Falling Rain, Raising Paws

Story by CrimsonStar on SoFurry

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#10 of Adult Commissions

A steaming story between two gorgeous male skaters. Who turn a boring, rainy evening into a session of unconstrained passion.

Falling Rain, Raising Paws

By: CrimsonStar

Commissioned by: Nexooku from SoFurry

It was a rainy evening. I had just got off from work and was looking forward towards having a fun time down down at the park. I had been planning it all week. I barely had had any time for skating since I got out of highschool. Between college and my part-time, most of my days are occupied and my nights exhausted, but I had managed to sneak this little crook into my schedule, and I was gonna make the best out of it. Even if it was raining, I knew this cozy little indoors skating complex downtown.

I got inside the building and I shaked my pink fur trying to get off me the few raindrops that one way or another had gotten to my clothing. It was warmer inside. The carpet below my feet was probably responsible for it. However something quickly drew my attention. There were many people walking around in the lobby. Too many. I began to move among the bystanders until I got to the gate that led a rink, and as I read the sign placed on it, I slowly felt my shoulders sagging and my ears lowering along with my hopes of having a bit of fun.

[Out of Order]

That was all it said. I stood there for a few minutes, wondering if maybe one of the other spaces would be open. But after a few instants, there came a representative of the complex, dressed in his fancy dark blue suit, who promptly informed us that rain had seeped into the complex and scared rats out of their nests below the wooden floor, which meant that pretty much the entirety of the ramps and rinks were unusable.

"Again?" I heard a sweet voice groan to my side.

As I turned, I was only able to catch a glimpse of silky black fur as the person slipped away between the disappointed crowd. I scratched my head and took a deep breath. I had been looking forward skating all week. Literally, it had been the only thing that had recurringly been occupying my head and now it was gone.

I dragged my feet out of the crowd and leaned against the wall next to the outside door. A soft drizzle still falling outside. I didn't even know what to do. Eve if the rain had begun to fade it was still too hard for me to try to skate down at the park. Normally I would have still been at work at that time of the day, but I had specifically asked to leave early. I closed my eyes while drawing another breath and was startled by a set of footsteps stopping next to me. When I looked to my side, there it was, that same silky black and white fur I had seen earlier, wearing some sporty outfit and sharing the burden of disappointment.

"So it isn't the first time this happens?" I asked towards him, trying to perk up a conversation.

I think he didn't notice I was talking to him at first, since he remained in silence for several minutes, until my awkward staring towards him finally made him realize and he looked back at me, struggling for words for a few seconds.

"Ah... Y... Yeah. It happened on monday too." He quietly answered, turning back towards the falling rain.

There was something odd about him. Something that I couldn't quite place at the time. I scanned him from head to toes. His canine features struck me as something more than just appealing. He had a je ne sais quoi that pushed me towards trying to strike a conversation with him.

"So... Do you know of another place to skate?"

He looked back at me with a pair of confused eyes that said 'Are you talking to me again?' I felt my whiskers shift and then he answered with that same uninterested tone: "Yeah. About twenty mins from here."

"That's awesome!" I jumped. "Let's go."

He answered with a frown and a rising eyebrow.

"I mean..." I giggled softly. "If you are going, maybe you could show me."

He seemed to consider it for a bit and then agreed to it with a defeated expression. I got the distinct impression that he wasn't uncomfortable with having me around, but he wasn't exactly happy either. We got on the bus and seated next to each other. He didn't seem interested in talking to me at all, in fact his gaze was simply lost in the rain falling on the city outside the window.

"Forgot to introduce myself." I perked up again. My ears rising as they often do when I'm excited. "Smoothie." I extended my hand.

"Lewis." He stated, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you Lewis..." I tried to continue, but he was already back to looking at the fleeting rain.

I sighed and let my ears fall again. Was I doing something wrong? I was being friendly, right? His silence only made me more interested in him. We didn't speak for the rest of the trip and that made me feel like a trapped kitten. After some time, he signaled me to get off and we ended up in front of a fairly new skating complex. When I turned to him, hoping to get one last chance to make an impression, he had disappeared.

While I found it sad that I couldn't get top further know Lewis, the fact that I would be able to skate after all, made it up completely. I took hold of my backpack and strode into the complex. It was similar to the one I knew, similar to a warehouse with ramps inside, there was a counter over there where you could leave your bags or whatever and several people using both skateboards and skates zipped around me. Ah, I was home.

I got out my board skated for who knows how long, letting myself ravel in the familiar monotonous song of it's wheels against the floor. I sped up, slowed down, swirled and fell several times. I found myself in paradise, I missed it so much. I wasn't even close to being a pro, but I had devoted pretty much my entire life to it. And as I continued to frolic with the wood below my paws, I saw him again. Or at least, I saw his face again, since that was the only thing I recognized. Everything else around him had changed. His clothing was now a stylized uniform that stuck neatly to his body, remarking his well defined proportions. His front paws were covered in sleek dark gloves and his eyes gleamed, literally shone with passion.

I bumped against a wall of the warehouse and my board darted behind me.. I tried to balance myself by grabbing the wall. For a few moments I had a hard time believing that that the imposing canine going up that ramp was the same Lewis that had brought me here in the first place. His movements were well defined and styled, his grin was sly and charming. His moves, oh god his moves, hadn't I known otherwise I would have thought he was somehow defying gravity. And I wasn't the only one, several other had also turned to stare at him and even gave him a brief round of applause when he was finished. He thanked with an uncomfortable smile and slipped out of the area.

I found myself chasing him, as if my legs were moving on their own. I wanted to talk to him before, now I NEEDED to know him better. I followed him out and back into what seemed to be some sort of locker rooms. At first I thought had had already left since not a single noise could be heard, but just as I was about to leave, I heard him sneeze towards the back of the room. I Slowly walked towards the noise and found him putting on the t-shirt I had seen earlier.

"Man that was amazing!" I jumped again, my pink tail twirling excitedly behind me.

He jumped in surprise and took a few steps back.

"And and that triple backflip you did at the top of the ramp was freaking amazing!" I continued.

He was stamped against the wall behind him, his eyes open wide at me.

"What's the matter?" I asked happily.

His eyes briefly jumped downwards and as mine followed, I noticed he was merely wearing his white underwear and matching sneakers.

"What?" I insisted. "Come on, we're both blokes, you've got nothing there that I haven't seen before."

He sighed and sat on the bench where he had been before.

"Why are you following me?" Lewis asked, evidently annoyed.

"Ah... I I'm not. I just wanted to tell you how awesome you were back there."


"I don't know... I just.... I was impressed. By... you." I was suddenly feeling a strange warmth spreading through my body.

He smiled softly. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"No.... Nothing I just. I figured I..." I took a deep breath, why was I suddenly so nervous?

He giggled. "I like your fur color." A wide smile showed me his white fangs.

"Thanks. I got it from my mom."

"Bet it used to cause you trouble."

"Still does."

"But I like it." Lewis insisted.

I chuckled and sat next to him.

"Aaanyways..." I continued, with a soft smile and fiddling with my fingers. "I w..."

Before I could finish, Lewis moved forward and with the same skill that he had showed earlier while skating, he planted a kiss on my lips. My heart jumped and I felt a knot coming up to my throat. After a few seconds we parted and he smiled at me with a worried look.

"I'm sorry... I..." He started to say.

And I pounced him with the dexterity that a thousand million years of evolution gave me. I held him under my soft paws, pinned against the bench in which we had been sitting, his sneakers below my tail, trying to get a grip on anything. And I gave him the kiss of his life. We started slowly, as if still unsure of what was happening, but as the rain continued to clatter against the ceiling above, we began increasing the rhythm. I could feel his breathing mixing with mine, the warmth of his body seething through his clothes. And accidentally, because of the position I was holding him in, I could also feel his erection, hidden only by his white underwear.

We parted and I hovered over him for a few instants. He was also breathing heavily. He smiled and tried to kiss me again.

"We can't do this here." I complained.

"Just lock the door." He ordered with a shill smile.

I stood up, pounced all the way back towards the door, closed it, locked it, put a door in front of it and then ran back to Lewis. I found him sitting naked in same bench we had been using.

"Put your sneakers back on." I requested, while taking off my own clothing.

He answered with a confused look.

"The floor is wet." I continued. His grin widened from ear to ear as he put his high-top sneakers back on and I finished piling my clothing on the bench. I also left my red and black Osiris' on.

I moved towards him an circled him as if he were my prey. I could hear his heart beating so fast that it made my own race. I hugged him from behind and began to slowly kiss down his neck. Ever so slightly using my forward teeth to nibble on his delicious fur. He began to melt in my paws, I could feel his body slowly relaxing and his tail instinctively moving out of the way.

I smiled and planted a bite on his neck. He moaned in ecstasy, instinctively bending forward. I let my cathood slip between his buttocks, pulling him even closer to me while combing his chest with one hand, purring to his ear. I let my free hand slide down to his crotch and began fiddling with his penis. While mine tried almost uncontrollably to enter him. We were locked in that ebb and flow for a few minutes, until I couldn't hold back any longer. I softly motioned him to bend forward and delicately began introducing myself into his deepest confines.

He groaned in pleasure and began panting. I began moving. Slowly at first, letting his body adapt to mine. Letting him enjoy the pleasure of having me inside him. Then I began increasing the pace. Faster and faster. He got louder. I continued to pump in rhythmic delight I could feel his muscles tensing below my paws, his breath misting ahead.

We were locked in that rhythmic swing for several minutes. Then he began growling, his voice echoing through the room, and I felt his inside tightening around me. And with a mind-wiping explosion of pleasure I felt my own muscles contracting, my load releasing inside him, and his own spraying in front of us, as if marking our territory.

A white wave of calmness overcame us, and we remained locked with each other for a few minutes, still panting, enjoying the feeling of being together. We were both smiling as we pulled away from each other and a tiny strand of sperm dropped on top of my black and red sneakers, parking them as a white pearl.

He quickly began to look for his clothing, his tail wagging in happiness and I couldn't help but feel the strange urge, to pounce again on him, and start all over again. Rainy days had became my favorite kind of days.

*If you liked this story and would like to see more, a fave, like and watch are much appreciated! *Purrs* Always open to commissions!*