Princesses are Greedy

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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A commission for False_Princess. It's not something I've done a lot, so feedback would really be appreciated. If humiliation is really your thing, please tell me what I did right! I want to know so I can master all these fetishes I don't personally have!

That's all, Enjoy~

Princess Peach shifted. She felt a flop of hair fall into her face, mused and ratty. The blonde locks were dusted with dirt and in disarray atop her head. Her head swam, trying to connect hazy bits of information about who she was, where she was, but her mind stayed jumbled like a Rubik's cube; when she put one thing into the right place, something else fell out. Her knees stung, and she twisted to look down to see she wore tall stockings. They appeared to have once been white, but were smeared with dirt and torn, showing her pale skin beneath. Between her legs, liquid dripped down from her sex. Curiously, she peeked back further to see a thick tentacle slamming into her with a lewd squelch. It's length writhed its ways into her depths, squirming and wriggling as it wormed its way into her gaping snatch. She stared dumbly at it for a moment as her back seemed to crawl. A hand, instinctively, went up to her head scratching through her dirty hair at an itch. Vaguely, through the fog in her mind she felt tiny vines deep inside her, twisting up the length of her spinal column and into her brain.

Yet, she couldn't bring herself to realize why it mattered. Her head lolled to the side, and she spotted a golden crown cast aside in the dirt. In a beam of light, it glinted at her as if in greeting. She knew, somehow, that the crown must have held some importance, yet she couldn't grasp at what that importance was, or what her name even was. The tendrils, she realized, were sucking her memory dry and replacing it.

The tentacles worming into her were clearing out her mind, wiping away memory's of a home, of a life, of herself; but she couldn't find the will to care. Instead, she relished in a feeling of delight at the scruff of the dirt beneath her, the ache of her sex as another tentacle joined the first, fucking her deep in the final throes of its job here, and the sensation of mental emptiness. She was being fucked mindless, literally; and she loved it.


Peach's eyes fluttered open yet again to the sight of dirt stretching out till the edge of her sight while her cheek rested in it, dirty and coated in dust. Yet, despite her sloppy face and hair, lack of any clothing besides her tattered gloves and stockings, and the wet, dribbling feeling for her sex, Peach felt a burning desire to go through it all again. She felt her brain pulsing with images of her knees, slammed down in the dirt, saliva dribbling from her chin, and her head bobbing stupidly as she was fucked silly. As a pleased glow arises from her daydream, Peach's head tipped enough to spot someone beside her.

The other girl slumped back against a rotting tree trunk. Her mouth hung open, dribbling with thick globules of white cum. Her hair, originally a bright pink shade, was tarnished with dust and cum smeared into it, giving it a piecey appearance. She still wore a dress, at least in parts. The body hung below her breasts, exposing her tits that were smeared with mud from having her face shoved into the dirt when the tentacles took her shortly after the blonde. One glow remained on her arm, but the other was no where to be seen. The skirt of her gown had a single tear running from one side at the bottom and running to the back above her ass. Her pussy gaped open between her legs, dripping as much as her lips did.

Peach shuffled up onto her knees, scanning for anything slightly penial. When she didn't see anything, she inched towards the other girl only to have Malena stir and meet her eyes. They inspect one another, silently, before realizing neither had a cock; and thus, were useless in sating their desires.

They stumbled up onto their feet. Peach stepped forward barefoot, except for her dirty stockings, while Malena had dainty, pink slippers coated in...something. Side by side, they shuffled towards the nearby town, breasts jiggling and fuck holes dripping the entire way. As they walked together, previously two princesses well-coiffed and familiar with one another, it became apparent that not even a single shred of their memory remained. Peach had plucked up the crown from the ground if only for the reason that it seemed important, she'd plopped it onto her rat's nest of hair. Malena still had a dainty, purple crown atop her head, tilted dangerous to the side and with a hardened blob of cum covering the jewel on top.

Nearing the town limits, they started spotting other people. The first few that saw them skittered away nervously before it dawned on them who the dirty sluts were, or used to be at least. The first person to recognize the scuffed, golden crown on Peach's head was Big Poppa, the owner of the nastiest hole-in-the-wall brothel in the entire kingdom.

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" He mumbled, partly to himself as he approached the two girls, who'd both dropped onto their knees with expectant looks glowing in their eyes. Big Poppa stroked a hand over the stained fabric of the flannel stretching over his gut, "What do you two want?"

Malena's head tipped to the side, looking curious before she opened her mouth and lifted it up to him. "Cock."

Peach shuffled to the man on her knees, stroking her fingers along his thigh before she dropped her chest to the ground and raised up her ass, showing off the gaping hole of her pussy that still oozed with tentacle cum. "Me too!"

Big Poppa chuckled, unbuckling and fishing out his short, stubby cock, wafting with a sweaty musk. "I don't see no harm in testing you out before I take you back to the brothel..."

The instant she spotted his cock, Malena leaned up and sunk her lips down around him. Her lips tightened at the base as she hilted instantly, choking herself around him while her tongue lewd followed along every inch, slobbering over his cock. Groaning, the man watched with awe as the former princess bobbed her head over him repeatedly kissing to his hilt. Her throat bulged with every thrust. Her lips strained around the fat girth of him, but she didn't paused.

Impatient and jealous, Peach lifted from her bent state and swiveled to shuffled up to him on her knees, further dirtying her nasty stocking as they ran through the mucky run-off on the road and imprinting the shape of the cobblestone onto her knees. Her fingers grabbed on the man's pant leg, tugging impatiently as she pushed her tongue up to his base, grazing Malena's bobbing lips. A beefy hand dropped to each girl's head, guiding them. Malena continued to bob over his cock as he pushed Peach down to his heavy balls. "Taste that, you dirty little whore."

Peach's lips stretched open wide, suckling to the side of the heavy, hairy balls. The male grunted, staring down at the two. The hand on the back of Malena's head twisted into her pink hair, holding it in a clump on the back of her head. He tugged at the clump of hair, using it as a handle to force her along his length, pulling her off him till his tip popped out of her mouth and then slamming her back down to the hilt till she gagged.

Grunting, the male shoved the princess till her nose even mashed up to his groin, forcing her to breath in the thick scent of her musk as he emptied his balls down her throat. Finishing, he jerked her back and let the last rope of cum splash over her face.

Tucking himself back into his pants, the man tapped at his thigh. "Come on, you cock hungry princesses!"


"Now, what is your name?" The plump brothel owner scrubbed a rough washcloth over the girl's messy cheek. Initially, he'd considered leaving them filthy as he'd found them, but he wanted to give customers a chance to ruin the princesses they pictured in their mind. So, the fat man went through the work of coifing the pair.

First had come a bath, he'd left the girls to soak with a younger attendant, a street rat he'd tossed a coin to if the boy watched over the girls as they soaked to loosen the grime on their skin. When he'd come back from his dinner break, Peach was bent over the edge of the tub as the boy pounded her and Malena slumped against its side with thick strings of cum floating out from her sex.

After their second bath, this time without any bones for them to jump, Big Poppa combed through their hair while the other licked up along the length of his cock. Noisy slurps filled the room while he drew a comb through Peach's wet hair, smoothing it out down her back. Try as he might, he couldn't keep the girls' knees clean! When he switched to one girl, brushing her hair, applying a soft pink lipstick, or balancing their crowns back onto their heads; the other would drop to the ground, fishing out his cock and excitedly gagging back onto his length.

By the time he'd managed to put them into dresses, speed ordered from a next door tailor to mimic their old frocks, pink lipstick covered the entirety of his dick. Yet, he'd managed to fit each girl into something that appeared like their normal outfit. Peach wore a sluttier version of her usual dress. The fabric bore the same pink shade, with royal puffs at her corners and a blue gem dangling at her throat, but where she'd usually have soft fabric stretched over her tits, the material had been removed to show the flesh of her breasts. Over her stomach, a tight, ribbed bodice held her stomach flat before the skirt flared out at her ass, but a large cut showed off a fresh pair of soft pink stockings. Malena wore her usual dress, with a tight purple bodice that pushed her breasts up together, but the skirt rose up higher on her thighs. Beneath them, she wore a thin pair of tights, but with no crotch.

Once they were both dressed, Big Poppa ushered them each to their new posts in the brothel. For Malena, he selected one of the toilet stalls. The walls were coated in a layer of grime, over which customers had scrawled out warm wishes: "Choke on that cock, Bitch!"; "Suck it like you mean it!"; and "Cum Slut!" among others. Stains speckled the floor, ranging from deep browns to gray, urine stains on the wall. The large man pushed the girl to her knees, making her whimper with delight as her knees hit the hard, concrete floor. He cupped beneath her chin with a hard squeeze, tipping her head back till her pink hair spilled down behind her and her eyes met his.

"What's your name?" He demanded harshly, holding her jaw so she struggled to speak.

"I don't know."

The man grinned, showing an array of yellowed teeth, "Then, I'll give you a name. Your new name is Cum Dump. Okay?"


"What's your name?" He questioned, snarling down at the girl as his thumb stroked over her cheek possessively.

"Cum Dump" She murmured, voice low because of his hand holding onto her jaw and hindering her speech.

His voice raised louder, "What was that? What is your name?"

Her own voice followed his, raising her volume so her voice could be heard through the dirty bathroom, "Cum Dump!"

"And where do you want to be, Cum Dump?"

"On my knees!"

"And what do you want while you're on your knees, Cum Dump?"

"To be fucked silly!"

His other hand petted her hair, pushing her head back further and toying with her. "Good, good... Now, stay here, Cum Dump and I'll send a visitor to you."

As for Peach, he carted her out to a thin alley way, where there'd be space to house a long line of customers and free publicity from any noise she made, which he knew would be plenty. Much like he did with Malena, he pushed her down onto her knees- scuffing the clean pink of her stockings with their first streak of dirt.

He gripped her hair as he spoke, running his fingers through the famous blonde locks. "Now, do you know what your name is?"

"N-no, I can't recall it." She admitted, eyeing the zipper of his pants with an unblinking stare.

"Perfect! I'll give you one! Your new name will be Stupid Whore, what do you think of that, you little cum licker?"

Peach giggled even as an embarrassed pink colored her cheeks, "I t-think it's fitting..."

Big Poppa sneered down at her, with her tits out and exposed to anyone who walked past the alley. "Oh yeah? Why is it fitting, Stupid Whore?"

"Because I want to be fucked silly," she paused, but the man gave her a steady, expectant look that urged her to continue. "I wanna taste every man's cum in the city, I wanna feel grains of dirt on my knees, I wanna suck cock till I drool.." She looked up at him plaintively, squirming in her kneeling position.

"Horny, bitch?"

Her head bobbled as her lip pushed out in a pout, but Big Poppa didn't take the bait, instead he stepped aside. "Good, because your first customer will be here any minute."


"Attention, boys and men! Imagine, for a second, the two princesses you admire most! Picture their expensive dresses and their shiny crowns! See, in your minds, their pristine hair and perfectly painted lips! Can you see how perfect they are? How pristine? How separated from you and me? Now imagine stealing away that perfection! Imagine their lipstick rubbing off as she gags on your cock! Imagine her dress tearing during a fucking with countless men! Imagine her knees scuffed from kneeling in front of your dick! See her breasts rubbed raw from pounding her into the dirt! Can you see it? Do you want to see it? If you want to see perfection robbed away, come to the corner brothel because I've got Princesses Peach and Malena, full service!"


The first man racing into the brothel jiggled with coins in his pockets. Slim and lanky, the boy appeared like the castoff of the mating pool, someone too skinny, too quiet, too shy to intrigue a female, but it's the quiet ones to be afraid of.

At the door, he dumped off the handful of coins and headed to the bathroom, passing up the other, regular girls flaunting their piercings. He wanted Malena.

He found Malena in the middle stall, surrounded by stalls on either side where men stumbled in, drunk, to piss half into the toilet bowl and half onto the floor to run against her knees where she kneeled next door. She sat on her knees, looking up expectantly as the man came in and stopped right in the doorway of the stall, with an hand grabbing onto either side of it. She sat back on her heels, pristine pink satin heels just barely marred with a spot of two of piss from the floor so early in the evening. "Well, it's true." His lips curled sinisterly before he undid his belt, fishing out a massive, veined cock that pulsed with excitement, need already. He held his dick in one hand and with the other slapped his thigh, "Come 'er."

Malena eagerly crawled forward, dragging her knees over the nasty floor. Her stockings soaked up the filthy run-off while her tights tore and showed her skin beneath, scuffed raw from being on the concrete, patiently waiting for a cock. Her eyes stared at his cock, never leaving it like a dog waiting for a frisbee to be thrown. With an ounce of shock, the man drawled, "You little cock-craving slut! Look at you! Staring like that! You'd be shot dead if you looked at a man's cock like that in a castle! Imagine how ashamed everyone would be to know the coiffed little princess wanted a big dirty cock." He chuckled, still watching her face. She stared hungerly, wanting the same things she'd wanted when the tentacle first pulled back from her pussy: to be kneeling in the dirt, drooling, and fucked silly.

"Do you want this, Cum Dump? Do you want a taste?" His voice rumbled low, manly in the dingy light of the bathroom. A single bulb remained steady a way's away, over the sinks leaving the rest of them flickering on and off.

The princess's head bobbed instantly. Her crown jostled on her head, but it'd been expertly bobby pinned to say on, holding onto the illusion of her former self. Her mouth opened slightly, and her tongue licked out over her lips.

"Do you? I can't hear you, ya little bitch." His hand darted out and grabbed the back of her neck, clenching tightly on the slender slope of her throat. "If I ask you a question, slut, I expect a response. You hear me?"

Malena trembled, shivering on the floor as her head tipped back with his grasp, "Y-yes, I hear you."

"Good, now, do you want it?"

"I w-want it! Yes! I want you cock! I want that big, dirty cock!" Her mouth dropped open and her tongue stretched out, "Give it to me, please. Fuck me silly!"

His cock thrust up against her face, making both her eyes bulge with a sudden rush of inexplicable delight. Grabbing his dick with his free hand, the stranger slapped it against her cheek with a fleshy smack. She squeaked with surprise, holding her mouth open patiently waiting, but she had to keep waiting. His cock smacked to the other cheek, harder than the first before he lined up to her mouth and slammed home, hilting up to the balls in her hot mouth.

His cock stretched down her throat, making it bulge out as her cheeks flared. Her nose puffed out with a gush of air, but the man didn't pull her back. The hand on the back of her neck held her there, letting her mouth constrict around his entire length at once while her throat swallowed and spasmed against the intruder. When she finally gagged, sending a ripple of sensations over his flesh, he jerked her backwards only to slap his cock against her chin again. "Did I tell you to pull off? No!" And back down she went, gagging back over his length with gusto. Once he moved his hand from her neck to the back of her head and gave her free reign to service him, her head flew over his dick. She gagged and slurped over his cock, pumping faster and without pause. Spittle started to dribble out of her mouth, dripping down her chin and onto the tops of her breasts, but she didn't stop. Instead, her tongue started to coil around his length, slithering and grinding up to his sensitive head with every bob. With every squirm of her body, her feet shifted on the floor. The pure rosy satin rubbed up dirt and grime from the floor, building up a layer of filth over the pristine, girly accessory. She leaned back hard on them, pumping her mouth hard and harder with little rocks off her feet until one of the heels snapped off with a crack. Malena didn't even notice, she was too busy sucking.

"Ohh fuck. You want a load, Cum Dump? You want your first dump of cum?" The man groaned, low in his throat as he gripped onto her hair again. She mumbled around his cock, and though he couldn't understand a word, he knew what she wanted.

And he gave it to her. Cum gushed into her mouth, shot down her throat in thick globs. He jerked back out of her mouth and sprayed over her face, splattering her cheeks, chin, and forehead so it dripped onto her breasts, into her nose, and above her eyes. "Now that's what a princess should look like."


Princess Peach was greeted with a rushing customer of her own, or in fact customers. Big Poppa released a horde of men back into the alley, making each pay a minimal charge to get into the alley after which their time and deeds were unlimited.

"Woah, look at that bitch. She's got some great tits." The first man stalked forward, running a hand over the scruff of his beard as he eyed the girl hungerly. A hand gripped over a breast, groping it roughly while a nearly matching man sauntered up, though he lacked the facial hair of the first.

"I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate a shared birthday, could you, brother?" The second joked, running a finger along the girl's face and shoving a finger into her mouth. Instantly, she suckled over the length of his digit, running her tongue along it with lewd whimpers.

"Fuck! Look at her go! Guess the princess really isn't so perfect after all." A lumberjack-esque man shifted behind her, lightly poking her crown with a sneer.

"I think she looks pretty perfect to me." An older man, wrinkled and aged badly stepped right in front of her, dropping open a pair of overalls to show a thin, equally wrinkled cock.

"What a fuckin' great family reunion!" The two twins chorused as they fished out oddly matching cocks, jerking them on either side of the girl's cheeks while she dove onto their grandfather's cock. Her lips sunk down his entire length without pause while her tongue flicked and twirled around the very head, teasing the most sensitive portion unrelentingly.

While her mouth worked, two hands shifted up to the boy's dicks on either side of her face. She pumped her gloved fingers down their lengths in time, squeezing them lustfully while her head bobbed shamelessly to the old man's groin, kissing at his base with every second.

The two boy's on either side leaned down, each groping roughly at a tit as she jacked them off. Fingers tugged at the small rosebud nipples, teasing them till they stood pert and throbbed in time with her heart.

Behind, the father of the crew shoved her dress up around her hips while he pulled her up one leg to expose her cunt. Even cleaned from her bath, she still dripped with telltale cum from the tentacles rough fucking and the bath boy's test drive. "What a dirty little fuck hole you have, fucking Whore." He chuckled while two fingers slammed into her, quickly becoming three, then four to piston back and forth, in and out of her dirty snatch. Once he'd coated his fingers in her juices, he smeared them onto her ass and lined himself up.

He plunged down into her with a hard thrust, rocking her forward hard enough that she choked on the wrinkled man's cock. The sensation of her throat choking and spasming around his cock sent the old man over the edge, spurting thin streams of cum straight down her throat.

The moment he finished, the twin dove forward. Two cocks stared down at her face, demanding attention. Grabbing her head, the two young men spreads her mouth open by digging her fingers around her lips and pulling her mouth forcibly open. Once spread, they thrust forward together, jamming both cocks to stuff her mouth. She moaned around them, the muffled sound sound more like an animal than a princess as drool started to trickle out of her mouth as the boys grinded into her open mouth.

Together, they started to buck against her mouth, fucking her roughly together. Her mouth strained to fit both of them inside, making her cheeks ache from being held open. Being fucked from both ends, with the old man hardening and jerking himself over her back, ground her one knee into the ground while her other leg waggled in the father's grasp, holding her up to his crotch like a big sex toy.

"Oh yeah, dad! Fuck that bitch! Break her, dad!" The boys chanted together, grunting and panting as they used her mouth. Their father pounded the girl mercilessly. Her stockings tore and forced her knees into the ragged concrete on the ground, coating them in gravel bits and ash from discarded cigarettes. Blood dotted the skin where it tore open, ripped on the rough ground.

"Fuck, take that you dirty whore." The boys groaned in unison before they pulled out, pumping their own shafts before exploding over her face. Ropes of cum coated her blonde hair, hung off the points of her crown, coated her breasts, and streamed down her face.

One boy stepped forward, cleaning his cock off on a clean section of cheek, "Now that's what a Stupid Whore looks like."

"Oh wait! I got some more for her!" Their father grunted, bottoming out deep in her pussy before he unloaded a fresh dump of cum, making her ooze as he pulled out and pushed her face down into the dirt with a hand at the center of her back. "You turn, boys. Make your father proud with some double penetration."

The boys clambered to her backside, eagerly slamming themselves each into a hole. Her gaping pussy tightened with another dick shoved into the asshole beside it. With every thrust, she screamed out with a painful pleasure. Her cheek rubbed and the dirt beside the father's boots while both older men beat off over top of her, dripping down pre and beads of sweat onto her head, dress, and back. Their boys each gripped her ass, pulling her cheeks apart to watch as both holes strained open wide.

"Oh fuck! Do you like that, dirty whore?!"

"Y-Yes! I love it! Faster! Fuck me silly!" Peach cried, her high pitched voice echoing out of the alley, acting as a call to every dirty, drunk, vindictive, abusive, sadistic, or horny man in the city. Her voice rang through the alley as she suddenly screamed with the boys hard fucking. They pounded into her mercilessly, until suddenly they both paused. She felt them shifting, moving together as they situated until without warning, two, twin pricks forced into her asshole together.

She screamed. She hollered. Her ass seemed to tear apart as two, thick dicks dug down into her, deeper and deeper with each second. Her open mouth acted as invitation for their father's cock after he jerked her back up to his level and slammed himself down her throat, gagging her with the taste of herself.

"Unf... Unf..."


The alley went silent except for Peach's cries and tired grunts of pleasure. Their dirty talking faded because they focused on fucking her. She rocked in the dirt. Her eyes watered and streamed mascara to join the cum on her cheeks. Her knees ached and bled into the dirt. Her toenails curled onto the ground with pleasure as a cock choked her again, cum spurting straight down the hatch.

"Oohh! Take that, you nasty cumslut!"

Two cocks spasmed in her ass, pulsing together and suddenly freezing to pump her ass full of hot cum while abuse poured out of their mouths. "Oh take that, Stupid Whore."

"Good job, Fucking Slut!"

Finally sated, the four men pulled back from her, pausing to each wipe their dirty dicks against her hair and face to clean them before they tucked themselves away and headed back down the alley, pausing long enough to high five the men making their way up next...


For hours, Princesses Peach and Malena saw a steady stream of customers. Men flooded into the bathroom in search of Malena, and some stumbled into the place looking for a piss to find a pleasant surprise. Non-stop, her mouth had been filled. Some stayed to watch as others fucked her lips until they were ready again, giving her a gathering of spectators as she was roughly mouth fucked. Others used her if the urinal by the door was occupied, of course, staying to add cum to the mix once they'd emptied their other stores. One man had stumbled in, mumbling drunkedly to himself and falling into her stall. He'd grabbed onto the top of the stall's wobbly wall and mistaken her open, waiting mouth for the basin of the toilet. Clumsily, his first stream of piss had streaked over her face. The arc of yellow then splattered to her tits, soaking through her dress and poisoning it with the pungent, inescapable stench of pee, before he corrected his aim and hit her mouth, filling the open cavity with a bladder full of bitter, steamy urine. The first moment of urine splashing to her tongue, she squeakd with surprise. She stretched her mouth open wider to keep the wobbling stream from missing again, making her lips ache. When he'd finished and shuffled close to flush, only then had he realized his mistake. The realization brought a massive grin to his face as he wiped his dirty cock to her cheek, dribbling piss down onto her chin and over her lips. "Well fuck, ain't that a nice little toilet for me, hmm?" Then, he'd proceed to fuck her mouth with piss still sloshing inside her cheeks till he added a load of cum to the mix and forced her to swallow audibly in the room. When he'd exited the bathroom, he'd thrown up an air in celebration with a shout. "Urinal open, right there!"

By sunrise the next morning, Malena slumped to the side of the stall, exhausted. From head to toe, she dripped with cum and urine soaked into her dress. She reeked of piss and the toilet behind her, one that didn't flush and hadn't been meant to be used, was filled to the brim with pungent liquid. All around her all night, men had been relieving themselves. The sounds of piss tinkling into a bowl rang in her mind as much as the shouts of humiliation. Her new name, Cum Dump, had been etched onto her exposed breasts with a marker and scrawled on the back wall behind her like a plaque announcing her place. After hours and hours of being used, she barely held her eyes open.

Much like Malena, Peach looked destroyed. Her pussy gaped open big enough for a wine bottle to slide in and she leaked with a copious amount of cum. Her ass,too, gaped open showing the flesh pink insides. Her knees and nipples were bruised and raw from being ground down onto the concrete and dirt. Bits of gravel clung to her face, chest and hair, and some embedded into her legs. Cum coated her. Smears and globs hung from every surface of her body. Men had constantly flowed into the alley, bachelor parties, drinking buddies, brothers, even a few princes she'd wronged found their way in to fuck the girl with her head against the ground, kissing the concrete. Her stockings were mere shreds. The dress that had once been pink was now a musty shade of brown with dirt coating it after she was pushed down, rolled over, and plowed into on the muddy ground. Peach finished the night with her cheek in the dirt and her ass held instinctively up in the air as she lingered on the edge of sleep.

Yet, when Big Poppa had strolled into the alley and the bathroom to retrieve the girls, with a pitcher of water for each to prepare themselves for the next night, both had crawled slowly forward with their mouths stretched open, tongues outstretched while their knees scraped on the ground and saliva dribbled off their tongues.

"Fuck, no matter what happens to 'em princesses are greedy little bitches."


Big Poppa settled the girl's each onto a 'bed' or rather, a stack of dirty blankets, but neither seemed to notice the grime but instead passed out the instant their heads settled down. When the sun arose in the morning, the girls felt their memories resurfacing. Slowly, their nights replayed through their memories. Countless faces and dicks slide showed through their minds, building up the burn of humiliation in their guts. What people had said echoed back in their ears.

"Oh my..." Peach murmured, covering her mouth as her cheeks burned with a shameful blush.

"I never-" Malena looked down at her lap, at her dirtied dress. Her eyes stared over at Peach, remembering their friendship as she studied the girl's cum soaked face and her dirty body. Slowly, she tipped her eyes down to her shoes. The dainty heeled slippers were scuffed. First, a layer of urine soaked into them from sitting on the floor, scaring the pink satin material permanently. Then, stains from cum that dripped off of her added a second layer of horror to her favorite shoes. One of the heels had broken off, giving her a lopsided, wobbling walk as she slid out of the bed.

"We should get home." Peach reasoned, but when she looked down at herself she flushed dark red again. She couldn't imagine going home to the castle she recalled looking like this. Her tits were still out, jostling together. Her nipples were bruised and marked and cum pooled in the line of her cleavage.

"Perhaps...We should try to wash up first..."

Peach agreed and together the girl's wobbled out of the dirty brothel, sneaking out of town to a shiver bank where they tried to wash themselves clean, though it was nearly impossible. At the edge of town, where she'd been picked up, Peach found her own discarded heels. She had shiny red heels, but when she found the pair once again the color was faded. Her juices had run down her leg and pooled into the shoe, staining the edge and the insides. The color faded because of the dust and dirt cleaning to them and the toe tip ripped through to her toes from sitting on her knees with it rocking against the dirt.

With a pitiful sigh, she stepped into the shoes and lifted her chin, "Come on..."

And so, they wandered off to search for the hazy memories they gained back, carrying their heads bent with shame and humiliation whenever they passed a man on the street wondering if he was another cock they'd sucked or fucked the night before and by the way many leered, the answer was yes. The found their castle together, after a bit of wandering. Though, even once back inside, cleaned back up and coiffed back to princessly perfection their names did not surface. If they pushed themselves to think of a name, they'd merely remember every insulting, dirty title they'd been given while on their knees, scuffing their heels: Cum Dump and Stupid Whore. So, eventually they gave up trying to think of what their names were.

Despite their memories, every few days for the rest of their lives, the girls would revert back. They'd wake in the night as Cum Dump and Stupid Whore, throwing themselves into the night in search of a dirty stall and an empty alley for each to settle into, to find their own slice of happiness on their knees, drooling, and being fucked silly. Each morning after these nights, they'd repeat the first of slinking off, ashamed and disgusted with themselves. So, they invested in gentle, tentacle beasts in hope that they'd guard them on these nights and keep them in the castle, safe with a tentacle beast to sate their lusts, to fuck them silly in the safety of their homes. Yet they always came back, always returned to alleys and bathrooms, and always reverted to their slutty selves because in the end, as Big Poppa said, princesses are Greedy.

Enjoy This, I'll be Shooting You in the Morning

"Excuse me, sir?" The red panda's finger gently jabbed into Nick's shoulder from behind as the two shuffled into their quaint kitchen. The male turned his head enough to peek over his shoulder and see the girl before he raised his eyebrows in silent...

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Loads of Fun

"Laundry day, see you there. Underthings, tumbling. Want to say, love your hair, here I go, mumbling..." Cody rounded the corner into the main section of the dingy laundromat, humming to himself under his breath. Behind him, his long, white-tipped tail...

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Warming up the Beach

"Hurry up! If you don't move your ass we're not going to get a spot on the beach!" A towel smacked against Nick's thighs from behind before Skye raced around his side. Her copper hair and the thick plume of her tail streamed out behind her like a cape...

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