Ice Dancer

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Legal Stuff: Not intended for those under the age of 18. Tabra (c) to his player. Other characters are (c) to me.

The blue dragon looks into a floor-length mirror as he adjusted the clothing he was wearing. It was a strange thing, working at a dance hall after all the adventures he had been though; but bills had to be paid and Vincent knew where he was if the fox found anything. It was nice, though since he didn't have to worry about being killed nearly as much here as he would out in the wilds. Letting out a little sighing noise, he looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing the dance house's standard style uniform. His chest was bared, since he only wore an open vest that revealed his torso. He wore a pair of loose linen pants on his lower half, belted loosely around his waist. Both the vest and pants were dyed a deep blue to match his scales, and there were lighter colored silk ribbons tied into the outfit to draw attention along his body. Linking his fingers together over his head, the dragon stretched out his back with a groan before relaxing again. Heading towards the door, he took a little breath before opening it and stepping through.

Erma stopped as soon as she stepped into the dance house from the bright outside. She was a big female, her size blocking almost all the light that tried to enter the hall from the outside world. The grizzly bear wore a set of heavy linen clothes tailored to match her bulky size. Tucked into her belt was a long knife and several pouches dangled from the thick leather strap. Stepping further into the foyer, her ears twitched as a pair of feet scratched against the wood behind her. A bull elephant and a wolf looked up from behind a counter before turning their heads back to their card game. Moving up to the counter, the other's steps followed her before the door shut, cutting off all the invading sunlight. Turning to glance behind her, the ursine looked at the goshawk male walked in behind her. "Woo, where did you learn about this place, Erma? Its kinda out of the way, isn't it?" He was wearing his normal outfit of some very light leathers dyed in darker colors. His sword was back at the inn, since most guards didn't take too kindly to people walking around with sabers. Instead, he had a main-gauche tucked into his belt, his hand resting on the hilt.

The elephant cleared his throat; "You'll have to leave that up here before you go into the hall." He used his trunk to point at the dagger before motioning at a curtain that divided the entryway from the main area. The goshawk looked upset for a moment before he caught the look ursine was giving him. With a little sigh, he handed the blade and its sheath over to the extended trunk. The large male put it behind the counter and put down his cards with a smirk before scooping up a pile of wooden chips with marks on them.

With that done, Erma let a puff of breath slip out of her lips, making her lips pop against her gums, "Well, Stephan, if you want to leave and head back to the inn, then I'll be more than happy to find some entertainment here by myself." One of her eyebrows arched as the avian just turned his head to look at some of the carvings on the wall. It was just as she had expected, he had been complaining just for the sake of hearing his own voice. Reaching out, she brushed aside a curtain and stepped into the main hall with the bird following in her wake. The two of them were traveling fighters, often mis-labeled as mercenaries since they hired out their services. They were far different from those hellish people that called themselves soldiers yet would resort to tactics befitting a bandit troupe at the drop of a hat. They had just gotten off a nice little trip where they had to escort some little brat noble. Had a couple nasty spots, but nothing that her magic and Stephan's blade couldn't handle. In the end, the pay was more than enough to warrant them having some fun and relaxing for a few weeks.

The bruin female walked over to an empty table and had a seat, the hawk seating himself next to her. Moments after they took their seats, a waitress came up and took their orders for drinks and something to nibble on. They only had a short wait until the server came back and sat down two mugs of ale and a plate of small meat-filled dumplings. Erma lifted her mug and took a sip of the drink before setting it down with a soft murr. It was dark, flavorful ale, her favorite type. Picking up a dumpling, she popped it into her mouth and chewed on it as the lights around the stage went down. The shutters on lamps hidden at the front of the stage were opened to illuminate a Starling female as she came onto the stage and began to dance. Glancing over, the bear smiled at the attention her companion was giving the other avian.

Her other hand slipped under the table and grabbed his crotch, rubbing it. Stephan cut off his moan as she rubbed his bulge by taking another drink of his ale. The bear tapped her finger against his crotch and the hawk blushed a bit under his plumage before reaching a paw down. In the dark hall and under the cover of the table, no one noticed as he undid his pants enough to fish his cock out. Erma smirked as her large hand curled around his semi-erect cock. The two of them were lovers, had been for a great many years, and she had always been the more dominate one in the relationship. Her hand squeezed his cock and released, letting the blood flow to it faster as he gripped the edge of the table. She could fell her own excitement rising as well, her pussy swelling up inside her pants as she masturbated him slowly.

Her eyes kept moving from the show on the stage to scan the room slowly. There weren't many people in the dance hall at this hour, since it was early afternoon, and all of them had their eyes glued to the stage. She smiled as her hand gathered some of the hawk's pre and used it to let her hand slip up and down his cock faster. Within a few minutes, the Starling left the stage and the lights dimmed down again. Erma's hand transferred its attentions from the tapered avian cock down to his feathered sac, playing with them. Something about teasing the avian made her so hot, and if they couldn't find someone that attracted her eye, then she'd have to make Stephan wait till they got to the inn before she let him cum.

She watched, bored, as different dancers came onto the stage. Each one began a different style of very provocative dance, some keeping theirs clothes on and others taking it off, but none of them caught her attention. It wasn't until several dancers later that a blue dragon came onto the stage. Shifting to put an elbow on the table, she watched as he began to move around. The dragon was holding a carved wooden sword and seemed to be going through some type of kata or form. She watched as his vest flapped and snapped around his body. The silk ribbons and tassels creating the illusion of more movement than there actually was. This was a fighter, not a dancer, she could tell that by how he moved and darted around the stage. Running her tongue over her lips, she let her hand slide down past his sac and push her finger against his tailhole. The hawk shuddered as his bud tensed a little before letting her finger inside. She couldn't count the times she had tied up the male and then fingered his ass or put something up it until he came over his belly. As she looked at the dragon, she could imagine watching the two of them and shivered as she began to pant. All too quickly, the dragon took his leave of the stage. She leaned over and grunted, "Go see if you can find that dragon and see if he'll let us hire him for the night."

Stephan shivered when he felt Erma's hot breath wash over his neck, her middle finger buried inside his clean tailhole. He could tell that the dragon got her excited, Erma never went for females since she could never 'have her fun' once he had his fill. He had to admit the blue dragon was definitely sexy as well. He could just imagine being buried to the hilt inside the bear as the dragon took his ass until he blew his load inside the female. Shivering, he let out a moan as she leaned in and whispered her suggestion, letting her warm breath wash against his cheek. Her hand slipped out of his pants, brushing the backs of her nails over his hard flesh. Shivering, he nodded and reached down to fasten his pants back up. The bird huffed a little as he tucked his erection into his pants, letting it rest against the downy feathers of his belly before standing up.

Trying to walk normally over to the counter where a small knot of servers stood, chatting, he cleared his throat. One of them looked up at him as he asked, "Excuse me, but that dragon that was just on the stage. Does he put on ... private shows?" Tilting his head, he listened as the girl said he did and then listed off the standard rates, adding in that tips were welcome as well. He nodded and put a silver on the counter before pushing it towards her with a smile on his beak; "Well you tell him that my friend and I would like one."

The silver was snatched up and a brass key with the number 1 stamped on it, "Just go to this room and Tabra will be up in a few minutes." Turning around, he wiggled the key at Erma and headed towards another curtain. His feet glided up the wooden steps almost silently. As he neared the top, his bruin companion began to stomp up the stairs. Smiling, he put his long legs to use, walking down the hallway quickly. By the time Erma reached the top of the stairs, he was at their door. His little tip had gotten the key to the corner suite. Smiling, he looked at her as he unlocked the door and stepped inside. The room wasn't large, but it was made to give some privacy. There was a table and some furniture; the bed tucked into an alcove with a curtain to hide it. Knowing that the bear mage wouldn't want to waste any time, he began to take off his clothing.

By the time Erma reached the room, she was more than a little wet between her legs. The walk across the room, up the stairs, and down the hall had made her already aroused privates rub against her undergarments. Pushing the door open and stepping in, she smirked as she saw Stephan already down to his blue-gray feathers. "Well, someone's not wasting any time, so let's get down to it." Reaching down to her belt, she opened one of the pouches and reached inside. Out came a strangely shaped wooden object with an array of straps coming from it. Bumping the door with her rear, it shut and latched as she walked over to her friend. The hawk opened his beak up, waiting as she slipped the piece of wood into his mouth. Closing his beak around the wood, he wiggled it a moment before it fit perfectly. Erma smiled as she began to wind the straps around his beak and head, holding the gag in place. The bird let out a low moan before she shoved him back onto the bed.

Reaching into the pouch again, she pulled out a wooden device made of two bars. Gripping the hawk, she flipped him onto all fours, smiling as he moaned into the gag. Pushing his legs up, she made him lift up his rear before putting the bar between his knees. Within a few seconds, she had some more straps around his legs and gripped a metal nut on the bar. By twisting it, she made the smaller bar slide out of the hollow larger one, spreading his knees a little. Reaching into the pouch once more, she withdrew some special cord made of fine silk. Wrapping it around his wrists, she bound them together and then pulled them back before wrapping it around the wooden bar. The position made Stephan hike his rear up, showing off his pink tailhole and red cock. The pointed cock was throbbing and dripping pre down onto the bed by now. Grabbing his clothes, she folded them up and put them onto a dresser. Now it was her turn.

Gripping the bottom hem of her shirt, she lifted it up over her head and put it next to Stephan's clothing. She could feel the bird's eyes on her and smile as her pants came off, leaving the large female in just a breast band and a loincloth. Grabbing the band, she pulled it off her head as well, freeing her pear-shaped mounds. Her loincloth came off and she smiled, seeing the wet spot right at the crotch flap. Walking over to the hawk, she grunted; "See how wet I already am?" He nodded, his eyes moving from the cloth to her crotch. The shorter, softer hair in her pelvic region did little to hide the bear's swollen mons and sex lips, parted to reveal the ruby insides. Taking her cloth, she wrapped it around his head to act as a blindfold, the wet area right over his nares. The bound male shuddered and let out a muffed noise as her scent invaded his nose. Running her tongue over her lips, she grabbed a chair and moved it into the alcove with the bed. There was more than enough room for her to take her seat and still be able to watch the fun. Sitting down, she propped one foot up onto the bed and waited, her claws moving down to stroke against her pussy.

Mere moments after she sat down, the sound of the door opening made one of her ears twitch. Her lips turned up into a smile as the dragon walked in and saw her sitting there, two fingers buried in her snatch and Stephan bound on the bed. She could see the surprise on his face as his eyes traveled from her to the bound hawk. She gave him a moment to soak it in before speaking, "We'll give you five gold for tonight, you can start with him." She nodded at the bird, smiling as the dragon looked between the two of them and licked his lips slowly.

Tabra nodded, "Sounds like I should get to work then." Taking off his vest, he dropped it onto the dresser before sitting on the bed to pull off his pants. His back was to Erma, so she didn't get to see what his genitals looked like just yet. She didn't have to wait long, because once he stood up and turned around she could see it. The dragon had a slit, like some others she had seen, and his member was a dark blue in color, similar to the blue of his hide and the darker blue stripes along his form. His cock had a pointed, spear-like tip and several ridges near his base. Moving up onto the bed behind Stephan, he looked over at her, "Is he clean back here?"

Erma nodded, "Yes, I make sure he gets nice and clean. You shouldn't have to worry much about lubrication, he stays a bit loose back there." Letting her tongue run over her lips, she groaned as she watched the dragon spit onto a couple fingers and rub them around the waiting bird's tailhole. Watching, she saw the scaled male push his pointed cock against the bird's pucker. She could hear a muffled noise of pleasure as the dragon pushed his cock into the hawk. "And don't worry about being a bit rough with him."

Stephan couldn't even begin to describe how arousing it was to be tied up and blindfolded. He could hear the footsteps on the floorboards, but his sight was blocked thanks to the blindfold and his sense of smell was blocked by the scent of the bear's juices. He knew that she was watching him, the naughty little voyeur. Then he heard her voice and that of the dragon a few moments before the bed shifted. Then he felt something cool and slick pressed against his tailhole. The spit-lubed fingers easily slipped into his loosened rear before he felt Tabra pushing his cock against his uplifted rear. Wrapping his hands around the bar, he could only fantasize about the shape of the dragon's pole.

The pointed tip made it easier for the dragon to slip his cock into the slightly lubricated avian ass. Stephan tried to voice his pleasure, but the noise was muffled down to a nasally noise. His tail feathers tickled against the dragon's belly as the other male pushed his cock to the hilt inside of the bird. Those ridges...oh they were indescribable when they popped into his tailhole. Tabra pulled back and thrust in again, making him voice another muffled noise as the dragon's body rocked him forward into the straw mattress. Under the blindfold his eyes were rolling back into his head as he felt his tailhole being used by the dragon. Gripping onto the bar tightly, he huffed as his cock dripped pre-cum onto his hands and wrists. His tapered cock was so hard it hurt as he felt the blue male's hips slap against his feathered rump. Groaning and huffing into the gag, he arched his back as much as his bonds would allow, pushing his hips back like a willing female.

Erma moaned as her hand moved up to grab one of her breasts, squeezing the mound as she watched the two males fucking on the bed. Pushing two fingers into her pussy, she moaned and wiggled her fingers around inside her as she heard those muted noises. Tabra was doing his part as well, growling and making little noises that almost sounded like barks as he pumped his cock into the bound bird. Her fingers pumped in and out of her snatch quickly as Stephan's noises got louder and louder while the dragon's cock took his tailhole. Laying her head back, the bruin pinched her nipple and pushed her hips against her finger, enjoying the show. Then she heard a strained noise and lifted her head in time to see the goshawk spurting his seed over his forearms and the bed. She chuckled softly and murred at the dragon, "Why don't you pull out and let him recover some? That'll give me a chance to play with you." She winked as Tabra looked up at her. The blue male nodded and pulled his cock out, letting the hard blue length slip out of the bird's rear. Her eyes went wide as she saw what made Stephan blow so fast; the dragon's cock had swollen up some. "Tell me something, do you like bondage?" Tabra nodded and the bear smiled at him, licking her lips, "Good." She stood up and licked her fingers clean as she picked up Stephan easily and moved him to the chair. Untying him some, she rearranged his bonds so that his hands were behind him and his legs were freed. Taking off the blindfold, she smirked at the bird; "No you get to watch."

The dragon watched and cleared his throat a little, "Just one thing, the club has a rule that another employee has to watch what is going on."

Erma frowned at this development, but shrugged and waved a hand at the dragon; "Go get someone then, this might be fun." The dragon smiled before walking to the door and sticking his hand out. He called down the hall for a Randal, saying that he needed a spotter. After a moment, he stepped back into the room, the bull elephant following him. The gray male looked from the dragon to the bear and hawk, who were waiting in anticipation. Moving into the alcove, he moved to a corner to watch silently. Tabra's tail waved a little with the excitement at having an audience of two as the bear did her work. Moving around to stand between her and the bed, he waited as his cock throbbed a little.

Erma picked the pouch off the dresser; she pushed Tabra back onto the bed before straddling him. Smiling, she pulled out a few short lengths of the same silky rope that was binding up Stephan's hands. It didn't take her long to type up the willing dragon, binding him spread-eagle on the bed. Since she didn't know if he'd panic with anything she did to him, she used a special type of knot. It held him just fine, but he could get his hands loose with a quick little motion if he wanted. Last of all, she wrapped a couple loops of the cord around his muzzle before tapping his nose horn. "Mind if I put some things up your ass, nothing too big." The dragon nodded and she felt his cock throb a little against her body. "Good." Smiling, she turned around and shifted her hips some.

Lifting up, she looked at the cock and let out a noise that could only be a bear's form of a purr. It was a nice shape and the base had swollen up some so it looked like a lovely knot would form soon. Lifting her body up, she lined up and then let out a moan as she sank down slowly. Her eyes closed as she let her breath escape her lips in little puffing noises as the cool length spread her open. Smiling, she wiggled her hips as she reached his base. It was a little bit of an awkward position, but she wanted him inside her when she was playing with him. Setting the pouch down next to his tail, she pulled out a vial of some clear liquid. Dribbling some onto the dragon's anal bud, she ran her finger around the icy blue pucker before slipping a finger in. The male's tailhole clenched around her finger as his shaft twitched inside her. Her breathing picked up a little as she worked a second thick finger into his rear, pumping both in slowly.

Erma didn't know what the dragon did and didn't like, but she could judge from how his body was reacting. After a moment of pumping those two fingers into his rear, she added a third one to the mix. Behind her, she could hear the dragon let out a muffled moan, which made her bite her lower lip. The bear knew all too well that she could achieve climax without having to play with herself. Working those three fingers in and out of the male's rear, she licked her lips excitedly as she felt him tremble and buck his hips. Testing him a little, she added a fourth finger; her digits curled up close together as she worked them inside his rear. She could literally feel his knot swelling inside her pussy, spreading the inner lips a little. Just to see if he could take it, she slowly added her thumb before curling her hand into a fist. Amazingly, the dragon voiced a noise that sounded like a bark from his bound mouth as his hips jerked up. Clenching her fist, she pumped it inside his tailhole as the male writhed under her, panting through his nostrils as his eyes closed.

Pulling her hand out of his rear, she smiled as the dragon let out a whimper. "Don't worry, I'm not done yet." She looked over her shoulder and winked at him. Reaching into the pouch, with her clean paw, she pulled out an egg. At least it looked like an egg, about the size of a normal person's fist and made of some type of gel-like material. She pulled out three of them, laying them against the dragon's thighs as she knelt there on top of him. Dribbling some of the clear lube onto the pointed tip of the egg, she pressed it against his tailhole before pushing it into Tabra's tailhole. His back arched up as he let out a muffled bark, the toy spreading his tailhole quickly before his sphincter stretched out around the wide part and the rest popped into his rear. Lifting her hips up, Erma could feel his knot tugging at her insides a little, but it still slipped around inside her. Licking her lips, she pushed back down, wanting more from the dragon.

Slipping her lubed finger into his rear, she grunted a word and the magical toy began to pulse and hum, quivering inside his tailhole. Tabra's head rolled to the side as he let out a gurgling noise, feeling like he was in bliss as she prepared the second egg for his rear. Easing it in, she huffed as the dragon trembled with excitement between her legs. As she nudged the egg in, wiggling and twisting it a little, her other hand came up and began to play with her clit. The little pleasure button was rock-hard and swollen. She panted as her thighs squeezed against his, her body arching up. Her hips rubbed against her paw, and the male's slit, as she huffed. Pushing that egg in, she gave another test of his knot and found that it was firmly stuck between her legs. "Oh yes, baby, that's it!" Panting, she ordered the second egg to begin vibrating as it pushed the first in deeper. By now she felt her insides tightening around his cock as she used the sides of her claws to flick back and forth across her clit.

Gripping the last egg, she wiggled it against the dragon's tailhole. Pushing the toy in, she twisted it as if she were trying to screw it into his tailhole. Tabra moaned, his body tensing up between her thighs as the toy slowly drilled into his rear. As it reached the apex, he arched up, pressing against her body as he huffed through his bound muzzle. Finally the egg slipped in and tapped against the other two. It didn't even have to begin to vibrate like the other two; simply having it there was enough to set the dragon off. His body slammed up into hers as his cock began to throb, spurting his seed deep into her body. Erma panted and threw her head back as that knot and cock pulse inside her, the ridges flexing against all the right places inside her snatch. Her tongue slipped out of her muzzle as the bear voiced a bellow of pleasure as she too hit her peak. Her arms gave out, making her body fall back onto the dragon's as she panted and huffed, lost to the pleasure.

Groaning happily, she rolled her head over to the side and smiled as she saw Stephan sitting there with a large erection throbbing against his belly. Curious, she let her eyes roam over to the elephant guard that the dragon had invited in. Her eyes widened a little as she saw him rubbing a thick looking bulge in his pants. Stretching on top of the dragon, seeming to ignore Tabra's little grunt, she looked at the bull and smiled, "Hey, if I paid you two gold, would you like to join in?"

Randal smirked and nodded, "Of course I would, what do you have in mind?

Erma murred as she shifted her hips, feeling Tabra's knot slip inside her. Guess it was a good thing her snatch wasn't really designed to hold those. "Well once big blue here is ready, I think I'd like to see him mounting Stephan." She nodded at the bound hawk, who moaned into his gag. "And watch you give Tabra a nice stretching." She felt the dragon shiver and looked back to see him smiling around the impromptu-muzzle.

Slipping off him, she undid the arm bonds and let him get up before freeing his muzzle. Grabbing him by the backswept horns on his head, she kissed him deeply. Her tongue swept into his muzzle and curled around his as they panted into each other's mouth. Reaching down, she gave his belly a pat and broke the kiss, "I'll want those back, mind you." Getting up, she had started to go back to Stephan when a grunt made her turn around. Tabra had moved over a cloth Randal fetched for him and was pushing a little. The male panted and gasped as the first egg came out, falling to the cloth and rolling to the side. Gripping the sheets, his tail hiked up as he pushed the other two eggs out. As each one came out, the male moaned and shivered, his cock jerking up a little as the trembling toys slipped out of his tailhole.

When he was done, he panted and looked back at her with a smile as he panted; "All yours now."

Erma smirked and gave his ass a firm slap, drawing a yelp from his muzzle. Wrapping the cloth around the toys, she set them and her pouch aside for later. Freeing Stephan's arms and beak, she smiled at him as she nodded towards the bed. The goshawk eagerly got up and walked over as Tabra sat back, his knot having deflated but his cock was still rock hard. She sat back and kicked her feet up, one on the footstool and the other on the dresser. She rubbed her stretched and messy cunt as the elephant took off his clothing. He wasn't the ripped muscle like the dragon, with well-defined abs and pecs. Neither was he the lean muscle like Stephan, his body made for speed and agility. Instead, the bull's body was a gray mass of flabby-looking muscle.

Using his trunk like a third hand, he undid the ties on his pants before pushing them down and stepping out of the clothes. His penis dangled between his legs, looking like it was only semi-erect. It was the same slate gray color as the rest of his body, but already looked to be as thick as her fist at about a foot long. Behind that slab of meat he had a wrinkled sac, looking nice and full of his cream for the dragon's ass. Tabra patted the bed, "Lay down and let me work you some, Randal." The elephant nodded and slipped between the two males before laying back and sticking his hands behind his head.

Scooting down, he winked at the hawk as Stephan joined him. He held out a hand palm up, "If you please." Thinking the dragon meant him, the hawk started to lean down when that hunk of gray flesh lifted up straight before falling into the blue male's hand. Smiling, he wrapped his hands around the thick cock before leaning down and licking over the cock. After a moment his jaw unhinged and swung open a little to let the elephant's cock slip into his muzzle. Bobbing his head, he took more of the thick member into his mouth and down into his throat. Randal moaned, using his trunk to rub Tabra's rear as the blue male deep-throated his cock. Stephan leaned in and began to run his tongue over the length, taking in its salty flavor. The elephant let out a low huff as the two eager males tended him to, feeling their tongues all over his cock.

His eyes closed as he felt Tabra pull his maw off to let his tongue play over Randal's crown. Stephan joined him, his avian tongue providing a nice contrast to the dragon's slick appendage. Their hands worked together, one scaled and one feathered, stroking his shaft faster. Randal wasn't the best at holding his load under perfect conditions, with these two talented males working his over his cock there was no chance for him to last long. His shaft tensed up, standing straight up from his hips as he came. His seed erupted from his tip like a fountain, splashing over both Tabra and Stephan, painting their faces, necks, and hands white with his flood of seed. His cock twitched violently with each spurt, slipping out of the two male's grips as it flopped, giving the bull a couple spurts on his face and chest as well.

Looking at the two, he couldn't help but let out a deep chuckle at the mess he made on the two others. Without a word, he got up and stood by the bed, rubbing his cock with a hand lightly. Stephan took his place on the bed, lifting his feet up and looking at the dragon. Tabra shifted over him, his own cock throbbing now, and lined it up. Not wanting to wait any more, he pushed into the bird's ass. Stephan gasped at the entry as the dragon pushed his legs down until the bird was almost folded in half. Panting, he grabbed onto the sheets as that cock and its ridges pumped in and out of his tailhole. Reaching up with a hand, he put one of his feathery hands onto the blue male's shoulder as he felt that cock push in and out of his rear. It felt so good to have someone fucking his ass, and those ridges. Gods above, those ridges rippled across his prostate with a washboard effect that made his cock jerk and drip pre onto his belly.

Randal smiled as his hand rubbed over his dangling cock slowly. The sight of Tabra hunched over the blue-gray male was damn hot. His eye looked over to the bear female that had hired first Tabra then him. She was stretched out in the chair, her fingers busily working a toy in and out of her cooch. Looking towards the dragon's rear, he spotted that little vial of lube. Picking it up, he got a bit of the clear stuff onto his rough hand before smearing it over his tip. He had watched the dragon take more up his ass earlier, but he liked it a bit slick. Smiling, he grabbed the blue scale's tail with his trunk before pulling it up. Looking back, Tabra halted his thrusting for a second as the elephant scooted up behind him. Randal tensed his hips a bit, his flexible penis lifting up and going right for that tailhole.

Stephan panted and clung to Tabra, feeling the dragon buried balls-deep inside his ass. He could see the bull behind the dragon before the much larger male pushed in. That entry made the dragon gasp and push forward into the hawk. The avian was pressed down into the mattress as the male on top of him was mounted. He could feel Tabra trembling against his body as Randal pushed forward until he was hilted inside the dragon. The bird could guess that the dragon felt every inch, every vein, and every little motion of the elephant. Lucky bastard.

Pulling back, Randal took over the fucking motion, bracing his hands on the headboard as his knees sank into the bed. Wrapping his trunk around the dragon's waist, he pulled the blue male back a bit as he withdrew. Slamming forward, he used his own body to make Tabra thrust back into Stephan. Looking down, he chuckled at the way the dragon's muzzle hung open, just a croaking noise escaping his throat. It took Tabra a moment to recover before he started to move with Randal. His thrusts were much quicker, but limited by the bull's thrusts. As Randal pulled out, Tabra was able to work more into the bird; but as the bouncer pushed back in, his motions could only speed up. The guard could only pant as he felt how the dragon's rear clenched around his thick pole with each thrust.

The near-constant pressure against his prostate was taking its toll and it didn't take more than a moment before his knot got stuck inside of Stephan's tailhole. The goshawk began to squawk and cry out shrilly as his tail feathers pushed up, tickling both the dragon's body and the underside of the pachyderm's cock. He trembled and jerked as that knot locked in, the ridges pulsing and stroking against his prostate. It didn't take much before he arched his back and let out a shrill cry as his pointed member began to paint his and the dancer's belly with his seed. His body tensed up as the dragon's body kept rocking against his with each of the big bouncer's thrusts. He could feel the male's slit against his body, knowing that the dragon couldn't possibly get any deeper without crawling up inside his ass. His breath came in short gasps as his cock kept twitching even after he came, pleasure spiking through his body until he blacked out.

Randal's ears moved a bit as he heard the hawk start to call out. That would be one down and just him and the scale left. His body pushed harder against Tabra's as he huffed and panted. He could feel the male trembling under him, getting the double sensation of a tight hole gripping his cock while something massaged his prostate. Tabra threw his head back and let out some barking noises before roaring and shoving Stephan down into the bed. His ass began to clench around the bull's cock, squeezing the flabby length as he spurted his icy cum into the hawk. The elephant grunted and pushed his body against the dragon's with a few more thrusts until he began to cum as well. His cock exploded, flooding the male with enough of his pachyderm spunk that it leaked out around their union. His climax was the shortest of the three, but he really didn't care.

Pulling out, his tip fell free with a wet pop, his seed gushing out of the dragon for a second before slowing to a dribble. Rolling Tabra onto his side, Randal chuckled as he saw that both the dragon and hawk were asleep. Passed out after their climaxes. Looking at Erma, he saw that she was grinning and licking her fingers. "Gold's on the dresser if you wanna go." The bull nodded and took it before heading out. The bear sighed happily and snuggled down into the chair, watching the two guy's sleeping in the messy bed. Oh yeah, it was well worth the trip out here.