Insult to Injury

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#1 of The Tolk and Aison Stories

This story contains parental spanking, and adult-on-cub sexuality. Please be warned of such, and enjoy! Story By: Professor Bob Characters By: Kay Pappas

  • * * It was a common sight to see the two Sergals squabble, but not to such a degree. Aison, a young Sergal boy, was often too playful and rowdy for his own good, when having such a quiet and dignified elder as Tolk was. The older male Sergal caring for the orphaned child set the stage for a mismatched pair. Tolk was a wise and steady guardian, but handling certain parental things ended up being difficult for him; such as Aison having an accident while sleeping, and leaving the two in a half silent, uncomfortable situation during their nomadic travels through wilderness and mountain. Then again, there was always Tolk's right leg as well, forcing him to rely on a walking stick and Aison's respect to continue on with his pride. It hurt more than just his leg to have that basic dignity taken away by the child he protected and taught. Aison, in his lack of sense, would not stop getting ahead of Tolk that afternoon despite being told so many times to slow down. A child only has so much patience when it comes to going at the pace of an elder with a bad leg. Tolk was only middle aged, but his injury was taxing on him when it came to rocky, unkempt paths like they were on, traveling along the base of a mountain. As the smaller of the Sergals should have expected after disobeying so many times, Tolk grabbed his upper arm as soon as he was close enough to; startling the distracted boy. Shifting on his footpaws, Aison spun around and grasped Tolk's arm with his free paw, providing the real mistake before finding out if he was in trouble or not. The boy moved his weight back, pulling on his guardian's arm and using his legs for leverage against the ground, to get away. Adding in the typical cubbish demands to be let go and that he didn't do anything wrong was a mistake in itself before Tolk even spoke, but the thrashing and pulling made the older male drop his walking stick, which landed with a light, rocky clatter at their feet. Standing on his two feet with no support, and Aison's added weight pulling him the wrong direction shot a sharp pain into his thigh. His injury throbbed and made his leg tremble, unable to perform under weight and stress as the ache flowed smoothly down into his knee, and up into his hip. It was sudden enough to make Tolk's sturdy exterior wince, shuddering a split second as a growl was stifled in his throat. Grabbing Aison's other upper arm for support, as well as in anger, the adult made a split second decision to throw his own weight down, desperately wanting to stop supporting so much force with his bad leg. With a sort of twist and shove, Tolk grunted and tackled Aison to the ground, pinning the child by his upper arms as he had been holding him. It was a bit of a blow to the boy's back, making him cough once and squirm uncomfortably against the pebbles. His guardian's weight on his arms was less than comfortable, with sharp bits of rock pressing into the back of his arms. Opening his eyes slightly, Aison saw a sneering look above him - Tolk looking to find words while staring right back at him. Now he surely was in a bad position, both their chests rising up and down as if they had been wrestling for some time. For Aison it was more fear and shock, and for Tolk, it was pain, and from being upset. "Child! What do you think you're doing, acting like that?", Tolk snapped at his charge, leaning forward to place his muzzle closer to Aison's. His darker hued fur hung down his back and over his shoulders, curly, and almost tattered with age, despite having such a kept tuft of fur under his chin, and ensuring those intricate strands of fur he had on his head were devoid of the outdoors he lived in. His muzzle was no longer smooth as it was in his young age, looking well the part of a guardian. Guidance and correction was one thing - parenting was another. Tolk was, however, not at all afraid to discipline and punish Aison, and the boy's reaction showed he knew it too. Aison had suffered the swat of many switch, including various other things that came around only infrequently. The boy's eyes squinted, as Aison attempted to act brave and show some of that male Sergal strength. "I didn't do anything wrong! I never went too far - I swear!", Aison defended of himself, stating his own hide-saving view as fact as cubs typically do, where only their own version of events is the right one. Gulping, the boy could only hope for the response he wanted and keep his act up, so he wouldn't show as scared in front of Tolk. The boy himself had a different colored fur than his elder - moderately dark blue back and mane fur instead of the blacker tones known to be on a Sergal's body. What set him most apart, was his pattern. Aison's blue fur went down the side of his arms, sparing only his under forearm, the front and back of his upper arms, and stopping right at the first joint of his fingers. It wrapped around the front of his neck, and crossed his lower belly in an open テ「竄ャヒ弖' shape around his hips like a belt, coming together to cover his entire sheath and groin, into his inner thighs. It went straight down the top of his tail, spreading apart right before the fluff at the tip of his adolescent tail. Even wrapped around his ankles, covering the tops of his footpaws and the bottom of his lower legs like sleeves, with the remainder of his fur being a white, touched with a creamy hint of light blue. Little Aison was certainly unique, and a pretty sort of Sergal at his age, even if it did not help the integrity of his character at times. Faced with discipline, or even doing something he didn't want to in general, ditching his respect and obedience for self gain, all the while pretending to be older, stronger, and more self sufficient. He really was too young for some of the mischief he tried to get himself into, and it was hard for Tolk to keep up at times. Caring for the boy, dealing with such transgressions was the same as making sure he had food, and was warm at night, even if Tolk often had a weakness he had to bottle up down inside at times. Times like this, when he was upset with his leg, and Aison's often too disrespectful behaviors, punishing the boy could end up being just another means of making himself feel better if he wasn't careful. "You do not get to make those claims. I tell you when you've gone too far, and I tell you when to come back to me, do you understand?", the boy was reminded after a brief pause, containing a scowl from his guardian. Quickly slipping his right paw from Aison's left arm, Tolk raised himself up just enough to swing, and give the boy a taste of something, as he was angry enough to want to stop Aison's bratty retorts right in their tracks. The first slap of his paw smacked across the left side of Aison's muzzle, on his back and unable to avoid such a brisk motion. The impact sounded hard, yet hollow, as palm struck the boy's maw, and fingers his cheek. It elicited a sharp テ「竄ャヒ廾w!' as Aison tossed his head onto it's side, and squirmed his legs beneath Tolk. Biting his lip almost right away after the swat, taking a few rapid breaths before Tolk retracted his paw all the way, Aison was fighting not to make any sounds. He already didn't like that he made such a whine-like sound of pain after the slap, not wanting to tremble or sob under the weight of his guardian. No, he had to stay strong! Defiantly, Aison turned his muzzle back towards Tolk's after a minute, trying to scowl back while the older Sergal continued his scolding. "And you don't ever fight and give me a hard time, Aison!", Tolk went right into with the same angry expression, using the dreaded テ「竄ャヒ彷irst name', swinging his paw yet again once he saw it was effective in changing the boy's tune. This time, a new location. Tolk's fingers smacked into the side of Aison's belly, lifting his own body back in the swing, up and off of Aison's other arm he had pinned. Aison made an awkward grunt of surprise, trying to shift onto his side, but his parental figure fixed the intended swat, giving a strong open paw to the Sergal's tummy. Sounding out with a hollow, airy テ「竄ャヒ徘op', the slap left a paw-shaped sting; Aison wheezing his breath outwards from the pain, and paws shooting for his stomach out of instinct. Unfortunately for the unknowing lad, this was Tolk's aim. Squirming his thighs, Aison had his eyes closed from the pain, even if he was trying to dull his response initially. A grasp at his now unprotected left ear, and yank, kicked the pain up to a new level after he had for that second been so worried about covering his belly. He couldn't cry, he just couldn't! "Let go!", Aison cried out, grabbing hold of the larger Sergal's arm for support, as being pulled up by his ear was very painful indeed. By the time he opened his eyes enough, baring his teeth from the burn in his large ear, he found himself being grabbed by Tolk's other paw and forcefully thrown over the adult's lap, as he sat down while pulling the boy up. His large tail shifting the gravel beneath him, Tolk tried to get situated while restraining Aison, whom promptly began to kick his legs and thrash to get away. Not bothering with words while the boy was acting like this, Tolk worked to get Aison better situated in his lap in the loud struggle of growls and whines, and once he was where he could best hold the child, he took the elbow of his right arm and pressed it straight into Aison's back. Bone pressing harshly against his small back and spine, it was the kind of pain that would make a cub squirm even more violently - but that wouldn't work for Aison, as he did not wish to show his pain. Breathing heavy, whining sharply yet quietly on his exhales, his muzzle curled in agony as the pain grew so quickly, like a noogie against the skull, while Tolk sat so steadily and calmly. All the elder had to do was place his other paw on his arm, and apply more weight gradually. It was torturous to the boy whom didn't want to break, but was given something so painful to encourage him to stop. Aison's back felt like it was going past bruising; paws clenching and toes curling, pressing to the ground and digging in as his body became more tense, and stiff, pained cubbish sounds of desperation leaking out till it just became too much. Beginning to grow limp, submissively, little Aison's tired limbs eased down towards the ground, and his body fit properly to Tolk's lap; up against the adult's legs, belly, and masculine sheath. It took only another second to turn Aison's quivering lower jaw and sullen eyes, and his facade of テ「竄ャヒ彙ig boy' strength into defeat. H-he.. Couldn't.. Aison made a meek, high pitched sob. It just hurt too badly; it was more than he could combat. That spot on his back throbbed and ached like a beating, from having such weight pressed to it for a minute with Tolk's elbow. As Aison's head hung, the child half sobbed, half sputtered once more, taking a sniff as the pain suddenly eased. Tolk watched from above, removing his elbow once the boy had calmed down in order to cooperate with him. Rubbing the spot on the boy's back with his thumb, he could see tears forming in Aison's eyes. Hurting the lad wasn't something he was proud of, but this was deserved enough for him to not feel bad, even if having this sad boy, warm, like a blanket, over his lap.. was rather invigorating. It was the weakness Tolk had - of adolescent male Sergals. It was one that made him ashamed, so it was a detail he often tried to choke down and ignore. "If you're done, perhaps you'd let me do my job?", Tolk spoke more slowly than he had been, with his typical calm mixing in with his discomfort and anger. Placing his right paw down on his hip a moment, he cringed and took some seconds to relax. Fingertips digging into the side of his thigh, trembling as he breathed more slowly, the older man tried to ease the pain in his leg away. The initial struggle with young Aison did a toll on him, and cut into his spirit to be reminded of how decrepit that leg could be, when he needed it most. To be half a man, and have a boy use that to his advantage... "S-sir, I'm-..", his ears caught as he rested deep inside his mind, which snapped him right back to reality with a strong outward growl, flinging his paw from his side and whacking it flat against the side of Aison's own right leg, since he hadn't pulled the boy's tail out of the way. "Quiet, and lay still!", Tolk warned after the punishment of his single smack, which made Aison wince and sniffle once more. Keeping his eyes open and squarely on the hip and leg his swat made contact with, the adult Sergal withdrew his arm slowly from the upset of having his deep down, hidden self-pity interrupted by the self-centered whims of the boy over his lap. Though, tilting his head just slightly, an idea struck the guardian's mind. Aison took his dignity, and hurt his leg. Perhaps the child's own right leg should throb similarly. Wiggling his fingers and balling his paw up into a tight fist, he worked his older joints into a more limber state before beginning his prep. Lifting Aison's tail out of the way with his left paw, he held it down to the boy's back and placed his right paw against his right thigh; where he would begin with a focus. Feeling the larger paw against the bare fur on the back of his thigh, Aison nervously scraped his claws into the dirt and rock, looking down and trying not to cry. Tolk was mad, and was already making him pay before the spanking even started! He was in deep trouble, but his urge to be tough in the face of danger was making him not want to plea, and just take it. It's just he didn't think he could, easily. "It wasn't that bad!", the boy had to spurt out quickly before his disciplinarian stopped him, raising his head and shouting it from his maw - jerking a pair of loose tears from his small Sergal eyes. At least in his own little world, disobedience and causing harm to an elder wasn't really that bad. It couldn't have been, right? "You believe my leg doesn't hurt that badly? Let's see, you tell me.", Tolk sneered down with a raspy tone in his voice, head turned to the boy, before lifting his paw from that bare leg. Scolding and words were lost on the boy under his care. Since it didn't matter, it was better to just spank and make points. Well, Aison, here's your retort! Baring his teeth to summon the strength in his arm, without so much as a growl or anything outside of what was his duty to Aison, he broke into a disciplinarian's rhythm. Spank and repeat. Swinging his large, steady, yet tired open paw, the initial swat got the boy's arms to tremble, and each following brought about light squirming of anything attached to his body. Paw to furred leg made a small, high pitched sound, while each spank across his rear made a meaty, lower pitched sound as stinging force was slapped past fur and into skin, and muscle. Aison's head slowly rose as the spank stacked, ears tilted back as far as they could go with a look of tearful strain on his face, sputtering desperately as his chest heaved trying to hold back the sobbing that made him feel so small. Forced back to the childhood he occupied, took no more than four hard, repeated swats under his tail to make him roll a tear-ridden squeal from his partially open maw, curling the skin at the ends of his muzzle as Aison choked out a series of sobs; head lowering back down to the ground as his paws grasped at the dirty white stones and gravel beside his guardian's leg. Haunted by the searing, leg jerking swats from the adult's heavy paw and fingers, the boy's broken crying felt like it was being rubbed in his face as the spanking went right past his first breaking point. Tolk's own eyes stayed on his task, turning only to peer down at the lad's head every several swats, as he was locked in the traditional correction of his child. Each smack he delivered hard and quickly, enough to tire his aging arm and ache the joints of his knuckles, as the heat of Aison's welts warmed his fur with each punishing slap. Paw forming to Aison's leg and around the clean curves of his rear, Tolk's upset sort of anger let in some of the feelings typically repressed. The sight of Aison's bottom and sweet base of his tail, submissively bared for spanking and view; tiny pink tailhole bare to the open air with only such thin fur surrounding it at his age, provided something for Tolk to idly watch as he spanked. Making the boy's light blue haunches red beneath his fur, and each little buck or ripple of young flesh at each harsh smack, was getting to the adult, whom breathed more deeply and slowly as his mind focused so well on his task. Almost biting his lip at the feelings that hit him staring at the cub's reddening under-tail, Tolk raised his arm a bit higher on his next swat, spreading his fingers and swatting as hard as he could straight across Aison's tender little base of his tail, and pressing in to drill the swat deeper into cub fat and muscle. Even though he was not watching Aison's face, the boy clenched his entire form from the punishing sting, yelping sharply aloud and kicking his right leg backwards - knocking a few pebbles around as his claws dug in again. Eye lids squeezing shut, his shameful crying intensified a moment, rolling more tears down the fur of his cheeks, slowly being absorbed as they traveled down to his jaw. Having stopped his spanking to drill in such a slow, forceful blow, Tolk removed his paw from the child's rear, peering down to that pinkened boy-hole in examination. Aison shifting and moving on his lap from the sting and sobbing, he could see the pucker clench and move every few moments, skin visibly turning pinker, and redder over time - perhaps even swelling just slightly from all the spanks he was applying. Huffing through his nostrils, Tolk couldn't help but feel uncomfortably ashamed he was staring, but... this boy! Argh! Looking down a bit more, a stiffening feeling in his groin suddenly became a more urgent embarrassment. Partially emerged from the opening of his sheath was the head of his penis; large and firm with age, throbbing with experience from Tolk's own memories. Aison did not seem to notice it against his side, so distracted at the moment with his own woes; head still hung. Getting Aison's tail under his arm, his paw instead shifted to hold the child by the scruff on his neck, and to keep his head down. Didn't wish Aison to see him in such a way, and he was not done beating on the boy's backside. Though, as he held him differently, Aison seemed to cry with a hint more force. The blubbering motions in the lad's belly made his fur tickle at Tolk's exposed masculine pride - tip of his penis riddled with intense, ticklish feelings that made him grunt audibly, and close his eyes halfway. A bit more than he could ignore, but it would not stop him. "Not done yet, child. You can do with another round. The few dozen you already have received is not quite enough yet.", Tolk spoke aloud in his authoritative voice, though not as loud as before. With Aison finally receiving his discipline, there was no need for Tolk to sound as if he was struggling with him, even if the child's occasional urge to thrash his tail made him work to keep it pinned. "I'm.. s-sorry sir.. s-stop!", the boy sputtered into the ground, rubbing his muzzle against the rocks from the intense sting that lingered and pricked once Tolk stopped spanking. It took so much effort to keep his arms in front of him; rocks and pebbles clattering as his paws shifted and gripped at them. Sunlight made his tears sparkle, and warmed the lightly dampened fur beneath his little eyes, while the heat made his spanking welts itch as they burned. Sting dancing around like a needle, from tailhole to thigh, it was easy to keep his crying up, even if he didn't wish to. Already his right thigh hurt worse than his left... Tolk struck it much harder, getting the blows deeper into his leg. Able to see through his fur, the skin Tolk could see there on the back of his right leg was a touch darker, but still not what he wanted. Not yet. That wouldn't throb and torture, and show Aison what it was he was to respect. "You'll only be sorry when I'm through with you. As bratty as you have been, I know you don't much care about the way you were behaving yet.", Tolk replied, head turned to the sobbing boy to see his lament. The punishment was meaningless until Aison was actually sorry. It was hard to get young, adventurous Sergals to remain safe and respect what was around them. The response simply made Aison whine, tucking his paws closer to his muzzle to cover his eyes and maw. It clearly made him sad, or at least think about what he did. Tolk couldn't hide a smirk, but as the boy was not looking, he didn't have to. Winning for once, penis tucked neatly against Aison's side, this looked like it would go his way. Returning his eyes to that target at the base of Aison's tail, Tolk placed his paw on top of it as a signal that the spanking was about to resume. The boy tensed up again, allowing Tolk to feel the muscle work under him, and that reddening tailhole wink against his thumb. That was an intense sort of fuel to Tolk's fire, needing restraint to keep from humping forward once out of instinct. Penis filling with blood and growing firmer, it rose slowly from his sheath, tiny bit each second as his arousal became more biological, and out of his will's control. Giving himself a break, and curiously, Tolk's gaze lightened, as he stroked that sore little hole with his thumb, and massaged Aison's stinging, paw-shaped swat marks mercifully, even if it was more or less for himself. Aison took a few quick breaths, showing it hurt to have the welts toyed with, but it ended with a sobbing cry ending with something that sounded like a sigh. It had to be embarrassing for the lad, but that was often intended in discipline. Cock growing against Aison's side, Tolk flung his paw from the boy's rear as quickly as he could, to apply the first smack roughly. After being soft, he wanted to surprise the boy with a much greater sting, firming up his paw to use it like a paddle - fingers together and flat. The swat nailed the tender, supple base of Aison's boy-ish Sergal rear, digging in with a forwards slide, applying the force upwards along Aison's tailbase instead of straight inward to dissipate. Against his lap, little Aison bucked his hips, squirming and rubbing his own adolescent sheath into his elder's leg, which did nothing to soothe Tolk's erection. Almost blushing a brief second beneath his fur, Tolk was torn between being idly aroused and simply ashamed due to Aison's age, as his paw swung once, twice, thrice. That sheath was so smooth compared to his own. Fur so silky, and the flesh of the sheath so soft, giving way at the lightest press of the child's hips, smooshing the protective appendage against the adult's own leg. So young, there wasn't the slightest wrinkle or change in texture; contents of the sheath so small and immature, attached to equally immature internal testicles. All of it so young and so untouched, it made Tolk gulp, taking his eyes off his task to eye Aison's head, as if nervous of the boy somehow being able to see the uncomfortable thoughts in his head. Each spank delivered similarly, drilling into the base of the rear, tailhole, the meat of his butt or legs, he got to see Aison writhe. Aison's claws were somewhat long, being the species they were. They scraped and scratched at the moist dirt through the pebbles and rocks beside the child's maw. He huddled his head into his paws and arms, crying now turning to a wail, growling tearily from time to time in between as his legs shifted and squirmed from all the punishing spanks being applied to skin that was already red, and muscle that was already aching. The sting was clearly much for the boy, as many times Tolk was swatting, and as hard as he was with that rough, work-laden paw. Doing as he did last time, Tolk reared his paw back farther, moving his eyes and not his head, swinging hard to deliver three of those special, harder swats in a row, one on top of the other. Zipping his eyes right back to see Aison's reaction, the boy jolted his muzzle out from under his paws, letting off a small, pain stricken howl; eyes seeming so tightly clenched the tears rolled out of them freely. But before Tolk could re-aim and do it again to both of the child's legs while his rear throbbed harshly, Aison felt he could take no more, trying to squirm his arms to reach his paws back under his tail. Grunting, Tolk pressed down on Aison's neck, forcing his shoulders down a bit to at least make it more difficult. "Put them back or I'll start over!", Tolk threatened sharply, being a heavy threat as it was. His voice lost a touch of it's strong authority, as Aison's side rubbed ever so briskly against the sensitive underside of his malehood. It stood at it's full length at that point, having peaked with all the stimulation and the heat that built the more the boy laid against it, pressing hard enough to indent his side. Aison let a sound of defeat out of his throat, like a groan between his sobs, slowly lifting his trembling paw back to his maw, which he again covered in order to cry with more privacy. Tolk knew the boy had to feel he was stiff against him by now, but thought the boy was either too ignorant or just didn't care, being that Sergals were bare all the time anyway. Aison liked girls as far as he knew, but, then again, the boy had no way to weasel out of receiving his punishment and had to endure despite. Either way, the pleasure his penis was receiving without his own trying was somewhat large. Licking his lips to moisten them, Tolk placed his teeth tightly back together, and delivered the swats to Aison's young legs as he wished. Eight, hard, flat, and as quick as he could, totaling four to each thigh while the boy kicked his legs and bent them awkwardly - shouting pleas into the stone enough to get a hint of dirt in his maw. Skin and what was beneath a hot, blazing mess of sting and pain, Tolk again spanked yet another dozen normally into his adolescent charge. Normally he would have stopped already, but being upset made this more severe, and Aison had quite a lesson to learn. Forcing the boy to obey despite the heavy and growing pain, Aison had to respect his word, whether he wanted to or not, even if he was squirming much more violently and smacking at the ground with his weak, loosely held paws. Poor Aison's cries were sharp and with substance, crying and sputtering loudly - Tolk's own paw able to feel the heat as it laid open, tucked under the boy's tail. It was a heavy sort of spanking, but one well earned. Still yet, there was one last thing to do, to make the boy's right leg feel the way his felt. It was a bit harder to go on after Aison was already sobbing so strongly, wailing from time to time near the point of bawling, and never allowed to lose control and rub his bottom. "One last thing. Now you be steady, and take what you deserve. I'll accept nothing less from you after what you've done.", Tolk directed, speaking lower and softer from running out of steam. His own arm ached a bit from his lengthy spanking, and the extra pain delivered to his decrepit leg was only just beginning to subside. If something was strained or torn a bit deeper, he would feel it for many days to come. Upon realizing that, Tolk bared his teeth slightly, gaining a second wind of resolve. "Trying to pull away from me, you hurt my leg badly. I can't put my weight on it, much less mine as well as your's, you brat. Trying to say you had done nothing wrong, after hurting me, is more than just disobedient. I care for you, and feed you. Remember that before telling me again my leg, that you... know makes me uncomfortable, does not matter, young Aison!", the elder Sergal broke into lecture, feeling the time was appropriate to confess how he felt, despite being so upset with the boy. Aison may have sometimes been a brat, but such a thing was knife through butter. If his head could hang lower, it would have. Instead, he tucked his paws more tightly against his muzzle, covering it as best he could and huddling his body closer to Tolk's leg in general, as if curling up by the means he had available. Sensing the repentance, Tolk felt the muscles in the child's tense, tight tail loosen. Almost as if he was accepting the next punishment without any more of his smart mouth. Surprising, and the gesture made his penis jump as it pumped twice in succession. He would have growled at his arousal, if it could hear him. It was so pleasureful, but intrusive in the fact he was enjoying it. Stroking his fingers across the boy's supple little bottom and tailbase, fingertips traveling over curves and into the valley of his backside, he did it idly while staring down at Aison. The touches must have been a bit embarrassing to the cub, as the smaller Sergal clenched his bottom and let out an odd sort of whine through a sniffle. The clench of his legs and lowering the base of his tail a bit, caught Tolk's fingers like a tiny vice, and held them in the heat of his spanked crevices. Deeply erotic for the older Sergal, even if it was hard to admit, opening his muzzle slightly in awe some the feeling of his fingers being tucked so neatly under Aison's tail. Taking a quick breath and in taking it sharply, Tolk gave the boy a bit more something to be embarrassed about, though intentionally. The thought itself made his penis leak pre copiously, as having his fingers tucked where they were fired up his hormones despite a lump in his chest. Using a long, slightly rough with wear ebony claw, his index finger stroked the tip of it against the swatted boy-pucker and pressed, feeling the ring of adolescent muscle part. Aison whined pathetically, shifting his legs a bit briskly until Tolk responded by jerking his finger inwards more quickly, rubbing the rough bits of the claw past the already gently swollen flesh. It clearly made the straight boy uncomfortable, and though Tolk was losing his words, he had to say something; claw still inside the child. "It does not feel good to lose a bit of your dignity as well, does it?", Tolk adds, to make a point, pressing harder as he spoke till his fingertip was again touching flesh, and the tailhole's squeeze was firm around his sizable claw. Aison's breathing against his lap was awkward, and his crying sounded the same, as he got the child to shake his head slightly; paws still covering his eyes. It was a good thing to see, but Tolk had other things deeply affecting his mind, now that his balls were boiling beneath his fur. He hadn't even noticed a strand of pre had ran down his penis, and had stuck between his cocktip and Aison's fur. The heat of Aison's insides flowed through his claw, and the hold that little ring had was strong. Made him imagine a young boy's under-tail wrapped around his shaft, clenching it and massaging it as he thrust. The sort of warm glove the passage would make, as it so tightly formed around him. Shivering slightly, the movement caused Aison to squeel every so quietly. Toying with his rear and tailhole was enough to firm up the boy's own sheath, even if he could not notice himself, as Tolk could with experience and awareness. Even if Aison was unaware and just too young to feel it completely, Tolk felt it. That once fleshy spot against his leg didn't give so softly as it did before. A hot little pointed tip pressing against his leg a moment later, made Tolk want to orgasm on the spot, as such an immature orgasm was pressed through fur and against his skin. His legs shifted only slightly, trying to remain on the task at hand, despite his wandering and playing with Aison's rear spur of the moment. Taking his claw out of the boy's tailhole, he did with a quick exiting motion; one that made Aison's back arch, and the sharp discomfort eliciting a slow, quiet growl. Easing down only slowly, his sobbing resumed, though it had calmed during the break from his spanking. Giving a couple of wet, feral-like licks to his claw and finger, Tolk took one last fleeting moment to savor his senses and feelings, giving in to them before he would be forced to go on. His penis was throbbing, pumping with each movement his heart created as it beat quickly from his own biological excitement. Pre coated his shaft, as well as Aison's side. Eyes taking focus again, looking at his claw, Tolk was ready to go on with nothing more than a quick breath to clear his mind. "As I told you, hold still. I'm going to make your right leg hurt like mine, so you understand how you made me feel.", Tolk informed, voice already back to it's authoritative voice, as normal as he was making the punishment despite his urges and toying. In the end, his arousal he could take care of on his own, and he just wanted to punish and shame the boy. It was working well, as the welts on Aison's rear and legs had time to mature, and reach the hue of redness they would remain until healed. "Yes sir", Aison needed a moment to choke out between other sounds, saying it quickly in acknowledgement. He did not want to make things worse for himself at this point, as he knew he had been. In such pain and predicament, he did not have a lot of time to think yet, and mull over Tolk's words. It was beginning to hurt, thinking he had really done something wrong. Though, as it wasn't time for it yet, Tolk wasn't about to let Aison's mind wander away from the ache and discipline as he huddled in the darkness made by his arms and paws he was hiding behind. Reaching to his side, Tolk wrapped his fingers around the thick end of his long, self-made walking stick. It was thick, but the ground end was thinner. Not whippy like a switch, but if used to spank, it would hurt very badly, and bruise. Tightening his hold on the scruff of Aison's neck, he worked the stick in his paw, trying to find the right place to hold it - just past the thick, gnarled end that he would normally hold, where the long portion of the cane began. Boy's curly blue fur between one set of his fingers, and cold wood against his others, the older Sergal only had to lift his wrist a bit to get enough height needed to apply it to Aison's right thigh. Thank you for accepting this. That's more grown up then you had been all day. A jerk in his arm and a swift twist of his wrist - Tolk swung the makeshift cane and made solid contact. The walking stick being more broad, it did not made much more sound aside from a dull, deep thwack when it made such forceful contact. The real noise came from Aison's maw, whom screamed sharply and in length, exhaustedly running out of air and rolling it down to a wheezing growl, maw pointed forward and arms tucking in close to himself. His left paw even grasped the fur of Tolk's leg like a baby, instead of the ground he had been, as if he needed more support than he himself could provide. It all told Tolk just how much a brief beating to his thigh with his walking stick would hurt, from his strength and the wooden rod's own weight. Aison was squirming to raise is head, sobbing desperately at such a high pitch as the throb settled in; a clearly bruising blow. Tolk didn't think Aison would be able to not grasp at his leg, and he was correct. His right paw bolted back and grabbed his leg, and for the moment, the older Sergal would allow it. Just not the other swats, now that the child knew what he was in for, having that stick whack it's punishment down to the bone. Turning his head and trying to look back, Aison's tearful, reddened, and sullen eyes wanted to know if it was in for more hurt, now that his paw was wrapped around the back of his thigh. He could see the red Sergal cock against his side, which made him turn away a bit. Aison did know it was there, but the pre in his fur made it more of a sensitive subject. テ「竄ャヒ廢www, boy stuff...', was a straight child's reaction to it, and Aison was not excluded even if he was wise enough to not prod his elder about his own biology. "You're fine child. Cross your arms and tuck them against my leg, and place your chin on top, this time.", Tolk assisted mercifully, trying to place his mind on that, and his words, rather than Aison staring at his raging erection. It's soft throb felt easily through Aison's fur, the thick, meaty piece of masculinity had been noticed by the boy since his first spanking stopped. It served to make the prodding and teasing at the base of his tail that much more intrusive. Not liking boys, being stripped of what little choice he had did indeed convey Tolk's message of how it felt to be robbed of your dignity. Such wilderness dwelling Sergals wore no clothes, and it was comfortably normal. Their modesty and pride instead came from what they did with those forms, and the fact they had the ability to make choices. Doing just as directed, Aison accepted the mercy and followed his elder's directives, folding his arms together and tucking them tightly enough against Tolk's thigh that they fit in the curve of his leg as it curved back under himself. Lastly, laying his head back down, jaw and lip quivering, it didn't appear as if the child was hiding his fear and lament any longer. Again tightening his grip on Aison's blue mane on his neck, Tolk raised the stick while Aison's long Sergal toes dug into the ground to steady himself. Pelvis getting the periodic twinge due to his fiery arousal, it was getting worse, even though Tolk never touched himself or stopped his swing. Swat number two made it's dull, labored thwack lower than the last - landing above the boy's knee, and a bit off to the side. Tolk's ears flicked, filled with the cries of his charge, yelping and growling in pain now that he had to fight his instinct to cover and protect his leg from the bruising blows. Right away the spot ached deeply, throbbing and spreading the pain to flow down his leg as his muscles tightened harder than what was easy for them. The most he could do was flex his leg, bending it at it's joints and locking his toes. Succumbing to pain, Tolk felt Aison's tiny half-erection ease back into his sheath. His own penis was growing tired of the tickling, teasing sort of strokes of the boy's thin side and silky fur, wanting to fulfill that dirty fantasy of taking advantage of a young lad similar to Aison. It shamed him almost to his own disgust, raising his paw and the stick again even though his cock demanded release, and felt as if it would find it on it's own if his eyes continued to look at, and feel, such a small boy Sergal. Taking a breath through his maw, pumping his cock once hard when his arm muscles tensed and swung, the aim was higher than before. Sounding aloud with an underlying sharp slap beneath the low sound of muscle being beaten, the makeshift cane struck against the base of Aison's thigh and rear, bruising a very sensitive and utilized spot. Pain getting to be too much, the boy screamed and sobbed both at once, raising his head but clutching one trembling arm to another. His leg kicked up and down three times, with his long toes beating against the rocky ground, feeling Tolk hold him down tighter as he squirmed a bit more wildly from the pain. It... it-hu-h... hurt! So badly! It was hurting to move his leg, and it was growing stiff. This is what Tolk delt with every day? Damn it, what had he done?! Before being able to even try giving an honest apology, his right thigh was graced with yet another heavy spank, whacking into his leg dead center, and yet again, off to the side of his leg just as hard. Two at once was explosively painful, with the ache firing into his hip, as Tolk targeted Aison's weight bearing muscles and whapped as deep as the wooden rod could go. It hurt so badly, the boy didn't even scream at first - lower jaw shaking and his leg motionless. Only after a few second's recovery, was Aison fully reduced to a nest-born Sergal. His arms separated and spread out the pebbles and rocks in front of him, taking some sharp teary breaths before coughing and beginning to bawl. His maw hit the ground once more, turning and covering his head with his arms and paws as best he could, trembling with his right knee bent all the way, and his footpaw in the air, screaming and crying muffled as he was. Quietly, Tolk placed his walking stick down at his side, watching to gauge his work. He knew he himself would not tolerate a lengthy beating, and would not subject the child he protects to anything more than what he already gave. Aison's heaving chest was hot against Tolk's leg, speaking to the stress of Aison's tears and the sheer ache he was under. His sheath soft again, and his body unable to hold still. With his right paw again free, Tolk was compelled to nurse his erection. Still full of shame and self-pity, it was difficult to humor the idea in front of Aison, but the child wasn't looking, and likely could not just yet. It would be alright just to touch, right? It's throb was getting uncomfortable, and was clouding his mind. Maybe not masturbate himself, but just... yeah. Placing his right paw atop his cock, his thumb cradled the top of his tip, and his fingers the sensitive bottom-side. Fur warm and stimulating, while his thumb worked circles like a light caress. Such a simple motion, but as aroused as his body had become, the intensity of the pleasure folded back Tolk's tall ears. The pumps and twitches of his penis and surrounding muscle were strong and lacking control, with a welling feeling arising in his groin. It was too much to resist, in order for his paw to stop. Sliding his paw down out of the way, he used the cradle of his thumb to jerk his shaft briskly, trying not to move too much and alert Aison of his accident of sorts, as the older Sergal grunted in a higher pitch and orgasmed. The pointed tip of his shaft spurted long, thick, milky white strands up onto his belly and groin fur, with two loose drops getting forward enough to land on Aison himself. Penis making long, arduous pumps, the last of his seed leaked out in quantity, running down Tolk's thumb and into his paw, coating his shaft and making a mess of himself. His left paw could not hold Aison's head down, and let go of the boy's neck, breathing labored as his head lowered and he could finally relax - liberated from his woeful urges. Looking down at the cum coating his paw, he felt both invigorated, and ashamed. Smelling the scent of his own fluids, it did however give an idea of what to use it for. No longer covering his head, Aison's paws were now against the ground, as the child cried limply from a slightly open maw. Tolk had something for that smart mouth of his that seemed strangely appropriate, since the boy wouldn't like it. Picking up some of the thicker bits of cum off his right paw with the fingers of his left paw, getting all he could, he reached down and slipped it in the unsuspecting cub's maw. Rubbing it against his tongue, like a parent applying a dab of soap, he withdrew his fingers without the male fluids they entered with. Poor Aison gagged at the taste and surprise, spitting half of it out to have the thick fluid stick to his chin, and the sides of his muzzle towards the ends. "Don't spit. I guess you know what that is already.", Tolk said plainly, scooping a bit of cum out of his fur with his fingers again while Aison's lips smacked, trying to get the cum out of his maw. "I don't like bo-...!", Aison began to cry, before being promptly interrupted. "It's not about what you like, it's about taking the punishment being given and doing as told! You don't like it, it embarrasses you, and you'll eat it just for that reason. Swallow your pride with it, child.", Tolk again scowled down, using his words sharply as he reached down to give Aison another dose. Head up, the boy barely opened his maw to let the two fingers in, closing around them, even if it helped to remove the cum from Tolk's fur. Withdrawing his fingers and it's salty, musky payload, Aison's eyes changed from sullen to urk'ed, muzzle cringing as his mouth worked on the cum. Not familiar with eating much more than a private taste of his own watery ejaculate, this thick seed coated the inside of his maw. It looked like a dog trying to get peanut butter off the roof of it's mouth, with Tolk able to see the child's tongue coated in the warm white fluids, making cum strands between his teeth and the roof of his mouth as he worked it towards his throat, and swallowed. The process repeated again and again, Tolk seeking to clean himself by feeding the boy this undesired medicine. Globs of cum went in Aison's maw, and none came out. Gagging and stiffening his maw, able to smell the cum in his maw as he was trying to quickly swallow, it was difficult to continue against his will. Aside from his urk's and tongue smacking, trying to clean his mouth of the sticky, masculine strands, all had finally gone quiet aside from Aison's tears. "Bitter...", Aison spoke softly through a strained voice, due to the flavor in his maw from Tolk's personal musk. Gulping awkwardly, the young Sergal burped softly, having swallowed too much air in forcing Tolk's cum into his tummy. "I will assume that's less than a compliment.", Tolk replied with a lack of outward emotion in his voice, though he was forced to grin above the boy as he slipped what looked to be the last muzzle-full of Sergal seed into the boy's awaiting mouth. Some got stuck to Aison's throat, which made him cough and whimper, slapping his lips and tongue desperately to void his maw of that pungent scent and taste. It took a few moments, but once his sobbing resumed and his jaw was mostly still, Tolk assumed the boy done with his task. Rubbing the side of his muzzle, Aison also was trying to work out an ache in his jaw from moving it so quickly in his desperation. Having his head picked up again by the scruff of his neck, the little Sergal again squealed. Looking into the tired, teary eyes of the boy, Tolk still had his stern look, especially now that he was not being distracted. His cock rested semi-hard against Aison's side, slowly receding as the cum that was upon it dried on Tolk's sheath and the fur on Aison's side. Aison remained quiet, sobbing and soaking his cheek-fur with a frown as he looked back at his guardian. "I believe you need to be given some time to reflect on what you did.", which came out like a vague threat of another impending punishment from Tolk's maw. It wasn't vague to Aison. His eyes closed, and his head lowered again, as his crying turned back to it's sad, yet quiet, high pitch. * * * Cold, dark, and alone. Abandonment was Aison's biggest fear, having been orphaned. It was one of the harshest punishments Tolk used, though only when the situation called for a long "time out". Aison hated it. The day had passed to night. Pain and turned to ache. Fear had turned to thought. Repentance. After his spanking, Tolk did as he normally would when employing this sort of time out. He took little Aison to a tree, where he had the boy kneel down on his knees, and wrap his arms around the tree. Just big enough for him to get his paws together on the other side, the older Sergal would bind the child's wrists with vine. Stuck kneeling, arms around the tree, Tolk would leave. Aison cried out to him, to please not leave him, but the older Sergal only kept his curly dark mane to the boy, and never again gave him the comfort of seeing his guardian's eyes. Suddenly being tough wasn't such a fun idea, and he wanted to be someone's little boy. Aside from his own tearful whimpers, an uncomfortable silence befell his punishment tree and it's surroundings. Several hours had now passed, and it was getting into the thick of night. Aison's fear prevented him from getting entirely comfortable, though he knew Tolk was only steps away behind him with a fire going, he assumed. The air coming down the mountain was chilled, and Aison's thinner fur and lack of movement was making him shiver. It was so cold, and his knees hurt intensely, having supported his weight against a hard tree root for so many hours. Squirming to try and get comfortable, or out of frustration of the punishment, had rubbed his wrists raw against the tree bark. A pain he himself caused, as the scratched and cut skin stung; bleeding lightly against the tree, and making a mess of the fur on his wrists. Now he tried to keep them still, so the tree bark would not hurt him any worse, and make him cry again as it did earlier in the day when dirt got in the cuts and burned at them. Similarly, the bark hurt his arms, and chest, leaving reddened spots and blotches beneath his fur. It itched and stung, increasing the potency of being left here to suffer in his sullen lonesome. Now, as he knelt there in silence with his forehead against the tree, his eyes were watery. He had so long to stew his fatherly figure's words and what he himself had done to upset him so badly. Poor Aison felt honestly sorry, just as Tolk promised. Even though he did not have to walk far to his punishment tree Tolk chose, it made him fuss like a child, limping and whining. Even now it hurt worse than his other leg, stiffening up quicker and hurting at the slightest thing. His thigh had to be swollen and bruised, and if Tolk was more cruel, he could have made him carry something heavy and walk on it; whapping his leg once in a while to keep the bruising as fresh as possible. Aison knew Tolk didn't get to kneel beside trees and nurse his leg... he walked, day in, and day out. Got firewood, food, water, taught him things... Aison sniffled, and sobbed again, leaning towards his shoulders one at a time to try and wipe his eyes. It made him choke up. He was cruel to make light of Tolk's injury, and hurt it as he did. Tolk felt like what his own leg did now, all the time, and what Aison did himself made it worse. Aison did not want to feel what was worse than his battered and bruised thigh. If anything, the message got right across. All the embarrassment and spanking ended up showing him just how disrespectful and unloving he had been. Least he could do was appreciate what Tolk gave him, when the elder Sergal could have ate him when he was nest-born as well. Only having one person to look up to, the child felt like dirt for betraying him by rubbing his leg injury in his face. He had no business hurting it. No honor. Aison growled tearily, thumping his forehead twice against the tree. Ow... damn thing is sharp. Now he lost an entire day of play, and company. A day of food and water. Shivering against a tree, trying not to cut up his wrists any worse and dig the vine any further into his skin, he was in a miserable sort of pain. Most children don't like ten minutes of standing in the corner, yet his aching knees had endured so many hours. He was scared Tolk wouldn't even come back for him that night. With mere minutes being eternities to a young lad, it was hard not to cry after so long. Gave him a lot of time to blame himself and beat himself up for it. A wind blew, dropping the temperature again, and chilling Aison to the bone, whom whimpered pathetically. His fur could insulate only so much at his age, and the icy bite against his bare sides and armpits were horribly uncomfortable. Toes and fingers hurt from it, and it made him need to go to the bathroom, but it would not be good practice to make a mess of the place you were trapped against. As the wind's howl slowed, he sniffled, shifting the cold moisture on his freezing muzzle. "Aison?", the boy heard behind himself, over his left shoulder, which startled his eyes open, but lifted his ears slowly in subdued joy from being so tired and forlorn. The older Sergal asked for him by name, with the kind tone the boy was so much more familiar with. It was stiff, but Tolk was Aison's stiff old man. Turning his head from the tree, Aison tried to look behind himself - light cold wind chilling the tears in his eyes as it caught them. He choked at first, wanting to speak. "Sorry I... I'm sorry I was so mean to you.", Aison apologized slowly; voice breaking here and there as his lower jaw quivered. He didn't mean to increase his teariness, but it came out naturally. His sorrow was heartfelt, despite the mischievous brat inside of him. Aison was still a good kid. Tolk's smile was light, and he was not about to subject Aison to any more lectures. Leaving him here in his time out of sorts all day had to have been lesson learned, for his ears to be graced with an apology. He could feel love behind it. It was what he appreciated from the boy - just some respect and care right back. "Would you like to come back to the fire and rest?", Tolk asked him, kneeling down carefully and slowly, being careful not to bend his bad leg the wrong way and make it so he couldn't get back up. Aison nodded his head enthusiastically, as a young boy would when offered such a thing, as the older Sergal finished easing himself down at Aison's side. With a few motions of his paws, and a slit from one of his claws to make it easier, the vine that bound so tightly Aison's wrists fell to the ground. The child huddled them to his chest, leaning forward to nurse them, because of his wrists and frozen fingers. Helping his elder back to his feet - small tasks he often needed to help with, it was a give and take relationship for sure. They needed each other. One needed a parent, and one a companion. Leading young Aison back to the camp he made during the day, walking towards the energetic orange glow in the darkness of the cold night, Tolk was more comfortable thinking of the fun he had with the boy. He could get upset, and angry, but like any good parent, he was eager to forgive when all punishments were all said and done. Tolk could at least pat himself on the back for that. Learning how to do his duty was a day to day thing, but he was getting there. Once at the fire, Aison flopped down close to it and huddled up at Tolk's footpaws while his elder sat on a log; walking stick propped up beside him. He curled his tail around himself and laid it over Aison, to help him get warm. The younger Sergal closed his eyes, holding onto it. The fire crackled in comfortable silence. Forgive and forget - love and learn.

The Letters of Alisa: 'F'

---WARNING!!!--- This story contains scenes of spanking and extreme forms of discipline applied to a female cub. It is not for those seeking a light, simply sexual story, as it is intended for cub discipline fetishists and those seeking a young...

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Kayla: Pain of Innocence

Kayla: Pain of Innocence In the 28th century, the technology of rejuvenation allows for immortality. This device is also used for sentencing as well. A penitatas; a criminal that is sent back to childhood to live a highly strict and disciplined life...

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Kayla: Injustice

Kayla: Injustice In the 28th century, the technology of rejuvenation allows for immortality. This device is also used for sentencing as well. A penitatas; a criminal that is sent back to childhood to live a highly strict and disciplined life to start...

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