Sonic's First Time

Story by df00 on SoFurry

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#9 of Stories in English


This was supposed to be the Sonic's first time, before we arrive to 50 Shades of Shadow, but, with the time, i loved this couple, so i decided to put in a parallel timeline

I hope you like it! :)

Just before you start reading: There's no sexual cub act.

Edit: This is the first time that there's not going to be an translated version

Edit 2: Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Tails belongs to SEGA

Sonic's First Time

Sonic:*Moaning*-Yes...yes, Silver, yeah, just there, ahhhh!

I was on the last year of the primary school, almost in high school when it happened. It was the first day of class when I met him. He was the new guy in our class, and we could notice it. It was his first time from his village, a very shy boy. The teacher said he had futuristic powers, but, he couldn't control them well so far, but, that wasn't a reason to make him apart from the group. She decides to sit aside me. At first, we didn't talk too much, just the normal thing: can I borrow a pen, a rule? That kind of stuff. Then, with the time, we get very close Friends.

When we started to grow, we began to spend a lot of time together, we sat together at school, furthermore, at vacations, and we had long gamming session at Playstation or Xbox. Once, my Uncle Chuck took Silver's father fishing. With Silver's father and my Uncle we learned how to fish, with patient. At that time we were 17 years old and there began something more than a friendship.

One night, before go to sleep, Silver asked me if he could sleep with me. I agreed. While we were talking, he kissed the mouth...and he fell asleep. I couldn't sleep for a while, but I fell asleep too because there wasn't anything to do.

At the morning, the day looked so is slow by itself, that day was the slower day I ever have. Silver looked like always, like nothing have happened. I decided not to fish, to think about last night. Silver offers to stay with me, and they agreed, and they went to fish. We were alone, looking the river, while we were chatting.

Before anything could happen, my Uncle and Silver's father returns unexpected

Chuck:-Weather it's getting quite bad, let's get back home

And we did it. On the road, Silver's sleeping quite peacefully, like he had released some huge pack from the inside, or not? My Uncle and Silver's father are talking about fishes and all these stuff, and I'm just looking the road, but I'm not enjoying the view, I'm just thinking about last night.

Back to school, everything looked different, but, in fact, I was different. We sat together as always, and everything looks like things are back to normal, until, while the professor was explaining something, Silver grabs my left leg. My eyes widened, but looks like nobody notice it. He smiled.

At the break, I went to the bathroom, decided to pee, but when I was peeing, somebody enters -a normal thing in a bathroom- It's Silver.

Silver stays behind me a while I'm peeing, and he gets close to me, but I'm feeling something strange behind me...

Silver:-I'm not going to do it here, but, I want you stay horny as I am now.

I moan and pull my head back

Sonic:-What...what are you gonna do?

Silver:-I'm not going to do anything...yet; I'll see you after school, at the alley. I love you Sonic, can't you understand?

Sonic:-Silver, what's going on?'ll see by yourself, I love you Sonic

Sonic:-Silver...I love you too

I smiled softly; I didn't know this could happen!

Class runs very slowly today, and I'm feeling quite weird now, I mean, I'm quite confused for what happened before. The bell rang. Oh, thank goodness it's over now!

We left the school, and Silver stays with me all over the way. When I didn't expected, he pulled back into the dark alley, and I fall into the floor

Silver:-Are you ok?

Sonic:-Yeah, I'm fine, Okay, enough of this: What's going on Silver the hedgehog?

I look him quite angry, but, deeply I know what's happening...he's going to fuck me

Silver:-By your face I deduce you already know what's going to happen, so, let's begin.

Sonic:-Are you going to rape me?

Silver:-No Sonic, I love you, if you don't want to be fucked now, I'm okay with that.

He smiles. What? This is not what I expected

Sonic:-I was thinking about that kiss, Silver, I'm quite confused now and I don't want to screw it up

Silver:-Okay, so, we're not going to do it yet

Sonic:-No, Silver, I want to do it, I'm just... overwhelming

Silver:-Don't worry, i'm going to make sure your first time be memorable.

He looked back, and, when he makes sure no one is watching us, he opens his school bag and grabs a little red box.

Silver:-Don't worry, i'll make it unforgettable.

He grabs a condom from the box, and he showed me his dick...Oh, it's huge, how that's gonna fit?

Silver:-Don't worry, i know it can fit well

And, he introduce his penis into my ass... My virgin ass.

And i scream: It's hurts so much, the pain it's...i moan from pain, but looks like nobody are listening, and Silver began to ride me: He is at top of mine, he block the sun just with his body, i can see him smile from the pleasure that he's feeling. Firstly, he was riding me slowly, then, he went faster and faster, the pain it's gone, now, it's just the pleasure, i loosed my legs just a bit, and he went deeper, and deeper, and faster, but, when i was about to reach my first climax, he stopped. He pulled back his member, he turn back, and i began to suck his dick, while he was sucking mine. Both of us sucked other's penis, and for a while i forget that we were at the alley. I reach the climax: Oh, what a glorious feeling, i don't cum, but...who cares? It's quite intense that feeling. Silver looks all sweat. He grabs another condom, and he puted in my dick.

Silver:-It's about time you get some experience, don't worry, i'll guide you, just ride me as i did

Wow, what a surprise, me at top. He grabs my penis and guide it until his ass...

Silver:-Don't worry, i'm a virgin too

Wow, that's not what i've expected from his incredible way to make love.

And i see his face and body, all in pain, feeling what i felt before. I lay him down, just to make it confortable, i put my school bag for his head.

Sonic:-Let's see if i had a good teacher

Silver:-You'll do it well

And i began to ride him, firstly slowly, then faster, firstly gently, then deeper, back, ahead, back, ahead, looks like Silver already pass the pain, i go faster and deepler

He grabs my chest, making me stop

Silver:-Okay, i have to give you an A+, very good student, but now, let's see how can you resist this

And he introuces his large member inside me, he goes faster and deeper

Sonic:*Moaning*-Yes...yes, Silver, yeah, just there, ahhhh!

Silver:-Looks like you just love the rough love, oh yeah!

And finally, i cum for the first time

Silver:-Congrats! You're not a virgin anymore, let's finish with this, come on, jerk me off

I took my condom, and i close it well (i think so) and i hug Silver, and i began to jerk him off

Silver:*Moaning*-Yeah...just keep going...faster please...*His body arches* OH SONIC!

Finally he cums too.

Sonic:-Congrats to you too, you're not a virgin anymore

We just can't stop smiling each other. We got up, and left the alley...our little love nest.

Walking on the Street, we found a trash bin. We droped our (filled) condoms there.

Sonic:-So, we're lovers now, right?

Silver:-Yes, by the way, what are you going to do next year?

Sonic:-I'm going to Graphic Arts & Design at college, and you?

Silver:-Med school

Sonic:-So, you're going to save lifes?

Silver:*Laugh*-Yeah, that's my intention *He smiles softly*

Time has passed and we graduated. Luckly for us that we could see the other prom. We get married and enjoyed our married life. Silver becomes one of the best doctor all over the contry, and i'm a proyect chief. One day was fatal...literally. The director call me at work, "He is seriously injured, please, come here asap". That words were fatal to me...I left the office and i run to the hospital.

Sonic:-Why you?

Silver is completly covered by machines, they keep him least, for now, doctor said

Silver:-I don't know what happened, i was on surgery and a crazy man enters like nothing with a knife and stabs me. That's the last thing i recall...

Sonic:-Doctors said you're going to be fine, please, hang on, Silver *I start to cry*

Silver:-Hey honey, i'm okay, i'm going to be fine, just, come here *he hugs me*. Don't cry honey, i'm going at your side forever...

He teaches me how to change his gazue, how to heal his injures, how patient is the first time we did it, i blush

Silver:-I think i've the same memory, dear *He smiles*

Sonic:-What's going to happen now?

Silver:-I don't know, Sonic

Days has passed and Silver has been discharged, now I'm taking care of him. His injures has gone, and I'm quite happy, but worried because Silver have to return to work

Sonic:-Please, don't do it! (I put pout)

Silver:-Sonic, I've to work; besides, I'm fine, thanks to you

Sonic:-Fine (I said angry)

Time has passed and our relationship has become stronger, we began to have time for each other, everything looks good at the future, for both.

At the park, I look Silver from above: he's currently sleeping on my legs, he wakes up when notices I'm looking him

Silver:-Good morning

Sonic:-Hi~, I'm looking your cute sleepy face from here

Silver:-Yeah, why are you smiling?

Sonic:-I was remembering when I saw you sleeping at my Uncle's car

Silver:-Oh! That day, I recall it too, specially the first kiss I gave you

Sonic:-And I'm recalling the first time you fuck me at that dark alley

Silver:-You wanna recall it here?

Sonic:-I have an idea

Silver looks confused, I see everywhere to see if anyone can see us: nobody is here wanna recall it back here?


Sonic:-I got you some present

I grab his member, and I began to massage it, softly and nice: up, down, up, down, kissing his chest, his fur, his beautiful mouth, with pleasure, then, I began to massage his balls, slowly and nicely, then, I return to his member, I swallow it, up, down, I lick his head...hmmm, tasty.

Silver:*Moaning*-Oh..., I didn't recall our first time was quite pleasure as now...keep going...Yeah

Sonic:*I stop licking his head*-Don't you recall that? Well, maybe you can recall this

I grab his member, and I guide it to my ass...Oh, I wasn't expecting nothing less from my lover, and I start to ride him, slowly at first, then I sped up, yeah, we're enjoying sex on the park, I could stay doing this all the damn day, We're just a 25 y/o hedgehog whose are enjoying sex on public, what can screw this?. Unexpectedly, Silver's lay me down and now he is on charge. Kissing me, he's speeding up

Sonic:*Moaning* it...faster, please!

Silver:*Moaning*-Yeah, here I go

I feel something else, Silver's taking my hands, but I feel something in my penis...

Silver:-Don't cum yet


Silver:-Don't cum yet, please

Sonic:-What are you doing with my penis?

Silver:-I'm using my powers to masturbate you...Telekinesis, now, shut up

What is he doing? Wow, I barely can think at this point, his body is smashing mine, his body is riding me so fast, deep and hard, and now, he is masturbating me with his tele...whatever, I don't know about law, but this should be illegal, I mean, I don't know how many people can feel this pleasure, I'm smiling from pleasure, I'm screaming from my moans, I didn't know that recalling can be so pleasant, I'm quite happy, I'm smiling and I can't cum yet...oh no, it's coming...

Sonic:-I'm reaching...Silver...Please, let it go

I reached to the climax, before I cum, it's like...It have to be forbidden to feel so much pleasure

Silver:-Okay, You can cum now

And I finally cum...and I blacked out

Days has passed, I woke up in a place I firstly don't know...oh, the house

I woke up from the bed, I'm naked, I take the sheets to cover my body. I go to the living room. It's raining, and Silver it's looking thought the window,, tea? I can't decide which one is. Oh no, this is not good


Silver:*He's not looking at me*-Yes Sonic, We're at night

Sonic:-What happened?

Silver:-You've cum quite nice, and then I clean you very well

He's not showing any emotion at all, even worst, he's not looking at me, I can't see his face, I know he had enjoyed as well doing that as I did while he was fucking me, but, something happened

Sonic:-Have you enjoyed?

Silver:-Of course I did, how am I supposed to not to enjoy your juices?

Sonic:-How many days I've slept?

Silver:-A week, wow, I never thought you could sleep so much

Sonic:-Something wrong, dear?

Silver:-Yes...I was worried about you...It's quite disturbing to see you sleeping so much

He looks at me, he really was quite worried

Sonic:-Well, I had a huge orgasm, I couldn't resist to sleep

He hugs me

Silver:-Oh, thank goodness you're fine, I was so worried about you

He starts to cry, I hug him

Sonic:-Hey, I'm not going anywhere honey

Silver:-I'm glad to hear that.

We sit on the sofa; he was REALLY worried about me

Sonic:-Oh, my little boy, you were so worried, don't worry, I'm going to be fine

And we fell asleep in the couch.

Few weeks later, I feel kinda...weird, I dunno why, but, I'm feeling different. I don't even know what have crossed my mind, but, I bought a pregnancy test, guess what happen?

Sonic:-Honey, can you get back home, sweetie?

Silver:-Why, something wrong?

Sonic:-Please, just, come back

I can feel his worries thought the phone

Silver:-Dear, please, tell me, what's up? ...Ok, let me finish something and I'm gonna there

Sonic:-Thank you

I wait an hour, he comes back home

Silver:-What's up, honey?

I'm trying not to cry

Sonic:-Honey, males can't birth, right?

Silver:-No *He says carefully from what I'm gonna say*, why do you ask such a thing?

Sonic:-So, why this pregnancy test is lying me?

Silver:-Normally, they don't lie, why did you bought this?

Sonic:-I'm feeling kinda...different, and I thought something weird was happening to me, so, I said, why not?

He's listening to me carefully

Sonic:-At first, I thought it was some kind of joke, so, I bought another one, and guess what? It says "Hey, congrats! You're pregnant"

Oh Gosh, I'm recalling it, I'm gonna cry right now

Silver:-Hey, my dearest love, I'm so proud, let's go to see the doctor

Sonic:-Aren't you angry with me?

Silver:-Why should I be angry with you? Yes, I'm quite confused, but, I'm happy that we're going to be parents...


I hug him...Oh, It feels so nice, his fur, his warm chest...

At the doctor, he didn't say anything that we couldn't deduce, only that...I'm a herm, and my pussy is right behind my balls (yeah, weird, right?), and guess who appear at the exam room? (yeah, more weird stuff)

Shadow:-I'm the Ultimate life form, and I demand an answer

Sonic:-You too Shad?

Shadow blushed

Shadow:-I don't have to answer that, besides; I could be with another person

Silver:-But, you're not, right?

Shadow gets blushed even more, now he's completely ashamed from...what? He looks at the corner


Sonic:-OMG, we're going to be parents

Shadow:-Shut up, faker, but...yes

Sonic:-And who'll be the "father"?

Shadow gets blushed


Silver:-I've hear some rumors that you're with Tails, right?'ve done with Tails, eh?

Shadow:-...He's cute

Silver and I gets surprised, Shadow, saying that someone is "cute"...what a weird day, I'm glad for him

Sonic:-Ok, let's go shopping

Shadow:-Hey, wait, I've to...

Sonic:-Oh Shadow, come on! I wanna go shopping to buy the baby's stuff, Ok, I wait here until doctor checks you


He says humbly...wait, what, Shadow, humble? Okay, I saw too many things today

Silver:-Thank you, doc

Doc:-You're welcome, please, do another appointment for 2 months from here

Silver:-Ok, we'll

We wait Shadow until the doctor checks him, everything all right; our babies are going to born in September. All the team goes to the shopping to buy things for our babies.

For the last 3 months before giving birth, we've stayed at my house or at Shadow's house.

Giving birth it's one of the most painful and beautiful experience we ever have

Shadow had two sons, one of them looked like tails, but he was black and red as his...mother? and another hedgehog, but he looked like Tails

I had one daughter; she looked like Silver, but, with a blue touch. I hope she doesn't have the telekinesis from Silver

Both families had seen grown up our children, and that's something so pleasant...Sonic:-I love you, my dearest

Silver:-I love you too, honey

Sonic the hedgehog