Gift Story- A Dragoness' History

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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A story done for, as thanks for allowing me to use his characters in another story.

I've often found myself questioning the vast mysteries of life that appear. Though none more than that one warm morning more than any other I remember. You could say that very morning he sorta dropped in on me and my fellow sisters. Naturally when I found him he was unconscious while I was gathering herbs for our healer. Right away I assessed his wounds then treated them best I could with the supplies I had.

Once I knew he was stable I quickly finished gathering herbs then carried him. Upon my return home Trudy a tall, hyper muscular and busty hyena noticed us. First she slung her giant sword axe up onto her shoulder then she met me halfway. "Adearia, who's that slung neatly over your left shoulder?" She asked leaning closer. Now Trudy's a sweet soul and wouldn't harm anyone unless somebody is threatened.

Though if anybody is brave enough to challenge her is either stupid or suicidal. "Would you believe me if I told you that I stumbled across him in the forest? While I was out in the woods gathering some much needed herbs and plants for Lucilla." I informed. Being the curious type Trudy moved little a closer then gently lifted his chin up. She made a startling discovery the person I brought home was a human male.

Of course in my confusion I asked Trudy if she had made some kind of mistake. "Come now, Adearia, you of all people know better I've never lied in my life." Trudy remarked. I apologized for my rude comment as she gave my forehead a forgiving kiss. Thanking my close friend first before dashing all the way up to the top floor. Where my bedroom happens to be but, I dropped off the Lucilla's healing room first.

Sadly by the time I reached my bedroom the instant I laid him on the mattress. I suddenly became fully aware that I was no longer alone in my bedroom with him. The sensations of someone hovering over me became impossible to ignore for long. When they cleared their throat it only solidified my earlier suspicions. "My you're back awful early, Adearia I'm guessing the herb gathering was simple?" Lucilla asked.

My facial scales quickly turned a vibrant shade of red as I twitched sheepishly. "So are you going to tell me who our new guest is or not young lady?" She questioned. Dipping my head close to my open shirt before slowly rising to my feet then facing her. As I looked into the curious and piercing yellow eyes of the mature silver jackaless. Next I wisely moved aside to allow her to carefully examine our new arrival.

The second she saw him something about his skin tone made Lucilla panic. "Adearia, pick him up and bring him downstairs to the healing room right away." She ordered. Lucilla rushed out my room like a shot, I quickly grabbed him and followed suit. Once I walked through the doorway two of her assistants took and carried him. They placed him on a large exam table when Lucilla appeared I was asked to leave.

As the hours passed my well spring of concerned grew about his well being. When Lucilla finally exited then looked at me with a smile he'll make a full recovery. Sadly at that moment she collapsed from exhaustion, I carried her into her bedroom. Where she could recover from several hours of treating his very extensive injuries. "Thank you, your guest will be a hundred percent after plenty of rest." She replied weakly.

Lucilla fell asleep shortly after so I blew out the candle in her room and left. I returned to the healing room where I sat right by his bedside and watched over him. The days seemed to tick by, along with the hope of him ever waking up from his slumber. Everyone did their best to keep my spirits up but, his survival was out of everyone's hands. Though on the dawn of the tenth day a ray of hope blessed our cozy little home.

When the sounds of loud groaning filled the air rousing me from my nap instantly. He slowly sat up in bed then rubbed the sides of his head as I watched nearby. As he looked around the room and the second our eyes locked onto each other. His reaction wasn't what I hoped for as he jumped to his feet then began screaming. "WHOA! JUST WHO IN THE HEAVENS ARE YOU?!" He asked trying to put space between us.

Now at this point in time I'm confused wondering why he's acting so afraid of me. Of course his screams alerted Lucilla and when she entered she couldn't believe it. The jackaless clutched her sides then fell onto the floor laughing uncontrollably. Naturally her laughter alerted not only him and me but, everyone else in the tower. Trudy was the next person to enter the room and luckily without her weapon in hand.

As he looked at all ten feet of un-godly muscle and large breasts of female hyena. Let's just say I'm thankful that I don't have sensitive hearing like my race is known for. Fortunately the loud scream caused him to pass out and collapse back onto the bed. When Lucilla was able to recover she stood back up and grabbed my shoulder. "Adearia, perhaps it would be best that you stay in your room for the time being." She began.

"Apparently seeing you then Trudy might've been too much for him to handle. Please understand that I'm not trying to be mean here, I'm only looking out for him." Lucilla stated. I nodded softly then left the room and walked upstairs to my room per her request. When I entered my room, Trudy was right behind me then she sat over by the window. As we looked at each other I noticed the question burning behind her bright blue eyes.

"Would you mind if we talked about what in the world happened back there?" Trudy asked. Naturally allowed her say whatever was on her mind since I was confused also. "Now, correct me if I'm wrong here but, did he seem more afraid of you than me? This also leads me to believe that perhaps another dragoness might be the source. Sadly we won't know for certain until he regains consciousness." She pointed out.

"Trudy, I agree with you completely but, this situation begs the question why. Honestly it doesn't make sense why a fellow dragon would cause such nasty wounds. Than just go ahead and leave him in the middle of the woods for someone to discover him." I stated. She dipped her head down and carefully thought every detail over in her mind. That's when something inside my brain clicked so I looked over then shared.

"Of course those wounds could've been made to look like a fellow dragon did it." I stated. Trudy's head popped up upon hearing my theory about our guest's situation. "That actually makes a lot more sense when you think about but, we don't know for certain. When he wakes maybe he'll share that story once he gains our trust." She replied. To be honest I don't know how long that'll take before that actually transpires.

With that Trudy stood up, gave her stiff muscles a brief stretch before excusing herself. After Trudy left my room something else about this situation came to mind. Taking a brief moment to stand up and stretch out before mulling the idea over. Granted it was strange that I found him in the middle of nowhere yet, so close to home. Unless she's responsible...No we agreed by blood pact to stay away from one another.

The scar on my left forearm was a very clear reminder of that day and promise. <So why all of sudden after fifteen long years would Rashki violate our agreement.> I thought. Snarling in annoyance I stormed out of my room then went for a walk to cool off. As I exited the tower Lora and her twin sister Nickai were returning from the well. "Excuse us, Adearia could you please help us with these heavy water buckets?" They asked.

Smiling weakly I gave them a hand carrying the buckets of water into the kitchen. Normally the two teenage mice kept out of the affairs others but, I'm not as lucky. The two girls actually looked up to me and naturally they asked me what was wrong. "I'm sorry, girls I'd love to tell but, it's the kind of thing not meant for the ears of young ones." I said. With that settled the twins went to finish helping Sprite with cooking dinner.

As I exited the tower Bishop a fellow guardian had overheard my conversation. Naturally she was curious as to why I was leaving the tower and in such a hurry. Being unable to leave her post she called someone go summon Trudy for her. When Trudy arrived Bishop told her what she overheard and dealt with moments ago. The muscular hyena went back inside to retrieve her trusty weapon from the armory.

I already knew Bishop would ask Trudy to locate me after the way I left home. It'd only be a matter of time before the skilled warrior would catch up with me. Doing the wise thing I waited for Trudy to find me then resume my little venture. Sure enough a few minutes later Trudy caught up then asked me what was going on. "Listen, Trudy I appreciate you coming after me but, I'd like to be alone." I said softly.

For as long as I've known Trudy, she's rarely used that unique weapon of hers. So when she raised it directly in my path, I wisely stayed put then looked up at Trudy. Naturally when you're staring along thirteen feet of metal, that's being held by a powerful female. You better choose your words carefully if you want to avoid being cleaved in two. Ironically she's just as deadly without it, when you consider her martial arts skills.

"Adearia, you're like a little sister to me and Bishop, we worry about your safety. I'm coming with you and while we walk I'd like you to tell me what's really going on." She replied. With a soft nod Trudy skillfully hilted her weapon on her back then I began. When I reached the point in the story about the blood pact I forged with Rashki. That's when she had me stop talking apparently she got everything she needed.

Before we knew it Trudy signaled that there was someone lurking nearby. Judging from the look on Trudy's face this stranger wasn't here for polite conversation. "Thank the gods above I can't believe I've found you, Princess Solaris." She said stepping into the open. Trudy quickly moved me behind her then slowly reached for her weapon. "Please, tell your overly muscled friend here, this doesn't concern her." She replied.

Of course Trudy refused to move then the cloaked woman raised her right hand. Suddenly from out nowhere a pulse wave slammed into Trudy casting her aside. She crashed into a nearby redwood like a giant seven hundred pound rag doll. Luckily her weapon was free when it dropped to the ground just as she was sent flying. Not wasting time I grabbed Trudy's weapon then swung the large weapon at the other dragoness.

Before she even had the chance to defend herself the back of Trudy's weapon connected. Though the impact didn't carry the same force but, it still slammed her to the ground. I was very thankful for the lessons Trudy gave me on how to use her trusty weapon. Sadly our guest was quick to recover and was raging mad as she stormed towards me. I quickly readied myself for whatever this red and black dragoness had planned next.

As she went to attack me, this large muscled arm and fist slammed into her cheek. The resounding crack sent the cloaked woman reeling sideways into a nearby tree. Her body left a deep impression in the trunk before she collapsed onto the ground. "Thanks for stalling now, please find a safe place to hide while I handle this dragoness. She's gonna learn the hard that you don't cheap shot me and live." Trudy growled.

She took her weapon from me then I moved to a safe location like she asked. Now our guest's recovery time was much slower then Trudy hilted her weapon. According to Bishop, Trudy owns a second weapon that's just as unique as her sword axe. Trudy reached to the left then unsheathed this typical looking broad sword from her belt. At least that's what it looked like from where I happened to be standing anyway.

By this time the other dragoness wasted little time rushing towards Trudy. Without any warning a soft click echoed, followed by a series of locks unlatching. Trudy stepped forward then she snapped the weapon like you would a leather whip. That's when I learned this broad sword was actually a custom built snake sword. Once she was ensnared, Trudy heaved her arms up then slammed the dragoness to the ground.

Next she gave the weapon a tug causing the smaller blades to inter-lock together. From there she buried the sword's handle into the ground then walked toward her. The next thing she did was rip the hood and face mask off our enemy's face. Revealing her to be a wingless blood dragon leaving me speechless at the scene before me. I found it strange that Trudy was completely unphased by our enemy's true identity.

"Now, I'm going to ask you several questions and I expect the truth from you. If you even dare to play games with me, I promise you the end result won't be pretty." Trudy said. The way the other dragoness fought to break free told me she didn't really care. "Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you the metal absorbs all forms of magic. So the more energy you use the stronger your bindings will become." She informed.

She struggled a little longer then huffed sourly and waited for Trudy's next move. "I want to know why you're wandering around in this ancient part of the forest?" She asked. Naturally she played stupid and that yielded a not so nice response from Trudy. The hyena bent over, pulled on the metal cable making the sword grip tighter. She grunted under the sudden pressure but, the dragoness still refused to answer us.

Trudy gave the cable a final pull forcing the dragoness to reconsider her actions. She asked to be freed then she would happily tell us what we wanted to know. Watching her carefully as she was released and once free she brushed herself off. Though I didn't expect what she said to awaken something unfamiliar inside of me. "I was hired to locate and bring home the lost princess of the Na' Neal family." She said.

"Okay, were you tracking somebody that knew her location but, lost them?" Trudy asked. She gave her question of plenty of thought before she gave her a confused look. While Trudy sheathed her large snake sword the dragoness returned her gaze towards me. "My name is Bola, please forgive my stares but, you look so familiar it's scary. Seeing as I've made a large mistake here, I'll just take my leave, farewell." She stated.

As she turned around and started to leave when something else happened. Being unable to control myself I suddenly collapsed to my knees howling in pain. Doing everything in my power to fight off whatever was happening to my body. As I tried to wrapping my arms around my rather massive bust to quell the pain. Sadly all my attempts proved useless as the back of my robe exploded into tatters.

Followed by two large shadows looming over me from somewhere on my back. Having watched all of this from afar both Trudy and Bola were left utterly speechless. Sprouting from my upper back was a pair of massive wings roughly fifty feet across. Though instead of closely resembling a bat's wings they're closer to an angel's instead. Naturally in place of feathers covering both wings were light weight flight scales.

Despite drawing a huge blank on these new appendages I still tested them out. The instant my sanity finally caught up with me, that's when I freaked out. Before I could cause any harm to myself, Trudy wrapped her powerful arms around me. I'm cursing, screaming and fighting to break free from her grip but, it was useless. Trudy simply refused to let go until I calmed down but, I passed out from my efforts.

After laying me down on the ground Trudy glared angrily at a very confused Bola. The expression on her face said a great deal than actually speaking verbally would. Bola was smart enough to tell Trudy about the details the Na' Neal family she received. For the next several hours the two women traveled to the family's main castle. In the hopes the family could assist them with the strange events that happened.

When I awoke and looked around I discovered that I wasn't home at the tower. The room I woke up in was a huge a very well constructed but, I wasn't alone either. "Thank, goodness your awake, Solaris I was worried that you'd remain asleep." A woman said. She slowly stood up then walked out into the open and saw my identical twin. That's if you looked at us from distance we did but, up close she was much older.

As she sat at the foot of my bed this strong motherly smile appeared on her face. No matter how hard I searched my memories I just couldn't remember who she was. "Relax, dear don't stress trying to search for answers, they'll come in time. If you're wondering where your friend is, she's right outside waiting patiently." She stated. The elder dragoness got off the bed then quietly left the room and had Trudy enter.

When she knelt down besides me the door burst open then this golden drake entered. Before he could get any closer to me Trudy rose and wisely stepped between us. Naturally the large drake wasn't thrilled and actually tried moving Trudy aside. Only to learn real quick, just how strong Trudy was, especially when provoked. She grabbed his arm using her full strength she heaved up then tossed him over her shoulder.

He sailed across the room like a huge scaly boulder and landed like one also. "You've got some balls barging in here then try attacking me, are you THAT stupid?" Trudy snarled. The drake was slow to get back up but, he was smart enough not to try again. At least that's what we believed until Trudy turned around then he charged. Not wasting a single second she whirled around on her heel then buried her fist into his jaw

The blow sent the large drake skidding as he crashed hard into the far wall. Leaving a deep impression in stone before crumpling to the floor like dead weight. Trudy had enough of his actions and decided to get rid of him before things worsened. Reaching down she grabbed him by the tail then dragged him out into the hallway. From there it got ugly, Trudy turned that bastard drake every which way but, loose.

Considering all that I heard was items breaking and heavy blows being delivered. After a few tense minutes dead silence filled the air, followed by the door. Granted I haven't fully recovered physically but, my magic was a different story. Preparing a pulse wave that's when Trudy reentered the room so I canceled my spell. Again before Trudy could even say a word someone else barged into my bedroom.

"YOU, HYENA HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY DAUGHTER'S FUTURE HUSBAND!" She shouted. Not bothering to reply Trudy bared her fangs then grabbed the older dragoness' throat. The mature woman's eyes grew wide with fear as Trudy growled ferociously. Before the situation got any worse I gathered my strength and got out of bed. "Trudy, please let her go let's hear what she has to say." I said grabbing her wrist.

My friend looked at me then carelessly dropped the older woman with a loud thud. Coughing and sputtering while rubbing her throat she was very slow to recover. As I sat back down on the bed, Trudy watched the older woman very carefully. "Now explain to me why you called that bastard of a drake my future husband?" I asked. It was clear to the older dragoness that my memories were lost or I wasn't her daughter.

"Judging from the mess in the hallway and her sitting there I missed the fun. Madam Sedna, I think it's best that you leave things unanswered for the time being, okay. Please keep that drake from coming around since Trudy won't restrain herself next time." Lucilla said upon entering. Sedna agreed and calmly left the room without saying a word. As Lucilla happily sat down at the foot of the bed a question popped into my mind.

"Did that human male I brought to the tower fully recover from his episode?" I wondered. Lucilla's smile widened then she gave a soft whistle as the door opened once more. Instead of telling me she actually brought him along on her journey in case I asked. Luckily this time around he didn't freak out when he saw me sitting on the bed. "I'm glad you are okay were you treated well back at the tower?" I questioned.

"Yes, everyone took good care of me and about our first meeting I'm sorry. Let's say I wasn't expecting to wake up only to gaze upon such a unique beauty. Umm, Trudy is it I do hope my actions from before didn't offend you as well." He said. Trudy walked over to where he stood, bent over and kissed him on the forehead. From there she quietly left the room this way we could have some well deserved privacy.

Lucilla quickly informed me on everything that I missed during my adventure. Apparently this young man I found wasn't a fluke event, we knew each other. Sadly the memories of that time were locked away due to a violent series of events. Though if she had to venture a guess that drake had something to do with my amnesia. At that instant my head began pounding faster than a blacksmith's hammer.

"What are you trying to say, Lucilla that I'm really their missing daughter?" I asked. She slowly turned away from me that's when our human friend shed some light. "I'm afraid that nobody in this room is mistaken that you're indeed, Princess Solaris. Though it was the actions of Ragna that started this whole affair. In his impatience he decided to claim you that night regardless of tradition." He stated.

According to him Ragna didn't succeed since he quickly teleported me far away. Not before erasing everyone's memory including his just in case the spell broke. Sure enough after five years Ragan was able to break the spell then hunted him down. For the next two years he beat him close to death demanding to know my location. One late night he mustered up what little magic he had left then teleported far away.

That's when I found him battered and broken in the woods while gathering herbs. Next he wanted to know if I wanted my memories of the past restored at all. Though I didn't have to worry about losing who I had become over the past seven years. His words were filled with the truth behind those horrible events of that night. Even Lucilla was surprised but, she wasn't angry considering he did rescue me.

Before he could let anything else slip out he calmly left me and Lucilla alone. When the door closed Lucilla was quick to put two and two together then shared with me. "You know he's quite the man to risk his life to make sure you're safe and happy. Despite being human and if I didn't know any better hun, he did it out of love." She smiled. Naturally I was quick to deny everything but, she wasn't really convinced.

Though before things got real awkward an older drake politely entered. He quietly grabbed a chair then placed carefully next to the bed and spoke softly. "Hello, young lady now, I know you don't remember me but, I'm your father, Corvon. Hopefully we can rekindle what was lost over the years, that's if you'll let me." He said. Next he gingerly extended his hand as a sign of good faith and a fresh start.

Lucilla didn't interfere allowing me to decide to accept or decline his kind offer. "If it is alright I'd like to think your offer over but, could I ask you something?" I wondered. He was more than happy to let me think his offer over and was curious about my request. "Send Ragna home, I feel he will try to claim me the second I'm alone." I replied. Corvon was shocked to hear the news and reacted accordingly until Lucilla spoke up.

After she explained herself, Corvon took a long deep breath then exhaled. "I never realized that Ragan had gone behind my back like that then lied about it. Rest assured he'll be dealt with after he's recovered from his savage tail kicking." He stated. Before he could work himself up any further I grabbed his hand firmly in mine. Naturally he wasn't expecting me to grab him so suddenly as he looked right at me.

"Please, don't kill him I simply can't bare to have that weighing on my heart." I replied. The older drake look at me questioningly at first then with a heavy sigh he agreed. Lucilla felt a little out of place between the two of us but, stuck around for my safety. He calmly stood up then leaned down to kiss me on the hand and excused himself. As he left the room there was something about the look in his eyes that bothered me.

When the second door closed I got out of bed and took a few minutes to stretch. Before finding the closet to find something casual I could wear during my stay. Sadly all I found were clothes that appeared expensive and probably wouldn't fit. Until I found something that didn't look or feel like it actually cost a fortune to make. As I put the outfit on I suddenly realized that this dress fit me surprisingly well.

From there Lucilla and I navigated around the castle until we found a courtyard. The fresh air felt great on my scales as we walked around until a loud bang erupted. Followed by a familiar large gold dragon crashed through a window a second later. Before Ragna could fall any further, he spread his wings then he took flight. Next this huge blue fireball erupted out of the very same window nearly missing him.

As he gained altitude the fireball suddenly began to chase after him like a magnet. When Ragna noticed he was smart enough to fly faster in the hopes to outrun it. Sadly he didn't get very far as the fireball made contact then a loud bang echoed. Strange it wasn't your typical fireball spell, it was actually a teleport spell masked as one. Once the smoke cleared Ragna was gone and I silently prayed it was for good.

Shortly after Corvon entered the courtyard then took his time approaching us. Though he stopped a few feet away from where Lucilla and I stood then bowed. "Adearia, you no longer have to worry about Ragna ever bothering you again. I've kept my word on everything we agreed upon, hopefully this proves my intentions." He said. Next he moved directly in front of me then opened his arms asking for a hug.

Naturally I was more than happy to hug the older drake after what he just did. Like any parent that's been reunited with their long lost offspring he started crying. For the past seven years he's been acting like a pillar of strength for his wife. Nobody could blame the older drake for opening the flood gates of his emotions. Sadly despite his age the older still had plenty of strength left as he squeezed me tight.

As he went to hug me tighter I softly tapped his shoulder getting his attention. "Oh, please forgive me child I lost my head for a moment there are you alright?" He wondered. Kindly stepping back he smiled then he looked over to the left real quick. Only to see his wife standing quietly besides Lucilla near the water fountain. She had this broad smile plastered on her face that certainly made me curious.

Unfortunately we needed to return to the tower before it got to dark outside. Both Corvon and Sedna were disappointed that I didn't want to remain with them. "I appreciate your patience with my lost memories and for everything you've done. For the past seven years the tower has become my true home and I wouldn't fit in here. Now I'm not saying that I couldn't adjust but, my place is with my friends." I said.

They looked briefly at each other than looked back at me and smiled confidently. "If you feel your place is with your friends that we won't stand in your way, Solaris. Just know you're welcome to come here anytime you wish even if it just for an hour." Sedna smiled. Corvon agreed with his wife as I walked over and hugged them tight. After separating, Lucilla, Trudy and I grabbed our things then left the castle.

We made a brief stop at a market to grab supplies then headed for the city limits. About halfway there Trudy stop mid stride then turned around to scan the area. Only to find there was nobody around until we turned our gaze back to the path ahead. This time around Bola appeared out of nowhere and was waiting patiently for us. "Sorry, to pop in but, you left something or should I say someone behind, Solaris." She stated.

Luckily I didn't have to wait long as my human friend stepped out from behind her. Of course I was the only one in the group surprised to see him again after leaving. As he walked over to where I stood he reached up and took my hands into his. That's when Bola, Lucilla and Trudy quietly gave the two of us some privacy. "Adearia, I'd like to ask for two things from you one is forgiveness and permission." He said.

Naturally I told him there was nothing to forgive for sending me away like he did. As for what he wanted I, somehow knew what the human wanted from me. Smiling affectionately I pull him into a tight hug then as of by magic our lips connected. The sensations were simply wonderful and I couldn't wait to experience more. Sadly they'd have to wait until we got back to the tower and into my bedroom.

Of course that's if I can wait that long since home was still about two hours away. When we arrived at the gates Bishop was on guard and was happy to see us. Lucilla went inside ahead of us while Bola said goodbye and left for her next mission. Trudy decided to stay outside with Bishop for a while longer as we went inside. When the door closed behind us something occurred to me, I never asked for his name.

Smacking myself in the forehead I squeezed his hand then asked for his name. He stopped mid-step and realized that since being reunited he forgot to tell me. "Don't feel so bad it's such a minor bit of information that it's easily forgotten, Adearia." He smiled. His name was Monty, son of my family's doctor and my childhood friend. With that out of the way I leaned down and gave him a very naughty expression.

Next I wasted zero time carrying his cute ass up to the top floor of the tower. From there I playfully tossed him onto my bed a second later making him smile. Reaching up I grabbed the straps of my dress then playfully exposed my massive bust. Monty's eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw my triple O-cup breasts. While the rest of the dress ended up on the floor, I sashayed seductively towards the bed.

As I slipped onto his lap while his manhood brushed up against my sex teasingly. Not wanting him to feel left out I took one of my razor sharp claws and cut his clothes off. From there I tossed the remains carelessly onto the floor behind us and kissed him. For most of the night we made sweet love together but, we weren't quiet about it. Despite being three times his height, weight and size that certainly didn't hinder him.

The following morning when Lucilla came up to inspect the scene she was stunned. There were gashes and scorch marks all over the floor, walls and the ceiling. I was splayed out on my back and Monty was nestled deep between my bare breasts. She wisely closed the door and left us alone until we decided to get out of bed. Later that afternoon we snuck out and went to hot spring for nice mid morning bath.

Where we indulged in a few more bouts of pleasure first then washed each other. Before returning home Monty used a bit of magic to craft us some new clothes. As we tried sneaking back into the tower, Trudy caught the two of us red handed. "So, my pair of rather loud love makers did the two of you have a pleasant night?" She asked. The sly grins on our faces certainly didn't hide our guilt making her laugh.

In the months to follow, Monty decided to court me before taking the next step. On a moonless night we went for a walk, that's when he popped the question. Sadly the poor human didn't even see it coming as I tackled him to the ground. We waited a couple weeks to let the new and intense feelings die down first. Before finally telling everyone and let's just say, it was worse than children opening presents.

It got worse when I told my biological parents finally heard the exciting news. My mother was spastic with glee and wasted little time making preparations. As for my father he was shocked though he was just as excited as his wife was acting. They spared no expense giving me the best wedding and honeymoon I could ask for. The entire time I felt like I was floating on this big nimbus cloud under a sunny sky.

When we finally came home from a three week long honeymoon we were drained. That night we had a lite meal then snuggled on my bed before passing out minutes later. During the night I woke up suddenly then made a mad dash for the nearest bathroom. After I took some stomach medicine, washed then dried my hands and face. As I opened the bathroom door Trudy was standing right outside making me jump.

"Excuse me, hun mind if I squeeze by I really gotta go." Trudy said as I moved aside. Sadly when I returned to our bed the same strange nausea returned with a fury. Forcing me to run back downstairs to the bathroom just as Trudy was exiting the room. Before the poor woman could ask me what was wrong the door slammed shut behind me. She waited patiently for a moment then a startling realization hit the warrior.

Doing the smart thing she rushed down the hall to Lucilla's bedroom and woke her. Giving the poor jackaless a few minutes to wake up before telling her the grand news. When I exited the bathroom for the second time around both women were waiting patiently. Though they both had huge toothy smiles on their faces which worried me. "Adearia, follow us to the healing room I need to check something." Lucilla said.

Lucilla had me sit down on a nearby exam table while Trudy stood beside me. She walked over to a small green and gold cabinet then sifted through the shelves. When she found the item Lucilla turned around then walked over to where I sat. "Alright, hun for the next twenty minutes you're not going to like me very much." She stated. Both Trudy and myself gave our good friend identical looks of uncertainty.

Twenty minutes later and a few not so friendly words later Lucilla finished. "Well, I've got some good news for you hun and I think Monty will be excited also." Lucilla said. Trudy was literally beaming with excitement while I'm sitting their speechless. "I don't know the gestation period of dragons but, you're pregnant my friend." She replied. My eyes widened then I squealed with extreme joy at the wonderful news.

Unable to keep the great news to myself I rushed back upstairs and woke Monty. As he rolled over in bed to face me, he groggily asked me what was going on. Sadly being half asleep his response wasn't what I hoped for until he caught up. He flew out our bed like someone set his underwear on fire as he shouted joyfully. Before our mutual excitement woke everyone we decided to wait until morning.

Again when we told everyone including our families of course things got crazy. Granted once things settled down there was one concern that weighed on my mind. Though I wasn't the only person that shared the same worry about our unborn children. Seeing as Monty and I are of completely different species our concern was genetic deformities. Luckily our mothers stayed with us for the next sixty four weeks just in case.

The year couldn't have gone by fast enough in my eyes but, it was so worth it. Late that night I gave birth to four beautiful were-dragons three girls and one son. They were lively considering how much they squealed and squirmed when held. Everyone was beaming with pride and excitement about our four new additions. As I laid in bed watching all my friends and family hold my children I realized something.

Despite being whisked away and my memories erased I lived a pretty full life. Now that I have a family of my own I can fill the blanks in my mind with new memories. That I'll be forging with not only my husband, parents, friends but, my children as well. I just hope motherhood is gentle on me but, if not I can rely on my friends and family. Granted there's still many trials left ahead but, at least I'm not facing them alone.

The End.

Non-Primal Nature

The twins quickly filled their leader in on what transpired before they arrived. She calmed down some when they told her about the spirit sentry they found. "At least he's got something to fall back on should things take a turn for the worse. Though I...

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Questionable Bonds

"I don't have easy answer for you I've never understood my mother's family. From what little my father told us about them money is all they truly care about. Everything else to them was a distraction or just an obstacle that needs to be removed. Power...

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A Lunar Tide

It's been three years since Thomas brought Verona home from the shelter. The fully grown purebred German Sheppard that gives her human tons of love and loyalty. When she was still a puppy Thomas landed his dream job at a local state university. He...

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