The Raccoons - The Price of Victory(Rape, M/F) - 2014

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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#2 of The Raccoons

After a long night working in the museum, Lisa Raccoon just wants to go home. Rod Steel has other plans and kidnaps her to make her pay for costing him the million dollar prize for the Evergreen Triathlon. He forces her to pay with her body, much to Lisa's misery.

The Price of Victory by tannim December 11, 2014

"Ugh, FINALLY." Lisa pushed the last yellowed document into it's file folder. "Eight boxes of old documents nobody cares about is too much for anybody to sort and file in one night. Professor Smite had better appreciate this with some overtime pay."

She groaned as she stood up and wiped as much of the dust off herself as she could on her way out of the museum. Three hours past closing time and only just leaving. Even Mr. Sneer wouldn't have been up so late working. Probably.

Once she turned the museum lights off and locked the door, the nighttime darkness was broken only by the moon outside and distant street lamp. It didn't bother her too much, though. She'd walked through the dark before and it was pleasant enough outside.

Pushing her bike along with her, Lisa headed to the road and the familiar route home. Insects chattered noisily in the forest some distance away and she let herself enjoy the sounds. Right up until it was interrupted by the sound of somebody running.

"Huh? Whose there?" The darkness closed around her suddenly and she couldn't breath. Rough canvas pressed against her snout and mussed up her hair while two hands grabbed her around the waist and heaved. "Hey!"

Her voice was muffled by the bag, as was the voice that answered back. "Well, look who it is. One of the raccoons that cheated me and my pop out of our money."

The voice was familiar, but it took the teen almost a minute to put a name to it. Being crudely carried over rough terrain didn't help speed her mind. She was bumped and buffeted by branches and brush as well as the man who held her.

Lisa groaned as her head thumped against a hard well muscled chest. "Rod?!"

"Aw, how nice, you remember me!" The weasel laughed. "I'll make sure you keep remembering me for a long time for that Million you cost me."

He'd been running and carrying her for a few minutes before dropping her into the back of his father's van. Lisa grabbed her head inside the bag only to have her body bound tightly by elastic cords, trapping her arms up high and useless. She'd been close to panic just from being carried away. The bondage set her into full hysterics, making her kick and squirm wildly in the back. Her feet hit the walls and floor, her tail flicked wildly around, but even with all that and her arms pushing at the bag over her, she couldn't free herself.

Rod ignored her struggles as he drove deeper into the forest. He'd had a couple months to plan things. Months that he'd apparently put to good use finding a secluded spot he'd never seen anybody go near. A place he stopped at and hauled Lisa out into.

The raccoon yelled at him as she was tossed roughly to the ground then again when the cords came off. She fought the bag until it was pulled off her and she stared at her captor. He looked arrogantly confident as he returned her stare.

"So, how're you going to get me my million?" Rod crossed his arms and stepped closer.

Still dazed, Lisa didn't even think of running. The question was stupid, he had to know she'd lost after he'd cheated. Bert had given the money back to Cedric and there was no way they'd get it. The shock of her kidnapping kept her mind too numb to think of more important things, like kicking him in the groin and running or even looking around at the surprisingly well lit clearing.


His hand darted out to catch her left wrist. "No buts, bitch. You cost my Popsy and me too much." Rod jerked her hard until her chest and face bounced into his overly muscular body. "You're going to pay me with yourself, Lisa. I'm going to take every bit you owe me from all over you... and inside you."

"Let me GO!" The fear those words brought finally made her think of escape, but he was too strong to get her hand away from. She tried kneeing him in the groin and he simply caught her leg and held it in the air, forcing her to balance awkwardly on one foot. "Stop it, Rod! OW, you're hurting me!"

"Oh, am I?" Rod pulled her deeper into the clearing he'd chosen and stopped next to a pile of rope and cuffs already lying there. He kicked her other leg out from under her so she landed butt first on the semi-soft ground. "How about now?" The weasel sounded angry and she didn't like the way he nodded at the cuffs. "You still got an arm. Put those on your ankles."

Lisa's eyes were tearing up from more than just the pain in her butt. She had no idea where she was. Nobody else but Rod knew where she was, either. How long had he driven? She had no idea who may have been around. Her leg sudden ached as he twisted it roughly around and she grabbed at the first cuff to clap it around her ankle.

"Ow! STOP, I'm doing it!" The twist didn't go away.

She heard the carabiner close with a click and the cuff was on. Lisa trembled at the knowledge of what she was doing and that he could snap her arm with barely any effort if he'd wanted to. The other cuffs followed just as fast despite her shaking hands.

"There, that was easy, wasn't it?" Rod dropped her leg and she grabbed at it in pain. "Now we can have some real fun."

Lisa struggled to her feet and was amazed that he didn't grab her again as she ran away. Her body jerked to a painful halt when the rope trailing behind her ran out of slack. Whatever it had been tied to hadn't budged at all. She cried out 'No!' when he pulled her back to him by those same ropes.

"That was fun, wasn't it? Want to do it again?" Rod clipped a short rope to both ankle cuffs, limiting her legs to perhaps two feet spread, then did the same to her wrists with the rope behind her back. "But there so many are other things to do with a cute girl, aren't there?" He pushed his muzzle nose to nose with her, staring into her very fearful eyes. "Would you like to strip for me?"

"NO!" Lisa panted, trying to regain some control. "I will not strip for you or show you any of my body, Rod. You let me go this instant and I'll just go home and... hey! Don't touch there!"

Rod cupped her modest right breast crudely through her shirt, then poked a claw into the fabric and jerked upward. The fabric resisted at first, but with her suspender straps holding it down, it couldn't stretch and simply tore after a few seconds. It only tore a few inches before he stopped

Lisa shivered and yelled as loud as she could, desperate. "RAPE! HELP!"

'Ow geese you got a loud mouth!" The weasel rubbed an ear and fished around in his pocket. "Guess I'll have to shut yet trap tootsy." Rod held up a dirty rubber tennis ball. "Hehe, not that I wasn't going to anyway."

Lisa couldn't stop her legs from shaking until she fell. "Rod, please.."

The ball pressed to her lips, his broad fingers covered her nose, and she had no choice but to open for the gag. It tasted of dirt, sweat, and worse. He squeezed her muzzle shut while tying a rope around it and kissed her upper lip when her gag was fully secured.

"Now I get to strip you myself." The sound of his claw tearing through made her jerk her gaze down to her chest. "Was that your favorite shirt? No? Damn, it looked good on ya."

Rod tore the breast area wide open with his claws, then cupped her small breast through the hole. Lisa flinched away and watched him rip the hole up to her neck, where he wetly kissed her for his own sick enjoyment. She protested as much as the foul tasting gag would let her, but it only seemed to encourage him.

She felt his claws dig into the other side of her shirt and again heard the tearing as he ripped at it. Her bra cups were mostly visible after just a few more rips and the flush of fear burned deeper with added embarrassment. Lisa looked away from him so he couldn't see it. It didn't help.

The weasel pulled her muzzle back as soon as he saw she wasn't watching him. "Hey, you gotta watch this or you might miss somethin'!" A yank at the front of her already torn shirt ripped it fully open in the front to look more like a badly tattered vest. "Them suspenders gotta go."

Rod grabbed the right strap where it joined her coverall jeans and violent wrenched at it. His massive arms flexed and the stitches slowly gave out. The strap tore free with a sudden jolt and the right half of Lisa's shirt tore off with it.

Lisa yelled in pain at the yank around her neck from the collar, then broke out into tears at him reaching for the remainder. Her captor still held the strap as he pulled at its twin and the bound raccoon squealed into her gag at the fabric ripping around her neck and shoulder suddenly. It left a rash of sore skin under her pelt and left her feeling terrified. The terror changed to embarrassment mixed with shame when she realized he was staring at her not quite bare chest.

Lisa's discomfort didn't appear to bother him and he appeared to openly enjoy it. Rod dropped the remnants of her top and slipped two fingers from each hand under the cups of her sports bra. He leaned down and took a loud sniff at her modest cleavage while feeling her up. It was disgusting and degrading and he had to know it.

Rod grinned up into her face. "You smell pretty good, raccoon. I bet you'll smell even better when I'm done wit' ya." His muzzle tilted down as he flicked her bra cups up and off. "Ooops... they slipped. Heh, you won't need them anyway. It's too bad they're so small, it might have been fun to stick my dick between them a bit."

She glared at him as best she could through building tears. Forcing his touch on her was bad enough without the degrading comments. The joke about her size hurt as much as the ripping cloth had. Lisa tried her best, but only managed a mumbled noise in retaliation. It sounded pitiful even to her ears.

"You know, I think you look a little better with it up like that." Rod toyed with her bra a bit, slipping the left cup over her right breast and leaving the other bare, then shrugged and pulled them both back off. He left it on, skewed to one side, then pushed his large right hand down her pants to cup her groin through her panties. Lisa's legs clamped around his palm but she could do nothing but cry in protest at the very much unwanted touch. "Yeah... let's move on to here. You'll like that, won't you? I bet you flaunt it to that other raccoon all the time."

The large weasel didn't wait for a response. He pulled out while she while she panted in frustrated embarrassment, then grabbed above the zipper and yanked both sides apart. Her button shot him in the belly while the rest gave way with a sad tearing sound. When he let go, Lisa felt her pants hanging only by her tail.

Rod walked around her and cupped her butt. A playful swat followed, one that bumped her forward, but not hard enough to really hurt. Lisa stumbled anyway and fell on purpose from it. He just hoisted her back up by her pants pockets. The busted hemline and her bondage made her practically fall out of them until just her bound ankles and last few inches of her tail were all that were in it.

Her captor tore fabric open with his claws and strength instead of working it off. He hummed to himself after she fell back to the ground, then hugged her to tear her bra cups apart to remove that, too. After a few quick yanks to break her shoelaces and strip her feet, Rod pulled her back up and left her standing in front of him with only her panties to hide in.

"Damn, you really are skinny." Rod walked around her, tearing holes in her pants as he took in her pleasantly feminine figure.

Lisa turned as best she could to watch him, until she realized it just made it easier for him to see her chest. Her ears wilted at the ripping of her clothes and she shut her eyes when she noticed his bulging shorts. He was actually getting off on what he was doing.

"Time for the panties, Lisa."

She tried to kick when he said it and only succeeded in falling again from the force. Rod was on her in a second, sitting on her chest and hauling her legs up with easy to slip her underwear off. Her muted protests were silenced in shock with a light painless slap to her bare vulva. She went limp after that intimate slap for several seconds, plenty long to slip her panties down to past her feet and onto the ropes binding them. With him sitting on her, she didn't even notice him briefly untie the cuffs to slip her underwear free.

"Mmm... I tore all the rest of your clothes, but I think I'll keep these as a souvenir." He fondled her pussy while making a show of sniffing the crotch of her panties for her. "Something to remember you by later." Rod stopped and lowered them slowly when he felt something in her pussy. "Well, I guess you didn't give yourself to that other coon after all. You're still a virgin. This is gonna be even better than I thought!"

Lisa lay there, crying and pleading pitifully through the gag. His fingers were rough as they spread her labia and ground over her soft clitoris. Humiliation burned her whole body red under her fur at his touch and his words. She wished desperately that somebody would find them. Somebody had to have heard her yell or could see the light around them! They had to have.

Her captor pulled her attention back to him by stripping his shirt off and standing up to remove his shorts, too. He wore no underwear and as soon as they dropped she had a good view of his ugly stiff dick. The flared tip had a wet look around its hole. She shivered in renewed fear.

"It's time for a rematch at the triathlon, Lisa." Rod casually flipped her over and jerked her tail up. "Ass, cunt, and mouth." He loved the way she jerked her head up in alarm and leaned over her to whisper into her ear. "In that order." Lisa shook hear head violently, then pulled away when his cocktip poked at her anus under her tail. He pulled her onto all fours and trapped her there with his hands around her hips. "Oh, I take it you're a virgin ass by that. I'm going in dry just for you. I want your first to be VERY memorable."

Lisa plead through her gag. The pleading turned into yelling as his cock poked in harder. It hurt feeling him pushing there. It hurt worse feeling her anus indenting in from the force. There was no way he could fit that inside her ass. She tried to focus on that while clenching her ass. He wasn't huge, she's seen some porn, but in person, it looked as big as her arm and felt as big as her leg back there.

It didn't even slide like when she worked her finger in her cunt with masturbation. There was no way he could get in. No way at all, but he kept pressing, and the pain kept building and he somehow did get in. Lisa knew she was bleeding. She had to be with how badly it hurt. The agony felt like he'd lit her whole ass on fire and punched her in the back at the same time.

It didn't go away, either. Rod's dick forced it's way in, sinking slowly deeper into her dry bottom and the pain didn't go away. He pulled completely out and it was still there, making her scream loudly into her gag and feel it slide right back in and right back out. She tried not to think about the pain of the rape or his grunts of effort over her.

His heavy breathing and heavy weight, she could focus on that. It didn't work, but she tried. He was getting into it above her, stuffing his dick through her dry ring time after time, steadily pumping faster, and his breathing told her how much he was doing to her even without paying attention to the extreme ache of it or the pinching and tearing of her dry tissue being pulled or crumpled.

The only lubrication came from Rob's pre leaking out as he somehow got off on raping her like that. She needed it to stop. She begged him to stop, or tried to. He couldn't make out anything but the tone and breakdown of her trapped voice. Please, stop, Rod. It echoed in her mind for however long it was that he sodomized her. It could have been hours, though it was only a few minutes.

Rod finally did stop, before he could finish and dump his load into her ass. He waited until he was close to the edge before slipping out and stood up over her, watching her cry. She didn't even realize he'd pulled out for nearly a minute and by then, he was ready for the real action.

"Mmm... I win the first event."

He nudged her over with a foot so she rolled onto her back and left her staring up at him, cheeks streaked with tears. He knelt over her and crudely stabbed his dirty dick right into her pussy. They both felt her hymen give way. Lisa's eyes jerked wide for several seconds, then clenched tightly shut. The emotional torment was almost equal to that of her ravaged ass.

Rod pressed his chest to hers, leaving his cock fully inside of her as he stared gleefully into her clenched eyes. "Oh, looks like I won the second event, too. I'll have to take a few more victory laps, though, just to be sure."

He lay on her and savored her shaking body for several seconds before moving his hips again. She wasn't at all aroused when he forced his way in and she didn't need to be, since it didn't matter what she wanted. There was a hint of moisture to her pussy, but not nearly what she'd have made with a loving partner. It did ease the violent entry somewhat though and it didn't hurt nearly as much as her ass had.

Lisa had no choice but to lay back as he raped her pussy as he had her ass. There was no pleasure in it for her, not even when he grabbed at her breasts or leaned over to force a kiss onto her muzzle. He didn't hurt as much in her cunt at least. Her ass still hurt terribly.

Above her, Rod was enjoying himself immensely. Lisa's pussy clenched constantly around his cock while her breasts and pretty features were all there easily in reach. Her cunt was a lot easier to get into, too, which made him have to go a bit slower so as to not finish too fast. He wasn't about to cut his play time short, not with a fresh former virgin who'd stolen a million dollars from him.

He shoved in harder again with that last thought. Slamming hard enough to make his balls slap against her buttocks and make her drag along the grass under her. The anger subsided so he only gave her just one to hard thrust, but it brought her back to a powerful sobbing under him. Rod took that as a good thing and stuffed his face between her breasts to enjoy them as well as her cunt.

Lisa struggled to breath under him. Her mind couldn't take the hard forced penetration any better than her body could and the crying wouldn't let her suck in enough air. She was angry at herself for letting it happen. She was angry at him for violating her so badly and at her body for letting him inside. It couldn't be her fault it was happening, but she felt it was, for whatever reason, and he just ignored all of that to pound away at her pussy carelessly.

Rod didn't last nearly as long as he wanted. His orgasm hit in just a couple minutes. The short break he'd taken after fucking her ass hadn't been enough and he felt himself losing it inside too soon.

The look of vaguely disappointed bliss didn't make Lisa feel any better. He still looked happy to her. She could see that he still loved what he was doing to her even as she felt the disgusting fluid squirting into her belly. Lisa felt all seven pulses of his semen clearly and felt the lingering heat of it inside. She hated it as she hated him.

A buzzing from his truck made him push himself up to look. "Huh... oh, damn. I took too long. Gotta go get Popsy..." Rod climbed off Lisa and stood naked with his cock dripping onto her. "Looks like I'll have to settle for a biathlon tonight. I'll take that mouth of yours later. I got enough for now. Well..." He crouched back down, cut the ropes on her cuffs, and ran his hands over her pussy and breasts some more, loving their softness. "Maybe just a bit more, since I was nice enough to let you loose."

Lisa watched him, still on the ground as he pulled out a camera to take a few photos of her used and bedraggled body. Her mouth was still tightly gagged as he left her and she lay where he left her for several minutes after his truck pulled away. The teenager shook violently and hugged herself for a few more minutes before managing to get her thoughts together enough to stand up.

Lisa scooped up the shreds that were all that remained of her clothing and stumbled into the forest. She was still naked. Her legs shook with every step and she fell several times in the first dozen yards. Embarrassment at her nudity overruled the embarrassment at having fallen each time. The shock kept the anger simmering in the back of her mind from giving her strength throughout the long minutes she spent groping her way through the dark forest.

Night time noises passed over her ears without her noticing them. All she could think about was home and safety. Lisa pushed through some bushes and tumbled down a small hill beyond into the clear grass beyond. She didn't see the road as she staggered upright or even hear the engine as it approached, but she did finally see the headlights when a car was almost on her.

Tires squealed as it slowed rapidly and she trudged past it without a glance. Voices yelled and the doors flew open as her name was called. Lisa tried to run but her legs gave out just as her father caught her.

"LISA! Oh, Lisa... what happened to you?!"

Her mother yelled something. Her father yelled too. Both of them hugged her to them and she felt safe before her body shut down. Both parents pulled her into the car and drove off toward the hospital. Neither said a word. They'd both seen she was naked. They were both glad it had been too dark to see all of the details. She was alive, that the important thing. That was all they wanted to think about until more could be done.

*PDS* TMNT Splinter and Irma - Pool Party For Two -2012

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