Black Magic :: Chapter One :: Circles

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#1 of Black Magic

Two kids play a dark game and accidentally release something altogether evil...

**AN: Hey guys, I haven't been on here in a very _long time and I recently got inspired to write another story. Hopefully, my writing hasn't slacked off too much. I used to be _welcometonickiworld back then and I was super immature and kinda just cocky and lame, but anyways embarrassing young kid days behind me. Lemme know if this would be worth continuing or if you guys like it at all. Comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated. Also it's Coe (co) not Coe (coey) lol.

she's over-bored, self-assured, oh no, i know, a dirty word...

Chapter One :: Circles

** Coe tapped his fingers impatiently on the dark wooden table as his friend, Miles, jabbered on about the specifics of another crazy game he'd found. "So we just wait another twenty minutes, set up the circle, say some of the magic bullshit and something scary should happen." Miles shot him a quick smile before returning to his phone. "Did you hear yourself?" Coe countered, "You said 'magic bullshit' and that's what this is. Bullshit. Seriously, how many of these stupid rituals are you gonna try before you get that none of it is real." Coe twirled his fork in the bowl of noodles before taking another bite. Ramen noodles were a favorite midnight snack of his. Of course, none of these spells or rituals worked in broad daylight, so instead he stayed up until the earliest of morning hours just to entertain his best friend. "Hey, last time we did see that thing, remember?" Miles defended running a hand over his buzzed head. Miles was taller and more defined than his best friend. In fact, Coe had always been one of the shortest kids in school, but he still maintained a good definition in most aspects. All those beers were starting to show up on his belly, but he worked out enough to keep it even. "No, we had been up for three days on pills and drank a fifth of whiskey and thought we saw a thing." "Look, it's never going to work if you don't believe." "Excuse me for not being gullible as fuck," Coe mumbled through a mouthful of food. Secretly, he wanted one of these to work out just as much as Miles, but he was getting a little too old for ouija boards, youtube rituals, and bloody mary. "Whatever, where's your sister anyway?" The question came with a cocky smirk. "Don't even, dude." Coe's sister, Cassidy, was more than old enough to date guys and truthfully, Coe didn't mind if Miles dated her, but he kept having strange feelings of jealousy for Miles. Coe usually just shrugged the thoughts off, but they were slowly working themselves into his dreams. "She's hot! If you weren't her brother-" "But I am, so no." Miles sighed and put his phone down to start crushing up another pill. Coe didn't even bother to ask what they were anymore. If Miles was doing it, so was he. Miles used a credit card to scrape the powder into two different lines. "You game?" "Hell yeah." Coe walked over to Miles' side of the table and waited for him to pass the rolled up dollar bill. Coe bent over Miles shoulder and lined up the white dust with the paper cylinder. Coe paused a second longer as he felt Miles' arm push into his groin accidentally. Through the mesh of his shorts, Coe could feel the heat radiating of the thick muscles- "Go, dude!" Miles bumped him and Coe shot back to reality to snort the dust quickly. His nostrils burned for a moment, but the feeling soon passed. He sniffled a bit to help the drug to its target. A thick chemical taste formed in the back of his throat. "Damn, you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Coe returned to his seat, but he wasn't focused on feeling the effects of the pill he'd just sucked into his brain. He was still thinking about Miles and how close he had just been. Two layers of cloth and he would've been right on the money. Hopefully, Miles didn't feel Coe's member jump a bit. He'd just lie and say- What the fuck was he thinking? Why couldn't he stop having these thoughts? Am I really gay? He thought. Surely, he would've noticed something like that in the twenty years he'd been alive. Yeah, there was the occasional curious thought here and there, but they were just passing thoughts. His parents had made it very clear that no 'fag' would live around them, so any thoughts he carried ended very quickly in his mind. Maybe it was Miles. Just Miles. "Ok, so I've got most of it set up already. I'm gonna go find some candles. Will you draw this out for me?" Miles passed him a phone before leaving the table. Coe studied the picture of a pentagram with several more intricate symbols drawn around the outside. Of course, it was a pentagram. How else do you summon malicious spirits? Coe sighed and picked up a piece of blue chalk and bent over to start the outer circle on the wooden floor. It was amazing how Miles always got the ritual messes cleaned up before his parents got home. Not that they would care anyways. It's hard to care when you're never there. The other symbols were more difficult and Coe had to study them close to get them right. He moved to his hands and knees to sketch them out over the dark wood of the floor. He heard Miles bouncing back down the hallway. "Uh oh!" Coe felt two strong hands latch against his hips. The hands pulled him up as Miles thrust against Coe's firm bubble butt. Coe couldn't help but laugh. He could almost feel Miles' cock between the fabrics. "Doggy-style!" "Stop fag!" Miles pounded his hips against him a few more times and pretended to orgasm before letting him go. Coe frowned a bit when his knees hit the floor again. "Alright, so..." Miles studied his phone a bit more before looking over Coe's work. "Good job! I got the candles we need and the two mirrors." He adjusted the mirrors to face each other on opposite sides of the pentagram. The candles were placed on either side of the mirrors and closer to the symbol. "I stand here and you stand opposite me, we light the candles, say the words and boom." "Ok, what are the rules?" These crazy rituals always had rules not to break, in case something did happen. "Um, don't look at the mirrors at any point in the ritual. If the spirit asks you a question, don't lie. Um, um, um..." Miles continued scrolling, "Don't look the spirit in the eyes, you know. Don't break the circle. The usual." Coe gave a quite chuckle and leaned against the table adjusting his hat. "Alright, one minute to go, light the candles. I'll get the lights." Coe used a lighter to bring the candles flickering to life and soon the room was shrouded in darkness except for the four dim fires dancing around them. "You ready?" Coe asked with a hint of nervousness. "Yeah, you?" Coe's nod allowed Miles to start reading. "Here goes..." "Spirit of the hollow, we beseech thee, veni propter sapientiam, fratremque vestrum tenebris! Bring us your secrets and infinite knowledge, nos infernum, nos mortem! Take our offering and appear, et apparent bibere!" Miles stopped chanting and looked at Coe. "Shit, I forgot to grab the wine." "Mother fucker..." Coe walked to the kitchen and grabbed three glasses. He filled them with red wine and placed one in the center, handed another to Miles and took his own. "Do you even know what any of that stuff means?" "That's not important, take a sip." They both raised the glass to their lips and drank a small sip. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind ripped through the room taking the only source of light and leaving the two boys in a void of empty black space. "Um, Miles..." Coe reached out for his friend and found his hand. He didn't dare move his eyes towards either mirror. None of the other rituals had ever done something like this. His stomach turned and his thoughts raced in terror. If Miles had spoken, Coe didn't hear it for the roaring drum of heartbeat pounding through him. "Turn on a light, dude." "No, we can't." "Dude, fuck this shit, I'm scared!" "As you should be..." The third voice didn't belong to Miles or Coe. In fact, it was more of a growl. Coe slammed his eyes shut and gripped Miles' hand with all his strength. Cold sweat ran down his neck, but was soon dried with a warm huff of air. "Miles," Coe whimpered quietly. "Shh! Um, spirit, are you good?" Miles asked. His voice sounded dry and shaken. "Good?" The spirit gave a low rumbling laugh. "You have no idea who I am, do you?" "No, sir," Coe whined. The same huff of air blasted his face in annoyance. "One at a time," the spirit barked with a chuckle. "So, you boys have been searching the world for something like me and now you finally have it and all you can do is whimper and piss?" Coe was sure he was referencing Miles. He wasn't far from pissing his pants, but he hadn't yet. "Funny. So who should I take first?" "No, please!" Miles begged. Coe felt Miles tug him closer. Coe slid his feet across the floor slowly. "Oh, no? Perhaps a choice then? You or your friend?" Coe felt Miles pull his hand away leaving him in the darkness. "Miles, please." Coe refused to open his eyes for even a second. "Hold on, Coe. I can fix this." "Fix what!?" the spirit bellowed. Suddenly, Coe heard a flick and the spirit cried as light flooded just behind his eyelids. Coe slowly opened his eyes and saw Miles standing by the light switch. "Holy shit!" Miles laughed, "That was scary as fuck!" Coe sighed as a rush of relief washed over him. "Ok, do whatever you have to do to end this. I'm done with this shit." "What do you mean? That was awesome!" "No, it wasn't! Something was in this room. Something evil. You fucking pissed yourself, Miles! We're done!" "Coe..." "Don't try to scare me, dude. I'm not playing around-" "I'm not..." the look on Miles' face was sincere fear, but he wasn't looking behind Coe he was looking at the circle. Coe looked down and saw the empty wine glass and a fallen candle, but nothing too terrifying. "What?" "You fucking broke the circle!?" Coe looked a bit further back where the chalk was smeared. Coe remembered dragging his feet to get to Miles, but didn't think too much about it. "So what?" Coe asked. "So, now I'm here..." A voice whispered behind him. Coe's heart dropped again. Before he could turn around, everything went black and he was falling.

Coe woke up with a pounding headache and the sour taste of iron in his mouth. He slowly lifted his head off the cold wooden floor and glanced around. He found Miles across from him lying on the chalk symbols. Fear took over as the memories flooded back to him. Coe crawled for the door before something heavy pinned him to the floor again. He cried as the pressure pushed the air out of his lungs. The force let up as abruptly as it had hit and Coe rolled to his back. A tall and muscular figure pinned his shoulders to the ground with strong... paws... The figure definitely wasn't human, but it was built like one. It resembled a wolf. Gleaming golden fur covered the powerful body holding Coe still against the floor. Excited green eyes moved over his terrified body and fearsome fangs gleamed in the light with hunger. "I suppose I should be thanking you," the wolf chuckled. "You are the one who set me free, after all. So, do you want me to kill him first?" The wolf nodded in Miles' direction. "Please, just let us go. I swear, we won't tell any-" "Tell? I hope you do. Tell everyone you know so they can wear that same look of terror that you wear so well. Any specific requests?" The wolf's breath warmed Coe's neck as he bent lower to sniff his prey. "No! Wait! What if we get you someone else?" The wolf hesitated and perked an ear in interest. "We have some friends. You can have them. Please, let us go." "Hmm... how many friends?" "Three off the top of my head, just please, please, please." "Ok, your friend over there. He'll bring the friends and you'll stay with me... as insurance..." The wolf shot him a toothy grin complete with glowering emerald eyes. "But..." Coe wondered if he could trust Miles enough to come back for him. What if he just ran off and left him to become wolf food? Well, at least Miles would get away. "Ok, deal." The wolf turned its attention to Miles as he slowly rose from the floor. "Good news, Miles," the wolf chuckled, "the kiddo here is gonna let you go to grab me some food. You'll be back for him, right?" Miles backed into a wall in fear. He shot glances between the wolf and Coe. "What do you mean? What's happening?" Miles stammered. "Bring me three humans to feed on and I'll let you two live a bit longer. Sound fair?" The wolf turned back to Coe with a sly grin. "How am I supposed to do that?" "Well, I wouldn't tell them why you're bringing them here for starters. You guys seem pretty scared and something tells me they wouldn't believe you anyway. I'm getting hungry, go." With that, Miles lifted himself off the floor and ran out of the room. "So, how do we pass the time, kiddo?" "I have some more wine if you want it," Coe offered. He knew the demon didn't want wine, but it was the only thing he could think of that might intrigue him. "Hmm, it's tempting, but no. Think of something else." "Um, well, tell me something about you. You've gotta have some interesting stories and all, right? Being a demon, spirit, wolf-thing..." The wolf walked closer to Coe and offered him a paw. Coe took it and stood to face the creature. He practically towered over Coe. He must've stood a good two feet taller and much broader. Coe tried to keep his eyes away from the huge furry balls almost at his chest. "More about me, huh? Well, I'm 422 years old. The closest thing I have to a name is Taruziel. I got trapped in that stupid realm by a witch," he laughed, "still broke that bitch's neck though. Um, I like to kill things, particularly humans. Boys more than girls. I'm not sure why, but something just makes them taste so much better. Really, it's like pizza over broccoli." "You've had pizza?" Coe was really trying to keep the conversation going as he struggled to devise some sort of plan. The wolf paced before him waving his paws as he spoke. "Well, duh. Everybody likes pizza. How evil do you think I am? Anyway, like to kill people... um, oh, I love good jazz music, alcohol, sex, and..." Coe slowly started to slide towards the door as Taruziel continued to list things that he enjoyed. He was only a few steps away... "I don't like cats, religion, radio talk show hosts, afros, hummers, water parks..." Coe slipped his hand on the door knob and started to twist it. Suddenly, one of the heavy paws slammed against the door causing Coe to flinch away. "Douchebags who wear stupid 'tapout' hats," a paw swiped away Coe's hat as he continued to back away, "blue gym shorts with tacky grey t-shirts," a claw sliced the shirt and cut into Coe's stomach. Coe cried in pain and fear as the wolf kept the same distance between them. "And you know what I really hate? This game." A paw clenched Coe's throat and lifted him to eye level with the wolf. "Don't you hate this game?" "I'm...sorry..." he choked. "Yeah, me too. I actually like that shirt, but I had to prove a point. Now, let's play a new game." The wolf slammed Coe against the kitchen table and held him there. "This game is called; 'Don't Let Taruziel Get Bored' sounds fun, right?" Coe nodded and Taruziel let him breathe again. The boy doubled over and coughed as a rush of oxygen hit him. "This is boring." "Ok, ok. What can I do?" He rubbed his throat as he moved to sit on the edge of the table. "I think I know," Taruziel whispered. The sheer malice in the demon's voice made Coe tremble with fear. Two strong paws forced him flat on the table face first. Coe yelped and felt a cool rush of air against his buttocks as one paw pulled the gym shorts and boxers off his waist. He struggled as much as he could be he was no match for the larger being. "No, no, please!" Coe begged, "stop!" Taruziel only chuckled in response to the boy's cries. Something warm and wet slid between his cheeks lightly. Then, a tight pain split the boy and he could only breathe in agony as the member forced itself into the warm tight flesh of Coe's bottom. Coe had always imagined he'd be excited and being fucked would be a pleasurable experience, but all he could feel was intense and ferocious pain. The wolf above him groaned as more and more of his cock slid deeper into the shaking helpless boy. He used a paw to lift the boy's ass a bit higher and force the last inch into tightened flesh. "There," he growled, "that's not so bad, is it?" Coe only cried and tried to calm himself. He focused on the lines swirling in the table, the tickle of the fur against his bare cheeks, anything to keep his mind off the throbbing pain in his rear. Suddenly, he felt the member slip back half way and then slam back inside him. Every thrust knocked the air from his lungs and gave another rush of pain. He wondered how anyone could ever enjoy this and how he thought he would ever enjoy this. The wolf continued to thrust against the boy. His hips compressed the soft butt of human beneath him. As his pace grew faster, the wolf groaned in pleasure and started to drag sharp claws over Coe's back and rear. Coe yelped helplessly and only hoped the wolf would be finished soon. The member slid out to far a few times and left a small sticky trail of precum across Coe's butt and taint. Coe noticed the throbbing cock was sliding in faster and much more easily than before. Furry orbs slapped against his butt loudly. That's when it happened. The cock hit something inside him and it felt... amazing. Coe was stunned, but grateful at the same time. He tried to move himself so that it happened again and it did. Over and over, as fast as the wolf was pounding him, waves of pleasure flooded his entire body and soon he felt himself get hard desperately wanted to touch his own throbbing member. He decided to glance back at Taruziel while his eyes were still tearful. The wolf was utterly lost in pleasure. Hungry eyes were dedicated to watch the thick scarlet member push and pull the tight flesh it inhabited as his claws kept the cheeks spread wide. He panted with a lax tongue dripping warm thick strands of saliva into Coe's crack. The sight made Coe's pleasure hype and he felt as if he would explode if he couldn't jerk the member swelling against the table. With a few more pants and deep labored breaths, the wolf's thrust began to slow and tighten. Coe was almost at the climax too and prayed the wolf would give him just a few more pumps. Abruptly, Coe felt something larger at the precipice of his ass that hadn't been there before. It was much larger than the member, but just as warm and pulsing. The wolf used both paws to pull Coe back and pushed his hips trying to force the huge bulb inside. Coe closed eyes and tried to think of the pleasure as that same ripping pain tore at him. He was so close. He pushed himself back and finally the knot slipped inside him and the wolf gave a loud grunt. Claws sunk into his thighs and Coe's release finally sputtered onto the table as his insides were filled with warmth. Splash after splash coated his ass in hot and powerful cum. The two males breathed heavily in the afterglow before the wolf slipped away from him. Coe felt sore and empty, almost worse than before Taruziel had penetrated him. He didn't dare look at the wolf as he pulled his shorts back up to his waist. "Well, it looks like you enjoyed it after all," Taruziel chuckled and gestured to the mess of white ropes the boy had made on the table. "No, no," he struggled with a blush, "I, uh, I..." "Don't worry about it. It just makes you more useful. You'll probably even out live your friend. You should probably clean yourself up, though. I like a good clean scent." Suddenly, Taruziel and Coe froze as a door slammed in the house. "On second thought, you need to see this." Coe watched with wide eyes as the wolf moved into a shadow and Miles appeared in the dining room with their three friends behind him. Laura, Jackson, and Brett looked utterly confused, "Coe, are you alright?" Miles asked. His eyes studied the room looking for the wolf, but never found him. Coe's eyes started to water with fear and regret as the door to the dining room closed and Taruziel stood behind their friends with a wide, hungry grin. "Perfect timing, Miles," Taruziel gave a low growl before snatching up Brett and sinking long fangs deep into the boy's throat. Miles threw himself in front of Coe as if to shield him from seeing the massacre happening less than two feet behind them, but the screams were the worst. Helpless, terrified, and then all-together-breathless screams...

Almost Perfect - Chapter Four

**Author's Note: I didn't plan to make it this far, but I don't think I'll get much further lol. This IS NOT the end, however. I have a lot more planned for this serious and hopefully, during my absence you guys don't forget about me. Love...

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Almost Perfect - Chapter Three

**Author's Note: So, I'm really depressed. Well, kind of. RL is really fucking with my time and Chosen didn't really work out the way I wanted it to, but I'm liking this one so maybe things on SF will be better than RL. Blah, can't we just replace...

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Almost Perfect - Chapter Two

**Author's Note: Hopefully you liked the first chapter and now you're back for more. Let's talk about me. I'm... ok, that's enough. Let's just move on to the story. Or whatever. :).** **_Imma bad woof, bout to get a manni ped, I'm the big bad wolf in...

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