Quarantine Zone ch. 2

Story by xerox2 on SoFurry

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#2 of Quarantine Zone

Sorry this chapter took a little long, guys! I thought I was finished, but then I realized there wasn't a real honest-to-goodness sex scene in it. D:

Something had to be done.

Please leave comments if you enjoyed it, have questions, or wanna talk about it! Seriously you guys have been great, and it's what keeps me writing. <3

Quarantine Zone

Chapter 2:

Revenge is a Dish Best Served With a Side of Fries

My neck was killing me. I opened my eyes to the early morning sunlight streaming through the blinds. I was still crumpled up on a ball on the couch. Last night seemed like a blur. I felt nauseous and had a the dull sort of headache that comes with a hangover. Of course I went through the typical "was it all a dream?" kind of phase, but it didn't last long. A quick check confirmed that I was indeed alone in the apartment. I slumped down onto a dining room chair and stared blankly at the decorative aloe plant. My mind was buzzing with doubts and plans and questions. It was all too frantic and disorganized to make much sense. Eventually I realized I was essentially spinning my wheels and started my standard morning routine.

After I collected myself with a mug of coffee and a simple egg-whites omelette, I switched on the TV (mostly through muscle memory) and started to think. The main question I struggled with was whether or not I should go after Connor. It was a big decision since even if I did somehow safely get in and rescue him from violet, I would need to infect myself with the plague if I wanted to live with him. That was the best-case scenario. Then there was the danger. Voilet seemed to have gotten together some sort of gang, and she may have stolen Connor as a challenge. She wasn't afraid of me, and she knew way more about the situation than I did. I started thinking about what was "normal." Was it normal to risk your life for your fiance? He wasn't my husband. We hadn't made any real vows to each other. Would he risk his life for me if I were in that situation? Were any of those questions relevant at all?

It was time to stop running. I loved him, dammit. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Some people get old and die without finding someone who they can share themselves with, and like hell was I going to just abandon that. I stormed to our closet and rummaged through the mess until I found an unopened box from the day we fled. Inside was my old police uniform, badge, gun, baton, and hat. I suited up and stood in front of the mirror. It fit me just as well as it did almost a year ago. Suddenly the helpless, damsel in distress was gone. I felt strong. As far as the authorities were concerned, I was still in the quarantine zone somewhere. I was sick of laying awake at night thinking about the people I could have helped. I was tired of hiding from the very law I swore to serve.

I took off my uniform and started planning out an arsenal. Of course all the weapons and gear in the world couldn't help me unless I could find out where Connor was being held prisoner. That information came in the form of a text. My phone chimed with a simple picture text from his phone. In the photo, my fiance sleeping soundly and unrestrained on what looked to be a fairly comfortable bed. Attached was the text message "I told him he could have a pillow if he sucked me off -V." He had a pillow. I threw my mug to the floor in anger. She was taunting me. I was about to start feeling helpless again, when I remembered a frequently used investigation technique that I had heard about when I was on the force. I emailed the photo to myself and booted up my computer. Sure enough, there in the file info were the GPS coordinates where the photo was taken. I smiled inwardly. How many times had I told him to disable location services on his stupid camera? Now I was thankful he was so absent-minded.

As I suspected, Google Maps showed the coordinates as being inside the quarantine. I even got a street view of the house from before the bomb went off. It was very unassuming. It reminded me of Silence of the Lambs and how mundane the murderer's house looked on the outside. Maybe I should buy night vision goggles, I thought as I threw my gear and some food into a duffle bag. I put my bag into the back of the car and headed to the military surplus store.

When I arrived, another message was waiting for me. This one was far more haunting than the last. It was photo of Connor's ass, and right at the top of his crack was the start of a little tail. It was maybe four or five inches long already and had a slight dusting of fuzz on it. I knew he was infected last night, but seeing the symptoms start to show made it very, very real. Then a text came: "Looks mammalian! Lucky <3 -V." It was lucky in some ways. People who showed mammal-like symptoms rarely died from the disease. I had to take some time to collect myself in the parking lot before I headed inside.

Violet continued to send me messages as I went from store to store, but I didn't give her the satisfaction of answering any of them. Each one came with a photo attached chronicling Connor's change. His exposure must have been so great that his symptoms were developing much quicker than most people's did. The next text was of him on his knees, looking up at the camera. Violet's cock was in his mouth, and his face was different. His nose was broader, his eyes farther apart and larger. His ears were growing too. It hurt to see him like that. The fact that he seemed to be pleasuring her willingly made it all the worse. I had assumed he was being threatened and coerced, but doubt was creeping into my mind. He looked like he was enjoying it. Maybe she could actually brainwash men or control them with drugs or something. I didn't know. She never struck me as the kind of person to start a gang or keep people in line with violence, but who knew how the past year had changed her. The text attached said, "I know what he's becoming. . . the feel of his tongue gives it away. Can you guess? -V" I tried to put it out of mind, but I couldn't stop trying to figure out what animal he would spend the rest of his life crossed with.

In the California summer there's a wonderful time of day where the burning hot sun has dipped beneath the horizon but the air and ground are still comfortably warm from being baked. This was when I arrived at the edge of the quarantine zone. I drove the perimeter and scoped out the situation from afar with my binoculars. The entire city was shut in. The roads were blocked with barricades and checkpoints, and there was a double-layer fence with guard towers all the way around. It reminded me of an internment camp or prison. Except there was a town inside. And my soon-to-be husband. And an army of mutants. Getting out seemed impossible, and getting in didn't seem easy. I figured as soon as I made it past the fences no one would pursue me. It wasn't like the guards were going to risk their well-being to bring a possibly infected individual out of the quarantine zone. All of the government workers beyond the first fence were wearing a full-body hazmat suit.

I was sitting near one of the entrances, wondering how to get in, when a red cross truck pulled in front of me. The doors opened up nearly simultaneously, and the driver and passenger both rushed into nearby porta-potties. It was one of those military-style vehicles, probably destined to bring supplies to the inner checkpoint. Seizing the stroke of luck, I pulled my black beanie over my face, grabbed my bag, and hopped into the back of the supply truck. Thankfully it was just filled with boxes. I squeezed myself in behind some of the larger ones (being sure I wouldn't be squashed if they jostled around a bit), and before long the vehicle was moving again. My heart was thumping in my chest as we traveled past the first checkpoint. Admittedly, I had less of a plan than I would have liked, but it felt like good progress.

After maybe ten or twenty minutes of waiting and listening to muffled voices, the truck stopped, the engine turned off, and the back opened up. The drivers lowered a ramp and started unloading boxes a few at a time with a dolly, making small talk as they went. Luckily I was hidden far in the back, and the first couple loads didn't reveal me. I listened to their voices trail off as they wheeled the supplies away, and as soon as they seemed far enough not to hear me, I shuffled out of my hiding place and jumped out the back. There were giant floodlights set up on the truck, and I saw one or two guards not too far away. Thinking quickly, I dove under the truck and held still. I could hear the crunch of gravel as the workers rolled the dolly back up to the truck. I froze, hoping they didn't see me. They didn't. From my new vantage point on the ground, I could make out the second road checkpoint only thirty or forty feet away. There were guards in hazmat suits standing at it, but just about all of them were facing inwards.

"Alright that's the last of it." One of the truck drivers said, shutting the back of the truck. "Let's head out. Being here gives me the creeps. Oh, and tomorrow I get to pick where we go for dinner." Not wanting to get squished, I made my move. I rolled out from under the truck as it the roar of the engine filled the air. I flung my dufflebag around behind me and wore it like a backpack as I made a break for the checkpoint. With the sound of the truck covering my footfalls, my black gear blending into the shadows, and perhaps just dumb luck I was able to make it right to the barricades without being noticed. I could have reached out and touched the men in hazmat suits I passed so close to them. Before anyone could stop me, I had ducked and vaulted my way past the barricade. Spotlights followed me as I moved my legs as fast as I could, kicking up gravel behind me. They could have chased me and caught me, but they didn't. Just as I guessed, it wasn't worth the risk to chase after some psycho that broke into a quarantine. I had passed into the quiet city.

Eventually the spotlights stopped following me, and I was left feeling very alone. I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of the quarantine, but I did know where Connor was, and I started making my way toward him. The Los Banos I grew up in and the town I saw as I made my way through the streets were two very different places. It really did look like a war zone or post apocalyptic version of my town. There was no sign of electricity. No houses had any warmth in the windows, and the street lights were all off, leaving the sidewalk completely dark. The silent roads were littered with broken down cars and trash. Maybe there were people out there who saw me, but I couldn't detect anyone. I must have looked pretty intimidating, all strapped with weapons and dressed in black. Maybe they were afraid of me.

A few hours later I was standing beside a sign the read MontRidge Homes. It was the neighborhood that I had tracked Violet's messages to. Besides being where my fiance was apparently being held at, it was just a typical suburban neighborhood. I must have only made it twenty or thirty steps before my phone buzzed with another text. Just the sound almost gave me a heart attack I was so on edge. I realized just how effective Violet's terrorism was. I wanted to know how Connor was. I wanted to know what he was becoming. Each time I looked at a text I knew I would see him being sexually abused and end up with more questions and uncertainties than ever, but I couldn't help but reach into my pocket every time. Unfortunately for me, this one wasn't just a photo. It was a video.

The opening shot focused on Connor's changing face. He was beginning to look decidedly non-human. His nose was even broader pinker than it was before, and his nostrils had grown several times their original size. His eyes were large and instead of their normal vibrant green they were a dim brown. His jaw had started pushing forward into a muzzle, and his ears twitched about on the sides of his head, now much longer and pointed. Violet's voice narrated from off-camera. "Do you wanna show Amy what kinda animal you are, Connor?" He nodded slowly. I wished I could read his face, but I had a hard time discerning any sort of emotion from it. My heart was pounding. "Stick out your big ol' tongue, boy." she demanded. Connor opened up his mouth and a thick, pointed tongue slipped between his lips. "You probably can't see it too well, but I can. It's all rough and hairy like a cat's. You know what other animal has that? Here, boy, turn around and show her your tail." He obediently turned and raised his butt up to the camera. His tail had grown to about knee-length. It was brown, furry, and ended with a tuft of fur. A perfect bulls tail. He waved it from side to side a bit, and I got a creeping ants sensation as my hair stood on end. It was really unsettling to watch.

"That's right! It's cattle! He always did seem like the submissive type. But we have one

more surprise in store for you. Lift that tail of yours up, cow!" After a brief pause, Connor's tail started to flag upwards until the tip of it flopped over his back. The camera zoomed right up close his crotch and I almost fainted at what I saw there. There was a big pink mass between his legs. Initially I thought it was just his ballsack all swollen like a bull's, but upon close inspection I realized it was an udder. Then the camera panned upward. Just beneath his new cow-like anus was a sizable bovine pussy.

"That's right! What a unique snowflake she is. You really know how to pick 'em." Violet beamed, turning the camera and smiling a toothy grin. "She's still developing, but I can't wait to sink my dick into her in a couple days. Plus there's a whole lotta dudes around here who need to blow off some steam." The video ended. I stood there and watched it again. And again. I cross referenced the video with earlier photos of Connor. That cow creature really was him. It was just my luck that he'd be one of the rare, rare cases of the plague that ended in a gender reversal. And to make matters worse, those mutations almost always were heavily animal. In a few days Connor would be mostly a female cow, at least in looks. And with the way he was following orders from Violet, I started to wonder just how much of the old Connor was left. The reality that I wouldn't be able to salvage my life with my fiance started to sink in. I wondered if he would be able to talk, or if he'd be sexually needy in his new form. Was I just going to be his caretaker after I rescued him? In the end, I decided that it was worth it to keep on with the plan. At the very least, I would bust in there guns blazing and have revenge.

I snuck through the yards and walkways of the neighborhood, staying away from the streets and open places where I'd be seen. There was pretty much no way I was going to escape from the quarantine zone uninfected. Scientists on the outside were looking for a cure, but they didn't even really understand what caused the disease. It would probably be decades before they came up with a solution. The inevitability weighed heavily on me as I pushed through the hedges and clambered over fences. It was a reality that I thought I had accepted and understood before, but now I was realizing that living it was going to be a very different mater. I started to wonder what sort of freakish animal I would mutate into.

I climbed the fence into the backyard of the house behind the one I figured Connor was in. It was awfully quiet that night, but I would be able to stake out the situation next door from the upper floor. The windows were smashed in, the interior ransacked. I wondered where the owners were now, and whether it was safe to crawl through one of the broken windows. A sudden splash from the pool right next to me half scared me out of my skin, and I dashed all the way to the street before I realized no one was following me. Cautiously, I crept back behind the house and approached the pool with my gun drawn. As I neared the edge, I spotted two circular eyes looking up at me from the bottom of the pool. A mutant. Someone who was unfortunate enough to be crossed with some sort of a fish, but lucky enough to jump into their pool before they suffocated. The had fins and gills, and all the expressiveness had gone from their face. The way she stared blankly reminded me of a tuna, and I wondered if there was any intelligence left behind those eyes. Then I noticed a carpeting of pearlescent orbs at the bottom of the deep end. Eggs. I shuddered at the thought of how swollen the creature down there must have been before she birthed those. Well it was no matter. She didn't need the house anymore.

A quick sweep through ensured that the residence was abandoned, and II set up a vantage point upstairs in the bedroom. There were some leftover food supplies, but they were probably tainted. It felt weird to be in the empty, destroyed house all alone. I felt like a normal everyday family was about to come home at any minute, and I sort of got to know them by the rooms they kept. I knocked over all the family photos I passed so they wouldn't stare at me. Once I had gotten everything all set up, my heavy eyelids reminded me just how sleepy I was. I barricaded the door and fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning, I peered across the way to the house where Connor was being kept, but I didn't see any activity. From the other side of the abandoned house, I had a pretty good lookout of the street out front. There were a couple of mutants going at it in another house's front yard. One seemed to be a mix between man and tiger. His paws gripped around the waist of a woman who seemed to just have the rear end of a horse or donkey. I watched them for a time with my binoculars. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. Maybe they knew each other before they were infected. The tiger man didn't seem capable of speech any longer, and his tail whipped about behind him as he thrusted passionately into his partner. When he was done, he slid off of her and headed down the street. The horse-lady sat down in a lawn chair in the front yard as best as she could with her equine behind and started to read. She seemed non-threatening, and I considered going to talk to her, but I figured that the sight of an unchanged human might be suspicious. Plus, there was no telling whether or not she would be hostile or knew Violet.

It was a slow day, but I was comfortable and watching all the neighbors kept me entertained. They weren't as many as you'd expect in a residential neighborhood, but it made sense when you accounted for the deaths and victims that were confined to one place or another like the fish girl in the backyard. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the physical symptoms I saw, beyond that they seemed relatively symmetrical and generally the sexual organs and tits were affected. The victims seemed peaceful, but I noticed that a lot of them carried weapons of some sort or another Most worst clothes, but others were going au natural. I saw an honestly gorgeous antelope woman who was completely nude pass by, but most mutants seemed more unnatural and monstrous to me. It wasn't like a Disney movie down there. Seeing humanity intermingled with primal, bestial, alien anatomy was unsettling more often than not. But like a traffic accident or a freak show I just couldn't look away.

It wasn't until the sun had made its way high in the sky that I got the first sign of life from the house Connor was apparently being held prisoner in. It came in the form of a male mutant who stepped out into the backyard with a grocery bag. He seemed to be half ram, with generous curly white fur covering a good portion of his body. He was wearing a custom, bright purple outfit that hung off of him in a purposefully tattered sort of fashion. Studded belts and gold chains were draped over him haphazardly, and he wore a short skirt-like garment around his waist that revealed his pendulous sheep balls and tail. All in all, I would say he had a sort of punky fashion about him, which I would later learn was common amongst Violet's gang (along with actually wearing the color violet). There was an AK-47 hanging off his back, but I doubted his ability to fire it with his hoof-hands, much less aim it. His shoulders appeared to be mostly animal, and his arms stuck out in front of him when he wasn't folding them up to his chest. Still, I had to admit the weapon was pretty intimidating. His face was a mixture of ram and human with a flat nose and heavy, curved horns.

My window was cracked a tiny bit and I could hear him humming as he walked toward the fence that separated my yard from his. As he opened the gate, I quickly ducked behind the curtains. I could have sworn I saw him glance up to my window before continuing to the pool. He sat at the edge and dipped his legs in the water. The fish person in the pool splashed around in turn, and brought her face up to the top of the water, regularly dipping down to pass water through her gills. The goat-man started to talk to her in a creaking bleating sort of tone, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. It looked like he was just having a very one-sided conversation.

I was watching the two of them from behind the curtains when my phone buzzed with another new text. This time the photo was a headshot of Connor, though it almost might as well have been a cow for how bovine his face looked. He had white fur with a big black splotch that covered about half of his head. His nose was all swollen and pink, and there was an awfully thick silver ring pierced through his septim. It seemed incredibly painful, but he almost looked like he was smiling. His eyes were also dark, but he had some very human and somewhat feminine eyelashes that made him seem a little less like a dumb animal. Overall, the proportions were mostly bovine, but even changed as he was I could still make out his signature confused expression that his face rested in. "Got a nose ring for him! It really completes the look. -V" I had to admit it really did a good job of dehumanizing him that extra step.

The second message was even more shocking. It was a gratuitously vulgar shot of Violet fucking Connor from behind in his new pussy. One hand of hers was grasping his tail and moving it out of the way, and the other had a finger hooked into his new nose ring, pulling upwards so his head was facing the ceiling. I could make out his glistening, lubricating juices covering her psuedo-cock. I forced my hand open and dropped my phone in horror. The thought that this had just happened only a few hundred feet from me made me sick. I was tired of waiting around for something to happen. It was time for action.

I glanced out the window at Violet's thug mutant in the backyard. He was tossing some fish from his grocery bag into the water. Feeding his pet, I guessed. If that house really was the main base or secret hideout or whatever, it would always have people in it. There would always be guards. I needed someone with inside information to get me in, and he had it. I paced around the master bedroom, thinking frantically. What were the risks of capturing this guy? People would notice he was gone eventually. Hopefully later rather than sooner. I would probably have to struggle with him, which would mean exposing myself to even more of the plague than I already had. Some part of me had hoped it would be Connor that infected me and not some random mutant, but it was now or never. I fished through my dufflebag, grabbed my nightstick and some other gear, and started down the stairs. The garage door was partially open, and it was the best bet I had at not being detected. I took a deep breath and rolled under it into the beaming sun at the front of my house. The horse-lady mutant across the street would have seen me if she was looking, so I rushed around to the back and started sneaking toward the pool.

Luckily there was pretty ample bush cover for me. The lawn and garden plants had grown out of control over the past year, and I was able to stay low and remain undetected as I moved in. Soon I could overhear his monologue. I was careful to only take steps while he was talking to minimize my chances of being noticed.

"Yeah can you believe it?" He bleated, "Anyway now that we can talk to the outside, we requested that they start including fish with their aid drops. So if everything goes well, we shouldn't have to worry about running out of food for you any time soon. So no need to be so on edge." He paused as she made a quick circle under the water to catch her breath. I held mine. When she surfaced he continued. "Did you lay another egg? I thought so. Honestly, Gina, it's really impressive. Oh! And I forgot to mention that we found that there's another survivor fish across town! And he's a male, too. Now. . .I don't know if you two are compatible. I'm not even sure how you would go about, you know, fucking or if fish even do that." She dipped underwater again and I froze with one foot an inch of the ground. My legs trembled from the strain. "Look, all I'm saying is that I understand if you want us to hook you two up. I don't know how easy it is to do a meeting, but I understand that you have certain needs that I just can't -- AUGH!" He yelped as I threw my net over him and pounced.

With all my police training and a couple unorthodox techniques, subduing him was a sinch. I struggled the weapon away from him easily and punched him right in his neck as he started to yell. Soon he was writhing on his stomach, zip-tied and gagged. I grabbed him by the legs and dragged him back to the house. All his extra fluff made it really easy to grip onto him. The fish lady in the pool splashed around in panic, but was unable to make an impact on the fight. Before long the goat man was all tied up on the plush carpet of the master bedroom, straining against his bonds. I took a moment to catch my breath and figure out the rest of my plan.

I cocked my Glock .45 in the most intimidating way I could muster. "Okay here's the deal. If you scream for help and make a fuss, I'm going to put a bullet in you. Deal?" He nodded. Even though his pupils were horizontal and inhuman, I could see fear in his eyes. I removed his gag slowly, making sure that I had my face mask and gloves on before making any additional contact with him.

He worked his jaw and coughed as I freed his mouth. "Ach! ugh. What the hell, lady? You're really crazy, you know? What did I ever do to you?"

"Can it!" I shouted, pointing my gun at him. "And don't you dare spit at me or nothing. I'm clean and uninfected and I plan to keep it that way. Now. I need information about Violet's hideout. You're one of her goons, right?"

He furrowed his brow. "Goons? Jeez, you sound just like her. Uh yeah I'm in her gang. Keeps me healthy and wealthy and all that. But I'll be damned if I'm just going to betray her to the first crazy lady who kidnaps me and points a gun at my face. You know what she'd do to me if she found out I squaled?"

I lowered my gun. "Listen, I'm not here to just torture you for information. You're in between a rock and a hard place. I get that." It was a lot harder to do that good cop bad cop routine with just one person, but I think I did pretty well. "So, I'm going to cut you a deal that puts you in the kind of position where you can help me, save yourself, and cover your ass." I pulled a chair over and sat in it backwards, carefully de-cocking my gun. "Now. What's your name?"

"Uh. . .. Hugo" he murmured, perhaps confused by the change in demeanor. "I'm listening. . ."

"So here's the thing, Hugo. I'm kind of in the middle of a rampage here. I'm going to storm into Violet's base, kill her, and rescue my fiance Connor. You know him? He's turning into a Cow."

He nodded, "Oh yeah, totally. She's like almost a folk legend now. One of those rare transgender transformations. Pretty lucky, I guess. Violet said she'd get access to her entire harem. You must be Amy."

"Yeah lucky. Well. Here's the deal -- and tell if me if this is better than me torturing you for info -- you just tell me everything I want to know. Then, I'm going to lock you up in the attic where no one is going to find you, all bound and gagged. When I go in there and have my rampage, if I survive, I'll come get you and free you for providing good info. Now if things don't go so well and I get captured, as long as all your answers were accurate, I'll be the good guy and tell Violet where you're hidden so she can come get you."

The sheep guy pondered what I was saying for a moment. "Yeah, uh, I guess that sounds better than getting tortured. What happens if you get shot to death, though?"

I smiled. "Well that's just all the more incentive for you to help me survive, right? Don't want to starve up there in the closet, do you?" he shook his head "Good! Alright. Let's start with layout, manpower, and schedules. . ."

Perhaps it's a little stereotypical to say, but the sheep guy seemed like a bit of a follower to me. He was plenty eager to answer all my questions as soon as I applied a little pressure. I learned that Violet led one of the three major gangs in the quarantine, and most of her members were male. Apparently there were a small number of women that also followed her by choice They were kept in a harem of sorts where the men tended to them and pleasured them when they demanded it. Maybe it was just all the hormones from the giant balls he had hanging between his legs, but the all the intel he gave seemed really sexually charged.

According to Hugo, the house I was staking out was a small-time hideout for the gang. They kept a few guards around, but for the most part it was just a safe spot in this part of town. Connor was being kept in a room in the basement, as I suspected, and there was a small window on the Northern side of the house that I could probably squeeze through to get to him. To make things even simpler, the house was guarded by a skeleton crew which almost entirely remained upstairs. He told me that Violet showed up mostly in the mornings and at noon, around when they fed Connor. There was nothing he wouldn't tell me, from guard shifts to armaments, to where they got their food. When I was done squeezing him for all he was worth, I gagged him, found a good nook in the attic to hide him in, and threw so much rope around him that he couldn't move an inch.

That afternoon, I made my move. The sun was just starting to set as I stepped out the backdoor, strapped with weapons and ready to go. The tuna lady watched me cautiously from the bottom of the pool as I passed her and opened up the gate. From the outside, you'd never be able to tell that the house was owned by Violet's game, but I guessed that was sort of the point of a hideout. The lawn and yard was maintained more than the house I had been staying at, so I just jogged on over to the wall and sidled along it to avoid the windows. My plan was to get Connor out and get him to relative safety as a first priority. As much as I wanted to put a bullet in between Violet's eyes, all that pop-wisdom about the dangers of seeking revenge at all costs made me think twice about it. She was the leader of a dangerous gang, and her influence clearly reached beyond the borders of the quarantine. Still, as I crawled over to the small, ground-level window that led to Connor's room, I hoped I would run into her.

Kneeling in the grass, my heart was thumping away so loud I thought it might give away my position. There was a light going inside, and I poked my phone around the corner to see if I could get a little peek. The picture was blurry, but I recognized the black and white splotched bovine body from all the messages I had been sent. I took some deep breaths to calm myself before cautiously craning my neck down. I could see in perfectly. He was alone in a small but pretty well-furnished room complete with bed, end table, lamp, and bookshelf. He was laying on the bed on his back holding a book above his head, which struck me as a classic position for him to read in. How many times had we laughed together after he dropped the book on his face only to pick it back up and struggle to find his place? I smiled, happy to see I could still recognize the mannerisms and personality behind his new body at only a glance. While his chest was as flat as ever, his legs were spread wide to make space for the large, swollen udder that marked him as female. The lower half of his twitching tail stuck out from beneath the mass of supple pink flesh. There was a chain that ran from his new nose ring to a clamp in the ceiling, no doubt how they were restraining him now.

I tapped on the glass. Connor jumped, startled, and turned his cowish face up to me. When he saw who it was, he rocked his hefty body over and unsteadily stood up as fast as he could. After awkwardly fiddling at the window with his hoof-hands, he got it unlatched and opened. A waft of cow-smell hit my face. We didn't say anything as I swung my legs through and squeezed myself down to the basement floor below. For a moment we just stood there looking at each other; it was the first time I had a chance to examine him up close. He was completely covered with black and white splotched fur and skin, and his hind legs were now fairly cow-like in configuration and ended with hooves. Although he had bulked up a lot, his hips had filled out quite nicely, giving him a pretty feminine figure overall, even without normal human breasts. The moment quickly turned into an uncomfortable silence, and it took me all too long to realize that it was my job to end it. Here I was, feeling weird about seeing the love of my life turned to a cow-woman thing, but as weird as it was for me it must have been a thousand times worse for him. So disregarding the risk of infection, and delaying no further, I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him as best as I could.

The chain attached to his nose ring jingled a little bit as he moved to return the embrace. I could feel his new udder trembling against me. He was probably terrified of how I would react to seeing him like this. "Oh my Connor." I whispered, gently stroking his back up and down. "Oh babe what did they -- I was so worried." Turning, I looked around the room. "Alright, how are we going to get you out of here? You look too big to fit through the window, yeah?"

He nodded and grumbled a quiet "Mhmm." I smiled, glad he could still communicate. I hoped he could talk, but maybe he was being shy because of how different his voice sounded. First thing's first, I figured, get him unchained. His nose was still swollen from the recent piercing, and the far end of the chain was padlocked to the ceiling. The chain itself didn't look very strong. I opened up my duffle bag, produced a pair of bolt cutters, and with a little help from Connor's new, stronger arms, we cut right through it. There was still a length of chain hanging from his nose to about chest level. We'd have to clean that up later.

I turned to Connor and took his three-fingered hands in mine. "Okay, babe. We're going to have to go out the front door." His eyes widened and he shook his head. "No, no don't worry. I've got some pretty good intel. I think we can make it. Just stay behind me." I pulled out my glock and readied it.

As I reached for the knob, Connor let out a mooing "Noooo!" The door swung outwards, and the sound of I don't know how many guns cocking rang through the room. It sounded like a damn watchmaker's convention or a classroom of kids all incessantly clicking their pens. There was a sea of mutants on the other side, perhaps twenty or more, and all of them had some sort of firearm pointing at us. There was really impressive variety. I saw a warthog guy with little tusks sticking out from his lips, a bloodhound guy whose face was all wrinkled, a rhino person who looked like he could knock over a car if he wanted, and many others. But the one I was most interested in was the only one not holding a weapon. Violet stood right in the middle with her hands on her hips, smiling. I quickly leveled my gun at her, but she didn't flinch.

"Come on, now. I think we'd all be a lot happier, and more alive, later if you just put the gun down." There really wasn't much of an option. I came here to save Connor, not get us both killed. I lowered and dropped my weapon. "There we go! Restrain her, boys." Half of the mutants rushed in and started taking away my gear. A pig guy and someone who looked like they had maybe been crossed with a horse wrenched my arms behind me and dragged me out to the main room. It certainly didn't look like some little-used hideout to me. She gestured to Connor, and he stood next to her. "Look at us! Roomies! Together again!"

"Hmpf." I muttered.

"I can't believe you came all the way out here Amy. That's so sweet!" Violet smiled her big toothy grin. "Trying to rescue your princess in the castle, huh? Trying to get some revenge?"

"Look. I just want Connor. Just let us get out of here, I'm going to get infected anyway."

She shook her head and clicked her tongue, "Tisk tisk, so eager to leave when we just got back together! I think this calls for celebration. Two glasses please." True to her word on the phone earlier, Violet was only wearing a shirt, no pants. I finally got to see her weird psudeopenis and balls in all their glory. Something about her confidence with it just hanging out jiggling around as she walked was very intimidating. The dog came over and handed her a pair of champagne glasses. "Now the town ran out of alcohol months ago, but I think we can do better." She stood next to me and turned to Connor. "Connie, do me a favor and present yourself."

Without delay, my fiance turned, got on all fours, and lifted up his tail, giving us all too good of a view of his new equipment. His pussy was large, and was presumably shaped like a cow's, not that I knew what they looked like. It twitched a bit as Violet kneeled down and ran a clawed hand down his butt, not stopping until she was caressing his hefty udder. It must have been proportionate to a full-sized cow, but it really looked quite large between Connor's legs. "I call her Connie now. She's a girl after all, even if she doesn't have boobies in the traditional sense like you and me. I really do like the udder though," she gave it a light slap and it wobbled a bit. Connor shifted uncomfortably. "It's so useful too." Without further ado, she lowered the glasses and wrapped her fingers around one of his teats. With a practiced tugging motion, she coaxed a healthy stream of milk into the glass. It was messy, like how they pour milk into cereal bowls in commercials. My fiance let out a low moo as she relieved the pressure inside him.

"Oh come on. You're one sick bitch! Fondling him like that."

Violet frowned as she stood up, taking Connor's tail between her forefinger and thumb and stroking down its length. It seemed to relax him. "Oh and what, you'd just leave Connie's poor udder to get all painfully swollen? You know how unhealthy that is for cow? You're just going to have to accept that I understand better than you how to take care of her now. Look at how wet she's getting from being like this." It did look like Connor's pussy had started to blush, and I could see a bead of feminine lubricant forming. She sipped her glass of frothy milk, leaving her with a white mustache on her fuzzy upper lip. "MMmm delish! Want some?"

I struggled against the hands holding me in vain. "Fuck off, dammit! No, I don't want to drink my fiance's milk. It's degrading to both of us."

Violet frowned again. "Rude." She made a gesture and my captors pushed me to my knees. "Rude, rude, rude. What are you implying that the fact that she's a healthy, productive, young woman is shameful? Are you shaming her for being who she is? She can't help it, you know. Just like I can't help but be a bad-ass bitch who doesn't take any shit from headstrong, self-righteous punks like you." She took a deep breath and pointed to a nearby chair and then to the ground in front of me. One of her thugs pulled it over and she sat down facing me, swirling the full glass of milk as she relaxed. "You sure do look awful mundane for being here in the quarantine zone." She lifted up her hand and the dog person pointed his gun at me. "Strip down."

I wrestled my hands away from the mutants holding me, who cautiously let go. I got naked. What choice did I have? Violet twisted her finger in the air, "turn." She ordered. I turned. "No symptoms showing yet? Well either you did a good job avoiding the plague or we got to you just in time." She sat forward and took another sip of milk. "Now remember what I told you about the first changes being topical? Connie wasn't a really good example of that because of just how far she ended up going cow. Surprised even me. But that same principle goes for people who haven't shown any symptoms yet, such as yourself. Now you owe Connie an apology, so I'm going to give you two choices."

"Neither." I said, balling my hands into fists. My nipples were growing hard in the cold, clammy air.

Violet rolled her eyes. "Jeez just fucking listen or you're going to get both. Okay, option one: You drink Connie's glass of milk that she so kindly poured for you. Probably not the safest choice, considering how you'll certainly lose your face, ability to talk, and get an animal's digestive system. If you're really unlucky maybe you'll even lose your lungs. That kind of thing is hard to adapt to, even for someone as strong as you." She paused, running her paw up Connor's tail. She reached down and cupped his ass. "Or you can make it up by pleasuring Connie here to orgasm. You can use whatever body parts you want, of course. Your hands, your mouth. . . makes no difference to me. However you go about it, it'll probably be a lot safer for you and enjoyable for her. Just look at how wet she's getting thinking about it." The hyena girl teased around the outside of my fiance's generous cow pussy. There was no doubt about it, he was definitely getting horny. "So what'll it be?"

I paused, thinking. For a little while, I forgot how pissed I was. Now I was thinking about my future. "What do you want, Con-man?" I asked quietly. "Do you want me to drink the milk?"

"Nooo." He shook his head.

"So. . . you want me to fuck you then?" I asked, uncomfortably.

He nodded. "Pleaase, Amy." I was happy to hear that he was capable of speech. It sounded different and weird, sure, but he was very understandable. Damn, I thought, Connor always was something of an exhibitionist. He must really be getting off on all these people watching. Hopefully it would help him finish faster. Oddly enough, it was starting to get me going too.

I scooted up to his behind, and started stroking his flanks. He seemed receptive, leaning into my pets. His pussy was practically in my face, and the spicy scent of it filled the air. I had to admit, his ass was pretty nice, even by human standards. He seemed to have lucked out and not gotten the weird square haunches that most cows had. Instead his tail extended from the top of a truly beautiful, round ass. I reached out my other hand and made contact with the base of his tail just as I had seen Violet do. I started stroking it softly as my other hand trailed down his hip and wandered onto his udder. Trying to figure out what would be erotic, I paid careful attention to the area between the base of his tail and his asshole, which was much larger than it had been before. A layer of peach fuzz dusted most of the udder that my left hand was groping, and I found it pretty pleasing to the touch. There was something ultimately non-threatening about the swollen milk-sack between his legs.

My ministrations weren't going unappreciated, either. Although most of Connor's body was white and black, his pussy was blushing a bright pink. It looked a lot more wet and swollen than it had before, and I could feel the heat radiating off it it. Still, I was slow to get down to business. I knew from experience that the best way to get a girl to cum quickly was to tease them as long as possible first. My fingers traced a path around his behind toward his pussy, taking the long way. "Ooh Connor. . ." I fake-moaned, resting my face against his ass cheek, "I actually kinda like the new you. . . I could get used to this." Truth be told, the longer I spent next to his now nearly dripping folds, the more I actually wanted to play with it. I felt the slick sensation of my own pussy moistening, and did my best to give into the sensations.

Connor's new lips were long and meaty, and as they twitched a small bead of his lubricant dribbled from the point where they met. I slid my palm against his opening, giving him the relief of touch, but not the satisfaction of full penetration. Without thinking, I raised my hand to my nose and inhaled the scent. I almost cummed right on the spot. The room around me melted away as my world was consumed by the ass in front of me. Suddenly I wanted nothing more than to explore and pleasure that wonderful pussy. Connor lowed in appreciation and frustration. He wanted nothing less than to be filled up completely, and I intended to do just that. I probed a finger along his opening, gathering up his fluids. He was sopping wet. As I reached the base of his pussy, I slowly inserted my finger. There was no resistance.

My finger traced up and down his slit, feeling the edges of his pussy and parting the lips so I could see the bright pink interior. I realized that he must be built to take cocks far larger than any human's. This was a working pussy. It was the kind that could take dicks all day and not be sore tomorrow. I withdrew my finger and this time pressed in with two. They sank all the way to my palm just as easily. Slowly, teasingly, I pulled them out and probed his entrance with three. Now for me personally, this was when things started getting iffy. I could do it, but it took time, and I needed to be extremely worked up. Cautiously, I started to press inwards. Normally I needed to point the three tips of my fingers together in a cone-shape, but Connor took all three in a line like a champ.

"Oh God, Connor," I moaned "I wish I could fuck you for real. You need a real dick inside you." This time I wasn't faking it for his benefit. I was actually dripping wet. Without thinking, I pulled my hand from his snatch and plunged it down into my pants and started fingering myself. Between my own lube and the pussy juices that still coated my hand, I easily got two fingers going inside myself. I worked up a steady rhythm as I moved my other hand into position at his opening. I was almost in a hypnotic state as I went for all five fingers at once. My lover gasped as he felt the increased girth pressing against his sensitive opening. This time my hand made it as far as my knuckles before I had to withdraw it and go again. I cautiously started stretching his pussy open more and more with my hand each time, using a third finger in my own pussy as a guideline. I would press in with both hands at once, and when I couldn't' take the stretching anymore myself, I'd give us both a rest.

After a couple minutes of sinking my hands farther and farther into my and my lover's pussies, he gave a grunt and pushed back against me. With a pop, my hand slipped in to my wrist. I pulled it out and started fist-fucking him in earnest. I went deeper and deeper each time, and soon my entire forearm was buried inside him. As I felt my own orgasm building, I leaned in to take in more of that wonderful scent. My opening spasmed around my fingers as I ground my clit against my knuckles, and I felt Connor's doing the same. My whole world seemed to light up with pleasure as we came in unison. The sensation was so intense that I slumped forward into his behind, and my entire face was splashed with his steamy hot juices. It turned out he was a squirter.

When my world finally came back into focus, I started to realize what had happened. I pulled my fingers out of myself as Connor's tail flopped lazily down onto my back. Carefully, I started withdrawing my arm from his pussy, starting as inch after inch slid out. It almost felt like watching one of those magician's tissues that are all tied together. My hand popped free, and a torrent of fem juices splashed onto the ground. My arm was absolutely soaking wet in the sweet-smelling liquid.

Connor slumped down onto the ground and rolled over onto his back. I followed suit, hardly believing what had just happened to me. We panted as we rested, our bodies laying against each other. Applause broke out around the room. It was accompanied by the hoot and howl of a dozen beastial voices, all raised in jubilation. I just stared up at the concrete ceiling. Violet's face came into view above me. "Wow! I am just so impressed." She smiled. "There's towels and stuff in Connor's room, so go ahead and get yourself all cleaned up and rested. We'll talk more tomorrow."

I heard her toenails clicking on the ground as she walked away. Her voice rang out from the stairs, "Oh, and don't think I forgot that you didn't bring me a burger! You're gonna wish you had!"

Quarantine Zone ch. 1

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The Kickbacks, Chapter 3 (Final Chapter)

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Journey to Earth

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