Heated troubles

Story by Doreh on SoFurry

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#1 of Lucario

As always, first part is story while second is the lemon. Also if you feel the need for other tags feel free to add them, i am still unsure of what to add and what not to.

Edit: Fixed minor plot-holes and/or confusion in text. Also fixed any grammatical and spelling errors.

Ethan wasn't someone you'd call spoilt, sure his parents were rich but he wasn't their first child. They taught him many lessons, such as being nice to those less fortunate, being a humble and kind person and other such lessons that shaped his personality and his identity with each passing day. As an incentive to keep up his good behaviour on his eighth birthday he got one present, an blue egg with dots of black. While his parents knew what it was, his tiny mind did not. He only knew it possibly contained a 'new friend' as his parents had put it.

Only having one present didn't even bother him, other kids were told not to bring presents and to instead bring food for the birthday. Everyone had a blast at the birthday, and when asked, Ethan would show the other kids the egg, even letting them touch it if they asked nice enough. Some kids thought it would be a 'Pokémon'. He was still learning the concepts of these animals he had seen around, but he had never given it any thought. Sure he watched shows about them but it wasn't until the egg did his interest peak.

He had asked his parents for books - picture books to be more precise - about raising Pokémon. He still had no idea what kind it was going to be and for every waking moment of his life until that egg hatched, he wondered. Was it going to be a charmander like he saw on T.V.? Or maybe even a pikachu like that boy had on one of the other shows. The thought excited him and he continued his 'studies' which his parents gladly helped and assisted with, often directing him towards books that would be useful for his unhatched companion. They often read him the books he couldn't, which was every book that wasn't filled with pictures.

The longer time went on the more excited he got, he learnt that the egg colour corallites to what Pokémon it will be. His egg was blue with black spots, he had no idea what it was going to be so he used what information he did know to whittle down what it could be. It wasn't a Charmander, or a pikachu... To help with this he wrote all the Pokémon names down into a book. He would cross out the Pokémon that didn't fit the colour of his egg, even if he had no idea what the Pokémon was or what it looked like, he knew all he needed was colours.

He would go into class and ask his classmates, they would jabber on about their favourite Pokémon or something they saw and he would cross names out. It became somewhat of a hobby for him yet his parents didn't ever seem to talk about Pokémon much which meant his list was constricted to being shortened outside of his home. He knew he could use the internet, a couple of times he was tempted to, but the thought of figuring out what it was that laid inside that egg was of a greater reward then if he just looked it up. On top of that his parents had promised him more books if he didn't which was more than enough of an incentive for him.

It had been 3 months since he had received the egg and if his newfound knowledge taught him anything, it was that the egg was probably almost ready to hatch. Sometimes he would see it wobble before it returned to its idle state, slumbering until it was ready. In that time he had narrowed it down to less than 10 Pokémon, 6 of which he still had no information on, yet one stuck out. It was mostly blue with black splashed across it; he had seen a picture of it from a friend who didn't stop talking about it. The Pokémon he thought was going to hatch was a riolu.

These suspicions were confirmed the day it hatched or well, night to be more exact. Ethan was woken by a bumping sound coming from inside his dresser, thinking it was just the egg wobbling again he dismissed it but once it wobbled again, bumping against the wood, he somehow knew the egg was hatching. He had quietly gotten out of bed and opened the draw, he couldn't see very much but even in the dark he could see it wobble on top of the sheets he had put down beneath it. He turned on the lights and sat back, not knowing how long or short the hatching will be.

It had been 10 or so minutes before the egg tipped over onto its side, a small crack appearing at the now top of the egg. The next part was fast, almost fast enough that Ethan didn't see it but he knew he did. The egg had glowed briefly before somewhat exploding, the pieces finding themselves mostly back in the draw but some had found their way to the other side of the room, one piece even hit Ethan but he barely noticed.

It mattered not to Ethan for sitting in the draw before him was a dazed riolu, its head making circle motions in the air before it shook itself out of its self induced daze. The riolu opened its eyes and looked around and stopped once it hit Ethan, both stared at each other, each unsure what to do. Ethan was the first to move; standing up and making his way to the door, the entire time the riolu didn't take its eyes off him.

Ethan walked out of the room and as he did so heard some shuffling coming from his room, he was tired but he knew the riolu must be hungry, one of his books said parents feed them minutes after hatching. Although they didn't actually have any Pokémon themed food yet he thought a warm cup of milk will work. The more that he thought about it the more a bowl seemed more realistic to use on a new born Pokémon.

He opened the fridge with great effort and got out the cold milk and put it on the floor. He then got out one of the smaller bowls and also put that on the floor. Next is where things went wrong. After struggling to get the lid off he attempted to pour the milk into the bowl, only for most of it to end up on the floor, much to his dismay. He had gotten some in the bowl at least, the next step being getting the bowl into the microwave. It was then he gave up his attempt to warm the milk for his new companion, there was no way he was getting it into the microwave.

Alas helped appeared, not in the form of one of his parents but in the form of the riolu, hiding behind the corner leading into the kitchen looking at him. Picking up the bowl of milk he trotted over to the riolu and set it down in front of it. After a few test sniffs and a taste test the riolu dug into the milk, gulping it down in just under a minute. Ethan just watched his new companion, after finishing it went over to the spilt milk and stated to lick that off the floor. If Ethan knew better he may have stopped the riolu from doing so but he still was yet to learn about the dangers of germs, not that they would do too much to a Pokémon.

Its hunger wasn't sated yet and it attempted to bite open the milk bottle, when that didn't work it simply tipped it over and drank its contents from the floor. Ethan was still watching, fascinated at this creature that had not technically been born a few minutes ago and yet here it was, drinking all the milk it wanted.

Once it was sated it turned back to face Ethan, a new found loyalty apparent in its eyes, not that Ethan saw it. It walked towards Ethan, stopping just in front of him and looking up before leaning forward and hugging him the best it could, its arms not long enough to go all the way around him. He returned the hug in kind, its head only reaching up to his belly button; he knew then and there that this Pokémon would forever be there for him.


After that fateful night it was found that a female riolu had hatched, much to the surprise of everyone due to their extreme rarity. It mattered not to him though, finding out later that although male Riolu/Lucario are physically stronger, the females are often more loyal to their trainers, only he wasn't technically a trainer and more of a friend which only severed to strengthen the bond. It was also decided a week after coming into the world that her name was to be Jess, much to the parents relief when he attempted to name her something silly.

Needless to say the addition to the family was much welcomed, he went outside more often to play and she generally helped around the house as best she could when Ethan was at school. A couple of times he was even allowed to bring her to school for show and tell, much to the excitement of his fellow peers.

As life went on he grew, and so did she. They both matured over time and when grade 10 rolled along she finally wanted to evolve into a Lucario, much to the enjoyment to the both of them. He would take her out to train more often and he felt that this evolution brought about a more mature companion then the riolu she previously was.

She even managed to play a role in what he wanted to be later in life, a doctor for Pokémon. This had mainly been due to all the knowledge he ingested at a young age in an attempt to look after her the best he possibly could. As he got older he learnt more information about all types of Pokémon, often gliding through Pokémon related studies at school, she even helped in a few.

It was now half a year after he had completed grade 12 with top grades in the subjects that mattered the most to his future career. He even opened up a donation run health clinic, people coming to his house and asking for help and advice before going to the expensive Pokémon centre.

It wasn't long before he managed to gather enough money to actually open up a clinic, only it wasn't in his home town. Ney, he wanted to move out of the house and he saw the clinic as an opportunity to do so. After careful planning and setting up he finally packed his bags and said his goodbyes to his parents and his friends, dearly missing them but knowing that it was for the best.

Of course he took Jess with him, why wouldn't he? She had no reason to stay with his aging parents and it only made sense that she would come with him. Getting her into her Pokéball on the other hand presented much more of a challenge then he hoped.


"Annnd we are here." Ethan said to Jess as he pulled up a decently sized looking two story building on their left hand side. "Doesn't look to shabby now does it?" He asked her expectantly, eliciting a nod from her. "That's great! I was worried about it being more worn down then what the pictures online showed but this isn't too bad." He told her as he turned off the truck and, after checking for cars, opened his door to get out. She quickly followed suit, opening her door and making her way to the rear of the truck.

She found Ethan fiddling around with one of the clamps that held the back door of the truck shut. She figured that he either forgot how it worked or wasn't actually strong enough to open the tight clamp. She noticed then he had gotten the other one undone but was stuck on this one.

After giving up and wiping the non-existent sweat off of his forehead he took a step back and looked at Jess. "Do you mind? I don't think I can get this one. I guess this is what we get for letting a Machamp help close up the darn thing." She chuckled to herself and nodded in confirmation before walking over and almost effortlessly opening the clamp and pushing the rolling door out of the way of their view.

There wasn't exactly much in the truck, being whatever he could scavenge from his bedroom or things his parents didn't want anymore, but it was more than enough to set up somewhere to call home for a week or so. He was sure that it won't be long before they will be able to afford some more furniture but for now, it will do.

He was bought out of his thoughts by a nudge from his companion, he could tell she wanted something but until she made gestures he'd only be able to guess. "Hmm, yes?" He asked her before she watched her tapped on her wrist. "Oh, umm... It's nearing 4pm so we have about 2 hours before we need to return the truck." He looked at her and judging by her expressions he answered her question somewhat.

"Alright, lets get all this, into the clinic. After that we'll return the truck then we can figure out where everything goes. Sound like a plan?" She nodded to him and his normally gleeful demeanor returned to his face. "Let's get cracking then shall we?"

After they had unloaded half the truck into the building in just over forty-five minutes they both thought it would be a good idea to take a five minute breather and quickly explore the building. Downstairs was where the clinic was going to be, it was open and it was big and at the back of the building there were 3 rooms of varying sizes that would later be used for various things. Upstairs looked a lot more like an apartment than anything else. Since it was on top of the ground floor it held the same amount of space, just everything was walled off expect for the living room and kitchen which were open spaces. This joint room connected to the hallway leading to it with the stairs being at one end and the joint room at the other. If he'd have to say Ethan thought it looked somewhat like a T. They even had a balcony protruding from the end of the joint room, it was large enough for perhaps one chair but he was happy with it.

As they walked back down the hall he spied 4 doors in the hallway, he assumed two of them were the bedrooms, one was a laundry and the other was the bathroom. Leaving his explorations to a later date he was about to head on down stairs when he felt the familiar tugging of his shirt from his companion.

"Hmm?" He mumbled as he turned around. She talked to him in simple sign language, telling him that she needed to go to the bathroom but didn't know where it was. Pursing his lips he broke eye contact with her and looked to his right at the nearest door. Opening it he was relieved to find that he had managed to get the bathroom on his first try.

"This what you wanted?" He asked as he stepped aside to let her have a look. After her quick look she nodded to him and signed a thank you before disappearing inside and closing the door on him. "When you're done you know where to find me." He received what he perceived to be a grunt of approval and made his way back down stairs, eager to finish what they had started.

Half an hour later when he had emptied out the last half of the truck, did she finally come out to help him again. "Something happen? You were in there for a while." He asked her, slight concern creeping into his voice. He swore he saw her lightly blush before breaking eye contact and crossing her head. Not wanting to press it any further and only having just over half an hour left before he needed to return the truck he continued his efforts in unpacking the truck.

It only took them 15 minutes to finish unpacking the truck, due to the majority of the larger items being at the rear of the storage compartment, not needing to take as many trips.

He was now relaxing on one of the two armchairs he had acquired while she was sitting on the other; however she was not nearly as relaxed as he was. He could tell she wasn't, he had spent his entire life with her and he had learnt how to tell when she wasn't comfortable or when something was wrong. The problem in most cases was her stubborn pride, she would rarely admit she had something wrong and when she did it was almost always when she could no longer do anything about it. Talking to her - as much as he would like to - would not help her in most cases. It might coax her to spill the beans more easily later on but if he told her he knew something was wrong then more often than not she would still let her pride sit in the way.

He hoped she would tell him. Even if he didn't understand her fully he still knew her well enough to grasp the basic concept of what she was trying to tell him and from there he could build up an idea of what was going on. It was a shame she didn't know who to write, she had tried but for some reason writing just didn't work out, even typing. She could read which made things confusing but it was still something people knew very little about. It was why he had resorted to sign language; it was a middle ground for the two of them. Granted they hadn't exactly learnt much of it but he felt what they did know was more than enough to get through most situations.

He broke out of his train of thought and came crashing back down to earth as he felt the familiar tug on his shirt from his companion. "Hmm?" She looked at him and tapped her wrist once again. He was about to respond when he realised what she meant, it was nearing time for him to return the truck, it wasn't going to be fun walking 30 minutes back here but it was something he had to do.

"Right, the truck." He said as he turned his head to look at it. Sneaking a quick peek at his watch he noticed he still had 10 or so minutes before it had to be in, he figured it was better to be early then on time so he stood up out of his seat and started to head for the door. As he reached the door he noticed he didn't feel her usual presence behind him, turning around only served to confirm his suspicions.

"Hey, did you want to come or not? If not I'll be gone for about 40 minutes give or take." He looked at her, both wanting her to come yet also concerned for whatever she was hiding. When she shook her head he pursed his lips and looked down, thinking about what to say next. "If you want to relax that's understandable, I'll bring some take-away home." He paused and looked back up to her, the bothered look still present in her eyes.

"Hey, look." He started as he let go of the door handle and sighed. "I know you don't like to talk about when something is wrong but you seem to forget that I can tell something is." He stopped and gauged the reaction on her face, surprised sprinkled with a sense of confusion and something else he had never seen in her. Sighing again he continued, "Look, just think about it okay? I'm here for you, and always will be. When I can tell something is wrong but don't know what it is I feel like a bad friend, so please, even if it's a little bit, tell me and please, don't let your pride get in the way." She simply nodded and he sighed yet again, taking his leave from the building.

The drive to the place where he needed to drop off the truck and walking home were both uneventful save for his stop to pick up Indian curry, something both of them enjoyed. Seeing the building now claimed as his own crawl into his sight after rounding the street's corner was relief enough as it was. Seeing only the second story lights on he assumed Jess was waiting for him upstairs, hopefully having moved the table and some chairs up so they wouldn't have to do it before they ate.

Opening the door he let himself in before he took off his shoes and picked them up. He saw no reason to announce himself to her; her keen sense of hearing should do that for him. As he made his way to the stairs at the rear of the building he noticed that she had indeed moved the small table and some chairs upstairs. It made dinner that little bit easier.

He trundled his way upstairs, barely making a sound as his lazy feet slapped the wooden stairs, his socks dampening the sound to all but a soft flump. As he rounded the stairs at halfway and once again started his lazy climb upwards he noticed he could see the table and chairs at the end of the hallway, yet she wasn't waiting for him there.

"The lights are on so she must be h-" he mumbled to himself before he saw the light streaming out from under the bathroom door. Thinking that he just caught her at a bad time he thought nothing of it and continued his climb upwards. It wasn't until he heard her making sounds inside the bathroom did he stop and truly start to grasp the situation.

"Lu-lu-luuuuucaaaaaa." They where whines, soft yet plantive ones that he didn't need any assistance in hearing. They were both pained, yet pleasured whines, ones he had heard before, just not from her. Pursing his lips and knowing roughly what was going on he let her continue her self exploration in hopes the internet could provide him with some more solid answers. The books he would normally use in unfamiliar situations were hiding somewhere in the pile of assorted goods downstairs and shuffling through that would wake the entire neighbourhood.

He continued his walk to the table she had gotten upstairs, his eyes unfocused and unmoving staring at nothing in particular, his head going through all he knew about her current condition. He set the curry down on the table and sat down, it somehow still being piping hot even after almost 20 minutes being outside and untouched. He reached into his pocket and grabbed out his phone, his mind still trawling through what he knew, his body on autopilot doing whatever it well pleased.

Before he could continue his self insight into what may be happening he finally noticed that his body was moving on its own right. When he looked down at his phone he was both unsurprised yet uncomfortable at what he had typed into the native search engine; "Pokémon in heat, telltale signs and ways to deal with it." He had not yet hit search his body seemingly waiting for its minds consent before continuing.

Quickly looking up to make sure he was still alone he hit the search and waited a few tense moments before anything popped up. The one most relevant to his situation seemed to be a list of some sort, detailing the Pokémon index number, its name, its type, even the gender distribution of said Pokémon.

Along the top of the list where the column headings were situated he took note of the most important columns for his situation, heat dates, potency of said heat, its length, whether it is known to effect humans and finally, what to do in said heat.

He looked at the columns and selected the 'Potency of heat' column, sorting it so that the lowest was at the top while the greatest was at the bottom. He quickly scrolled down to the bottom, taking note that the more humanoid a Pokémon became the more potent its heat seemed to become, he'd have to look into that more but now was neither the time nor place for that.

As he reached the bottom of the list he could scroll no more, needless to say he was surprised to see what the top Pokémon were, the Eevee line, with all the Eeveelutions being at the bottom and Eevee itself not being far off.

Scrolling up he saw the Gardevior, some other Pokémon most people considered cute then his Pokémon in question, the Lucario. Apparently a Lucario's heat potency was well above what he hoped it would be. The list told him the their heats start to kick in around late winter/early spring, it also told him that the heat lasted roughly 1-2 weeks and that it is well known to effect humans.

Pursing his lips and once again checking to see if he was alone he dragged the screen sideways to see what tips this list had in case of said heat. 'In case of a Lucario in heat it is strongly advised that any male Pokémon that a trainer does not wish to breed with a Lucario be kept either inside their Pokéball or far away from the Lucario. If breeding is not planed then it is strongly recommended that the Lucario is kept in a Pokéball at all times except to eat, drink and defecate.' Well, that was information he already knew. Sighing he was about to turn off his phone when he noticed a drop down list named 'tips.'

'Tips: It should be noted that if a Lucario heat is left untreated, i.e. no sexual stimulation from an outside source is present, and then it is highly possible for the Lucario to be driven into a lust induced daze. It will also cause the Lucario a great deal of pain if no sexual stimulation is present and is the main driving factor of the lust induced daze. It should also be noted that due to the length of the heat of the Lucario, it is possible for sexual stimulation to be required more than once throughout the course of the heat. Also, as any Lucario trainer should know, they are extremely loyal Pokémon. It has been observed that after sexual stimulation a Lucario's loyalty often increases by a great deal. This can happen to other Lucario and/or their trainers.'

Ethan turned off his phone and set it on the table, leaning back into his chair and thinking about what he just read. If the information was true then the easiest option seemed to be to keep her in her Pokéball, something that was hard enough as it was, he didn't dare to fathom how hard it'll be when she wasn't rutting. She would probably break out of it in no time like any pther previous occasions where he attempted to keep her in one. Keeping her out seemed to be out of the question as well due to the pain she may receive and the effect it may have on him.

Putting his train of thought on hold he leaning back even further, rocking on the chair and looking at the ceiling before his train of thought continued. The way the 'Tips' was structured it almost seemed that sexual stimulation was the only way to go, as a friend and technically her trainer it was his job to help her through it. Yet at the same time he was highly uncomfortable at that thought alone, how was he even meant to help? Thoughts trailed their way sneakily into his mind but he managed to hold out against them, opting instead to think up solutions rather than let his instincts speak. Even when he thought about solutions there really didn't seem to be man-

His brain stopped, everything he was thinking of suddenly melted away as if nothing mattered. His vision went slightly fuzzy, not enough to prevent him from seeing clearly but enough that he noticed. A chair scraping against the floor on the opposite side of the table caught his attention before it stopped and was replaced by a huff.

His vision trailed downward, his mind not yet back in control of itself. He saw a beauty like none he had ever seen; her soft blue fur only seemed to complement her lazy yellow and the strong black. Its ears and black dangly bits were seemingly crafted to perfection; he could caress them for the rest of his life and die a happy man. If only he could-

His mind froze yet again, this time not due to some lust induced craze but to his inner logistical mind wresting control over its primal cousin. The former finally won, suppressing its cousin but he could not tell for how long. His vision focus back in, returning to its normally sharp state and the happy grin that was previously plastered to his face quickly fell into a more serious one accompanied by a frown.

His gaze returned to his companion, his mind able to look at her without too much rancid thoughts snaking their way in. He noticed that she was seemingly panting slightly, her mouth slightly agape. If it wasn't for the fur it would probably be easier to tell but he swore she was also blushing, to what degree he could not tell. Sneaking a quick look he noted that her right hands digits were partially soaked, either from washing her hands or other stimulation it was hard to tell.

Finally, he noticed she was staring at him, when he looked into her eyes he could see numerous emotions floating about, too numerous to count seemingly clouding her vision. She had not sat down yet and instead seemed to opt to stand there just staring, a quick cough from Ethan's part seemed to bring her out of whatever captivated her and she sat down.

He bit his lower lip and started to get the food out of the plastic bag before he spoke. "I um, bought some Indian for tonight. It's nothing fancy but I think you'll like it." He passed her two containers, one full of rice while the there was full of curry. They ate in - what he felt to be - an awkward silence.

He was the first to finish; he got up and ran the Tupperware under the sink then left it the sink. Turning around he was once again greeted to the sight of her staring at him. "I'm ah. Going to go to bed early. Big day ahead of us and all. Um, err, one room to the each of us I suppose. Night." He walked downstairs and fished through the pile until he found his mattress, pillow and blanket. Dragging all three upstairs he could see her still eating at the table by the time he entered his now claimed room. Throwing the mattress into the corner he put his pillow down and accompanied that with his blanket. He made a quick trip to the toilet, thankful that her heat didn't seem to linger, and then proceeded to reside to his room.

As sleep slowly overtook him he wondered what possible ways were present to get him out of this situation. Surely it was taboo to do what the site claimed needed to be done. She was his best friend, nothing more. As sleep finally overtook him he wondered whether he had made all the right choices.