Confessions Part 1

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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The play button is depressed and a recording starts, the sound of someone asking a question but it's muffled and not audible then comes a woman's voice in reply.

How did this all start?

I was young and naive. That's usually how most of these things get started. Some stupid kid gets in way over his or her head and the next thing you know they are bound up tighter than they have a hope of getting out of. Sorry if I sound bitter, it's been a long hard road.

I was 15 when I met him. I can see your next question in your eyes. Of course there's a him, isn't there always? He was tall and strong and good looking and he made butterflies flutter in my tummy every time he smiled at me. I was putty in his hands. God I was so stupid. No, scratch that I wasn't stupid I was just young and innocent. Life hadn't prepared me for the likes of him.

I'm not saying I led an idyllic life before I met him, far from it, I was a state kid. Orphaned at the age of eight: too old for most people to want to adopt me as their own. No family to speak of, except an aunt who's in the nut house that I still go visit from time to time. I bounced around from foster home to foster home, never ran into those perverts you hear about, but I never really fit into anyone's family either.

I was a good kid, as far as that goes. I wasn't into drugs or sex or any of the other vices that young people today seem to fall for. Always kept my nose in my books and got pretty good grades, won several scholarships to further my education, of course that all fell through after I met him.

Another low voiced question that is unintelligible.

So how'd I meet him?

A soft chuckle.

Well now there's the thing isn't it, I was walking home from school and saw a bunch of people gathered outside the local coffee shop. Normally that wouldn't make me want to go over there but one of the people was a girl I knew from school and she waved to me asking if I wanted to see something. I should have said no and gone on home like the good girl I was trying to be, but there was something in me that day. Call it what you will, a rebellious streak, a premonition, hell just overwhelming curiosity. Whatever it was I joined the crowd of kids and peered through the windows to see not the dog in the shop carrying coffee back to it's master's table, but him looking back out the window at me.

He made my breath catch and my heart quicken just from meeting my eyes through that dirty glass. God I still remember the tiny little lift to his lips right at the corner when he saw me staring back at him. It made me feel so many different things inside that I nearly dropped my books. The girl, I can't even remember her name anymore, she put her hand on my shoulder and I broke eye contact to look at her, answered her question and looked back, but he was gone.

It would have been better if I'd stayed with the kids for a while longer, I could have avoided this whole mess.

A few moments pass in silent contemplation, interrupted by that unintelligible voice raised in a question.

Hummm? Oh sorry, I got lost in thought there for a moment. Let's see... I left the kids and headed toward home once more, figuring I'd never see him again. I didn't get more than a half block before a large flashy black car rolled to a stop across the road and he looked at me out the window.

Oh I know it's stupid, now. But then I thought it was one of the coolest things that had ever happened to me. I considered myself mousy you see, quite usual, brown eyes and hair, pale white skin nothing too special in the looks department and here was this gorgeous man seeking out my company. If only I could go back and tell that shy little girl that he was bad news, make her go home like she should have...

The sound of a glass being picked up, ice cubes rattling around inside it, a soft swallow, then it's placed back onto the table.

We all have regrets and things we've done that we wish we could undo.

Hummm? No, he didn't come across creepy at all. He was well spoken and polite, the perfect gentleman. He asked where I was going and if I needed a ride. Yes, yes, it was stupid to get in his car, it was even more stupid than you think, but I'll get to that.

He didn't take advantage of me, not then, he took me right home and let me out with a polite comment that he'd love to see me again if I wanted. He gave me an official looking business card that said he was some kind of photographer for a local company that did most of the pictures for the yearbook.

It took me three days to work up the courage to call and ask for him. It went right to his personal phone and he picked up on the second ring. His voice, oh how I loved his voice. It sounded like cheesecake dipped in rich chocolate. I had to sit down on the couch, afraid that my knees wouldn't hold me. As soon as I told him who I was he asked if I wanted to go out to dinner. Told me he'd been waiting for my call and had the perfect place all picked out. How could I resist? But he couldn't pick me up at the house. Oh I knew, he was older, much older than I was and I didn't want my foster parents getting the wrong idea. Well the right idea really, and forbidding me from seeing him again.

We made arrangements to meet up the block at the nearest book store, it was one I frequented regularly and all of the staff knew me by name so I felt safe enough meeting there. Our first date was perfect in every way; he was a perfect gentleman, held the car door open, the restaurant door open, pulled out my chair, all the things that a gentleman of those days was supposed to be he was.

A soft happy sigh escaped her lips and she had a private smile for a few moments before she took up her narrative once more.

But you don't want to know about that do you? You want to know about the rest of the story.

About 6 months after I started dating him I had my 16th birthday, which he thought was my 18th thanks to a little white lie I'd told him on that first date. We'd talked some about what I wanted and how to spend it. He couldn't give me anything that I could take home, I told him the foster family would steal anything he did, yes I lied but I was dating a man old enough to be my father. I knew he was in his late 30's by then and it didn't matter to me, he was my prince charming.

We were at his house, oh I'd been there a few times but he was always the consummate gentleman, never pushing or taking anything that I wasn't willing to give him and even stopping things before they got to the point where he would be breaking the law a few times. It sounds funny now that I say that considering what happened, but then it just seemed sweet and endearing and made me want him all the more.

We'd talked about how I had never had a real home or a family or a pet of my own and how I loved the idea of having a dog. He confessed that he wanted a family, kids, a dog, and the whole nine yards. That was all a lie too, though I didn't find out until much later. But I never expected him to give me a puppy for my birthday.

It was the cutest little thing. Have you ever seen a black Great Dane puppy? They are all paws and ears at that age. He'd been sleeping in the box he was in, so when I opened it he looked up with these big sad eyes and I couldn't help myself. I fell in love with him.

A sharp question followed that comment, it's clear that the interviewer didn't approve of her last statement. Her hand came down hard on the table at being interrupted with another question and she leaned forward to hiss.

Look you wanted the whole story, you wanted to know what happened, so shut up and let me tell it my way!

A slight nod and she sat back adjusting the orange sleeves of her coverall.

That's better. Now where was I? Ah yes, the puppy. Well I couldn't take him home. There was no way that my foster family would ever let me keep him, so he stayed with Davis, but he was adamant it was my dog. That night is the first time we made love.

I know a 16 year old girl and a late 30 something guy, you'd call that statutory rape now, but it wasn't like that. He took his time with me. He knew I was a virgin and he made sure that everything was perfect. You always remember your first time, and he wanted to make sure it was a memory I'd never want to forget.

He started with his hands, stroking my back and my hair, slowly undressing me, like I was his present. Even now the thought of it makes my skin shiver in anticipation of his next caress.

She paused again closing her eyes and letting out another soft pleased sigh, took a sip from her water and continued as if the interlude hadn't happened.

I know now that he played my body like a fine instrument, using it against me, making me fall head over heels for him. He was like a drug I couldn't get enough of. I was over there every chance I could be after that, between him and the puppy I don't know which was the stronger draw. He was so handsome and wonderful and he taught me so much about my own body. While the puppy was so innocent and sweet and everything I ever wanted in a dog. That all changed, nine months later.

She laughed and shook her head.

No I wasn't pregnant; I can see the question in your eyes. No the dog who we named Ringo after THE Ringo, I was big into the Beatles music, had reached maturity. Davis insisted that in order to have a healthy dog that wouldn't attack the vet if he had to check him over that we had to touch the dog... everywhere. Ask your vet they recommend it too, but well... I wasn't expecting Ringo to show off shall we say.

The first few times he did it I pulled my hand away but Davis was adamant that he needed to know who was boss. It got to the point where I felt it was just a normal reaction that he'd get a stiffy when I was petting his belly. I know, you don't understand how that could ever become normal but it just was.

Davis kept him in a large crate beside his bed said it was to reinforce the idea that he was in charge. It gave me the creeps at first when he'd take me in there and be touching me and the like to look over and see Ringo watching us. But eventually even that became normal and I could ignore the dog while I was in the midst of passion.

Davis was an adventurous sort; he showed me things that I didn't know were possible. He had these things, toys he called them, I know what they're all called now, but then they seemed dangerous and I was t the point where rebellion felt good, really good. So I let him use things on me. Nothing that sick! I'm not a pervert after all! But handcuffs and this ingenious contraption called a spreader bar. Oh it was a little strange at first being so totally at his mercy but when you think about it I always was I just didn't know it.

Her hand lifted the glass to her lips once more while she collected her thoughts.

I didn't know he was videotaping the whole thing. I was too naive to believe that anyone could do something like that to a person they loved. He had hours of footage of him 'training' me, and more of him teaching Ringo. I'd blindly assumed that the reason my panties kept going missing at his place is because he liked to keep them as souvenirs of our time together. All the while he'd been using them to make the dog get hard when he smelled my aroused scent. I've seen the video, Ringo loved my panties, he'd lick them for hours until he'd licked a hole clean through the material just to get the last traces of my taste from them.

I remember the first time it happened. Davis had said he wanted to be adventurous. He started by asking me to put on this black cat suit that had an opening between my legs then added a hood that covered my eyes leaving only my nose and mouth exposed. He had this triangular pillow, that he'd put under my hips so I was lying prone along it with my ass held up in the air. He used a spreader bar to connect my knees and keep my thighs wide open exposing my most intimate parts for his pleasure and then he'd cuffed my wrists to either side of his king sized bed so I couldn't pull away from him.

I'd been in the position before but not with the clothing on. I didn't like it much as it only allowed me to feel his touches between my legs and didn't let me feel his bare skin against mine but once he started pleasuring me with his hands I stopped protesting and got into it fairly quickly. He progressed to using his mouth, teasing me and coaxing me until I orgasmed. That wasn't enough, he penetrated me and worked his hips back and forth until I came again and again, losing track of how many times I lost myself to the pleasure he could give me.

You look surprised. Didn't you know that women are multi orgasmic? Oh you poor dear, you need to find a better man.

She reached across the table and patted the hand of her interviewer, which the girl then snatched away as if she had leprosy.

Davis was good at his job; he knew how to bring a girl to that peak over and over with every little nuance being captured on film. By the time I lost count of how many times he'd taken me to that peak he pulled out finally and I whimpered fearing he was finished with me, as he sometimes grew bored with working me over.

I felt the bed dip and thought it was him returning, who else could it have been? We were alone in his house remember. I felt his tongue first, sliding against my wet folds and delving deep for more of the taste of me. It was a little more rough then I usually liked but I was far enough into the pleasure that I didn't protest. The licking went on and on for what seemed like hours, every stroke of that large tongue invading me as deeply as possible. I'm not ashamed to admit that I came again, a few times while the licking went on. I was convinced that it was Davis and felt no need to hold myself back from that ultimate intimacy with him.

Eventually the tongue pulled away from me, I know I begged for more whimpered and pleaded with him to come back, to let me have him again. I would have done anything at that moment to have him returning me to that state of bliss. I said as much to him in broken sentences.

I was so on fire when I felt him sliding over my backside and his hands land beside my body. I could feel the heat of his member brushing against my trembling skin. A few times before he'd taken me like this, pretended to be an animal, mounting me without the use of his hands so I was ready for the first unsuccessful attempts to penetrate my body. He felt slimy and slippery and I thought at first he'd used some kind of assistant, a lubricant of some sort though he knew I disliked them as they detracted from the feel of his hot skin sliding into me.

Another soft voiced intrusion on the narrative, a question that seems nearly shocked out of the interviewer.

Pardon? Oh no dear, what would we use condoms for? He wanted a family remember as did I so what better way to get one then to let it happen. It's a more enlightened age now with everyone aware of sexually transmitted diseases, back then we were foolish, trusting our partners with far too much freedom over our bodies.

Hush now and let me finish.

He finally found my core, I felt the warm hard length of him spreading me and sinking deep into my body. I remember screaming yes, he felt so hot, nearly feverish it was a delicious feeling. His body shuffled forward and he drove in deeper, then once more he moved closer and pushed the rest of that hot turgid member into me. It was almost more than I could take, he'd never filled me so full before but I felt the warmth of his scrotum grinding up against my bare sex and knew that I had all of him inside me.

Then he was moving, fast and furiously, pulling back only to slam himself back into me. I can't do it justice, the heat, the friction, the pressure of that wanton act of carnal lust. I was in heaven. Over and over again I was brought to climax, feeling the frenzied lust coming from my lover. I don't know how long it lasted, minutes, hours, days; I just didn't want it to end.

There was some pain, near the end. It felt as if something large and round had been added to his length and it was trying to force its way inside my body. I remember screaming as it found its way into me with a vicious thrusting. Now of course I know what it was but then, then I was so caught up in the fire within myself that I accepted it as just another thing Davis was teaching me.

When that added something found its way inside me I thought I was going to rip in half it felt far to big to be contained within my body. I begged him to remove it, to pull it out of me, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. Then it happened. It was like an explosion inside my body, heat bloomed, and not the familiar heat I was used to, this was so hot it nearly burned and it flooded me, invading every part of my body, being held in there by that extra too painful something.

Here she paused and looked curiously at her interviewer.

Do you need a moment dear? You look a little flushed.

The scrape of a chair being hastily shoved back on concrete flooring, foot steps quickly walking away, a door opens and closes again. A soft feminine chuckle is caught on the recorder followed by,

I wonder was it something I said?

The recording ends there. But another recording labeled Confessions recording 2 sits in the file, tempting you with its very presence.