it, showing them the second head beginning to slide down my passage.

"She's having twins?" Butch asked as Elle quickly rushed between my legs.

"Yes she's having twins you fool," Elle yelled back at the bulls. She stuck both of her arms inside of me, stretching me so wide I thought my body would tear. Her fingers spread open my cervix and carefully grabbed the calf's head with her fingertips. I struggled to keep myself still as she encouraged the baby down my hole.

It hurt far worse than the first one had, being forced to deliver the baby in such a way, but it wasn't very much longer before the baby was free from my body and in Elle's arm. I collapsed, nearly lifeless were it not for my shallow breathing and weak heartbeat.

"You... are a treasure," Elle said as she held the baby. I had not the strength to care for her empty words.

She stood up from the bed and walked around to the right of my head. Kneeling down, she showed me my knew baby. I struggled to keep my eyes open as I looked at the calf nestled in her arms, suckling from her breast instead of mine. There was no doubt it was a cow, but when I looked closer I saw that it had a horse's sheath between its legs. It was a bull, exactly like its father. Defying all rationality, no bulls had been born on the farm since the infection, and I had just birth the first one, my second of a set of twins no less.

"You have given this family a truly beautiful gift, you know that? A wonderful heifer just like you, and a strong baby bull, and look, my milk isn't changing him at all. A _true_gift my beautiful little girl," she said, bringing hand down to stroke my cheek.

I watched it trepidatiously, seeing clearly for the first time in a month. It was as if a flip had been switched when I saw them take away my baby girl. I knew they were using me, but some part of my twisted mind had thought they cared. It as all so stupid, but I couldn't try my hand at escaping now. I was too weak to do anything more than blink. I had to bide my time until the chance presented itself.

I smiled and rubbed my cheek against her hand. "Thank you momma," I said in a syrupy voice, playing the part I had been for so long.

Elle smiled and turned her head to the side. "My beautiful girl," she cooed. I wanted to vomit, not that I had a gag reflex to induce it. "Now, I think the boys want to have a little special time with the mother of their children. So you three have fun and I'll see you later. I might even bring both of your babies to have a little dinner."

I smiled and slowly nodded at the woman. My body jumped as they pulled the second placenta from me and Elle left with my son and the cord. The bulls walked up to me and their broad fingers probed at my spread passage, nanites tingling as they began to slowly undo the more extreme damage giving birth had done to me. They grabbed me, each holding one of my arms as they lifted me up with little strain.

They positioned their heads at my entrance, their lengths thicker than their thigh as they stuck next to one another. I grit my teeth and closed my eyes as they pulled me down onto their two cocks. They filled me straight to my aching womb, spreading it open farther than it was ever meant to be stretched. As much as I had took without difficulty, this has broken me, my vision faded and I blacked out.

I woke up later, familiar aches in my bones and holes, but living and breathing. I sat up on the bed, my bell jingling as I looked around the room and realized my surroundings had changed. I was no longer in my little cell, laying on a bed flanked by Butch, Sundance and a third fully grown bull, my own son. Cum drooled out of my used cunt and from urethra on my leg.

In looking at myself I realized something else; my shackles were gone. They had rubbed the fur from my body off, leaving raw red marks and tiny holes where the new fur had already begun to grow, but I was free. If I was careful I could escape, as long as my bell avoided waking up the males.

I reached my fingers reached inside the bell and held the small clapper. Reaching back behind my neck with my free hand, I undid the clasp that held the bell to my neck and pulled it from my neck. I carefully reached over Butch's body, the only one sleeping lone by my side, and rested the bell on a table sitting next to the bed. I carefully wiggled my body, trying to slide out of the bed without disturbing any of the males, but they seemed too spent to care.

I realized I was in my parent's bedroom and searched through the drawers. Acting as if I had no time at all in the off chance they woke, I grabbed a pair of well worn jeans and a plaid-red flannel shirt. I grimaced and continued to pull up the pants. My thick assets, udders barely hanging out the top of the jeans, and wide hips made for a really tight fit, in fact I'm fairly certain I heard them tear a little, but I was glad to finally be wearing something for the first time in a month.

The shirt was a bother though, my udders and tits proving a bit too much for the flannel material. I tried buttoning up the shirt, but it only made me lose the buttons in response. Seeing little option other than letting them hang out, I tied the ends of the shirt in the middle, covering only my breasts but at least covering something.

I reached in under the lip of the drawer and grabbed one last item, my father's knife, thankful I had been particularly conscious after the cows became infected. I checked the knife, seeing it still as sharp as the day it was bought and tucked it behind my back as I walked towards the door. I had to be careful with every step, my hooves capable of easily waking everyone in the house with to heavy a step against the wooden floor.

I looked back a moment at my son, wondering if I could manage to bring him along with me, but I noticed he laid asleep with Sundance's length in his ass. His body was no different from Butch or Sundance, maybe even a little larger, but I saw no sign that he was female in anyway. From the familiar look of contentment on his face, I knew he was too far gone. Corrupted so early, I doubted there was anything I could do to save him.

I wiped away a tear from my eye as I walked down the hallway, stepping carefully not to make any noises or step on anyone sleeping on the floor. I could not help myself but to look into the rooms as I passed them, hoping to find my daughter, not that I knew what she looked like. I began to fear I may never see her as I walked down the stairs, carefully avoiding each creak as best as I could.

Coming down to the living room I finally saw her, lying on the pull out couch. Just as adult as my son, she suckled on Elle's breast as Millie slept between them, one of my Daughter's teats in her mouth. There was no mistaking it, she was just like me in every way. Wide breeding hips, a huge cushion-y ass, four breasts generous and an udder filled milk.

I didn't want to leave her here, and let her replace me as the farm's pet, but I was surrounded too much by sleeping cows and chickens. They would stop me if they woke, and I would never have a chance to be free again. I hated it, but I had to leave her. In the matter of my survival this may be my only chance ever to leave, and I couldn't take the chance of losing it to help her. I had the hope that she would fare better than me, having been born a cow instead of becoming one.

I continued towards the front door door and stopped. I felt a stroke of luck as I saw my father's white stetson resting on a formerly male rooster's head a few yards from the door. I pulled out the knife and gripped it's handle tightly as I reached for the hat, waiting to silence the female rooster if she stirred the slightest. I pulled the hat off of the of the head and remained still.

I placed the hat on my head and walked towards door, holding my breath and holding the knife so tightly in my hand I felt my nails dig into my palm. I pushed open the screen door, waiting for it to squeak and give away my escape at the last possible moment. But luck was on my side again, and it swung open silently. My lungs burned and ached as I waited to walk down the very last step. I finally exhaled once I was free of any wood that might give me away and took a deep cleansing breath.

I stowed the knife and began, to walk towards my father's truck. I lifted the hat and pulled out the key from the inside of the rim and unlocked the car. I tried sitting down, but found it difficult with my new udder and breasts. I moved the seat back and sat down again, my hooves barely reaching the pedals but I was able to push them without squirting out any milk on the car.

I closed the door and stuck the key in the ignition, hoping that this would not be one of those times where it stuttered and refused to start. I turned the key and the engine slowly rumbled to life, purring deep and beautifully as if it was brand new. Wasting no time, I put the car in drive and began to drive down the dirt road, slowly at first, then gunning it when I was out of their ear shot. I didn't know where I was going, but I was relieved to be free.

In fact, I was pretty lost after I left the farm. I spent a lot of time on the road, searching for... something. I had to do some unsavory things to get by at times, others I wasn't given too much of a choice. After I lost the truck it became a matter of survival, and while my knife was handy it didn't last me too long. I had more than a few children along the way, too many of which were as wild as their fathers, others I had pulled from me. I even mutated a few times before I found myself nostalgic about my old form.

Before long I was weary of just about every face, until I reached Fairhaven. I ran into my share of feral mutants there, but I've met a lot of good people. Kind souls that have given me hope in this new dark reality. A few days in the city told me a lot about myself, or at least the new me. I've slowly started to accept who I am now, even though that may change fairly often, though I have grown used to being a cow and am glad I've managed to get myself back to that point.

Some day I hope to have the fortune of not having some feral calf in my belly and to be with one of these lovely people I've come to call my friends. Maybe not to be wife and husband, but just to experience sharing a child together, because while I've not enjoyed being forced to be a mother to a child I would lose, there are few things I enjoy more than the warmth of having a child in my stomach.

In fact, I've got a nice man in mind. I met him one day at the Zephyr inc building. Simple man, a minotaur, had some problems with self control. A good foot taller than me, with balls the size of my head and a cock so big he made Butch and Sundance seem like children. He was so kind for being such a big man, but God, did he pound me raw, and those nuts. I could barely move afterward it was like...

Actually, that's probably a story for another time.