The Foot Wolf's Harem

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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What, you didn't know that one of the basic hospitalities of Aparajita (Mongoose Court city) is the offer of a harem to any guest? Well, neither did FA: WhiteWolf009 but he's sure as hell taking advantage of the royal treatment.

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The Foot Wolf's Harem For Diego By Draconicon

Diego groaned as he stepped foot into the little manor he'd been provided. The vines along the door were sprinkled with small flowers that took away some of the heated incense in the air, and as he stepped inside, an old spell activated. The sudden coolness that surrounded him, the way that he no longer felt weighed down by a sun's worth of heat, almost made him collapse in sheer relief.

"I really need to read up on my employer's homeland before just accepting a job."

He grumbled as he shucked off his coat, the many different tools on it and in it clattering about as it was laid against the wall. His shirt came off next, and his nose wrinkled at how wet it looked when it hit the floor. He'd need a bath, for sure.

His pants went down next, and he sighed as they came free. The hole around the crotch - burned away by his over-eager employer - was a problem, but he had other pairs, and it might just be fixable. At any rate, having them off was a signal to his body to relax, and that was what he planned to do.

Now, just gotta pick who I'm relaxing with...

The white wolf walked out of the small entry room into the yellow-tiled social room. A few of his...well, he supposed he should call them what they were.

His harem lounged about, at least a quarter of them in this room alone. The nude males looked up at him and smiled as he walked in, bowing their heads in respect from couches and from the floor as he got closer.

"Hey, everyone. Have you seen Thrent around anywhere?"

A horse - named Rizh, he recalled - nodded and pointed towards one of the bedrooms in the back of the house. Diego nodded in return.

"Thank you."

He smiled a bit further as he walked deeper into the manor. As he passed through the main hall, he glanced side to side, and chuckled as he saw multiple big-footed males enjoying each other's company. Most of it was naughty, but here and there he saw some rather loving couples together. Including, at one point, two crocodile twins that looked like they were snuggling the day away.

Suppressing his cooing reaction, he made his way towards the bedrooms at the back of the manor. The cooling enchantment had almost rendered him chilled, due to all the sweat stuck in his fur, and he was debating between getting a traditional bath, or something more...enjoyable.

When he reached his own bedroom, and saw Thrent laid out on his bed, he made his decision.

Diego leaned against the doorframe, chuckling to himself as he looked at the big red dragon. He was over eight feet tall, which meant that his big scaly feet hung over the edge of the bed, and as the dragon was laying on his back - wings spread out like additional blankets - it meant that his talon-tipped toes were pointed straight towards the ceiling. The wolf licked his lips at the little droplets that ran down the underside of the scaly soles, and smirked as he walked into the room.

Thrent didn't react to his presence, and continued to lay his head back against the pillows, and Diego took advantage of that to really enjoy the sight of the dragon's body. It was rather magnificent, and it was such a pity that the dragon had to be here under a coercion spell. There was just no way for him to really serve as a harem slave with his normal mind-set. He was too arrogant, and too angry, to be trusted as one.

He looked at the foci of the spell, the two toe rings that the dragon wore and the cock ring around the base of his shaft. It didn't encircle his balls, like most cock rings did, but instead wrapped around the base, much like a normal ring would around a finger. The golden bands showed off the red scales all the better, Diego felt, and he smiled as he enjoyed the look, his own sheath starting to plump up in reaction.

As he fondled himself, he stepped a bit closer again, leaning forward and taking a couple of sniffs of the dragon's feet. They were heavily musky, as they should have been. Part of his rewards for serving the royal family was to keep the harem as well-trained and well-scented as he wanted, and the dragon had obviously been following that order. The scales were sweaty and damp, and as he finally touched his emerging cock-tip against the soles, he felt how slimy they were, as well.

Thrent finally opened his eyes at that contact, and Diego smiled down at him. The red dragon looked puzzled for a second, then the enchantment kicked in and his eyes filled with worship for the white wolf.

"How may I serve you, Master?"

Chuckling, he slipped onto the bed, shaft still slowly growing out of his sheath. However, he turned and presented his feet, instead, wiggling his toes at the dragon's face.

"You can start by licking my feet clean, Thrent. I've had a very long day, and it's been very hot. They need a good cleaning before they start to smell and chase off the people I'm trying to follow."

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master, for letting me work with your feet."

It was just a little disconcerting to have a dragon saying that, but Diego had gotten used to it. The trade-offs with the mental conditioning meant that the dragon would be more subservient than someone that was naturally inclined, but it also kept him safe and kept him from making his superiors angry.

Better than the alternatives, I suppose, Diego thought, remembering a few other locations that kept harem slaves and didn't treat the disobedient ones nearly so well.

He soon put that out of his mind, focusing more on the feeling of that thin, slender tongue working over his soles. He sighed happily as he leaned his head back, letting his breath slow down as that tongue flicked over his pads, over his toes. Each little lick left the bottoms of his feet feel a bit cooler, a bit less inflamed after all the walking around he'd done.

Soon, he felt the dragon leaning in even closer, and he opened one eye to watch as Thrent started sniffing at his feet as well. Diego chuckled, closing his eyes again to focus on the feeling of that hot breath washing over his feet, passing between his toes.


He fondled himself to the sensation, squeezing the base of his cock as it finally emerged from his sheath. The feeling of his dragon enjoying himself so much, the sensation of having his feet veritably worshipped, never failed to excite him.

He squeezed himself more, faster, dragging his hand up and down his cock to the time of the dragon's licks along his feet. Slowly, he started to squirm, pushing one foot against the dragon's cheek while the other was licked, then doing the same with the other foot. He could feel both getting cleaner and least, of sweat.

When he opened his eyes next, his feet were drenched with spit, and he chuckled to himself.

"Looks like you've gotten me all wet down there, little dragon."

"Sorry, Master."

"Don't apologize. I like it."

He smiled as he dragged his feet down the big dragon's body, always a little amazed at how much bigger than him Thrent was. The size difference only made it that much more interesting when he played with his harem slave, and when he brought his toes down far enough, he felt that at least one part of the dragon enjoyed it.

He drummed his toes along the dragon's erection, feeling it throb against him. It was such a hot, thick piece of meat, and he grinned as he dragged his feet up and down the sides of it. Soon, the spit along his soles was mixed with a fair bit of pre, and he started rubbing his feet together, mixing the pre in between his toes. The feeling of the hot, thick dragon cock between his feet was a lovely by-product of that.

"Mmm, do you want to have your master get you off?"

"Mmmph...please, sir..."

"Please what, Thrent? Say it."

"Please, give me your feet, Master. Let me serve them by oiling them up with my cum..."

"Heh...there you go, my boy. Was that so hard?"

The dragon groaned as the wolf went to work, gradually sliding his feet up and down that cock. It was so big, so long, so thick that even his meaty feet couldn't quite get around it completely. Even if he stood up, he doubted he'd be able to cover the whole shaft with his foot, but that wasn't what he was trying to do, anyway.

He went through every step, from grinding his foot right against the head while supporting it with the other foot to shoving it down and grinding it against the dragon's belly. The shaft was so big that the tip seemed to slip right into the dragon's belly button, which collected all that pre oozing out easily.

The wolf chuckled, dipping his toe in after it, and then lifting his foot up to the dragon's lips.

"Suck it clean."

Thrent obeyed, and the wolf groaned in pleasure for himself, stroking his cock faster as his toe was sucked, as that cock throbbed under his own foot.

It didn't take long to push the dragon over the edge to orgasm. In little less than a minute, the big red dragon came hard, arching his back and shooting a massive load all over himself. He never stopped sucking on Diego's toe, and in short order, the wolf joined him, cumming hard all over the dragon's cock.

He settled back, smiling at his cum-covered harem dragon, at his cum-soaked feet...and his cock throbbed, begging for more action.

"And this is why I have a harem..."

He chuckled as he got to his feet, shaking his head. If he remembered right, Mhowa the rhino was free at the moment, and he might be able to get one of the crocodile twins in bed as well...

Ah well, he had options, at the very least.

The End

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