A Big Ol' Mess

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Something a little different, watch out, some pretty weird kinks in here!

A Big Ol' Mess

Deep in the mountains there dwelled a mountain town named Leamou. Leamou was a mining village, having most of the inhabitants working below the ground for a large part of each day to produce their one and only export...iron. Most of the buildings were entirely made of the mineral, protecting the residents from even the most extreme whether the mountain ever threw at them.

Today was a normal day so far, each miner had their own tunnel allocated to them and they dug away with their trusty pickaxes and shovels. It was only a few hours into the day and a young boy on his first mining trip alone was already aching all over. Taking a moment, the ten year old Doberman sat on his haunches to get the little rest he could afford. This canine was named Plassu, a name he was quite sure no one else had ever owned.

After only a brief pause he carried on, knowing that he needed to keep digging until at least the lunch break, he could make it. But just as he started up again, something happened that every miner dreaded. The tip of his pick snapped off into the wall and caused it to crack and crumble and he barely had chance to shout behind him "cave in!" Then everything was darkness.

With a groan, the canine awakens many hours later, holding his aching head where that large rock that had knocked him out had hit. It was pitch black but his eyes had been given plenty of time to adjust while he was out. Getting up a little shakily he looked around, seeing that the passage behind him in which he came from was completely blocked. It'd likely take hours to dig through, especially when he couldn't fix his pickaxe in here.

Knowing that it'd be better to wait then to exhaust himself more, the Doberman decided to explore, heading off down an open path he noticed near the end of the open space. With caution he travelled down it, feeling like he was being pulled deeper by his own curiosity. He had no idea how long he was going for, all sense of time was gone here and in a weird way it felt refreshing to the pup.

After an indefinite timescale, he noticed what appeared to be light further down the cave. "Is that...a way out?" He mouthed, hoping to high heaven that he was right. With the excited nature that his natural youth brought, he ran forward towards the light. Closer and closer, brighter and brighter, Plassu was approaching the light source with recklessness. Stumbling right at the end of the passage, the Doberman tripped into another cavern, this one well lit by some sort of glowing mass in the centre.

Naturally this sparked a million and one questions inside the boy's head, about this strange sight, what it was and what secrets it could hold. With little thought for safety, he slowly approached it and felt strange warmth coming from it even before reaching out to touch. The surface was surprisingly soft, spongey and moulded around his paw a little bit before he retracted it.

Then something happened that made him recoil intensely, as a strange brightly lit paw resembling his own pushed out of the mass to press against him some. Plassu was more than surprised when the...whatever it was lifted itself up and moved closer, making him back away until he hit the wall. Once he was trapped, that warm, strangely solid paw hit his stomach and started to stroke.

Canines always did love belly rubs and Plassu was no exception, softly murring at the feeling and slowly but surely relaxing into the soft movements. This actually carried on for a while, until the Doberman was practically putty in that paw. Whatever the creature was, it knew that this was its only chance to make its move.

Using surprising slyness, several long tentacles started to grow from the lump and immediately started to snake their way upward. Before the poor canine realised, the tentacles had slithered up his pants legs and even entered his underwear to wrap wetly around his young boy parts.

Naturally, at the sudden touch his body reacted with a gasp and it was all downhill from there. Taking the noise as a sign of acceptance, the blob moves more tentacles from its strange body to the canine's own. A large thick one of the appendages was pushed rather suddenly into the open mouth of the Doberman, almost forcing him to suck it. However, thanks to the sudden new, powerful musk in his nose and the nice taste in his maw, Plassu found himself soon allowing that thick, glowing growth to push in and out of his mouth.

Meanwhile, back in the pants of the canine, more and more tentacles were being introduced. It was only when the sound of fabric tearing ripped through the cave that there was nowhere left to hide. Having already been shirtless like all the other miners, Plassu's now completely naked form was exposed to the cool cave air as those tentacles started to rub against his furry form like they were feeling him up...judging his potential.

At least a dozen of the tentacles wrap around the waist of the Doberman, suddenly lifting him clean off the ground and into the air. Now at the creature's mercy, the canine could only watch in silent anticipation as dozens more appendages sprung from the blobs form. He didn't exactly know what they wanted yet, but for some reason he wasn't afraid...only curious of what was to come.

But, the glowing beast was now ready to move and did so in force. Two thicker, long growths join the one already in his mouth, making his jaw almost ache as he took all three like that as it stretched to fit. Many of the other tentacles cocooned around most of his body except for his crotch and rear. Now with only a few spare extra tentacles, the monster directly touches the male's rear and suddenly applies a lot of pressure to his tight, virgin tailhole.

With a loud whimper, Plassu was penetrated and then some. Thankfully for him, the appendages were pretty wet and slick otherwise that could have hurt a lot more but he was in for so much more yet. That fat muscular thing in his ass started to thrust and it wasn't being gentle either, claiming that previously untouched space as its own. If that wasn't bad enough, another one of the stray tentacles had moved to his sheath and was wetly teasing its way inside.

Groaning deeply from a mix of odd feelings he couldn't describe, the canine felt at least two more new tentacles move to his ass and attempt to squeeze in. Even with their wetness, the stretching his backdoor got when those three finally managed to be in together and thrusting was incredible. Though there was some pain, it was far outweighed by the amount of sick, twisted pleasure this provided.

Seeming to notice that the young canine had actually managed to get aroused through all this, a single, thinner tentacle was extended and teases around that small puppyhood a bit. After feeling a drop of pre coming from his new tentacle sock, he plunges that thin muscle into the hole at the end of the poor dog's stiff member. Plassu gives a wild spasm as his insides are now assaulted in so many ways and yet he was loving this much more than he should.

The blob kept providing the canine with more and more stimuli, adding tentacles to that stretched ass whenever it started feeling too loose. It was now starting to push much deeper too, large visible bulges going through the canine's stomach, chest, cock, sheath and even balls.

It was around the point where he had ten tentacles in his ass alone that poor Plassu reached an endless orgasmic state, however being forced not to cum by the tentacle deep in his balls. This kept up for several minutes, before everything changed in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly the tentacle inside his cock started spewing forth hot, thick, strange liquids directly into his immature sacks. Plassu howled out at the incredible feeling, as his once raised set of orbs surged down and out with the volume of liquids being injected into them. He pants around the tentacles in his mouth the best he can as he watches his testicles swell up to the size of watermelons, before that thin tentacle finally stops spraying the weird liquid.

And then the rest started to go off. The thirteen tentacles inside him met up in the middle of his belly and all erupted in an amount of thick goo that Plassu could easily have mistaken for some sort of water explosions inside him. Just like his now huge balls, his stomach distends massively too. At that point, the tentacle that had been holding back his load retreats and Plassu gives an ungodly howl of bliss as he finally gets to cum.

Cum he does, as load after load of puppy seed fires all around the cave floor and over the glowing creature's body. It felt like it would never end, just like the cannons going off inside him didn't seem to want to let it either. But, nothing is infinite and the creature runs out of the goo and slowly withdraws all tentacles from in and around the canine, letting him fall onto a soft bed of the thick appendages. Unfortunately for him, despite the rough treatment, none of that goo wanted to go anywhere it seemed and stayed firmly in his belly and balls as he recovers from that life changing experience.

Only one thing to do now and that was rest and as the canine did so, the glowing creature digs down into the ground deeply and eventually disappears like nothing ever happened. A few hours later and the other miners finally found the young cub, albeit much larger than they remembered. They took him home and nursed him back to health with surprising ease, after all, the only problem was exhaustion in the end...

Months pass and life has gotten back to normal for the little mining town...all except for one canine who was left at home to take care of the dozens of Doberman puppies he'd inexplicably birthed, a product of his meeting with that strange creature. And being as one particular puppy looked more like a glowing blob...there were many more young to come yet...