The End of Innocence

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#9 of Draccy RPs

Today for your viewing pleasure we have the lovely Alira Windrider allowing us to use her body for SCIENCE!

Alright, maybe more porn than science but still!Customary CAUTION!

This is a very rapey story. No characters where [permanently] harmed in the making of these hatchlings!

For those of you interested in some visual aid, the male is based off the BadDragon Ridgeback and Alira is, of course, based off the blue dragoness herself.

"AW" Represents Alira and "D" represents myself.

AW: Walking casually down the sidewalk with a few of her colleagues, the blue female was dressed in a light red dress that was completely in contrast from her scales. Exact opposites, though one might see it as cool and hot in a mixture as one, that's what she was going for at least. Looking to her left with three of her closest friends that had stayed together ever since high school, one of them being a male while the two others females, a male dragon, a female dragon along with a gryphoness~. She had her... fun with them before, but that was in high school before any of them had found mates, all three of them actually and made her feel quite envious but happy nonetheless that they'd found love. "So, what's the name of the club again that you lot are taking me to?"

Karen had looked over to Alira as she asked that question, casually strolling alongside her feral drake mate, they'd been together for a few years now and had sired a clutch with two healthy children. "Cloud Nine, Alira." She chuckled, walking forwards still. "You seriously don't remember? I mean, we told you only near a few hours ago." Another female spoke up, it was the aqua green dragoness, she was told by her love that he would meet the gang up at the entrance of the club, running ahead to make sure there was space and it was worth going into.

The blue female only smiled and gave a shy laugh. "I know, I know... all of you should remember I have horribly memory." Each of them gave a small chuckle or snicker as they continued to stroll down the street, a few turns here and there until the club sign was in view, a white glowing light with pink background, the white was mainly the cloud with big, bold words of black Cloud Nine.

D: The club, like most of them, was made solid and rectangular. Not to be unassuming but to give the most sound dampening one could manage. While the outside might not have been so flashy, the innards of the club was what drew the appeal for most. The large moshpit of a dance floor was ringed by a number of tables and booths; open, private, sound proof, high-rise, VIP, something for all kinds. Takus wasn't far from the door when the group walked in, all of them perky and full of energy. There had been little to catch his attention tonight, the hound of a dragon looking for something... more than just a dance. He might have simply passed them by on his way out if not for noticing the odd number. He could see two of those girls beneath him but the way the first clung to her male made her unlikely prey. The other though... Perhaps if he played his cards right he could see her wearing a different shade of red. His golden eyes watched her move over the rim of his glasses, head following her, undressing those fine haunches with his mind. By the time they'd settled on an open table he'd decided to make a sport of it.

He was patient, ordering a drink and holding the ice to make sure it was strong and only after she was sitting there on her own did he approach with it. The orange-bellied red drake looked fancy, cloaked in a comfortable personally-tailored black and white suit that gave him an almost mysterious allure. "This is no place for a lady like yourself to be alone." He hummed, sliding the glass out in front of her before sitting himself a comfortable but close distance from her, his own glass of amber fluid held exotically in his paw. "For you if you'll accept a hopeless romantic's gesture."

AW: The music was rather loud, her frills flicking this way and that as Alira tried to cram out the loud music from her head. She hadn't been in a club for a long while, and though she was feeling a bit needy, tonight was no exception. It was just a good friend meet up from the old days, looking around and seeing the dancing moshpit of all different kinds of species. From wolves to other drakes, gryphons to even as far as some insects... she'd never seen anything like this before.

As the company sat down they'd be served drinks right off the bat... blinking a few times. "Who ordered?" But all had simply shook their heads, each standing their in confusion. It was a drink though! Who would turn down that? Being the risk taker Shakal was, he took a shot and suddenly gulped it down without a second thought, some of the group worried while some only chuckled, as did the blue. "You just dive in head first, don't you tiger?"

The proud drake only shook his head to get the rush out of his head, shivering lightly and only puff out his chest. "Always." He said, bowing his head. A couple of hours had passed until she was all alone. The female in the red, crimson dress was usually a shy one, and the thought of going on the public dance floor made her a bit timid and tense, which she had to decline once her friends said that they were going up. No doubt that each of them would have fun tonight of their own, let it be full of love or hard and rough later on, wherever they pleased. She only chuckled to herself, a small hiccup coming from her throat before the female looked up at the sudden appearance of a male, not even noticing him scooting her glass aside. "Oh, well... h-hello." Her voice definitely sounded as if she were shy, but she took no problem in letting a stranger sit here, she needed someone to talk to anywho.

D: His body bobbed slightly with the rhythm of the beat. She was a delightful mark to be sure. The low light didn't make it easy to get good details on her features but what he could make out he liked. What he could see wasn't what interested him most anyway- he thought, sipping his liquor. "Looks like you've been fun for a while." Conversation rolled easily off his tongue, a little smirk curling at the edge of his snout. "I'm Chad by the way." He lied. The red drake carefully metered out his alcoholic intake, just coating his tongue while making it seem like he was taking larger sips. It encouraged her to do the same, but without the hidden agenda, her drink disappeared far faster than his. And, like any gentleman, he was sure to refill it with whatever she liked. "You wana go out there?" He twitched his snout in the direction of the mesh of cycling bodies bouncing on the dance floor. "You don't need to be shy, I'll go with you." He rumbled, the offer feeling so sincere.

[2:07:55 PM] AW: She too was steadily bobbing to the beat, back and forth, back and forth. It was indeed some heavy dubstep that went on within the background, her having to yell slightly louder to get him to try and hear what she was saying. She gave a small chuckle, her frills still flicking from the loud music, for the most part trying to ignore it. Another half hour went by, as did a dozen drinks, her vision blurry now as well as her mind not in the best state right now. Looking up at 'Chad', she gave a wide smile. Her breath mixed with all smells of fruit and alcohol as she nodded and nudged him out of his seat, a rather eager hen to get her groove on.

D: They left the table behind leaving several empty glasses as well. He let her lead the way, padding half a dragon-length behind, eyes wandering over her bubbly form. He grinned to himself; his tab might be high but, with the night proceeding as planned, it would be worth it. The floor itself was a wreathing mass of hot bodies. There was no room for cordial dance, this was feral motion conducted by a DJ. It suited him fine. The layers of clothing between them did little to impede his imagination as they danced, face to face they started, the big male's wings fanned in a display, stepping in, drawing her up, guiding her back and taking her in. Her blood was running hot, he could feel it and he indulged just a little as they swung around, pulling her backside up against his chest. On his hind legs he rolled his body side to side, drawing her along with him, forepaws around her waist guiding her to step in line with him, grinding their forms against one another. He was cautious though, careful not to let her feel the soft lumps of his hemipenes held in check by his undergarments. He'd breathe in the hot scent of her along her neck but resisted the urge to lick or nip. He'd let his tongue brush against hers but not coil around or rub beneath. This wasn't the place for that. All good things come to those who wait...

AW: AS soon as they had hit the dance floor the real fun had started in her drunken state, purring in delight as they danced face-to-face. Soon enough they were dancing this way and that, going to the beat of the music. She had felt him bring herself to him, back against his muscular chest, the small female looking up at the big drake, looking behind her to feel him wrap his forepaws around her waist, murring gently as she pressed back against that muscular, scaly body.

Oh it was so nice to feel someone up against her, though he didn't seem exactly like her type. She gave a gentle purr back at him, she couldn't feel his bulge on the underside of his garments, but she wondered if he could feel the moist, wet feeling going on with her undergarments... no. She didn't want anyone to claim it unless it was time to find a mate, the beautiful female wanting to save herself for that special someone. Minutes passed by dancing, grinding against one another as they licked and lapped at each other, groaning gently before she had suddenly pushed him away and ran towards the exit door, holding her maw shut, seemed she had too much of a drink!

D: The change was a bit sudden, even for him as she pushed him away and dashed off. He raised an eye ridge, then grinned. That hadn't been how he'd intended to get her out of the crowd but whatever works. He hopped after her, feigning concern, nosing his way out of the door and out behind her. He could hear her making use of the alleyway and waited, glancing about. It was too busy here to move on her. He had her drunk, not drugged. It certainly wasn't as much fun using a limp body as it was taking advantage of a warm, trembling one. He hid his grin as she finished, putting on his concerned face. Poor thing looked a bit worse for wear now but that just made the wing he extended over her feel all the more comforting. "Heh, had a bit too much fun mm?" He cooed, rubbing the tip of his snout against the back of her neck gently. "Would you like me to take you home?" The offer was made with as much casual sincerity as the devious drake could muster.

AW: She began to stick her head into a dumpster, mewling as she finished, blushing heavily as she came out, nearly wobbling and swaying side to side. The little hen gave a small purr as she was comforted by that wing, nodding her head and looking up at him. "That would be great Chad... it really would... I think I've had enough hiccup ... fun for tonight."

The blue gave him a soft nuzzle, smiling gently. This might be the last time they'd meet, it might not, but she was utterly grateful for what he'd done tonight and that was to let her be loose... as well as purchase a bunch of booze, but she wasn't complaining. She gave a shy smile, gesturing her head down the sidewalk to the right. "My house is 305 Javiar Avenue... if you know where that is."

D: Her fun might be at an end but his had barely started. She didn't look like she was in much shape to go flying which was what he'd been shooting for. He knew where that was approximately but it didn't matter anyway. They had a ways to walk and plenty of 'shortcuts' to take. The great drake kept up light conversation to keep her mind off the immediate walk so by the time they were within the old slums, she hadn't even noticed. "Ahh Alira." He prrred, stopping and smiling down at her. He'd kept the mood so light and she'd been having such a good time that she didn't even notice she'd been led into a one way alley. His paw reached out as she turned to face him, happiness in her eyes as he brushed his paw along the side of her jaw. "I'm going to miss that innocence in you." He could see the lack of understanding in her face and took advantage of it, catching the sluggish hen by the neck and yanked her whole head to the ground with a grin.

AW: She'd been enjoying this casual moonlight stroll, she only paid attention the moon above... she would have loved to fly home, to feel that cool breeze against her hide and wing membranes, but that could wait for a few days. Looking around suddenly as she had noticed the place wasn't familiar, she was quickly distracted by his words, turning up to him and smiling continuing the conversation. Telling him what she could in the amount of time they'd be getting to her house.

The walls had seemed somewhat cramped, but it didn't matter. To her it was another shortcut that they had made through one of the dozen alleyways they had already passed, but paying attention for once and looking ahead... there was no opening. The sound of her name also caught her attention, as well as that paw that forced her to gently look up at him before she was tugged down roughly, grunting as the front part of her body fell, her hinds shaking slightly, she was in no condition to stand let alone be dragged down to the ground! "Ch-Chad?!"

D: The endless hours of niceties, blaberous chatter and restraint had led to this moment. He had chosen his mark well, the smaller female lacking the brute force to resist him, drunk into a near stupor and cornered like a sheep to the wolf. He reveled in the thought of fucking her sore and followed up the paw with his jaw. It mattered not to him whether she struggled, in fact he enjoyed a good fight. She could feel his teeth on her neck, hot breath on her bare scales. Confusion turned to fear and, with great anticipation, he felt her reaction shift. He was prepared for it though, smacking her paw down as she reached for him. His great bulk restricted her wings, his own tangling her own making them large useless liabilities in the restrictive space. He let the hot surge of adrenaline pound through her drunken form before recklessly yanking her off the ground by the neck. He was not gentle about it, fangs piercing scales as he bit in to hold her- clearly not trying to kill her for that was within his power, but rather dominating where she stood. Their momentum carried both of them into the nearest wall, the big male's weight crashing into her backside, knocking wind from the poor girl as the frantic flurry of limbs continued.

AW: Alira whimpered in distress, about to call help before he bit hard into her neck. The ness grit her teeth, wondering if anyone could hear her at all, if anyone was near them at all! To help a poor ness out as she was cornered and being beaten up by the big male, wondering if he just wanted to take her money or whatnot. The thought of him rutting her sore and leaving her egg-heavy wasn't even in her mind yet, the only thing there was to fight. She began to fling her head around, despite the pain in her neck, trying to loosen his grip, her paws coming up to try and push him away, doing her best to even get a shot at his cheek and punch the daylight out of him, for what it was worth anyways.

The little hen felt him suddenly pick her up and slam her against a wall, gasping and groaning lightly, a daze of light flashed in front of her eyes as he did so, finding it hard to breath before her tail suddenly came up and whacked him between his haunches, growling back at him, he'd deceive her and within this position she knew exactly what he was going for now, trying her best to avoid the inevitable.

D: She put up a good fight, he'd give her that. There were times when a little chloroform was more preferable to the struggle. But this little hen was perfect in all ways. It was a fight to draw his belt from around his midsection, the sound of it slipping free sending her into a new frenzy! But that wasn't what it was for- not yet anyway. She nearly toppled him as the belt came down around her front. Braced with his wingclaws on the far end of the alleyway, he yanked it around her chest, catching the crook of her forelimbs with the tough hide and pinning her limbs uselessly to her body. The clasp was ratchetable allowing the devious drake to squeeze her body tightly with it, giving her no wiggleroom to break free. Next came the scarf. He had to be quick; as her options dwindled and her breath came back, she'd soon be screaming bloody murder if he didn't... Ahh, there! With a jerk he wrapped the ribbon of fabric around her snout, yanking the knot nice and tight. He let her neck go then, grinning as he observed her, adding a nice sadistic bow to the binding on her muzzle. Her hind legs barely had any purchase on the ground now leaving her conveniently helpless to his whims.

AW: The sudden change of dominance had left her whining, her tail seeming useless as it grabbed one of his legs, beginning to squeeze it as tight as she could, trying to make him let go of her. She could barley breath at all, and with that belt constricting her tightly it made it even harder, her paws turning into fists as she tried to break free, her breath finally caught once more before taking in a deep inhale before she would yell for help.

"HEL-!" She was muffled soon before she could even finish it, whimpering and thrashing her head around as he finished that bow, her head swinging this way and that, though her stance was a bit uneasy, still drunk to the bone. The small female let out a small growl behind that piece of clothing, barely on the ground and just tippy-toeing to stay there, the feeling of him pressing her up against the wall still made her uneasy, knowing what he could do to her easy now.

D: He let her fight and struggle for a time, he had her where he wanted her and it didn't matter what she did, there was no way out until he was through with her. He cooed and pet her, running his tongue across the stinging bite marks, making soft shushing noises as if any of it would make the situation better. The effect might have felt more sincere if not for the other paw dipped down between her hinds, casually rubbing across her clothed underbelly, feeling the soft lingerie all hot and... mmm, wet. He continued his feigned soothing mannerism, gingerly pinning her head to the concrete wall and giving her soft kisses even as his talon 'walked' across her belly, drawing her dress up. He was painstakingly slow about it too, drawing out her fear, enjoying it, savoring her helplessness. He relished the way her body tensed as his clawtips slipped beneath the curve of her panties, feeling the warmth of her bare body, teasing along the edges of her gender, massaging the drunken heat he felt there. He didn't restrain himself as much this time, letting her feel the twitching lumps of his twin spires against her tailbase, hard and eager to have their turn at her body.

AW: The winged female tried to spread her wings, doing her best, thinking of anything she could do to get out of the situation. ... There was nothing, she couldn't think of anything, whining loudly and just trying to scream at the top of her lungs, that tight bow around her snout made it hard to even muffle out a word that was understandable. She kept on struggling until she was out of energy, panting heavily through her nostrils as he began to explore her body... tears came to her eyes as she quietly began to cry.

The feeling of him just exposing her, using her for his own pleasure, knowing that she would be a mother soon enough with what he had in mind. That claw that came across her belly gave a male a whimper while the one that slipping into her undergarments got a hiss from the female, staring back at him with cold eyes, she'd get him for this, she didn't know how but she at least had his name, he could be found at the police station tomorrow somewhere on the database. 'Just got to remember Chad' is what she kept on saying, a grunt came from her as more force had pushed her against the wall, those thick hempines she could feel through those garments of clothing, blushing heavily and grunting.

D: Oh how he reviled in her distress, kissing the base of her ear with fatherly affection while his talon dipped inside her most private of places, immeasurably violating the lovely hen. As tears began to well up in her eyes, he slowly, purposefully dipped a second talon in, feeling about within her bare channel, feeding on the motional struggle even more than the physical one. He tantalized her with what was to come, letting her soft whimpers interrupt the quiet sexual sounds coming from between her legs as me massaged her vent. Only once her tears became stale did he move on. She had felt it, while he was fingering her, the buttoned port on his pants being worked free, his fidgeting paw bringing his twin spires out into the open, letting them press against her body hotly, leaking their lust uncaringly against her hide. Soon the two of them would join together and she knew it, a fresh burst of distress washing through her frame. Again the vile male played to sooth her, soft shushes and dirty kisses along her neck as he brought both talons to her fine hips, hooking his claws at the band and eeeever so slowly dragging the only thing protecting her vent away. He drew out the sensation, like a helpless hatchling forced to give up their prized toy to the overwhelming power of their parent. It didn't go far though, half a foot at most just enough to leave her vulnerable sex completely unguarded.

AW: A single claw dipping into her made the blue hen shiver in disgust, feeling him just abuse her body, use it in any way that he wanted to... it made her cry still. Though that seemed not to sate him, since he added a second claw, gasping and groaning lightly, trying to avoid showing that even if she wasn't enjoying this that she actually loved the sensation. Alira hadn't been with anyone in forever, and since it was just her alone along with a busy schedule she didn't have time for others in her life, or even indulging within her own self pleasure, but this wasn't the way she wanted to end that, no not at all.

The slurping noises her sex made as it suckled on those claws, her own body betraying her and holding him still within her, wanting more but not so. She grit her teeth at the warm sensation of his bare hemipene against her dress, whimpering more while tears began to run down her face instead of just pool up at her eyes, crying and sobbing while muffling words into that scar, begging and pleading to him to just let her go and not do this. It apparently didn't work, seeing how he had just pulled her panties down slightly, enough to get access to that main hole he was looking for, both if wanted.

D: He was a manipulative male, able to calculate things that wouldn't even pass other's minds. While others might have simply jumped to the main course, he let her stew in it, the cold alleyway air cresting across her hot pussy folds while he rubbed his paws along her belly and thighs. It wasn't something he got often and savored every precious second. He had her so wrapped up in her own sensations that, when he dipped down and scooped his forepaws under her hind legs, it was so unexpected that he got away with it. It was an uncomfortable posture, forelimbs strapped to her chest, pinned to the wall, hind legs drawn up against her belly leaving that lovely thick tail there to flounder about uselessly. He groomed the back of her neck, whispering sweet calming words despite the fact that they were undoubtedly having the opposite effect. Only a bit of maneuvering was left to shove that tail up out of the way and, with a comfortable grunt, those long purple spears stretched out along her undertail, smearing their lust across her gender. He could feel a fresh bout of struggle coming and braced for it, letting what little energy she had left bleed out. She knew it was coming and he let her stew in that knowledge.

AW: The cold night air was hard against her, gritting her teeth under her lips and behind that scar as she couldn't help but do a single thing... she couldn't. Grunting as he suddenly picked her hind legs up and put her in a rather strange position, uncomfortable to say the least, she whimpered and looked around, trying to see if anyone was passing by, nobody... damnit. She felt him suddenly licking those bite marks he left, very few left as scars and knowing for a fact this one would remain as a mark as to how she fired her first clutch.

The hen gasped and began squirming once more, trying to get out of his hold, feeling those spires rub against her honey-oozing snatch, mewling and shaking her head, looking back at him, pleading in her eyes to Chad to let her go.

D: Oh he'd let her go eventually but there was something he needed to do first. The scent of her heat had been obvious from the moment he sat down beside her, that alluring taste of fertile rich pheromones that made his blood pulse just a little harder. He'd never had a hen in heat before. Undoubtedly he'd left chicks in a belly or two on his previous adventures but never had he slid inside a hen knowing a single drop of cum would see her belly heavily gravid. He growled softly in her ear at the thought, drawing his wet tips back. The posture and position made penetrating that tight little cunt one of the easiest things he'd done all night, her delicate pussy lips molding around the contours of his cock as he fed it into her. The tapered tip speared the way, prying her tight little cunt open as he wedged inside. Its twin sliiiid across her belly, showing vividly on the outside just how deep he was on the inside. He didn't thrust either, rather than pushing himself in, he just lowered her body onto him, letting her weight do the work of impaling herself on his dirty spire. His girthy shaft sank right in, a little hiss of pleasure escaping his lips, taunting her further as she felt her vent filled to the brim with not a scrap of protection between them. She sat her against his crotch, his twitching spire reaching deep under that fine tail leaving a creamy smear of precum against her cervical barrier- the last thing keeping that deliciously vulnerable womb from being raped pregnant.

AW: Her claws held tight against those walls, gritting her teeth and whimpering as he began to make her descend onto his cocks. Oh the feeling of it was just so inviting yet the person who was doing it made her want to fight back so much, wanting nothing to do with him anymore, wishing she didn't allow him to sit next to her and buy so many drinks! An obvious set of claw marks stained the dirty wall of the alley, blushing heavily as she felt him bottom her out, grunting as he pressed up against her cervix, wincing and looking down.

The sight of that purple shaft made her eyes go wide... was it that big inside of her? Grunting still, she wanted to squirm but that only made her walls squirm as well, and ripple and convulse tightly around that shaft of his, her hind paws dangling in the air as they were clenched, toes curling slightly at the sensation. She hated yet loved it all the same, well... maybe hated just that bit more, but the sensation was still as incredible as a few years ago when she lost her virginity to her friend. "MMmfff!"

D: He had little interest in her thoughts, just her body and her body was exceedingly pleasing. He ground his groin to her vent, rubbing his cock around within her before drawing out. Everything he'd done to this point was slow, methodical with purposeful, if dark, intent. This, however, was pure carnal lust. With that lovely body pinned at just the right height, he began sawing his fat flesh in and out of her unprotected sex, taking vicious liberties with her cunt. His proximity shoved her tail up out of the way again and again until it simply became exhausting to try and guard herself with it. But when she didn't, he'd pick up the pace, burrowing that fat purple prick into her tender pussy folds even more harshly as if disciplining her for giving up so soon. A small puddle of their juices began dripping off the base of his shaft, the heady scent of her estrus ripened nectar tainted by the harsh musky scent of his pure sticky precum, friction warmed from their fucking and slammed out of her vent to make room for his greedy shaft. He let her unprotected vent pleasure his shaft for some time before hoisting her up and dragging the whole thing free. With how long he'd been plowing her fertile fuck fields, to feel empty again was an awkward sensation. 'Thankfully' it didn't last long as he simply shifted to the side with a soft grunt and slammed its twin up inside her, starting all over again.

AW: As he began to pick her up again, she gave a soft mewl, feeling that shaft slowly exit out of her before slowly going back in, sinking herself onto him once more. Oh it was slightly painful to take all of him, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle, he was going rather... slow for someone. It got rather tiring of just leaving her tail there to try and push him away, so she just let him push it out of the way, that was at least until he began to suddenly plow into those ripened walls harshly, gasping and clawing at the wall, her sharp, black beauties suddenly becoming dull as she was rammed into again and again. She put her tail back down, seeing as how that stopped him from going fast to going slow, she did her best to try and keep it there, whimpering in pained pleasure from how fast he went with barely any warning or preparation for it at all!

Alira whined, panting and moaning with hate, her body was betraying her, the ness's climax slowly coming and rising, feeling that gut sensation of her womb straining to release its fluids, wanting to cum so bad yet wanting to deny that she was enjoying this so much. Thankfully indeed he left her, thinking for a moment he finally came to his senses and noticed that it was wrong to do something like this to a vulnerable ness, but that's exactly the opposite of what happened. Her lips spread into a lewd 'O' around that spire once more, gasping and groaning as he shoved himself inside her vulnerable sex, the blue would have snarled and bit at the drake if she could, her tail every now and then raising as before getting put back down because of the viscous plowing.

D: The feral male pounded her ruthlessly. He'd paid for her pussy with all those drinks and he was going to enjoy every drop of pleasure for the cost. His nostrils flared, taking in that hot alluring scent of sex, the smell haunted by the promise of freshly fertilized eggs when he was through with her. He just grinned, grinding his bare tip against her inner barrier, feeling her resistance waning. He'd have no problem knocking her up but he wanted her to feel the slosh of his sperm working their magic within her womb for days to come and there was only one way to give that feeling. He didn't need to hold back, didn't try. When he got close to cumming, he simply eased back, drew free and resumed pounding that sweet pussy raw with its tag-teaming twin. Beyond the brood she'd bear him, she'd be walking funny for the rest of the week after this, each step reminding her of what he'd done to her. Ever the gentleman, he kissed the back of her neck softly before parting his jaw slowly. She could feel the curve of his fangs draw across her neck as she bounced against his lap, could feel it coming, felt it happen as he bit in again just hard enough for his conical fangs to sink in. Her muffled yelp and tense frame gave him just the opportunity he needed as the filthy male's fat tip wedged itself into her egg chamber. It was just the tip, scant half inch but it was more than enough to allow the hot spray of seed that followed to pour directly that dangerously receptive womb of hers.

AW: Feeling him just continue to pound away at her, seeing as if he could do this forever, panting and groaning loudly behind that muffled snout, feeling him leave and enter again with that twin shaft. It was an odd sensation, one mixed with hate yet need to be filled, but knowing she didn't want to she continued to fight. Trying to push him away with her tail, albeit be a little weaker than before she still tried, fighting to break free from this wretched male. Her sore, red pussy lips continued to stretch widely around his shaft, walls spreading to accommodate him again and again, forcibly mind that.

As he kissed and nibbled the back of her neck, she knew it was close, her own orgasm was close, and as he bit her neck her pain was directed to their, muffling loudly a scream of protest and thrashing about, her cervix relaxing some before he penetrated it. Icy blue eyes went wide and claws dug into the brick wall as she arched her back, her own orgasm beginning to milk him, body betraying her as she milked what she could get from the male, what she didn't want. She knew that each spray brought thousands of sperm into her vulnerable womb, slushing about inside of it and impregnating her, knowing what was happening inside of her, far too late to change anything now tears began to flow down her face once more, staining her cheeks with salty drops of sadness and hate, confusion and misunderstanding, regret.

D: A single spurt from the virile male was more than enough to get the job done but there was no single spurt but rather a gushing spire of molten lust being pumped into her womb. His urethral vein bulged hungrily with the effort to slam his genes into this vulnerable little hen's belly and did so again and again. He punctuated each wad of cum that rolled through his cock with a jerky little thrust, making sure she felt each one with a lasting clarity. Its twin drooled eagerly against her inner thigh, impatient to have its turn. The big vicious drake make sure he drained everything into her, even going so far as to reach a paw down and wrap it around the base of his dick as he even drew out the last drops. With a pleasured huff, he left her hind legs pinned to the wall and gripped her rump with both paws, spreading her soiled vent nice and wide to make it an easy target for its second visitor. She had to take it all over again, her raw pussy lips slid down over his tender cock like a living condom as he worked himself in to the hilt again. He didn't go for speed this time, he wouldn't last long. Instead he kept her spread, holding her cunt open almost painfully wide, letting him slide through the sloppy mess he'd made inside her and letting him press in just that little bit deeper. Her belly bobbed with the genetic soup busily fertilizing a fresh batch of hatchlings within her, his eager swimmers digging into her ovaries to claim everything they could get their viciously wriggling tails into even as he began plastering her cunt with a fresh wash of creamy white cum. The second time was at least gentler, the horny male grinding his crotch against hers as he pissed his seed into her deepest recesses, rubbing his pearly white semen into all those hard to reach cracks and crevices.

AW: It was a rather uncomfortable position indeed, feeling him just hold onto her rump as he emptied himself into her womb, feeling each gush, each throb of that dick stuck in her sex that spasmed around him. It was a feeling that made her tremble in disgust, whining softly until she felt him finally stop, panting as her own orgasm came to a close before she was pushed up against the wall even more! Forced to stay there as with a wet squealch his cock came out of her used and abused sex, mewling softly before he stretched her wide with his paws.

It hurt painfully, gritting her teeth and wincing, staring down as her belly was already bulging with that seed, and as he plastered her walls with his second coating she couldn't help but moan this time, feeling him grind up against her crotch with his own, panting in disgusted delight as he impregnated the little bitch, claws dug into the wall and chest pressing against it, her wings useless and tiredly flapping while her tail had given up in total and just hung there.

Sore, tired, defeated, any of these words were perfect to describe the sloppy mess of a ness, feeling him throb inside of her, using her like a condom to fit him perfectly and empty himself out into, crying still and gritting her teeth, shaking her head lightly.

D: Mmm, so very good- he rumbles softly to himself, feeling the hot pulses of pleasure finally die out. For a second time she feels his teeth pull free from her neck and once again, his long stiff spires pull free leaving her soiled, sore, stretched vent aching from the brutal pounding she just got. From there he simply shifts to the side and dumps her to the ground. With forepaws cuffed she can't even catch herself. The scarf comes off first, that neat little ribbon serving an unexpected purpose as it comes off with ease from his tug, wrapping it back around his neck. Using the end of her dress, he casually wipes himself off as well before tucking his still pleasure soaked shafts back into the protection of his garment. Only then does he unlatch the belt, its quick release allowing the thing to slide free with ease and, with well practiced motion, wraps it around his waist, vigilant in case she gets a spurt of energy to retaliate. She doesn't and he grins, leaning down to kiss the back of her head. "Take good care of our hatchlings Alira." He coos, dragging her emotional state through the mud as he walks always leaving the disheveled hen leaking a pool of their intermingled juices from between those lovely thighs. It'll be the last time for a long time she'll be able to go to a club in those clothing he thinks, rounding the corner and disappearing from her life.

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