Lab Time

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#13 of Adult Commissions

There are labs, probing, tortures and groping. A delicious scene set against the backdrop of Eludoran.

Aria's Rounds

_Commissioned by: Fabius from SoFurry Written by: CrimsonStar _

It was another boring day for Aria, a dainty ferret of honey colored eyes. The repetitive hum of the screens and the quiet skittering of the machinery behind her did little to make the chore of her work easier to carry. She was reading a book, it was the third time she had gone over it, a well written piece regarding a traveling Aven bard.

She quickly screened the monitors in front of her before returning to her reading. She frowned and looked back up briefly. Cell 32: Andural, age 7. A sleek wolf cub of garnet fur and jet-black claws. His contrasting tones were not without beauty, but those obsidian paws were caused by a congenital disorder that actually made him frail. Perhaps that was why he hadn't been adapting too well, yet his dull eyes reveal that he won't suffer for much longer. They are withering already, losing their spark and turning... empty, like many others. Cell 21: Whiplash, age 9. A skinny jackal-jerboa hybrid with a long, lean tail, dirt colored fur and a rather frisky temper. One of the thinnest of the complex. He was awake and appeared to be practicing his stances, which looked awfully grim when performed by his rawboned body. Aria looked down at her registry, and there she was: Lorelei, age 9. A fox of deep silvery coat and sleek complexion with nothing but a white underside and a black-tipped tail to stain her otherwise pristine fur. She looked back up. The inmate was holding stance # 6, balancing herself on one foot with her arms lifted over her head in a half stretch. She'd learnt to do that as a means to tease the staff. Whenever she did it, she usually wanted something, even if sometimes all she wanted was some attention.

Aria looked lazily at the clock, her break was almost over. She took a deep breath and leaned forward. She looked down at her console and pushed the intercom button.

"Fox girl, assume stance #2. We have a few tests to run."

Just as the invisible voice commanded, Lorelei rose her arms completely and stretched upwards while standing on the tips of her paws. With a cracking sound, a titillating rain of multicolor lights shone on the room, cyclically snapping while producing a map of Lorelei's body on Aria's console

"Keep the stretch tight." Coldly echoed in the room again.

Lorelei noticed she'd been relaxing her posture. She tensed again, hoping it wouldn't merit her a punishment. A slew of new machinery rose from the floor, these tubes were thinner, but their tips sharper and made of metal.

"Assume stance #3." Came Aria through the speaker.

Lorelei swallowed and shifted, stretching her arms and legs further apart to allow for the procedure to continue. She let out a soft groan and locked her position just as a swarm of tiny needles erupted into action over her body. One after another, the hypodermic apparatuses spurted vaccines into her flesh in a rhythmic mechanical manner. Most inmates close their eyes and clench their teeth by this point, but Lorelei was different. Her eyes were wide open and her muzzle hinted a smirk as the needles coated her fur with a flock of dripping crimson dots. Her unwavering guise was a feat of bravery, yes. But her grin was an act of defiance.

Aria was remotely monitoring the process when she heard a soft thump and saw the door to her side open. Felix entered the room, he was a relatively short weasel. His fur dark brown and his eyes avid. He was Aria's workmate.

"Felix." She greeted politely.

"Hi Aria. How was your break?"

"Same as always. Yours?"

"Same as always."

The male weasel moved forward and took a seat next to her. He scanned the monitors briefly and then stopped on Lorelei. She was still holding stance #3 even though the procedure had finished. Felix found himself smiling softly. The visuals on the screen weren't anything particularly outstanding, but enough to give him a clear view of her languid body and audacious demeanor. Even after the time she'd spend in the facility, she still retained a rather interesting charm on her. At least on his eyes. He found himself exploring Lorelei´s figure with a conspicuous degree of attention, minding every single detail of her image.

"Stance #3 was always the hardest for me when I was in there." Said Aria softly.

Felix snapped out of his shallow daze. "Yeah, I didn't like that one very much either. I dreaded vaccines, not so much because of the process itself, but because I knew I would screw the stance and get punished."

"Mhm. What was the worst punishment you ever received?"

"Maybe this time I was force fed for like three entire months. I remember I was forced to eat two times every time. I would be fed, then they would force me to puke, and then I'd have to eat again."

Aria shrugged. "I think my worst was the extreme stretching. I remember my legs hurting like hell even a couple of weeks after."

Felix returned to the screens in front of him, trying to think of some other anecdote to tell. Even though his eyes were looking at the flickering images, his gaze was somewhere else: his own time in the kennels.

He wasn't sure if it was just a matter of perception, but it seemed to him like the needles back then had been bigger. Not only that, but to him the punishments had been harsher and the inmates weren't as... interesting. He remembered this canine female from his childhood in particular, they were often paired together, by chance perhaps, but at least a sliver of chemistry had developed between them. It was a strange relationship, on one hand his old friend was rather gentle and easygoing, something rare for those inside the kennels. He liked that, yet when it came to procedures, she was a nightmare, at times it even seemed like she took particular pleasure on the pain she was often ordered to inflict on him, the strong grip of her paws, the gratuitous sting of her claws, even the way she looked at him during the forced baths... It didn't seem like Lorelei was like that, and yet there was something about her contained smirks that reminded him of that distant memory.

"Stop drooling over my console." Demanded Aria with a fake serious tone.


"Felix, you're disgusting, she's an inmate."

"I- I know. It's not like that. I..."

"Oh, spare me the excuses. I know well enough you have the hots for that one. You and half of all the males in this damn place."

"It's not like that."

"Oh please, every time you come in here, the first thing you do is look at her cell."

Felix remained silent.

"You might aswell go fuck some livestock, maybe that wouldn't be as bad." Aria shook her head and chuckled. "Anyway, I'll give you some space. Gotta do the rounds anyway."

"Sure, okay..."

"Make sure you at least TRY to look at other screens, alright?"

"Hey Aria..."

"Spare me the excuses, you're disgusting." Said the ferret with a smirk while standing up.

Aria grabbed a pen, a small sheet of paper, and a glass of water before heading to the door. She walked briskly past the corridors that led down to the cells, still shaking her head at her companion's strange kinks.

She started with a quick inspection. Cell by cell she peeked inside, she saw five wolves in the first cells, then two felines, followed by another pair of aven and some skaven cubs. The end of solitary row held the two jewels of the facility: an elven specimen of around 10 years of age, he had pale skin and forest green eyes. He adopted stance #1 as soon as Aria came nearby. Right in front of his cell was a human female, she was about 9 years old. Fair skin and golden hair, she too spread her limbs to adopt stance #1 when Aria passed by.

After the initial rounds, she looked down at her sheet. "Ghost" was up for inspection. He was a bit of a handful, but not so hard to deal with. She put down her glass of water in a small tray next to his cell door and stepped in quickly. Ghost had already adopted stance #1, putting his paws behind his head and allowing for a full view of his milk-white fur and red eyes. Aria stood in and inspected Ghost from head to toe, somewhat absorbed by the unusual look of this albino tiger.

"We have some work to do, so let's make this quick." Aria sprouted.

Ghost seemed rather flustered by her sudden intrusion.

"Assume stance #2." Aria demanded.

Ghost immediately stretched his arms as far up as he could.

"Legs are too flaccid. Tense them up." Aria moved forward and softly moved her hand through the inmate's underbelly, starting near his pubis and ending at his sternum. "Flatten your stomach." She uttered, repeating the process as she noticed she was tickling him. "Make it harder. Keep your head high." She lowered her hands to the cub's thighs and measured them with her hand. "Better, now let's see stance #3."

The cub painfully spread himself completely.

"How do your legs feel?" Aria asked while moving around Ghost.

"They burn a bit."

"Your arms?"

"F-Fine... I think"

"Good. Keep that position."

Minutes passed as Ghost tried to hold his stance. Meanwhile, Aria prowled around him, checking on the tension of his extremities. First with soft bushings, then with hard pinches.

"Stance #4, now." Aria demanded.

Ghost thrusted his stomach forward as a soft whimper escaped his muzzle, fully exposing his torso.

"Seems like you got at least this one right." Aria commented coldly. "Keep your chin up. Change stances faster. Let's see #5."

The cub slowly lowered his arms and mildly relaxed his legs, as if nailed to an unperceivable cross.

"Not fast enough. Go back to #4." Aria waited while the kid moved. "Back to #5." Ghost was trembling slightly. "I said faster. Go back to #4." Aria waited an instant. "#5 again." Aria took down some notes. "Better. Now let's see stance #6."

Ghost balanced himself on one foot as he rose his arms above his head in an arc. He was breathing heavily and his body was involuntarily shaking.

"Hold that stance. If you let go, you'll be punished." Aria gathered her bearings and moved out of the room. Once there, she pushed the button on the intercom back at the entrance of the row.

"Felix, send two hounds in here to wash the one in cell 73." She smirked. "I'll tend to your favorite now, make sure you get a good look."

Aria let go of the intercom and after a few minutes two scrawny cubs came into the hallway. They greeted Aria politely and proceeded to enter Ghost's room. She peeked in from outside, the two cubs had moved in, their snouts held high as if sniffing the air. Aria couldn't hear what the hounds said, but she noticed Ghost somewhat shriveled as they drew nearer.

"What´s up, whitey?" Said one of the hounds as ghost stood in silence with his gaze lost in the floor.

"Seems like little snowflake is not up for a chat today either, huh?" Said the other while firmly grabbing Ghost´s arm.

The two hounds circled Ghost and soon began to spray him with water.

Satisfied, Aria walked down the row again until she got to Lorelei's cell. As Aria opened the door, Lorelei hurried to adopt stance #3. Aria moved in and proceeded to inspect Lorelei by raising her chin and coldy groping her body. Her silvery fur was flustered and tangled from the earlier manipulation she'd been subjected to, yet she still maintained some degree of dignity in her pose.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Wanna see me do all the stances?"

"Uh... no, vixen." Aria glared at the camera in the room. "I'm here to wash you."

"Oh, I see. Is there any reason for it?"

"It was scheduled. Spread a little bit more."


Two hoses descended from the ceiling and gushed with steady streams of water mixed with soap. Lorelei took a deep breath when the cold water hit her body, but otherwise maintained her stance immutably. Aria was sure that was just a way to show off. Most cubs actually groaned or lost their stance.

Mechanically, Aria began untangling and scrubbing Lorelei's fur. She started with her head and neck. Lorelei was tense, Aria could feel the hardened musculature of her shoulders under her paws. Her head was firm, she probed her skull for any wounds or anomalies, but it was clean as usual.

"You're being more thorough than before." Lorelei said in a soft voice.

"That's your impression. I'm just doing my job."

As Aria continued to scrub Lorelei, she eventually began descending to her lower back. The vixen responded by instinctively raising her tail and shifting her weight to the tips of her toes. Aria grunted and glared at Lorelei while descending to clean her buttocks and her legs. Lorelei's physique was impressive, even though she was a female, she put many of her male competitors to shame. She was doing surprisingly well, considering the rough start she had. Showing off, however, wasn't something Aria was fond of. If not for that, Lorelei and her would have probably been on better terms.

After a few minutes they were done with the bath and Aria stood up, walking back to the door.

"At rest, vixen."

"Yes ma'am."

Aria walked out of the room and a few doors down the hall to enter Whiplash's cell. He stretched himself to stance #3 as soon as he saw her.

"Whiplash. How are you doing?"

"H- Hi. I'm fine ma'am."

"Good. I'm here to wash you. Maintain that stance."

"Yes, ma'am."

Aria moved forward as the hoses began to spit water over Whiplash's body. However, soon after beginning to scrub, Aria stopped suddenly and stood up.

"You're thin. Even worse than last week."

"I don't know... I've been trying to gain weight."

"Clearly not hard enough. I'll schedule you for extra feeding today."

"What? Wait please, I don't think-"

"Assume stance #5. I'll also have you shaven."

As a feeding tube descended from the ceiling, Aria heard a knock on the window behind her. As she rose her eyes, she found a feline male cub waiting outside the cell, and a Mycene perched on his shoulder. The rapier the rat carried along with the golden earring on her ear gave her away as Lady Falarian. Aria glanced over Whiplash and moved out of the room. There she found that Pendarynn had came along too, a one-eyed weasel that lifelessly stood beside the Mycene and nodded politely when Aria came out.

"Lady Falarian, Pendarynn, what an honor to have you two here." Aria greeted, softly bowing before her visitors. "Is there anything I can do for you, m'lady?"

"Ah, you're too sweet. But not at present dear, I'm just here to look around, continue with your work for now."

"As you wish."

Aria returned to the cell, the metal door sliding behind her. She found that Whiplash had already assumed stance #4 and was holding it with some difficulty. Aria moved in and grabbed the thick feeding hose from the floor.

"Stay still, Whiplash. You're getting double today."

The jackal hybrid tried to say something as Aria jammed the feeding tube up his snout, thin lines of drool descended from the sides as the tube entered his muzzle.

Aria receded a few steps, threw a glance towards the window, and noticed that Lady Falarian continued to watch intently. A few minutes passed under the gushing hum of the feeding machine above them, and with every second, Whiplash's belly became ever so slightly more engorged. Aria noticed that Lady Falarian's eyes were fixed on Whiplash's growing stomach, when Aria returned to look at Whiplash, she could actually notice the bulging, and he still had around half of his meal to go.

Another knock on the window pointed Aria to come back out. When she left the cell, she noticed a rather interesting expression on Lady Falarian's feral face. Aria could almost swear it was an evil grin.

"Oh dear." Began the noble rat. "You truly have a good hand for these things. Did you spend your childhood in one of these facilities as well?"

"Well, yes m'lady. I grew up in one of these myself."

"One can definitely tell the difference between a professional and one of those rookies." Came Pendarynn.

"Thank you sir, that's very flattering."

"Now, what was your name, dear?"

"Aria, ma'am."

"Just like a cousin of mine... What a coincidence. Tell me, would it be alright for me to handle one of the inmates?"

"Yes, of course ma'am."

"Good." Said Lady Falarian, turning slightly on the feline carrier's shoulder. "Normally I'd pick one of your cats, but today I'm particularly interested in that one. The vixen over there."

She was talking about Lorelei.

"Yes, ma'am, of course."

Aria hurried to open Lorelei's cell door. She was still wet. As soon as Lorelei saw Aria opening the door, she jumped to her feet and assumed stance #4.

"Lorelei, this is Lady Falarian." Informed Aria. "She's gonna look after you for a while."

"Lady Falarian." Greeted Lorelei with a polite nod. "I'd be happy to show you my skills."

"We'll see about that." Said Lady Falarian as she moved into the room. "Tell me dear Aria, when you were a cub, how did bowel cleansing work?"

Lorelei's body suddenly stiffened.

"Well m'lady, I don't think it has changed much. It began with water washing. The water back then was laced with laxative stimulants, nowadays we use injectable laxatives."

"Did you enjoy it? Did you find such an experience likeable?" Insisted Lady Falarian.

"I was used to it, ma'am."

"I see. Well, let's see how well this vixen does. Oh my, but such a disgraceful fur."

"I just showered, ma'am." Said Lorelei.

"Yet you stink! I want that fur removed. Get some slaves in here."

Sleek skaven cubs immediately walked in and prepared Lorelei for the process. They strapped her down and combed her body thread by thread with buzzing machines until her skin was left as bare as that of a newborn cub.

"Good." Whispered Lady Falarian. "Now get her in position for the full process."

Once in position, a chromed tube made its way into the vixen´s colon, the cold metal scratching her buttlocks. A burst of water quickly gushed into her body, slowly stretching her insides just to flush them clean once again every couple of minutes. After a few cycles, a second tube slowly descended from the ceiling and advanced through her throat while a white dense substance started pouring almost directly into her stomach. A strong humming noise vibrated through the room as the machines swirled Lorelei´s insides. She tried to keep her composure throughout the ordeal, yet by the fourth cycle her watery eyes and trembling body shattered every last morsel of dignity.

Her bowels emptied one last time as the tubes retreated and Lady Falarian looked towards Pendarynn. The weasel held a rather nonchalant expression. "Such disgrace, don't you think m'lady? I had heard this one was a promising subject, yet to see her squirming like that... Look, her eyes even watered. I think electroshock is in place, don't you m'lady?"

"I agree, Pendarynn. Would that be acceptable miss Aria?"

"Ma'am, I'm not sure the inmate would hold..."

"If she doesn't hold then she wasn't worth it in the first place, wouldn't you agree?" Lady Falarian said, lowering her snout in an affirmative gesture. "I admit, I'd have more fun if she was a cat but she'll have to do for now."

"Yes, Lady Falarian. As you please."

"Thank you dear." Her feline carrier moved close to Lorelei once more. "You, vixen, assume position #4."

Lorelei stood back up and painfully exposed herself, feeling drips of wetness slipping from under her tail down her legs.

"Good, now stay like that for me, will you?"

Before Lady Falarian even finished talking, she pressed a button in a nearby console to release a powerful electrical shock to Lorelei. A buzzing echo filled the room, accompanied by a low growl on Lorelei's snout. When silence returned, Lorelei was still holding her position.

"It hurts..." The vixen whispered under her breath.

Lady Falarian let out a high pitched giggle. "You see now, dear Aria? She's not as bad as she seems." Her voice trailed to an evil sentence and a second shock jerked Lorelei's already anguished body. A dim mist began to rise from her wet fur. "Fantastic!" Claimed Lady Falarian. "Let's open those shutters and let others see this spectacle."

Lowering her gaze, Aria hurried to release the lock on the shutters that covered the outer windows. Behind them, a small crowd of eager bears and rodents began to peek into Lorelei's cell.

"Come, come and see this one! Resilient she is!" Called Lady Falarian. As she pushed the button once more. A spray of drool hit the floor under Lorelei's snout. Some of the curious eyes outside brightened when they saw Lorelei receiving the shock. Once more. And again. The fourth time Lady Falarian pushed the button, Lorelei gave in to the voltage and fell to the floor with a loud thump.

"Such a shame." Puted Lady Falarian as Aria rushed to check on Lorelei's condition. "Is she still breathing, dear Aria?"

"She is Lady, but..."

"Good." Pendarynn interrupted. "Then she can take punishment for her failure right now."

"Sir." Rebutted Aria. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"We couldn't care less for what you think, dear Aria." Intervened Lady Falarian. "Now leave the room. You're getting in the way of this one's punishment."

Aria lowered her gaze at the noble's request and left the cell. She decided not to stay and hear what noises came from inside. She took a deep breath and walked down the row to continue her rounds.

The only one left that day was Sabra, a hairless mongrel of rather violent nature. She was scheduled for routine stance check and washing. Yet, for some reason, Aria felt she had had enough of solitary for one day. When she got to Sabra's cell, she was quickly reminded of her status as bioweapon by the logo engraved in the door. Still, once in, she skimmed through the pose check, quickly making her shift through various stances while barely looking at her. Aria let out a long sight and decided to take the mongrel to individual training, far away from solitary, and far away from Lorelei's moaning.