Re-decorating with a 'Paint' Gun

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#3 of KS

Krystal had only stayed in the hospital for two days after Ruby's birth before she was back on the Great Fox. The two had enjoyed staying with the team so much but they soon decided their children's safety came first. After saying their goodbyes and packing, Krystal and Sally journeyed back to the old shop Sally used to own and made it their home. Clearing out the dildos and toys (for later use) the two began to refurbish the shop to create the perfect home for their girls to grow up in. Bringing two mugs from the kitchen, Sally entered the room Krystal was painting. Krystal wore blur dungarees and a cap as she was painting the walls a light pink. Silently, Sally placed the coffees down on a near-by ladder and snuck up on her mate.

She grabbed Krystal breasts as her brush fell to the floor, "Good work Mrs Horny! How about a quick ‘break'?"

"Sally," she panted in pleasure, "I still need to finish the the room!"

"You deserve a break on your birthday!"

Krystal knew she was in for it now. Last year when the two had celebrated Krystal's birthday the evening ended with Sally, Krystal and a pineapple. Krystal couldn't walk for days afterwards.

"It's not my birthday today," Krystal replied, desperate to fool Sally.

"It is! I've even prepared a treat for my special little girl!!"

A heavy knock on the door tolled the arrival of Krystal's gift. Her mind wondered at what the present was; the world's largest dildo, the national championship rugby team (in the buff)? To Krystal's surprise Sally returned to introduce Krystal to new face.

"Krystal, I'd like you to meet Terri Aronson."

A large dragoness (similar to Irana) stood merrily in front of her. Her scales were a mix of purple and pink to match her explosive, thigh length hair and folded wings. Her ass was bulky and she had a hint of toned muscles. Donning a pink shirt and skirt, she shook Krystal's hand intently as the confused vixen stared on.

"Terri was a friend of mine when I was in the porn industry. She introduced me to Irana."

"It's an absolute joy to meet you!" giggled the crazy looking dragoness.

Her voice, however, was much more serene and slick as her long tongue rolled her words perfectly. Sally dragged the pair upstairs to the finished bedroom and locked the door behind her with another naughty smile forming.

"Sally, please," begged Krystal, "We need to finish the house. Terra can't take care of the girls forever."

Shelia appeared behind Krystal and began to remove her dungarees, "Calm yourself dear; let's take these heavy things off."

"But we need to..."

Krystal stopped suddenly in her tracks. Her eyes widened in a blast of yearning as her hands found their way to her entrance. Terri appeared in front of her to help her fully out of her clothes. She noticed a faint pink smoke pour from nostrils and float off into the room.

Sally shunted Krystal to the bed and leaped on top of her, "Terri can expel an airborne aphrodisiac at will. It seems your not used to it yet!"

No reply was heard as Krystal continued to pleasure herself in single minded inspiration.

Sally pulled herself close and whispered into Krystal's ear, "And that's not the only gift Terri has!"

The two stared at the chuckling dragoness as she pulled off the skirt to reveal a huge cock with a size to rival even Rouge herself. The dragoness grabbed pulled Krystal up in her grasp from behind as she primed herself. By this time Sally had unearthed a strap-on and pulled it on, joining the pair in front of her blue furred vixen.

"What better way to celebrate your birthday," began Sally with her evil smirk and sharp tongue, "Than a double porking!"

Wasting no time the pair dug into the excited vixen hearing only a series of squeal and moans for their deep penetration. Pulling Sally forward, Krystal produced such an intense kiss that Sally could have sworn she was pulling her tongue out. The sleek herm cock pushed past her barrier and hilted as Sally began her rhythmic, pounding thrusts. Krystal released Sally and allowed some ecstatic groans to escape her throat. The passionate burning that indicated the lack of space sent Krystal into such a deep heat that she began to sweat thickly. Terri hooked Krystal's legs under the knees to allow Sally ease of access. Using one hand to fondle Krystal's clit and the other to play with own, Sally began to succumb to the airborne aphrodisiac. Her legs quivered in intense pleasure as her strap-on dug deeper into Krystal. Krystal wrapped one arm around Terri's head (as Terri rested her head on Krystal's shoulder) and the other to stroke her stretched pussy lips.

"OH SALLY!!!" cried Krystal in ecstasy.

More and more pink fumes filled the room as Terri began to up the pace on her fucking. Pulling all the way out and forcing her way back in was still not enough to loosen Krystal up that much. Terri could feel Krystal's walls squeeze around her length, practically milking her of all her cum.

"Sally!" she panted, "I can't last much longer!!"

Hearing her words, Sally pulled out and began to wildly lap at Krystal's worked entrance and clit. With a final, deep thrust, Terri released a surge of warm dragon seed deep into Krystal. A warm feeling of fulfilment rushed over Krystal as she grabbed Sally's head and drew back her knees and squealed. Her orgasm was intense as her juices covered Sally's maw. The three collapsed onto the bed in exhaustion.

"Are you sure you can't stay?" requested Krystal in her dressing gown.

"Sorry cutie," replied Terri, waiting in the doorway, "I have a job interview so I best be off. I'll leave you with a present though."

Sally in her dressing gown appeared next to Krystal with a mug of coffee and a smile on her face. With a large snout, Terri blew a blast of the pink smoke into Sally's face and walked away. Sally suddenly dropped the mug and hungrily tackled Krystal to the floor.


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