Championship Trophy
This little piece has a lot of credits that go to it, first and foremost going to Ramah for the original RP that inspired the piece (and if you all want to see it let me know in the comments!). It was a dirty randy naughty little piece that got me itching for more... Soooo I made more =D
Beyond the inspiration are the characters Sha'kal which is a draconic representation of Khaesho Scorpent's character Kalokin. I was just looking for characters to abuse when MishkaHusky was so kind to loan me her dragon character Rena and allowed me to use her as I saw fit- how kind ^_^
The story itself is bad containing a teacher abusing his position to get under some fresh young tail. Nothing dark or rapey this time but certainly something tender minds may want to avoid.
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Sha'kal blew the dragon-sized whistle, sounding the end of practice for his students. They'd been practicing all year long, competing for various placement sets and the results were quite promising. As they always were; Kal was a prize winning competitor known for more trophies than any other in their league. Most coaches felt it a measure of pride simply to beat his girls in something. He had a knack for picking out the best students to take to track and a discerning eye capable of fitting the athetic girls into just the right position.
Teaching young highschool girls how to run, jump, fly and swim certainly was not the most lucrative career path. The blue drake had turned down offers to move forward, three collage positions were waiting on an open invitation should he change his mind. The money isn't everything, he'd told them; there was something unique about structuring young minds and teaching them skills that would change their life. There were other benefits as well, the feral dragon simply had not felt it necessary to mention them.
"Rena." His voice rose over the crowd of teenage girl gossip, waving his most promising runner over. The feral dragoness' bright orange belly scales were only partly covered by the form fitting crimson and copper athletic wear of their school colors, though more of her red backside showed through. She trotted over slowly, a bit out of breath.
The older drake sat, observing her, those lovely emerald eyes scanning over his chalky black and white tattoos. He knew she wanted to ask him what they meant but it was a running gag for senior students to warn freshmen not to. Sha'kal knew the rumors and simply chose not to dispel them; gave him time to make up a variety of amusing stories to tell the more adventurous of his students. She had such pretty horns.
It was a rather random thought certainly but not one out of place for the old drake, the sweeping charcoal-ivory horns accented her curvature quite nicely. It was one of the features that had led him to put her on his team. She had a sleek body frame, a long thick tail and near-perfect proportions to perform the 4-legged ground dash. Wouldn't have been hard to switch her over to track but it was too late to do so now with the completion starting next week.
"Your time has been waning." The young dragoness cringed a little. Kal was well known for cutting participation in an event if he didn't think his chosen student could perform rather than risk a loss. It was a steep cost of entry but he'd made the terms of joining his team quite clear on day one.
"Sorry-" It was only half of what she was going to say, he could see the indecision in her expression. It wasn't the first time he'd seen it happen and certainly wouldn't be the last; the poor girl debating whether she should lie and tell him she was alright or confess her issue. She knew very well what she said next could determine if she stayed on the team or not. "-I... just... I'm having a hard time concentrating coach." She admitted at length. "And I really don't know why."
Rena could feel the little knot in her stomach as he sat there, just looking at her for what seemed like forever. She'd have held her breath if she wasn't still panting from practice. Kal's eyes washed over the young girl as if weighing her response.
"I take it this started about three days ago?" She nodded her affirmation.
"Its gotten a little worse each day but I guess you can tell..." She added sheepishly. It was his turn to nod, the elder drake extending a paw.
"Come; let me take a look at you." With that, the dual toned dark-over-light blue male ushered his charge off toward the benches. She came without question, her peak physical stature shown with how easily she carried herself. "Sit."
The command was simple and made lightly but she followed it almost eagerly. She face away from the yard, that lovely red muzzle starring off into the dark empty field. The bright floodlights illuminated inward at this time of night leaving only the dim starlight to light the rest of the field. Broad sapphire paws curled around her neck gingerly but firmly, thumbclaws feeling around the base of her horns and behind those perky ears.
"Any other issues in school?" Coach had a no-nonsense attitude but he wasn't cold to his student's lives outside of his class. If there were a real issue, they all knew they could bring it to him even if all he would provide was advice.
"No, not really." She replied in short, sitting still and straight. "Honestly though, it's more distracting in my other classes than out here, at least out here I get to move around. In Mr. Mayberry's class I felt like I was going to explode I was so restless." The athletic teen forced a chuckle as the two paws continued to roam, pressing here, feeling there.
Sha'kal smiled, laying his chin on the girl's backside as he leaned down to feel around her haunches and hind ankles. "I've been there, not with Jacob of course, but I know what it's like to feel all cooped up." The blue drake scented his student while he was there, discretely of course. There was certainly the scent of exertion clinging to her hide but there was also something... more.
"No, it's not that." She replied in kind, talking over her shoulder. "I have had days like that but this is... different." He stood, paws on her belly and giving a light tug to lift her up. She stood automatically. "It's just a lingering feeling that I can't get out of my head yah know?"
The large male wrapped his paws around her tail, arching it up slightly as he felt down the vertebrae one by one with his head held a snout length away from the base. Krrr, such a tantalizing scent, it took effort not to rumble out loud.
"Indeed I do and I am afraid it could not have come at a worse time my dear." Those large blue paws released her tail and sat back as the worried face of his student spun around into front view as she perched on the bench.
"What do you mean?" That same no-nonsense expression creased the big drake's face.
"I know what's causing your issue my dear. It's fairly common and easily treatable; however, the drug you need to use would prevent you from passing the standard drug test and, even if it didn't, the side effects would make you rather lethargic. I'm sorry love but I'm going to have to take you off the board."
"What?! No, please, you cant! I can still compete, please!" The blue drake let out a downtrodden sigh.
"I'm sorry dear, you know my policy. Your times have been declining measurably every day. By the end of the week even Lemulan High wouldn't have trouble putting you to the dust." There must be something else:
"There has to be some other way to fix this!" No matter how many times he went through this, it never stopped being enjoyable. He paused, raising an eye ridge at her as if considering an option of his own. She shifted on her hind legs, a slurry of emotions ready to break through. With an exasperated exhale, the old drake seemed to reach his decision.
"Yes, there is. It's an unconventional set of stretches that's designed to mask the distraction and let it pass on its own." This was the key point, everything he did- his strict make or break criteria, his teaching mannerism, the relation with his students, even the time of day of their practices made this possible.
"Well then... why don't we do that?" Her tail flicked, the poor girl very much on edge.
"They're not easy to do, even after its all said and done, it will take a few days to tell if it works and there's no guarantee it will work." Though I've had a great deal of success with it myself. He thought to himself.
"Well... yeah. Let's do that." That determined spirit he'd helped shape shown through perfectly. The fiery teen hopped off the bench down in front of him, ready to go on the spot. Kal wanted to grin.
"You sure? It's a little late to be starting now." She was a quarter smaller than he and only a quarter as old.
"Well you said it takes a while to take effect right? If we can do them tonight than maybe by the weekend I can prove I'm still ready to go." The lovely lady was perked and determined; how could he say no to a face like that? His smile was genuine and disarming.
"Alright alright. You can't tell anyone I am doing this for you though. My rule about after class activities still stands and I don't want anyone thinking I'm playing favorites- got it?" Rena nodded without hesitation.
The trip to the mats was quick and quiet. Sha'kal had to restrict himself from trotting after her as the eager teen bounced off ahead. She was a pretty young thing. He'd had his eye on her for some time but he'd expected she was a little too young to be involved in his plans- a pleasant surprise. There was more to the prize winning coach than met the eye. Money wasn't everything; the... bonuses were what truly kept him here.
Once on her back the big drake sat straddling her tail and gripped her hind ankles, slowly rolling them toward her midsection and further still, lifting her hind quarters completely off the ground. The position was not easy for a feral to maintain nearly double over herself but she didn't complain. To her it was all part of the process but, to him, it was to enjoy the sight of the body suit his young student wore stretch tightly over her nethers. The angle allowed him to look right down at her gender without her even realizing that was what he was doing. With those broad hind paws nearly touching her shoulders, he held her there for several long moments before finally easing her back down.
The rush of blood made her scent more apparent, his nostrils flaring in appreciation. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" It had been just specific directions up to this point so the sudden addition of small talk caught Rena off guard.
"Iiiiiee-dooo." The young girl admitted at length as she rolled over onto her flank as directed, squatting on one leg while her teacher drew the other out and back a considerable distance. "Sort of." She added in correction.
"Oh?" Once he had her limb as far back as it could go, he began lifting it upward. The maneuvers he put her through were not easy and, after the day's practice, would undoubtedly leave her sore. But it would create a perfect mask for the rest of the activities he had in mind.
Rena wasn't pensive about saying she had a guy friend but rather seemed more unsure if this was something to discuss with her coach. "He's nice but we aren't, you know, serious or anything." The fiery dragoness admitted at length, twitching slightly as her other leg was given the same treatment.
"Understandable." He nodded, finally releasing and allowing his attractive student to return to a more sensible posture. "Must be difficult to have someone like that while needing to practice so much. Now, I need you to stretch out-" He continued without pause, "-by arching your neck up and back and tail up and forward. Try to touch your nose with your tailtip and hold it there."
Again, the requested posture was not at all easy for her to manage. Despite the limberness in the athletic dragoness' body, it took her the better part of five minutes before the two ends met. Even then it took some paws-on attention from her coach, rubbing and massaging around the base of her tail to get her into position. It gave the older drake plenty of time to admire her orange underbelly. She was delicious in every way. It was good she was in this position; it might have been hard to hide the lumps of his hemipenes bulging in his own suit otherwise.
"Alright, just hold that position as best you can. The next part will feel a little awkward at first but that should subside quick enough." The strained student nodded with a soft huff as her teacher sat behind her, placing both paws on her rump.
He didn't even try to break her in slowly, those two thumbclaws finding purchase at the upper edge of her gender and simply began massaging the area between it and her tailvent. As expected, she jumped and flexed a little, losing the posture. The old drake furrowed his brow disapprovingly, removing his paws.
"You're going to have to hold still Rena. These are assisted stretches and I am more than qualified to do them with you but, in order to shift the distraction, you're going to have to follow my instructions." The tone he used was more disappointed than upset. She didn't want to disappoint him.
"Sorry." She shook herself off and tried again, returning to the ready posture. Sha'kal smiled and returned his paws to that shapely rump.
"It's alright my dear. As I said, it's an unconventional, if natural fix for the issue. And it's going to get stranger still." His understanding words alleviated some of the tension she was feeling, he could feel it under his paws as he began massaging the area again.
His actions were purposeful and indulgent, feeling around her warm feminality with delicate, practiced motions. The soft lips of her sex were just puffy enough with the effects of her estrus to be noticeable- he'd caught her early... The tattooed drake didn't let himself go fully just yet, coaxing and caressing the young hen in a way that her hot-blooded body wouldn't take the wrong way. She wasn't the first hen he'd used this technique on though each girl required different tactics and modifications. Rena was young and impressionable and easy to read.
That made the motion of dragging his tongue along the silky fabric of her suit along the ridge of her vent a calculated risk. It was worth it in the end though. He could taste her arousal through the fabric. The second swipe was as quick and professional as the first, only this time his claws were pressed at each side, holding her open just a little while stretching the garment some. The forked oral appendage dragged across nerves that sparked to life, craving more, but he denied her body its desire- at least in this form.
"Alright, you can relax a little." That eloquent well-toned body immediately released its tension. "Lay your chest to the ground and spread your fores out as wide as you can to either side." Even as he spoke, the big drake casually unhinged one of the two tail clips that held her suit in place around her tail, dragging the fabric to the side just enough to gain access to the one part of her body he was actually interested in.
His actions were preformed with such simple intent that, even despite the niggling misgivings in the back of her mind, the young teen did as she was told- it was all part of the effort to solve her issue. Her indecision was further quelled as the great drake stood and circled around, abandoning her exposed vent to personally direct the body posture he desired. He made it quick though- using critical timing as the guise to keep his erections out of sight.
She was a good student though, following his instructions to the letter with the key points assessed. Satisfied, the big drake wandered casually around behind his young runner and sat, one paw massaging the length of her red tail while the other reached beneath his own suit to free the twin spires. He let them spill into his paws, giving them a few pleasant if unnecessary strokes, the scent of her estrus making his cottony pink hemipenes painfully stiff. He was careful with is motions so as not to attract Rena's attention but allowed himself to be far more liberal now.
"Alright missy, I'm going to start the real exercise. You ready?" He'd told her he was going to massage her inner muscles now, that it was going to be weird at first but that she'd get used to it quick enough. The older drake had reassured her with amusing snippets of stories from past experiences; both of which were untrue but it helped put her mind at ease.
"Yeah." She spoke with a brave calmness that made him grin toothily. With her consent, he leaned forward and pressed his snout tip to her vent, the sensation alone not enough to make her twitch. The tongue that followed and dipped into her tender virgin sex however, made her squeeze up tightly. Normally he'd have little issue letting a needy hen constrict around his royal purple tongue but he'd challenger her with keeping her muscles relaxed and so stopped dead still until she did as she was told, that velvety pink pussy soon absorbing his silky smooth tongue like a champ.
She was good, very good, it had been some time since Kal had tasted those pheromones, his relaxed jaw letting that muscular forked organ do all the work of shoving her juicy folds this way and that to add a bit of his own moisture to her delightfully soaked vent. That was a good sign, it was going to make it easier for her body to take these monsters; he thought while massaging the tip of his barbed shafts, smearing precum around the soft, stimulating spines.
The older drake worked his student for some time, having her shift her limbs in unconventional and often unnecessary ways so he could 'get at different muscles'. He was getting ancy though, the flavor soaking his taste buds had the teacher literally dripping with lust, thin soupy strands of precum drooling from his twin spires. By the time he drew completely free his nose and muzzletip was covered in a glossy sheen of her juices, the big male not bothering to lick it clean considering the copious mess on his tongue.
"Alright, looks like you're just about ready for the last stretch my dear." He kept his tone level and professional despite the desire he had to rumble at his own success thus-far. Despite his lewd activities, the blue drake had kept it entirely professional the entire time, bringing her to the cusp of an orgasm without pushing her over. "You feel that tension?" He asked while stepping up, sliding a paw under her flank and giving her belly a gentle squeeze. That's your womb ready to take my hatchlings. "That's the stress that I'm going to try and eliminate."
Throughout the rounds of body shifts he had maneuvered her chest down, wings out, head laying in a straight line over her forepaws and rump up in the air in a position of offering. With a final shift, he pressed her hinds together with tail raised making that wet innocent vent of hers a deliciously enticing target. The dim light cast shadows that accented her glossy pussy making it hard to suppress the rumble of desire that threatened to creep up his throat.
"Just hold still as best you can alright Rena?" She nodded her affirmative. "This is going to be the most difficult stretch yet, but you've done very well so far." His words helped fill her with encouragment as he hoisted himself up, standing over his cute little student on three limbs, the fourth gripping his left hemipene and lining up with her unprotected sex. "Here we go."
Those three little words were the only warning she got as the hefty male began wedging his fat log of flesh into her young innocent body. He was slow enough at first, her posture making it twice as hard on her and twice as good for him. The first few inches struggled, the wedge-shaped tip prying her velvety hole open, the backward curved barbs slipping in as those innocent pussy lips were stretched into a lewd O. Again her body tensed up but he didn't reprimand this time, instead he simply placed a paw on the small of her back to hold her down as the head sank in. With the widest part having plunged past the tight ring of her feminine opening, the rest followed with much greater ease.
Sha'kal fed the smooth muscular girth between those bare fertile folds one hungry inch after another and another all the way until he'd bottomed out in her, his drippy cocktip planting a dangerous kiss against the wall of her womb. With a bit over two-thirds of her teacher's shaft lodged under her tail, Rena could certainly feel the stretch he was talking about, her throbbing muscles squeezing around his organ in powerful resonance with her heartbeat. It hurt a bit certainly but she could also feel the effects. Despite all the unusual sensations racing through her body, that nagging distraction was there too, very different that it had been over the past few days. It was hard to concentrate on, to tell if it was better or worse but the fact that she could feel it through all the stretches they had done so far gave her hope that this was going to be worth it.
To Kal, it was already worth it. This was the real reason he stayed; not the students or the money or the 'challenge'. The dean knew, actually most of the facility knew or suspected but they never challenged him. The amount of money and prestige his championship victories brought in was worth the occasional student that came up gravid under his teachings. They were never abused, never forced and it never came back to the school. So long as most of them could ignore what was happening than giving one occasional student an in-depth biology lesson was worth the millions used to educate the rest. He grinned toothily down at her, gently massaging Rena's neck, still lodged deep under her perfectly shaped tail.
He let her rest for a moment; no doubt it was awkward feeling several pounds of cockflesh shoving her insides out of the way to make room for itself. But eventually he was 'forced' to continue. A little pressure to keep her in place helped him withdraw. The sloshing motion of that mass of flesh moving within her was expected, what was not was the stimulating rake of his barbs catching and tugging her innocent sensitive skin at the same time. She drew in a sharp breath, tensing tightly after just a few inches, the big male having to compose himself before speaking.
"I do apologize my dear, it is unavoidable. Just try and relax, you'll get used to it soon enough." The warm voice concealed his devious delight quite well as he continued withdrawing, scraping his barbs across her bare walls. The older male leaned back, head tucked down to watch his slippery slimy shaft exercise itself from her warm body, her tightly stretched hole shifting a rolling over the features of his length, conforming to it perfectly. Her puffy pink pussy was tugged outward slightly as his barbs caught though he didn't force her to endure a full withdraw... not yet anyway.
The tattooed drake hung on the cusp for only a heartbeat or so before he shifted directions and began closing the gap again, stretching those young muscles out once more. He gave her a third slow stretch before shifting into a more pleasurable rhythm, the big male enjoying the knowledge that each thrust brought him closer and closer to seeding this beautiful little girl. Even untrained they were some of the best vents to put eggs into and he enjoyed each of his girls to the fullest. The championship trophy would be the school's reward and soon Rena would be his, her belly stretched with his eggs a trophy worth putting up on any wall.
As the motions became swifter, the contact got rougher, the poor girl taking her teacher's dick over and over as he hovered over her, plowing her fertile fields with both an air of professional dignity and the desire of a dirty feral best. Her body bounced beneath him as the big drake rode his student hard, after all this was the only viable way to rid her of her distraction- he thought with a toothy grin. Based on the evidence, the chance that she wouldn't walk away gravid seemed inconceivable. But Kal didn't want just one chance and, with only one opportunity to fuck such a receptive hole, he'd have to make use of every advantage he had.
Without missing a beat, the big drake shifted his grip from her body to his second hemipene, the long juicy cream-pink cock jostling about beneath her belly while its twin pounded away inside of it. Kal let himself indulge just a little, closing his eyes with just the barest of a rumble as his paw slid up and down his unused hemipene imagining all the things that were going on inside her body. Her estrus soaked fluids creating a thin lubricating barrier between the insistent shaft being shoved deep between those lovely child bearing hips and the tenderized flesh of her sex. Her unprotected walls groped mercilessly by his spiny shaft, stimulated into an even more receptive state. Mmmn, and that cervical barrier, the last vestige of protection defending her unguarded, egg-ripened womb from his relentless assault. Speaking of which...
"This may sting a little my dear." He warned, shifting to stand on his hinds with forepaws tucked comfortably against the crook of her thigh. With one good yanking shove, the big male pressed his tip into her deepest recesses- but unlike all the times before, he didn't bounce off its battered and bruised surface. Instead he pushed and shoved, his poor little hen letting out a yelp as she felt her womb being thoroughly violated for the first time!
Just like his initial intrusion, she felt the pointed tip squeeeeze in, prying her muscles open; but once that blood-gorged tip finished forcing its way in, her body accepted the next few inches comparative gratefulness. She'd lost all semblance of posture, her hinds lifted bodily off the ground, legs splayed wide and paws and wings gripping the ground with a young hen wide-eyed, starring back at the unexpected sensation. For the first time this evening, the big drake felt those young pussy lips wrapped tightly around the base of his shaft, the tip curled up in comfortably in her womb. For the first time Rena could see what it was impaling her or at least its cottony pink twin pressed against her belly, displaying on the outside just how deep on the inside he was.
Despite the undeniable pleasure the hot receptive sauna of her womb provided, the lust driven male kept himself composed somehow, the older drake smiling down at his younger charge. He let her burn the sight into her memory, something she could look back on a few years from now when she was raising his chicks. With a nudge of his head, Sha'kal redirected his student's attention to her lost posture.
"We're almost done with your stretches Rena but you have to maintain the posture I showed you for it to work." He lied. Truth be told he'd be happy to fuck her for another hour but she was reaching her limit and getting away with successfully knocking up one's students was all about timing.
He didn't make it easy for her to return to her previous position by sawing an inch or so of his stiff shaft back and forth inside her but he enjoyed watching her struggle to follow his instructions. Once back in the correct and, incidentally, most receptive posture for fertilization, the big male got back to the business of breeding his prize; one paw around his unused cock and one hen around the other. Whatever stimulation his barbs provided along the lining of her tender pussy walls was magnified tenfold when applied directly to the walls of her uterus. Soon the big male was all but scraping her ovaries for fresh eggs, indulging in a devious pastime.
"Time to... finish your stretches." His labored words were the only warning she got as the horny male took his golden strokes inside her. He'd been delicate and professional the whole stretch but for this last moment, he indulged just a little, hammering his crotch flush with hers once... twice... a third time before the long exhale leaving his nostrils was mirrored by the discharge of thick pearly white cum leaving his deeply impaling shaft and thumping generously against the bare walls of her womb.
She could certainly feel his orgasm, the urethra-stretching wads of dragon sperm pushing and rolling over her clit on their way in toward their final destination. Thick streams of genetic goo were soon whitewashing her most private of places, the big male's not holding back as he pounded his clutch into little Rena one pleasured spurt after another... and another. The satisfaction was almost as good as the orgasm, knowing that cute little belly would swell with the next brood of atheletic offspring made the moment all the more thick and heavy. Of course for the little red dragoness, the thick and heavy part was taking the weight of his cum all in one sitting while experiencing the first mind shocking orgasm of her life.
And that wasn't all; despite the jerking motions of the male dumping his load under her tail, there was still one motion more powerful than it with is paw rolling over his unused spire. His last action was more than a little unprofessional as he pawed himself up to the edge and yanked free just in time to shove his second hemipene into the young girl's cunt but she at least she was too far along her sexual high to realize it. A single rope of pearly white cum leapt out and splattered over her pussy lips before he got his second twitching shaft inside her. This time the blue drake smeared his load across her entire channel, hot sticky globs of sperm rubbed into all the tender cracks and crevices of her vent.
The immediate area smelled like hot feral sex, the friction warmed fluids permeating the senses leaving both of them in a state of aching, throbbing pleasure. Sha'kal was the first to recover, or at least pretend to recover, wrapping a paw around the base of his shaft to drain the last drops of seed into her well fucked undertail as he withdrew. Only once he pulled completely free with a wet shlorp did the innocent little red dragoness seemed to realize something was different. She stood on shaky legs, not sure what to do now, the older drake giving her an encouraging pat on those sore haunches, eyeing the sticky mess he'd left drooling from freshly bred vent.
"There we go, you feel the effects yet?" He spoke with a surprising evenness to his voice while taking the detached half of her tail clip and drawing it back up over her tender pussy, clipping it in place as if nothing were amiss.
"I... yeah..." She huffed, quite exhausted. She certainly felt a whole slew of new sensation ranging from mind fogging enjoyment to a tender sticky feeling all over her loins. But the one thing she didn't feel was that nipping, distracting want. "Did... did it work?"
He refrained from grinning toothily. "Why don't you take the next few days off, then we'll assess your progress on the track?" Kal knew it had worked; even now his sperm were wedging their way up into her oviducts with a singular purpose. Soon they'd find her deliciously unprotected ova and wedge hungrily into their soft shells to turn this young promising athlete into just another teenage pregnancy statistic. He was so sure of his success that he had no reservations at all with giving her additional 'homework'.
"You said you had a boyfriend right? I wont have time to do this with you again but you should do these stretches with him too a few times a week for the rest of the month." He sat, pocketing his still stiff shafts into his uniform, unconcerned with the slobbery mess still coating their lengths. "Really any boy will do if he's not up for it and don't worry about getting anything wrong. These extra sessions will just help make sure it doesn't come back before the championship."
Rena nodded, her tender body making slow progress as she shifted to a tentative stand. She turned to face her teacher... slowly, the big drake looking no worse for wear. With a genuine smile, she stepped up and rubbed her cheek against his chest in the dragon equivalent to a hug.
"Thank you." She spoke sincerely as his paw came up behind her head to press her against him. He smiled back, thoroughly enjoying himself.
"You are quite welcome my dear. Now get off to the showers before someone starts missing you and, remember, you don't go blabbing off about getting special treatment from me." He waggled his finger, giving his student a stern look. But the freshly fucked hen just nodded and bounced away, taking only two steps before thinking better of it and changing to a more sensible walk. Her tail remained sorely arched with the sticky cum spot still visible just around the edges of her suit.
Sha'kal would let her compete either way just like he'd done with Lisa and Rose. An occasional loss gave his competition hope and, besides, this was the last time she was going to be able to compete at this level after all. It seemed the least he could do for the new single mother.