Pair of Jokers

Story by Tana Simensis on SoFurry

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Commission for an anonymous fellow.

A pair of old friends make a bet, but can one of them really pay up?

I looked down at the cards in my hand for at least the fifth time, hoping that maybe if I just looked away for a moment and glanced back down that my lowly 9 High hand would magically transform into something better. It wasn't, and the glare from the bull opposite me wasn't getting any better, either.

"Any day, Jimbo." He smirked and took a drink of his rum and coke. Cooper knew I hated being called that, but knowing hadn't stopped him from using the pejorative of James since 6th grade.

"Ya know, I really like how polished you keep those horns" I said, trying to delay the big brown bovine from delivering the coup de grace on yet another round of cards. He wasn't falling for it, even though the little twinkle in his eyes told me that he appreciated the complement. He'd never admit it, though.

Cooper tapped the table. I felt my ears fall along with my chest as I let out a heavy sigh when I set the cards down face-up.

"Hah, I knew it." Cooper slid the stack of chips over to his side of the table and chuckled. "Ya know, you'd think you'd have a better poker face than you do. Two different colored eyes and all." Wouldn't be a proper night if Coop didn't work a husky joke in somewhere.

We used to meet up every Saturday in my mom's basement to play cards and--when the parents weren't around--smoke a little weed. As far as mom knew we were just talking school and doing a little wrestling practice. That was one way to put what we were doing. Another way to put it was "experimentation". Talk of girls faded away as we talked about things we did to each other and boy talk. Nobody ever knew, though. We stayed tight all the way through high school and college. College was where I met Danny and he met Stacey, though, and as our relationships grew and got serious (hell, he got married), we started seeing less and less of each other. Sometimes he'd still call and want to come over to my place; get away from the wife and baby to drink and play some cards.

Only problem with that? He beat me every fucking time. He never could get over the fact that, despite being one of the biggest jocks in school, he couldn't best me in wrestling. Sounds like a silly thing, especially years later, but that boy just wouldn't let it go. He didn't outright say that's what the competitive streak in him was from, but I knew. He just _had_to beat me at everything we ever did ever since.

I looked at the big group of chips on his side of the table and the small one on mine. We weren't still in school playing for trading cards or just with meaningless chips anymore; these all had cash behind them. Hard earned money that I really didn't have extra of. Cooper started dealing the next hand and I marveled and how big his arms still were. I thought I kept myself in pretty good shape and toned, but the bull looked damn near the same as he had in college.

"Hey Coop?" I asked as we both anted up. "Can't we play Hold 'Em or something other than Five Card Draw?" Maybe a different game would mix things up--improve my luck.

He stopped and looked at me with those a glare and eyes that most people would never want to see in a dark alleyway. "Mmm, nope. It's tradition."

I sighed and downed the rest of the can of beer I had before popping open a new one from the ice-filled cooler that we lazily placed right under the table. I was already a couple in and feeling just tipsy enough to have trouble thinking clearly about the cards I was being dealt. I peeked at them: Two of Hearts, Three of Hearts, Four of Hearts--shit, great start--King of Diamonds, Jack of Spades.

Cooper looked at his hand and back at me without a single hint of emotion on his face. He was good at poker. I was probably grinning like an idiot with excitement at the possibility of a straight or a flush (or God forbid a straight flush). I slid a $10 chip forward.

"Oh, showing a pulse, are we?" Cooper winked at me and matched the bet. "How many cards ya want?"

"Two." I said, eagerly swiping them up as soon as they were within reach and bringing them up to join the rest of my hand. My curly tail bumped against the back of the chair in an absentminded wag. The Ace of Hearts and the 9 of Hearts gave me the flush. You're never supposed to chase a flush, they say, but for once it worked. This time I slid $15 up.

"Ya know, I can tell you have a good hand, Jimbo." To my surprise he matched me. "I ought to fold and minimize my losses but I can't have you running out of money this early in the night."

I did win that round, and in fact, I won a whole lot more of them. For a little while those stacks of plastic chips seemed to be headed my way, and then somewhere, lost in the drunken conversations about life and how much he missed the old days and the latest TV shows, I was back down to almost nothing.

There's a point in the night when you know you're getting too drunk to think right, and considering that the last three or four...or more hands were a total blur in my mind was probably a good indicator that I was there. I was almost out of money, and Danny was going to absolutely murder me when he found out that I snagged an additional fifty from our rainy day jar.

Cooper dealt the hand nice and slow, sliding each card face down on the table at a tantalizingly slow pace. It was a good start: The Jack, Ace, Two, and Five of Spades and the Six of Diamonds. Another almost flush. I put $5 forward, trying to play it low key.

"How many cards?" he asked, and raised a brow when I only wanted one. He slid the card over, but when I reached for it he tapped it with his finger. "Now, now, let's make this interesting."

I wasn't going to like this.

"You feel pretty confident on this hand I can tell, and I know you're over there freaking your little husky brain out trying to figure out a way to get out of tonight without loosing all that money. So I got a win-win scenario for ya."

"I'm listening." I leaned forward.

"So", he pointed at his giant group of chips. "If you win, you get all the chips and clean me out." Sounded good. "If I win, I'll actually put you back to even." Now I was really curious, no way that Cooper was gonna do that out of generosity.

"What's the catch, Coop?"

"Well..." Oh boy, yeah, it was gonna be bad. "I also want a night with Danny and want you to watch."

I blinked, then I laughed so hard I felt the chair wobble below me as my chest leaned back. "What in the world makes you think that my boyfriend would even let you? I mean, you're not gonna rape him. I hate to break it to you bud but Danny doesn't even like you that much."

Cooper frowned and slumped his big shoulders down. "Well, if he wanted to. I mean you can blow me if he doesn't, how's that?"

I rolled my eyes. For once, the bull was completely off his game. I felt a tinge of anxiety as I considered the proposal, but it wasn't strong. There was a zero point zero percent chance of his fantasy coming true. The blowjob on the other hand, I mean, I'd sucked him off dozens of times in school and if he really wanted one he could have just asked without all the pretense.


He let go of the card and I picked it up to see the Two of Clubs. Well shit, it gave me a pair of twos but nothing else. I was probably going to be sucking bull dick in a few minutes, and the idea gave my sheath a little flutter. When he was ready I turned my cards over. Cooper had a Full House; woulda beat my Flush anyway.

"Should never chase a Flush, Jimbo."

We picked up the cards and chips and put them back in the little case they came out of and finished the beers we had out before putting the cooler away, too. It was only going to be twenty minutes or so before Danny got back and I didn't need him seeing evidence of our basement gambling.

Once we got upstairs I felt a big arm curls around my waist and Cooper's warm breath on my cheek. "So, we got a few, how about my prize?"

Guess he'd written off even trying his shot at Danny and was going to just settle for the consolation prize, though if I say so myself my muzzle is hardly 'settling'. He knew that. Getting blown was probably his plan all along. He just wanted to see how I'd react to his crazy request of railing my boyfriend.

I reached up and gave one of his horns a playful tug and swish of my tail as I headed towards the bedroom and I could just feel his hungry eyes on my ass no doubt wishing he was getting more than a blowjob. When we got to the room he did something I wasn't expecting, though. He went right for the closet and opened it, revealing the assortment of harnesses, toys, handcuffs, and other stuff that Danny and I loved using.

"Hey!" I folded my arms. "C'mon, get out of there you ass." He wasn't backing out, but looking over the selection and nodding at a couple items. "Coop, c'mon, drop your drawers."

"Ya know," the bull said as he pulled some wrist and ankle cuffs off the wall, "how about we tie you up on that chair over there and you can blow me that way?"

I meant to laugh to hide my nervous anxiety at the suggestion but only heard an uninspired squeaky chuckle come out. He wasn't joking. I knew by the tone of his voice and the look in his eye and that big bulge in his pants that extended down his upper thigh. "But...Danny will be--"

"My prize, my rules. Strip."

That single, commanding word brought back so many memories and feelings up to the surface from that dark place they'd be buried for so long. Danny was such a bottomy little thing that I forgot how good and natural it felt to be commanded. My ears felt so hot as they flattened against the back of my head and my tail tried its best to hide between my legs. I did as I was told, though, with shaky paws and a few whimpers as Cooper encouraged me with a couple condescending words.

"Good," he rumbled in that low, penetrating voice that he saved for sultry situations. He looked me over, rubbing his meaty hand through my soft white belly fur and across my sheath gently as I looked down at the floor; hot with embarrassment. I was gonna get caught when Danny got here. _That_was his plan, to embarrass me cause he knew that later on when nobody was around I'd get off on it. Danny wouldn't care too much, but it'd be awkward and humiliating and would get me in at least a little bit of trouble.


I sat on the wooden chair, wincing when I heard him opening up the handcuffs. He didn't have to instruct me to put my hands behind my back. I did that all on my own, passing my arms under the arm rests to be sure I had the least amount of movement possible. When I heard the _click-click-click_of them locking up I shuddered with a wave of pure anticipation and desire. I wanted this so bad, and half an hour before I didn't even know it. Next came the ankles, and once he was done I wriggled as much as I was able for show.

"God, you're so fucking sexy like that. Just begging to be used like a little cumslut pup, aren't you?"

I nodded and whimpered. He knew just what buttons to push with me to get me going and he was pushing just about every single one. All I could think about was that big musky bull cock flopping out of his pants and rubbing across my face and how amazing it would be to have him fuck my throat with it while I whined and squirmed. The feeling of cool air on my moist tip as it poked out of its sheath said all that needed to be said for what the thoughts were doing to me.

So when he did what he did next I was caught completely off guard. I'd been so busy daydreaming about a muzzle full of cum that I hadn't seen him retrieve the gag. When I felt it around my face I tried to turn away at first, but Cooper's firm grip held me in place and soon that familiar taste of rubber was in my mouth. I relented and closed my maw on it, getting a "good boy" from him as he tightened fastened it up.

Most clever people might have figured out what was really going on at this point, and I really should have been able to put two and two together by then as well, but I didn't. I had no idea what this was about even as he put his upper body on display by lifting me and the chair up and setting me in the closet.

"Now," he started. "I'm going to go for my main prize, and I'm going to fuck your cute little boyfriend right on the bed where you can see, hear, and smell it. You make a sound or a racket in there and I'll tell Danny all about how this went down and how much money you've taken from that jar over the years to gamble with. Oh, and don't worry, if he says no I won't do anything."

I strained against the cuffs uselessly and made incomprehensible words at him. He shrugged and closed the door, leaving me with a slotted view of the bed as he wandered out of the room. Worst part of it all was I knew I had no right to bitch. I'd agreed to the entire thing, and I didn't say no when he started strapping me in. It felt like I was sitting there for hours, naked and tied up in the closet.

My ears perked up and my body stiffened as I heard the front door open. A few moments later came surprised tones from Danny, though I couldn't make out the words. I'm sure he was asking about where I was. Cooper answered, and the two went on for a few minutes and I could tell they moved into the living room. I strained and swiveled my ears every which way I could think, but it wasn't enough to be able to make out words.

Once I heard footsteps coming my way and their words getting louder I straightened up, gluing my eyes to an opening. I couldn't have even imagined what came next.

Danny walked in first, shirtless, showing off his lean runner's build. Cooper was just a few paces behind and pinned my lion against the door as the two locked their muzzles in what looked to be an extremely passionate kiss. Their hands wandered around and tugged down on each other's pants until they kicked them off onto the floor. Then I saw Danny's knees hit the floor between the big bull's legs and I could just tell he was nuzzling Cooper's big bulge.

Down came the undies and my ears picked up the telltale signs of licking, then sucking. Cooper told my Lion he was a good kitty, and I saw my boyfriend's familiar slender tail swish around on the floor happily. I saw my boyfriend's hand cup those big, dangling bull balls and I my brain made me think of what was happening. How in the hell did Cooper talk his way into this?

"That's enough, kitty." The bull stepped aside, giving me a look at his big dick, slick with my boyfriend's saliva. And there was Danny, licking his lips as he stood, those perfect eyes looking at my old best friend with feral-like hunger. "On the bed, ass up."

Danny climbed up, making sure he did it just slow enough to get the bull going, but quick enough so that he didn't get impatient. He folded his arms on the pillow and rested his head and its neatly-trimmed mane on them, glancing back past his wriggling rump at the stud bull who was about to breed him. Cooper stroked himself up with some of the lube that was on the nightstand and looked over my way with the most triumphant, smug look I think I'd ever seen on him. I wanted was to squeal out or knock my head on the door to let Danny know I was there, but part of me wanted something else. It wasn't fear of Cooper telling Danny about the gambling, it was darker: I wanted to watch.

I saw my lion tense up and purr when the blunt tip of my friend rubbed between his tight ass cheeks. I watched him grip the comforter of the bed I slept in as the bull's hips rolled forward slowly. I watched that thick piece of meat disappear into my boyfriend. It wasn't just seeing, it was hearing Danny's "Oh god, oh god, ohhh god's" as it happened and Coopers little "good boy's".

The cat growled and mewed in ways I'd never heard as Cooper reached places deep inside him that I could never reach. Once more I felt keenly aware of the flush skin in my ears and that tingly sense you get when you're humiliated. The bull was going to fuck my man better than I could and I knew it. My breaths came and left my nose fast and my body tried to gulp a few in through my mouth but was denied.

When they started fucking I'm not sure my brain or body knew how to react. It was hot, very hot, like the hottest thing I'd ever seen watching that big bull's hips roll and pump into my lithe lion and the way Danny moaned and whined and pushed back into it. That was _my_lion, though. We fooled around with others sometimes but I'd never actually seen him with someone else, let alone my best friend. The little slapping sound the big bull balls made brought back memories of when he'd had me in a similar situation. I knew exactly what it felt liked to be fucked by that monster and I bet when it'd happened that I looked just as drunk on pleasure as Danny did right then. He'd do anything for that bull in that moment. Anything.

"You like that, don't you kitty?" Cooper huffed.

"Uh huh" Danny managed between gasps.

"Your little husky make you feel this good?"

I couldn't help but whimper at that point, but they were too focused on each other to hear my desperate plea for that question to not be answered.

Danny shook his head. "No, he--aaahhh...mff, he doesn't. You're always the best." My eyes shot wide open at the last words. 'Always'? No...

"Yeah, you like being my eager little cumdump when you man is gone, don't ya?"

I lowered my head and felt deflated, even as I saw my shaft halfway out of its sheath. Coop sure knew how to get his money's worth. I looked back up, though. Couldn't help it.

The bull was huffing and gripping at Danny's sides, which I knew was his calling card for being close. His thrusts got faster, plowing into Danny's tan cheeks with abandon. My lion had stopped moving and was just hanging on for the ride, moaning almost continuously; he knew what was coming, too. Then Cooper pushed in hard, real hard, enough to rock the headboard of the bed into the wall with a loud bang. The bull grunted and I watched his hips hold tight for a few moments and then slowly relax a tad, then flex up again. I knew my lion's insides were being pumped full of seed.

Cooper looked at me again as he came down, still moving in and out slowly as the last few spurts no doubt flowed. He might not be able to see my face, but his devilish grin said it all. He'd won again.

They laid there for a few minutes, motionless and just panting and moaning and licking and kissing. When Coop pulled out he did it nice and slow, getting even more moans out of Danny, and I saw a glob of his seed drip off and onto the mattress.

"Hey," Danny spoke up with a parched sounding voice. "How long did you say James was gonna be gone for?"

"Oh," Cooper grinned and patted my lion on his just-fucked ass. "He's tied up in the closet."