Rent Money

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Rent Money





by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

All rights reserved © 2016.

Characters © their players.


Coming Up Short

The black and purple husky looks glumly at the envelope on the kitchen table. His paws fidget against the legs of the wooden chair he is sitting on. Yash slumps forward, his odd, green coloured nose nudging at the soft white paper as he sighs at it. The young man already knows what is inside it. After his housemate left last month he has been dreading this day. The combined rent and utilities bill sent by his wonderful landlord. It is not a small sum by any stretch of the imagination, especially for one young dog's minimum wage income.

Finally, he picks up the envelope and tears it open with a single extended claw. The folded sheet falls out into his free hand and he opens it up. Reading it elicits a soft growl that ends in a whimper. It is even more than he expected after trying to keep all gas and electrical usage to a minimum. Perhaps having a second body inside really does help keep the place warm. And the nights are only going to grow long and colder now that they are far passed the summer solstice.

There is temptation to break down, cry or rage at the unfairness of it all. Yash has done nothing wrong, he has always worked hard, played by the rules and done right by others to the best of his ability. Yet now he is faced with the reality of potentially being evicted. Even if he were to find someplace to moonlight and work even harder than he already does, there simply is not enough time to make another month's wages. And besides, even if he were to use a loan, does he really want to work himself to the point of losing fur from the stress of it all? No, that is no way to live.

But, there are always options. Possibilities that he explored in his late teens but never went too far with. Yash has always possessed a certain charm, both in very physical assets and that ineffable quality that is an emergent property of a semi-flamboyant personality. He knows how to entice and tease, especially other males. After all, Yash a is young, handsome, and most definitely virile canine, as some of his favourite after dark toys could attest if they had the capacity.

Deciding on his next course of action, the husky gets up on his feet and walks into the adjacent dressing room. He snatches his laptop off of the coffee table and sits down on the sofa before booting it up. Looking around him as the screen starts glowing he can understand why this is not a home made for just one soul. But if he is unable to procure a new housemate, then he will just have to outsource a second person's fiscal contribution to meeting the rent.

Yash starts the internet browser in its privacy mode and navigates to a site called Black Roses. This is only the second time he has visited the site, though he has already heard so much about it. It was originally a real place and business, still is in a way, that served as a melting pot of physically fit young men and an aged though cash flushed clientele. Black Roses has morphed a great deal since those halcyon days. Now they offer a great more range in who they cater to and what kind of deviants and eccentrics they entertain. However, its core purpose remains the same, to connect the beautiful and the rich.

'Well here goes nothing.' Yash says to himself as he starts dragging one tastefully self-taken photograph after the next onto his nascent profile. The website's interface recognises the images, uploads and processes them automatically.

Before Yash has even finished with the last photo the notification icon lights up in the corner of the browser window. The young man finishes setting up the media on his erotic portfolio before clicking on the icon. A new message sent from someone called SilverFox69. The husky sighs a bit, but clicks on the message anyway. He reads its rushed contents and now moves on to look at the sender's own profile. Yash is not at all impressed and dismisses the message without even doing the courtesy of replying.

Minutes pass as he trawls through one profile after the next. Even with whilst squinting he is unable to bring himself to see any of these men so far as being especially attractive to him, or anyone else. These are the kind with money but little else. In spite of his predicament the handsome husky is unable to seriously consider doing anything of an intimate nature with these gentlemen, no matter how fat their wallets are. But, desperation comes in many forms and as he is almost ready to take a break and resort to just feeling sorry for himself, one of the profiles catches his eyes.

The first photo, as part of the profile's heading, just shows his head and neck. A saurian of greys and dark cobalts, with a somewhat elongated and armoured skull, no hair, and an arrangement of four horns extending horizontally back. He looks to be at least I his prime, and with alluring azure eyes too. Yash clicks and scrolls, scanning the first few words before coming to full body pictures. The husky's tongue sticks out, subtly panting at what he sees of topless photos showing a firm and toned body. Nothing gregarious like a bodybuilder, but tight and capable like an olympic swimmer.

All of this looks too good to be true. Why would someone with a body and a face like that need to pay for sex? This vexes him so the canine starts looking more closely, not just at the photos but reading the biography and various demographic details that the site suggests its clientele fill in. It does not take Yash very long to put two and two together. They tried to obfuscate the one downside, the problem that must get in the way of any normal one night stands or gaining any fuck buddies. It's the size of him that's a problem. Of course a dinosaur would be much taller than any normal mammalian anthro.

This revelation is double sided for Yash. On the one hand, or paw, he has always had a thing for bigger guys in both meanings. However, he has also never had to tussle with anyone bigger than a stallion or a rhinoceros. This person is so tall that he is unable to fit in most doorways and there are omitted details about what he is packing between those scaly, digitigrade legs. The husky considers himself to be accommodating among the lovers he has had so far, but is he ready to really push, or rather stretch, himself for some extra cash?

Yash is already writing the first message before he has even completed that thought.


Disposable Income

The White Rose is obviously a part of the Black Roses legacy. Likely run by a few diehards who consider the old ways more romantic, or organic, probably a little of both really and not far off the mark. Yash enters through the front door, an enYash that he notices is tall and wide enough to accommodate all sorts. The vestibule is drab but the door to the lobby is electronically locked, forcing Yash's attention to a small touchscreen by the side. On the screen is the first of a series of questions designed to verify the person and appointment that has been schedule for them. He diligently works through them until it accepts he is who he already knows himself to be and the door unlocks.

Inside, the canine finds himself in an environment that to him appears far more upscale and even plush. There is even a chandler over his head as he looks around at what can only be the lobby of The White Rose. With leather seating, aforementioned decorative lighting and a carpet that feels rich, but not shaggy underneath his paws. Ignoring the couple other people who are waiting, the canine walks straight for the large, polished, mahogany desk and the receptionist behind it who stands guard over the big door that probably leads to the different rooms, and probably a bar too.

'H-Hello?' Yash asks, his voice cracking a little as he only now realises just how daunted he is by this place.

'Hello cutie.' The receptionist replies, a big cat of indeterminate species and even less determinate gender. He, or she, is dolled up and dressed more like a a nobleman, or woman, from a French court than the employee of a contemporary business. 'What can I, or we, do you for?'

'I'm here to see someone.'

'We all are. Number?' The last word is spoken with a decided lack of the flirtatious cadence from just before.

'Oh, right. I think I'm 429?' Yash answers with obvious mental strain. It feels a little like he is an inmate whilst the receptionist dials him up.

'Down the hallway, through the second vestibule, take a left and look for the red door at the end on the right.' He says and points to the door leading to the aforementioned hallway.

'Thank you.'

Yash's black fur along the back of his neck is standing on end as he navigates the labyrinth of corridors that comprise The White Rose. His canine ears can pick up on the faintest of sounds, muffled by noise cancelling wall insulation. He picks up on different sounds and smells as he walks through the lit corridors. They give him an impression of the deprave acts occurring behind all of these tall, foreboding doors. Clearly business is good here. This understanding of the kind place he is in both excites and worries the dog. But he presses on regardless until finally reaching his door.

The first thing that Yash notices is just how big the enYash to his reserved room is. Not only wide, but exceptionally, reaching almost eight metres. Even in an urbane and demographically rich city such as this there are only a few buildings that are built to accommodate such persons with exceptional height. This is one of them, and this room seems to be one specifically accommodating such giants among the populace. Once again the dog's chest is heavy with the twin thrills of hopeful expectation and trepidation.

Something must have noticed the husky's presence as automated locks slide into the unlock position as he reaches out for the handle. Looking over his shoulder and at the recesses where the walls join the ceiling he thinks he can spy tiny cameras. Apparently everyone is monitored, something that could be just as easily used for blackmail as ensuring the clientele's safety. He braces himself and pushes the brass handle down, opening the door and putting one paw forward.

Inside, the room is dimly lit, with most of the light coming from the corridor, shining around the dog's body and spilling out. Yash gulps, his nervousness getting the better of him as he lets go of the door handle and continues advancing. There is enough light, and his predator eyesight keen enough, that he recognises a couch and a table, some ornamentation and picture frame, as well as an unlit fireplace. He realises that this is in fact only one room, adjacent to another that is divided by a curtain. Yash finds the light switch and shuts the door before heading on to investigate the other room beyond the partition.

'Hello?' Yash asks as he approaches the curtain with one hand hovering to touch it.

'Is that you?' A voice booms from the other side in reply. The dog takes a step back as he feels the ground tremble under the advance of someone from the other side.

The curtain is pulled to the side and more light is shone into the room as Yash finally sees his employer for the evening, for the first time. Dinosaurs, of any particular variety, are not especially common in this region. Years ago there was some amount of xenophobia that prevented any cultural or practical integration for a long time. Not that the smaller species, even the predatory ones, dared to engage in open warfare even with the advancement of armaments. Reptiles, and, in particular, the giants that the dinosaurs are, have always been seen as less civilised beasts best left to their own devices. That was until the last century that led to globalisation and homogenisation of all the peoples on the continent.

'Is something wrong?' The six-metre tall ankylosaur asks, his azure eyes peering down at the cowering canine who is almost stumbling over himself.

'S-S-Sorry.' Yash fumbles his words. No foreknowledge could prepare him and it is only now that he realises he has never had to interact with one of these people before.

'Err, maybe you should sit down before you fall down.' He suggests, genuinely concerned about the dog.

'Yeah, yeah.' Yash goes back to one of the seats in the first room and sits down, never taking his eyes off of the dinosaur who follows him into the first room proper.

'My name is Iscin. You're Yash, right?' The scaly man asks.

Yash nods, his eyes still bugged out and staring. The other man evidently has the same cobalt-hue scales and plate-like osteoderms along his face that were clear in his profile's portfolio picture. There can be no mistake that this is the man who is going to pay him to fornicate, as best any six-foot tall dog can with a twenty-foot tall reptile. It is quickly becoming obvious that he is staring far too much to be acceptable even with his obvious surprise and the husky now changes to staring at the carpet.

'I'm... sorry.' Iscin says, his hands clasped together in front of his waist, thumbs idly fiddling. 'This is clearly not comfortable for you.'

'No!' Yash barks, his eyes once more on the big man. 'It's not you. I just need a little time.'

'Ah, well, would music help?'

'Maybe. What have you got?' Yash asks, his hackles beginning to calm down.

'Jazz?' The ankylosaurs suggestions with a smile.


Making A Deposit

Music, some small talk and stoking the fire has calmed Yash back down. Although still very obviously intimidated by his customer's immense size the canine actually feels socially comfortable with him now. Iscin is considerate and eloquent, ensuring that the husky is under any distress from the shock of that first encounter from behind the curtain. However, their conversation is now inexorably turning to the actual reason both of them are here at The White Rose.

'So, do you have any experience?' Iscin asks, leaning forward in a conspiratorial slouch.

'Some. I guess. Had a couple flings and... compliments.' Yash says with a blush, keenly aware that the immense reptile is sizing him up, almost like a piece of meat.

'Well, penetration is obviously out of the question. At least from me to you.' The ankylosaur says with a chuckle. 'But I think we can work something out. Do you mind taking off your clothes for me?'

He knew that this moment was coming. Where the preamble of it all fades and he has asked to perform his duty in providing a service for the man that is going to pay him. The price was already agreed upon, all he has to do now is make sure that this giant does not leave this evening with blue-balls and the husky will have all the money he needs for his rent. He nods in acquiescence and gets up on his paws whilst the dinosaur remains seated, yet still superseding the dog's meagre height.

'Make it a show. I like being teased.' Iscin says with both eyes glued to the small dog.

Yash begins like so many do, by unbuttoning his shirt. The flashy garment is blazoned with more dynamic colours than his own black and purple fur with speckles of blue and green. As he shrugs it off his shoulders the canine reveals a lithe yet toned torso. His pectorals and abdomen flex as he bends and twists, limbering up with both paws running over and smoothing down fur along his chest and belly. This all feels so silly to him as he turns and poses. He is no bodybuilder or ballet dancer, but he knows how to show off his handsome and salubrious body well enough.

With his top now naked, but for the fur, Yash starts to ponder his pants. They are long and baggy, hanging almost over his paws, with zippers and chains on them. He realises now how ridiculous they are for this kind of thing as he fumbles with the buckle, all the while shaking his butt for the man he is here to please. Finally he gets the belt undone and undoes the top button. With both thumbs underneath his waist, and back turned to the voyeuristic dinosaur, he starts to pull them down.

The dinosaur's eyes light up as he a near perfect moon rises up from out of those damnable leggings. Iscin has seen a great many attractive rears in his time and this dog's bubble butt easily ranks in the top five. There is a temptation to reach out and pinch it between finger and thumb right now. But, he resists and allows the canine to continue with his show as his pants ruffle down between his digitigrade feet. He carefully steps away from and now kicks them off to the side before resuming a gently swaying motion, tail wagging and arms now reaching around to stretch out either of his furry cheeks.

'Is this how you want to see me?' Yash asks, head looking back between his legs as he bends forward presenting his anus and much more besides for the dinosaur to inspect.

'A bit small for me. But like any great work of art, I can appreciate it without ruining it with my hands.' Iscin says and encourages the dog to continue.

He is still blushing as he lets go of his buttocks and turns around to face his client. Without even really meaning to his unusually coloured dog dick is already poking out from its black, furry sheath. The tip is oozing a clear fluid as he moves his pas down between his legs and starts by fondling his nuts. More of the husky's dick surges from out of its hiding place as he moans quietly, just loud enough that the dinosaur can hear.

'Stroke it for me.' Iscin asks.

Like a good dog he obeys. With one hand still playing with his balls, the dog now starts squeezing the upper half of his blue bat. It keeps growing in length and girth, its pointed tip reaching past his belly button as his hand becomes wet with pre-ejaculate. After a good minute of self-loving the dog's thick and knotty base finally pops free, his entire not inconsiderate endowment now throbbing free in the air.

The ankylosaur has been watching all of this but not doing anything to address his own arousal. As the dog finally looks back without even a trace of the shyness from just moments ago, now that his dick is rock hard, he notices something different about the reptile's crotch. Observing this, the dinosaur leans back in his seat and starts undoing the cusp of his pants. The monstrous thing that quite suddenly and without any fanfare springs out is not for those with a weak stomach. Yash is almost physically taken back even as his turgid dick jumps in his paw. It thuds softly against the edge of the armchair before stopping at a resting position.

'Now stroke this.' The dinosaur commands yet another of those grins Yash is fast becoming familiar with.

Just a smidgen of the smaller man's fear is returning to him. Yash turns to look back at the door, very obviously contemplating bailing on all of this now. It is one thing to do a striptease, quite another to come into physical contact with another man who has a dick that can tear him in half if he were so inclined. He has to remind himself to calm down now before he really does panic. There has been no mention of penetration, and besides, even an establishment as degenerate as The White Rose would surely not tolerate patrons quite literally spearing one another to the point of death.

'H-How do you want me to do it?' Yash asks, his hands now staying on either side of his person, ready to take his command.

'Whatever is comfortable for yourself. Just so long as I get my happy ending.' The massive man unhelpfully clarifies whilst reclining back even more into his appropriately sized armchair.

Yash feels less like predator and more like dumb prey as he walks up to the sitting leviathan. The dinosaur's tremendous todger looks like it is semi-hard. Although that assessment might be off as the dog reaches forward and lifts up the fat head of the scaly dick. It is soft, the digits of his paws sinking into the flesh as he lifts the weighty organ. Being this close to it the dog can also now get the full experience of the saurian's manly musk as it rises up like heat off of a sunbaked desert.

All of a sudden the reptile's rod grows in length, girth and firmness. As the tip of the not quite so aerodynamic spear pokes into the dog's belly he notices it lifting up from his hands. Either this is Iscin fully erect, or the dog has grossly underestimated how monstrous his semi truly is. He freezes and just stares as it lifts up, gaining a more vertical elevation as Iscin groans and runs one hand along the topside of his aching pillar of erogenous meat. With increasingly hazy eyes the reptile is still staring at the naked canine, his awed reaction serving as the catalyst to Iscin's gigantic arousal.

'Actually, I've changed my mind.' Iscin now says. 'Come around and get on my lap.'

The ankylosaur's end-burdened tail sweeps along the floor until it is pushing and guiding Yash to approach around the side. Bewildered, submissive and still very horny, the dog does as he is told and starts clambering on up. Iscin hooks the husky in with his right arm, pulling him up until Yash's furry back and tickling against the saurian's chest, his pointed ears only just coming up underneath bigger man's pectorals. He feels more like a child than a grown man, but Yash is far more interested at the intercontinental missile his legs are now dangling around.

'Fuck.' Yash whispers. He is still struggling to adjust to the scale of it. It must be nearly four feet long.

'Not likely. But why don't you try hugging it.' The big man suggests, his deep voice coming so close as it forces the dog's ears to reflexively flatten.

'O-Okay.' Yash whimpers.

He does not so much shuffle as falls forwards, body slamming into the dinosaur's tremendous endowment. His chin brushes against the broad and drooling head as his arms and legs dangle around the engorged tower of hot, virile flesh pressing against the soft fur of his chest and belly. However, the most sensitive sensation comes from between his belly and the base of the ridged dick he is now straddling against. Without even meaning to the canine is frotting with the massive man. Looking down he blushes and whimpers at the sight of his own knotty rod against the bunker buster as they both visibly throb to one another's heartbeats.

What comes next is almost instinctual despite how bizarre and unnatural the pairing of two males of such radically different heights and endowments is. Both furry arms grip as tight as they can around and near the glands of the dinosaur's colossal cock as Yash starts to hump it vertically. His eyes rolling their sockets as the dog rubs his stiff twig against the tree trunk he has both arms and legs around, his furry sac dragging behind. Everything is noise, throbbing and an increasing amount of pre-ejaculate that lubricates everything and lessens the friction.

'You have no idea how good it feels to somebody else do that. Keep going.' Iscin commands as he stays reclined, watching the dog's bubble butt bounce as he makes those rapid but short movements. 'Yeah, good doggy.'

Yash does as he is told, his feet now pushing against Iscin's thighs, whilst his arms try to stroke more around the dino dick. From his perspective, it is beginning to feel like he is taking a very musky shower with the shower head gurgling just beneath his chin. The dog arfs, tail wagging as he excitedly picks up the pace. While he humps his dick against the midsection of the ankylosaur's enormous erection, the husky begins nuzzling into and lapping at the foundation of musky, virile juices pouring forth from the fat head. Somehow in all of this excitement and throes of passion he has become forgetful as to his fears from just moments ago.

The dinosaur has become hot and bothered by the dog's increasingly enthusiastic attempts to stimulate him. His deteriorating state of self-control now results in reaching out with both hands and engulfing the canine's bubbly buttocks. It is comically small for the ankylosaur, but his fingers start kneading all the same. Yash moans with his wet nose pressed against the engorged leviathan and changes his thrusting so as to stick his pert furry ass out with at the alternating end of his thrusting. Eagerly offering his sphincter to a fat, probing finger as the dinosaur teases in reciprocation of the smaller man's work on the other side.

Veins are beginning to pop out near the base of the four-foot fucklog which Yash can feel underneath his arms. He guesses that the saurian must be close to his endurance. This assessment has some vindication by the increasingly rough handling of his plump furry tush. The husky decides that he wants to finish this now, not just for the monetary payout but the one serving his own curiosity as he looks up at the high rise ceiling and wonders just how far the dinosaur can project his seed.

'Yes, faster!' Iscin encourages, his deep voice trembling with pent up desire, his entire body yearns for release now.

Soaked through with the bigger male's copious juices, the husky has to put some real elbow work to generate friction now. With a little fumbling he interlocks both of his arms together, now pressing his torso firm against the hot and wet beast before him. There is simply too much spurting of pre-ejaculate for him to see properly with all of the fur on his face now wet and sticky. Yet even with this impediment he continues on regardless. By applying his arms, legs and entire torso he does not so much hump as slides his entire body as quickly as he can whilst maintaining as tight a grip as his toned arms can maintain.

It feels as though the room is shaking but really it is just the dinosaur beneath him. The armchair creaks, the husky slides and the reptile groans with tremendous arousal. His thighs are positioned so as they are pulling in against the ankylosaur's heavy hanging fruit. Because of this Yash can feel them tensing up. Their contents churn as they figuratively come to a boil. Everything on this heavy man is now tensing up. From broad scale-plated shoulders to individual digitigrade toes, his body flexes and heaves. Whilst his genitalia begins the tremendous task of sending their voluminous and virile contents surging up to erupt whoever it may be pointing; which right now is against the canine's pointy face.

'Do it!' Yash shouts as he braces himself, his dick still throbbing but not reaching its own critical state.

Like a landslide, it begins with mere pebbles. An extra discharge of clear pre-ejaculate hits Yash square in one eye. A second later he can feel the hot load as it shoots up the tremendous reptilian organ. Not only is it growing warmer, but it incrementally bulges out in circumference, the husky's position wrapped around it pitiful as acting as any form of stoppage. After the penultimate spurt comes the torrential blast of hot, white, jizz.

Everything turns white and now dark as the canine gets the first volley across his face and chin, much of it splashing back over his naked chest. He is forced to lean back, maw dripping with spunk from that first shot as more now whizz out and arc before reaching and splashing across the ceiling, walls and floor. The dog simply stares in quiet awe as one-half of the room is sequentially painted a very dirty shade of white.

There are eight or nine real big strings of dino baby batter before it starts to very quickly die off. Yash can physically feel the dinosaur relax underneath him whilst moaning quite loudly, his voice trailing off into nothing more than a gentle sigh. It is finally over. He has slain the beast which now starts shrinking and sagging forward. The dog very quickly lets go before it drags him over with it as it falls limply over the side of the armchair and slaps wetly between the ankylosaur's thighs.

Someone is going to have to clean this place up. That is almost all that the husky can think of as he surveys the impact sites. Not only are much of the furnishings now in a gooey mess, but some of those immensely powerful ejaculation shots even knocked over some of the ornaments and paintings that decorate the previously neat and ornate room. Yet the sight is almost nothing compared to the smell that is assaulting the canine's sensitive olfactory sense. It is rich with an acerbic, salty note that dominates the overall musk. Even after significant cleaning, that smell may well take days to truly remove.

'Thank you.' Iscin rumbles as he starts moving again. He pulls the colourful canine back so as to rest against him. 'I'll make sure you get your payment first thing in the morning.'

'You're welcome.' Yash replies with a half-whimper whilst looking down at his own still very hard erection. 'The customer always comes first...'

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