A Fox Behind Bars part 31

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#31 of A Fox Behind Bars

Finally!!! Part 31.

Apologies all around. I know I don't exactly have a set schedule, but I try to get a chapter done at least once a week. But I'm giving Nanowrimo a go this month and the entire endeavor is going pear-shaped at the moment. But enough about my problems

Part 31 gives you a nice assortment of things building up, characters interacting, sex happening, and of course, muffins!

Thanks for reading, peeps sorry it took a little longer. Let's hope that doesn't happen again. And if you have any criticisms or suggestions, I'm all ears.

Hope you enjoy!


There was a knock on the door. I looked at my scattered clothes. It had only been a few minutes since Otto left me naked and crying. Was he back? Was it a guard? Was it one of the kitchen staff looking for an easy target? I hugged my legs closer and shut my eyes.

The storeroom door opened. "Regal?"

"Jake?" Goddamn it. I wiped the back of my arm across my runny nose, swearing at the trail of snot left on my fur.

The red fox was quiet for a minute. "Are you ok?"

I laughed bitterly. "I'm fuckin' great."

"I saw what was going on out there, and I asked Dimitri if I could come check on you."

"Really?" Jake wasn't the type to involve himself. "You asked to come check on me?"

He shrugged. "Want me to get someone else?"

"No!" I don't think I even wanted Jake to see me like this. "I'm fine. Just go."

Jake bent down and picked up my clothes. Obviously no one ever listened to me, why would I think Jake would? At least he had the decency to avert his gaze while I was naked. I took my clothes and Jake turned around. "Did he hurt you bad?"

"Nothing important. Only my feelings." I wiped my eyes on the back of my shirt.

"That always hurts the worst."

Coming from a fox whose idea of a good time was getting tied up and whipped, he probably knew what he was talking about. Jake stood there with his back to me. I wasn't sure if it was an invitation to talk, but on some deeper level I needed to. "He made me say how worthless I am... I think I believe it."

Jake started to turn around but stopped. "Don't be an idiot. Fur's like Otto are the worthless ones."

"Yeah, well, furs like Otto aren't the ones having to suck cock so they get stabbed." It was a jerk thing to say. I knew Jake was trying, but keep in mind I was emotional and in no mood for motivational-poster quality pep talks.

"I don't mean physically. I mean your feelings are stronger than his. It takes a lot more strength to give up control than it does to hit things. Otto wouldn't last a week in your place."

He had a point, but it didn't make me feel any better. "I don't want to give up my control. Why are we the ones who are always at the bottom?"

Now Jake did spin around. "You're a fox, Regal. Act like one. We're survivors. And it doesn't matter how bad things get, we're clever and strong enough to survive for as long as it takes.

"This is prison. No one's having a good time. But look at all you accomplished while bitching and moaning about how poor Regal has it sooo bad." He started ticking off my alleged accomplishments on his fingers, "You've made friends. That's something I couldn't do even before I ended up here. You think you've found love. That's something most furs on the outside never have. You're always whining about being Dimitri's pet, but it's really you who's taming him. There's not a fur in here he wouldn't kill if you go crying to him about someone being mean. And most impressive: I know you're not going to have Otto killed, all because you're strong enough stick to whatever stupid moral code you have."

I sniffled and wiped my nose again. He was right. I'm a self-centered prick. I stood up, not bothering with my clothes, and closed the short distance between us. He flinched like I was going to hit him, but my arms went around his neck. I hugged him tight. "Thank you," I whispered. "And for the record, you do have me as a friend." He didn't hug me back, but I was ok with that. He was doing the best he could.

While I threw my clothes back on, Jake looked at the racks of muffins on the tall carts. He lifted the plastic sheath and took a deep breath. I could tell what was on his mind. "We should take some for Dimitri and the others, too."

"Others?" Jake asked.

"Hash, Vince and Greg." See, this is why I have more friends than him.

He shrugged and started snatching the muffins. We could only carry one in each pocket without them getting dented or bulging too much. That meant we had to eat ours quickly before we left, but Jake said he was in no hurry to get out to the Yard. I remembered he'd be spending his time in the maintenance shed with clients.


I looked out from the slightly opened kitchen door, scanning the cafeteria for sign of Piter and his pack, and, now, Otto. Thankfully, most of the canine tables were already clear. I turned to Jake, "hey, um, do me a favor and don't tell anyone about how I was back there, ok?"

Jake nodded.

I wasn't proud about my mini-breakdown. And I didn't want Dimitri or Hash to get upset. They would try to fix things for me and I couldn't let them. I cared about them too much to see them risk getting in trouble.

We walked quickly across the linoleum floor. Dimitri was watching us, and I couldn't help but smile when I sat down across from the big tiger.

"Everything go ok, pet?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," I lied, but it was better when I was around him.

"Good. You can tell me all about it later. Let's get going," he started to rise.

"Wait, sir!" I dug into my pocket and pulled out his muffin, presenting it to him. He looked at it, lost as to what it could mean, I helped him along. "I was in the room they were keeping tomorrow's breakfast dessert. I brought you one... and we got some for Vince and the others."

He understood now. "Good boy. That was... thoughtful."

"Thank you, sir," I chirped. "It's from both of us," I smiled at Jake, he looked startled that he was mentioned.

Dimitri nodded and took a bite that covered half the muffin. "Hope you got some for yourselves," he said with a mouthful of muffin.


Vince's eyes looked dark, like he hadn't slept in awhile. I felt a little sorry for him, before remembering the way he treats Hash.

"So I got this brilliant plan," he told Dimitri. "We get Herb to rat on Piter. We even give him some hard evidence if we can. No matter how the shit goes down, we win and only have to deal with one problem." He looked at Dimitri, waiting for some kind of approval. He'd have a long wait.

Dimitri shook his head. "That it?"

"Well... No. See, I was thinking," he smacked Hash on the arm, starting my fur bristling and signalling the coyote's turn to speak.

Hash wasn't looking happy at all. "He wants to give Regal some notes to carry around and hope that Herb finds them on him."

"Abso-fucking-lutely not," Dimitri said.

"It's brilliant!" Vince shouted. "Herb doesn't know shit about Pack politics, and he's gunning for Ellie. What's the problem?"

Dimitri took a step forward, making Vince jump back to keep out of arm's reach. "What the fuck do you think the panda bitch is going to do to Regal?"

My tail swished at Dimitri sticking up for me. I really wasn't liking Vince's brilliant plan.

"Nothing!" Vince put his hands up, trying to calm Dimitri. "I'd never let anything happen to him. Think about it this way: our fox walks past Herb's cell this evening. In his hands are a few carefully worded letters imp... inp..." he snapped his fingers.

"Implicating," supplied Hash.

"Implicating Piter in all sorts of shit, some of which I got an Alpha to plant enough evidence to make look real." Vince pointed at me, "he's fast. All he has to do is drop the letters and run. His name stays in the clear and his ass remains unraped."

Dimitri stared at Vince and I began to worry he was considering it. In a low growl he warned Vince, "if you ever come to me with something this stupid, it's your ass that you better hope remains unraped."

I so wanted to give Dimitri a hug and a blowjob.

"Dimitri! Is that any way to talk to your business partner? I was just suggesting it. We could use Jake if you'd rather."

And to think, Jake was smuggling a muffin for that bastard! It gave me an idea. "Sir?" I got Dimitri's attention. "Can we give them their gifts?"

The tiger looked down at me, his eyes distinctly asking, what the fuck are you doing? To which my eyes tried to respond, trying to deescalate this situation before before we all end up in solitary. No one can pull a shank when they're enjoying a fresh banana nut muffin, right?

He sighed and gestured at Vince. "It's up to you. This fucker was just about hand you over to Herb."

True, but he's an idiot who doesn't know any better. "Sir, I'm sure he really thinks that me and Jake wouldn't be in any danger. Obviously he's wrong and you're right, and now he knows that." I spun to Vince, talking fast before he could say something else stupid, "we got you muffins!"

Vince's ear flicked and his head tilted in confusion. I waved Jake over and he reluctantly dug out a muffin out of his pocket, handing it to Vince.

"Uh... Thanks," Vince said, looking at the muffin.

Greg reacted about as confused as Vince did, and to be fair, it was a rather surreal thing for me too. Handing out muffins to what - I had to keep reminding myself - were hardened criminals was something I never would have imagined myself doing.

Hash was the only one that didn't look at me weird. With him, it was different. He knew me, and our affections were strong enough to damn near count as a psychic phenomenon.

My plan seemed to work. Vince was a lot less abrasive with muffin crumbs on his face, Dimitri almost cracked a smile, and the issue of sending me or Jake on a suicide mission was tabled for the time being.

"Alright," Vince said as he licked his fingers, "I'll keep thinking. But remember, you didn't like any of my ideas at first. Keep that up, and I'll start to take it personally," he smiled at Dimitri.

Dimitri snorted and looked over at the Yard's exercise equipment. "We done here?"

"Not yet. I want to know how things went with the scalies." Vince motioned at Greg.

The big wolf nodded. "Come on, bitches." He started off towards the Pack's territory. "Duty calls."

Asshole. How about a little gratitude? As I trailed after him I heard Dimitri tell Vince not to bother booking anything for me on the Yard tomorrow because I was going to be with him. I guess he was going to give me another lesson in hitting a fur when they weren't looking and then making me do push-ups. My arms were sore just thinking about it.


"That was cool," Hash said quietly as we dropped far enough behind Greg and Jake to have some privacy. "The way you distracted Vince."

"Thank you. I am smart."

"Don't forget modest," Hash smirked.

"And sexy," I offered helpfully.

"Yes. Sexy too." Hash punched my arm playfully.

I really wanted to wrestle him to the ground, but there was no way I could see that not turning into wild public sex. Thankfully - or unfortunately - Greg, the walking contraceptive, was there to keep my mood in check. He was talking with a guard who was sneaking a smoke as he leaned against the maintenance shed. The guard might have been the same wolf that unlocked the door last time.

I watched as Jake was introduced to a burly rhino. I felt so powerless again. Jake told me we were tough enough to shrug these situations off, but I've seen the way he shuts down. It's not healthy.

Hash caught wind of my mood, leading me away from the shed. "Your eyes look red."

Fuck. I rubbed at them. "Is it really noticeable?" Did Dimitri notice?

"Only a little. But I worry about you."

Whenever he talked like that, I felt like crying for a different reason. "It was just a sucky lunch. Don't worry about me."

Hash chanced taking my hand while we walked the fringes of the Pack's territory. "I love you, Regal. I can't help but worry about you." We neared two wolves and Hash let go of my hand. "Are you ok?"

We walked on for a bit. I didn't trust myself to speak until I was sure I wasn't going to rip open my fresh wounds. "That wolf at lunch. I'd like it if Vince didn't do business with him again."

"Ok. Did he get rough?" Hash's tone got darker.

I shook my head. This is what I was afraid of. "Never mind." Hash opened his mouth to speak. "Please. Let it go."

Hash closed his mouth and we kept walking. I quickly changed the subject. I didn't want us to fight if I wasn't going to see him tomorrow when Dimitri took me to go workout.


Things began looking up again in the evening. For a while I thought Dimitri might have been suspicious as I gave him an account of what Otto did with me, but I left out the shit he put me through before we got to the storeroom, just saying that he insisted on finishing his meal. Dimitri brought it back up while we stood in the slow moving line for the showers.

"Did you like being naked when you sucked him off?"

I glanced around at all the furs who were suddenly eavesdropping on us. "What? No. He didn't even take off his pants, but I had to undress in front of him. It made me feel cheap, sir."

Dimitri cracked his knuckles absently. "I've seen what Vince charges. You're anything but cheap."

Seriously? One of these days I was going to have to see how much money we were talking about, but not knowing took some of the pressure off me.

"I think I want to see you naked more often," he said.

"Oh." What the hell was I supposed to say to that? Couldn't we have this discussion somewhere a little more private? "If I sleep naked... will you keep me warm?"

His eyebrows raised. "Is my pet asking for a blanket... or permission to sleep on the bunk?"

My ears flattened. Dimitri may have softened with me a little, but his moods could still swing towards the sadistic, and when he asked me a question, I usually answered it wrong, giving him the excuse he wanted to punish me.

"I- I guess it's up to you, sir. Sorry. I wasn't thinking. Um... Please don't take away my pillow." My tail wrapped itself around my leg.

"Regal... I just want an honest answer. You're not in trouble." Dimitri look honestly surprised. It was like he didn't know why I might still be afraid of him sometimes.

"I like it when you let me sleep in the bunk with you," I said quietly, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I like that too."

The line moved slowly, but finally we came to the counter to get our fresh uniform for the week. A jackal was handing out the clothes. It got my hopes up that maybe I might actually have a shot at getting something that fit. I hated the speciesist undertones, but I was not above playing the Pack card.

The jackal's attention wasn't entirely on his job. He kept turning around to talk sports with a raccoon who was stacking sets of uniforms to get handed out.

Dimitri was behind me in line, so at least I didn't have to worry about getting separated. But now I knew why the line had been moving so slowly. I cleared my throat, getting the jackal's attention.

"Hi," I scratched my ear, shamelessly hinting at the obvious canine connection I was hoping he would feel. "Do you-"

A set of clothes was thrust into my chest, the jackal was already turning around, shouting, "Emerald Harbor sucks this year. They can't handle the coin toss without someone taking a fucking injury."

I looked at Dimitri, he didn't push me forward so I chanced asserting myself. I knocked on the counter. "Excuse me."

The jackal laughed at something the raccoon said before turning back to me. "What?"

"I was kinda hoping you might have a size smaller. See, every week I get a uniform that's way to big an-"

"Nope. That's all we got."

"Are you sure? Maybe in the back th-"

"No," he interrupted and turned back to the raccoon. "A quarterback can't carry the whole team."

I started to walk away, resigned to another week of baggy fashion. Dimitri caught me by the arm. He took my set of clothes, tossing them at the back of the jackal's head. The jackal spun around, ready to fight until he saw the huge tiger leaning on the counter.

"Look. In. The back," Dimitri enunciated in a low growl.

The jackal nodded, stepping back. I held in a laugh as he nearly knocked over the raccoon as the two looked through the stacks for something in my size.

"Thanks, sir."

Dimitri shrugged. "No trouble. You seemed... off. I assume it's something I did."

Was he experiencing guilt? "No, sir. You didn't do anything. I thought I did something wrong and got nervous. I don't want to disappoint you." Dimitri sighed and his hand came to rest on my head while he watched a precarious stack of uniforms topple over. I looked up at him. "We should work on our communication, sir."

"Yes we should, pup."


It took some time, but I finally had a shirt that didn't look like a dress. I think the jackal might have been angry, but it was hard to tell with the way Dimitri's presence intimidated him.

Dimitri took me and Jake to the shower stalls nearest the far wall of the steamy room. I looked for the two gazelles but they spotted me first, walking up to us. They must have known me by whatever description Vince gave them.

"Ellie?" said the taller of the two. They both had the long horns typical of their species shorn to little nubs only slightly longer than the loose, wet hair that framed their similar faces. The fur pattern they sported left the top half their faces a brown that reminded me of dead leaves, and the lower half that looked like the same off-white as the grimy tiles. The two colors were divided by a thin strip of black that ran from the corner of their eyes down their flanks.

Even before my eyes drifted to the impressive lengths hanging between toned runner's legs, I found them attractive. Avant garde street art was something I loved and felt made a real difference, but to see furs like these gazelles or Dimitri - especially when they were naked - made me wonder if I should have been a portrait artist.

The gazelle waved a hand in front of my eyes. "Hello? Ellie?"

I blinked. "Yeah. Sorry. Oh, I prefer Elliot, if that's ok with you."

The two gazelles exchange a look that was hard to read. "Sure, Elliot," the taller one said. "I'm Jess and he's Blair." The other gazelle waved, but his eyes were fixed on the towel wrapped around my waist. Fair enough. I was already leering at them.

"This is Dimitri," I looked up at him with a half smile. I didn't need to introduce him, but after what happened to me at lunch, I felt a lot safer if they knew who it was who had my back.

"We know," Jess said. "The wolf we talked to said we should find you in the company of a big tiger. He neglected to mention just how big." I knew where Jess had his eyes now. Blair tapped his shoulder and they exchanged another cryptic look. "Would you care to join us?" Jess asked Dimitri.

"No," Dimitri growled.

"That is a shame," Jess said. He motioned me to follow him.

"No." Dimitri pointed. "Corner stall."

Jess gave a nod. "Sure."

We all followed the tiger to the far end of the showers. Jess and Blair walked on either side of me. Both put their arms around my shoulders in near unison.

"We're going to be famous, you know?" Jess said to me. "We're in a band."

Blair spoke to me for the first time. "Coffee Dregs. Maybe you heard of us if you're from around New Cal."

I'd never heard of them. But I wouldn't want to upset a fur who was about to tuck me. "Sounds familiar. Did you ever have a gig at Club Gossip?" It was the nearest venue to where me and me ex-friends were squatting.

"No. Our sound is too extreme for a place like that," said Jess.

"Yeah. That's a place for DJs. Not real musicians," Blair was quick to add.

I bit my tongue. Everything in my nature urged me to point out how wrong they were. But again, my job was to make them cum, not rant about the universal validity of all forms of art. "Must be hard to book gigs anywhere when you're in prison." I tried to keep any bitterness out of my voice.

Jess and Blair laughed. "Are you kidding?" Jess asked. "This is a great career move for us."

We reached the stall and Blair leaned in, his mouth mouth touching my ear. "Do a good job and maybe we'll write a song about it."

I yelped as Jess yanked my towel off and pushed me under the running water. I growled softly and brushed the wet hair from my eyes. Jess had his arms around Blair. The two of them exchanging a deep kiss. I glanced over the low tiled wall. Dimitri was watching with only the slightest interest as he lathered shampoo into his striped fur.

Jess and Blair broke apart. Their cocks were glistening with more than just water. Together they pointed down and I knew what I had to do. It filled me with disgust to kneel on the germy floor, not that I had any alternatives. Blair's strong fingers tapped along my muzzle. The water stung my eyes as it trickled through my hair but I tried to watch the gazelles, partly out of fear and partly just to witness the ascetic beauty of the subtle caresses they traded.

Blair looked down at me. "You know who he reminds me of? That one groupie. You remember her?"

Jess squinted, studying me. "That one at the motel up north."

"Yeah. When it rained all weekend." Blair's dick poked my lips. I opened wide, something I should have done sooner but I was trying to follow their conversation and figure out why I was reminding Blair of a female. Blair moaned at the motions of my tongue.

"Don't bring her up. That vixen took six hits of that acid we had. She was fuckin' brain dead by the time I got my cock in her." Jess wasn't waiting for me to finish with Blair. He moved in close, their hips pressed together as he angled his dick against my cheek. "Open up, Elliot." I choked on Blair, his long shaft coated in my spit as I hurried to start on Jess.

Jess grabbed a handful of my hair, stopping me from going all the way down on him. I watched as he gave Blair another long kiss before getting back to me. "Suck us both at the same time. We have this contest to see who shoots their load first."

"Yes, sirs," I said instinctively. Their cocks were already pressed together from the way they embraced, but it was still pushing the limits of how much could fit in my mouth. One of them helped, pushing on the back of my head until it was physically impossible to take them any deeper.

Jess laughed at my groans, "you're going to want to try harder, Elliot. See me and my brother play this game where the one that shoots first has to suck you off, while the winner fucks you from behind."

I choked again, not on cock this time. Did they just say they were brothers? My sensitive fox ears picked up an interested hum from Dimitri's direction. Whether it was the incestuous make-out session, or inspiration for some new sadistic game he thought up, I could not tell.

It was taking longer than usual. Neither one wanting to lose, and I wasn't able to get them a deep as I was used to. My jaw started hurting as the minutes ticked by, Blair was digging his fingers through my hair, Jess pulled on my ear, causing me to moan every time he gave it a sharp tug that came when his pleasure spiked. Precum ran down my throat, they were leaking so much.

I was trained too well to think of asking for a break. Instead I took a risk and brought my hands up, one to fondle each gazelle. Nothing extravagant, just trailing my nails over their taints. Blair's moans grew louder and the hold on my hair tighter.

I tried letting them know it was starting to hurt, but my strangled voice was lost beneath the running water and their own screams of ecstasy. My hands frantically reached further between their legs, ghosting upwards through their glorious canyons to the bases of their stubby tails. It was working, between my hands and overworked mouth I felt Jess starting to buck his hips.

Jess hissed and pushed his brother away. Blair proclaimed victory as Jess rammed my face, flooding my mouth with his seed. I struggled to swallow everything but Jess was now solely focused on himself, carelessly pumping even after his last spurts. When he was done with my mouth, he pushed me away.

Blair was laughing, still rock hard. "I win." Without giving me time to catch my breath, I was being pulled off the floor and push against the slick walls.

I whimpered at the touch of Blair's fingers, loosening me. He proved how good of a musician he must have been, expertly finding the sweet spot he was looking for. I was already hard, a natural reaction to the taste of the cocks that were just in my mouth. My pleasure doubled when Jess slid between me and the wall, sandwiching me between the two gazelles.

I moaned, burying my head into Jess's neck, my hands rubbing the wet fur over his taut chest. Jess grabbed hold of my muzzle, jerking my head up and roughly invading my mouth as his brother began pushing into my other hole. The taste of his tongue mingled with that of Blair's cum. I thought I was in heaven.

Jess sank in front of me, unbothered by the unhygienic state of the floor. When I felt his hot, wet mouth take me, I almost went crazy. Blair's arms locked around me, holding me as my limbs turned to jello. The two gazelles fell into a rhythm that had me shrieking with every thrust and suck. A week's worth of pent up frustration splattered into Jess, my full body shuddering tipped Blair over the edge and I felt him flooding into me.

Panting to catch my breath, I wiped the water from my eyes again. Blair pulled out with a sweet tickle that made me sad it was over. The two gazelles left me slumped under the running water, thanking me for a good time - something few furs ever bothered to do - and treating me to another view of them exchanging affections that were anything but brotherly.

When I looked up, Dimitri was leaning over the low wall, grinning faintly. I smiled right back, getting the feeling my day wasn't over just yet.