Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 21: More Missions, Even More Missions &.... Another Mission

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#22 of Counter Earth Chronicles

Last Chapter-

Our story arc concluded as Sir Ram saved Alex from impending death- can you believe that?! Together they outsmarted, recaptured, punished, and re-imprisoned the werewolf- but not before he and Alex got a little revenge, well a lot of revenge....

Counter Earth Chronicles

Chapter 21: More Missions, Even More Missions &.... Another Mission

That was quite the mission. It came very close to being my last mission and I almost got stuck with another one as well. But some quick thinking and running allowed me to avoid that.

Day 80 continued

At any rate, I was just glad to be home. But I knew as I entered my mistress lair I would have a lot of chores waiting for me. The townhouse would most likely be in disarray and I would have days upon days of homework waiting for me from professor Love. The truth as it were was worse- much worse.

As I entered the great room, I was quickly snapped back to reality. I heard a stern female voice from the corner of the room bark:

"You're late, very late Alex, what do you have to say for yourself?"

I struggled to find the right words:

"Um... the river was deep, I did not falter... the mountain was high, I still believed... the valley was low, it did not stop me... because I knew you were waiting for me?"

My attempt at humor did not succeed.

"Nice try pet, but you are in trouble." My she beast said. It was then that I noticed her cold had returned. But there was something more. My mistress was sprawled on the couch as if she had been beaten to a pulp during some fierce fight.

"Mistress!" I dropped my pack and ran to her side. She perked up and stared toward my direction upon hearing me.

"You are two days over due." She said sternly. There was hoarseness in her voice. She was only dressed in her undergarments and was indeed shaking when I came upon her.

"Mistress are you okay?!" I asked unnerved.

"No." She replied simply. "But it is nothing some time with you won't fix."

(Interesting. Her cold seems to return with mysterious regularity whenever we are a apart for an extended length of time.)

"I missed you so much and I thought that.... say am I in trouble?" I asked.

"You are." She replied.

"I am sorry, I am sorry mistress, please forgive me!" I said to her as I grabbed her paw.

"Not good enough!" She replied. "As part of your punishment you are going to take care of my ailments right here, right now. Then you are going to fix me dinner and tell me all about your mission."

"Ah, ok. But how is that punishment? Wouldn't I do that anyway?"

"Hush pet!" She said as she shot me with the teleportation device which she seemingly pulled out of no where. Once again my clothes were instantly 'beamed' off my body and into a pile on the floor near us. I realized who ever, created that device must have sold a awful lot of them. She then shot herself with it.

I didn't realize it at the time but Lady Ursa had been desperately awaiting my return. The cold had hit her hard. So much so that she was too weak to remove her own undergarments. In fact, I had never seen her in this condition before.

After I 'healed' her from that day forward she was careful to make sure that we were never separated from each other for a extended length of time. If she ever was, she would take extra "doses" of my semen along with her in a vile; she was adamant that I never saw her in this condition ever again.

That day I started to suspect that my beloved she beast was hiding something from me. A secret so embarrassing that she changed the subject whenever I tried to approach her about it.

I secretly vowed that some day I would discover the truth. One day I did during an much, much extended vacation that neither of us saw coming, but that is another story for another time.

"My tardy pet will apologize to his mistress by making love to her right now!" She ordered me as she lubed my penis with some oil that she had waiting for me on a stand next to the couch.

"YES!!!!! I mean as my mistress commands." I replied humbly as I crawled on top of her beautifully nude form.

I attempted to give my she beast a great big hug and kiss as I sat astride her hips. But Lady Ursa didn't want any foreplay- she wanted me inside her right now. She wanted me to cure her right now.

I realized that I had greatly missed that brown soft fur my time away for her, as well as her power and ferocity. As I entered her innermost depths, I realized that I had missed being inside my lady bear even more. I quickly hilted myself inside her 'precious flower,' and placed my arms on her sides and rested my head on her chest.

"No foreplay!" She ordered placing her paws on my back. "NOW CUM!"

"Mistress, I can't do that on command- but if you wait awhile..."

She was indeed desperate for relief.

(So much for passion and intimacy.)

I nuzzled her breasts as I started thrusting, rocking my hips back and forth as I slid my penis against her warm vaginal walls. Those paws of hers moved down to my rump as I continued to thrust deep inside her. She desperately wanted me to cum and soon.

Too soon I felt that familiar tickle in my nether regions and increased nuzzling her breasts as I sped up my thrusts. She started moaning as well- hoarsely. I felt my semen slowly make its journey from my testes up my shaft just before reaching the head of my penis as my orgasm was building. I sped up a little more. My mistress increased her grip on my rump and continued her moaning.

A few thrusts more and I felt my testicles contract; my orgasm was at hand.

"Mistress I am going to cum!" I announced to my moaning she beast.

"I want it all!" The she beast ordered. "I want to feel every gush and every rope, every drop leave your body and enter mine!" She ordered.

(Damn, that was hot!)

"NOW CUM MY PET!" She said tightening her vaginal muscles.

Cum I did. "AHH!!" I fired ropes upon ropes of my semen into her before collapsing on her torso. I rode out the rest of my orgasm there moaning very deeply. Those paws of hers moved from my rump to my back as she moaned. Then my fierce ursine warrior went silent.

"Mistress? Mistress are you ok?!" I asked coming down from my afterglow.

She snorted deeply, then growled:


Her voice was back, her congestion was gone and she had apparently stopped shaking. She was back to normal.

"Thank you pet. I needed that badly."

"Your cold came back while I was gone?" I asked gently.

"It did. Now tell me about your hunt." She said changing the subject abruptly.

(There was something going on there. No matter how much she hid it from me.)

"Uh okay." I said as I finally got to hug my she beast enjoying her warmth. "It was a trap." I told her, that thing we hunted ambushed us. Striking down Sir Ram and knocking me out. I awoke later in its lair. For a long time I thought I was going to perish at this creature's paws." I told my lady bear as I started to whimper.

"Sir Ram told me that the creature had ambushed both of you and had carried you off. I know it must have been terrifying for you my pet." She said softly.

"Mistress, I thought I would never see you again." I told her. "I had seen the creature apparently kill Sir Ram, eat two hikers and I was next to be devoured. The situation was hopeless."

"What did you do?" My she beast asked.

"I remembered the test you gave me the morning of your mission to the prairie- when it was my turn to be eaten, I shocked and then kicked the werewolf before I ran away from it's lair.

As I was running, I nearly crashed into Sir Ram who had come to rescue me. Sir Ram realized I had fixed the beast's control collar. He used it to punish the beast and to regain control of it."

Lady Ursa gently rubbed my head with her paw. "Shh" She cooed. "You came back to me safely pet, that is all that matters."

"You mean you realized that the mission was much more dangerous than Sir Ram led us to believe and that both of us almost died." I said tearing up again.

"I know this mission was very tough for you but ultimately it was for the greater good. Without your involvement it is quite possible Sir Ram would be dead, killed by the creature's own paws and more innocents would have been harmed as well."

(There was that everything for the cause mentality I had seen her and the other knights exhibit.)

"But the challenge and danger was greater than anything I have ever experienced before. I am completely wiped out. I don't think anyone could do that on a continual basis." I said to my lady bear.

"We knights do pet every time we leave the castle. Like your mission, it is for the preservation of our master's empire." Lady Ursa told me.

"I don't ever want to leave you again." I told my she beast. "BTW am I still in trouble?"

"Yes." She said. "You still owe me dinner and maybe a little something extra."

"Mistress can we just stay here a while? I really, really missed you."

"Very well we can talk pet. I see Sir Ram wasn't much company." Lady Ursa said.

(However you analyze it- this was not punishment).

I went into details about the mission and Sir Ram and my time together. She listened carefully as I told her that Sir Ram and I did have a dynamic but it wasn't like the kind that I had established with Lady Vermin or with her.

"Alex you did do a lot of good on this mission, I even heard that you and Sir Ram bonded." My she beast said finally.

"If you mean him promising never to experiment on me again, I guess you can consider that bonding." I told my she beast.

When I had finished I hugged her tightly and didn't let go.

"What's this for pet?" She asked.

"I am glad to be home, with you where it is safe." I said to her. "I have had it with missions- at least for a while mistress."

"Too bad, I think Lea had one she wanted you to accompany her on." Lady Ursa said given me a wry look.

(Oh geez!)

"I think it involved adventures in the great outdoors, outwitting rebels, fighting genetically engineered creatures and even some strange weather phenomenon!"

"Mistress that was not in the least bit funny." I said frowning.

"Actually, she wanted to know if you would like to go stargazing. She is responsible for naming newly found stars for the space museum in World Four."

"Now that I can get into, no fear, terror or stress. Just simple boring work. I like boring work." I said to my mistress.

Now come let's bathe." She said picking me up and throwing me over her shoulder as we headed to the shower. I wanted to stay inside her a little longer, but I guess we did need to get cleaned up and I still owed her dinner.

I did make my she beast dinner- her favorite salmon. She told me that it was the best meal she had had in some time. Most likely because I had made it.

As we ate that evening I tried to get my mistress to tell me what she had been up to during my absence- had she and Lord Tiger made any progress on identifying who was the mole inside the castle? I tried to do so without actually asking her. She cut her eyes at me when I did .

(Well, I didn't actually come out and ask her. So I didn't disobey her orders.)

It didn't matter. I was looking forward to sleeping in a comfortable bed and not in some tent-like structure on the forest ground with an evil beasital scientist who was also a Knight of Wundagore.

"I have been thinking pet." My she beast said later as we were preparing for bed.

"You mean the something extra you were talking about?" I said as she removed my loincloth.

"No, about you my pet. I have decided that if you are going to live among us I am going to have to teach you how to defend yourself- because guile will only carry you so far. Also I think you need a designated healer to attend to your medical needs as well and I have the perfect person in mind." She said as she petted me on my head.

"So what is this something extra you were referring to?" I asked the fierce ursine warrior as she crawled into bed to join me.

"Oh, that? You're welcome home present my pet. On behalf of the Knights of Wundagore and the citizens of the empire I welcome you home and thank you for your duty and sacrifice on this most difficult of missions." Lady Ursa said as she kissed me on my forehead. She then laid me down on my back, straddled my hips, massaged my scrotum, impaled herself on my thickening shaft and made love to me.

(I don't know about you, but I think she also forgave me for being two and a half days late.)

That night I slept quite well. Most likely because I was in a soft warm bed with the one person I cared about the most.

Unlike the previous times I have slept with my mistress where she cuddled me like a soft plush toy doll, I cuddled her tightly that night as I slept on top of her. Maybe it was that I was overjoyed to see her and to be with her for the first time in over three days.

The following day true to her word Lady Ursa started my self defense instruction. Oh, and a day after that I did join Lea on her personal stargazing mission.

Day 88 (One week later)

"I can't believe I have been assigned such a humiliating and degrading task!" The ram grumbled. "Me a proud Knight of Wundagore on traffic duty!"

"I don't know Sir Ram, err I mean Junior Knight Ram. It seems quite relaxing and menial." I said to the sulking Junior Knight.

"Precisely boy!" The he beast shot back. "No adventure, danger or excitement- just traffic patrol! Why were you paired up with me again?! Was it to gloat at my humiliation?"

(I do seem to be paired with him a lot lately.)

"No. Lord Tiger wanted me to get a better feel on just what tasks and functions the knights perform for the empire so he allowed me to accompany you on traffic patrol." I said to the demoted Knight of Wundagore atop our observation platform.

The ass reaming that I suspected Sir Ram would receive as a result of 001's rampage in the Great Forest had happened. I was glad that Sir Ram had not covered up the collateral damage that occurred as well. But in coming forward he had paid dearly. Lord Tiger was not happy when he found out nor was the High Evolutionary. As a result- Sir Ram lost his title, rank and was busted down to Knight of Wundagore junior grade. However, he still retained his other position as the High Evolutionary's chief scientist though.

"My humiliation is complete!" The ram err, Junior Knight Ram said frustrated.

"Sir, for what it is worth- I think it was very honorable that you came forward and admitted what had happened. It was better this way than hiding it and having a scandal develop later." I told the sulking ram. "Besides, this is only temporary in time you will get your title and rank back. It is not likely you will stay a Junior Knight the rest of your career." I said placing my hand on his paw.

When I did he gave me such a look.

"Yes, right then." I said changing the subject. "How do you enforce traffic codes and rules in a civilization where all traffic is aerial?" I said noticing the numerous vehicles flying by above and below our position.

"You see this platform we are on boy?"

"Yes." I responded realizing how high off the ground we were- about 20 stories. It made me uneasy.

"There are many strategically placed across the five cities. Those who monitor traffic, just place their hover vehicles or in this case hover-bikes on them like we are now and initiate scan mode." The Junior Knight said to me.

"Scan mode?"

"Yes it is an automated device the projects a 3D field between buildings. As the vehicular traffic drives through it, it scans all vehicles and initiates fines for motorists who are speeding, not wearing their restraint belts and not registering their vehicles. The owners of the vehicles will see the fines in their personal accounts and pay them. The system also looks for outlaws and criminals that the knights are trying to capture across the five cities." The disgraced beastial warrior said to me.

"Wow, that is quite the system." I said looking at the display on the ram's hover bike. "It is amazing that it is completely automated."

"I don't know why I am even here! This is menial work! The kind that you would give first year warriors!" The ram said sulking again.

"Or Junior Knights." I said rubbing it in.

(Junior Knight Ram. I don't know what it is. I just like saying that.)

**beep** **beep**

The heads up display on the evil beastial's hover bike sounded off.

"What is it?" I asked the beastial warrior trying not to notice how high up we were.

"Looks like a possible rebel sighting! Let's go boy." The ram said pulling me to him.

Carefully I climbed on to the back of the ram's hover bike. I wrapped my arms around him tightly as he started the bike and we floated of of the platform near the Singers building high above the financial district.

The ram hit his flashers and siren as we pursued our would be rebel who was driving a beat up red vehicle with a front cockpit and a flat bed in the rear. The he beast called it a pick-up truck.

Upon hearing the siren and seeing the pursuit lights the driver pulled right over- obediently and started cowering. A normal reaction for a law abiding citizen when approached by a knight of the empire.

When Junior Knight Ram caught up with the vehicle, he moved the hover bike right next to the driver side door.

"Did I do something wrong Sir Knight?" A disheveled teenager with blond hair and tattered clothing asked.

"You appear to be a rebel." The ram said pulling out his scanner.

"A rebel? I am nothing but a struggling, poor law abiding citizen of the empire. Sir Knight." The teen said.

I watched their exchange with some curiosity.

"We will see." The he beast said as he scanned the tracking chip in the teenager's shoulder.

"Samuel Justice. Eighteen years old and a senior at World One Senior High. According to this, you are still forming an opinion about the dictator and his rule over this planet." The beastial warrior said in disgust.

"See good knight. I am a law abiding citizen. I have a clean driving record and I make sure I obey the rules all the time." The teen said to the ram.

"Hmm... I think I can find something." The beastial warrior said with prejudice.

"Ram!" I said watching him desperately try to find something on the teenager.

Sir Ram, I mean Junior Knight Ram spent a good ten minutes combing through records looking for something, anything on Mr. Justice. He only found a parking ticket. Dejected the ram warned the teenager to pay it otherwise he would be judged and punished.

"That was very good and professional Ram." I said to him. "Do you like to piss off all citizens or is it just the humans?!" I said in accusatory tone.

"Watch your tone boy." He grumbled.

"With respect sir, that exchange is doing nothing but encouraging more oppressed humans to join the rebellion to overthrow the High Evolutionary." I said as we arrived back at his observation platform. "You also probably swayed that teen's opinion of the dictator as well."

"How do you know that pet?" The ram said pulling rank.

"He had a 'coexist' sticker on the back window of his truck that had a picture of a beastail and human hugging!"

The ram looked at me. "Are you going to judge me and how I perform my duties?" He asked me angrily.

"That depends on if you are going to treat the human citizenry different from the beastial citizenry. If that was a beastial driver I suspect you would have given that person a warning and not threatened him."

The beastial warrior was silent for a minute as he parked the hover bike back on the platform. Most likely thinking evil things to do to me.

"Here." The he beast said as he handed me his communicator breaking the silence between us.

"You're handing me your communicator?"

"To shut you up." The ram warrior said annoyed. "It was the information you requested on the hikers 001 devoured."

Junior Knight Ram was right the dossier did keep my quiet as I read through it learning about the lives of Fushia and Zed Fox.

The file the knights had on the two was very informative, detailed and heart breaking. The pair were mated and starting their family when Sir Ram and I encountered them in the Great Forest.

Fushia Fox was a dancer in the performing arts academy in World Five. Zed Fox her mate, was a music instructor at the World Five primary school. Occasionally the two would perform together- Zed would play the piano and Fushia would dance for his students and the entire school.

The two also shared a love for the wilderness, hiking and a (apparently sex) in the great outdoors.

I started crying as I read their files on the ram's communicator.

"Their demise- their loss diminishes us all." I said to the ram.

"I know boy, I know." He said to me wiping my tears.

The couple's demise apparently affected the ram more than he let on not just professionally but personally as well.

**BEEP** **BEEP**

The beastial warriror's dash lit up like a firework's display.

"What is it I asked?"

"An opportunity to get my title and rank back!" The evil beastial said retrieving his communicator and placing me back on his bike.

I looked at him curiously as he sat down.

"It is the Bandit Trio."

"You mean that outfit all the knights have been after for the last several months? I thought you and the other knights had caught them by now." I said to him surprised.

"Don't start boy." He said as we floated off of the platform and began the pursuit. "Hold on to me tightly the ram warned things are going to get very hairy and I wouldn't want you falling to your death or tossing your breakfast."

"Yes sir." I said.

Junior Knight Ram began the chasing after a green squared shaped vehicle he called a van that fled away from us at high speed once it realized we were in pursuit. It weaved in and out up and down the aerial traffic in attempt to elude us. But the ram warrior was not having any of that. He deftly maneuvered around all the traffic matching the van point for point.

That was when two members of the gang leaned out from the windows of the van. Weapons at the ready.

"RAM!!" I yelled sensing the danger.

The beastial warrior pressed a button on the display of his hover bike and a large reddish orange blast discharged from the front of the bike and hit the rear of the green van which sent it careening out of control crashing right into a nearby office building shattering its glass windows. The van landed on its side thankfully not injuring anyone on that floor of the building.

Junior Knight Ram brought his hover bike within range of the building and engaged its loud speaker:

Bandit Trio you are wanted for thievery, extortion, robbery, armed robbery, trafficking and other crimes committed in the five cities. You are all bad beastials. Well Roger and Buster are. Jean you are just a bad human- anyway, surrender now!

The ram and I watched as the occupants of the van who were dazed crawled out- The one the ram called Jean was a black haired woman who appeared to be in her thirties and quite attractive with her was a pet husky and two other beastials. A male raccoon named Roger who appeared to be about her height and a muscular boar named Buster. Both who appeared to be in their thirties as well.

The woman got to her feet and address the ram:

That is an interesting list of charges knight but if you come any closer we just might be inclined to add to them.

It was then that I observed the raccoon and boar had grabbed some random employees who were on that same floor and smiled at them menacingly.

I knew what the woman meant.

"They are taking hostages." I said to the beastial warrior. "It is going to be a stand off."

"Vicious Jean strikes again." The ram said under his breath.

The ram thought about it and called the senior knight on duty his immediate supervisor, a caracal and explained the situation. The caracal ordered the Junior Knight not engage and wait for assistance.

"This is going to lead to a long standoff between them and the other knights. There could be injured in there in need of assistance." The ram said to me. "If the standoff drags on for hours other beasts could die."

"If you go in there weapons blazing there could be the same result." I said to him. "What are you going to do?"

"I am going to shut them down by attacking the attackers." The ram said moving his hover bike to the roof of the building several floors up from the bandits.

The beastial warrior placed me on top floor of the building.

"Why are we landing here?" I asked the evil beastial.

"Because you are going to be a hostage and decoy." The ram said grinning wickedly.

"You're going to use me as a pawn for your own selfish purposes?"

(Gee where have I heard that before?!)

"Precisely my boy!" The ram snickered.

"But I thought we were, we were....."

"Bosom buddies, best friends?" The ram shot back.

"I thought you and I had a rapport! I thought we bonded!" I said to the evil beastial. "Why are you doing this to me?!"

"We did boy and I am going to use you to put an immediate end to the stand off, trap the trio and help me regain my title and rank." The ram said.

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"With these bombs." He said to me.

"You want me to die for you? Are you mad?!"

"No boy- just crazy like a fox." The ram said showing me about seven small spherical devices. "These are a new invention I have been working on to assist the knights for situations just like these."

"You said these are bombs." I said surprised.

"Yes boy, glue bombs. I want you to make your way to the floor the Bandit Trio is on and then do what you do- distract them. I want them close to each other in that office away from the hostages and the windows. When you managed to do that press this indicator here. That will signal me to fire and detonate the glue bombs at them. Everyone on that floor will be glued to the ceiling, floor, walls and chairs unable to move until they are freed one by one.

"I don't know... I said reluctantly. I could get hurt."

"They won't hurt you boy unless they are backed into a corner- they need hostages to bargain with. Besides it is for the greater good." The he beast said to me.

(There was that everything for the cause mentality.)

"Ram, you promise me that I will be the first one you free from the glue?"

He nodded. I reluctantly agreed. Once again I was placing myself in danger for the good of the empire.

Junior Knight Ram gave me the indicator which I attached to my belt and returned to the front of the building to run interference. Meanwhile, I entered the stairwell and walked down from the roof to the 80th floor where the Bandit Trio had crashed and was holding everyone there as a hostage to keep the knights at bay.

Upon my arrival I opened a side door and walked into a room that had many cubicles. I entered slowly looking for the outlaws.

I found them not far from their crashed van. The female was addressing Junior Knight Ram and several other knights who had come to the building.

In the far corner of the room the boar and raccoon had the office workers seated and were methodically relieving them of their possessions.

(Damn bandits.)

I counted about 15 employees in all- various species canines, felines, an otter, red panda and some other beasts whom I did not recognize.

(Well here goes everything.)

"Ms. Smith I am here for the interview!!!" I announced walking up to the woman.

"Arf!! Arf!!"

Before I got within five feet of her I was brought down by the husky. Who bit me on the arm- hard.

(Damn, I forgot about him.)

"Good boy! Insidious!"

"Arf!! Arff!!"

"And you are?" She asked me.

"I was supposed to show up here for the job interview." I said to the woman. "Apparently I have come at a wrong time. I think I should come back...."

"Well boy are you on the wrong floor!" Vicious Jean said to me.

As I looked up from the floor, I had two weapons aimed at me courtesy of the boar and the raccoon.

"Eep!" I said play-acting.

"What should we do with him boss?" The boar said to the woman

(Wow, she's in charge?!)

"Add him to our collection." The woman responded coldly.

"It is nice to see that humans and beastials can get along even if it is for nefarious purposes." I said rising to my feet. "Who are you guys anyway?"

"The ones who have your life in our paws." The boar said aiming his weapon at me.

"You know what that means don't you boy? Grab some sky!" The raccoon said to me.

"They are called the Bandit Trio. A hyena in the corner called out to me.

"Yeah, I have heard of you three. But why are you hurting your fellow beastials and disobeying laws enacted by your master?"

"Aren't you talkative!" The woman said to me.

"Well seeming that I am your hostage, there isn't anything else to do." I replied. "I mean if you put the same amount of effort performing good as you do evil you three could be relatively prosperous."

"Search him." The raccoon said to the boar.

"The short answer boy is that I can't earn an honest living." The woman said to me.

"And the High Evolutionary is a tyrant and we refuse to recognize him as our master!" The boar said to me.

"So you were here for an interview were you?" I feel sorry for you boy. "You know damn well no one here would hire you." The raccoon said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because it is the order of things." The raccoon responded.

"Please may I rest my arms- they are getting tired." I whined.

"Unless you want Insidious over there to eat you- keep reaching for the sky both personally and professionally." The boar said accidentally pressing the indicator button the ram had given me to alert him.

(Come on Ram, fire!)

"So tell me boy." The woman asked me. "Just what position were you applying for here?"

(Come on Ram fire! Fire!)

I turned to the woman as she approached me.

"Oh a few things sales, maintenance, engineering but mostly building security." I said to her with a wicked grin. "You know defending honest employees against scum like you!"

"He is a decoy!" The boar said.

"It is a trap boss!" The raccoon said.

"Let's Go!!" The woman screamed to her comrades as the ram fired his glue bombs directly at the trio.


The ram's glue bombs detonated plastering everyone where they were to the walls, chairs, floor and me to the ceiling hurting my back.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience everyone." I called out to the employees. "This was the only way to end the standoff without anyone being killed."

"Yay." Came the muted response.

I was stuck for hours while the knights used some sort of solvent to free all of those on the floor who had gotten glued.

"Well?" I asked Junior Knight Ram as he carefully unstuck me from the ceiling. His face said it all. "The hostages were saved. But the trio some how managed to escape. We only got Insidious the dog."


"It was a valiant gamble." I said to the ram. "Now could you please get me down? I have glue in places I didn't even know I had."

The ram had taken a gamble that did save the office workers, but didn't catch the Bandit Trio. He did receive a compliment from his immediate supervisor the caracal for his quick thinking. But it was not enough to get his title and rank back.

(Better luck next time.)

As for the fifteen office workers they were all interviewed and checked out for injuries before being sent home. They were shaken up by otherwise ok. Lord Tiger and Lady Vermin immediately went on a mission to hunt down the Bandit Trio once and for all.

That evening at the lair, Lady Ursa personally bathed me to remove all of the glue from the ram's glue weapon from every inch and orifice of my body, while I told her about my day with Junior Knight Ram on traffic patrol.

"It seems even when you try to avoid missions they seem to find you my pet." My she beast said.

"Unfortunately mistress."

"Well you have another tomorrow." She said as she started drying me off.

"Wait, what?!" I asked.

"It is to your healer. The test results came back on Jean's dog- Insidious has not had his shots. So you will have to have some of your own."

"Oh great!" I face palmed. "I get it! That was why Jean called him Insidious! Stupid dog."

Lady Ursa fell over laughing at my comment. At least SHE was having a good time.

Despite the dog bites, I slept Peacefully in my mistress arms that night. My skin was a bit irritated from being scrubbed every which way as well as some other personal places on my body. Including the places where that damn dog bit me.

DAY 89

Around 6:15 in the morning, my mistress received her usual morning call outlining her assignments and duties for the day. But this morning something was quite different- by that I mean something was wrong.

I was resting comfortably on her abdomen and chest when she received that morning call. Carefully she reached for her communicator trying not to wake me. She answered it in the usual fashion and listened. She then placed it back on the night stand and started growling- loudly.

Now when you live with a bear- growling is never ever a good sign.

"Something wrong mistress?" I asked yawning.

"Very wrong." She replied. "That was Junior Knight Ram. Lord Tiger and Lady Vermin are missing- they haven't checked in in over twelve hours from their mission. They are quite overdue. With them out of contact for so long, they must have been captured or killed." She said worriedly.

"Mistress, they were still on that mission right?" Lady Ursa paused and then finally answered me.

"Yes, they were pursuing the Bandit Trio. Lord Tiger and Lady Vermin went undercover to apprehend the outfit. They were supposed to report in yesterday evening on their progress shortly before you returned. They didn't. Junior Knight Ram believes that they must have been discovered by those they were pursuing." She said as she gently rolled me off of her torso. "Come we need to get dressed."

This was serious, very serious. My mistress skipped her morning routine and went right to her shower and quickly bathed her and myself.

"So what is the plan?" I asked as we were drying off.

"Ram and I are going after our comrades." She replied. "If they have been captured we will rescue them. If they have been killed. We will avenge them."

I followed my she beast back to her chambers where she started dressing. She put on her uniform and selected a white shirt and black slacks for me to wear.

"Am I coming with you?" I asked.

"No, pet not this time." She replied sternly.

"But won't you need my clairvoyant abilities?" I protested.

"Yes, they could be helpful in this mission- but I am not sure what situation Ram and I will be going into- most likely it is going to be very dangerous and I don't want you to get in the way or to get hurt.

(Now she is worried about my safety?!)

"Instead, you will be staying with Tauren and his family where it is safe for the time being."

I followed Lady Ursa to her weapon's storage. This was serious, very serious; she grabbed her side-arm, sword and knife.

"Mistress, how long do you think you and Ram will be gone?" I asked surprised.

"I don't know pet. I am sorry, but I won't be able to take you to the healer this morning."

We then entered the great room where in a closet she had packed clothing and supplies in what amounted to a stay-over bag. I picked up the bag and together we left the lair.

Lady Ursa was mostly silent as she escorted me to Tauren's lair. She must have been preoccupied about Lord Tiger and Lady Vermin- their whereabouts and if they were alive or dead.

All to soon we were at Tauren's front door.

"Mistress?" I asked.

"Yes Alex."

"Why are you going through the trouble of sending me to stay with Tauren? I mean I could just stay in the lair and await your return...."

It was then that the reality, the seriousness and the severity of the situation hit me- like a ton of bricks. I looked Lady Ursa directly in the face.

"OMG! You aren't sure you're coming back from this are you?!" I asked my she beast horrified.

I dropped my bag and ran to hug her- tightly realizing that this may be the last time I see her- ever again.

"You are perceptive as ever Alex." She said hugging me back. "Open up your bag. In there you will find a note. Give this to Tauren." She said releasing me from her embrace.

I sensed that she had made arrangements for me to stay with Tauren before hand if she were to be away on extended missions.

"Now Alex, I want you to be on your best behavior." She said to me sternly.

"Yes mistress, I will- I love you." I said hugging her once more.

She then petted me on my head. "I love you too Alex. I will return when I can. If I can."

With that she departed and was gone. Off to join Ram in a dire rescue mission of her own. I in return was left to worry about her safety as I quietly rang the bell at my friend's quarters.

To Be Continued.....

Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 22: Lea's Confession

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 22: Lea's Confession** Day 89 continued "Alex? Alex?" Tauren said tapping me on my shoulder. "Morning Tauren how are you?" I responded in a daze. "More importantly how are you?" The minotaur countered seeing...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 20: The Ram’s Revenge

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 20: The Ram's Revenge** Day 79 continued Some time later I awoke to a smooth soothing sensation on both of my shoulders and back. It felt very, very good. I also realized it was late evening and cold. I took a...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 19: Big Animals Scaring Little Animals

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 19: Big Animals Scaring Little Animals** Day 79 I came to sometime during the night. My head hurt like hell, as did my arm, shoulder and abdomen. My vision was also blurred. Which was not a good sign. What was...

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