The Jackal Awakens

Story by BlakeTheDrake on SoFurry

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#1 of Empire of the Ancient Sands

When a group of wannabe graverobbers led by a mysterious woman break open a long-sealed tomb deep in a remote valley in Egypt, they hope to find gold, gems and invaluable archaeological treasures. Instead, they awaken something that has slept beneath the sands for over 2000 years... and find themselves at the mercy of his appetites. Only two beings will walk back out of that tomb - neither quite human.

Still, it is only a taste of things to come. Many ancient things slumber beneath the sands, and there are those who seek their awakening...

Thanks to runningthroughgrass for proofreading as always.

Empire of the Ancient Sands

Part 1 - The Jackal Awakens

In a remote valley, deep in the deserts of Egypt, a motley crew piled out of the beat-up old Jeep and dusty army-truck they were riding. Most of them looked like rough types, men and women alike - because they were. In fact, they were hardened criminals who had tried their hands at drug-running, gun-smuggling, people-smuggling, blackmail, kidnapping, and whatever else came their way. Today, they were trying something new - tomb-robbing. And the only member of the group who DIDN'T look like someone most civilized people would be afraid to meet in a dark alley was the one who had provided them with the opportunity.

She'd introduced herself to them as 'Iset', and while none of the career criminals had the educational background to recognize that as the name of a noted Pharaoh's mother, they WERE canny enough to recognize it as a pseudonym. They didn't much care about her name, though. The fact that she'd offered to lead them to a previously-undiscovered royal tomb - containing millions worth in gold, jewelry, and historic artifacts - was all that mattered. "The ancient Pharaohs were well aware of the threat of tomb-robbers..." she'd explained. "So they tried various things to deter them. Curses, traps, things like that. The really clever ones, however, sought obscurity, and chose to be buried in well-concealed tombs far from the Valley oftheKings. I've got a map showing one such tomb... but I need strong arms for protection, digging, and knocking down walls. There'll be plenty of riches to go around. What do you say - up for a good old-fashioned round of treasure-hunting?"

They'd been up for it, all right. Not that they were planning to give HER any share of the take. Trafficking in archaeological artifacts was the kind of thing that drew adverse government attention, and while they'd already lined up some overseas buyers - both private collectors and museums who didn't mind dealing with shady individuals - they couldn't be sure that SHE wouldn't do something monumentally stupid that would bring down the heat on them all, like wearing a long-dead Pharaoh's jewelry to a party or something. Well, the fact that most of the criminals were men, and 'Iset' was an extraordinarily beautiful woman had probably been a factor in their decision, too.

She had the look of a 'lady scientist', with large, round-framed glasses, and jet-black hair tied up in a bun. Her face was attractive enough to live up to her assumed name - the kind of old-school Egyptian beauty who could've easily found her way into a Pharaoh's good graces if she'd been born a few thousand years earlier. Her body indicated that she either lived a very active lifestyle, or just spent a lot of time in the gym - what little fat remained on her athletic frame was in all the right places, striking a perfect balance between 'muscular' and 'curvy'. Several of the group's male members could barely keep their salivation under control when she walked by, already dreaming of the things they'd do to her once she'd led them to the treasure, before inevitably killing her. The handful of women who were part of the crew just rolled their eyes, used to their male peer's predilections. Not that that stopped them from arguing amongst themselves about who would claim her expensive, upscale clothes, makeup and jewelry.

Iset, meanwhile, seemed entirely oblivious to their plans, blithely ordering them all around as they searched for the hidden tomb. Several of them had already managed to sneak peeks at her map, only to discover that it was a tad more complicated than some landmarks and a big, red X. Instead, it seemed to be a photograph of a hieroglyphic inscription on some ancient, sandstone wall. None of them could read it, but it apparently provided little challenge to her, and within days of arriving in the area, they found what they were looking for. Ancient ruins, dating back millenia, concealed beneath the shifting sands. A temple built into the mountainside. Seized by gold-fever, the criminals dug greedily, clearing out the sand and holding back the wind that would carry fresh supplies inside with strung-up tent-cloth, ironically weighted down by sandbags.

There was little left of the structure - crumbled columns, walls sanded down over the centuries, destroying whatever hieroglyphs they might once have contained. There was barely a trace left of the roof beyond the section of the temple that had been carved into the mountain itself. However, back there - in the man-made cave, now clear of sand for the first time in countless decades - a solid slab of granite stood out. A door, perhaps, but one never designed to be opened. As soon as Iset had confirmed that it was, indeed, the entrance to the tomb, however, the tomb-robbers swiftly ignored the intent of the original builders and 'opened' the door... with several sticks of dynamite.

Behind it, a steep, dark tunnel descended deeper into the mountain, and while several members of the group suggested that they carry torches inside 'for the ambiance', cooler heads prevailed, and the expedition descended armed with several powerful flashlights. Their spirits were high, raised by the thought of uncountable wealth, but as the descent continued for long enough to turn the tomb-entrance behind them into little more than a remote star in the blackness, they began to sink again. Several argued that someone should've stayed back up there, with the cars and radios, just in case - but nobody wanted to miss seeing the opening of the ancient tomb, the wealth of the pharaohs laid before them. And so, they all stayed, crowding close behind Isep, who seemed entirely unaffected by the oppressive atmosphere - or the thought of the millions of tons of rock above them, held there by engineering several thousand years old.

After a while, the tunnel ended in a fresh slab of stone - obsidian, this time. It was covered in hieroglyphs, much like the first had probably been before the sand wore it down. Isep, however, had warned them that a secondary seal would likely be there, and the robbers had brought additional dynamite to clear it out of the way. While they readied it, she studied the inscriptions, and the bandits' leader looked curiously over her shoulder. "What does it say?" he asked. She shrugged, grinning back at him. "Oh, you know. Terrible threats about what will happen if we disturb this tomb. 'Cursed be those who disturb the rest of a Pharaoh. Those who break the seal of this tomb shall be met with death, their families damned for seven generations.' Stuff like that, designed to scare away the superstitious and cowardly."

Needless to say, this did not help morale, but no-one was liable to let it show, and admit to being superstitious and/or cowardly. Dynamite charges were set along the bottom of the slab - on Isep's advice - and as they detonated, the large chunk of obsidian crashed down through the floor. It took generous chunks of the floor itself with it, causing the passage to crumble several yards back - but the robbers had been prepared for this, and detonated the charge from a safe distance. As the dust settled, their flashlights showed that, as Isep had theorized - the passage 'doubled back' shortly after the big obsidian slab. The explosion had caused it to tumble down onto the lower part of the passage, and as they quickly pounded spikes into the rock at the edge of the gap and attached a sturdy rope-ladder to them, the way forwards - or rather, downwards - was opened to them.

The second part of the passage, like the first, angled sharply downwards, and there were no side-passages. They were, by then, rather deep beneath the ground, and the air was getting progressively mustier. The constant downwards slope had left most of them with increasingly sore feet, and combined with the oppressive atmosphere, the pain wore down their sense of adventure, leaving them with an unpleasant feeling that they shouldn't be there. Nonetheless, they continued, deeper and further, until finally the long passage opened up into a large, high-roofed chamber. Eagerly, the bandits piled through the doorway, beams of light swinging wildly through the darkness as they searched for the telltale glimmer of gold.

They found nothing but stone, however. The chamber was large, but mostly empty. Five obelisks, covered in hieroglyphics, stood at the corners of a raised, pentacular dais no more than a foot tall that took up most of the floor-space. At both sides of the room, more large, obsidian slabs could be seen, apparently covering additional passages. Each of them had only a single, large mark on it, however - a dog-like creature lying on top of a square stand. But the most eye-catching thing in the room by far stood at the center of the five-sided dais - a carved stone statue of a man with a canine head, sitting on a throne. The figure was wearing full pharaonic regalia, and a large ankh hung on his chest. Even the bandits, long on muscle and short on higher education, recognized him - Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead, worshiped by their remote ancestors.

Steering clear of the statue by instinct, the bandits fanned out to check on the side-doors. Two large slabs stood out on either side of the room, suggesting four more passages. Knocking on them indicated that they were thick enough that cutting through them would be difficult at best - more dynamite would be needed, and they had only brought enough to get through ONE such slab. They'd have to walk all the way back to the surface, procure more explosives, and return. As the leader of the bandits turned to complain to Isep that she hadn't mentioned THIS many barriers, he saw that she hadn't even looked at the other doors. Instead, she was standing in front of one of the obelisks - the one closest to the door they'd entered from - and had removed the necklace she always wore. A sharp *snap* resounded between the harsh stone walls of the tomb as she pulled the golden ankh from the center of the chain and, with a swift, determined motion, pushed it into an indentation on the front of the obelisk.

A deep rumble shook the tomb, and a sullen, red light suddenly spread through the hieroglyphs of the obelisk. As she quickly stepped back, the light spread out through more symbols carved along the rim of the dais, and as it reached the other obelisks, they too lit up. The bandits looked on with a mixture of amazement and growing horror, trying to step back as well, but quickly feeling the unyielding walls against their backs. The light of the five obelisks intensified, and then shot from their pointy tips like glowing lasers, focused on the central statue. A red nimbus surrounded it, and as its eyes lit up with the same angry red color, cracks began to form in the stone.

Seconds later, an explosion shook the chamber, stone fragments rocketing out from the center to smash into the walls and ceiling. Cries of surprise and pain could be heard in the aftermath as bandits stumbled bleeding to the ground, stone fragments embedded in their flesh. As the cloud of dust settled, what stood in the center of the chamber was no longer a statue, but an impossibly tall, muscular man wearing a gold-and-white loincloth in the style of ancient Egypt, and sporting the head of a black jackal. His eyes still glowed dark red, and as his canine jaws opened, his voice came out in a deep rumble, ancient words on his lips.

The language he spoke was ancient Egyptian, the same as had been used in the days of the ancient pharaohs. Only one other person in the tomb could understand and speak it - Isep - and she smiled broadly as she heard him. "I awaken, flesh freed of stone's embrace at last. I have sensed the passing of eons, but my slumber finds its end. Who have awakened me, and for what purpose? Speak, mortals!" Isep's clear voice resounded in the tomb as she replied, words in a forgotten tongue falling easily from her lips. "I awaken you, great Anubis the Embalmer, Protector of Tombs and Weigher of Hearts. I stand here as a representative of the Ancient Sands. The lands of Egypt have crumbled, falling under the sway of foreign religions, and descending into chaos, tyranny and war. We who have learned of the imprisonment of the Old Gods thus seek your resurrection, that you might lead us to new glory and prosperity."

Ancient Anubis blinked tiredly, and his muscles creaked as he pushed himself up from the stone throne he had been sitting on for thousands of years. "You ask for much, mortal, and while it is true that my slumber was not... voluntary, it has been restful. If the lands of Egypt have, indeed, forgotten me and my kin, why should I labor to aid them? What do you offer in return?" Quickly, Isep fell to her knees, placing both palms on the stone floor of the chamber. "I offer, as my ancestors did, my worship, and myself. If you find me pleasing, I shall be your High Priestess, your God-Wife, and will lead the people in such rituals as you find right."

Speculatively, he looked down upon her prone form. Then he gazed around the chamber at her retinue, frozen in fear and awe along the walls of the chamber. "And what of these other mortals? More followers, here to entreat me for my aid?" Isep's head lifted to show a vicious smile curling across her lips. "No, lord Anubis - they are tomb-robbers, brought here as a sacrifice. I suspected that your beasts would be hungry after their long imprisonment... in more than one way." Anubis' lips curled too as his eyes narrowed, showing the canine fangs that lined his mouth. "Ah. Tomb-robbers. A worthy sacrifice, indeed. Hmph..."

Taking a step back, he sat down on his throne again and grasped the great, golden ankh hanging around his neck - a larger version of the one that Isep had used to awaken him - and concentrated for a moment, the light of his eyes intensifying. "Very well. I accept your sacrifice. Prove yourself worthy of the title of God's-Wife, and perhaps I shall favor you and yours." A deep, predatory growling suddenly resounded through the ancient chamber - but not from Anubis. Rather, it seemed to resonate through the large, obsidian slabs that several of the intruders were leaning against, and as they quickly tumbled away from them - new fear breaking through their petrified awe - large cracks grew in the unyielding stone.

Isep, meanwhile, did not hesitate. Pushing herself up from the ground, she stepped forwards, around the still-glowing obelisk, and up onto the dais. As the obsidian slabs crumbled outwards, large chunks of rock tumbling to the ground, she casually pulled off her jacket, discarding it on the floor. She paused, however, when they emerged. They resembled jackals in the same way a lion resembled a housecat - significantly larger, and far, far more vicious. Oversized and wolf-like, jet-black like Anubis himself, they were his Totemic Animals, manifestations of his divine will, and just as ancient. Screams resounded in the chamber as the robbers' flight-or-fight instinct twigged to the sudden presence of large, dangerous-looking predators, coming down solidly on the 'flight' option for the most part.

It mattered little, however. The screams rapidly turned into gurgles of pain as Anubis' Jackals tore out their throats. Those that ran did not get far, the jackals tearing at their heels, severing tendons before ending their lives as they laid screaming on the ground. Some of the bandits, however, chose to fight - and most of them WERE armed. The sound of gunfire was deafeningly loud in the small, hard-walled chamber, making Isep wince and clutch at her ears - but it did not last long. Neither revolvers nor the AK-47's carried by several members of the crew had any impact, the bullets disappearing in puffs of black smoke as they struck the gigantic jackals. Metallic clangs could be heard as the weapons tumbled from limp hands.

Anubis looked at the havoc dispassionately, shaking his head. "New weapons... humanity's ingenuity when it comes to killing one another truly knows no bounds." The cries of pain had largely been silenced in seconds, replaced with disturbing, tearing sounds as the jackals began to feed, powerful jaws ripping flesh and crushing bone. However, five whimpering voices remained in one corner of the room. The women who had been part of the group had not been slain with their male partners. Three of them had tried to run, only to be knocked to the ground by one of the jackals, and dragged back to the chamber by the leg. Blood flowed from the bite-marks on their legs. The other two had tried to fight, and sported marks on their hands and arms instead, from when the seemingly-invulnerable jackals had taken their weapons away.

Their crying and whimpering seemed rather loud within the echoing confines of the tomb, and Isep - who had stripped off her blouse and tight jeans while the jackals made short work of the tomb-robbers - paused again as she glanced back at the women. Then she looked back at Anubis. "Might I address them, my Lord? Their cries are... distracting." He simply nodded, and she turned around, stepping off the dais - wearing, at this point, nothing but socks and lingerie. The jackals paused their feast briefly, looked up at her, and then returned to what they were doing. They did not even stir as she pulled a backpack from the carcass of one of the fallen bandits and dragged it over to the five women.

"You should stop crying. In case you haven't noticed, that's ANUBIS over there. Among other things, he's the Protector of Tombs, which means that he doesn't much care for wannabe grave-robbers. The less attention you draw to yourselves, the better. There's a first-aid kit in this pack, as I recall - patch up your wounds and stop the bleeding." Her voice was cold and clinical, a far cry from the cheerful obliviousness she'd previously shown them, and the women obeyed - confused and terrified by the sudden turn of events. As they began to pull gauze and disinfectant from the first-aid kit, Isep turned around, and spoke over her shoulder as she walked back to the dais and Anubis' throne. "You are already condemned. If you want to have any chance of surviving to see another sunrise, you should cooperate as enthusiastically as you can. It may not be pleasant, but otherwise you will die - and Ammut will devour your hearts."

They stared after her, large eyes filled with fear, the confidence they had once possessed as hard-bitten, combat-ready, gun-toting criminals disintegrated in a burst of violence, death, and the inexplicable appearance of an ancient god. She merely kept walking, and as she returned to the dais, she stripped off the remainder of her clothes to stand naked before Anubis. His sharp, glowing-red eyes looked her up and down, observing the lean, muscular curves of her body, noting the lack of hair under her arms and the neatly-trimmed, triangular black bush that graced her crotch, like an arrow pointing down to the slit beneath it. His nostrils vibrated slightly as he took in her scent - feminine, fertile, aroused.

He nodded. "Your appearance is pleasing to my eye. Your scent is pleasing to my nose. I trust you are a virgin?" He cheeks heated slightly, but she nodded. "I am. I have desired your embrace since childhood. No man has been allowed to touch me - I give my body to you, unspoiled." He grinned in reply, desires rising, and pulled open his loincloth. "Very well, then. I shall take possession of it." His crotch, revealed by the removal of the loincloth, was covered in jet-black hair, identical to that which covered his face. In its center was a bulging sheath, with a pair of neat, black testicles beneath - covered in tight, black skin rather than fur - and the red tip of his tool just barely peeking out of the top. She twitched slightly at the sight, and Anubis fixed her with an eager grin. "Now, show me the depth of your devotion... serve me fully and wholly."

Isep did not hesitate for an instant. She threw herself to her knees before his throne, bending over the edge of the seatas her hands caressed his loins, rubbing the sheath. Seconds later, she had buried her face in the black hairs of his groin, nose twitching at the musky scent as she began to lick his balls. He did not smell old or dusty like the rest of the tomb. Despite his lengthy imprisonment in stone, he had a vividly _living_smell - of fresh sweat and animal musk. It aroused her, made her tongue dance more swiftly as it painted a picture in saliva upon the taut, black skin of his ballsack. Anubis grunted in satisfaction above her, and as her hands continued to gently rub its sheath, his weapon began to emerge.

As the pointy, bright-red cockhead rose higher, revealing the thick shaft behind it, she moved her head upwards. Eager red lips enfolded the head, tasting the first drops of lubricating pre-cum. As her tongue caressed it, the shaft rose higher, growing thicker and harder, and her head followed it. Only when it had fully emerged, a noticeable bulge near the base showing the position of the as-yet unswollen knot, did her approach change. Being free of the constricting sheath, it was now significantly more flexible, and she eagerly took advantage of that - pulling it down to get a better angle, and then pushing her head forward, letting the still-growing shaft enter her tight, wet throat.

She managed to reach the point where her lips touched the top of his slowly-expanding knot, a thick bulge on her neck showing how deeply he had entered her throat, before lack of air made her vision begin to go dark, and she was forced to rapidly pull her head back, releasing the wet tool from her mouth with a gasp. As she took several deep breaths, trying to clear her vision, she admired the totem that stood before her. The shape was no different from any other canine, lupine, or vulpine in the world - pointy, tapered head, a red shaft that gradually widened before narrowing right before the knot, and became even thinner right after it. The dimensions, however, were something else entirely. The rest of Anubis' body was, after all, that of a human... specifically, a nearly 8-foot-tall, well-muscled man. And humans were, in general, rather well-hung when compared to their body-mass.

Thus, Anubis' mighty tool was likely larger than what any mortal canine could hope to wield. A solid 12 inches just from the tip to the knot, and the knot itself adding another three inches or so. The shaft was as thick around as her wrist, and the knot - despite not having expanded yet - was already the size of a man's fist. No wonder her throat hurt. Realizing that she wouldn't be able to deep-throat it again, now that it had expanded to its full girth, she let it flip back up to vertical and began to simply lick up and down the sides of it, taking occasional breaks to suck gently on the head. Under her oral ministrations, it somehow managed to harden even further, causing the veins to stand out visibly along the entire length.

Seeing this, she reluctantly pulled her head back, loath to give up the delicious, heady taste of Anubis' pre-cum, but knowing that she was running out of time. If she waited much longer, the knot would inflate fully, and that wouldn't do. Anubis himself had made no commands, requests, or even suggestions since she'd started - his hands rested silently on the throne's stone armrests. Apparently, he wanted to let her run the whole thing herself, to test her skills and dedication. Resolutely, she climbed up on the throne, feeling like a child as she clambered up his inhumanly large body, and with her knees resting on his upper thighs, she was just barely able to push the long shaft in between her legs. His cockhead, silk-smooth and hard as steel, brushed over her clit - send shivers through her entire body - before reaching her sopping-wet pussy and slipping easily inside.

She groaned as her labia stretched around the thick shaft, and quickly spread her legs wider, sinking down, eager to get more of it inside her. It felt very hot and unyieldingly hard, and the walls of her pussy were snug around it, letting her feel every contour of the veins that covered it. Leaning forwards, steadying herself with her hands against Anubis' muscular chest, she continued to lower her body. Her gymnastics-experience was proving its worth as her legs spread wider and wider, approaching a full split on top of his lap. Finally, she reached the point where her labia caressed the top of his bulging knot, the pointy tip of his cockhead poking against her cervix as twelve inches of hot, hard meat filled her pussy to capacity.

Normally, that would have been the end... but she had been preparing for this moment for most of her life, and the size of the task presented to her was not entirely a surprise. Groaning, she leaned forwards, resting her head against Anubis' shoulder and her breasts against his chest, so that she could free up her hands to reach down and help lift her legs the rest of the way into a full split. As her knees lost contact with his thighs, gravity took hold, and she slid further down - her labia parting reluctantly around his spit-slickened knot, while her cervix stretched around the rapidly-widening cockhead. The two-point tightness, however, was more than gravity could counter, and for a moment, she hung there - most of her body-weight suspended on her cervix and labia.

Then Anubis large, powerful hands lifted from the arm-rests of the throne, gripped her shoulders, and pushed her down - forcefully. She cried out in a mix of ecstasy and pain as the last few inches of his monumental tool were swallowed by her body in one swift, jarring motion - then her thighs rested against his, and her labia snapped shut behind the knot, locking it in place. Panting, she released her hold on her legs, putting her hands against his chest again - but she did not move or push herself upright again. Instead, she just wallowed in the sensation - his muscular chest against hers, his powerful hands on her shoulders, his thick, veiny cock fully embedded within her. His knot was rapidly swelling to its full size now - easily the size of a PAIR of fists - and the first few inches of her pussy shrieked under the strain, her labia bulging impressively outwards from the pressure. It was not liable to escape - they were effectively tied together.

Her cervix, meanwhile, was stretched further apart than ever before, and would remain that way until the knot deflated, the upper three or four inches of his cock lodged inside her womb. The sensation - combined with the finality of the tie - was intense, and she felt her whole body twitch as indecipherable neural signals coursed through it. Her repose, however, was broken within minutes, as Anubis' hands - still on her shoulders - pushed her back, allowing her to look up at his handsome, canine face. His eyes somehow seemed glazed with lust despite being little more than glowing red hollows, and the fang-filled smile on his lips seemed darkly amused. "Very impressive, mortal. You certainly seem quite... FLEXIBLE for one who claims to be pure and unspoiled. Few enough of my priestesses of the past were able to accomplish what you just did, and never on a first try." She bit her lip, mouth suddenly dry, and quickly searched for the right words to use. "I... did not lie. No man has touched me. However, I have been seeking your embrace for a... very long time. To console myself during my search, I took lovers amongst your totemic animals... and their close relatives."

Well, that too was mostly true. She had, after all, loved dogs - and canines in general - since she was quite, quite young. She'd lost her virginity to the family dog several years before her father had even permitted her to 'date', and by then, humans held no particular appeal for her. Her obsession had lasted through several canine lovers, and as she traveled for her education in archaeology, egyptology and ancient languages, she found opportunities to expand her boundaries. The defining moment came during a study-trip to Siberia, learning of the language and archaeological remnants of the Huns. She had been warned by the locals that packs of wolves occasionally hunted in the area - and during the harsh winter months, they were quite willing to attack livestock, and even humans.

Rather than inspiring fear, the thought of the majestic, untamed wolves had aroused her... perhaps due to the enforced celibacy that had come from leaving her domesticated lover at home while going on the trip. When she heard that a lone wolf - an outcast without a pack - had been sighted in a nearby forest, she secretly snuck out of camp and went looking for it. When she found it, drinking from an ice-cold stream, she provided it with an offering - large chunks of meat, stolen from the camp stores. The starving wolf hungrily devoured the meat, unconcerned by its source, while she admired him. While skinny and obviously bedraggled - the life of a lone wolf was harsh - he was still a magnificent beast, standing over thirty inches high at the shoulder, bigger even than the sturdy, muscular Boerboel she had left at home.

After he had eaten his fill, she had offered herself to him - naked and on all fours in the cold. He was wary, but she was experienced. She knew how to send the right signals, and a lone wolf did not get many opportunities to mate. When he leaped on her back, wrapping his rough-furred forelegs around her waist, it was a revelation. He was similar in many ways to the dogs she had dallied with before, but also different in some very basic, very important ways. He possessed the wild vitality of someone used to taking what he needed, surviving on his wits and strength. A true beast who had never begged for his dinner, never worn a collar or leash. His claws had not been cut, but worn by rough use - and even so, they left deep marks on her thighs and back as he roughly took her.

She returned the following night, with more meat, and found the wolf waiting for her. Again, she offered herself, and again he took her. This time, his tool - slippery with pre-cum - found its way into her asshole, but she made no protest. She was used to it - apparently, the angle of that rear hole was actually easier for canines to hit than the pussy, and her first dog had introduced her to anal sex not long after he had become her lover. More to the point, she was happy to grant this mighty predator the use of any hole he desired. He was nobody's pet, after all - she came to him as a supplicant, and if he desired to take her life instead of her ass, she would've been hard pressed to prevent him. His hot breath on her neck, and the way he occasionally nipped at her nape and shoulders as he mounted her was a constant reminder of that.

As she continued to visit the wolf nightly - encountering him every time at the same spot, their secret rendezvous at the cold, cold stream - he became more and more comfortable with her presence. Rather than simply walking away after he was finished pumping his seed into whichever hole it had suited him to use that night, he lingered. Well, when he chose her ass, he was forced to stay for a while thanks to his knot lodging solidly behind her sphincter - but her pussy had grown loose enough with repeated use that even at full size, the knot slid out easily enough. But even without biology tying them together, he stayed, and they would cuddle for some time on a thick fur carpet she brought for the purpose, his warm, soft fur rubbing against her bare skin, chasing away the cold of the Siberian night.

After days of this, he even allowed her to put her mouth on his tool, throat emitting a soft rumble as she licked the traces of their lovemaking from his shaft and knot, sucking tenderly on the sensitive cockhead. The scent there was intense - pure wolf-musk, poking ancient, primitive parts of her mind with clear warnings of a nearby predator. To her, however, that merely added to the excitement and arousal. Soon, the scent drew her further back, her tongue tracing across his taut ballsack, and then further back through the thin, coarse fur. Finally, her nose was buried in his asshole, allowing her to breathe deeply in the almost overpowering scent emerging from his anal glands - so much stronger and more intense than that of any dog. Certainly, it had never been a mystery to _her_why dogs greeted one another with a polite butt-sniff.

She, however, was far past polite - and the very next night, she took the final step, burying her tongue in his ass instead of her nose. Tasting him, worshiping him, surrendering all dignity and pride to him. He merely made a little, satisfied whine, as if in acknowledgment. On that night, and every night after, she made sure to spend at least half an hour kissing, licking, tonguing and cleaning his asshole, smelling and tasting the thickest, most concentrated essence of his musk, the very essence of his self. For all the years she had spent loving dogs, she had never been so obsessed, so eager to do anything and everything to please him.

Very likely, she would never have worked up the will to leave - in fact, she was already working on an excuse to stay, to 'study' the local lore further. However, her blissful life with the great, wild wolf came to an all-too-early end before the study-trip reached its conclusion. One night, the wolf did not show at the stream, though she waited there for hours. The next day, she heard a hunter bragging about the wolf-skin he had just claimed - from a lone wolf he had caught 'attacking' a local woman in broad daylight. She was devastated, barely managing to conceal her grief from the rest of the study-group, covering it up as a sudden onset of home-sickness. And they bought it, just like they'd bought her claims about the many scars on her thighs and back - which she wore proudly, as proof of the wolf's passion - were the result of tumbles and accidents during their various trips through the nearby mountains, forests and canyons.

Once she returned home, she sought to drown her sorrows in the loins of her long-time, canine lover... but while he certainly still satisfied her, it simply wasn't the same. He was her pet as much as her lover, well-trained by now and eager to please. He eagerly licked her pussy and ass whenever she gave him the chance, and would mount her on command, staying on top of her for as long as she wanted him to. If she held him in place, he was happy to ride her to three, even four orgasms in a single tie, filling her pussy or ass with hot jizz. But compared to the dangerous, lava-hot passion of the wolf, accepting her as a sacrifice, taking what he wanted, it all seemed so... lukewarm. The big dog was little more than a living, breathing sex-doll, with no desires or wishes beyond pleasing her.

And so, she sought... alternatives. Egypt had no wolves, but it DID have a close cousin of theirs - the Golden Jackal, which resembled them closely in many ways, and while smaller, was no less wild. It took some time, and some careful study of the local ecology (easily disguised as cross-disciplinary studies for her egyptological interests), but she eventually managed to track down a lone male, out in the desert's isolation. An offering of fresh meat lured him, and her knowledge of canine courtship rituals and mating behavior did the rest. He was smaller than the wolf, in every way, and lacked the ferocious, barely-restrained, predatory power... but he was still a wild beast and rode her as such, leaving fresh marks on top of the mostly-healed scars from her northern adventures.

She never saw that jackal again, or developed such a close, personal relationship to any jackal as she had to the wolf. But she quickly learned enough about the jackals to track down and seduce males for casual encounters. Her greatest success came when she stumbled on a small pack - a family-group with several grown pups, which had apparently recently lost its alpha female to a hunter or an accident. Fortunately, she'd brought enough bait to go 'round, and after they had eaten their fill, she easily seduced the widower. He was obviously quite blue-balled from the loss of his female companion, and rode her ass with greater vigor than she'd seen in any other jackal. Better yet, when his half-swollen knot finally popped through her sphincter and he sauntered away, his three grown sons came sniffing... and when she remained in her submissive, ready-to-mate position, they took her up on the offer.

One by one, following their established pecking-order, they mounted her. They were young, eager, and inexperienced - almost certainly virgins, a thought that excited her more than she would have imagined - and she could easily guide them with a steady hand towards whichever hole she liked. Wanting their first time to be as good as it could get, she varied her choice - taking the first in the pussy, the second in her ass, and the third in her pussy again. That way, both holes had a chance to recover and regain some of their tightness before the next visitor. They left her panting, with both orifices tingling and dripping cum - then the father returned, presumably to reassert his dominance and demonstrate his virility, mounting her again.

She remained kneeling for a long time after he had finished, hoping that the sons would come around for a second serving as well - but the little family had apparently sated their needs, and merely snuffled around in the sand for the last remnants of the feast she had given them. Thus, she returned home once again, with fresh scars and a satisfied libido... and yet, also the dark realization that the jackals could never entirely fulfill her needs. The canine orgy she'd just been through had been one of the most extraordinary experiences in her life, but the pliability of the young jackals had undermined it, reminding her that they were, after all, primarily scavengers. They were comfortable with humans, but also knew enough to generally avoid them. The indomitable spirit of the great wolf was as alien to them as it was to her pet dogs...

And so, while she continued to cover her day-to-day needs with the help of her pet Boerboel and occasional forays into the desert to seduce another jackal or two, she kept searching for something... better. Something deeper, and greater, and more extreme. That was how she stumbled on the Order of the Ancient Sands, and their tales of animal-headed gods and great, long-forgotten beasts grown large on divine essence. Their stories drew her in, and she soon fell in love with the tales of Anubis. It was the Order that provided her with her new 'totem'... a facsimile reproduction of what she should expect the ancient god to be packing, based on ancient representations of his size, and a good deal of guesswork. Fortunately, her long history of canine experiences - starting when she was still young and pliable - had left her with a rather loose cervix, since it had often been forced open by knotting hounds. It still took a lot of hard work and practice before she was able to fully engulf the 'toy', but she was not lacking for motivation or determination, and she managed it eventually... just in time for the Order to recover the key to Anubis' long-lost prison.

She gasped, head rolling back on her neck, eyes blinking rapidly as she escaped from the grasp of memories, finding herself back on the ancient stone throne, with Anubis' cock buried deep in her belly, and his glowing-red eyes staring into hers. "So I see..." he commented dryly. "I will not blame you for seeking pleasure in the embrace of my bestial kin. You desired my embrace long before you even knew of my existence, and such desire will find release - one way or another." She swallowed, nodding submissively. She had felt the touch of a god's mind on her own... a far more intimate gesture than any mere meeting of genitals.

Not that said meeting of genitals wasn't very nice, mind. And now that Anubis had torn the truth of her tale directly from her memories, he seemed far more inclined to get directly involved. His large hands moved to grip her hips, hard enough to bruise her, and he began to bounce her up and down on his cock. There was little room to move - about an inch, between the bit of usable shaft behind the knot, and the bit of movement the knot was able to make within her. But with that much meat embedded in her - that much hard, veiny, cock, filling her clear from her labia to the depths of her womb - an inch was plenty. Soon, she was howling in repeated orgasms, with no thought of restraint. For now, her world consisted only of herself and mighty Anubis.

Outside that bubble, however, time continued to pass. Five women were shaking in a corner of the tomb, their wounds disinfected and covered in gauze. They were holding each other close, considering the life-choices that had brought them to this point. They had survived as women in a criminal gang by being tougher, nastier, and more deadly than the men around them - but none of that mattered one whit as they watched their erstwhile companions torn apart and messily devoured by pony-sized, jet-black jackals. The confidence that had once sustained them had drained out by now, replaced by supernatural terror. None of them were exactly scholars, but they had at least heard of Anubis... and the dim view he took of tomb-robbing. When Isep had told them that 'cooperating' was their only hope of survival, they had not doubted the veracity of her words, but they also hadn't known what she meant. Now, as they watched the naked archaeologist bounce on Anubis' lap, they were forming some strong suspicions in that regard.

Their suspicions were confirmed as the jackals began to lift their heads from their bloody feast, sniffing at the air, picking up the pheromones emitted by their master. Their eyes turned to the shivering women, filled with another sort of hunger. All of them recognized the look, even on the face of a beast. None of them were virgins. Some had suffered sexual abuse at the hands of fathers, uncles or older brothers. Some had survived as prostitutes before turning to violent crime. Some had used their 'feminine wiles' offensively, seducing men to rob or kill them. All of them had been hardened by their experience, developing a capacity for violence and willingness to use it, in order to ensure that THEY would never be 'used' again.

But all of them had felt those gazes before. All of them knew what it meant. And as they were now - terrified, caught in a supernatural nightmare they would never have thought possible - old habits quickly returned. As the jackals closed in around them, growling quietly and licking their lips, one of the women - a former prostitute who had once surrendered her body to an entire squadron of militiamen when it seemed the only path to survival - began to unbutton her shirt and pull off her pants. The growls stopped, and several jackals fixed their gazes on her, making encouraging little barks. The four other women, driven by herd-instinct and desperation, quickly followed suit, removing their clothes.

Even as they stood naked, however, they still clustered in the corner, unsure of how to proceed. It was another girl who took the next step. As a child, when her mother had died, her father had pressed her into service as a replacement - and once he grew bored of abusing her barely-pubescent body, he'd found other ways to entertain himself, including encouraging the large crossbreed mutt he kept as a guard-dog to mount her, and masturbating to the sight. She still remembered the feeling of the heavy, fur-covered body on her back, the drool dripping on her neck, and the hard cock smacking painfully against her groin as the large dog searched for a usable hole. These jackals were as big to her now as that dog had been to her then... and so, she took a couple of steps forwards, turned around, and got down on her hands and knees before them. Just like back then.

The nearest jackal wasted no time in taking advantage of the invitation and jumped on her back, his large, heavy body weighing her to the ground with the force of dark memories. He did not jab blindly at her crotch the way the dog had, though - instead, he homed in on the slit between her legs with unerring accuracy. Her pussy was wet - not from arousal, but from her bladder emptying itself in terror - and combined with the pre-cum dripping from the jackal's already-erect cock, there was ample lubrication as he slid into her. The oversized canine was not quite as well-hung as his master, but his girth was still enough to make her gasp and wince, particularly when the bulge that would soon swell into his knot forced its way past her labia. Indeed, he wasted no time, fully penetrating her in a single thrust, nestling his cockhead next to her cervix as his knot began to grow. This, at least, was new to her. Back then, she had been too young, and the dog had been too big - he'd never managed to get his knot into her. She'd never been 'tied', until now.

The other four women watched their friend groan on the floor with the giant jackal above her, and expression of pain mixed with surprise on her face - and just a hint of pleasure in her voice. They did not hesitate for long before joining her, getting down on all fours and presenting their exposed genitals to the large canines. Under normal circumstances, the thought of becoming sex-toys for a bunch of animals might have sickened and disgusted them, but to reach such considerations, their panicked minds would first have to parse the impossible events of the day - ancient gods, glowing runes, invulnerable monsters. It was easier to just think of the whole thing as some kind of nightmare, and go with the flow. Simply follow the path that seemed most likely to lead to survival.

Two of the women cried out in pain as the jackals mounted them, the pointy, canine cocks finding their assholes instead of their pussies. There was little lubrication - just a bit of accumulated crack-sweat and the pre-cum leaking from the assailants' tools. The friction was fierce and agonizing, but the jackals seemed not to care, and simply continued to thrust violently into the struggling women - eager to bury their knots behind their strained sphincters. As the five women writhed on the floor beneath their canine lovers, the rest of the jackals paced around them, licking their lips as they eagerly awaited their turns.

Isep cried out in yet another orgasm as she felt Anubis' scalding-hot cum flood into her womb. Her cervix, snug around his shaft, did not let a drop of it escape - and instead, her uterus expanded, ballooning with cum as it turned into a small bulge on her abdomen. Bemused by the sensation, and nearly unconscious from the mind-bending pleasure, she put a hand on the bulge and recited a memorized prayer to Anubis in the old tongue. He chuckled above her, and she looked up at his handsome, canine face with lust-glazed eyes. "If you hope to carry my child, it is in vain, mortal." He growled. "I would not dream of bestowing such an honor on anyone - not even a priestess - who had not already demonstrated her fortitude by bearing many cubs for my totemic beasts." He glanced over at the giant jackals, clustered around the five captive women, and she turned her head to follow his eyes.

"Your beasts... they can impregnate human women?" Her voice was filled with a vibrant hope and eager desire, and he chuckled again. "Certainly. For now, they are merely amusing themselves, acting on long-denied desires. But once they have calmed down, your sacrifices will become their breeding-bitches. They will bear at least one litter each... and their attitude at that point will determine whether they are given the chance to continue working as the lowest rung of priestess in my service, seeking absolution for their crimes by serving my children's needs. If they do not display suitable submission to my judgment, they will become blood-sacrifices instead." Isep grinned, remembering the covetous looks they had given her clothes and jewelry. "They are fortunate to be given that chance. You truly are merciful, great Anubis."

He shook his head ruefully. "Necessity compels me. The world has changed much, and my brethren sleep still. I will require greater numbers than ever before. These women are in a position to provide this - that is all." As they talked, Isep had remained as she was - fully impaled on his still-hard cock, locked in place by his knot, feeling his tool still quiver and pulse within her. Its mere presence, even unmoving, was enough to send little jolts of pleasure through her - just shy of outright orgasms. The pleasure made it difficult to think straight, to properly contemplate the implications of Anubis' words and draw conclusions from them. But she definitely got the feeling that he was satisfied with her services so far...

Soon, however, the knot began to shrink, gradually losing its size and hardness. Anubis waited until it was halfway collapsed, and then took a solid grip on her slim waist - his hands just about encircling it altogether - pulling her up. Her labia strained under the girth of the semi-deflated knot, but managed to stretch far enough to let it pass, and with a slimy sound it emerged. Her pussy quickly snapped shut again above it, hugging the rest of his shaft as he continued to pull her up. His cockhead vacated her womb at the same time, leaving her well-trained cervix gaping in its absence, cum quickly streaming from it to stain her inner walls. When he pulled her the rest of the way off, the thin, white jizz ran freely from her still-gaping pussy, covering his still-hard cock and staining his crotch-fur.

She moaned throatily, feeling deprived now that the divine instrument of pleasure had left her body. Fortunately, she would not be left like that for long. Anubis, still tightly gripping her waist, simply repositioned her by a couple of inches, and then pushed her downwards again. His pointy, cum-covered cockhead thus found her other orifice instead - her asshole - and the sphincter quickly gave way before him. The tone of her moan quickly turned into one of pleasure as the thick, hard rod began to push into her rectum, stirring up her bowels. The thick layer of pussy-juice and fresh cum that covered it provided excellent lubrication, and it easily slid deeper and deeper into the tight warmth of her rear hole.

The pleasurable grip of of her rectum, however, proved to have an unexpected effect. Anubis' knot, still only half-deflated from his recent climax, trembled - and began to grow again. By the time his shaft was fully embedded, the knot had reached its full size again, and bounced up against her sphincter with no hope of passing. Somewhat annoyed, Anubis leaned Isep's body back, still keeping a grip on her, in order to eyeball the situation better. The woman groaned in pleasure as she felt his cock shift inside of her, the knot pushing up against her sphincter with most of her weight resting on it. It was only 'most', however, what with her widely-spread legs still leaning against Anubis' thighs... but as she leaned back, still suspended on his cock, they naturally slid forwards, and sudden inspiration struck her.

Reaching down to grab her legs, she put the gymnastics-training that had kept her in such great shape for years to good use. Pulling her legs inwards and upwards, she draped them over Anubis stretched-out, muscular arms, bending her knees over his forearms. With her hands gripping his arms for stability, this left her body completely suspended in his grasp - and resting on his knot with her full weight and then some. Of course, it also left her deprived of any kind of leverage she could've used to slow or soften his thrusts. Anubis' annoyance vanished into an eager grin as he recognized the sacrifice, and he wasted no time in accepting it. Moving his tireless, heavily-muscled arms, he began to bounce her up and down, fucking her with long, powerful thrusts.

Free of the constraints of the knot, he wasted little of his 12-inch shaft, lifting her nearly clear every time, before hammering her bodily down on it again. Each downwards trip only ended as the knot disappeared between her fleshy buttocks, her sphincter bearing the brunt of the impact as it was forced to stretch around the upper edge of the knot. She barely noticed the pain, however - instead, she just groaned in pleasure, eagerly relinquishing all control, letting Anubis abuse her body as forcefully as he desired. Held firmly in his grip, she removed her right hand from his arm and instead reached down between her legs, where her pussy was releasing rhythmic spurts of cum as the powerful thrusts sent shockwaves through her full womb. Hooking two fingers into the slimy hole, she let her thumb rub over her fully-erect clit, vigorously masturbating while Anubis continued to pound her butthole.

No human could have fucked her with such fierceness - nor could any mundane animal, for that matter. While lithe, Isep's body was still far from weightless, and her full mass rested on Anubis' arms. Only the tireless, superhuman strength of a god could have done what he did - lifting her up so easily and smoothly, so many times in a row. A fang-filled grin split his face, showing his delight as he indulged in the pleasures of the flesh for the first time in centuries. The 'testing' of his aspiring priestess was all but forgotten - for now, lust ruled in the underground chamber. Even when he came again - shooting thick ropes of jizz into the depths of her ass - he didn't stop. He simply continued to pound her down over his shaft, shivering slightly as her tight asshole eagerly squeezed his cock.

Biology, however, took its course... and shortly afterwards, his knot once again began to soften and deflate. As it shrunk, more and more of it could manage to enter Isep's battered butthole as she was thrust down upon it... her sphincter, already loosened by the lengthy ride, stretching further than ever before. When the knot reached its 'semi-hard' state - roughly the size of a man's fist - it finally got through. With a slimy 'plop', the knot slipped inside, while Anubis' cockhead was bent sideways by the curve of her intestines in the deepest part of her ass. Her buttocks flattened against his groin, and a lusty moan rose from her lips as the pace of her pussy-fondling increased.

The next moment, she was rising again - the knot popping back out of her sphincter, carrying a new sheen of cum-based lubrication. Anubis wasn't about to stop thrusting already, oh no - he had simply added another three inches of length to his penetration of her asshole. Each intrusion now tormented her sphincter with the enormous girth of his semi-hard knot, tenderizing the muscular ring. And as its resistance waned, he increased the length of his strokes even further. Now, the peak of each rise saw his cockhead leave her ass entirely, briefly tasting the air, before plunging back into her wide-open asshole right to the root.

Isep's head rolled on her neck as her eyes rolled back. The sheer intensity of the anal assault was stunning, the level of stimulation unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. Every thrust sent shockwaves rolling through her body - starting with her pussy and womb, who eagerly interpreted the impacts as pleasure. Her left hand - which had been tightly clinging to Anubis' arm up to that point - released its grip and descended to the juicy slit between her legs, as she gave up the last illusion of having any control over the situation. Drowning in pleasure, climaxing constantly, all she could think of was to stimulate herself even further. As the fingers of her left hand dug into the cum-stained orifice, her right hand rose to her lips, seemingly on its own, and she noisily sucked the jizz from them. The taste was strong and heady, similar to the canine cum she'd tasted so many times before - but different in the same way an antique, $1000 bottle of wine was different from a box of cheap booze bought at a gas-station.

As Isep and Anubis worked themselves into a desire-driven frenzy, the jackals followed suit. Their virility was not limited by any mere, biological factors - rather, they were driven by Anubis' divine will. As long as he was busy indulging in the pleasures of the flesh, they were eager to partake as well, never tiring. The five women never had a moment's rest - again and again, they were mounted and knotted, and as soon as the tie ended, another jackal would take the place of his sated companion. Within minutes, however, the drained jackal would be ready for another round, circling back for another fuck. The pony-sized canines paced restlessly around the women, circling them as they waited for their turn.

In the end, it had mattered little whether their asses or pussies had been first to be plundered - the jackals consistently went for whichever hole the previous one HADN'T, ensuring that by this point, they'd all been thoroughly stretched open in both orifices. But at least those holes got some rest in between - unlike their by-now sore throats. The black jackals were, after all, a far cry from their dumb, animalistic cousins - they knew how to cooperate, and they also knew exactly how many ways a human woman could pleasure someone. Having been sealed alongside Anubis thousands of years ago, they still had dim memories of being enthusiastically serviced by the fanatical priestesses of their master, who knew well that the swiftest path to advancement within the temple could be found between their furry hind-legs.

And so, when one jackal mounted a woman, covering her back, another would jump up in front of them - balancing on his hind legs and steadying himself by placing his forelegs on the other jackal's shoulders. The women, bereft of rationality as they writhed in the grip of terror, pain, and reluctant pleasure, did not resist for long - they'd all sucked cock before, some more than others, and their chapped lips instinctively parted to grant the thick, bright-red jackal-cocks entrance. Tongues and lips caressed the long, hard shafts almost automatically, sucking on them until the jackals released their load of thin, strong-tasting cum down their throats. With the jackals rotating freely between women and positions, finding their way into asses as quickly as pussies, all of the cocks by now bore a certain subtle taste of fresh-fucked asshole, their own or one of their friends', but they were all too far gone to notice or care.

Anubis only stopped pounding Isep's ass when his own body conspired to force him to. The shrinking of his knot that had followed his latest orgasm lasted for a while, but eventually, his tireless testicles began to work up a fresh batch of hot cum - with predictable consequences. As his knot began to swell once more, he continued the rough treatment of her anus for a while longer, continuing to force the hardening bulge past her increasingly stretched-out sphincter... but finally, he pushed her down on it one last time, and when he tried to lift her again, her asshole merely bulged outwards dangerously, pushing her buttocks aside. With a sigh, he gave up on the 15-inch-long thrusts, and settled back to the same short, hard, rapid thrusts he'd used during their first tie. However, thanks to the increased slackening of her ass, he WAS able to pull a fair bit of the knot out of her on every lift, giving him some extra run-up by painfully stretching her sphincter before he smashed her back down.

Isep, meanwhile, merely continued fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit, occasionally lifting cum-covered fingers to her mouth to clean them with an expression of ecstasy on her face. She wasn't climaxing anymore - in a way, it felt like there was no room for it. Rather, she was hovering on a plateau of such intense sensation, combining both physical stimulation from the incredible anal assault and mental stimulation from the realization of a long-held fetish, that there was no way for her pleasure to 'peak'. But all she knew for sure was that she did not want it to end - she wanted this hot, throbbing presence to stay inside her forever. Whatever purpose her pussy and ass might have served until now paled before their new meaning - containers for the divine virility of Anubis.

Anubis looked down on her as she panted, moaned and shivered, masturbating furiously, eagerly surrendering her body to his desires without limit or restraint. Licking his lips, he made a quick decision, and with a flick of his powerful arms he threw her legs off of them, changing his grip. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he spun her around, pulling her towards himself at the same time. Her arms and legs flailed at the sudden movement, but her ass had been loosened enough by the brutal fucking he'd given it to allow for the maneuver, and she made a long, drawn-out groan of mixed pain and pleasure. Then, seated on his lap with his cock still every bit as deeply embedded in her ass as before, she fell back against his muscular chest.

He wasn't bouncing her up and down anymore, but now that she had stopped moving, her hands quickly returned to her still-wet pussy, resuming their work there. She could feel him throbbing inside her, even faster than before, indicating that his climax - the third so far - wasn't far off. But she also felt something else - the large, golden ankh that he wore on his chest, pushing against her back. The metal was cold - almost painfully so - but shying away from it would also mean giving up the direct skin-contact with his chiseled abs, something she was entirely unwilling to do.

His lap flexed underneath her, creating small, vibrating thrusts, even as his arms encircled her, and his large, strong hands reached for her breasts. As he began to knead, squeeze and pinch her shapely tits, the growing pain in her back seemed to become a minor concern. She could hear him breathing, right next to her ear, and when he spoke again, it took a moment for her pleasure-blasted mind to catch up and remind her that she did, indeed, understand his archaic speech. "You have proven yourself worthy, mortal. I hereby grant you the title of God-Wife of Anubis, and a fragment of my power with it. Wield it in my name..."

With a final flex of his hips, he came - and as his seed sprayed into her ass, she started to convulse. A dark energy was filling her, coursing through her blood, reaching every vein and pore in her body. The sensation could not be called pleasure or pain - her body was reborn, reshaped, strengthened... mere human nerves could not convey an accurate image of what was happening. It certainly distracted her from the searing, burning pain on her back, and the sudden short, sharp jabs of agony radiating out from her breasts. Her hands were beating randomly against the armrests of the throne, their masturbatory activities stopped at last - making room for Anubis' right hand to reach down between her legs and pinch her still-erect clit. The radiating starburst of pure agony that emerged from her pussy next was ALMOST strong enough to reach her overstimulated brain... but not quite.

It was only several minutes later, as the convulsions passed and her eyes opened again, that she was able to look down her body and admire the generous gifts that her lord, her master, her husband Anubis had given her. Obsidian carvings in the shape of a stylized jackal's head hung heavy from her nipples, their long ears flanking each of the sensitive little nubs on each side. Between them, unseen, a metal bar pierced her flesh. They were not simple rings or piercings - there was no way to remove them, short of destroying the carvings themselves... and having been created by divine magic, that would be all but impossible. Her clit, meanwhile, had received an even greater gift - a similar carving was attached to her skin there, covering the entire point, from just above her urethra to the edge of the clitoral hood. She could feel her clit inside it, held in place by a piercing rod, and knew that the most sensitive point of her body was now held permanently within Anubis' hand - through the carving, he could send her pleasure or pain as he desired, wherever she went, whenever he pleased. Of course, it also denied her the right to pleasure herself through masturbation anymore - making it a lasting reminder that her body belonged to Anubis now.

Leaning forwards, she craned her head in an attempt to look down her back. She couldn't quite manage it, but it didn't matter - she already knew what was there. She could feel it - or rather, not. Burned into her skin was the mark of the Ankh, the mark of eternal life... the mark of Anubis. Where the golden metal had touched, her skin had blackened and died, leaving it numb. That, she knew, was the true badge of her new authority as his High Priestess and God-Wife. The jewelry was simply that - precious gifts, given in celebration of her ascension. More importantly, she could feel his power within her, pounding in her blood, filling her with strength, vigor... and knowledge. Only now did she truly understand the magnitude of what she had asked for, and received. The duties of her office. The true extent of Anubis' power.

She also knew that he was tired - granting her ascension had required a great deal of power, and having but recently awakened from his long slumber, his strength was far from its peak. Though his shaft still throbbed lazily within her, hard as ever, she knew that the festivities were over for now - and she also knew what her next duty was. Shifting her rear wistfully, just to feel the magnificent shaft move inside her a bit more, she carefully put her feet on the seat of the throne between Anubis' legs, and her hands on the arm-rests, using the resulting leverage to lift her body off of the divine instrument of pleasure. The knot, mostly deflated already, popped out of her ass with ease, and the rest of the shaft rapidly followed, a trail of fresh cum dripping from the ravaged hole to stain the already-slimy tool further.

Quickly turning on the spot, she dropped down to her knees and bent over the immense phallus, feeling her asshole throb regretfully as it was, at last, left empty. It gaped still, and probably would for a while - the muscles there overstretched and fatigued by the unearthly beating Anubis had given it. Her nose, meanwhile, wrinkled at the ripe smell of the thick, cum-stained cock. She had no idea how long their lovemaking had lasted, having discarded her watch along with the rest of her clothes as she prepared for his embrace, but she knew that the thick shaft had spent the lion's share of the session buried deep in her ass. Now, she was used to canines finding their way up that hole, and as such, had usually maintained a high degree of personal hygiene in that department, washing her rear hole out with daily enemas to prevent staining. But she'd spent the last few days in the company of the now-dead rogues, unable to maintain her usual level of cleanliness, and it showed - at least to her nose. It wasn't as if there were any visible, brown stains... lots of red, though. The rough treatment her ass had received had probably burst any NUMBER of the tiny veins that covered the inside of her rectum - coloring the cum that now leaked from it pink, and the cock responsible for the damage likewise.

But all of that merely made her duty that much more important. Anubis was a god, and she had stained his divine cock with her bodily fluids. Hence, she was duty-bound to clean it, in the obvious way. With no further hesitation, she set to work, her tongue caressing the silk-smooth, veiny surface of the shaft and knot, scooping up dollops of sticky cum and cleaning off bloodstains and the clear, slimy residue of her ass in equal measure. Several minutes later, his cock stood clean again, bright-red and shining with saliva... but her task was still far from done. Now, she ranged further out. Cum had spilled liberally from both of her holes during the long session, staining his crotch-fur as well as his hairless chest. Her tongue danced, slicking down the short, rough hairs of his crotch, cleaning out the cum from between them. Then she reached higher, caressing his washboard abs, kissing them as she sucked the cumstains off.

Once she had finished her work, leaving the god's skin unblemished (if slightly wet), her newfound instincts told her what came next, and she rushed to obey them. Shimmying back, she slipped down from the ancient throne's seat, and took up position before it again - on her knees, but with her head lifted and turned upwards, and her hands cupped in front of her face. Anubis grumbled in approval and pushed himself to his feet, showing his full, towering height for the first time - a true giant amongst men. His loincloth remained behind on the throne, and his cock - now merely semi-hard - dangled limply between his legs until he grabbed it with one hand, steadying it. "You have been marked in the eyes of men. Now be marked in the eyes of beasts." His voice was tired, and the phrase formalized. Isep simply opened her mouth as wide as she could.

A stream of golden piss arched out from his dick, arching lazily through the air to splatter across her face. Her eyes burned with its acidity as Anubis gradually corrected his aim, and the stream splashed into her open mouth, rapidly filling it. She swallowed quickly, the stream again coating her face as she closed her mouth, and wasted no time in opening wide to receive the next mouthful. She knew that this was far from a simple bit of kinkiness - this was scent-marking, in the fashion of the beasts. Anubis was marking her as his property, his territory, and any animal would recognize his scent in some deep, primal part of their foggy minds. She would never need to fear attacks from any wild beast again - and those most closely related to her lord and master, the canines, would recognize her as his representative and obey her.

Of course, that didn't mean that she wasn't enjoying her current position in a perverted sort of way, too. Ever since her encounter with the Siberian wolf had shown her just how much perverse enjoyment she could derive from submitting to an animal, demeaning herself before him, she had thought about other ways to do so. Her original gesture of submission - licking the wolf's asshole, tasting his musk in its purest form - was an obvious one, considering canine proclivities, and while she'd never managed to win enough trust with any of the local jackals to try it on them, she HAD experimented with doing it to her pet dog. But even her well-trained pet couldn't pee on command, so though the idea of 'scent-marking' had occurred to her before, she had never tried it, and had been left licking her lips as she watched him mark lamp-posts and fire-hydrants when she walked him, unable to act on her impulses in public.

And so, while she accepted the 'mark' as a High Priestess of Anubis, she also enjoyed the process as a person, squirming in her kneeled position, aroused by the strong, acrid taste and the act of abject submission. Anubis' sharp eyes spotted the signs, of course, and with a grin, he lifted his free hand to make a quick gesture. A sudden spike of pure pleasure shot through her body, radiating out from her crotch as the eyes of the jackal-head covering her clit glowed. A gurgling moan emerged from her piss-filled throat as she climaxed hard and fast, barely managing to keep her hands and head steady. Every time she swallowed another mouthful of hot piss, another flash of pleasure coursed through her, and more orgasms soon followed the first.

The jackals, as always, followed the lead of their master. The five who were currently mounting the women, knots tied in various orifices, jumped off them - sweeping a hind-leg over their backs and turning around to stand ass-to-ass with them. The women stirred in dull surprise - they were all coated in sweat, their backs, arms and legs lined with claw-marks from their many lovers. Most of them were resting their heads on crossed arms by now, too fatigued to remain on all fours. Now, the pack gathered tight around them, a wall of black fur, and lifted their legs. Numerous streams of smelly, yellow jackal-piss showered the women, burning in their eyes and scars as they moaned in humiliation, trying to cover their heads with their hands.

Those jackals who were still tied to them got in on the action in their own way, too. With a low growl, they emptied their bladders as well - adding a healthy helping of piss to tightly-corked orifices already filled by numerous cum-loads. Feeling the hot fluids flooding their wombs and bowels, the women had little doubt as to what was happening, and as one they shuddered at the realization of how utterly demeaning the situation was. It was a level of perversion and humiliation they could never have imagined, even with their generally colorful sexual histories, and now they were stuck in the middle of it, held in the cold grip of fear even as the hot piss soaked their hair, choking their nostrils with its stench.

Anubis, meanwhile, finished emptying HIS bladder with a quick shake, and as the thick stream of piss disappeared, Isep blinked rapidly to clear her eyes of the smarting traces of the warm liquid. Looking down, she grinned. Her cupped hands had caught a fair amount of spattering and run-off, leaving a golden lake on her palms, rapidly dripping away between her fingers and down her forearms. Not wanting to let it go to waste, she quickly lifted her hands to her mouth and sucked up the bitter urine. It was a nice, big mouthful, and with no further flow incoming, she could take her time - swishing it around, really tasting it, before she swallowed.

Her lord and master, Anubis, smiled tolerantly at her as he sat back down on his throne, glancing thoughtfully over at his totemic beasts. Having emptied their balls and bladders in (and on) the five women, they had now apparently lost interest, and were spreading out to start chewing on the leftovers of the grisly feast they had made of the male tomb-robbers. The sound of splintering bones resounded in the ancient chamber. "With this, the ritual is complete, my wife. It is time for me to return to the divine realm once again, to rest and learn of how the world has changed. These women you brought to me, I will of course take along, that they may continue to serve my children... if you have any last words you wish to share with them, now would be the time."

Isep, who had already risen gracefully to her feet, nodded, and turned to regard the five bedraggled women thoughtfully. Then, she stalked over to them, and they stirred - even in their current state, they recognized the approach of a human being. "I see you all chose to cooperate. That's nice - congratulations on still being alive." She sneered at them, and the women - only now noticing that the jackals had moved away from them and seemed to be ignoring them - pulled themselves up to sitting or crouching positions. Pain was visible on their faces, more mental than physical, but Isep had little sympathy for them.

"Now, I will tell you the words of Anubis, for I am his High Priestess. He has decreed that you each will bear a litter of puppies for his children, the Black Jackals. If you show suitable obsequiousness, obedience and remorse up to that point, you will then be inducted as the lowest-tier Priestesses of Anubis, and will be able to seek redemption through continued service to his children. If you simply suffer through, passively, you will at least be allowed to die after you have delivered that first litter. So he has spoken, and so it shall be." Horror was apparent on the women's faces as the implications of her words sunk in.

One of them, however, staggered to her feet, rising up to her full height. She was shaky, and just as caked with cum, sweat and piss as the rest - but her eyes burned. She had been a whore, once, but had chosen to become a killer instead, swearing never to be beholden to a man's desires again. Spitting, she glared at Isep, sleek muscles tensing under her tanned skin. "Hell. No. I'd rather die right here and now than suffer through months of this and worse." Her eyes scanned across the floor, spotting various fallen firearms, left behind by bandits who no longer needed them. None of the jackals were close - all she had to do was dodge past Isep, and grab a gun. She only needed one bullet. The others could choose for themselves whether to follow her example.

Before she could move, however, Isep did. In the blink of an eye, she was directly in front of the female bandit, and her leg rose in a graceful arc that terminated between the other woman's thighs. Her foot hit the woman's already-sore pussy with enough force to literally lift her off her feet, sending her tumbling to the ground as her body collapsed in on itself. Her hands wrapped protectively around her pounding pussy, she rolled up in a fetal position, heaving as the pain rolled through her. Then, Isep's bare foot descended on her head, mashing it against the ground. Her voice was a sibilant hiss that seemed sharp enough to cut bone. "Have you forgotten that you stand before the Jackal-God? He who guards the entrance to the underworld? Death holds no escape for you. Should you manage to kill yourself before serving your sentence in full, you will find only eternal torment waiting on the other side. Your heart will be fed to Ammut, and your soul, your Ka, will be torn asunder, leaving you to drift as a voiceless ghost in never-ending pain."

Removing her foot, she turned her back on the woman who was now sobbing on the floor, pain and terror having robbed her of the last remnants of her courage. Instead, she crouched down next to one of the other women - a young, less battle-hardened girl, who had been the first to get down on her hands and knees in submission before the jackals. Grabbing the girl's cheeks with one hand, she held her gaze and smiled unpleasantly. "Now, if you want to live on - as servants of the great Anubis - you must focus on pleasing his children. Offer your body to them freely. Pleasure them with ass and mouth when your womb grows too large with pregnancy to let them use your pussy. Tongue-wash their assholes at least one per day, and if they offer you a chance to taste their piss, drink deep and fill your belly. They... like that. Or, y'know, just lay there like a dead fish while they mount you constantly, and let death embrace you when you have served out your sentence." She released the terrified girl's face while flicking it to the side, and rose back up to her full height.

As she turned and walked away from the women, she felt the coldness that had possessed her face as she addressed them melt away, replaced by an elated smile. The simple fact that she was gazing upon Anubis once again was the main cause for her grin, but the feeling of power rushing through her body helped too. She'd always tried to stay in good shape, practicing gymnastics and yoga for the purpose, but she'd never been a fighter - nor particularly strong. But now, with the power of Anubis surging within her, she was stronger, tougher and faster than any human could hope to be. It was an intoxicating feeling.

Anubis nodded at her as she stepped back up on the dais, his eyes looking over her shoulder at the beaten-down women behind her. "How many of them do you suspect will remain after the first litter, my wife?" She smiled up at him, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest with his last words. "At least a couple, but all will at least give you their due. I have seen to that." Anubis nodded, and let his eyes pan across the chamber. Then he pursed his lips and gave a short, sharp whistle. One of the jackals - a muscular, black bruiser who was, perhaps, one or two inches taller at the shoulder than any of his peers - lifted his head from the corpse he had been feeding on, and quickly bounded over to stand by Anubis side.

The ancient god ran a hand over the huge canine's head as he talked. "This one is the Alpha of the pack - the strongest and toughest. It seems appropriate that I give him to you, as a protector and companion." His smile broadened while Isep searched for words, eyes growing as she took in the wild appearance of the giant jackal. "You are my High Priestess now - if you summon me, I will come, and I will listen. You are also my God-Wife, so when I have need of release, I will summon YOU. In the meantime, HE will see to your needs in my absence... along with however many cousins of his you decide you need to call upon." Anubis' words woke vivid images in Isep's head. Not only would she have this semi-divine totemic beast available to see to her needs, the scent-marking her lord, her master, her husband had left on her would make it easy to recruit new lovers. Wolves, jackals, coyotes, wild dogs, dingoes - she would be able to find new pleasures wherever she went.

Lost for words, she could only bow her head deeply in gratitude. Anubis chuckled, clearly sensing what was on her mind - then he reached out a hand towards the five women crouching in the corner, and the ankh on his chest began to glow. Within a second, the glow had become a blinding flash - and when her vision cleared, he was gone, along with the women and the giant jackals. All that remained were the half-eaten corpses of the dead bandits, their scattered weapons and packs, her clothes (which still laid before the throne where she had discarded them)... and an ordinary-seeming dog wearing a black collar. He was sitting beside her, panting, looking for all the world like a random mutt with a fair share of jackal-blood in him. But when she narrowed her eyes, she could see the form of the immense, jet-black jackal superimposed on the unassuming canine's form.

Smiling she gathered up her clothes, beckoned for the dog to follow her, and began her ascent. If her world was still mundane and boring, getting back topside would be a tiresome task indeed, and getting the dog up through the broken part of the passage would be a daunting task. But she knew better. She would not tire, and the 'dog' would follow her wherever she went with ease. She was no longer entirely human, but chosen by the gods - by Anubis. The cause of the Order of the Ancient Sands had been realized for the first time, and she could hardly wait to tell her compatriots. Now that they knew it could work... there were many other gods to seek out and liberate.



**Equestria Apocalyptica** _Part 5 - Corruption_ A strange, hesitant pall had laid heavy over Equestria for some time. The disasters that had struck the world had seemingly ended, and somehow, their kingdom had been passed by - largely untouched...

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The Beastmaker's War - SEA

**The Beastmaker's War** _SEA_ The sea stretched out before her, vast, blue, and infinite. Waves were lapping against the white sand shores, the cries of the seabirds resounded across the beach, and the sting of salt was in her nose. It was...

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The Beastmaker's War - LAND

**The Beastmaker's War** _LAND_ Sayn felt a twinge of homesickness as she looked out across the gentle hills and rough grass of the Great Plains. It was, after all, her homeland. Her earliest memories were of trundling alongside the colorful...

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