Lovers in the Dark

Story by AceWolfy on SoFurry

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Two best friends, A wolf and a Vixen go on a camping trip which quickly turns to a lover's night in.

It was getting late, Desmond and Vicky were heading back to camp. "I had a wonderful day, thank you Desmond" he shrugged it off "thanks Vicky" he put his arm around her shoulder, they both had matching friendship bracelets on. They got back to the campsite, there was a tent, two logs around where a campfire should be. "Let's unpack!" Vicky said excited, he laughed "ok." he replied, and they got straight to work.

Vicky was nearly finished unpacking everything when she turned to Desmond, "Desmond..." he turned to her "yeah?" she looked down "I haven't got a sleeping bag..." he sighed and then laughed "you can have mine" she quickly snapped to him "what? are you sure?" he turned to her and smiled sweetly "I'm sure, I'll cope" she went up to him and kissed him on the cheek "thanks bud" and walked into the tent, her tail swaying as she did. He laughed and said to himself quietly, "no... thank you"

She later came back out to find that Desmond had lit a fire and was cooking soup for the two; he passed her a bowl "thanks again" she said as she took the bowl of soup off of him, "don't mention it" he then took a sip out of his soup "still a bit hot" he told her before she burnt her lips. "So, what are we doing tomorrow?" she asked keenly, "I'm not sure..." Desmond thought "what do you want to do?" she smiled "can we go for a swim at the lake?", he smiled back "sure, a swim would be nice". He tried the soup again, "It's ok to have it now" she took a sip, "mmm, lovely" she said whilst Desmond looked on at her "Good, I'm glad you like it!"

The darkness began to creep in and with it came the cold; Vicky was shivering so Desmond went up behind her and wrapped a blanket around her, "thank you" she said with a slight stutter due to the cold, "No problem, if you get colder you can go to bed if you want" she smiled and hugged him as he sat down beside her "thanks, I couldn't wish for a better friend" he smiled and put his arm around her "me too". They sat there for a good long while discussing memories they shared from previous years. They laughed and giggled the hours away until Vicky got tired and cold. "I'm going to bed now Desmond, don't be too long" she said as she went into the tent, once again swaying her tail, he laughed quietly again "I wont".

He later walked into the tent to find Vicky all cozied up in the sleeping bag, he lay himself down next to her on the floor and tried to go to sleep. The hours passed and he couldn't, he was freezing. Vicky noticed him shivering "Desmond, are you ok?" she asked, "I'm a bit cold he replied, she unzipped the sleeping bag "get in with me, you'll be nice and warm" he smiled, "thanks" he slipped in with her and tried to get cosy without aggravating Vicky, he turned her back to her so nothing embarrassing would happen.

Vicky couldn't sleep, something was on her mind. Desmond turned over so he was facing Vicky, she quickly looked to see if he was awake, his eyes were closed. She tried to get back to sleep but she couldn't, something was plaguing her mind. eventually she opened her eyes again, she checked on Desmond again, his eyes still closed. "One wont hurt" she whispered she leaned in and kissed him on the lips; "I wonder if he noticed?" she whispered before all of a sudden Desmond leaned in with his eyes still closed and kissed her back. Her eyes opened wide with shock, when he pulled away his huge teal blue wolf eyes were open. He grinned "what was that?" he asked gently, her eyes still widely open she replied "I don't know, I... I'm" before she could find the words Desmond kissed her again; "you love me. Over these last few months you've spent with me after you got dumped by that ass-hole you slowly fell in love your best friend." she smiled slightly, "yeah, I didn't want to tell you." he leaned in "why?" she looked into his eyes "we've been friends since we were 11, for 7 years, saying I love you after that is wrong" he brushed her cheek with his fingers "it's sweet" he said.

She sat up, "so... you love me?" she asked, "I've always loved you, but just like you I was scared that you'd laugh in my face" he said whilst sitting up. "But saying I love you doesn't show it" he whispered into her ear before kissing her shoulder, she closed her eyes and lay herself down next to him. They began hugging and kissing in the sleeping bag, he looked into her yellow fox eyes, "you are beautiful" he whispered before closing his eyes slipping his tongue into her mouth and French kissing her, she closed her eyes moaned with pleasure as he did. He brought his head away and opened his eyes, then she opened her eyes, they were nose to nose.

He then turned her around so her back was to his front and began to explore her body with his hands, smoothly running over her thighs and hips until he moved up to her breasts; he ran his hands over them at first and then gently squeezed them, "mmm..." she moaned as he rubbed her tits, "I love you..." she whispered gently to him as he rested his head on her shoulder. "I love you too" her whispered back before stopping. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes appeared to shimmer, "why did you..." before she could finish Desmond gently grabbed her t-shirt and lifted it off over her head; she then unbuttoned her trousers and slipped them off so she was down to her blood red bra and thong knickers. Before they moved on Desmond took off his top and trousers so he was down to his boxer shorts.

He got on top of her on all fours, his head half way down her body. He began kissing her stomach and slowly moved up to her tits, he reached around and undid her bra, she slipped it off and he starred in amazement, "wow!" he said with his eyes wide open; Vicky said nothing, she pushed her two tits together and smiled at him. He began gently caressing them with his hand before kissing and licking them, she moaned with pleasure "mmm... yes, Desmond... I love you..." she moaned whilst he played with her tits.

"Stop..." she whispered to him, she looked down "your turn" she giggled, Desmond smiled. Desmond lay himself down and Vicky crawled over him on all fours, she ran her figure down his demi god-like chest until it reached his boxers; she gripped both sides of his boxers and slipped them off gently, "Wow!" she said in amazement "How big is that?", Desmond grinned, "8 inches sweetie, all for you..." he whispered. She grasped his huge dick and began jerking it, he lay his head back and closed his eyes. She then began licking the tip gently and he moaned loudly "fuck!... that's good!" he moaned, she smiled as she continued. She then began sucking his dick, she started with half but quickly moved on to the whole thing, "that's it sweetie, take it all" he whispered as she sucked him. She then pulled back and gasped for air, "that's a good girl" he said, she smiled back.

She then lay herself back down on the floor and Desmond got back on top, he slipped he knickers off and threw them out of the sleeping bag, he began rubbing her pussy and she instantly began moaning, "ohh... yes... mmm" she moaned as he rubbed. he then inserted his two fingers into her and she moaned louder; he kept fingering her until her liquids were dripping out. He then pushed his snout in and began licking her, she could hardly breathe, "OH GOD, YES!... DEEPER, DEEPER!" she shouted as he pressed in deeper and deeper, licking out her fluids. He Kept licking until she was close to the point of climax were he stopped, "why... did you stop?" she asked with big sparkly eyes, "we don't want to finish to early" he said before slowly jerking himself.

She opened her legs again, she was dripping wet. He got on all fours over her and gently pushed the tip into her pussy, she wrapped her legs around him, "Be gentle..." she whispered. "I will sweetie, I will..." he said before inserting all of his penis into her; she moaned loudly, "Fuck me..." she whispered before kissing his cheek. He began to thrust into her slowly for a bit so she could get used to it and then started to go harder and harder, "OHH FUCK!... AHH! AHH!" she moaned as he slapped into her tight pussy; her tis were bouncing up and down every time he pushed into her. He then got on his knees and grabbed her legs, he then continued to slap into her tight pussy. Her eyes were closed and dribble was coming out of her mouth, she loved him and she loved to be fucked by him.

She was so close to climax again when he stopped, he leaned down and kissed her, "ride me..." he whispered before rubbing her tits. He lay back down again and she got on all fours over him, she kissed him before grabbing is dick through her legs and inserting it into her tight pussy. She moaned loudly and began sliding up and down his body, every time she did she moaned louder and louder. She put her hands on his chest and kept bouncing on his dick "Ahh!... Ahh!..." she moaned as she kept fucking. Eventually she took her hands of him so she was just kneeling, she bounced harder and harder and moaned louder and louder, Desmond looked up to see her face, her mouth wide open and eyes closed. "AHH!... AHH!... I...I'M...I'M GONNA CUM!" she moaned before her juices squirted out around his dick, she pulled it out and her fluids poured out.

She flopped onto his stomach with exhaustion; "you ok?" Desmond asked, she looked up at him "yeah... I love you...." he smiled, "I'm not done yet..." he said to her. She got on all fours and lifted her tail in the air, he began poking her ass, "That's the wrong hole..." He grinned, "I know...", he pushed in to her tight ass and began thrusting. She moaned louder and louder as he slapped into her ass hole. Her tits bounced every time he pushed into her and she moaned louder and louder, he grabbed her ass and pulled her in every time he pushed in. He was so close to climax when he pulled out of her ass. "Sweetie, rub it with your tits". She put his huge dick between her tits and began jerking his dick, she licked the tip as she jerked him until he reached climax, "I'm... I'm gonna cum!", she opened her mouth. "Ahh!..." he moaned as he blew his load into her mouth and onto her tits.

She licked her sticky, furry tits and smiled, "I love you..." she whispered before they kissed. She put her cum covered figure in his mouth and he sucked it. They hugged and kissed for a while until they got back into the sleeping bag. Vicky lay ontop of Desmond with her tits and pussy pushed into his body.

They had one last deep kiss before Vicky whispered "Best friends for life..." and Desmond replied "Lovers forever..."