A Fox Behind Bars part 32

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#32 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 32! Took me long enough, eh?

Character development and suspense Yay!

As always, thank you so much for reading and I sincerely hope you enjoy If you have any comments, or criticisms, or suggestions that would increase your enjoyment, do share

And an extra big thank you/shout-out/declaration of my eternal indebtedness to Tenpenny (over here: tenpenny.sofurry.com ) for giving this chapter a proofread


I saw Herb was back in his cell. His hand was in a brace and his fingers were wrapped. It was only a glimpse I got as I walked behind Dimitri back to our cell after the showers. Maybe it was the lingering endorphins from the great sex I had with the two gazelles, but I hoped Herb learned his lesson and would keep to himself now. I doubted it, but I could still hope.

The cell doors locked shut behind me so the guards could take a headcount. I looked to Dimitri. Only if he did not have any orders was I free to while away my time in a manner of my own choosing. My options were limited to sitting quietly and mourning the state of my life, rereading the same limited material I'd been reading for weeks, or doodling on the back of incomprehensible legal papers. It surprised me to be hoping Dimitri might have something for me to do.

I could see in his eyes, he did. It was always a coin flip whether I'd like what he had planned, but it was better than the mind numbing boredom.

"Clothes off, pet."

My hand hesitated for the barest of moments. I unfastened my pants, but Dimitri had caught my pause.

"What?" he demanded

I could have played dumb, I could have lied, but something about him - maybe the fear - kept me from lying as much as I could have. "I... I finally have a uniform that fits, thanks to you, sir. It's like a present and I wanted to wear it for awhile. Sorry. I know it's stupid," I smiled at him and pulled off my shirt, folding it nicely and putting on top of my pillow in the corner.

"Such a good pet," Dimitri said with something akin to pride. An infectious pride that had my tail wagging in spite of everything.

I stood firm, watching him watch me. I made no attempt at hiding my nakedness behind my tail or hands. Dimitri was my protector as much as my owner, I didn't feel as violated by his gaze as I used to. I could see he was enjoying what he saw. He crooked his finger and motioned me closer. His heat radiated through his clothes as I stepped into him, welcoming the security of being held with those powerful arms.

Dimitri's hand ran down my spine, making me shiver. I wished he would take his shirt off. His fur would have been so much softer than the starched prison shirt stretched across his chest where I pressed my face.

"It was fuckin' hot. Watching you get fucked in the shower." I could feel his cock stir, the bulge twitching against my stomach. "Watching the gazelles compete like that... I'm going to make you and Jake compete."

I knew better than to complain, but I whimpered softly. It was the only way I could voice my objections.

Instead of the understanding I was looking for, Dimitri grabbed my tail, lifting it so his other hand could have free reign to fondle his property. I yelped as he pinched and squeezed. The tiger rumbled in approval, letting go of my tail. "Suck me."

I slid down, keeping my face pressed against him. The rock hard bumps of his abs reminding me again of what I'm missing under that shirt. From my knees, I nuzzled his cock, straining against his pants. Through the fabric I could smell his arousal, mingled with the smell of damp fur and the soap he'd used in the shower. The happy noises coming from above, caused by the light touch of my nose, spurred me on. I liked that I was able to bring him pleasure.

I struggled to open my present, yanking at his fly until he chuckled softly and helped me with it. "Eager pet."

I pulled down his pants as far as I could over his wide stance, taking another deep breath of Dimitri's natural musk. The warm scent of raw power and masculinity traveled through me like a drug. I lapped at his balls, soaking the already damp fur until I heard Dimitri moaned and his dick stiffened to its full awe inspiring length.

His head glistened with precum. Salivating, I licked it, collecting the bitter salty flavor on my tongue. I looked up to see Dimitri's warm smile before opening wide and took as much of him as I could.

I sucked hard, stroking what didn't fit in my mouth. When he wanted more, he palmed the back of my head. It hurt a little and I had to angle myself for it to fit, but I didn't keep him waiting long before I was deep throating him. My throat closed around him like a tight sheath.

My muscles relaxed and Dimitri took over. I didn't struggle, and in return he wasn't excessively rough while face fucking me. He was even considerate enough not to hurt my ears when his hands held the sides of my head.

"Good... boy... my pet," Dimitri grunted in time with his final thrusts.

I swallowed mouthful after mouthful of his seed. Finally, when he was empty and I'd licked him clean, I was scooped off the floor. Dimitri was saying something soothing, but the second my head hit the pillow I was gone.


The sharp clinking of a baton on the metal bars woke me with a start. The grey wolf in his crisp guard's uniform, standing in the cell's doorway had me scrambling to the floor, my sleep fogged brain thinking that I might actually have a chance at hiding in the back of the cell.

The wolf holstered his club and held his hands up, urging calm. "Elliot Regal?"

My name. Why was he here for me? I choked back a scream. "Y-yes, sir."

He stepped into the cell and I cringed. Where the fuck was Dimitri?

"Do you remember me?" He smiled at me. "It's Chad I-"

Recognition kicked in. "Friday. You saved me from being hurt. I... Thank you, so much." When Blake took me out of the cafeteria, Chad was the only one standing between me and a beating. Sure, Blake filmed me while I was forced to suck him off, but if Chad hadn't stuck his neck out, promising to check up on me, what Blake did could have been a lot worse.

The gray wolf shrugged. "This place is pretty fucked up. You know, since I stood up to Blake, my schedule's changed to nothing but graveyard and weekend shifts."

"I- I'm sorry, sir."

He just chuckled. "It's not your fault... Are you naked?"

I wrapped my tail around me, blushing. I really hoped Dimitri's desire for me to be naked more often was just another passing interest that I could slowly talk him out of. Like when he made me ask him for permission to cum. Chad kicked my clothes to me from the corner. He took a step back, outside the cell and looked down the walkway. I hurriedly dressed.

Chad was leaning on the railing, gazing down on the common area. I stood before the cell's threshold, almost afraid to cross it without Dimitri's permission.

"Is that your cellmate?"

I guess that counted as a guard ordering me out of the cell. I stepped to the rail. "Yes, sir." Dimitri was sitting at the scalies table again. I knew it was business, and I knew Dimitri thought it would be nice to let me sleep, but I still felt a sting in my chest. I was hurt he didn't tell me he was going to talk to them again. I had no right to know what he and Vince talked about, and I had almost no impact on anything they might decide, but still...

Chad kept watching the big tiger. "You don't have to tell me, but are you ok being housed with a feline? I mean, you're not getting hurt, are you?"

I swallowed hard. Chad seemed nice, but he was a guard. And Dimitri was reforming, really trying. I would never want to get him in trouble. What I wanted to tell Chad was how much Blake abused me. How I was given over to Dimitri because Blake thought the tiger would inevitably kill me. I wanted to point at Piter and say he raped me. I wanted to say how I've become a sex slave. I wanted to say a lot of things. But Chad was a guard. "No, sir. I get along great with my cellmate."

Chad nodded. I doubted he believed me. "I took this job for the experience," he told me. "I'm studying criminal justice. I thought something like this would look good on my resume when I apply to the Federal Intelligence Agency. Real world experience, you know? Better than lectures and textbooks."

I stayed quiet.

"I'm starting to second guess my career choice," he said with a bitter laugh.

"It would suck more if you left." I wasn't sure if I should have said anything, but that wouldn't stop my mouth. "If all the good furs give up, nothing will ever change. It's never easy being the first to fight corruption. That's why my art is underappreciated, and that's why Blake is giving you the graveyard shifts."

Chad looked at me. "You're an artist? I thought you blew up a car."

"N-no! That's not what happened," my breath caught in my throat.

"Sorry, Regal. Don't get upset," his arm lifted off the rail, like he wanted to comfort me, but his training kicked in. He knew how that might look. "Let me tell you how I see it. You might be innocent, every fur in here might be innocent. But it's not the job of correctional officers to pass judgement, that's for the judiciary - probably as corrupt and flawed as everything else - to decide. All we officers are supposed to do is see that the sentences are served."

My hand started to tingle. I saw I'd taken hold of the railing. Squeezing without noticing. I let go and shook my hand.

Chad's lupine ears were tilted back. "Hey, I'm really sorry."

"It was an accident," I whispered. It was. A stupid accident.

"Anyways," Chad said after an uncomfortable silence, "I said I would check on you. I think Blake's got me watching Cellblock H as a punishment, so I'll probably see you around, Regal. Take care."

I stood glued to the spot as Chad left.

"Thank you," I mumbled after him. My mind swirled with replays of everything that led up to and happened since that day on the overpass.

When my head cleared and my vision came back into focus I found I'd been staring at Dimitri. He was still seated with the scalies. But his eyes were locked on me.



I slunk back into the cell. Fear coursed through my veins. I didn't do anything wrong. A guard ordered me to dress and leave the cell. I don't even think I disobeyed anything Dimitri said. He left me sleeping, it's not like he said not to leave.

Then why the hell was I panicking!

I stripped off my clothes, like it would hide any evidence of a crime I couldn't understand but was sure I'd committed. Too afraid to get back on the bunk, I huddled in my corner, clutching my pillow tight.

It was torture, waiting for Dimitri's inevitable return. A million times I talked myself out of and back into fear. If I still had an ounce of backbone, I might have kept my clothes on and waited for Dimitri out on the walkway, somewhere there might at least be a witness. But I was a pussy.

When Dimitri did return he almost didn't notice me back in my corner. His face wasn't the expressionless mask, or the storm of rage I was expecting. He looked at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

I swallowed. "I'm not sure. A-are you mad at me?"

"No," he looked perplexed now. "Should I be?"

I shook my head frantically. "I just thought you'd be mad. The guard- He kinda made me get dressed, and then I was out of the cell..."

Dimitri sighed and sat on his bunk, resting his head on his fist. "Regal... I know I fucked you up. But, if you could not look at me like that... at least, not all the time, I would really..." he trailed off.

Somehow, my fear turned to guilt. I think I hurt him. I was his biggest defender - maybe his only defender - but every other day I was scared into a blind panic that I was wrong and Dimitri wasn't changing. That I'd missed some sign and it was only a matter of time before he went back to his old self.

I was so used to life screwing me, time and time again, it was hard for me to accept something good might have happened. I was so alone, abandoned by friends, kept locked apart from Hash, I wasn't seeing the companion I had in the tiger who lived with me. And as bad as it was for me, I shudder at what Dimitri must have endured in the years he'd spent in this hell, locked away in solitary.

The fear fell away and I stood. He was staring blankly at the wall below his television. His head still cradled in his hand. I walked to the bunk, not waiting for permission, I sat next to him and pulled my legs under me. "Sir?" He didn't stir. "Dimitri?" I whispered softly.

That got his attention.

"I'm sorry," I told him.

He shook his head sadly and opened his mouth to say something.

Who knows where my fear went, but it was gone for the moment and I dared to cut him off so I could speak my peace. "Wait. I know what you'll say. That I don't need to apologize. But I do, and I'd like it if you let me." I waited. Dimitri wavered between surprise and confusion, but he nodded his consent.

"You do scare me," I began, "and it might be a long time before that changes. But you are changing. I see it and I think you do too. You know I trust you. I wouldn't be your pet if I didn't," I nuzzled his shoulder. "It's that I don't always believe what I see, that I'm sorry about..." I was confusing myself now. "What I mean is that I'm doing a shitty job of showing you that trust. Do you see what I'm saying?"

Dimitri lifted his head and put his arm around me. "I think so. Don't worry about it. It's just that look of fear... I've seen it far too many times from far too many furs. It just caught me off balance after I thought we had such a good day."

I couldn't resist putting my arm as far around him as I could. "To be fair, it wasn't just you this time. That new guard was here. He reminded me of what I did to get sent to prison."

"Want me to hurt him?"

I laughed. "No," silly, "he didn't mean it. It just caught me off balance," I echoed Dimitri.

He adjusted his arm so he could scratch behind my ears. "That does happen sometimes."


Monday was off to a great start. Dimitri let me sleep in the bunk with him, and he didn't make me fetch his shoes when I woke up.

"You're with me on the Yard today," he said while I watched him go through his morning routine from the comfort of the warm bunk. "I know you hate working out, but this is for your own good."

"I know, sir," I mumbled. It wasn't so much the physical exertion - though I did not like that - it was the not being with Hash.

"I don't want see you get pushed around by everyone."

I didn't point out the irony of what Dimitri had said. "Tonight, will you let me teach you some stuff, then?" I asked. Dimitri smiled at my new confidence. The old me would have been far too cautious to ask for anything in return.

"I will think about it, pet. But you might be too tired," he laughed.


Dimitri, Jake and I stood in the food line, getting our breakfast. I think the kitchen staff was starting to know me... or at least knew I was under Dimitri's protection.

A goat, who I had words with about the food before, was scooping out scrambled eggs. When he saw me, he rolled his eyes.

"They're not organic," he growled out as his scoop clacked down on my tray.

My smile was genuine. "That's too bad. Thank you telling me, though." I almost let it go at that. "Um, do you know if the eggs come from chickens that are free-range?" I honestly tried not to annoy him, but the question would have gnawed at me all day.

The goat tugged at his apron, his jaw clenching tight. He gave a quick glance at Dimitri, then said through gritted teeth, "The eggs are from a powdered concentrate. The ingredients list a bunch of shit I think are preservatives and flavoring. They are not certified organic, and I have no fucking clue if the hens were free-range. The box says nothing about it. Do you want me to drop what I'm fuckin' doing and get you the name of the brand?"

"No. I see you're kinda busy," I ignored his sarcasm, "maybe next time." I smiled again and moved along. I couldn't be sure, but I think the goat muttered something about me fucking myself. Oh well.

On our way to the table I saw Dimitri was looking at me. "What?"

"Do you make that shit up just to fuck with furs?"


"'Free-range?'" He chuckled.

"Hey, that's important. Happy chickens lay tastier eggs. And it's just cruel to keep them locked in cages their whole lives. How can I enjoy an egg knowing it was laid in suffering."

"Pet... we're locked in cages. Fuck the chickens."

I nodded. "Then you see my point. Very few happy furs in here. Most of my art deals with social inequalities, but believe me, if I ever get to do another piece, I'm going to give a lot more thought to the issue of desperately needed prison reform."

"Again with the art. I think I liked it better when you were too afraid to talk to me," he ruffled my hair.

Liar, I thought with a smile.

Halfway in our crossing of the cafeteria I heard a sharp whistle. I spun to see a brown furred wolf trying to nonchalantly amble over to us. It was obvious the wolf was a Pack messenger, but Dimitri, being Dimitri, turned back around and kept walking to our table.

I sighed and followed after Dimitri and Jake. Dimitri likes these little power games, like I'm to important to wait for some wolf, so I'm going to make you walk farther than you'd have to. I, on the other hand, like to think we're all in this together and would have liked it if some of the furs in here stopped rubbing their dominance in everyone's face. But at least Dimitri wasn't humiliating me as much these days.

Usually the seats where the three of us sat had this little bubble of privacy, but this morning I could see Sanders was sitting right next to Jake's spot. I poked Jake in the ribs with my elbow and winked. From the angry look he gave me, I don't think he got what I was trying to say. Sanders had a thing for the red fox, but apparently, Jake had not picked up on that.

Dimitri set his tray down. "Sanders," he greeted in his standard deep monotone.

"Hey Dimitri. Regal," he nodded. "Jake," he added a little growl to his voice. It went unnoticed.

"What do you want?" Dimitri asked.

Before Sanders could respond, the Pack messenger that had been following us finally caught up. "Dimitri? Got a note for-"

"Give him the note and get lost," he waved towards me.

The wolf was obviously used to dealing with that sort of treatment. He tossed the paper to me and headed back for the canine territory. I shouted a quick thanks after him, but I wasn't sure if he heard it over the noise of the cafeteria.

I tried to divide my attention between the note and listening to what Sanders was saying to Dimitri.

Skimming, the note, something about the odds for a game Vince wanted Dimitri to take bets on. Oh, the scalies are back to doing business with the Pack. I'd have to congratulate Dimitri on his pivotal role. Fuck. I had a date for lunch. So did Jake. Blah, blah, blah. And then I came to what I was looking for.

At the bottom of the letter, in that beautiful flowing script was my personal note from Hash. My heart raced. It was longer than the brief coded sentence fragments he'd left me before. My attempts to keep up with what the two felines were talking about went out the window. All my focus was on the letter. I even tried to picture the coyote writing it. I don't think it was an accurate portrait of Hash that my mind painted, because he was naked the way I was imagining it.

R. I dreamed about us last night. I know we won't get to see each other today, so I'm going to spend my whole day figuring out how the two of us can reenact my dream the next time we're together. Stay safe for me.



Holy shit. Did that mean we'd finally make love? And I was sure about my phrasing. What me and Hash would do is make love, not fuck. Even if we would have only enough time for me to drop my pants so my coyote could do me in the kitchen storeroom without any foreplay, I wasn't going to let my thoughts cheapen it by thinking of it in the same way I thought of what my clients did.

"Pet!" Dimitri pounded the table. I jumped, dropping the note.

"S-sorry, sir!" I looked around as the three of them stared at me. Apparently I missed something that required me to give an answer. "Uhhh..." I let that hang eloquently.

"Sanders wants to play a game of checkers with you this evening. I told him to ask you himself, but you're ignoring him." I tried to offer an abject apology but Dimitri silenced me with a gesture. "Did you want us to spend the evening in the common area?"

"W-whatever you want to do is fine with me, sir."

Dimitri sighed, resting his chin on his fist. "Honest answer, Regal," he ordered.

"Oh. Yeah. Always nice to get a change of scenery, right?" But Dimitri was back to his breakfast, not bothering to respond.

"Alright then," Sanders said, trying not to let the awkwardness of the situation show. "I'll see the three of you later. And, bring your A-game. I'm getting my commissary order delivered today so we can make some bets," the lion gave me a knowing nod.

My chips! The timing couldn't have been better. I wanted to wrap Sanders in a big hug. I assumed it would take weeks to order the chips I traded for, but he'd got it for me in only a couple of days. I couldn't wait to give those chips to Hash. Finally a chance for me to show him some gratitude.

Dimitri finished shoveling down the last spoonfuls of his non-organic, from powdered concentrate, probably not free-range, scrambled eggs. "Do you want to read what the note says?"

I nodded, but suddenly realized it wasn't in my hands. "Sorry, sir. I dropped it," I said as I ducked under the table to find it.

"I've got it," Jake said quietly.

"Then you can read it," Dimitri said.

I shot up, banging my head in the underside of the table. My heart rate quickened. Suddenly my future rested in Jake having the discretion to leave out Hash's love note. I rubbed the back of my head and really hoped the red fox wasn't in a bad mood.

A Fox Behind Bars part 33

33. I sat helpless at the table. Once again I had to play spectator as my fate was in the hands of another. This time it was in the hands of Jake. He held the letter on which Hash had snuck a love note to me. If he read it to Dimitri, I had no...

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Working Hard part 5

5. "I did the right thing? Right?" I asked the jackal sitting on the bus seat next to me. "I mean, it wasn't fair of me to use my sexual wiles like that. He's been telling me all week he wants to wait 'til Friday. What kind of a boyfriend would...

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A Fox Behind Bars part 31

31. There was a knock on the door. I looked at my scattered clothes. It had only been a few minutes since Otto left me naked and crying. Was he back? Was it a guard? Was it one of the kitchen staff looking for an easy target? I hugged my...

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