I Like to Watch...first Glance.

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#1 of I Like to Watch

A quicky on a theme. Unexpected, and yet erotic. Watching can be the most fun...

I should have turned away, I know. I should have been angry, repulsed, tormented. I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first; it seemed like some sort of dream.

I had a fight with my best friend Natalie when we were supposed to be spending the whole day shopping for a bridesmaid's dress for me, and her impression of Bridezilla became too much even for me to let pass. I had stormed off, crying, angry, but by the time I got home I was mostly just disappointed she hadn't texted me to beg forgiveness.

Until I got inside.

The noises...it was the noises first. Sighs, moans, little gasps and whimpers. I should have known what it was, I guess, but it didn't make sense, so instead of retreating I walked towards the source of the noise.

I was lucky I managed to clamp a paw over my muzzle before I let out a cry. They didn't hear me.

My boyfriend, Darren, naked, on all fours. A bulky wolf, I loved the way he looked when he stripped off for me, seeing his muscles exposed, the bulge at his sheath. He liked to tease me and make me wait for it until my pussy was dripping and I was screaming at him to come and fuck me properly and I was touching myself in anticipation. He knew enough to go down on me first anyway, no matter what I would beg, lapping at my clit until I pushed his muzzle against me and sprayed his face with my juices and then I would get a sight of that thick red cock and swelling knot but not for long, because I wanted to feel it so much then I would practically rape the bastard.

But right now, I realised, even though I thought of him as big, buff, muscular, he could be made to look small and vulnerable. Here, on all fours, he looked that way, because a stallion, a Clydesdale, had mounted him and was pounding him with all the power a heavy horse could muster.

I was so astonished, I didn't run, didn't turn away. I took it all in, like some sort of modern art work I had to dissect and critique, a legacy of my time in college.

Every muscle on my wolf was tensed, and he had his head thrown back, muzzle bared in a snarl, or a scream, pain or pleasure I couldn't quite tell. His tongue lolled out, dripping saliva onto our bed. The stallion had the wolf's tail wrapped in one hand and pulled up tight, stretching my poor Darren's crack nice and tight, and I saw everything.

My boyfriend never liked me touching his ass. I had tried a couple of times, when I was blowing him, to see if he would like it. He would just growl and push me away. He wasn't complaining now though, and I got my first real good look at his ass.

The legs were well spread, but not as spread as his ass lips. They were spread obscenely wide, red, sore, they looked so pained. A thick horsecock pistoned into him, and I watched each new thrust, the withdrawl exposing an incredible length of swollen horse shaft, the pop as the medial spread his pucker painfully as it left his hole, the endless expanse of shaft, glistening with lube, the wide ring of the stallion's flare just visible as he almost pulled all the way out.

The stallion waited then, and wiggled his hips. Massive powerful butt cheeks flexed, and he drove into my boyfriend, and the process happened in reverse, shaft disappearing, the medial spreading my wolf's poor hole and making him yelp, then the final thick inches to the hilt and a smack of impossibly heavy balls on his taint and those noises, the cry of a wolf.

Pain...pleasure...I watched almost detached, and realised it was a bit of both. Definitely plenty of pleasure though...his cock was red raw too, and throbbing, and a long line of clear precum dripped from the tip onto our carefully selected Egyptian cotton sheets to make a little pool of need under his belly.

"Like that little bitch?"

The stallion's voice sounded like warm chocolate, insinuating into my body even standing in the doorway staring at this disturbing spectacle. It had an effect on my boyfriend too, and I saw a little spurt of pre shoot from his cock. He shook, and dropped his head to the pillow.

"Ohhh yesssss..." it came out as a hiss, and it ended in a yelp as the stallion gave him another raw pounding thrust stuffing his anus beyond all reason.

I whimpered too, muffled by my paw. And I felt the heat then, surprising, even terrifying. In my groin, deep, hard, buried in my snatch, pulsing inside me and demanding to be stroked.

My other paw inched its way gradually but surely inside my jeans. I felt the heat calling me, and the heat built as I inched closer until I slipped a paw inside my nickers and touched my swelling pussy lips.

I almost bit my paw off, when I touched my clit. So wet...already, so so wet.

The stallion leaned over my wolf, chest on his back, and clasped my boyfriend's hands in his own. He licked Darren's headfur and nibbled his ears, and somehow that intimate gesture was the hardest and yet the hottest to watch, heavy hips and thighs writhing all the time as he mounted Darren like a bitch in heat. Like me...and I slid fingers deep in my snatch and rubbed myself silly while my palm pressed against my clit and I felt the liquid need dripping down my thighs from panties sopping wet.


My boyfriend had his eyes scrunched tight now, face set in a pained mask, and he let out harsh gasps of demand until a final snarl. The stallion slapped his ass in retaliation but complied, and he rammed in faster and faster, the bedroom echoing to the slap of hard male bodies colliding. I watched their final moments, fascinated, aroused, every bit as needy as my lover under the powerful thrusts of the stallion.

The short, fast thrusts, the stallion's frenzied whinny and bared teeth as he bit Darren's neck in the throes of passion. The way my boyfriend's knot swelled, the tip of his cock flared, and suddenly he let out a howl and unloaded his balls in a flood of cum.

I hadn't seen him cum, I realised. In my muzzle, in my pussy, his cum was always mine but I never saw the magic moment when his cock gave up it's load. Now I got to see it,his little piss slit suddenly gaping, the first spurt coming out in a trickle, then the second thicker and bigger, then a long stream of hot seed splattering the bed as his body shook under the wild thrusting of the stallion.

By some miracle I didn't cum then and there, as my wolf emptied his balls for a bigger male. No, but I was close.

The stallion was close too. But he took his time, laughing at my boyfriend, his bitch, giving him a few teasing strokes, slow, fast, slow, measuring every inch of magnificent horsehood in my boyfriend's tailhole, before pushing him down flat onto the bed and spreading his legs wider with his knees and powerfucking so hard the bed creaked and groaned and I thought it would break.

I saw the stallion on the edge, his muscles now taut, his tail raised, hooves twitching, balls drawn up tight to his body. He had his muzzle pointed high and eyes wide but unfocussed and he let out a screaming whinny and gave one more thrust and it happened, he came, and his tail slapped the bed and his cock pulsed and I could see it even as it disappeared into the broken remains of my boyfriend's ass and then the torrent of horse seed overflowed and thick droplets appeared at the junction of the stallion's cock and my wolf's ass and dripped down his taint to coat his balls as the stallion kissed Darren's neck right on the place he bit in his lust.

That did it. The sight of a stallion climaxing in my boyfriend's ass, the scent of seed, wolf and horse, the sounds of triumphant mating, and I came, muffled squeals barely audible against the panting aftermath of the two males. As the stallion kissed my wolf tenderly, pulling his muzzle round to share the passion of a long lingering kiss I bolted, almost unable to stand upright, and headed for the car. I drove until I reached the beach, and I sat on the sand and shook and then walked into the ocean and felt the heat in me slowly ease then I touched myself in the ocean and had a wild shuddering cum remembering the look of horsecum dripping from my boyfriend's red raw ass.

I should have turned away, I know. I should have been angry, repulsed, tormented.

Instead I felt elated. And a little wicked, though I was in a quandary.

I didn't know which I enjoyed more;

The thought of telling Natalie about her fiancée, the big and dreamy stallion Andy, who was the perfect husband to be but also seemed to have a thing for his best mate's ass, and watching her tear him a new ass instead.

The thought of telling my Darren how I knew what he liked, and making him take a strap on up that well stretched wolf tailhole lest I tell Natalie. After all, a girlfriend has to look after her boyfriend's needs, and what I lacked in bulk compared to that stallion, I could make up in enthusiasm.

Or the thought of watching those two studs a few more times, when they didn't know I was there. Now I knew what I was looking for, I could predict when they would be together. I could see it over and over, their mating, raw and powerful and urgent and heated. I could catch them in the act if I wanted, and make Darren eat me out while he took it in the ass from his mate, or even better, make the stud horse take a knot.

Another shattering cum coursed through my body and I finally slipped into the ocean and swam back towards the shore with a smile of surprise on my muzzle.

The first two might happen, especially the second, but the third was the winner. After all, I had learned something today it seemed.

"So...I like to watch..."