Transformation Stream Story 4: A Miracle in the Showers

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The final story of the stream - and the last stream story for a while - was requested by Studley Destiny, and is a callback to Park of Mirari and World of Wonder.

A 'Miracle' In the Showers For Studley Destiny By Draconicon

Greg smiled at the various looks that he got at the university gym. He was the new guy around, but he'd already earned a fair bit of respect. Then again, having a guy in his late forties walk into the place and be able to out-bench most of the residents tended to do that.

He sat on the edge of the bench press, watching the other students start wrapping up their exercises. About half of the guys had already headed to the locker room, and the other half were gathering up their towels and water bottles to join them. He smirked; he would have done more, but in this human form, it was a little hard to wag a tail that you didn't have.

Getting to his feet, he joined the small crowd heading to the locker room. A couple at the back of the group patted his back, passing along congratulations and asking him advice, but he kept his lips zipped. He just grinned at them, and they soon stopped asking questions, muttering about the old fart that was showing them up.

Boys, you don't even know how old, he thought with a silent chuckle.

When they got to the lockers, the guys shucked off their clothes and went straight to the showers. Greg, on the other hand, sat down on one of the benches between the lockers and waited. His eyes followed the other students, and every now and then - when one of them had a particularly nice looking ass - he licked his lips. A few of them blushed, and one hurried along a little faster. One of them - a hairy younger guy with a growing beard - smiled as if he'd been complimented, but hurried along with a blush anyway.

With the locker room empty, Greg shook his head. They were all so young, so eager to change the world in their own ways. He remembered how that felt, and he was grateful that he actually had the power to do something like that.

A golden light grew in the human's palm, and he shielded it with his other hand. It spread up his arm, and then over the rest of his body. With the progress of the light came a deep black fur, a pelt that covered him from head to toe. Nails turned to claws, and his face stretched out into a muzzle, teeth popping in with hard regularity. His grin faltered for a moment as he pressed his hand against the side of his face, the transformation slowing as he forced the teeth to shift shape rather than just pop in.

Little too eager there, Studley, a little too eager. He chuckled. Guess that's what happens when I don't get laid in a month.

The wolf stood up, fondling his sheath a few times. It throbbed with unspent energy, and he felt his cock sliding out almost immediately. It needed some fun, and he was inclined to give it some. After all, with all the hot guys in the other room - and the others that would soon become hot - why hold back after this long?

Still, he should take this carefully. No need to have everyone running around and causing a scene, even if he could handle it if they did. The wolf walked over to the locker room door, waving his hand over it. The frame melded with the door itself, forming more of a painting of a door rather than an actual opening. Anyone that tried going through that would have to be a cartoon, or they'd pull a Wile E. Coyote by running into something that wasn't there.

With the only way of retreat blocked off, he pressed his hands together. Another glowing orb of golden light filled his palms, this one bigger than the last. He let it grow until it was the size of a watermelon, carrying it over to the edge of the showers - while still staying out of sight - before pressing it to the ground. It deflated like a balloon, the golden light spreading across the ground and into the shower. Studley counted to ten, and then poked his head around the corner.

The magic had spread across the shower floor, and no one seemed the wiser of it. Most of the guys were still talking, or just cleaning up, and the few people that had already finished were still toweling off underneath their showerheads.

It didn't matter if they left, though. The magic was already working, and the wolf chuckled. He knew a dragon that would kill to see this, the magic sliding up between their toes and around their ankles and changing them. Fur sprouted and scales pushed out of their skin, and he saw claws replace their nails. Studley stifled a giggle at the sight, watching the change continue up their bodies.

The transformation had reached about thigh height before anyone noticed, and it took someone walking out towards the lockers to see. The guy in question already had green scaled legs, turning yellow-ish towards the upper thighs, and he pointed at another guy that had otter legs - and the start of an otter tail - and shouted.

"What the hell is wrong with your legs?!"

"Huh? Oh my god!"

"What are you guys - JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!"


Oh, they'd all be saying that one before long. Studley smiled, watching the changes continue sliding up their bodies. No one seemed able to run away. For that matter, the most that many seemed able to do was run their hands down their changed limbs, watching as it continued creeping up them. As the light wrapped around their hips and groins, almost all of them had at least a partial grin as they gained a few inches in length, throbbing harder as their cocks were changed.

Of course, most of them weren't expecting the 'unzipping' between their legs and under their balls, and he almost fell over at the expressions on their faces as their vaginas grew in. He did laugh out loud, and caught their attention.

"Wha - who are you?"

He giggled still, pulling himself together at the sight of a giraffe and raccoon walking over to him. Pulling himself to his feet, the wolf offered his hand.

"Hey there, Hamilton, Edward. I'm Greg."

" can't be."

"And why not?"

"You're a wolf!"

"And you, Edward, are a giraffe herm with breasts."

"No I'm not. Well, not the breasts."

Studley arched an eyebrow, nodding down towards the D cup and growing globes on the giraffe's breasts. Edward looked down as well, blushing as he tried - and failed - to cover himself. Hamilton was likewise trying to cover himself, while at the same time sneaking glances at the growing melons on the giraffe's chest.

He grinned, grabbing hold of the shorter raccoon's cock. Hamilton gasped, while let the wolf pull him in close and slide his other hand between the raccoon's legs, slipping it into 'his' pussy.

"Heh, looks like you got some extra equipment."

"What...what did you do?"

"Nothing you guys won't enjoy. And besides, you thanked me already."


"Or was it you will...Oh, right, that part hasn't happened yet. He's still being made."

"What are you -"

"Hush." He pressed a finger to the raccoon's lips. The facial ones, not the pussy ones. "It doesn't matter. Let's just have fun."

Considering the hormones building up in everyone, it was a wonder that the two of them hadn't already pounced him. He could already see the herm otter sucking off a hermaphroditic green drake, and that was the least of the things going on. He pulled the giraffe and raccoon over to a corner of the showers and sat down, grinning as they went down to their knees and opened their mouths.

"Go ahead. I think you'll like your first dick."

"Um..." The raccoon blushed.

"Oh, it's your second?"


"Well, well, surprise surprise. Why don't you show Edward how it's done then?"

With a blush, Hamilton leaned forward. The raccoon sucked the tip of the wolf's cock into 'his' mouth, and started sucking. Studley smiled, sighing in pleasure.

This was one of the reasons he loved being a Wonder.

The End

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