
Story by Taki on SoFurry

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Author's note: I have something longer in the works, but I was getting frustrated with how slowly the planning for that was going, so I wrote this as a quick diversion. I once again tried writing about a kink I don't really share, so let me know how I did. Thanks for reading!

Liz's watch emitted a high-pitched beep, and she nearly matched the tone with her squeal of joy. The watch alarm was her signal that it was time to quit working on her report and get ready to greet her boyfriend. She was so happy to put aside the mind-numbingly boring assignment that she almost knocked over her office chair as she stood and rushed out of the room.

The giddy skunk giggled as she entered her bedroom, pulling off her shirt as she went. Casual clothes wouldn't do for tonight. James had told her to wear her special outfit, and that was very different. She dropped her shorts to the ground and kicked them up into the hamper. Even the vibrant red bra and panty set would have to come off. As much as she loved the way the lacy underthings looked against her black and white fur, they wouldn't fit in with what she was to be wearing.

After stripping off the last of her clothing, she paused to rub her hands through her fur, smoothing out where her clothes had ruffled it. She let out a contented sigh at the feeling of being unclothed. She enjoyed being bare to the world, and would occasionally spend a day at home without ever getting dressed. Sometimes she would "forget" to close the curtains as well, giving anyone in the apartment building across the way with a pair of binoculars a chance to see her. It was nice to think that she might be bringing someone a small bit of happiness without ever knowing it.

After all, she had a body any fur would enjoy looking at. Sure, she could probably stand to lose a few pounds, especially around the midsection, but that didn't bother her much. James said it made her more fun to cuddle against, and she didn't want to risk losing any of her impressive bust.

The skunk reached up and tweaked her nipples, one quick act of stimulation before she finished her preparations. James might arrive soon, and she didn't know how long she might have to wait before being able to touch herself again. She padded nude across the room to the closet. Hidden there under some spare sheets was a locked chest. Liz quickly input the combination and popped it open. Her grin spread wider as she looked down on her outfit for the night.

She picked up the top item, a thick leather collar with a metal ring for a leash to attach to. She lifted it, wrapping it tightly around her neck and securely fastening the buckle. Her tail twitched and a shiver ran through her body as she donned this first restraint. It was mostly symbolic, but that just managed to make it more meaningful than the ones that would follow. She couldn't afford to spend the time to savor the feeling, though. If she got too caught up, she wouldn't be ready in time.

Liz gathered several more items from the chest and carried them to the living room. A quick glance showed the front door still locked. James could get in with his own key, so she wouldn't have to worry about anyone else walking in on her. She kneeled in the center of the room, facing the door, and arranged her equipment on the floor next to her.

First, she laid out a long leather leash in front of her. This would be the last time she touched it herself for the rest of the night. The next item was a pair of leather cuffs separated by a short length of chain. These she attached snugly to her ankles, quivering again in excitement. Her nipples were painfully erect and she could feel herself moistening in anticipation. Next, she selected a black silk scarf, folding it over itself several times before laying it across her eyes and tying it behind her head. It meant she'd have to do the last part blind, but there was no way around that. She reached down to where she had left the final item, a pair of padded handcuffs, and located them by touch. She closed a cuff onto her right wrist and brought her arms around behind her back. This was it. Once the other one was on, she'd be stuck for the rest of the night; James carried the only key to the cuffs. She almost climaxed as the cuff ratcheted against her wrist, pressing into her black fur.

Liz worked to slow her breathing. She was supposed to play the part of the obedient pet, and it wouldn't do to already be struggling when her Master got home. It was all right to be so aroused that she was dripping on the floor, but she had to at least appear calm.

She smiled as she held the submissive position. She rested comfortably on her knees, slightly bent forward with her tail held high, head respectfully lowered. The anticipation was almost her favorite part of this game. With her arms and legs secured and her vision blocked, she could only find refuge in her imagination. She thought about what James might have in mind for her tonight. All he'd told her was that they'd be having a night of fun and what time she should be ready for him to arrive. Would it be heavy bondage, using the rest of the straps from the chest? Maybe some tickling for her sensitive paw pads and certain other parts of her?

The skunk allowed herself a quick squirm of her legs, trying to rub her aroused lips against each other. She was eager to begin, but where was James? She didn't think she was ready early, but she'd been kneeling there for probably fifteen minutes now. He was almost obsessively punctual, and it wasn't like him to be late for something like this.

Her imagination switched from its previously pleasing thoughts to darker ones. Had something horrible happened to her cute lynx? He might have gotten into a car accident on the way home or maybe he was being held hostage in a bank robbery!

Liz started figuring out how she could track him down. She wouldn't be able to remove the hand or leg restraints, but she could probably get the blindfold off by rubbing her head against something. She could probably hobble over to the phone and dial it behind her back. It was a good thing she hadn't been told to use the ball gag, so she would still be able to talk to someone.

She started to roll back on her feet to stand up and hesitated. James could be tricky sometimes. He knew how much she liked the anticipation, and he knew what tended to happen when she was left alone with her imagination. Come to think of it, felines could be impressively quiet when they wanted to. It was possible that James had slipped in while she was busy in the bedroom.

She shivered again, picturing her boyfriend watching her, checking to see if she was properly following the rules even when she thought she was alone. The skunk moaned softly. She imagined her male naked, idly stroking himself, waiting until she least expected it to pounce on her. If he was in the room, she wished he would make a move.

The sound of a key in the door snapped her attention away from her musings. The skunk just barely held back a yelp of excitement as the lynx entered the room. She heard him walk over to her and he gently stroked her face, letting her sniff his hand so the blindfolded girl knew it was him before scratching between her ears. She chirred softly in contentment, pleased that her dire imaginings had been incorrect.

Liz gasped as James pinched her erect nipples and then walked away, his footsteps receding in the direction of the bedroom. What was his plan then? She would stay in position until she was told to move, even though it was starting to get tiring holding her fluffy tail up.

The lynx returned a couple minutes later. "Sorry to show up late, pet. I wanted to see if you'd be good and hold the position for me. You did very well, though it looks like you didn't exactly have a terrible time of it." He drew a paw pad across the length of her damp slit, setting her tail twitching.

The skunk smiled warmly with the compliment and the stroking. She wondered what was in store for her now. He seemed to be going for a theme of challenges, but that was hardly a clue. At last she heard the leash being picked up followed shortly by the click as it was attached to her collar.

"Ok pet, I know you might be a little tired of this position, but I need you to hold it a bit longer for me." The lynx gently spread her knees slightly, making it easier to reach her sex. He slipped a finger inside her, making her tense up slightly. He gently stroked her inner walls, coating his finger with her wetness. He removed it a moment later, drawing a frustrated moan from the bound girl, and brought it to his mouth, licking it clean with an exaggerated slurp. "Mmm, what a tasty skunk you are."

Liz blushed. The male's interest in tasting her was one of the few things that embarrassed her. She couldn't be that good, could she?

The void left by James's finger was soon refilled. Her black-furred lips were slowly spread around a smooth plastic toy. She moaned deeply as the toy was inched inside her. This was one of the thicker ones they owned, and only her strong arousal let her take it .

The lynx stopped with just an inch of the 9-inch toy outside the skunk. "Good girl. Now for the fun part." He twisted the base of the toy and set it vibrating, but only on the very lowest setting.

The skunk groaned as the low throb ran through her lower body. She knew the toy could go much faster, so if he had chosen this one, he must have a reason.

James stroked her sex where it was stretched around the toy, occasionally rubbing her swollen clit to watch her jump. "Do your best to hold that in, pet. I don't want to see it fall."

So that was the game. She'd be helped by the thickness of the toy, but she was fairly slippery down there at this point and the weight of the toy would be pulling straight down. It wouldn't be easy.

She moved her knees together and squeezed down on the vibrator. Her efforts only got her a spike of pleasure and a twitch that almost let the toy release. She heard James laugh and redoubled her efforts. Liz gritted her teeth and gripped the toy as hard as she could. The low setting on the vibrator sent ripples all through her lower half, and she soon felt her juices seeping around the thick intruder and dripping down her thighs.

At first, James was content to just watch her struggle. She was doing fairly well at holding it in, but her quickened breathing showed how hard she was working at it. After about ten minutes, he stepped up the difficulty. He worked to distract her, stroking her tail or licking at her nipples at random intervals. With the blindfold on, the skunk never knew where he would strike. Only the slight pull on the leash as he moved around her gave her any clue. Every time he touched her the toy would slip a little bit before she got control of it again, and the hotter she got, the more wetness trickled down the sides of it, making it harder to grip. At one point he rubbed her clit vigorously, pushing her right to the edge of climax before backing off and not touching her for several minutes.

Liz was desperate to reach orgasm. The vibration of the toy wasn't enough to get her off on its own, and the lynx knew her far too well to push her over with his teasing. She thrusted her hips involuntarily and her tail thrashed behind her. Soft yips escaped her every time she squeezed. She wished she could reach down and hold it for just a second so she could rest, or maybe just move it a bit so she could finally get off.

She was on the edge of giving up, hoping whatever punishment she got for failure would be better than this, when suddenly the toy was withdrawn, leaving her clenching on emptiness. She whined with frustration. The quick movement had almost been enough for her to climax.

She hoped that James would just fuck her at this point. She needed it hard and fast. Unfortunately, the male had one more test for her. She felt the toy placed upright between her feet.

James stroked down her sides and up to her chest. He circled her nipples while he leaned close to her ear. "Excellent work so far. Why don't you sit back and rest for a second?"

He must be joking. If she sat back on her feet with the toy positioned where it was, it would have to go in her tailhole. She wasn't at all sure she could do that. Her face must have shown her trepidation.

"I know you've done this with toys almost this big. Do you think you can handle it?" James asked seriously.

Liz hesitated for a moment. It would be difficult, but there was certainly enough natural lube on the thing at this point. She nodded, and started to lower herself down. The toy pressed lightly against her tight pucker. If she had known this would be coming, she would have practiced earlier. She took a deep breath and relaxed as much as she could.

Slowly, carefully, she let gravity pull her down. The tip of the toy slipped inside her and she inhaled sharply. Already it was stretching her as wide as she'd ever been. At a gentle urging on the leash from James she slid further down, breathing heavily as the toy disappeared between her black cheeks. She whined a bit, but James was right. It was somewhat uncomfortable, but there was no real pain. At last her rear rested against her ankles and she exhaled heavily. She felt more full than ever before, even more than her first experience with anal.

The lynx scratched between her ears in congratulations. "Wonderful, pet. I'm proud of you."

Liz beamed with pleasure as she basked in the warmth of his approval. Any discomfort she felt was easily worth it. She felt James step away slightly and heard him move a piece of furniture closer.

"Time for your reward. Go ahead and lean forward now." He pressed gently on her back, guiding her forward to rest her upper body on the ottoman he had positioned there. Liz's friends sometimes asked why she had this one piece of furniture that didn't match the rest of her things. She always made up some excuse, but the truth was she had bought it because it was just the right height for this kind of fun.

She whimpered and rubbed her chest against the slightly rough fabric as she felt James move behind her. Strong hands gripped her rear and she felt his hot length press against her slit. When had he gotten naked? While she was trying to hold the vibrator in? Earlier? More importantly, wasn't he going to take the toy out of her stretched tailhole?

"Oh, almost forgot." James gripped the vibrator, but rather than remove it, he turned it quickly to its highest setting.

Liz bucked against the ottoman, yowling in surprise. With how tightly she was filled, it felt like her entire body was vibrating. It seemed everything from her sex to her nipples was alive with the intense shaking. "Ohhhhhh"

James chuckled. "I thought you'd like that. Here we go." He shoved his hips forward, sinking his cock in fully on the first thrust.

Now she got the hard mating she needed. The lynx was clearly worked up from teasing her, and wasted no time picking up the pace. Wet slaps echoed in the room, almost louder than the moans of the two lovers. Each delicious thrust sandwiched her inner walls against the strongly vibrating toy. She chirred happily. Toys were fun, but they couldn't compare with a real man moving inside her.

The male obviously agreed. He was almost savage in his movements, grunting each time he hilted himself. He couldn't reach as deep as the toy had, but he was sure trying. He pulled against the leash, prompting Liz to move as well.

She shoved her self backward to meet him. With her ass raised as it was, each inward stroke ribbed across her clit. The skunk moaned in ecstasy as she neared her peak. Her mate's hands were all over her, stroking her tail, teasing her nipples, rubbing down her sides before pressing against her clit.

That was it. Liz screamed as she climaxed hard. After such a long build up, the release was that much better. Her juices gushed out around the lynx's cock. She clenched down hard on him, pressing his his length against the vibrating toy. Her arms pulled almost painfully against her restraints, though of course they held fast. A moment later she felt the warm blossoming heat deep within her from his own orgasm.

Thankfully, James had the presence of mind to turn the vibe off before they got oversensitive. He sighed and pulled out of her, a moment later gently removing the toy as well.

The skunk finally had an excuse to relax her tail, and she let it fall, hearing James sputter as it covered his face. She giggled softly.

"Very funny." He dodged to the side and unclipped the leash before removing the scarf across her eyes. He leaned down and kissed her. "Have fun?"

"Oh yeah, but next time you're taking that monster up your ass." Liz jangled the chain on her cuffs. "You mind?"

James dug around in the pocket of his discarded pants for the key. "Sure sure." He unlocked the cuffs and helped her remove the straps around her ankles.

Liz stood and stretched her arms. "Ahh, that's nice." She looked suspiciously at the wall behind James. "Hey, did you notice the window when you came in?"

"No, why?" He twisted around and his eyes opened wide. "Oh shit." He stared at the window. The window with no curtain covering it. The window with a view of another apartment building, itself having several open windows visible. He scrambled to put on his pants. "Why was the curtain open?"

Liz laughed and walked over to close the curtain, not bothering to hide her nudity. "Forgot about it. Sorry."

James sighed. "Oh well. You probably love the idea of showing off like that, at least."

She traced a finger down his chest. "You know it." She squeezed his manhood and pushed him to the floor.

He looked at her incredulously. "Again?"

She straddled his hips and started working him back to full hardness. "Fuck yes, again. You thought once would be enough after everything you did to get me worked up? You should know your pet has stronger needs than that."

James groaned as she stroked his cock. "Right, of course. Sorry about that."

Liz lifted herself up and paused with his cock just grazing her entrance. "May I?"

"Yes, pet. You were very good. Take whatever pleasure you like." He groaned as she dropped herself down, clutching him strongly.

She smiled slyly. "That's just what I wanted to hear."

He didn't even notice her picking up the discarded toy.


_Author's Note: I recently posted a journal asking for requests. WetCoyote asked for something along the lines of Silly Games featuring the spin the bottle idea, possibly with some M/M. Thus, I give you this. I don't read much...

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_Author's note: I know editing this is going to bump the story to the front page and make me look like an attention-whore, and I apologize for that. I wrote the original version of this in a single 24 hour period, which was a fun...

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Ch. 4 - Hot-Headed Mistakes

"Ok, Lisa, your turn to tell your story," Jen said. "Um, I don't know if I want to," the brown haired girl replied shyly, her orange fox tail twitching behind her. "It's embarrassing." ...

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