Be Careful What You Want

Story by Lurking Evil on SoFurry

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A mage makes a bargain with a dragon for a powerful spell. But they both want something more.

(Trigger warnings! Violence and blood in yiff. Hardcore rape. Just sayin'. Though oh so sweetly saccharine in its sacrilegiously syrupy satisfaction, surely.)

An angry erotic short.

'Be careful what you want.' That's what Sabrina's guildmaster had told her. She had listened to the warning with the heed due to the vaunted position. It was an old saying. A common saying. But one that held special weight in her line of work. He had his misgivings. Yet she had earned the respect of her guildmaster with hard work and experience. Every now and then, there came a time when something irresistible arose for someone in Sabrina's line of work. A dangling piece of knowledge so beautifully tempting she had to chase it. The guildmaster understood. It had happened to the old man more than once. So although he gave his warning, he also gave his blessing. Even as she rode her horse, Sabrina felt a flutter in her chest in trepidation about what she had set out to do.

There was a town, far to the west of her home, rumored to have dealings with a dragon.

She had traveled far and visited the town, learned what she could, and set off again. Now she rode her old mare up a worn mountain path. The townsfolk had been surprisingly helpful, willing to answer any question she had. From all accounts he seemed quite the amicable sort. Though of a rather temperamental nature. Word was he would approach traveling merchants somewhere between magnanimous and tortuously taxing. Rarely violent though.

And he had something that she wanted.

So she made the journey, trekked up the mountain, and stood before a great portal. A massive, flawlessly rectangular hole was carved into the sheer rock of the great mountain. Curling dragons were etched into the borders, and no light seemed to penetrate past the threshold. With gumption and gall that Sabrina had to tell herself she felt, the woman dismounted her nag and picked up her pack. Her robes lay heavy on her shoulders. Or perhaps that was merely dread. She tied her horse to a spar of rock and moved to stand before the entrance to he dragon's lair. A tingling sensation prickled her skin. Power crackled the air in a palpable way.

Sabrina took a deep breath and took a step into the blackness. Instantly her sight was gone and it seemed like she had passed into another world. A silence descended upon her. It was almost enough to make her turn back. But the girl was much more than she appeared and her resolve composed of sterner stuff.

Some interminable amount of time walking through the dark later she found herself in some sort of antechamber. Upon a great stone plinth, with all the casual grace of a falcon and mountain lion lay the dragon. He was sprawled sideways. The very end of his tail flicked like that of a pleased feline. If Sabrina knew no better, she would have wagered the great beast to have been waiting for her. Perhaps when she had stepped into his lair, he had known there was an intruder. She had encountered such wards before.

Even at rest, he was a magnificent sight to behold. Like a pile of shining jewels, his scales shimmered with the light thrown by glowing crystals on the wall. Talons pure as white gleamed like diamonds and appeared sharp enough to cleave marble. Great armor plates rose and fell with his easy breathing. Natural defense, segmented and flexible pure as driven snow slid soundlessly as the dragon shifted his posture. A marvelous head coated in thinner scales rose on a serpentine neck. Bright sapphire blue streaks ran down his back and underlined his eyes.

And what eyes they were.

Orbs of polished silver regarded her with slitted amusement, as if her bravery were the source of some secret joke only he was privy to. Sabrina felt vulnerable beneath such a gaze. An intelligence, vast and inhuman glittered within the burnished, burning glare. She felt again a wrenching dread weigh her heart and could not shake the feeling she was being regarded as a lesser creature. That stung Sabrina's pride. But she had not gotten as far as she had by stumbling on pride.

"Greetings, oh mighty one!" She called out before bowing, her voice cracking slightly. "I am Sabrina. I have traveled far in search of you, lord dragon." Slowly her confidence grew as the speech she had prepared tumbled forth. "I am a mage of the Hearthbow guild. I have come to entreat you, mighty one, for a boon. I've... Heard tell of your power. Your knowledge. I've come seeking that knowledge." She paused to take a shuddering breath.

"I wish for you to teach me Ruin Binding." It was a spell of fabled power and magnitude. Supposedly capable of trapping great destructive force into small forged containers.

The dragon laughed.

A deep rumbling issued forth from his chest. His amusement echoed off the stone walls. Again pride needled Sabrina, and again she pushed it away. Still relaxed as a contented feline, the dragon's laughter subsided and he once again regarded Sabrina. When he spoke, Syrreth's voice dripped with condescension.

"Little human." He began. "I've been wanting a diversion. You wish to know a spell? An incantation of power that you might use to gain power in turn." A scaled brow rose in query. "What do you offer me in exchange?"

Shaking slightly, Sabrina unlimbered her pack and set it on the smooth floor. She carefully emptied its contents and laid them out in offering.

"A jar of Camiline honey, said to be the sweetest in all the world. And three Jubilous Stones."

The dragon assessed the the dark ambrosia of the Camiline honey and the three perfectly spherical Jubilous Stones. The honey was a bit of an unexpected twist and his mouth salivated a little at the thought. A single drop was enough to sweeten any dish. When the human had introduced herself as a mage, he had anticipated something more like the Jubilous Stones. Flawless round creations. There was a spell to turn many precious materials into thread. Jubilous Stones were those threads spun into an orb then lacquered to a beautiful sheen. They required skill beyond compare to create. Sabrina offered one of jade, amethyst, and sapphire.

"Hmm... Your offer, I am surprised to say, is almost there. Though I stress, 'almost'. I demand a service, in addition to your items. A tribute of flesh. And perhaps we can make a deal." The great beast visibly licked his chops. Sabrina inwardly shuddered, fearing that maybe the dragon had a taste for humans and was suggesting she offer a limb or something else in payment.

Sabrina clutched one of her arms. "You can't mean..."

Syrreth read the terror in her and laughed again. With a languid stretch, the dragon rose up on all fours. He yawned and gave himself a shake, giving a leathery slap from his wings and a clatter from his scales. Syrreth leapt down from his perch and prowled forward. From tail to snout, the magical creature rippled with coiled power. Every movement was measured and graceful but no less deadly. There was no part of him that was not designed to kill. And again the woman had the feeling she should have reconsidered her endeavor.

Sabrina stiffened as the dragon approached. He circled her and her offerings once before sitting on his haunches before the mage. He regarded her more closely for a short while before picking up the sapphire Jubilous Stone. He turned it, inspecting it carefully for forgery or false representation. He spoke again to the girl, still turning the sphere in his talons.

"If you wish a spell, that will take a bit of time. A few days at least. During that time, I simply ask for your company. The pleasures of companionship. And I do expect it to be good." He set the sphere down and passed a claw over her offerings. The jar and the stones vanished.

"What does a dragon care for the company of humans?" Feeling ill at ease with the arrangement.

Syrreth scoffed at her rebuttal.

"You humans and your divisiveness. I'm not asking for human company. I'm asking for pleasurable company. Come. We shall have meat and wine. Teaching a spell is an arduous process." The dragon turned and sauntered off. He climbed a set of wide steps along the side of his stone platform.

She found herself hurrying to catch up to his casual pace. As soon as Sabrina crested the top she saw a white tail disappearing through a thick fabric wall. Sabrina moved the heavy curtain aside and walked into the sitting room behind the large cavern where she had been dealing with the dragon. The sitting room was a cozier affair by far. Much more intimate. Two more doorways led to deeper rooms, also shrouded by hanging fabrics. Plush pillows lay strewn about the floor.

"Excuse me?" She asked to his turned back. The dragon was rummaging just beyond one of the other doorways. "Do you have a name, or do I just address you as lord?" She had already heard his name, but was curious to see what response he would give. The dragon turned his head and gave her an amused look.

"You may address me as Lord Dragon, if you so desire." His grin caught her off guard. "Though for the sake of ease I suppose you may call me Syrreth. And what may I call you, my darling little tart? I could just call you different desserts."

"I'm glad you think me sweet. Please, call me Sabrina." The mage girl stood rather awkwardly just inside the sitting room. Unsure of really where to set her things or herself for that matter.

"Sabrina." The dragon said, rolling her name around on his tongue. "Tell me then, my scrumptious pavlova, what is your interest in Ruin Binding? Such violence for someone who looks so sumptuous." He cast another glance over his shoulder. She was a little uncomfortable with the dragon's words but could not afford for him not to be at least a little endeared towards her. Taking a second to compose herself, she thought of all the ways she might use such a spell to wreak havoc upon her enemies.

"To be able to call forth destruction merely at will is something many mages try and fail to do. I want not to simply be some guild mage, doomed to perform petty tasks for little country lords. No. I want real power. Power that has to be respected. Minor mages throw little balls of flame. I want more than that. I want to bring the walls of their guildhalls crashing down around their ears."

She spoke with fire on her tongue. Syrreth's tail flicked with amusement. "That's what I like about you humans. Such passion in such little bodies." He commented and emerged from the other room. Sabrina was taken aback when the well-mannered dragon offered her a glass of red wine and a tray of roasted lamb balls. The aroma made her realize that she was quite ravenous. Having subsisted off of hardtack for a good leg of her journey, the scent of the sumptuous appetizer had her mouth watering.

"Thank you." She said, never having been on the receiving end of such hospitality.

She took the glass and the tray, keeping the wine in one hand and setting the tray on a delicate golden legged stand she did not recall being there a second ago. Not quite sure what to do with herself, she stood awkwardly with her wine. Syrreth found a comfortable spot on a dragon-sized chaise lounge with his own tray of lamb balls and rather large goblet of wine. He skewered one with a talon for himself before speaking.

"Goodness, girl, have a seat. You're tiring me out."

The mage girl looked around and sat on a pile of pillows at easy height.

The vessel she held was a glass bulb contained in cage of silver leaves leading down to a delicately rendered stem and base made to look like a tree and roots. Sabrina gave the drink a cautionary sniff for obvious hints of enchantment or tampering. Finding no warning signs, she took a curious sip and found it to be a mild, but refreshingly sweet fruit wine. What fruit, she had no idea.

Having been given no utensils, she thought using her fingers would not be too rude. Taking a wonderfully browned lamb ball between her thumb and middle finger, Sabrina sank her teeth into it. Warm juices flowed around her tongue and the tender lamb practically melted in her mouth. She detected a hint of sage and the tinniest bit of aromatic rosemary. Though she tried to suppress it, she could not fully stifle a moan. She caught the dragon giving her a sly grin.

"You're not at all like the mages of your species I have met." He began.

"You've had dealings with mages before?" Her heart skipped a beat, worried that he would call her out as a fraud.

"Of course. Mages often have valuable and interesting curios. Though I care not for their attitudes. Even in the presence of their betters they insist on their own petty superiority. I like you quite a bit better. You're refreshingly humble without being sycophantic. You do not conduct yourself with the same sense of self-entitlement." His veiled question was innocently worded, but she knew to answer carefully.

"That's because everything I have and am, I have earned." She stated proudly.

"Oh? Do tell."

"I was not born of some ancient and storied bloodline fed on milk and honey for eight generations. No I was born of a dirt poor farmer who's closest brush with magic was having had lain with a water witch once. I left home as soon as I was able and my parents did not bat an eye." She washed the sudden bitter taste in her mouth with a sip of wine.

"I can't say I had neglectful parents. Dragons usually stay in their own clan or strike out on their own to live. Clan life was nice, but I found it rather boring. Stifling, you might say."

"Please, Syrreth, don't take offense, but why do you care?"

He looked at her, perplexed, then seemed to realize something and grinned.

"You're not used to good hosts, are you, Sabrina?" She shook her head. "You seem young, but not so young. Such a shame."

"I'd like to think I'm still in my prime." She stiffened a little.

"Alas, such fleeting creatures you humans are. Have you had lovers in the past? Your kind is so quick to settle down or fizzle out. Quite literally in your spellweavers' case."

"Perhaps a tryst or two. Nothing that ever could have lasted." The girl squirmed a little under the questioning. "A few have tried to get between my legs for the sake of it, but I have no peerage. Everyone on my level of skill is just so old and set in their ways. And everyone my own age is so blindingly inept it's embarrassing to me."

"You're a fine catch. You're powerful, beautiful if I may dare." He purred seductively. Sabrina felt a little heat in her cheeks that had nothing to do with the wine. "Has no one found you worthy of lasting attentions?"

"What would you know about human beauty?" She said to redirect the conversation back to him. Turnabout was fair play.

"A dragon does not collect petty baubles because they're shiny. We collect items of value. And all dragons have very discerning eyes when it comes to value."

"What about you, Syrreth? Have you not found a sumptuous lady dragon to share a life with? I've never seen a dragon before now, but I can't imagine they are all as striking as you." Sabrina was trying to speak as much truth as she could. One thing she knew from the legends of Syrreth's kind was to not be caught in a lie. No matter how small. And he was indeed the most majestic creature she had ever laid eyes on. Even at rest he was gorgeous. The magelight danced across his scales and made him shimmer.

She watched him preen a little at her compliments.

"Females of my kind are quite, hm, spirited. Let's just say that ones from my clan are doubly so. But you... You have that rare combination of spirit and beauty."

"Are you trying to get between my legs, dragon?"

"Am I succeeding? I've been told I can be quite charming. And I don't break out the good wine for just anyone." He said with a mischievous wink. For a whole second, Sabrina was speechless before she found the proper response.

"Why? Do you have a taste for other species?"

"No, I have a taste for what is of a fine quality." His eyes looked at her with a kindled desire she found very flattering. Her elders saw her as a pawn and her peers saw her as a vector to the top. This dragon though... This surprisingly polite and very proper member of another species saw her as worthy of intellectual conversation as well as physical attraction. She felt desired. Sabrina felt good to be wanted. To be coveted and smooth-talked. The mage girl sank back a little fearfully in her seat when Syrreth polished off the rest of his wine and approached her.

"You, girl, have never known pleasure like that a dragon can give." He settled on his haunches just inches from her. She could feel the power radiating from the monolithic creature. When he leaned in close enough for her to smell the intoxicating wine on his breath, she felt her heart flutter. She knew exactly what he was doing. And it was working. Even if she justified it by simply acknowledging the great effort he was going through, knowing that a member of her own race had never gone to such lengths.

"I thought teaching me the spell would take several days. Would it not be better to start now?" She protested weakly as his hot breath washed over her neck and ear. The girl got up from her seat and tried to ignore the heat rising in her cheeks.

"It can wait. We've got plenty of time, my dear." His deadly claws came up and Sabrina felt a shiver of fear pass through her before he smoothly swept the robes off her shoulders. With what she could only assume magic, he undid the buckles of her leather bustier. She yelped in surprise as she covered her bared breasts. The dragon took a step back to admire her so coyly posed. Somehow he had undone her hair tie as well and straight dark tresses hung down. She was not the most well endowed woman, having little fat on her at all. But she was shapely and generous in the width of her hips.

"Well, come on then. Let's see the rest."

Blushing madly now, Sabrina shot the dragon a perturbed look and got down to her under things. Her pale skin was milky white in the light.

One of the only indulgences Sabrina allowed herself was comfortable underwear. Everything else was practical with her. Everything had to serve a purpose. Having had no intention to be so... Intimate with a dragon, she had worn one of her particularly stylish pair. Soft, silky black trimmed in satin red. The outside had these lovely stripes and the inside a salacious diamond pattern. She wore them for her own sake. The shopkeeper had given her a wink and mentioned her having a lucky man. No, they were to make her feel good. The lace embroidery was for comfort under her robes and leather.

Syrreth rumbled in pleasure at the sight. He beckoned her closer and she took a few tentative steps, still trying to cover her breasts.

"Lingerie. What a wonder." The dragon said with a chuckle. Syrreth rose up behind her, grasping her shoulders. His breath tickled her neck as he took in her scent. The closeness sent shivers down her spine. He worked his way down before hooking his claws in her panties and casually pulled them down himself. With how slowly he did so, he clearly relished it. A breath tickled her bare crotch.

"Your sex is hairless. Did you do it just for me? I must say, it is quite appealing." The audacity and conceit of the dragon's statement flustered the naked Sabrina. A sensation she was definitely not used to. She put a hand between her legs and squeezed her thighs in embarrassment.

"I simply find it more comfortable. An enchantment on my undergarments keeps me... Smooth." She stroked her own mound self-consciously.

He paced around her in that predatory way that made her heart race. She saw the curl of amusement at the corner of his jaw though. After he had circled her, Syrreth brushed his nose up her thigh, tickling her sex with his breath, then up her stomach, between her breasts to her neck where he gave her a sensual kiss. She knew he had taken in the scent of her skin, of her womanhood, and had never experienced something so erotic in her life. He circled her one more time, very closely. The dragon wrapped around her and felt her up. His touch made it feel as though a current ran through her.

With how deftly he had handled everything, it came as little surprise that he was able to tease her with his claws. "Mm, you look tasty enough to eat." He gave her outer lips a lick. She shuddered at the thought.

When his tongue lapped fully at her sex, she could no longer hold back her moans. The slippery appendage parted her folds and tasted her inner petals. With gift of long and agile tongue the dragon was able to make the girl positively thrash in his grip. Her pussy became rosy pink with arousal. When the tip of his appendage actually slipped up inside her, she had to grab his horns to keep from tipping over. With the angle of his oral ministrations, the broad part of his tongue continually rubbed along her clit.

What came as the greatest shock to the girl, aside from the fact that she had somehow found herself with a dragon eating her out, was how hot said dragon's tongue was. Not hot enough to burn, but enough to make her insides melt around the warmth. It felt like she was molding around him. Then he did a swirl that slid a few inches into her all at once and she gasped. His heat suffused even deeper. Syrreth tasted her sweetness as his licking made her wetter and wetter. She spread her legs to give him better access to her pussy.

Syrreth thrust his tongue faster, pumping it in and out of her passage with wet squelching sounds. He stirred her insides with well-practiced swirls. Each thrust dragged his tongue across her clit and each time her walls grasped around him. Even though she had spread herself, one particularly long thrust made her clench hard. It made him rub her nub harder as she reached high very quickly.

To Sabrina's surprise, she came. Standing, shaking, panting and moaning as a dragon ate her out. His tongue... Gods she never knew such pleasures. She poured her honey out for that tongue. Cried out and gasped as she was brought to know true womanly pleasure. By exploring her where she stood, he had demonstrated a kind of worshipfulness. A reverence for her form and femininity. It was difficult to describe, but he made her feel like a goddess, being given the ride of her life by a creature of tremendous power.

What a ride it was. No one had every made her cum that hard, that fast.

The extra twirl he played along her clit just as she began to decline from her orgasmic high made her knees weak. His head became the only thing holding her up. To her embarrassment though, his tongue pulled out with a wet pop and she was left feeling a little empty inside. Strings of saliva and girly juices connected his muzzle to her for a small moment. He gave her a sly grin as he licked his chops. She shuddered and gave him a gentle push.

"Now it's your turn. Roll on your back. Get comfortable." She instructed and he happily complied. He settled himself into the piles of blankets and cushions. His rod at full mast slapped against his belly as he moved. Though she might have laughed a little had he been a human man, she was too awestruck by his anatomy on display.

"Did that really turn you on, Syrreth?" She teased.

"Pleasuring a luscious female? Why wouldn't it?"

His dragonhood was positively massive in her eyes. Easily a foot long and thick as her fist, the dragon's cock was crystal blue and extended from a slit between his legs. Internal anatomy was better for flight. It had a gentle curve, a spade-like head and multiple thick ridges that gave him an exotic appeal.

"C-can I?" She asked like teenager seeing a boy's parts for the first time.

"Well I would hope so, or else I dare say you might be the biggest tease I've ever met."

Before she even touched his member, the girl could feel the heat radiating from it. She straddled the dragon's belly and wrapped both hands around the draconic cock to literally get a feel. She felt him pulse slightly at her touch. Veins lightly shifted with his mighty heart. For a while she explored him. He was such a rare and magnificent specimen. If for nothing else the bright and striking color of his member was a sight to behold. Sabrina caressed his thick ridges, finding he squirmed whenever she squeezed just behind them.

He was a little big to dry rub so Sabrina looked around to see if there was perhaps some oil she could use. One seemed to appear from nowhere and the girl shot an accusatory look at the dragon who did his best to appear innocent. With a little smirk, the girl unstoppered the flask and poured a liberal amount over the dragon's member. She rubbed her hands together, making sure she was slathered before reaching to stroke Syrreth again.

The dragon groaned as the young woman clasped her slippery hands around his sensitive shaft. As she squeezed and stroked downward, Syrreth thrust upwards to meet the pressure. Sabrina felt herself leaking wetness with the eroticism of her act. When the dragon bucked a little, she left a sticky patch. Strings of her girly cum connected the two and covered her thighs. Sabrina's sex tingled with pleasant arousal.

She started out slowly, beginning from his tip and going all the way down to his root before coming back up again. The mage woman figured she must have been doing something right because of the way she saw his tail lash as she changed her pace. She would speed up, building his pleasure before slowing down, letting his member strain impotently. Then she leaned down and licked around one of his ridges while pumping quickly at his base. The girl found it astonishing that giving a handjob could make her feel so wonderful. Here she was, holding the cock of one of the most powerful creatures she knew in her hands. The mage girl took her time building up his pleasure.

Once she felt she had teased the dragon enough, she increased her stroking and showed no sign of stopping. Sabrina wanted to see the great creature cum. She could actually feel him tightening up underneath her. Sabrina worked her hands quickly up and down the dragon's slick cock, making sure to stroke as many of his sensitive ridges as she could. She could feel his whole body tensing and his iron hard spear tensing under her efforts. The girl leaned forward and took as much of him into her mouth as she could, swirling her tongue around the head of his cock.

With a rumbling groan, Syrreth came. He pressed his hips, lifting the girl with him.

The girl swallowed down the first long burst of cum eagerly. If she had thought his member hot, then his seed was even hotter. Though the idea of swallowing every drop of his cum was appealing, there was no way she could keep up with his volume. She unclasped her lips from around his head, still ending up with a mouthful. However she did not relent with her hands, servicing her partner all the way to the end of his climax. An errant spurt caught her across the face regardless, dropping across the bridge of her nose and painting a cheek with his thick dragon cum.

The next pulse splashed her breasts and the rest dribbled from his spire. Syrreth panted and let himself melt back into the cushions that had formed comfortably around him. Sabrina grabbed one of the blankets and wiped herself down before cleaning the dragon. He rumbled approvingly and shuddered as she brushed his over-sensitive pole. Once she was done, the dragon grabbed the girl and nestled himself around her, sighing contentedly.

"I look forward to your training. We'll have to take frequent... Breaks."

"If you're offering to use that tongue of yours again, I might have to agree."

The great dragon chuckled before quietly dozing off.


Sabrina waited until she knew the dragon was well asleep before she began her work. It took a little while to extricate herself from the dragon's entanglement but that was the easy part. Once free the girl donned her proper attire. A lightly armored leather suit, replete with pockets and compartments. Splotchy dark colors helped her blend with the shadows. Sabrina knew where the door to the dragon's vault was. She knew where his treasures lay. Stepping softly, she made no sound with her enchanted boots. The woman spared a single glance to where the regal white dragon slept soundly. His sides rose and fell in steady, satiated sleep.

Then she threw aside the plush curtains hanging over the great door of the vault and regarded the massive magical lock that guarded the greatest score of her career. The kind of score she could only dream of. The dragon had made no attempts to hide it beyond a flimsy cover any seasoned burgler could see through.

The first thing she did was pull a single straight rod from her belt and put it right against the keyhole without inserting it. She activated the tool, pulled, and a copy of the lock's internal mechanisms with it. A perfect and opaque representation of the lock and accompanying enchantments floated in front of her. She was free to manipulate the copy. Examine it. Dissect it.

She assessed the enchantments, represented by floating runes and section indicators. There were seven altogether. Three strength, one identity, two ensnaring, and one alarm. Sabrina took seven other tools from her belt and began working bypasses for the spells laid across the lock. Her hands almost started to shake and sweat beaded on her brow as she nearly triggered the alarm twice as she tried to disarm it. With an artful twist, the rune representing the protection flickered out and Sabrina breathed a sigh of relief.

This was by far the greatest challenge as well as greatest score. She had made her name by stealing from mages. Her extraordinary talents in peering through and piercing magical wards allowed her to lift marks no other of her guild would touch. And this would be the heist that would make her career. Strengthening. Ensnaring. One by one the runes disappeared as Sabrina worked her skillful hands. Until only the identification rune remained. No matter what she tried, no matter what angle she took, the rune stubbornly clung to life.

The dragon must have used blood to bind his this one. Shit, I'm gonna have to find a workaround. She thought to herself. She needed something of the dragon.

Her mind took a bit of a dirty turn as she remembered the blanket she had used to clean herself of the dragon's seed. Even in the dark she was able to find the blanket, sticky cum still wet at the center. She dipped the tip of one of her probing tools in the dragon's spunk and was finally able to wedge the identity lock open. And that was the easy part. Without the enchantments interfering, she was at last able to see the physical mechanisms.

Well... Shit. She thought with irritation as the cylinder opened into twenty-eight separate pieces. Fashioning a magic copy key bit by bit took almost two hours to fully assemble. Lovingly, she exactly matched the arcane pins of the lock to the bits of key. Once it was fully formed she dismissed the light clone and very slowly inserted the floating key. With the delicacy of a surgeon, she turned it.

There was a cascading series of soft clicks as the lock separated. A feeling of euphoria washed through Sabrina. Success. Victory! A dragon's horde, ripe for the taking. If Syrreth possessed even one of a particular set of items he was rumored to, Sabrina would live like a queen for the rest of her life.

Just as the door to the vault began to swing open, a claw reached over Sabrina and slammed it back closed before the furthest edge of the massive portal had cleared the threshold. Sabrina's dream turned to dust in less than an instant as the lock clicked and reset.

"I was going to wait until you gave up or tripped one of my wards. You're the first to break open my lock. Very impressive." Stated Syrreth flatly. His tone was absent warmth or humor.

Sabrina shouted in shock and terror, ducking under Syrreth's leg to dart away like a frightened field mouse. She made a beeline to the exit only for the dragon to appear before her. She sensed no magic. Was he just that fast? In an instant she was on her back with one of his claws around her throat, pinning her down.

"You think I do not know a thief?!" He bellowed and she quailed before his fury. Features that Sabrina had learned were soft and calm took on all the ferocity of the dragons she had heard of in the stories of his kind. Eyes once kind now rippled with rage. She could count all his terrible fangs by his proximity. "I've known you were a thief from the beginning. True mages do not conduct themselves like you do. They're too... Clumsy. The way you move, talk, and bargain. A mage who has led a pampered life does not know hardship. Not like you."

Sabrina felt the realization sink in. He knew. Had from the beginning. The dragon had been feigning sleep. Playing her like a fool.

"Do you know what I normally do with thieves?" He accentuated his question with a snap of his jaws. Syrreth trailed a claw across Sabrina's neck and down her collar bone. "I carve them up. Peel off their eyelids, then string them up inside my vault. That way they can stare at what they came to steal without being able to touch it. And believe me when I say that I can keep you alive until I get bored."

There was no greater sin the human could have committed. And she could scarcely imagine the wrath she had invited upon herself. Sabrina leveraged her lower half free enough to aim a strong kick straight into Syrreth's nose. The strike took the dragon by surprise. The thief nimbly worked her way free and took off at a dead run. He shook his head and wrinkled his snout. Syrreth looked in time to see the curtain ripple in the thief's passing.

"Run, bitch! Hahaha! Run!" He called after her with a mocking laugh. "Move that thieving ass while you can. You may try, but you can't run from me."

His cruel mirth chased her into the dark.


Sabrina drank a potion of dark sight as she sprinted. With near eidetic memory she navigated the twists of the dragon's maze. One of the many tests all thieves in her guild had to pass was to do every task a true heist demanded while blindfolded. Even in the darkness she had memorized the path from the dealing chamber to the entrance.

At least she had thought so until she became horribly lost.

The thief was no fool. She knew an enchanted maze when she hit one. Sabrina had encountered a similar charm in a manor once. Once she identified the cause, she began looking for the carvings in the stone that held the foci. Based on her directional impairments it had to be in some sort of broad configuration. If it used patterns, then it was easily disrupted. If it was glyphs, then she had her work cut out. She would have to find and destroy each one in turn. Sabrina chugged another potion to see enchantment and nearly went blind.

There was such a saturation of magic in the hall that her eyes were assaulted by the light of spells laced through the corridor. She grabbed a different potion and drank it to dispel the enchantments. That took away her night sight too unfortunately. Based again on memory, she did not stop. In that moment of distraction Sabrina's foot caught on something she knew should not have been there. Like a tripwire, she did not merely fall, but had her whole leg dragged up. The thief hit the ground hard. Before she could get up a great claw descended on her back between her shoulder blades.

"I think I quite like you in this position." Came Syrreth's voice. Sabrina pushed off against the ground hard and almost slipped from the dragon's grasp. His claws wrapped around her ankles and held her firm. She froze when she felt his hot breath on the back of her neck. She was still blinded by the dark. Syrreth dragged his weighty chest along Sabrina's back, pushing the girl down further, letting an amused growl rumble through his diaphragm.

"I could kill you, in a variety of unpleasant ways. But... That would be a waste. What I could do, is fuck you properly. I've done it to human girls before. You'll cry and scream and your insides might rip a little, but you won't die. Though of course if I decide to do that I may as well lay a curse on you. A very special one indeed. One where after having me, you will receive no pleasure from anyone or anything else save me. Only splitting yourself on my rod will you be satisfied." Sabrina felt the telltale tingle of magic invading her.

"Tell you what. If you can make it to the entrance, you're free to go. I will not pursue." He whispered lasciviously.

Sabrina thought that seriously unlikely, but figured he would be easier to evade outside of the confining stone walls. At least she might have a chance to lose herself in the wilds. He let her up and she wasted no time. Just as she was about to round a corner, with the dragon in sight, she drank her only other potion of night sight and pulled her compact crossbow out of its holster on her back.

She drew a bead right below the dragon's neck. Syrreth was surprised by how quickly the thief had tried to turn the tables on him. He might have expected an attack of desperation when he had her cornered but apparently Sabrina felt a preemptive strike prudent.

With a gesture of his claw the lacquered wood of the bolt thrower exploded into fiery pieces.

The master thief was thrown backwards. In a daze she scrambled up and kept running. It was not the first time she had had a plan explode in her face. She knew full well he was just toying with her. The bastard could have her ensnared any time he wanted to. The crossbow had been a gambit, however was far from Sabrina's last trick. She would not give up so easily. There had to be a way out of the dragon's enchanted domain. There was more than just a plan B.

As soon as she felt she had gained enough distance, she located a foci, inlaid in precious gemstones in a wall. The girl took a small hammer from her belt and powdered the magic focus in two solid swings. On the opposite wall she spotted another and gave it the same treatment. Almost at once she felt some sense of direction returning.

"Clever girl. You think to destroy my enchantments like you did my lock? Let me give you two lessons." Syrreth's voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.

The floor suddenly lit up in geometric patters and once again the illumination of enchantment overloaded Sabrina's night sight. Plain as day she was shown the extent to which the magic had been woven through the living stone. There was no way for her to escape from the dragon without a thousand years with a hammer, chisel, and a lot of patience. That was lesson one.

Lesson two was imparted when Syrreth's curse smote the thief.

Sabrina felt a terrible burning in her abdomen. What had that damnable beast done to her? It felt as though her ovaries were in the process of searing their way out of her belly. As she ran a fierce stab of pain hit her just below the smoldering. Her lower bits cramped hard enough to bring the thief to her knees mid stride. The agony took her breath away for a moment as needles traversed her vaginal walls. Sabrina put a hand between her legs and bit her lip to try and contain a simpering cry as the affliction hit her clit. Her loins felt aflame.

As she curled upon herself, tightening neighboring muscles in an attempt to alleviate her sickness and clutching her mound and stomach, she came to an understanding. What held her tightly in its thrall was not pain, though it was a kind of hurt all the same. No, what Sabrina felt was need. She needed to have a cock in her. She needed as large a cock as she could find and she needed it buried so deep inside her snatch she would be able to taste it in her throat. Only then would the terrible pained need subside. Naturally, the moment her mind came to this conclusion, all she could think of was Syrreth's dragonhood. How great and fearsome it had been in her hands. What power it had held as the dragon had cum.

Once the thought had entered her mind, it would not leave. She found it occupying the entirety of her thoughts. Focusing on it allowed her some relief from the hex. But the thief would not so easily succumb. Her mettle was tempered. Gradually the pain subsided enough for Sabrina to take a few shuddering breaths. She felt light-headed and her middle throbbed in time with her heart. If that bastard beast thought he had her down and out he had better think again. This was not the first time she had been forced into a bad spot by a superior opponent and it would not be the last.

From her belt the master thief pulled a glowing vial. She popped the seal and downed the contents. In seconds a cooling wave numbed her pain. If Syrreth thought she would just lay down and submit, he was in for a nasty surprise. Sabrina had not survived as long as she had without an escape. She could go about dispelling the dragon's hex later. She had to get out of the dark labyrinth. From a padded pocket. She pulled a glass tube. Slim, and capped with a brass topper. She carefully raised it above her head and threw it firmly against the stone. An enchanted vial. The liquid, once released would whisk her back to her guild hall no matter where she was.

One fizzle later, she was still standing in the same place. The only difference was the foul smelling liquid on her boots. Syrreth's voice echoed down the halls.

"Oh, I felt that one. Good try. However any decent mage always put a block on any inbound or outbound teleportation." Which was of course an exageration. Such a blanket spell was beyond all but the most extraordinary human mages.

"Shit." She cursed flatly.

Sabrina felt another contraction rip through her abdomen.

"I think you've ran out of options, thief. It's time for the game to end." Came his mocking voice, suddenly within spitting distance.

"Not just yet." Sabrina muttered with defiance before she drew her last resort. Two feet of simple, straight steel.

The girl had studied dragon anatomy prior to the start of her journey. The beasts were notoriously tough to kill. Almost impossibly so. Eyes. Under the jaw. Under the arm. And a few places on the abdomen. Those were the only spots that human hands could pierce a dragon's hide.

He taken away all escape options. So she had no choice but to attack. Her crossbow lay broken. But her blade was keen. Twenty-four inches of infallible shortsword. She charged at the dragon, jinking back and forth, readying her blade. She would feint for the eyes. He might be expecting that. However it might make the dragon flinch. Either way it should leave under the jaw or under the forelimb open to attack.

The master thief was a speedy blur as she moved with violent intent.

Just before she closed to striking distance, Syrreth raised his claw and made a grasping gesture. The strength fled from Sabrina's fingers as she felt an invisible force rip through her middle. An identical glow wrapped around his claw that emanated from Sabrina's belly. Steel clattered across stone as her blade fell.

"I love this hex." He stated with relish. "I don't know about you, but I'm having great fun." The dragon said with a twirl of his claw.

"Just tell me. Hngh! Just... Who told you. I know you've been on to me from the beginning. I don't care what you say about intuition or whatever. I know a tip when I hear one. So who sold me out?" She was down on her knees, yet still looking for a way out.

"Your guild leader. He sold you to me. Quite literally, as it happens. You never questioned how he learned I knew Ruin Binding, did you? If it makes you feel any better, I paid more than what your little spheres were worth. Of course, nothing official. But by law both dragon and human, the moment you tried to steal from me, you became my property."

"That... Ngh! Bastard. Remind me to kill him later."

"Don't worry, Sabrina. After you left, your guild was undone by the very spell you used as cover." He purred in her ear.

"Ruin Binding." She breathed.

"Naturally. My payment to your guild leader was laced with items enchanted with the spell. The local baron paid me double the agreed upon price for you to be rid of the whole guild. He was getting tired of the pit of vipers sinking their fangs in every one of his endeavors."

Just as the sting of betrayal dug its thorns deeply into her, the satisfaction of her guild leader being undone by his own backstabbing welled up in its place. One of the tenets of their order was to never cheat, or steal from a fellow thief. It was what had kept them alive through the toughest times. It served all the bastards right. She had climbed to rank of master thief with her sweat, blood, and tears. And at the drop of a few coins they sold her.

Then she was treated to the humiliation of being dragged back to the audience chamber and up the stone steps by a leg. It was only when they were once again in the antechamber behind where she had first met the dragon did he release her. Even then, release was being cast into the middle of the floor. She rose to her feet in a combat stance.

"Take off your clothes. Then bend over and beg me for it." the drake commanded. Sabrina made no move. Syrreth grinned at her defiance. Fists shaking in rage, Sabrina knew she was beaten, but still would not relent. Syrreth could smell her pain, sweat, and rebellion. It amused him greatly. Aroused him too. The dragon snapped his claws and Sabrina was given a taste of his hex again. For a moment she withstood the pain before muscle cramps hit her legs and her knees buckled under the weight of the curse.

"Strip! Then beg me." He demanded.

"You can't fuck me. It's impossible." She protested.

"I think I explained quite clearly earlier that I can, and will."

Glaring at the dragon with hate, Sabrina did as she was told. First taking off her armor, belts of potions and empty weapons sheaths. She had to be content with telling herself that opportunity would come. Thinking was hard with how her cramped muscles throbbed and the girl tried to drag her heels. Before she knew it, she was sliding her panties down her ankles. Sabrina at least had the presence of mind to grab a few pillows, lest her knees be scraped to bone against hard stone.

Grudgingly she got down on all fours like a beast. At least he could not see the way she flushed scarlet with the shame of the position. She felt like little more than a bitch in heat about to be rutted. Back straight, Sabrina had her legs clenched shut to deny him a view of her womanhood.

"If I have to instruct you how to do everything, then I'm afraid my patience will run dry very quickly, girl." His tone was not one amused and Sabrina felt him make the curse sear through her. She lowered her front and spread her legs with a whimper. Her body shook as Syrreth was treated to a wonderful view. Sabrina yelped as he laid claws upon her curvaceous ass. The dragon spread her, pricking her tender skin with his talons. The girl's butt and vulva were pulled open a little. Plush and pink, her rosebud and inner folds were on display for the dragon's purview.

With her loins looking so ripe, Syrreth could not help himself. He leaned in and got a good taste of her. His tongue flicked out and started at the zenith of her sex. Then he drew up, dragging his slippery appendage across her clit, up through her parted vulva. He dipped into her sex feeling her clench ineffectually, before drawing back. Sabrina even felt him give her ass a little lingering lick. The girl tried to pull away, but the dragon had her firmly in place. Sabrina's sex glistened with Syrreth's saliva.

Deeming her slick enough for his enjoyment, Syrreth mounted his bitch. One massive claw was planted by her head, and the other pressed into her back, keeping her front down. Syrreth dragged the tip of his cock along Sabrina's pussy-lips. His cruel mating tool caught her entrance and he pushed. Sabrina grit her teeth as Syrreth's too large phallus began entering her. The first bit was not too bad. She'd had endowed partner before, and it was not anything she had not already taken. The hex eased too. She knew there was so much more to him though.

Syrreth pushed until the plush lips of her sex wrapped around the head of his dragonhood. He kept pushing until the next full ridge popped into the girl under him. Already she felt at her limit with not even half his cock in her. Her pussy was stretched into a lewd O as something meant for breeding creatures double her size plunged in. The dragon did not relent. He did not stop for a break or to let the girl adjust to his girth. Pre-cum was smeared across her inner walls as his spear pierced deeper. As a third ridge was forced in, Syrreth had to adjust himself and bore more of his titanic weight towards drilling his tool into the thief.

"Ah!" Sabrina cried out as she tore a little along the bottom of her sex when his fourth ridge entered her. Crimson stained the underside of Syrreth's member as he drove into her all the way to her cervix. The guarded ring of muscle was pushed painfully by the dragon's unrelenting force. Her poor pussy was not just pried open, but held that way. The great scaled creature was in bliss as slick human walls slid along and squeezed his rock hard spire.

When she felt him at last bottom out, his crotch flush with her ass, she whimpered at the thought of her sex so violated. She would be ruined after this. Damaged. The girl knew how big the dragon was, and could hardly believe that he had forced her poor womanhood to accommodate his beastly member. She despised him for it.

"What's wrong, little thief, does this hurt?" The dragon asked, stroking her belly just above where she was impaled on his cock. "Let me help you take your mind off it." He smiled sadistically before raking her back with razor claws. Sabrina arched her spine and screamed as her flesh was split. When all her muscles tensed, her walls clamped down hard enough to almost cut off the circulation to Syrreth's member. Blood welled from the cuts. She had taken stripes from beatings before and the fiery lines carved into her flesh brought her fresh humiliation. The pride inside her knew that he was holding back to keep from seriously injuring her. It stung because she knew he did not consider her a real threat, did not feel she warranted his full force.

"Syrreth! Please, stop!" She begged from under him. She hurt. She thought she had known hurt before then. He shuddered when she called out his name in agony. The deliciously intoxicating fear the girl exuded went nicely with the way her pussy practically rippled around his member. And the blood... The thick coppery scent that filled his nostrils was heady and misled nicely with his euphoria.

"Ask properly. Ask exactly what you want from me." The dragon demanded.

"Please, master, please take your cock out of my tight little pussy. You're so big that you're hurting me. Please. Please take it out. I'll suck you off, jack you off. I don't care. Just... Anything other than this." If it would make him stop, she would say anything. He ignited her hex to make her aching cunt milk his cock before answering.

"Master. I like that. I think I could grow used to you calling me that. In answer to your question..." Syrreth thrust hard against where her love tunnel struggled at its very limit. The push made her scream. Then he whispered in her ear. "I'll pull my cock out of you when you're good and fucked my little brooder. Not a moment before. Not until your pussy is full to the brim with my cum."

For the first time since beginning his assault the dragon pulled back. Sabrina felt relief from the pressure at the back of her love tunnel. She felt like she could breathe again. The dragon started shallow. He worked his thick root in and out, straining the human girl open just a little wider each time. He loved how even as he worked her looser, she was still tighter than a virgin dragoness. Syrreth gyrated his hips, feeling different parts of her strain to contain his girth. When he found her body more pliant, he retracted more of his ridges.

That was the pace he maintained for a while, languidly violating the girl. Ridge by ridge. He would pull one out, letting her lips strain around the widest part, feeling her insides get pulled with him, then ram it back. The dragon repeated this a few times with each ridge until his was dragging each one out to the head of his tool before pushing them back one by one. Without fail, every pop, in or out, made Sabrina's pussy clench. The girl for her part could only brace herself against the carnal assault. Her sex protested every fleshy inch forced into her.

Just as she thought she might grow used to him inside her, his pace quickened. Syrreth bore more force down on the girl beneath him as he desecrated her properly. She bled from the shallow cuts on her back and the tear in her sex. He enjoyed the warmth against his belly scales as he dominated her. Her body was his to use and discard. The only purpose for her pussy was to milk his cock free of his burden. Really, he was too big for her cunt to properly service him on her own, but it was so tight it did not matter. The sound of wet flesh rubbing and slapping filled the sitting room.

His pace grew, thick ridges sawing in and out of her brutally stretched petals. Before when he just popped the ridges in and out one at a time it had been little more than foreplay. Now he was just shoving as many in and out of the girl as he pleased. Although Sabrina tried to block out the pain, she clamped down involuntarily around the invader. The pleasure she provided was immeasurable to Syrreth.

He had bragged about having had intercourse with other human girls. Which was true of course. Mostly through curiosity or ambition from the human part of the bargain. He had never been able to eke the same amount of satisfaction out of fucking them. The dragon was not needlessly cruel. And the thought of his partner's pain usually killed some of his own joy in the act. But this girl... This thief... Oh how that word burned in his mind. And his his rage was kindled, so was it assuaged by his sadistically vengeful rape. Toying with her in his maze had been an amusing distraction. That had merely whetted his appetite.

Quite possibly more humiliating for Sabrina than her lewdly spread backside was that a small part of her body was responding to him. Her passage felt the presence of a male, breeding her, fucking her. So, without her consent her body tried to lubricate her tunnel. So her womanhood swelled with hints of arousal as the dragon tool rubbed places inside her. It was not nearly enough to block out the pain. Not close by a mile. She wanted to push it away. Despite this, Sabrina tried to find refuge in that tiny lifeline as she got just a little wet. His rough belly scales rubbing the lacerations on her back certainly did not help.

Sticky dragon pre-cum dripped in long strings from her petals as the fluid was forced from the girl's pussy by the thickness of the dragon. His heady, metallic aroma made it hard for the girl to think. Though the massive phallus being rudely and relentlessly shoved between her legs made thinking much harder than any scent.

Sabrina had difficulty discerning that the dragon was speeding up until he was practically pistoning in and out of her. His thrusting was nigh unbearable. Sabrina feared she might break, her already ripped delicates torn even further. His weight was smothering, but it was his cock that really took her breath away. Her human body was not meant to mate with such a beast. Every thrust now hit the ring of her cervix, battering the entrance to her womb. Her whole tunnel was smeared with his pre, and her petals were forced and held apart by his spear as their union produced most humiliating squelches.

The girl could only pray that her pussy was too tight for the beast to maintain such vigor. When she heard his breathing grow ragged above her moans and his thrusts somewhat less controlled, more wild, she hoped some merciful god was listening.

Please, just make this stop. I don't want this anymore. It just hurts... Please, let him cum and be done with it. She thought with tears in her eyes.

And thankfully enough, he did. He came and she began to fill with his seed. The head of his glans pressed so close to the entrance of her womb. She thought he would let up like most men. No, he grabbed her and flipped onto his back. Sabrina screamed a little as his cock dragged along her torn bits. She tried to leverage herself off.

"Oh no you don't. You don't think I'm done, do you?" Syrreth grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her down. He had fucked her so hard and she had been hurt so much to take him she thought she knew all he had to give. How wrong she had been. The dragon had three inches left to give that Sabrina had not realized was not inside her. She had thought his last ridge was it. She had felt his belly against her haunches. However she was mistaken.

The poor girl's sex could not take it. Her outer lips were forced inward as her torn sex tore a bit further. Just as painful, his tip finally forced through her cervix. Those extra three inches broke through that impossibly tight opening. His brutal cock scraped her delicates so badly that her ring of muscle clamped down just behind the head of Syrreth's dragon tool and the spongy flesh began to swell and formed a tight seal.

Then he truly came. Syrreth was a beast well versed in carnal arts and held himself at half-climax until the appointed time. What the girl had been feeling had simply been a rush of pre-cum. Only once seated in her chalice did the dragon's seed rush forward in a proper torrent. Syrreth's jaw was parted in rapture as waves of his orgasm rippled from his union with the little thief forced around his cock. Every pulse of his cum was a small pleasure unto itself as the girl's entrance clenched around his root, then again when his thick seed pushed past her cervix to paint the back of the girl's womb.

Syrreth allowed her a small mercy. He allowed her arms and legs to be free, knowing there was no way for her to get herself off his cock without serious damage. Even then, his hex kept her locked around him tight. Sabrina clenched her knees but could not even begin to close her legs. Tears poured from her eyes as she writhed atop the dragon. She put one hand between her legs to feel where she was flush with Syrreth. His thickest part was up inside her. The thief was surprised to find that despite how widely she had been stretched, her pussy had clamped tight as could be around his thinner root. The girl reached to touch the place she felt herself throbbing and immediately withdrew her hand and saw the blood on it.

As she moved and whined, the piercing agony deep in her belly made itself known. Of course, that only made the entrance to her womb hurt worse as Syrreth's cock pushed against the swollen flesh. Sabrina put both hands to her stomach above her womb. But she realized she started to feel a growing pressure.

Oh gods... He's still cumming. He's cumming in my womb! He's cumming so deep!

His seed was hot. It burned through into places that had never known such violation. Ova, ripe and fertile were bared and vulnerable to the carnal assault. Her womb swelled, expanding and filling from the seed pouring from the tip of Syrreth's cock wedged in her narrow passage. He was a virile dragon, and filled her until a small swell was easily visible and she felt bloated with hot dragon cream. The girl whimpered at the added weight putting pressure on her tunnel. She knew that his seed did not run thin. It was thick and sticky as it painted her inner walls. Though it was just a feeling, she could have sworn she detected a squirming in her tubes to plunder her ovaries and lay claim to the bounty of womanhood there.

She wanted to crawl into a corner and rock herself to sleep and pretend that this had all just been a bad dream. The girl tried to move as little as she could, lest the jostling send a spike of pain through her. Syrreth pulled a tasseled rope and some curtains parted to reveal a mirror. Sabrina got a horrible look at herself. Her thighs were coated with a patina of blood and sexual fluids. Her hair was a tangled mess and her eyes were red-ringed and puffy from all her weeping. Sabrina met Syrreth's lascivious stare and averted her gaze.

"Why do you look so proud of yourself, dragon?" She said coldly. "It's not as though our union will bear you children. Find a dragon hole to stuff your filthy cock into." She tried to put as much venom as she could, but the throbbing draconic rod shoved in her aching pussy impeded her efforts. Her desecrated chalice burned with dragon cum and she whimpered at the thought.

"There's where you're wrong. You didn't think my curse just made you horny, did you?" A chill ran through Sabrina. "That pain you felt? That was your womb being made receptive to bear my brood."

"No. No I don't believe you."

"Oh yes, my seed shall take root in your taut little belly. You will grow heavy with my eggs. I can just imagine you pregnant. You will smell so sweet. Such a beautiful specimen you proved to be." Sabrina could have sworn she felt another pulse of cum as the eroticism of the dragon's thoughts provoked his body and hers to provide results. His claws caressed her belly with a covetous greed so encompassing she saw his eyes flash in the mirror. "Your breasts will make nourishing milk for our little ones. You will feed them and they shall grow strong and powerful." His claws rose to cup her breasts tenderly and a brush of magic made her feel the kiss of tiny mouths against her nipples.

"You planned this. All along." She accused through grit teeth as she tried to push away his groping claws, but did so weakly, moving as little as possible. The woman tried to deny the panic welling up within her. Terror filled her stomach as she imagined dragon eggs growing inside her, Syrreth's cruel sperm raping even her ovaries. The violation ran deeper than she could have guessed.

"Only if you had tried to steal from me. I warned you at the beginning. You might have walked out of here with merely a spell, but now you shall never leave. My sweet little broodmother." The purr in the dragon's tone made her shudder. "But does that really sound so bad? You'll be well taken care of. You will be treated like a ruler. More wealth and pampering than most of you humans can even dream of."

"I must confess something. A part of me did not want you to steal because there is nothing I detest more than thieves. But another part of me actually wanted you to try. Because more than that, I wanted to catch you thieving."

With chilling recollection, Sabrina remembered the entire warning her now dead guildmaster had given her that day when she had set out.

'Be careful what you want. It might want you.'