The Foxfire Special

Story by TastyTales on SoFurry

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It was another night of closing down the restaurant for Symond the Delphox, but he knew a famous Charizard would be attending for a private meal comprised of every fire-type fox pokemon. Could anyone possibly finish such a challenge?

I've had this one in my mind for a while now, it's the story I mentioned in my 'Spice used Frustration' journal since I couldn't think of where the inspiration of this story came from. Then again, it's a pokemon serving a bunch of other pokemon to a hungry pokemon, I suppose it's not the most original vore idea but damn, Spice makes a great main course. <3

A bit of meta stuff I can't really explain, the idea is that the Balthazar and Spice here are actors who play themselves in Spice of Life and other stories. That being said, this story is non-canon when it comes to the Spice of Life series... I mean, how would pokemon have a blog for a vorish restaurant?

Pokemon © Nintendo, Game Freak

The Foxfire Special

The Delphox grinned to himself as he moved between the tables, clearing the plates from them and stacking them up so he could wash them later. It was almost the end of the day and the restaurant was practically empty, though he knew he still had one last customer to serve.

He had prepared all the meals in the order he had chosen in advance, and despite the five course meal consisting of nothing but his fellow fox pokemon, he had no qualms in serving them at all. Not when the customer in question was such a huge celebrity, anyway. He had worn his nicest suit just for the occasion, a chance to meet Balthazar the Charizard only came by once in a blue moon.

He had just enough time to reheat the meals before he heard the front door open. Symond gasped and quickly made his way back to the restaurant. The Charizard had to duck his head as he entered the door, he took a brief glance around the fancy room before waiting at the front podium.

"Balthazar, so nice of you to come by." The Delphox chimed as he made his way over to greet the Charizard. He bowed lowly before gesturing over to a particularly opulent dining table, "Right this way please, I understand you're having the Foxfire Special tonight? I've prepared everything in advance for you."

"Sure am," The Charizard grinned toothily, watching his waiter's yellow fluffy tail as it flicked back and forth excitedly. He had always loved fans, and the menu for this place had caught his eye enough times that he decided to at least try it. He took his seat at the table and leaned on it, his wings curling into a resting position as his musclegut rubbed the underside of the table, "Bet you're glad I went for the Ninetales instead of you, huh?"

"Well, he's never lost anything. He was adamant to not start losing now, even if it was in a contest to be the more appetizing meal." the Delphox replied with a little blush, taking out his clipboard as he looked over the meal, "So am I right in thinking you're having Fennekin for the entrée, Flareon with salad for starters, Stuffed Ninetales for the main course and Braixen with cinnamon sticks for dessert?"

"Unless it's too late to change my main course to the Delphox rump roast." Balthazar drooled as he looked over his waiter's rear end. Symond could almost feel his white teeth sinking into his curves as the dragon's red eyes wandered over his form.

"Well, it would take thirty minutes to prepare." he warned him timidly, trying to remain calm as he moved one hand down to subtly hide his shame as his tail twitched joyously at the thought of the celebrity changing his mind, "I'm sure you're a very busy pokemon, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting."

"To slurp up your fluffy tail and burp out your charred clothes? I could wait all day." Balthazar grinned suggestively up at the fox before laughing and giving him a slap on the ass, "Nah, I'm just messing with you. I'm sticking with the Ninetales."

The Delphox let out a stifled yipe as the heavy hand swatted his rear, the thin layer of clothing between them did nothing to protect it from the hand's force. He rubbed his rear and laughed nervously, managing to stutter out a 'Very good, sir' as he made his way into the kitchen to bring out the first order.

It didn't take him long to return with a silver plate with a Fennekin balanced on it. The Fennekin hadn't needed much preparation to be the appetizer, a soaking of Figy berry juice and some time to fluff his tail and he was ready to be served. The Delphox placed him on the table and bowed his head before making his way back to the kitchen to get the next one, "Enjoy, I'll be back in a moment with your starter."

The Charizard certainly didn't need long to enjoy his entrée. He decided to show off for the Delphox watching him through the kitchen window by tossing the little fox into the air and catching him in his gaping maw. With one heavy gulp the squirming bulge of the fox was pulled into his throat, and with a second it was pulled into his stomach. He murred and rested back, rubbing his stomach as he let out a little belch, "Nice. Ready for the next course, Foxy."

"Coming right up, sir." Symond called with a coy smile as he picked up the dish. The Flareon was slightly heavier than the Fennekin had been, and had a fair bit more preparation put into her since he had to chop the salads and carefully balance them in over her in an enticing display. The waiter set the plate down on the table, allowing the Charizard to see the fluffy orange and yellow fire-type, adorned with berry slices and leaves and surrounded by a few larger figy berries. She blushed up at him nervously as he looked down at her, frowning a little at her as the waiter cleared his throat and shuffled her plate closer to the predator. "I understood you wanted the 'salad' varient of this dish?"

"I'm starting to think I should've gone for the soup. But salad's probably better for me, right?" Balthazar replied dryly, pushing one of the leaves aside with his large claw. The Flareon on the plate shivered as she heard her stomach growl out hungrily, it seemed like the Fennekin was feeling lonely behind all those layers of fat, "You might want to hurry with the main course, by the way. This won't take long." The Charizard grinned wickedly down at his meal.

"Of course, sir." Symond replied, bowing lowly to the Charizard before turning to go back to the kitchen to fetch the main course. His ears perked as he suddenly recalled something and turned to see the Charizard dangling the Flareon by the tail, her face inches from entering his dark maw, "Oh, right. Have you decided what kind of wine you'd like with your meal?"

"I dunno, red, I guess." Balthazar replied off-handedly before grinning up at the Flareon and opening his mouth beneath her once more, leaving her kicking her paws in fear as she stared into his hungry throat. She could feel his grip on her tail beginning to lessen, soon she would be plunged into-

"What kind of red wine would you like?" The waiter asked, resting his hands behind his back as he watched the Charizard once again remove the Flareon's head from his mouth to respond, "And would you like some dipping sauces for your Flareon?"

"I don't care, whatever you think pairs best with Ninetales. Probably something fruity." Balthazar snarled impatiently before grinning up at the Flareon, he had thought she needed a little something extra. He took one of the berries and crushed it in his hand before slathering it over her fur, "And no thanks, I'll just make my own."

"Don't chew~" The Delphox teased, winking to the Flareon before turning to make his way back towards the kitchen. Everything was going perfectly, other than that little mix up with the salad the Charizard seemed to be enjoying his time so far. He turned his attention to the oven and opened it up, lowering his head to speak with the Ninetales inside, "Are you done yet?"

"You can't rush perfection, you know." He replied, lowering his tails so he could see the Delphox, and hopefully stop him staring at his rear too. Part of the benefits of fire-types was that being cooked wasn't much more dangerous to them than being in a sauna, all it did was seal the seasonings into their fur. "But personally, I think I'm quite close to it~"

"Well get closer, he finished the entree in one gulp, he'll probably only need two for the Flareon." the Delphox muttered, looking up briefly to check on the Charizard before turning his attention back to the Ninetales, "How's the stuffing doing?"

"Delicious, thank you~" the Ninetales giggled, rubbing a paw over his squirming stomach before letting out a little flaming belch, "Mmm, I think I needed a full stomach for this. I always get so nervous before I go up infront of customer."

"You weren't supposed to swallow him you greedy idiot." The Delphox growled, swatting the Ninetales' curvy rear with his stick. He gasped as he left a mark on it and began to run his hand over the spot to remove the damage, "You were just supposed to hold the Vulpix in your mouth and show off his tails, how else is he going to know you're stuffed?"

"Probably because I'm about to be eaten alive by a Charizard. Most pokemon would consider that -quite- stuffed enough, Symond." the Ninetales huffed, wiggling his rear at the Delphox as he stuck out his tongue, "And perhaps if you leave a mark, we'll be sharing a stomach together, or at the least you'll have to do the unthinkable and give him a discount on the best meal this restaurant has to offer."

"Perhaps next time I'll put the Vulpix in the other end, at least that way you won't eat it!" Symond snapped, slapping the fox across the rear again before carefully taking him out of the oven and putting him up on the counter to give him one last basting. As his gaze turned to the window he found the Charizard hadn't made any progress on the Flareon, it was as though he had been waiting just so the waiter could watch.

Now that he had Symond's full attention he opened his maw wide, giving both the Delphox and the Flareon in his hand a good look at the back of his throat. He slowly began to lower his prey into his mouth, allowing her head and fluffy chest to casually slip into his drooling mouth. He took a deep, glutteral gulp to bring the smaller pokemon's head into his throat, staring into Symond's eyes the entire time.

'...You wish it was you...'

The Delphox could practically hear Balthazar's deep voice in his head, rumbling through his mind and leaving him blushing as he stared on at the predator's display of his voracious skill. He shivered as the Charizard gulped again and brought the Flareon's backlegs into his maw, his teeth digging ever so slightly into her rear to get his prey to squirm before his muzzle closed, trapping all but the fire-type's fluffy tail.

'...Down the hatch, foxy~ Hope you can handle the heat.'

Symond's mind raced with passionate thoughts as he watched Balthazar eating. The Flareon's tail looked so much like his own, with a little imagination on his part he could see himself disappearing down the Charizard's throat as the squirming tip slipped between his scaley lips. The Delphox panted hotly, then glanced down at the Ninetales, "A-are you sure you don't want to swap out?" he pleaded.

"What? I've spent the past six hours getting ready! I'm not about to let myself get upstaged by some amatuer lunch snack." the fox yipped back at him, turning up his nose at the thought of not being put 'on stage', "The customer ordered a gourmet meal, and he will have it. You have to accept your defeat to an all-around superior pokemon."

"Huh. I guess I'd pair you with a fruity wine too." The Delphox muttered before covering up the Ninetales with the platter cover. He could hear him fussing about under the silver bowl, but he could care less what he had to say as he made his way out of the kitchen just in time to watch the last of the Flareon's bulge disappear into the Charizard's heavy gut, leaving him letting out a belch of flame. For a moment Symond could have sworn it curled into a little heart, or at least the smoke that followed it did.

"Mmm, so far, so good." the Charizard grinned up at the Delphox before turning his eyes to the platter, licking his lips as though the last two hadn't even begun to sate his hunger. He shuffled back a little, allowing his belly some room to extend as the Delphox placed the heavy plate infront of him and took the lid off.

"Stuffed Ninetales with Figy," the Delphox introduced the meal, grinning down at the Ninetales as he poured the dragon a glass of red wine to go with him, "Extra fruity." he added before tucking the Ninetales tails down to cover the red mark that remained on his rear, "Enjoy~"

"Hey, no need to rush off this time. Why not take a break from running back and forth?" the Charizard offered, curling his wing around the Delphox before using it to push him gently into the seat opposite him. The Delphox blushed as he found himself staring at the meal's voluptous rear while Balthazar grinned down at him, taking a sip from the glass of wine before addressing the fox. "Tough times, huh Spice?"

"What? No. This is just... extra income." He replied defensively, "I can take a second job if I want! At least I'm getting regular work." The Ninetales pouted, shuffling against the warm plate beneath him before looking up at the Charizard, "Besides, it's great practice for when I'm needed on set."

"Can't argue with that, I bet you'll be diving down throats like you were born to do it." Balthazar smirked condescendingly as he checked his claws, leaning on the table as he casually conversed with his prey, "Yeah, I've been doing pretty well for myself, they might even give me a series."

"Oh, don't fool yourself. You've got less depth than Magikarp." ...his metaphors were a lot more amusing when he had someone else writing them. He looked up at the Charizard, noticing he had suddenly become a lot less talkative and a lot more ominous as he loomed over him.

"Trust me, Spice," The Charizard began, moving his hands under the smaller pokemon's armpits and staring into his eyes before running his tongue over his muzzle and licking his lips before opening his cavenous maw, allowing the cream-furred pokemon a chance to realize his fate. "You're about to find out just how deep I go."

The Ninetales barely had time to whimper before his head disappeared into the Charizard's mouth, and then bulged out in his throat as he took his first gulp. The Ninetales began to kick and squirm, flailing his tails as Balthazar shoved him into his mouth, slurping over his fur noisely and murring at his delicious spicy flavour. Symond's dreamy gaze was snapped into a fully alert frenzy as he realized what was happening, one of the meals was trying to escape!

"O-oh, Balthazar! I'm so sorry, he's usually a lot more complacent. Here, let me get that for you." Symond gasped as he grabbed onto the Ninetales' backpaws, pinning them together as he moved out of his seat to hold the fox still for the predator. "My sincerest apologies, of course this meal will be on the house."

"Grrr." The Charizard agreed with a little growl before pushing the Delphox away, deciding that he'd rather deal with the fiesty fire-type himself. He grabbed Spice's tails and held him up by them, exposing the fox's rear to the blushing waiter as he took a few greedy gulps to bring the Ninetales' rump into his mouth. His tongue slapped over it, tasting what was likely the meatiest part of any of his meals so far.

Symond just watched with a blush, sitting down at the table and chewing shyly on his stick as he watched the egotistical fox finally getting put in his place, and what better predator to do it than a hungry Charizard? It wasn't long before the Ninetales' paws disappeared into the lizard's mouth, leaving his golden tails flailing back and forth as they tried to escape. The Delphox murred to himself and dipped the tip of his stick into the sauce the Ninetales had left on the plate.

He trailed it over each of the tails, leaving a long fruity line of sticky berry juice leading from the base to the tip. The Charizard slurped them in, once again staring into his waiter's eyes as he did so before taking a soft gulp to send them down to his stomach, feeling the bulge they made in his neck as his stomach began to bulge out with the pawprints of the Ninetales. He gagged, then let out a long belch of flame, leaving Symond with barely enough time to duck to avoid being incinerated by the jet of fire.

"Ah, that hit the spot. Squirmy too, I bet he'll rile up the others." Balthazar grinned, slapping his gut and feeling as the Ninetales inside him began to kick at the walls, letting out muffled protests as the stomach rolled him about, "Mmm, look at him go. For all his big talk, he was actually kind of a small meal. Tasty though, you've got five stars from me, Symond."

"Uh huh~" Symond mumbled dreamily, so fixated on the Charizard's gut he couldn't bring himself to look away from it even to hold a conversation with the star. He didn't want to risk missing the moment where Spice's face would bulge out, or perhaps the Flareon or Fennekin would be located and given a squeeze to wish them luck with their new contender.

"Aren't you forgetting dessert?" Balthazar asked, running both of his hands over his stomach, "I'm pretty sure I have room, or if not, Spice is making room right now." he grinned, licking his lips as he looked at the Delphox, "Unless Delphox comes as part of the dessert menu?"

"A-ah, no. I'm- Uh, Delphoxes are.. much too... big. To be dessert." Symond stuttered out his response, a blush crossing his muzzle as he slowly shuffled out of his seat. His tail curled around to cover his excitement as he laughed nervously, "I'll be right back!" he yipped, his voice breaking as he hurried to the kitchen, leaving the Charizard to taunt his prey while he waited.

Symond returned moments later with the final course of the meal, a beautiful Braixen covered in strawberry sauce and cinnamon sticks, even the wooden stick in its tail had been replaced by a large cinnamon stick. It blushed and wagged its tail alluringly as it was placed on the table, smiling up at the Charizard.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find a female at such short notice, the males don't taste that much different anyway." Symond chuckled, running his hand between the smaller pokemon's ears, "I've saved him for last in case you were too full to move. He's very good at what he does."

"Just open wide, I'll do the rest of the work." The Braixen murred seductively, climbing off the plate and making his way over towards the Charizard, leaving strawberry sauce footprints as he walked. Balthazar grinned at his dessert before opening his mouth wide, and the fox instantly slipped his arms and head into the mouth, "Okay sweetie, give me a nice big gulp~"

The Charizard almost found himself blushing as he tasted over the pokemon's remarkable flavour, it was sweet but somehow addictively spicy at the same time. He almost didn't want to swallow, but as he heard his stomach growling for the tasty treat he took a gentle gulp, dragging the Braixen's hands and head into his throat as the fox giggled enthustically.

"Wow, look at him go~ Hey Symond, would you mind getting a pic?" the Braixen asked, wiggling his hips as he eased himself into the Charizard up to his rear. His tail raised to lift the fluff that previously covered him, exposing his black rear to the Delphox, "It'll go great on the blog!"

"O-oh, of course." Symond blushed before hurrying over to the counter and grabbing the camera on it. He had hoped to get a picture anyway, but getting one of the Charizard in the act was just too perfect. He raised the camera and took a picture of the Braixen's rear framed by the Charizard's mouth just in time before it disappeared into his throat with a gulp.

Balthazar grinned, enjoying both his meal and his celebrity status as he slurped the fox's slender legs into his mouth. Soon all that remained outside was his fluffy tail, the last cinnamon stick on him was lodged deeply into its fluff. The Charizard took it out and posed once more for the camera, holding his head up so Symond could get a picture of not only the Braixen's tail, but the bulge it made in his throat before slurping up the fluffy yellow tail and taking a final gulp to allow his dessert to meet the rest of his dinner.

He let out a low belch before leaning back and picking his teeth with the stick and sucking on the tip to enjoy his reminder of his delicious dessert's flavour, "Mmm. Good. Think that was my favourite course, so light and sweet."

"I'm glad you enjoyed him, and thank you for dining with us." Symond bowed lowly before chuckling, "I'll fetch the bill for you, but please feel free to stay as long as you need to, I imagine you won't want to fly on a full stomach."

"Ha, nah. I've flown with more than this." Balthazar replied with a grin, flicking his flaming tail back and forth as he ran his claws over his gut. Symond could feel his eyes watching him, examining his slim form under his formal clothing. The Delphox felt his tail raising as though it had a mind of its own, it began to sway back and forth invitingly.

"Hey." the Charizard said, tossing the cinnamon stick into his mouth and crunching it up before swallowing it down. Once his mouth was clear he smirked over at the other pokemon, "Could you add that 'Delphox Rump Roast' to the bill? I'll have it to go." he smirked, scratching his gut as it gurgled over the pokemon within it.

"It'll take thirty minutes to prepare." Symond replied with a blush, looking over at Balthazar as his cheeks reddened at the idea of joining all those he had served him. It seemed like the perfect end to his night.

"I've got time." The Charizard replied with a little grin, showing off his sharp white teeth before they were overtaken by his pink tongue as it polished them with drool, "I wouldn't want to fly on a full stomach."

"I'll be right out." the Delphox replied, adding the final item to the bill and leaving it on the Charizard's table before slipping into the kitchen to prepare himself. He just hoped everyone would be ready in case someone else ordered the Foxfire Special tomorrow night.

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