PotY part 2

Story by DieselDragon on SoFurry

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#4 of Sequence

Sorry that took so long. Blame murphy's law. Somebody seems to have kicked it into overdrive.

After saying goodbye to Trevor, Amelia and Dillon wandered through the crowd before finally settling under a tree, where Dillon climbed up with a cup of beer, not spilling a drop. Amelia had always hated that about him. He was so damn agile, but she guessed it came with being a cat. He sat on a branch midway up and drank some of his beer. "I am going to laugh when you get so drunk you fall out of the tree." Dillon responded by giving her the middle finger. She smiled and said "Maybe later."

"Stop being a woman, you shim." Was his comeback, and Amelia fell over she was laughing so hard. Aaron helped her back up, giggling to himself. The night was young and he was already slightly drunk. The trio joked around for about a half hour, then Dillon and Amelia went off together, and Aaron could smell the panther's excitement.


Dillon threw his taller mate against the wall of the garage as soon as she had shut and locked both doors. They sank to the padded floor in a passionate kiss. He had her shirt and she his pants off in seconds, and then his boxers went and her pants went. Finally his shirt and her panties fell to the strangely warm floor. They both locked into another kiss, grinding there hips together.

Amelia grabbed her mate and pumped him a few times before moving onto his belly in a sixty nine and started to lick him. He did the same to her, tail whipping left and right. She loved the feel of his tongue as it pushed into her. She locked her lips around his shaft, making a seal, and bobbing her head. He twitched and bucked his hips slightly with every bob. She felt his body slacken as she sucked him off.

She felt his spines beginning the form. He had always been a weakling when it came to blowjobs. She sped up, making his wriggle and grunt, trying to keep control. She sped up more, and moved her muzzle just as he tensed up, let out a roar, and came all over himself. He opened his eyes to see his belly was slicked down with his own seed, and was a dark grey now. Amelia was smiling at him, not a drop on her.

She saw his spines pop out a little when he came. Not enough to hurt her however. Dillon had learned control of them quickly after she almost tore out his throat for not telling her the first time. It took a lot of self control before he could do that, but it was worth the sex. She was an amazing lover.

Amelia smiled at her mate, and licked his shaft of his seed. He jerked a little with each lick, grunting. She placed a line of kisses down his member to his balls, and sucked on one for a second. She then angled her clit over his pulsing member, then paused and aimed her tail hole over him instead. She hadn't done anal in a while, and had forgotten what it felt like.

Amelia pulled Dillon into a deep kiss and pressed her tail hole against his hardness, and remembered how much it hurt at first. She stopped, letting her stretching catch up to the sudden intrusion. She shut her eyes, holding back tears, and panted, enduring the pain.

Dillon had the opposite feelings. A fresh wave of pure exhilaration hit him as she slid herself onto him. He let his head fall back, mouth open and still wet from his mate's juices. He hilted in her, and she paused, a look of pain and pleasure mixed on her face. She started a very slow rhythm, her face a strange mix of pain and pleasure.

Dillon dug his claws into the pads around him. His endurance was already drained, and he wouldn't last long in the tight wolf. He started to pant, as did she. Her breasts bouncing, she sped up, and he put a paw on her thigh. He closed his eyes as she bounced on him, really struggling to keep himself for a little longer. Soon his body gave in, and with a shout he emptied himself into his mate's ass.

Amelia felt her mate fire his hot load into her, and it put her over the edge. Her own climax his like a sledge hammer, and she cried out as it washed over her. When she came down from her sex high, she was lying on her mate's chest, panting. His arm was around her, and he was staring into her eyes.

"You are the best mate ever, you know that?" he said through breaths, kissing her again. She licked his nose. "Of course I do lover." She nuzzled his neck, feeling him still inside her; but just barely. She gasped in pain as she slid him out, spines completely out now. He tensed when she did, then relaxed and let his hard on soften and retract. He fell into sleep, closely followed by his mate.

Aaron was starting to feel alone after a while. He sighed and sipped his beer, rather bored. His friends were all busy with each other, yiffing no doubt. It wasn't like they tried to hide it either. Aaron just sat and drank his drinks, bored by the party. It was around midnight that he got just a little too drunk.

He got up and started dancing to a fast paced song, even though he most likely looked ridiculous. Somebody bumped him wrong, and he lost his balance and hit the floor. He was furious by the time he stood back up, and turned to face the guy that bumped him. A great white shark stood behind him, talking low to a group of furs. Aaron pushed him back and yelled more then he said "Watch where you're going, dammit!"

The shark turned around, looking calm but annoyed. "I did nothing to you." He said, his voice slightly Jamaican accented. His breath smelled of fish and salt. Aaron was only made angrier by his calm demeanor. "Don't play dumb with me you fish! You pushed me!" the shark, seeing the Aaron was very drunk, had to think fast. "Well, then I am sorry."

"That's not good enough!" Aaron yelled; his head fogged over with rage (But mostly beer). Aaron almost jumped out of his fur when a paw gently landed on his shoulder. "Aaron, your making a scene, calm down. Let's get you off the dance floor." It was Vince, and Aaron didn't care if he was setting the grass on fire. "This bastard pushed me!" he yelled, pointing a paw at the shark.

Vince put up his paws. "I understand that, but it not worth it to-"the cat moved faster than Aaron could track in his state, and he felt a heavy hit on the back of his head, then the world went black


Aaron woke up and felt like his head was being torn apart by flaming acid and nuclear butter knives. Morning sunlight flowed through them, and it felt like ice picks in his eyes.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, shielding his eyes from the killer light. He heard soft paw falls near him. "Easy, easy, I can't believe that you are up so early." It was Vince. "God Vince...what time is it and where am I?" the shades closed and the light stopped trying to drill into his brain. He opened his eyes.

He was laying, almost completely naked, in a plain white room. A look through the door confirmed that he was in Vince's guest room at his house. He tried to sit up, only to have Vince press him back down. "Don't do that." He said sharply. His head throbbed badly from the movement. "Jesus... what happened last night?"

"You got very drunk, picked a fight with a shark and got knocked out and abused sexually." He said, face straight. "I got what?!" Aaron shouted ears flat and face horrified. Vince couldn't hold in his laughter then, and pounded the bed as he laughed. Aaron realized he was joking and was annoyed but relieved that he hadn't been raped.

"God I hate you sometimes, you know that." Aaron said, and Vince shook his head. "Yet you still hang out with me.... Stay here, I'll get you some vicodin or something." Vince left the room, and Aaron lifted the blanket to look down on himself. He was in his boxers, but that was it. He was also sporting a full erection. He had the urge to paw-off, but not here. He would not be caught in the act by a friend.

Vince came back a few minutes later, carrying little bottle of pills and water. Aaron had tried to get out of bed, but that pain is his head had been too much. "God... this is a hell of a headache." He said, making it throb harder. "That's because it's a hybrid hangover-knockout hit headache." He handed the golden-wolf the bottle and water. He popped a pill and drank all of the water.

Vince let him get dressed when it kicked in, and went to grab his keys when he was done. "Let's go back to Trevor's." Aaron nodded and followed the panther out to his car. The ride to the dragon's house was a short one. The place looked good for an all night party. Vince knocked on the door.


Trevor was on his computer, answering an email from family. His older brother was bringing his twelve year old twin siblings down from Alaska, where they were on vacation. He had just finished typing his reply when somebody knocked on the door. He sent the email, wrapped a towel around his waist, and walked to the door. Everybody except rick, the husky and Laurel from the party last night had gone home, and his backyard was clean, If a little flat.

Vince was at the door, with a very tired looking Aaron. "Good morning, guys, and come in." he opened the door so they could, and went back to his room. He cuddled Laurel for a few minutes before pulling some loose shorts over himself, skipping the boxers for now. He went back to the living room to talk to his guests.

They were speaking quietly to each other. Trevor heard bits of it as he walked in, talking about the nights party. He heard something about a shark, and listened as they spoke about a near fight between a drunken Aaron and a great white. He listened for a while as Vince told him how he got the golden-wolf into his car. Another knock on the door made Trevor get up, a little confused.

He opened the door to get tackled by two four foot high forms, screaming. He hit the ground a little hard, and felt his shorts slip a little bit down his scales. A large, heavy built figure stood in the doorway, wings folded behind him. "My my, little brother, how dull your senses have gotten.' The figure said to Trevor.

He could only say, shaken at the sudden appearance "Hello Milo."