Side Effects May Include

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#2 of YiffCo: Hornier than you

Jack rubbed his hands together and adjusted his gloves before grabbing the bar and lifting it up off the rack. The Dragon let out a low grunt as he began to lower the weight down, taking it slow as he took in a deep breath. The bar almost touched his chest when it started back up, the muscled male letting the air hiss out between his teeth. It felt good, so the scaled male kept repeating the process of moving the weighted bar up and down. Jack had come to the bench as his final exercise, and decided to set a new max by increasing the weight since his usual set had just become a bit too easy. His mind blanked out as he counted off the reps before racking the weight and sitting up with a grunt. Standing up, he grabbed his workout bag and a towel, wiping off the weight station before heading down to the showers to clean up.

Down in the locker room, he stripped off his shorts, underwear, and tank top to reveal his bronze hide. The scales rippled over his muscles, showing that he took his favorite hobby of working out very seriously. Grabbing a bag from his duffel, he pulled out his soap on a rope and headed into the shower to clean up. Turning on the water, he stood there as he ran the soap over his scales and let out a deep purr as the warm water cascaded over his body. He didn't notice someone else came in until a hand slapped his rear, making him jerk and drop the soap. As the bar of soap swung around on its cord and tapped his scales as the male spun around to look at his attacker. One of his friends, an alligator named Perry, grinned at him; "Hey, I thought you were going to some place to test out something or other today."

Jack growled, "I am, just came here for a quick workout before going there. I told you that I ain't gay and I don't like you slapping my ass." Turning back to the shower, he scrubbed his scales and muttered to himself as the alligator let out a soft chuckle and headed to another shower.

"I know, but you need to relax a little." Scrubbing his hide for a moment, the reptilian male shrugged, "If you did relax though, I'd lose the fun of tormenting you." Jack let out a hiss and rinsed off before stomping out of the shower. Perry shrugged and chuckled to himself as he rubbed his body with the soap. He wouldn't know what to do if that Dragon ever got the stick out of his ass about people thinking he might be gay. People would talk no matter what, especially if you spent all your spare time at the gym working out. But Jack was one of those 'I'm a man, look at me flex' type guys. Shrugging, the gator turned off his water and headed to the locker room to get dressed.


Nearly a half-hour later, the Dragon was walking through the streets downtown. He was bundled up against the cold winter air, shivering every time the icy wind whipped down the streets and tugged at his jacket. Muttering, he waited for the crosswalk to change before hurrying across. The Dragon looked up at the sign over the door; big bold letters declared YiffCo over the sets of doors. He had already been here yesterday, having heard from a friend of his that they pay insane amounts of money just to test some silly product. She said it was some sort of wet suit or something like that, he forgot what. He was never known to pass up some easy money though, so he came up here and the science types poked and prodded him for about an hour before telling him to work out hard then come back the next day. He walked up to the Skunk receptionist and pulled down his scarf, "Yeah, I was here yesterday and they told me to come back today." She looked at him as he pulled off his scarf and stuffed it and his hat into a pocket before unzipping his coat.

The mustelid cleared her throat as she saw how his shirt clung to his muscled chest, "Ah yes, I remember seeing a note about you. Head up to floor ten same place as yesterday, I believe they have a special product in mind for someone of your caliber." He smiled at her and winked before heading towards the elevator. He loved the reaction he got from women when he wore his tight shirt; too bad he got the same thing from males too. Pressing the button, he waited for the elevator doors to open before stepping in and hitting the button. Leaning against the wall, he whistled to himself as the lift played some generic music on his trip up.

It only took him a moment before he stepped out into a sterile, white hall and started down to the left. The sound of his boots on the tile floor echoed down the hall before returning to him, giving a little creepy feeling up and down the drake's spine. The scales on the back of his head crawled, feeling like someone was staring at him as he made his way down the corridor. The hall took a corner right in front of an open lobby-like area. He walked up to the counter and looked at a coffee-drinking Bat. "Hi, I was told to come back today. My name's Jack Harrison."

The spectacled Bat looked at him then let his fingers fly over the keyboard for the computer in front of him, "Ah yes, one of our special cases. Room Twenty, right down there." He pointed then immediately got up and went to get himself another cup of his coffee.

The Dragon shrugged and walked down the hall, passing doors. Each was a simple white door with a panel next to it that you had to press to open the door, which gave the place a very futuristic look to it. Room Twenty was all the way down at the end of the hall, meaning he had to walk a long way down the eerily quiet corridor. Stepping up to the door, he pressed his palm against the panel and stepped in once the door hissed open. The room was about as plain as the hall, all the floors and ceiling made of something white that felt like tile when he touched them. He shrugged and looked over the area that he would be staying in until he was told otherwise. The room looked a hotel room, the first little area being a kind of walk-in with a door partially open to reveal a full bathroom. Peeking in, he was pleased to find that it had a shower stall and a Jacuzzi, just like the other room he'd been in. After the short entryway, he was in the bedroom area. One wall had a desk set into it with a plush leather chair. A bed set into its own niche dominated the other wall.

As he walked into the bedroom, a monitor on the wall came to life and displayed an animated person, "Welcome, Mr. Harrison, please take off your clothes and put them in the drawer." A drawer set into the wall next to the desk popped open before sliding out slowly, "I am sorry to inform you, but our staff is on their dinner break so it will be about an hour before they can see you. Would you like dinner as well?" He looked up from taking off his coat, seeing the CG person go down to the bottom corner as a menu came up on the screen.

He had to rub his eyes before looking at the selection again, "Well call me Jack, but I don't think I really want anything. I came here to make some money, not spend it." Taking off his thick jacket, he put it into the deep drawer before starting to take off his short sleeve shirt.

The computer let out a digital sounding laugh; "All the food is on the house for our product testers."

That threw the Dragon for a loop, making him forget that he had his shirt up over his head at the moment. "Well, if that's the case give me just a moment." He pulled his shirt off fully to reveal his muscled torso. The bronze male had a six pack and well defined pecs. Gripping his pants, he took off his belt before undoing the button and zipper. Pushing them down to his knees, he sat down and looked at the screen. His eyes scanned over the menu's selection and whistled. "I guess give me a steak medium rare and potato with everything then since it's free. " Pulling the zipper down on the side of his boot, he pulled them off his digigrade feet before removing his pants and socks. Standing up, he put the boots under his jacket before folding his clothes on top. Reaching back, he undid a button on his boxers that held the band over his tail. Pulling them down, he revealed his male slit and sac. Dropping them into the drawer, the naked male settled down onto the bed. He knew that he really shouldn't have ordered all the junk on his baked potato, but damn it had been so long since he'd had a meal like this. It was nice to spoil yourself every once in a while.

He hadn't been laying on the bed for more than a couple minutes when something dinged. Sitting up, he blinked as a little section of the wall opened up and out popped a steak, potato, and a mug of juice. Getting out of bed, he walked over to the desk and sat down before looking at the steak closer. The smell alone from the dish was making his mouth water. Picking up a wrapped package, he found a fork and knife with a cloth napkin. "How did it get here so fast?" Cutting a piece off the steak, he saw it was cooked perfectly all the way through. Taking a bite, the Dragon let out a low purr as the piece of meat literally melted in his mouth.

The computer murred, "Our cafeteria houses the latest in food preparation technology developed right here in this building. Due to cost to produce the appliances is too high currently for consumer use." He nodded in understanding before jabbing his fork into the potato and starting to mix it all up. "You might be pleased to know that all the fruits and vegetables are also grown in building at our hydroponics lab." He took a bite of the baked side dish and found it to be as good as the steak. He didn't care where the food was made or grown, just as long as nothing strange happened to him because of eating it. It was definitely some of the best food he'd eaten in a while.

Jack had barely finished his meal when an Owl with a clipboard came into the room. "Mr. Harrison?" He nodded at the other person, sitting so that his front wasn't to the male employee. The Owl looked at the empty plate, "Ah good, so you worked out and have eaten a meal, wonderful. Just let me see your arm." The Dragon held out his arm, feeling as if he were at a doctor's office as the avian let out a low humming noise and felt the tone of muscle on his arm. He pulled out a strange instrument and pinched a section of his arm before clamping a little. Reaching into a pocket, he pulled out a rubber cord and began to tie it around the Dragon's arm. "Just relax a moment, you'll feel a little prick on your arm while I inject you with something."

The Dragon's eyes went wide, "Whoa there, you aren't going to be pumping me full of steroids are you?"

The Owl shook his head and chuckled softly as he pulled out a slim syringe, "No, this is a chemical we have been working on. It is designed to increase the regeneration of muscle tissue after injuries. You are one of several groups being injected with one of a couple drugs, none of them steroids, or a placebo. We don't know who is getting what, but I'll be checking in on you every couple hours for the next day." With that, he poked the needle into the Dragon's leathery hide and pushed down the plunger. Jack rubbed his arm after the needle was removed, feeling the dull burn as the chemical moved through his bloodstream. The employee put a bandage on his arm, "There we go, I'll be back in a couple hours." The Dragon nodded, his eyes beginning to feel a little heavy as he let out a big yawn. It might just be his mind, it might be the drug, or the most likely option was he had just eaten a nice big meal and he was tired. Crawling under the covers, the Dragon was out within moments, his snores rattling through the room.


He woke up some time later when the Owl shook him gently, "Mr. Harrison, I need to run a couple checks on you, it will only take a moment." The tired Dragon let out a mumbled answer and sat up, his head feeling like it was in a cloud. He sat patiently as the Owl checked his blood pressure, eyes, and took his temperature. The Owl frowned slightly at the Dragon, "There is something different, but I can't quiet put my finger on it. Would you mind looking at yourself in the mirror?"

Getting up, Jack staggered for a second before walking into the bathroom and looking at himself in the mirror. Blinking rapidly to clear away the sleep, the drake looked over his body with a frown. Something was different, but what was it? Then he realized it; his body was just a little slimmer, his thighs and hips a little shapelier, his tail just a little thinner. His eyes went wide at the changes his body had undergone in just a few hours. Hurriedly, he reached down and parted his slit, looking inside for his cock, but only saw fleshy red lips, "What the fuck did you do to me?"

He turned as the Owl looked into the room and adjusted his glasses, "What is the matter, Mr. Harrison?"

The Dragon snarled and waved his...her arms, "You turned me into a girl, that's what's wrong! That shit you pumped into me made me into a girl." Turning back at the mirror, she looked over her body and turned her head this way and that. She had definitely lost some size and got a more curvy shape, but it looked like she still had the same muscle mass. Looking at her toned, flat chest and six-pack abs she had to consider herself lucky that she didn't have breasts at least.

The Owl cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses again, "Oh dear, this is unexpected. Let me call my supervisor and see what he wants to do."

Jack snarled, "Well see if he wants a foot up his ass too," promptly lifting up her leg and displaying the big foot

In a matter of minutes, Jack had been taken out a back door in her room, apparently all the rooms came with a hidden back door for staff to do what they had to, and taken down a floor to a medical lab. She was on a table, lying back with her legs crossed and looking very angry as her wings twitched. A tabby cat that had introduced herself as Doctor Sabbeth came in and waved a strange rod over her. The pole emitted a blue light that swept back and forth over the Dragon's body. Once she was done, the doctor reached under the table to pull out a pair of things on telescoping poles. She flipped up the two stirrups, "Okay, put your heels here and let me check you out." Jack let out a low growl and put her feet up into the holders before laying back. She watched as the cat pulled on a pair of gloves and smeared some lube onto her fingers. "This will feel just a little strange since you aren't used to it."

Using two fingers, she spread the Dragon's labia before slipping a lubed finger up and down the upper edge of the Dragon's vulva. Jack closed her eyes and shivered a little as a strange, new warmth began to spread through her crotch. The doctor watched her patient's reaction as she purred softly, "That's it, just relax and I'll get this over as fast as I can." The male-turned-female nodded and lay her head back as she let out a puff of breath as her hips wiggled a little. It felt weird to be a female getting played with by another woman, but Jack kept telling herself that it wasn't anything homosexual since she really was a guy. The Feline kept rubbing her mons and thighs slowly, making the Dragon huff softly. Her sex grew moist slowly, as she became aroused under the doctor's touches and massages. The Feline coaxed the female's clit out from behind its hood and stroked her thumb over it, making Jack's hips jerk as she gasped. "Good, so the nerve endings down here are working. Which tells us that whatever made you change affected your brain as well." She spread the female's outer lips and looked inside, "Well, some good news, you don't have a hymen so it will make the next step easier."

Jack huffed as she lay there, feeling how excited her body was from the gentle touches and rubs. It was an entirely different feeling from when she masturbated at home. Well at least when she jerked off back when she still had a penis. Then the feeling built up fairly quick, spiked, and then it was over. This was different, the warmth building up then spreading out a little more through her body as she panted on the exam table. "Wh-what is the next step?" She licked her dry lips and gasped as the glove-covered hand rubbed her swollen clit, "An-a-and why are.... are you do-doing this?"

The doctor purred as she pushed two fingers in and felt around a moment, "We have to make sure that everything is working okay down here. Even if it is only temporary, you don't want to have any problems with your body, correct?" She smiled a little as the Dragoness looked at her and moaned, her thighs quivering from the fingering she was getting. The cat purred, "Excuse me one moment, I need to get an instrument to continue the exam." Jack watched her leave then looked down at her own crotch. Her labia was puffy and dripping some clear fluid. She had seen it plenty of times when she bedded a female, but it was something different to actually feel those juices tickle along her own body. Shivering, she looked up as the cat wheeled in a cart with a monitor on it. "Just lay back and relax."

The Dragon nodded and let out a trembling puff of breath as she watched the cat pull a probe off the machine. It was cylindrical in shape with a rounded tip, it was about eight inches long and looked to be about as wide as two of the cat's fingers. A cable snaked out the base and into the machine, showing that it was an instrument of some kind despite the fact it looked like a dildo. "Are you going to put that inside me?"

Dr. Sabbeth couldn't help but grin, "Don't worry, I know its your first time so I'll be gentle." Jack frowned at the comment, her tail twitching a little against the table. Reaching over, the cat turned on a switch and checked the probe as few LEDs lit up and a camera turned on. The Dragon watched, butterflies fluttering in her belly, as the rounded head pushed against her labia then in between the pink lips. It was weird, watching it as the tool slipped inside her, feeling and seeing her tunnel spreading around it. The doctor began to make comments as the toy slipped in deeper and deeper. It felt much larger than it looked, and finally it bottomed out inside her and extended a camera probe. She moaned as her hips wiggled, feeling the thing wiggling inside her.

The cat said something about a cervix and wanting to do some scans when the camera pulled back to the toy. Looking at the Dragoness, she smiled and began to pump the toy in and out as her thumb wiggled over the female's clit. The scale let out a low gasp and jerked her hips as she was fucked with the instrument, writhing on the exam table before letting out a yell as she tensed up. Her inner muscles clenched around that toy hard as she had her first orgasm as a female. Dr Sabbeth wiggled the tool a little more; making the Dragon's hips jerk as pleasure spiked through her with each motion.

Pulling the toy out, the Feline wiped it down. "Well your temperature looks normal, so did all the plumbing I could see with this." She looked up as a lab tech walked in with a folder. Thanking the male, she began to look at it as Jack turned her head and growled at the male as he sniffed the air and looked at her. The lizard jerked his head back and quickly left the room. "And it seems that you can take care of yourself around horny males too."

Jack took her legs out of the stirrups and sat up some, looking at the cat; "So what happened, why am I a chick? And more importantly, how long is this gonna last?"

Doctor Sabbeth let out a sigh that puffed between her lips, "We don't know why you changed yet, but since it happened over the course of a few hours then you should return to normal in a couple days." She looked at her tablet and read over her notes, "I wish they'd let us get blood samples before testing a product just for this kind of thing. We'll need you to stay here for a few days so we can keep watch on you."

The Dragon snarled, "I can't stay here for several days, I'd go crazy. I just want to get out of this place and back to my life as soon as you get me back to normal." Looking around for something to clean her thighs and crotch up, she took a towel when the doctor offered it. "You people have all kinds of drugs and shit, so fix me up." Putting the towel between her thighs, she rubbed a little too hard at first and shuddered as a jolt of pleasure shot up her body. She took it a little slower, sliding the towel over her thighs.

The doc shook her head and sighed, "We could pump some more drugs into you, but we don't know what will happen to you if we do. It might turn you back to a male, it might just make you stay a female, or it could even kill you. I would rather you stay here for observation, but..." she tapped her pen against the top of her clipboard and looked towards another room. Jack stayed silent as she cleaned up, watching the cat as she walked into the other area. A moment later, the lab-coat wearing Feline came back with a thin strap of what looked like leather. "If you insist on leaving, then you will have to wear this so I can monitor your vitals. It just slips around your neck and then it locked into place by itself."

Jack looked at it and her muzzle wrinkled, "It looks like a collar. What do you people own me now? Is that what you are trying to say?" She leaned away from the device, her legs spreading a bit, as was her natural habit as a male.

The doctor let out a soft sigh; "It has to go around your neck so it can monitor your vitals." She waved the little strap at Jack; "This little thing can monitor everything from your heart rate to hormone levels to your brainwaves." Grabbing the Dragon's hand, she slapped it into the open paw. "Either you wear this, or you march back up to the room upstairs." Jack let out a low growl, but slipped it around her neck. The thin material stretched out before the ends met at her throat and closed with a little electric buzz. "Good girl, now hold still while I calibrate it." Jack's lips pulled back at being talked at like a pet or something. The good doctor tapped a few things on her tablet then walked over to a computer, watching the feed as the collar got the Dragon's baseline. "Good, very good, you are in excellent shape."

Jack mumbled, "Yeah, but right now I'm in the wrong one." She blinked as she looked down at her body, realizing something. "I can't exactly wear my old clothes right now can I?"

The cat blinked as if the thought hadn't occurred to her, "No you cannot, we'll have to see about getting you something new. Follow me." Getting up, she strode out of the room with a quick stride. Heaving herself off the table, Jack followed her through a couple more rooms, feeling eyes on her as she walked down the hallway completely nude. Reaching another room, Sabbeth led the way in then turned around. "Um, you know you could have put on the robe that was hanging up." The Dragoness couldn't help but say a few choice words. "There is no need for such language, right now you are a woman so you might as well enjoy it till you go back. Step into the booth." She pointed at a large open cylinder. Jack stepped up into it and stood there as the doctor walked to a computer and typed a few things. Jack's wings shifted a little against her back before twin scanners made several passes, chirping at her.

A machine near the scanner began to hum as Jack stepped down. A moment later a drawer opened up wit a duffel and a set of clothes. She picked up a pair of cotton panties and let out a sigh before stepping into them and pulling them up slowly. Doctor Sabbeth spoke, "Everything should fit you, I assume you'll want to go workout so I included some exercise wear in the duffel." She picked up something from a tray and handed it to the Dragon, Here is a wallet with some cash and a new ID card for you, its just temporary and make sure that you don't get arrested with it." Jack looked at the wallet and frowned at the name, apparently she was Sam Jamison until she went back to normal.


A short while later, the Dragoness was outside her gym. The doctor had kept her around and told her a few more Do's and Don'ts while she was out in public. Mainly don't tell anyone who she was, and to come back to YiffCo at night to sleep. At least it was warmer today; she had opted go without a heavy jacket and instead jogged through the streets with some sweats on. Jogging up to the front door, she slipped inside and walked up to the desk. Setting her bag down on the desk, she dug out the wallet and fished out a fake gym membership card. Offering it to the otter at the desk, she waited as the girl scanned it and looked at the screen, "Ah here we go, looks like you haven't been here in months, Ms. Jamison."

Jack...well Sam for now cleared her throat, "Yeah, I've been traveling on business and after all those hotel gyms, I need a real workout."

The otter, which seemed to always be working the desk when he came in here normally, chuckled; "I can understand that." Holding out her card, he frowned for a second, "You look familiar, are you related to anyone called Jack Harrison?"

Sam felt her heart speed up for a second, "No, I'm an only child, why do you ask?"

The otter shrugged, "You just look like a regular is all. Well, I hope you get a good workout here." The Dragoness smiled and took the card before heading right back for the weight room. As she walked away from the lobby, the familiar yet strange scents of spandex, metal, chemical cleaners, and musk. Everything smelled like it should, but she found herself oddly drawn to the scent of male musk, something in the back of her mind picking it apart and identifying each male. Hurrying down the hall, she found herself at the weight room and almost purred at the sights of the familiar machines.

Stepping into the room, she walked to a corner and pulled off the sweat suit. Under it she was wearing a skintight spandex outfit in a flattering dark blue-green color. Stuffing the gray sweats into her duffel, she fished out a pair of gloves then set the bag down. As she pulled on the gloves, she walked towards a bench and let out a little sigh. She could feel several eyes on her as she picked up a hundred-pound plate with a soft grunt. A kangaroo across the room called out, "You need help there, babe?" That would be Bruce, well it wasn't his real name but everyone called him that as a joke since he did have a slight Aussie accent.

"No thanks, I've got it." Pushing the plate onto the bar, she was glad these machines had a lock to hold the bar in place. Walking around, she put another hundred on the other side and rolled her shoulders. She knew that her last max had been at 360, so 200 plus the bar would put her at about 250, which should be fine. Slipping onto the bench, she flicked up the two locks that held the bar down and gripped it as she got ready.

Frank, an Orca, walked up and looked down at her; "Need a spotter?" He was the type of guy that looked fat, but that was because he didn't go for definition as much as size. She knew from past experience that his chubby body was just a mass of muscle.

She nodded, trying to ignore the fact that his crotch was right near her head, "Yeah, it's been a while since I did this, so I might." He nodded and watched as she pushed the bar up and slowly lowered it down to her chest. Sucking in air brought her a lungful of the killer whale's musk. The bar touched her chest then was lifted up rather easily, her breath hissing from her lungs. More males gathered around her to watch as she repeated the motion. There was Frank at her head, Bruce at one side, Perry at her other, and then a Gryphon named Eric. The four males watched as she pumped the weight, chanting to encourage her. After ten, she racked the weights and sat up to roll her shoulders. Looking at the gathered males, she could see that all of them were sporting a rather obvious bulge in their pants. It was then that she noticed how warm her crotch felt and she cleared her throat, "Add ten more pounds?"

They went on like that for a while, Sam bumping up the weight a little at a time as she worked her way around the room to check her new, temporary, body. She just fell into the habit of what she would normally do; constantly challenged by the other guys, only this time she wasn't one of boys. By the time the hour was starting to wrap up, her arms and legs were feeling weak and she felt like she could use a good soak in the Jacuzzi. "Excuse me guys, I think that's it for me tonight." Picking up her bag, she walked towards the shower area where they kept the Jacuzzi tubs. Fishing out her card, she slipped it through a reader and stepped into one of the private tubs. There were several of them, each set up in a small soundproof room with a one-way mirrored window so the occupant could look out into the gym but people couldn't look in.

Stepping into the changing room, she stripped out of her spandex and pulled one a two-piece swimsuit she talked the doctor into giving her. It was the same colors as her spandex, which she actually found flattering to her form. Stepping out, she slipped into the tub and turned it on. The water began to heat up and bubble, making her purr with delight as it eased her muscles. Relaxing in the water, she closed her eyes and immediately began to think of those bulges the guys were sporting. For a moment, she was disgusted with herself, but then she felt a dull ache between her legs. Reaching down, the female let out a moan as she stroked a finger over her mound through the swimsuit. It was more than a little bit of a shock when she didn't feel the familiar bulge of a cock there. Her sex was swollen with arousal, moisture already starting to form as her new body became aroused. Sliding her hand down into the lower half, she blushed as a finger dipper into her snatch, making her moan as the scaly digit rubbed over her clitoris. Shifting, she bit back a moan as one of the strong, pulsing water jets struck her crotch. Shifting slowly, Sam let out a gasp and trembled as the hot water thumped against her crotch through the thin bottom.

A soft splash caught her attention, making her eyes jerk open as she saw Perry standing there in the water with a huge grin on his face. "Hey there, I hope you don't mind me joining you." Before she could say anything, the gator was on her, pressing her back into the side of the tub. His body pushed up against hers as his maw fell to her neck, biting it tenderly and suckling on her scales. Sam felt her eyes roll back as she uttered a moan, unable to help herself. Under the water, his hand tugged her bottom down, pulling and moving it till the cloth came free of her legs and he tossed it away. She tried to get her maw to work, tried to push him away, but the arousal that surged through her body was totally unlike when she had a hard-on as a male. Even if she could fight back, the hard workout had pushed her body to its limit and worn her down. Combine that with the excitement that stabbed through her loins when Perry started to manhandle her.

Her hands gripped at his arms uselessly as the male pushed himself between her legs. Her mind was screaming for her to do something, but her body had smelled a strong, healthy male and its instincts were taking over. The tip of his cock pushed against her sex before pushing in. His tip was a bulbous spade tip, spreading her open and pushing in deep as his strong body shoved between her legs and slapped against her under the water. The swollen base of his cock nudged against her labia, spreading her open just a little as he wiggled against her. Perry cooed in her ear, "Oh I think you are going to be a nice fuck. Remind me to thank your Master for loaning you to us." Her eyes went wide as she remembered something from a few months back. A female had gone into the guy's showers and then let any male that came by fuck her. Then a couple months before that, there was another girl in a storage room. The similarity between them was a simple black collar, something just like the sensor around her neck.

The gator was shorter than her, even with her as a female, but his body was a mass of solid muscle. Wrapping his arms around her, he grabbed onto her rear and back, pressing her against the wall as his body began to rock against hers. She panted as his thrusts made warm water splash up over her body. For some reason that only worked to heighten her arousal as he groaned at her, feeling her clenching around his cock. Sam grabbed onto the railing at the side of the tub, her body leaning back as she voiced a throaty moan. The door swung open and a very distinct accent grunted, "Damn, Perry, getting started without us?"

The gator laughed and scratched over her back, "You should've seen how easy it was for me to get between her legs. And just look at her." That hard body of his slammed against her body, that bulging base of his pressing against her slit and rubbing before pulling back. Sam's arms wrapped around him as she groaned low in her throat, biting her lips and huffing as that cock pumping in and out of her tunnel. It was one thing while the doctor was pumping that probe in and out of her. But this was a warm cock, pulsing with blood and stretching her insides. With that warm thing inside her, his scaly hide slipping against hers, his strong body slamming against hers, and the sounds of their gasps and moans in the air there was only one thing that she could do. The Dragoness threw her head back and issued a low groan as she hit her peak. Perry joined her, slamming in and jerking against her as his cock fired its load of spunk into her.

Sam blushed as she gripped the gator's broad back, feeling his hips rock against hers. After a moment, he pulled out of her, releasing a little cloud of white into the water. She panted, slumping back into the molded seat as he slipped under the water. Lifting her head, she blinked at him until a pair of arms wrapped around her arms. Perry lifted her from below as Eric picked her up and tried to get her to stand. The Dragoness's legs were wobbly from her first session with a guy, so she ended up falling against the hybrid male. The Gryphon gave a little cawing noise as he stumbled backwards before falling onto the ground. The resulting position was him on bottom with the bronze Dragoness straddling his body and pushing his cock against her belly. "Well this works for me."

He had reached down and started to move his cock to penetrate her when Bruce grunted, "Hey, give someone else a chance before you stretch her out with that knot."

Eric let out a low huff and looked at the kangaroo, "Ruining all my fun, aren't you?" He didn't really care since he loved to feel his cock slipping in and out of a wet pussy that had been filled with cum. Really, what could he say, he loved sloppy seconds. Grabbing onto her rear, he lifted her up as Bruce walked up behind her. Crouching down, the kangaroo pushed the tip of his cock against her opening. He had the thinnest dick out of all the males here. It was thinner than Perry's, but the shape was different. Sam was amazed that she was able to notice that as the male sheathed his cock inside her tunnel, making her gasp and arch her back. The member was curved upwards, pressing against the inside of her tunnel as the underside of his cock pressed and dragged over her clit.

She could feel his sac pressing against her tailbase, which confused her a moment until she remembered seeing the odd positioning of his genitals. She didn't have a lot of time to think about it as his hands gripped onto her thighs and he started to pound her ass. The kangaroo's legs were damn strong when he was working out, thanks to his species' build. She could feel his breath puffing against her neck as his hips slammed against her rear harder. Sam's head lowered down as she tried to hold herself up, her arms and legs quivering as the male thrust into her nice and hard. Eric murred at her and let his hands rub over her sides, scratching them as he grinned. Her breathing came in shorter gasps as the sounds of fur on scales filled the air. Perry sat nearby and watched the show as the Dragoness was fucked. He was fast, and his pace was steady and didn't show any signs of faltering just yet. Gripping her tail, Bruce lifted it up a little bit and let it drape over his shoulder. When her tail moved, the female was forced to arch her back to get more comfortable. Now he could get in deeper, that arch in his penis rubbing over her clit harder.

The female let out a low groan, her talons scratching at the floor as she felt her gut starting to tighten up. Huffing, her body wiggled slowly as her insides began to tighten up as she let out a low groan. She began to pant and gasp louder before he rammed in and let out a low moan. She was wondering what he was doing, but then she felt him shudder and pull out and something warm splashed onto her rear. Looking back, the Dragoness saw him fire another spurt onto her upturned rear. He shuddered and smiled down at her, "Damn, that was a good bit of tail." Erin's beak turned up into a grin as he saw the Roo pull away from her and splash his seed onto her rear. Sure, the Dragoness didn't look too happy about it; but what did he care. Shifting around, he pushed the pointed tip of his cock against her sloppy slit then pushed up into her.

Sam had been about to snap something at the Roo since he was just a quick fuck. Which actually surprised her that she was more pissed about the fact he blew his load faster than the fact that she was basically being raped. When she felt Eric shift under her some, she started to look down when he rammed up into her. She hadn't gotten a good look at his cock before; but when that pointed tip slipped into her with a slight pop, followed by that tapered shaft there was only one thing she could do. The Dragoness's spine arched up as she let out a roar and orgasmed right there. Eric shoved up; his first thrust hilting his penis inside her used cunt and his sac thumping her rear. He could feel a mix of her juices and semen slip out around his cock and splatter down onto his crotch.

The hybrid let out a low screech, "Oh fuck yes!" and grabbed her ass. Stretched out as he was, he couldn't get much leverage to really get into thrusting. He could still rock that cock in and out of her, the member slipping in and out of her smoothly. The bronze Dragoness had seen a couple Gryphons in pornos and never quite understood why the girls screamed their heads off when the male got into it. But now she could see why! That odd shaped cock seemed to hit all the right spots inside her, making her toes clench as she lay on top of the male, panting for breath.

A strong hand gripped her tail and lifted it up before something smeared over her finger. Looking back, she saw Frank standing there with a tube of lube in his hand. His lubed finger rubbed around her tailhole before easing that digit into her ass. Gasping, she clenched around the invader as it slowly wiggled its way into her virgin tailhole. Eric slowed his thrusts down to a slow rocking, just enough to keep her engine revved. Perry moved over to a bench nearby and held onto her tail as Frank worked a second finger in slowly, twisting it around as he crooned softly. "That's a good girl, just relax and it will feel so much better." Leaning his head down, he nudged her tailhole with his tongue slowly. The lube tasted a little nasty, but he had done this often enough he learned to ignore it. Working his two fingers in and out a little, he licked at the anal bud. That was definitely a new sensation, and one that she found strangely exciting as the tongue probed her. Sitting up, he grabbed his cock and liberally smeared it with some lube just so he wouldn't hurt the scaled female. Sliding forward, he nudged that tip against her bud before slipping it in. His was conical in shape, tapering from a point to a wide base. Sam wiggled a little, huffing as she felt her unused rear being spread by the Orca's cock. Her muzzle dropped open as he pushed into her with a series of short thrusts, gradually sinking in. Under her, Eric's little rocks shifted so that his base was pressed up against her. His fuzzy crotch stroked over her crotch, making her gasp and jerk her hips back some.

With her spine arched and her rear up to let the Orca's entry be nice and easy on her ass, she was in the prefect pose for the two of them to start working on her. Eric shifted a little to pull his legs up and brace his feet on the ground. He started to rock his hips a little, pushing his pole in and out of her as he cooed softly. Crouching above the Dragoness, Frank pushed his cock all the way in finally as he murred. Sam let out a huff, her arms giving out as she felt the two cocks deep inside her. Her chest fell down onto the feather's torso of the Gryphon, the two males' hands holding her rear up. Her lower half felt so full and she could feel her heart picking up pace as the males began to move together inside her body. She couldn't tell much about the dick that was taking her back door, just a feeling of being full. But that Gryphon cock inside her pussy was indescribable!

Frank pulled back and thrust in again, his sac hitting against her body. Holding onto her hips the cetacean let his hard body hit her rear as he closed his eyes in pleasure. He loved the feeling of a tight tailhole around his cock, almost like a pair of lips wrapped around his pole. Sam was emitting a low moan almost constantly as the Gryphon kept pumping his cock up into her. Her pleasurable noise changed a little each time the whale's body slammed against hers. He barely moved his hips, working just a couple inches in and out of her rear. Her eyes closed as her muzzle hung open as she huffed and panted for breath, nuzzling into the feathers on Eric's neck. The Gryphon started to pump his hips a bit more, letting that cock slip and slide inside her. Her breathing got faster as her body trembled between the two males.

Perry looked at the Dragon sandwich and scratched his chin. He looked at Bruce, who was busy jerking off to the sight of the Dragoness being fucked, "Is it just me or does she look like Jack?" Bruce shrugged, his ears pricking up as Sam let out a roar, starting to sound tired now, as she came a third time that night. Her body thrashed between the males, her climax feeling stronger with that thick cock shoved into her ass. The gator watched then reached in to fish out her ID from her duffel. No harm in looking after all, right? He saw that her name was Sam Jamison and shrugged. She might be related to Jack, but who cared really? She didn't have a ring on her finger and she was a damn good lay.

Sam's breathing came in short little gasps for air, lights flashing in front of her eyes as the Gryphon and whale kept fucking her. Eric's pace stayed nice and steady, working that unique tool inside her and let her slowly build up more and more pleasure. The feel of his pubic fur tickling her labia and clit was wonderful, heightening her sensations. Frank's body pushing against hers with constant smack of muscled flesh on her scaled ass felt almost as good. Her ass was starting to get sore, as if it was being paddled or spanked. She could feel the two cocks dancing against each other, separated by just a thin little piece of flesh as the males worked to see if they could get her to scream again. Frank was getting close himself, clenching his jaw as her tailhole kept squeezing around his pole. She let out a low groaning noise as her body shuddered with another climax. Frank let out a whistling noise that built in intensity before her jerked his cock out and pumped it a few times. His tea kettle-like noise stopped as the tip of his spire twitched, spurting his cream over her tailhole and ass.

Eric grabbed onto her ass and held it up, pulling out till his cock just barely rested inside her. He could feel the warm seed splash over his cock as well as Frank spurted everywhere. Grinning, he rolled his head to hiss in Sam's ear, "Your ass is mine now." Bracing his feet against the tiles, he began to rut her like a wild thing. His cock flew in and out of her used and cum-drenched tunnel at a furious pace. The Dragon's body hunched as her eyes flew open. That furred crotch slammed into her body, his sac swinging up and tapping her rear as he thrust into her like a demon. Her breathing quickly picked up pace as her pleasure spiked from the jackhammering he was giving her. The two creatures began to huff and groan as they fucked each other's brains out. Sam's body worked out of instinct, shoving her hips back to meet his crotch.

The Dragon let out a roar, pressing her muzzle into the Gryphon's neck as she started to climax. "Fuck yeah! That's a good scaly bitch!" Eric slapped her ass hard and kept fucking her as Sam's cunt grabbed at his cock. She didn't even get a chance to catch her breath as the hybrid under her kept pushing into her fast and hard. Her body tensed up again before she let out another roar, feeling another orgasm crash into her like a tidal wave. That was followed by another, then another, her vision narrowing down to a tunnel as she was mated ruthlessly. The Gryphon male's knot at the base of his cock started to tug at her lips, popping in and out. Her world began to fade slowly, lost in a sea of pleasure as she had one climax right after another. She barely felt that knot catch inside her as the male under her let out a screech and grabbed her ass, jerking against her harder.

Eric couldn't believe how hot this girl was and how she kept writhing on top of him and calling out as she came again and again. He didn't notice her cries going silent after he tied with her, just focusing on blowing his load inside her. His shaft swelled up slowly inside her hot body, stretching her out some more as he let out low huffing noise. Then it was his turn, and with a final shove against the bronze beauty he erupted. His cock started to spray its seed deep inside her, his sac and knot pulsing as he blasted her with his spunk. Murring, he pushed up against her and closed his eyes as he relaxed in that blissful afterglow. Bruce laughed from his seat on a bench, "Damn, Eric, look at what you did to her." the avian opened an eye and looked over before laughing. The Dragoness was snoring softly, her eyes closed and a dreamy smile on her muzzle.

Wrapping an arm around her back, he rolled over so he was on top of the slumbering female. "I knew I was a fucking stud, but this will go straight to my head here." Sitting up, he glanced down at their union, "Which might not be the best of ideas at the moment." There were two reasons why he loved taking sloppy seconds. The first was because he liked the feel of other guy's cum around his cock when he was fucking someone. The other reason was less obvious until the screaming was done. Leaning back a little, he put a hand on her pelvis and wiggled a little, barely rocking his hips. The dreaming Dragon let out a little noise as the cock stuck inside her shifted around. With a very lewd and wet pop, his knot slipped free of her sex with minimum fuss. A short flood of a cream and honey cocktail followed his penis.

Sam started to stir when she felt cold tile on her back, but fought against trying to wake up. She wanted to sleep for a little while longer; her dreams were so good. But a pop and a feeling of being empty woke her up. Looking around, she saw the males gathered around her body. Eric was grinning at her, his swollen cock an absolute mess with the mix of sex juices on it. Looking down, she found her crotch to be pretty much in the same shape. The fucking over, the guys helped her up and into a little shower stall, helping her clean up then get dressed.


About a week later, Sam was reclined on a lounger in a robe and looking out of a big window. YiffCo had put her up in a penthouse suite and given her anything she asked for. They called it 'compensation for unfortunate side effects' from the muscle regeneration drug. And on top of that, they had promised that thanks to this 'unfortunate incident' she would never have to work another day in her life. It wasn't bad, she could come and go as she pleased and everything was taken care of for her. Although in the past couple days she had began to feel woozy and had strange food cravings. When she mentioned it to Doctor Sabbeth, the Feline just said it probably had something to do with the sudden hormonal change from going from male to female. The Dragon just shrugged it off; she had been feeling different after that first day. While she still liked to work out, she found that she also enjoyed just sitting and listening to some soft music or curling up with popcorn and watching a sappy romance movie. Of course she couldn't wait to be a guy again, but in a way she would miss this as well. For one it was great being able to masturbate and orgasm several times; plus the nice little surge of energy she felt in her afterglow as very nice.

Across the room, a laptop sitting on a desk began to chirp. That would be the medical guys back at the lab checking in on her probably. Rising to her feet, the female glided across the carpet with a grace that had surprised her at first. Sitting down, she wiggled the mouse and hit the Accept Call button. A window popped up, showing the masked face of a Raccoon. "How are you feeling today, Ms Jamison?"

Sam shrugged, "About the same, the nausea is starting to fade."

He nodded, "That's good news. Which I have some good news and bad news for you." The Dragon perked up a little, watching the screen. He continued, "We have discovered what went wrong with the drug and your body and we have an antidote." She purred and felt a grin on her muzzle. "Unfortunately, due to some recent biological events we cannot turn you back into a male just yet."

She felt her heart drop down to the bottom of her feet. The Dragoness let out a snarl, "What do you mean I can't go back to being a male yet? What the fuck is wrong with you people?"

She could feel tears starting to gather in her eyes when a familiar Feline shoved the Raccoon out of the way. "You get out of here, go scrub some test tubes." Doc Sabbeth smiled at Sam and purred, "We can't turn you back just yet. At least not until the pregnancy is over."