Like father, like son

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#8 of Draccy RPs

Been a while since I posted these; not because I don't have piles of sexy deliciousness but more because I've been lazy ;P

In this our lovely gryphon male Ares ends up encountering a real life MILF just like all the one's he's seen on the internet and, with a little encouragement from a stranger, ends up going all the way with her!

Tis an RP log between myself (the D: posts) and Sargon (the S: posts) so please rate and review accordingly.

Once you're finished reading the sloppy, bisexual, incestuous sex please;VOTE if you read it.COMMENT if you enjoyed it.PAW if you loved it!

D: Terrus was such a good lover, his tongue always made her squirm as she was doing right now, her cream-colored belly fluff up, four legs dangling while he did all the work. Her soft huffs and moans were left unrestrained in her husband's home; with none of her family here for the next few hours she could thoroughly enjoy her forbidden lover as he wedged his beak between her legs, rolling that exquisite tongue across her inner folds. She hissed and tensed as the tip rasped along the sensitive lining of her sex, a forepaw reaching down to grope at the teats along her belly, her floof puffed up and on end as she neared a delicious orgasm. She'd give him his just reward soon, but for now, the pleasure was all hers and she had no qualms of letting him shove her violently over the edge.

S: Ares eased the door open as silently as he could without looking like he was trying to be sneaky. His mother might be right there at the entrance, so it wouldn't do to look like he was trying to come back to the house without her noticing. But if she didn't happen to be right there, he didn't want her to know so he could get to his room without being given a list of chores to fill his unexpectedly free time. It was coming up on finals, and he was beyond tired of studying. He was an adult now (if only just!), and he could decide to relax if he wanted! ... provided he could sneak past his mom. He stepped in and closed the front door quietly. Nobody was there... no, wait... he could see wings and movement at the couch in the main den. The couch faced away from the front door, so he could see his parent's wings over the back of it. He started to pad quietly toward the stairs when the thought occurred to him that his father should still be at work... and... he looked over... that looked like his mother's wing, but the other... that was not his father's plumage. He considered leaving that mystery unsolved and just going up to his room anyway, but there were also soft noises and his mother was moaning softly. What was going on? He turned and approached behind the couch obliquely, trying to spy without revealing himself... hoping it would just be nothing and he could turn and quietly slink back to his original plan.

D: The sight of his free-feathered mother was nothing too unusual, however the addition of a stranger buried between her legs was a far less common sight. Any mystery of what was going on would be rather quickly dispelled as her toeclaws curled in delight, every inch of her body puffed up in pleasure as she was rolled over the edge of an orgasm and left to quiver in the grip of hot rhythmic contractions. The other male let her linger in the thrumming glow, his long stiff arousal hanging hard below his belly having left a damp spot of his own desire on the floor. It was quite a sight, watching his mother cum like a schoolgirl from the actions of male that was not her husband. The stringy juice that coated his beak as he eased back glinted in the skylight. The tongue that had brought her to orgasm now worked over her tender lips, 'cleaning' the mess he'd made.

S: Ares rounded the end of the couch in time to see his mother start shuddering as she reached her peak with another male's beak stuffed beneath her tail. He froze, watching, stunned. He was near the wall, several feet from the couch, having circled as far away as possible, and the male hadn't seemed to spot him yet, though he would be in view. If the stranger hadn't had his beak buried into his mother's pussy, he supposed he might have noticed. Ares didn't do anything for some seconds, just... dumfounded. But also strangely... he wasn't sure how he felt. Okay. It was turning him on in a way, he admitted to himself. But... but... he let his eyes wander over the stranger's very hard cock... was he planning to? ... was his mother planning to? Should Ares be angry at his mother? "Uhh... hi, mom..." he found himself saying. He hadn't even thought this through yet. How did his beak start flapping of its own accord? The young gryphon's expression was the very definition of conflicted.

D: What had started as a hot pleasant warmth rushing through her veins turned to a sudden shot of ice as a familiar voice caught her totally off guard. She did a good job hiding her emotion but the change was quite clear. The other male tensed as well, his ears perked and sharp beak turning toward his potential rival in a very feral fashion but, seeing a teen son rather than an adult husband, he seemed to relax somewhat. "Ares, what are you DOING here?!" Cried his mother in a voice trying its best to be reprimanding despite the current situation. Smooth as butter though, the earthly brown gryphon grinned, eyeing the younger version of himself and cut off the rest of her speech. "Who's this handsome stud?" If the situation had been different she might have kicked Terrus for his bisexual interest but it was hard to come up with a solid plan of action in her current state of mind. "That's... my son, Ares." She answered mostly to keep the awkward silence from taking root as the adrenaline finished burning the endorphins out of her system.

S: Ares' feathers flattened as his mother asked him so accusingly. What am I doing here? What are YOU doing?! He was shifting back and forth slightly, building up to shout the words back at her when the strange male spoke, and it just let the air out of his tires with a wheeze. For a moment, his confused emotions had a direction to go, and suddenly they were just swirling again. The words could have been hollow or even condescending toward the younger, smaller male... just something an older gryphon says to a "youngster", but that's not the way this gryphon said it. The tone carried genuine interest, and that's what had stopped Ares from spilling out at his mother. His eyes darted down to the older male's cock and then back up again as if doing so fast enough could be unseen. The younger gryphon squirmed a little, his school clothing feeling a little tight. The two free feathered gryphons there before him, he could feel in spite (or because?) of everything his own cock pushing from its sheath uncomfortably against his bottoms. "Uh, hi," he said, raising a fore paw to wave a little dumbly. The son was clearly still in shock. "I think I caught you two at an... uh... awkward moment..." It made him think about how his mother had caught _him_ at his own awkward moment about a week ago when he had a white gryphoness in his room. They were supposed to be studying, but he was on her back juuuuust about to start pushing into her. Bareback, too. That had ended things, and she hadn't been over again since. He'd also gotten a lecture not just about girls but also about how important condoms were if he couldn't stay celibate like a good boy.

D: The older gryphon drake didn't seem at all bashful about the glance, his own arousal remaining unabated. If things were going to blow up, they would have by now, damage was already done so now was just damage control. "Awkward is a good way to put it. Your mother hasn't been caught yet so this is a new experience for her, unlike feeling my tongue inside her."

"Terrus!" She gasped in immediate response but he ignored her, laying a paw on her pussy and giving it a gentle massage as he continued.

"You can come over and have a closer look; I won't bite- unless you want me too." He grinned, a cool, collected curl of the beak as he stretched out his hind leg some, giving the younger male a good look. There was an interest in his eyes that gave the floofy male an angle to work. There was still a chance he might get off if he played his cards right.

S: Ares paused for a time, not sure how to take that. Well, he knew how he wanted to take that, but was having trouble getting himself past feeling like he should be angry and yelling or freaking out or something. But that wasn't how he was feeling. The suddenly built up emotions were being channeled into a different direction... namely toward the young male's crotch. He was definitely having the sort of feelings that got him into trouble. And here was his mother right there. He felt strangely as if she were the one catching him at something rather than the other way around. Ares had already closed most of the distance by the time he realized he'd started moving cautiously toward the two older gryphons, only one of whom was related to him. He sat back on his haunches and looked... well; he avoided looking at his mother's eyes, but did look at her pussy closely as had been suggested. He'd seen it before as his mother did go free feathered from time to time, but only in fleeting glimpses. And certainly not in the wet and reddened state it was in now. Then he turned his head to look down at the stranger's... Terrus was his name? ... at Terrus' still hard cock. He stared it at for some seconds before asking, "Were you going to use that on my mom?" Again, it was almost as if he was watching someone else speak when his own beak moved, but the question sounded strangely even and natural under the circumstances.

D: His mother kept her beak shut, swallowing any of the things she might have otherwise said. Terrus was an experienced MILF hunter and it served to reason he'd been caught once or twice though how this could end well was beyond her. She flushed under her cheek feathers as her son observed the two aroused gryphs and blushed hotter as her son asked his question. "I was certainly considering it;" Came the shameless response. "-but maybe I could make you a deal instead. Doesn't seem right to cheat on your dad with your mom while you know about it. So how about you use this-" He spoke, reaching a paw beneath the younger male's belly, gripping the arousal he seemed confident would be there and giving it a dirty little massage. "-on her instead while I watch?" His mother's eyes were wide at the suggestion, the older hen seemingly stunned into silence at the mere thought!

S: Ares was pretty stunned, too. But the older male had certainly been right about there being something stiff to grip through his bottoms. Ares' beak dropped a little open, and he let out a slow, shivering breath as the larger fore paw stroked what was a painfully stiff erection. The distorted logic of how what was being suggested made everything "okay" was rolling through his head and getting nowhere. His thoughts kept resetting each time that fore paw worked his length. Eventually, he decided he couldn't think it through for accuracy, and he would just assume it was correct. Well, honestly, some part of him knew, but he was repressing that part sternly. He looked into his mother's eyes now. "Would you be okay with that, mom?" As he asked the question, he was unfastening his bottoms and pulling them down. He stopped, a little stunned again as this allowed the older male to grip his stiff red length directly, but then he continued, working off all of his clothing until he could stand sit back on his haunches free feathered as the other two older gryphons.

D: 'No, of course not, what kind of a question is that?' That was the correct answer as far as correct could be but it was hard to say no. Her mind rationalized it as being a choiceless choice; Terrus had weaved a rather intricate solution to making a very bad situation into something manageable and, while it wasn't favorable, it was better than the fallout of the alternative. However, some part of her didn't want to say no. She'd let Terrus seduce her, let him suggest a 'date' at her own home and slipped out of the dress she'd been wearing all for the thrill of doing something so very wrong. The idea of being fucked by her son while her cheating partner watched fit nicely into that fantasy. "I... I guess." She answered numbly, the soft belly fluff relaxing somehow as the older male's paws slide up through her plumage with such a casual motion. She got a good look at her son's erection as the older brown feathered gryph massaged her baby boy's cock slowly, working it all the way up and all the way back down. Ares didn't need help mounting a gryphoness but Terrus guided him gently anyway, encouraging the two related birds up belly to belly together.

S: Ares was somehow expecting Terrus to get out a condom and put it on him. But he didn't see any around. He looked this way and that expecting to see a box of them nearby after the stern talking to he'd gotten from his mother last week. It was only just occurring to him that Terrus and his mother were not planning to use a condom themselves as the older male helped him onto the sofa atop his own mother. He took a deep breath as he felt that grip over his young length nestle its bare tip against the soft netherlips his egg had passed through. His mother was in heat, and the happenstance of his walking in on them had just changed who the father was probably going to be. He fully understood the implications of that just like he had understood that he was intentionally trying to knock up his study partner the week before. He didn't comment on it, however, as he pressed his haunches down, sinking that bare red shaft into his mother's heat slowly inch by inch as the older male made sure his aim was true.

D: That young shaft slipped through the ring of his encircling claw and into the soft wet ring of his mother's vent, her body tight and tense as he eased inch after inch between those fine haunches until his crotch came to rest flush against hers. His mother didn't look worried or upset or angry, she looked like a girl trying to hide her enjoyment of something so dirty and taboo. Her insides moved around him, slickening his shaft with her estrus soaked fluids her body giving the same unbiast treatment her own son as it would have any male who'd managed to make it balls deep between her legs. The moment would be forced to linger a little longer as the young male felt the paw nudge its way under his tail feathers and gently massage his tailvent, the soft rub of a fluid covered paw against his sensitive pucker adding an additional spark of wrongness to the whole lewd act.

S: Ares wasn't surprised as the older male's forepaw started touching his anus. He had doubted from Terrus' tone that he wanted to just watch. And... Ares realized... he wasn't just expecting that the larger male meant to participate. He was hoping that he would. Ares had on a few occasions mounted other males, but he had never been mounted himself. He was both elated and nervous at the idea. He rocked his haunches slowly and shallowly, moving inside his mother a little while not disrupting the other male's touch. Then he stopped inside her and looked back over his shoulder as he slowly lifted his tail feathers and fanned them out. "Would you like to help me fuck my mom?"

D: The older hen was agawk at what had just come out of his son's beak but her features didn't betray anything, only a little squeeze around the shaft buried in her unfaithful pussy to give it away. Terrus, however, seemed quite at home with the suggestion, grinning as he stepped up behind the young male, his weight comfortably sandwiching the teenage stud between the interrupted lovers. "I was just hoping you might ask." He thrummed, one paw down between Ares' hinds and the other guiding his healthy girth under those offered tail feathers. "View's better up here anyway." He added with a wink at the blushing fem. Even though Ares was not accustomed to having his vent stretched, Terrus' bisexual nature had taught him several good tricks to help new males experience everything their own gender had to offer. It was no easy task to take the brown feathered male but when his body finally relaxed enough to allow the length of that impressive girth sliiiide up home inside him, the sensation was nearly enough to drive the freshly de-virgined male to cum on the spot. "Easy tiger, I think your mom deserves a little more than that." He cooed with a beaky grin, rubbing his paws through Ares' chest fluff.

S: "Slowly..." Ares urged as the larger, older male drew up behind his raised tail feathers, the younger male growing nervous as he felt the size of the gryphon mounting him. The males he had mounted seemed to like it a great deal, but both of them had also been... ah... well experienced with it. He'd understood that it was often painful for beginners, and those thoughts played on him now. Especially as he felt that thick, bare (still no condom!) tip press against him, already sensing its girth. He'd seen it. He'd wanted to touch it. Play with it. Even suck on it, he had to admit. And now... he steeled himself as it started to work inside. He needn't have said anything, it seemed. Terrus was obviously an old hand at this, and despite his size, he managed to get under the younger gryphon's tail with... well, it wasn't exactly comfortable, but it wasn't the excruciating pain he was expecting. His mother, he realized, had a good view of her son's probably somewhat comedic expressions as the older male stuffed him, but by the time that cock was completely feathery balls deep in him, he didn't care too much anymore. His expression had changed, and it was all he could do to hold back his orgasm. With a thick shaft in him, the sensation of his mother's vent around his shaft was somehow even more electric. "Yeah, krrr... yes... stay still... don't move... krrr.... *huff*" He was clenching, trying to keep from going over the edge of several seconds. And then he spent several seconds more coming down enough that he felt he wouldn't pop off immediately. "Okay... okay... *huff*... go." And he started to slowly draw out of his mother and then press back into her again.

D: Terrus drew his hips back in unison with the younger male, staying buried inside his adventurous companion as he slid back and forth within his mother a few times, letting him adjust to the sensation of fucking the vent he'd been born from before adding his own stimulation. This time he countered Ares' movements, pulling back as he pushed in allowing the younger bird to explore all the new levels of pleasure one by one. His mother was aglow at all this dirty, devious sexual exploration but she said not a word of discontent, her yawning vent swallowing her offspring's cock without complaint, her waiting eager womb primed and ready to carry a new generation of unexpectedly incestuous young while her son explored a whole new level of sexuality right in front of her. Eventually the bigger male moved with his counter, drawing out as he did and rolling his body forward, making the impact between his mother's legs firmer and more energetic. Speed and rhythm changed but the end result remained ever the same with the teenaged gryphon's undertail now coated in his older counterpart's slimy precum, the two now fully in sync, the topmost male doing his part to help knock up the needy hen beneath him, just not with his own chicks.

S: The sensation of fucking his own mother was even better than he'd expected. Not that this was something he'd previously contemplated, but rather he'd fucked a red feathered girl in his class a couple of times before. But she hadn't been in heat at the time, and more importantly, she wasn't as experienced as his mother clearly was. She knew how to squeeze and nurse her son's cock inside her. She must have, he supposed, since here I am. Not the first time she's been seeded. Indeed, he may not have walked in on the first time she's been with Terrus either. In fact... his eyes suddenly widened a little as he realized just how similar Terrus' plumage was to his own. More similar, in fact, than his dad's was. Or who he thought was hi*urrrf* The young gryphon's mind was reset again as the older male started pumping him in counter with his own thrusts, now for the first time feeling that thick shaft pounding him even as he pounded his mother's vent. The trio were in full swing now, and the pleasure was almost more than he could take. Terrus' pumping hurt, but it hurt so good. It was driving him toward release inside his mother, and he could barely slow it down. But his mind was starting to contemplate the ramifications again... was Terrus his..? "Are you my father?" he huffed out aloud.

D: His mother looked like she wanted to cover herself with a wing at that question but Terrus simply cocked that quirky little smirk while seamlessly plowing the boy's undertail. His eyes shifted from the back of Ares' head to his mother. "He's a smart one isn't he?" She didn't answer, just stayed there splayed out lit up like a Christmas tree as the two males continued their dirty little tryst. "Hey I kept my promise, I didn't tell him." His grin grew wider. "And I'm keeping my other promise to give you another chick, still my genes, just from a fresher source." He chortled playfully, fanning his tailfeathers as he adjusted his posture. Ares wasn't given much time to mull over all this new information as the bird on his back bit into the tender area between his neck and shoulder, holding him and redoubled his efforts. Terrus knew just how to drive a male over the edge and, with the new knowledge fresh in his young mind, the big feathered drake squatted down and thrust up at a new angle, grating his cockflesh against the younger male's most sensitive spot, having saved this for last. Every thrust was like having his spine stroked with cocaine. The hot pearly white liquid that began thumping along his inner walls and sharp exhale through pleasured nares let Ares know his father had just got what he came for.

S: The manner in which Terrus had asked who he was and then been so familiar with him so quickly had made sense in this revelation. Ares had noticed something about the tone both he and his mother had used when she introduced her son, but hadn't put it to anything at first. That was part of what had suddenly snapped into place for him. Terrus had already known exactly who he was. And apparently he has wanted to butt fuck his son. While all of this had been a sudden shock to Ares, his father... his _real_ father... had probably been hoping this would happen for a long time. And now it was. The son was sandwiched between his own mother and father, all locked in hard, hot, and sticky full-consequences bareback sex. Ares skreed as his father bit down on him and started shooting his seed hard into his son. Ares wasn't far behind. But he did not bite his mother. Instead, he shoved her beak with his and twisted to push her into an interlocked deep kiss, giving his mother a beak full of tongue just as the smaller pair of feathered balls started to jerk the same way the larger ones hanging just above them were. Pulse after pulse of bird seed spattered both into the young gryphon and his mother. There was no movement to pull out in any way. Ares was breeding his own mother intentionally, just as the thick cock that was in him now must have done to her a little over eighteen years ago. His sperm surrounded and penetrated each of his mother's eggs, spawning new incestuous life. Sons and daughters that Ares will also want to fuck some day. Such a dirty thought. In that moment, he understood Terrus' motivations. He understood his father.

A Change of Scenery

D: He grins devilishly. "I think I know just what you need." He rumbles bringing his tail forward and takes a little perfectly round silver ball from its coil, bringing it before your nose, still holding your chin. He wedges a clawtip between your...

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Business as Usual

The regal onyx-scaled male's demeanor didn't change as he stood silently by the break room, watching the bustle of the large office complex with his head towering over all the rest. It always gave him a bit of pleasure to see his employees work just a...

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The Last Dance

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