Cat Call

Story by Tana Simensis on SoFurry

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Working is hard, especially when you're horny all day, but if you look you might just find that there's fun to be had out there.

It was one of those days. It wasn't just that it was a shitty workday-it was-it was one of those days where I couldn't concentrate on anything except the anticipation of that next text message. As the almost unnoticeable damp spot in the front of my jeans suggested, I'd been getting going on and off for hours at the feelings those sweet little messages brought.

I felt the vibration coming from my pocket and suddenly the customer on the other side of the counter didn't matter to me. All I wanted to do was reach down and see what the next message said, and my random smirk must have seemed odd to the elderly raccoon lady who had just asked a question about her new power steering pump.

"You shouldn't have any trouble at all with it, ma'am." I threw on my best customer-service smile and leaned in closer to her, using quiet tones as if I was offering her some special deal. "If there's an issue with our work then I'll make sure it's taken care of, and the part itself is warrantied, too."

The dash of charm always worked on the older folks, and Misses Sutina was no different. She nodded eagerly and even tossed in a wink when I said that _I'd_make sure it was taken care of. "You young wolf boys are always such rogues."

I wasn't sure what she meant by that, but was pretty sure it was a compliment. As soon as she was gone I hurried to fish the phone out and swipe the home screen away. There it was: the number that was so new to me that I hadn't even added contact info for it. My pants tightened up as my mind raced, wondering what that cute little cat boy from Growl could possibly be saying next.

Random hookups weren't my thing, honest. I didn't mind them so much when I was a horny teenage and early twenty-something, but things seemed different now that I had my own place. Maybe it was just me not wanting strangers having access to my house, or maybe I'd just "grown up", but I just wasn't so eager to drop pants with a stranger anymore. Even so, I loved Growl and the random flirtation I could get into and the late night fantasies I'd have in my bedroom thinking about some of the sexier guys who found me on there and traded some photos.

This one had started no differently. Funny thing is, it started months ago and was only now really heating up. I mostly avoided the locals who seemed like they just wanted a quick fuck after the first chat. Firebrand, or Matt as I now knew, was one of those. Right off the bat he'd wanted to talk dirty, which I was oddly okay with as long as that person wasn't nearby. Truth be told, I was usually afraid that my flirting would actually go somewhere and not just be an impossible fantasy. If they, like Matt, were 5 minutes away from my house then it was just way too real.

Matt: So you've been horny all day, huh? Poor wolfy.

It was true, I had been, and even those simple words served to stir the hormones back up. I'm pretty sure that I could have forgotten to wear my belt that day and just have used my boner to prop my pants up and have gotten away with it just fine. I already knew where I wanted our line of text conversation to end up, and I have to believe that Matt did, too. I scrolled back up to reread some of the things he said he'd do to me just to get my mind head-both of them-back into the conversation.

I really am a poor wolfy. Nothing but my paw to look forward to back at home.

Thing is, I knew that was exactly what I should do: just sneak off to the bathroom for a few minutes, rub out a quicky, and let the entire thing pass by as just an extra horny day. After glancing around the shop to be sure that there were no prying eyes I opened my photo gallery and clicked on the best one that Matt had sent.

Matt wasn't really my usual type. I always had a thing for the kinda chubby, nerdy guys and the lithe, twinkish looking feline was a departure from the norm. Still, I couldn't look at that picture of him spreading his fuzzy, cream-colored cheeks and showing off that ass and not want to pound the hell out of it. The phone vibrated again before I had a chance to take look at the other picture of his that I'd been creeping on. I swiped at his message the moment I saw it come in and felt my ears flush with adolescent like embarrassment at my own giddiness.

Matt: I bet a tight tailhole would be a lot nicer than those familiar paws.

Fuck, he wasn't gonna ask to come over, he was going to make me ask. I paced around behind the desk, thanking whatever deity that it was a slow day and wondering if any coworkers had noticed my odd behavior. I could hear my heat beat pulsing in my ears as I held in a breath for a few moments, fingers hovering above the touchscreen.

So you want to hang out sometime?_ _

"Hang out." Why do people even play such word games when they both know what they want? I'm no different, I was doing the same thing: dancing around the punch line. The unwelcome sound of the door chime forced me back to reality and back behind the sales desk. I hope that the obstruction at least hid the tent in my jeans as I dealt with the customer, and with any luck the smell of the new tires in the showroom were enough to mask that of my arousal.

I rung the customer up and, of course, Matt texted me while I was doing it. I wasn't quite so quick to grab the phone as I had been when the previous customer departed. This time I took a deep breath before looking, cause it was gonna be the big message of the entire conversation.

Matt: I'm down. Just tell me when and give me your address._ _

A glance at the time made me grumble. There was still an hour left of my shift, and I wanted to allot enough time for me to shower up and at least hide the empty beer cans and dirty underwear in my apartment before he showed up.

Eight O'clock. 4821 East 5thStreet._ _

That was it. No turning back. All I had to do was keep myself from going crazy for the next hour thinking about the crazy thing I was doing.


I ran my fingers through my fur a few more times just to be sure I was dry from the shower while I bounced from one room of my apartment to the next picking up as much clutter as I was able. I knew with the time I'd given Matt I was going to be cutting it close, but the traffic on the way home made it even tighter.

My phone chimed. It had been about ten minutes-when he'd left his house since our last exchange of messages; the longest silence we'd had all evening.

Matt: 5 minutes.

I told him to knock when he arrived and proceeded to nervously pace around my cozy one-bedroom. The half full bottle of wine on the counter looked inviting, and the cork seemed to be asking to be yanked out the way it was sticking partway out. I emptied a few fingers worth into a nearby glass, and then decided to just fill the glass up and drink the contents down. My nerves calmed as the contents of the glass went down. It was probably a good idea, really. As pent up as I was I might have lasted twenty seconds if things got hot and heavy; a little liquid courage and stamina couldn't hurt.

My ears perked up as they registered the telltale sound of someone pulling a car up outside. I knew it was him without looking, and before my phone signaled an incoming text that confirmed it. I waited a few moments after the knock at the door before I opened it so that it wouldn't be obvious that I was standing right behind it.

Any concerns I'd had about inviting a stranger over to my house faded as I saw Matt standing there on the doorstep. He was a little bit taller than I expected, and his blue eyes were warm and friendly. The glasses surprised me since he wasn't wearing any in the one photo I had of his face, but it was a welcome surprise for sure; they looked damn good on him. There wasn't much variety in his fur color. He was a soft cream almost all around save for his black ears and a patch of brown on the left side of his muzzle.

"Hey," I smiled and extended a paw, which he took and shook. "Come on in, and apologies if it's a little messy."

"Please, this is fine. Besides, I didn't come here for the apartment."

The cat slipped his shoes off and stepped right up close to me, bumping his short, square nose against mine. It became clear that Matt wasn't going to give me a chance to be nervous. I could feel his slim tail thump against my leg, so I wrapped my arms around his lower back and pulled his slim body up against mine. It got a purr out of him, and I have to admit the unique sound spurred me on as I pressed my lips to his. We weren't wasting any time at all. He was right; he wasn't there for my apartment.

I'd never kissed anyone who I'd known for under a minute, before. I'm not sure what Matt's experience was with that kind of thing but he showed no hesitation leaning into it and opening his lips. It wasn't a passionate thing, more like a quick taste of what was to come. It was enough to get me going, though, and I was disappointed when it ended almost as soon as it had started. He pulled back and pressed a finger to his lips, telling me to shush as if he knew I was about to spurt some awkward small talk out.

"Mmm, well, let's see if the big wolfy was fibbing on his measurements," Matt said as he slunk to his knees with deliberate slowness. I held by breath as his palm pressed against bulge in my pants that had plagued me all day long, and exhaled sharply as his fingers gripped the outline of my cock through the denim. "Ooo, no, you weren't fibbing."

I wanted to tell him that I didn't think I was all the way hard at that point, but honestly I couldn't tell if I was or not with those fingers and then his nose pressing against it. He backed off, but only to tell me to get on the couch and to take my "damn pants off."

Well, I wasn't going to argue with that. My hands worked the belt off my jeans and I let them fall to the floor. Matt eyed my boxers, and I smirked and pulled those down as well; letting my erection out into the open air before sitting on my sofa and spreading my legs invitingly.

Given how fast things had progressed so far I wasn't shocked that he practically pounced on me. The fingers that had felt so great through my jeans felt so much better once it was his short fur and pads on my sensitive member. Matt fondled it for a few moments, giving my balls a few gentle squeezes before his lowered his muzzle down.

I'd never been blown by a feline before, and I have to say it's one of the most peculiar feelings in the world. I know he was taking care with that uniquely textured tongue, but even when he wasn't actively using it I could feel the sensation of hundreds of gentle points of stimulation on the underside of my shaft as his head moved down. Once he started using it, though, the experience went to a whole 'nother level. It wasn't unpleasant, but wasn't what I would call an ideal sensation at first, and I scrunched my muzzle and squirmed slightly.

He took the hint and changed something, though I have no idea what he actually did. Whatever it was though was amazing, as I felt him give me feelings I'd never experienced from a blowjob before. He was getting into it, too: bobbing his head up and down and kneading at my thigh with his claws. I know he wanted a muzzle full of cum, and that idea sounded pretty amazing, but deep down I knew I wasn't much of a two time in one evening guy.

I lifted his muzzle up with a finger under the chin; loving the wet sound my dick made as he slipped out of his maw and sprung back against my bellyfur. "Ya know, I think I have a better idea for you."

I stood, beckoning the hungry kitty to follow me to my bedroom. He grinned and did just that, swaying his tail behind him. If I was going to suggest a position I didn't get a chance. Matt saw the bed and promptly bent over the side, propping himself up with his elbows and hiking his rump and tail up in my direction.

So there it was: the view that started this entire crazy adventure and the ass I'd been fantasizing about for hours. He looked back at me and then nodded his head in the direction of the big bottle of lube that I'd set there earlier. I nodded back. It's kind of amazing how few words were needed in the whole affair given how many we'd been sharing back and forth before he actually got to my apartment.

I spread the slick fluid over my shaft generously, and let him have the bottle so he could give his own self a quick fingering of lube. It was quiet for a few moments except for the sound of our breath and the noise that I was making stroking myself. I found myself growling lowly as I watched his tail twitch above my prize and I lined myself up; smearing my sticky tip against his puckered hole and the light fur around it.

Matt's face was begging for it, so I made sure to string out my teasing pokes for a few moments just to get him riled up and mewling. I had to bend my legs slightly to get a good angle on things, but I finally slid in slowly as I soaked in his moan and watched the pleasured reactions I got from him as I drove deeper. It was a pretty effortless journey from penetration to hips and rump united, and I held myself hilted deep inside the loose cat before I started to rock.

I had to wonder how many times Matt did stuff like this, with as casual as it had all been for him and as easy as he took my more than ample junk without any hint of discomfort. I guess it didn't matter though, as I huffed and bucked harder into the moaning kitty below me, my thoughts filled with only one objective.

He started to push back against my hips; timing those moves with more skill than anyone else I'd known who'd tried to do it. I let him know I appreciated it by pulling standing up a little taller and pulling him back towards the edge of the bed that we'd strayed from. I didn't give a fuck if I was the 100th guy from the internet who'd banged him, right at that moment he was mine. Matt's ears flatted out as he buried his nose into my rolled up sheets and extended his pointy claws into the mattress. I didn't care about that, either, it was just evidence that I was doing a good job.

When my climax came, it came fast. I knew it was coming, and though I wanted things to last longer it just wasn't going to happen. He could sense it, too, in my suddenly ragged rhythm and broken up panting and my grabbing at random places on his body and the bed. I made sure I gave him my best; pulling back and giving him long and strong thrusts that got him yelping as I pushed myself over the edge.

I could tell it was a big one just by the way my cock seemed to swell up and twitch as I hilted myself deep inside, pulling his hips against mine as I filled his ass up. We stayed there, exchanging pants, whimpers, a few licks at each others muzzles, and a few tender after-thrusts as things calmed down.

"Fuck..." Matt managed to say between breaths. He pulled a paw out from under himself covered in his own seed. I didn't even notice he was stroking himself I'd been so caught up in my own actions.

I thought about of lot of things real fast once my orgasm subsided and my brain was working again. I thought about how much of this kind of thing I'd missed out on the past few years by not being adventurous. I thought about how often I'd probably be calling him in the future. Most of all, though, I just agreed with him.

"Fuck," I answered back.

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